Redragon Storm Elite is a lightweight, advanced mouse with RGB backlight created for gaming enthusiasts. Thanks to the high-quality materials and components used, as well as the rich functions, the equipment will work in every ...
Redragon MIRAGE is an advanced wireless mouse designed for gaming enthusiasts. Thanks to the high-quality materials and components used, as well as the rich functions, the equipment will work in every genre of games, but also in ...
• Ülikiired Prestige OM lülitid kestvad üle 100M krõbeda vajutuse • Espordi tasemel täpsus TrueMove Air sensoriga • Quantum 2.0 Wireless pakub viivituseta mängimist 2 kanaliga optimiseerides • Üle 100h mängimist 1000Hz kirusega kiirlaadimise võimalusega • 80g kerge kaal, tekstuurne matt must kattematerjal
Redragon SNIPER PRO is an advanced mouse with RGB backlight designed for gaming enthusiasts. Thanks to the high-quality materials and components used as well as the rich functions, the equipment will work in every genre of games, ...
Kõigest 66 grammi kaaluv ülikerge juhtmevaba hiir, mis sobib tõsisele mänguhuvilisele. • Kuni 200 tundi aku vastupidavust ning kiire USB-C laadimine • 2.4 GHz topeltühendus ja mitmeotstarbeline Bluetooth 5.0 • Pixel-perfect TrueMove Air optiline sensor • AquaBarrier™ vee- ja tolmukindlus • 3-tsoonline RGB valgustus • Ergonoomiline disain