24 CPU-Kerne und 32 Threads für Multitasking, hoher Boost-Takt bis zu 5,8 GHz, 32 MB L2- und 36 MB L3-Cache und 65 Watt TDP, ohne Grafikeinheit, für Mainboards mit Intel 600-/700-Chipsatz und Sockel LGA 1700, ohne CPU-Kühler!
Intel Core i9-14900 on võimas 24-tuumaline protsessor Intel'i 14. põlvkonnast, mis pakub erakordset jõudlust ja on sobilik nõudlikele kasutajatele. Selle 65W TDP (Thermal Design Power) tagab optimaalse energiakasutuse, säilitades samas kõrge töötlemisvõimekuse. LGA1700 sokkel
With support for higher memory speeds, enhanced memory capacity, and up-to four-socket scalability, Intel Xeon Gold processors deliver improved performance, enhanced memory capabilities, advanced security technologies, and built-in workload acceleration. These processors are optimized for demanding mainstream data center, cloud compute, and network and storage workloads. With up to four-socket scalability, they are suitable for an expanded range of workloads.