FLIR Termokaameraga niiskusmõõtja MR160 METERLiNK TUVASTAGE JA KONTROLLIGE ÜHE TÖÖRIISTAGA Esimene termokaameraga niiskusmõõtja turul • 80 x 60 Lepton® termokaamera IGM-tehnoloogiaga • Dokumenteerige termopildid ja niiskusnäidud ühel ekraanil • Vaadake pilte ja koostage aruandeid tasuta tarkvara abil KIIRE VEAOTSING Uurige hõlpsalt isolatsiooni- ja niiskusprobleeme • Nõelteta tehnoloogia kiireks mõõtmiseks • Kaasas väline sond kontaktniiskuse mõõtmiseks • Lihtne sihtimine laserkursori ja kuvatava ristiga KAASASKANTAV JA VASTUPIDAV Kukkumiskindel vastupidav disain • Valdkonna garantii • Väikesed mõõtmed lubavad mugavalt kaasas kanda • USB-ga laetav aku | 1-3 tp | 9 | 800,80 € | Vaata | |
FLIR Termokaameraga niiskusmõõtja MR176 METERLiNK Küsi saadavust kauplusest või tootejuhilt: FLIR MR176 Kiirelt skaneerida ja sihtida niiskusprobleeme. MR176 juhatab teid visuaalselt kohale, kus saate kindlalt mõõtmisi teha ja näitu analüüsida. Integreeritud tihvtita andur ja väline tihvtita andur pakuvad paindlikkust nii mittesekkuvate kui ka sissetungivate mõõtmiste tegemiseks. Sisaldab nelja värvipaletti, mis aitavad teil visuaalselt tuvastada, mida näidatakse. Omadused Identifitseerimine ja kontrollimine ühe tööriistaga 80 x 60 Leptoni soojuskaamera IGM-tehnoloogiaga Raud-, vikerkaar-, jää- ja hallivärvipaletid Dokumenteerige soojuspildid ja niiskusnäitajad ühel ekraanil Vaadake pilte ja koostage aruandeid tasuta FLIR Tools tarkvara abil Valige, millised mõõtmised on integreeritud niiskuse, temperatuuri, suhtelise õhuniiskuse, kastepunkti, aururõhu ja segunemissuhtega Kiire tõrkeotsing Uurige hõlpsasti isolatsiooni- ja niiskusprobleeme Pildi lukustamise seade takistab, et äärmuslikud kuumad ja külmad temperatuurid ei segaks probleemide otsimise ajal pilte Pinless-tehnoloogia kiireks kontaktivabaks mõõtmiseks Kontaktniiskuse mõõtmiseks on kaasas väline tihvtotsik Lihtne sihtimine laserosuti ja ekraani ristsihiku abil Kaasaskantav, vastupidav ja vastupidav Väike vormifaktor, mida saab mugavalt kaasas kanda Sisemine aku koos USB-ühendusega Välja vahetatav temperatuuri/relatiivse niiskuse andur Rakendused Ehitusmaterjalide, näiteks katusekatte, liistude, isolatsiooni, kipsplaadi, krohvi, puidu, plaatide ja klaaskiu niiskusesisalduse mõõtmine. Määrata, kas materjal on piisavalt niiske, et võimaldada hallituse kasvu Kuivade materjalide baasväärtuste määramine, mille alusel saab võrrelda teisi mõõtmisi. Kodu inspekteerimine Kahjuritõrje Määrata, kas puit on piisavalt kuiv, et seda saaks värvida või värvida. EIFS inspektorid (välised soojustusviimistlussüsteemid) Mida FLIR MR176 sisaldab MR176 kujutav niiskusemõõtja MR01 vahetatav temperatuuri ja suhtelise õhuniiskuse andur MR02 Standardneelikuandur Kiirkäsiraamat Rahvusvaheline USB-laadija USB-kaabel | 1-3 tp | 8 | 1286,43 € | Vaata | |
1 | 363,22 € | Vaata | |||
1 | 276,78 € −0,03 € | Vaata | |||
1 | 255,28 € | Vaata | |||
1 | 486,78 € | Vaata | |||
1 | 440,00 € | Vaata | |||
Xinfrared XH09 smartphone thermal imaging camera USB C The Xinfrared XH09 Thermal Imaging Camera – USB-C is a versatile device that turns a smartphone or tablet into advanced thermal imaging equipment in seconds. Thanks to its 9mm lens, it is ideal for long-distance observation, which hunters and outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate. It will also successfully perform during technical inspections and in emergency situations. The Xinfrared XH09 Thermal Imaging Camera – USB-C is a versatile device that turns a smartphone or tablet into advanced thermal imaging equipment in seconds. Thanks to its 9mm lens, it is ideal for long-distance observation, which hunters and outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate. It will also successfully perform during technical inspections and in emergency situations. The 50 Hz frame rate ensures smooth video and high-quality images. High sensitivity (0.04°C) allows to make precise temperature measurements. The device offers 8 professional aiming reticles, varied operating modes and digital zoom (max. 15x magnification). Included: camera, smartphone mount, extension cable, lens cap and protective case. Main Product Features a versatile thermal imaging camera compatible with smartphones equipped with a USB-C port multiple applications: cabinet inspections, air conditioning, houses, game observation, hunting, camping, outdoor indispensable in emergency situations (including rescue operations, search for missing persons) direct connection to a smartphone or tablet via USB-C connector (“plug-and-play”) refresh rate of 50 Hz allowing to take high-quality images and smooth thermal imaging videos high precision of temperature measurements – sensitivity of 0.04°C, accuracy of ±2°C image zoom (digital zoom 2 – 15x) Temperature identification range reaching up to 870 meters image display modes adapted to different needs free Thermal Eye X mobile app available on Google Play and App Store metal housing and IP65 certification for resistance to harsh weather conditions 8 professional targeting reticles available from the app additional accessories included: smartphone mount, extension cable, lens cap, protective case save photos and videos to smartphone memory no need for charging (powered directly from the smartphone) precise adjustment of settings to the measurement conditions For enthusiasts and professionals The Xinfrared XH09 Smartphone Thermal Imaging Camera – USB-C is a versatile device that turns your phone into advanced thermal imaging equipment in just seconds. Equipped with a 9mm lens, it will be an ideal choice for long-distance observation. It will be perfect for hunters, camping enthusiasts and outdoor enthusiasts. The camera will also help many professionals. It will prove useful for such tasks as inspections of control cabinets, air conditioners and houses. It will save you time and money when repairing and maintaining a wide variety of equipment. High frame rate Xinfrared XH09 is the world’s first thermal imaging camera for a smartphone, offering a frame rate of 50 Hz. This makes it easy to capture high-quality photos and smooth video footage. The camera is perfect for both precision work of an inspection nature and field operations (such as game observation). Xinfrared XH09 – USB-C will make sure that you will not lose sight of any wild boar or deer, regardless of the speed of their movement. Impressive range The Xinfrared XH09 – USB-C smartphone thermal imaging camera will help you quickly and efficiently diagnose problems with your home insulation and HVAC systems. In the field, it will effectively turn your phone into a hunting thermal imager, allowing you to quickly detect game even at long distances. Thanks to the digital zoom, you can get up to fifteen times magnification of the image. This will allow you to easily see objects up to 870 meters away from you. An invaluable tool in emergency situations The Xinfrared XH09 thermal imaging camera is an indispensable tool in emergency situations. These may include wilderness rescue operations, searching for missing persons, ensuring safety while camping, or simply random events that may occur while observing wildlife. Thanks to its high sensitivity and ability to detect the slightest differences in temperature, the model can quickly and accurately locate hazards and people in need, even in difficult weather and terrain conditions. Emergency services can use the camera to detect victims of disasters such as fires, avalanches or floods, where traditional search methods may not be sufficient. High sensitivity and precision measurements The Xinfrared XH09 is distinguished by its extremely high sensitivity of 0.04°C. Such high accuracy makes it possible to detect the slightest temperature differences. The device will allow you to display almost 50,000 points of temperature data on your smartphone screen, in real time. Such precision will be irreplaceable in professional applications. The Xinfrared XH09 camera will be a great support for building maintenance, electrical inspections and HVAC repairs, among others. Ideal choice for hunters Depending on your needs and preferences, you can use 2 different image display modes – “HD” or “Highlight”. The former provides a very clear thermal image and will work well in most situations. The “Highlight” option, on the other hand, is an ideal choice for hunters. This mode allows you to make your target more visible, even when it is hidden in dense forest or bushes. Resistance to harsh weather conditions The Xinfrared XH09 – USB-C smartphone thermal imaging camera has a metal housing and IP65 certification. This is an excellent choice if you want a durable device and optimal protection from harsh weather conditions. With this camera, no observation will be disturbed by heavy rain – Xinfrared XH09 will also successfully cope with moisture and dirt. Advanced mobile application The free Thermal Eye X mobile app, available for Android and iOS platforms, allows you to conveniently control the data. With it, you can easily display temperature values at various points, and conveniently check measurement results. The storage of photos and videos in the smartphone’s memory allows further analysis after they have been taken, allowing you to study the data in detail. The app also allows you to make adjustments to the settings, taking into account the materials you plan to view with the help of thermal imaging. Professional-targeting-grids The Xinfrared XH09 thermal imaging camera offers up to 8 professional targeting reticles. They come in different shapes to suit different user needs. Each sighting reticle can also be personalized by choosing one of 5 colors. The reticle can also be zoomed in or out at will, as well as placed in the desired part of the screen. By working with the viewfinder, precise targeting of game will be even easier. Such a solution significantly facilitates hunting and improves the efficiency of target tracking. Lightweight and easy to use The Xinfrared XH09 – USB-C smartphone thermal imaging camera is an extremely compact and lightweight device that weighs just 18.5 grams. With a direct connection to a smartphone via USB-C, the camera offers plug-and-play functionality, meaning it is ready to use as soon as it is plugged in. The lack of need to install additional drivers makes it ideal for those who value convenience and speed. All you need is a mobile app available on Google Play or the App Store. Additional accessories In addition to the Xinfrared XH09 – USB-C thermal imaging camera itself, you’ll also find a smartphone mount, an extension cable, a protective lens cap and a padded protective zippered case. This ensures that you have everything you need to start using the camera right out of the box, whether you’re planning a tech inspection or a nature outing. USB-C compatible The featured version of the device is designed to be fully compatible with smartphones and tablets equipped with a USB-C port. This allows you to easily and quickly connect the camera, without the need for additional adapters. The intuitive Thermal Eye X app, available for Android and iOS platforms, enables easy control and data analysis, making the Xinfrared XH09 ideal for professionals and amateurs who use devices with a USB-C port. THERMOVISION CAMERA FOR SMARTPHONE XINFRARED XH09 IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN COMPATIBLE VARIANT WITH LIGHTNING PORT. iPhone with USB-C port – Which camera model to choose? In 2023, the Lightning port on the new generation of iPhones was replaced by a USB-C port. If you have one of the latest models of the device, you can still enjoy the advanced capabilities of the Xinfrared XH09 thermal camera. No matter which iPhone you own, choose the Lightning connector variant. If it is a model from 15 upwards, you will need to additionally equip yourself with a special adapter available for sale separately. Xinfrared cameras with an integrated USB-C connector are only compatible with Android devices. Specification model: Xinfrared XH09 – USB-C compatible port: USB-C resolution: 256 x 192 px distance between pixels: 12 µm field of view (FOV): 19.63° x 14.71° measurement accuracy: ±2°C battery life: 300 to 480 minutes frame display frequency: 50 Hz focal length: 9 mm temperature identification range: up to 870 m thermal sensitivity NETD: 40 mK @ 25°C, F#1.0 measuring range: 0°C ~ +100°C magnification: digital zoom (2x – 15x) Color palettes: night vision green bird white hot black hot red head iron red MMeasurement correlation: temperature distance Grid targeting: 7 shapes 5 colors Tactical support: e-compass speed position weather time protection level: IP65 mobile application: Thermal Eye X content archiving: video / photo recording operating temperature: -20°C ~ +60°C dimensions: 23 x 23 x 23.8 mm weight: 18.5 g Kit contents Smartphone thermal camera Xinfrared XH09 – USB-C hand grip with smartphone and camera mount USB-C extension cable lens cap protective case | 1 | 339,00 € | Vaata | ||
AGM Voyage TB75-640 AGM Voyage TB75-640 640 x 512 Thermal/CMOS Imaging Bi-Ocular tuvastab inimeste, loomade või objektide soojussignaalid, mis on palja silma eest varjatud. Seade pakub termo- või digitaalset optilist kujutist – või mõlemat koos – ning võimaldab teil "näha" läbi pimeduse, suitsu, udu, vihma ja lume, kuvades kujutisi OLED-ekraanil kahes silmatorus. See on varustatud laserkaugusmõõturiga ja sellel on oma Wi-Fi leviala andmete voogesitamiseks seadmetesse. Voyager töötab nelja 18650 patareiga kuni kaheksa tundi ja on IP67-klassi veekindel. Põhiomadused Näete läbi suitsu, udu, vihma, lume, pimeduse 2560 x 1440 CMOS sensor 640 x 512 soojusandur Laser kaugusmõõtja | 1 | 7999,00 € | Vaata | ||
AGM Seeker 25-384 Thermal Imaging Monocular AGM Seeker 25-384 termopildi monokulaar AGM Seeker 25-384 termomonokular on täiustatud optiline seade, mis on mõeldud nii professionaalseks kasutamiseks kui ka entusiastlikele harrastajatele. Kõrge eraldusvõimega 384x288 pikslit tagab see monokulaar teravaid ja üksikasjalikke pilte isegi rasketes valgustingimustes. Olenemata sellest, kas jahite, uurite oma ümbrust või jälgite pimedas, pakub AGM Seeker 25-384 teile vajalikku töökindlust ja funktsionaalsust. Suurepärane jõudlus uuendusliku tehnoloogiaga Tundlikkusega | 1 | 1849,00 € | Vaata | ||
2 | 3807,30 € | Vaata | |||
FLIR Termokaamera E8-XT, 9Hz, MSX, –20°C to +550°C, 320 × 240 Termokaamera Flir E8-XT, 9Hz, MSX, –20°C to +550°C, 320 × 240 | 2 | 4355,61 € | Vaata | ||
2 | 882,27 € | Vaata | |||
FLIR Statsionaarne termokaamera AX8 9Hz, MSX, -10°C..+150°C, 80x60, Ethernet, PoE Termokaamera pidevaks seisukorra ja ohutuse jälgimiseks FLIR AX8 on pildistamise võimalustega termosensor. Ühendades soojus- ja visuaalkaamerad väikeses taskukohases paketis, pakub AX8 pidevat temperatuuri jälgimist ja kriitiliste elektri- ja mehaaniliste seadmete alarmi. AX8 aitab teil kaitsta ettenägematute katkestuste, teenusekatkestuste ja seadmete rikete eest. Saate pideva seisundi jälgimise ja kuumade kohtade tuvastamise eelised, ilma et peaksite perioodiliselt käsitsi skannima. Kompaktne ja hõlpsasti paigaldatav AX8 tagab pideva elektrikilpide, protsessi- ja tootmispiirkondade, andmekeskuste, energia tootmise ja jaotamise, transpordi ja massitranspordi, laoruumide ja külmutusladude jälgimise. Automaatne analüüs ja alarmid Oma voogedastusvideoväljundiga ei anna AX8 mitte ainult reaalajas videot igast installatsioonist, vaid pakub ka automaatset häiresignaali eelseadistatud temperatuurilävede ületamisel ning temperatuuritrendide analüüsi. Tööstuslik protokoll Kuna FLIR AX8 on Ethernet/IP ja Modbus TCP-ühilduv analüüsi- ja häiretulemusi saab hõlpsasti PLC-ga jagada. Digitaalsed sisendid/väljundid on saadaval häirete ja välisseadmete juhtimiseks. Pildi maskeerimise funktsioon võimaldab teil valida analüüsi jaoks ainult pildi asjakohase osa. Kompaktne ja lihtne paigaldada Ühendades soojus- ja visuaalkaamerad väikeses taskukohases pakendis, on AX8 mõõtmed vaid 54 x 25 x 95 mm, mistõttu on lihtne paigaldada piiratud ruumidesse, et kriitiliste elektri- ja mehaaniliste seadmete seisukorda pidevalt jälgida. Mitu videovalikut AX8-ga saate vaadata selle termopilte, nähtava valguse kujutisi või neid kahte kombineerituna FLIR-i patenteeritud MSX multispektraalse dünaamilise kujutisega. MSX pakub termopildile reljeefse nähtava kaamera kujutise detaile, pakkudes teravamaid servadetaile, võimaldab lugeda silte ja paremat kontekstiteadlikkust. | 3 | 1125,68 € | Vaata | ||
5 | 7066,15 € | Vaata | |||
Bosch Digitaalne termodetektor GIS 1000 C; 10,8 V (ilma aku ja laadijata) Mõõteriist GIS 1000 C 0601083308 | 6 | 408,27 € | Vaata | ||
Bosch Infrapuna termomeeter GTC 400 C; 12 V (ilma aku ja laadijata) Termodetektor GTC 400 C, SOLO 601083108 BOSCH | Laos | 7 | 1063,90 € | Vaata |