ACS ACR1252U USB-C NFC reader, black, CCID, Supports ISO 14443 Type A and B cards, MIFARE®, FeliCa, and all 4 types of NFC (ISO/IEC 18092) tags, Supports MIFARE® 7-byte UID, MIFARE® Plus, and MIFARE® DESfire, One ISO 7816–compliant SAM slot (Class A)
Lihtne disain+iD on tasakaalustatud kombinatsioon Põhja-Euroopa lihtsast ja ergonoomilisest disainist ja uusimast Taiwani tipptehnoloogiast. Ja meil on hea meel, et see hea kombinatsioon muudab +iD sobivaimaks lahenduseks kõikjal, kus teie seda vajate.KergekaalulineJuba +iD arendamise algusfaasis võtsime kindlaks eesmärgiks, et sellest peab saama turu kõige väiksem ja kergem ID1 tüüpi ID kaarte toetav kaardilugeja, mis ei oleks suurem kui üks enimlevinud mälupulk ning mis oleks taskust välja võttes üheainsa lihtsa liigutusega töövalmis.Äärmiselt lihtne kasutadaTänu +ID kompaktsele disainile saad teda endaga kasvõi kogu aeg kaasas kanda ja vajadusel vähem kui kümnekonna sekundiga kasutama hakata. Taskust välja, tööasendisse, arvuti USB porti ja valmis ta ongi.Omadused:Äärmiselt lihtne paigaldada ja kasutada kõikide arvutitega (Windows, Mac & Linux)Ühildub kõikide ID1 tüüpi ID kaartidegaUnikaalne disain ja kuju - kuna +iD on mõõtmeilt äärmiselt väike, siis on ta ühtmoodi sobiv kõigeks - tööl, kodus, koolis ja muidugi ka reisil ollesLED märgutuliValget värvi mattviimistlusega pealispindTänu nutikale neljapunkti kinnitusele püsib su ID kaart alati kindlalt lugejas
USB 2.0 Smart Card Reader Supports a wide variety of smart card operations - Easy to install smart card reader compatible with a variety of computer operating systems - Supports smart card operations for digital signature, authentication security etc. - Compatible with corporate ISO 7816 smart card applications - USB 2.0 High Speed data rates up to 480Mbps The Lindy USB 2.0 Smart Card Reader makes it easy to manage a variety of smart cards from a Windows or Mac computer with a USB Type A interface. It supports relevant industry standards like ISO 7816 or PC/SC 1.0/2.0 and multiple smart card protocols. Possible applications can include e-banking, e-payment, digital signature, authentication security, e-government etc. The Lindy USB 2.0 Smart Card Reader is powered by the USB Bus and easy to install and use. Simply install the smart card driver from the Lindy website, then connect the reader to the PC and plug in the smart card.
+ID ID-kaardi lugeja on oma mõõtmetelt võrreldav tavalise mälupulgaga. Ühe pöördeliigutusega on seade valmis ühendamiseks arvutiga ning vastu võtma sinu ID-kaarti. Peale kasutamist saab seadme sama lihtsalt taas transpordivalmis seada.
ACS ACR1252U USB NFC reader, black, CCID, Supports ISO 14443 Type A and B cards, MIFARE®, FeliCa, and all 4 types of NFC (ISO/IEC 18092) tags, Supports MIFARE® 7-byte UID, MIFARE® Plus, and MIFARE® DESfire, One ISO 7816–compliant SAM slot (Class A)
ACS ACR1252U USB NFC reader, black, CCID, Supports ISO 14443 Type A and B cards, MIFARE®, FeliCa, and all 4 types of NFC (ISO/IEC 18092) tags, Supports MIFARE® 7-byte UID, MIFARE® Plus, and MIFARE® DESfire, One ISO 7816–compliant SAM slot (Class A)
A practical solution for your businessDo you run a transport company and you want to guarantee your employees comfortable work thanks to tachographs? Is tracking employee hours a priority for you?If the answer is YES - our chip card scanner is the perfect solution for you.Do you run your store or cafe? You know perfectly well that we love to collect points on loyalty cards. Such a small thing will make the customer identify with your brand. Our device will help you with reliable customer service.Regardless of which of the above situations you identify with - the Qoltec chip card scanner is the perfect solution for you, it will improve the comfort of everyday life.Discover new possibilitiesThe device allows reading the following cards: Tachographs, Time Cards, Loyalty cards, Electronic identifiers and much more. With attention to every detailAt the design stage, one of the most important question for us is: what are customer expectations? According to this we pay attention to details and use high quality materials: Plug&Play interface - it guarantees the immediate operation of the reader without installing additional software, USB plug - it is possible to connect the device to a PC, laptop, LED diode - it guarantees the correct insertion of the card into the scanner, Compact size - these are the features of an ideal product, e.g. for drivers.