
Peegelkaamera Nikon D780 Body
Tootekood: VBA560AE GTIN: 4960759904157 Peegelkaamerad
Nikon D780 Body. Ärge lubage millelgi oma nägemust ähmastada. D780 pakub teile kõike, mida võite oodata professionaalsel tasemel digitaalselt peegelkaameralt ja palju muud. Selge vaade. Pikk aku tööiga. Tugev korpus. Lisaks kaks kiiret ja usaldusväärset automaatse teravustamise süsteemi, fenomenaalne jälgimine, lai ISO-vahemik ja palju muud. Vaba või lavastatud. Fotod või videod. See täiskaadriga digitaalne peegelkaamera on kartmatu. Üks digitaalne peegelkaamera, kaks automaatse teravustamise süsteemi. Tere tulemast uuele paindlikkuse tasemele. Täiskaadriga D780 sisaldab kiiret, spetsiaalset hübriidset automaatse teravustamise süsteemi reaalaja vaates pildistamiseks ning kiiret, usaldusväärset faasi tabamise automaatse teravustamise süsteemi pildiotsijaga pildistamiseks. Reaalaja vaates annab ülitäpne automaatse teravustamise süsteem teile 273 pildianduril asuvat automaatse teravustamise punkti ja silmatuvastusega automaatse teravustamise. Läbi pildiotsija pildistades saate kasutada Nikoni võimsat 51-punkti automaatse teravustamise süsteemi, millel on tipptasemele jälgimisvõimalused. Automaatne teravustamine pildiotsijaga pildistamisel. 51-punktiline faasi tabamise automaatse teravustamise süsteemi tundlikkus ulatub kuni -3 EV ja optilise pildiotsija abil saate kadreeritavat tegevust teravalt reaalajas kinnitada. Jälgige objekte välgukiirusel, isegi hämaras. Alati lukustatud. Pildiotsijaga pildistamisel võimaldab 51-punktiline automaatse teravustamise süsteem hetkega kohaneda lülitudes kiirelt täiustatud automaatse teravustamise režiimide vahel. Grupeeritud ala automaatse teravustamise režiimiga saate kasutada kiiret jäädvustamist ja hämmastavat tausta isoleerimist. Automaatne teravustamine reaalaja vaates. Reaalaja vaates pildistades katab 273-punktiline hübriidne automatse teravustamise süsteem u 90% kaadrist nii horisontaalselt kui vertikaalselt. Kallutatav ekraan vabastab võttenurgad ja võimaldab puutega katiku vabastamist ning automaatset teravustamist. Terav igas valguses. 273-punktilise hübr
1598,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 SE
Tootekood: JMA110DA GTIN: 4960759911292 Objektiivid
The NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 (SE) packs superb performance into a heritage lens design. From street scenes to candid portraits—capture just about anything with its distinctive 40 mm focal length (60 mm on DX-format cameras). Beautiful bokeh guaranteed.
288,00 €
Objektiiv Nikkor AF-P DX 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR
Tootekood: JAA832DA GTIN: 4960759148209 Objektiivid
Eepilised vaated. Väljendusrikas arhitektuur. Ruumikana näivad interjöörid. Kaasahaaravad lähivõtted. Täiusliku võtte kadreerimine ei saa olla enam lihtsam.Ülilai 10–20 mm fookuskauguse ulatus muudab ruumi suurendamise, perspektiivide võimendamise ja rabavate kompositsioonide loomise lihtsaks. Enam ei tule laiade vaadete kaadrisse püüdmiseks tagasi astuda. Väikseim teravustamiskaugus, milleks on vaid 0,22 m, lubab teil jäädvustada lähivõtteid, kus objekt täidab kaadri.Suurim ava: f/4,5 kuni 5,6Väikseim ava: f/22 kuni 29. Väikseim näidatav ava võib erineda kaameral valitud säritusaja tõttu.Objektiivi ehitus: 14 elementi 11 rühmas (sh 3 asfäärilise objektiivi elementi)Mõõtmed: Umbes 77,0 mm suurim läbimõõt × 73,0 mm (kaugus kaamera objektiivi kinnitusäärikust)Kaal: Umbes 230 gAutomaatne teravustamine: JahKaasasolevad tarvikud: LC-72 72 mm klõpskinnitusega eesmine objektiivi kaas, LF-4 objektiivi tagakork, HB-81 bajonett-päikesekaitse, CL-1015 pehme objektiivikott
339,00 €
+2,66 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z f Body
Tootekood: VOA120AE GTIN: 4960759913760 Hübriidkaamerad
Make it iconic. Performance to inspire. Full-frame image quality, depth and dynamic range. Autofocus built from Deep Learning technology. Astounding low-light performance and image stabilization. An iconic exterior design inspired by Nikon´s historic FM2. The adoption of new Picture Control, Flat Monochrome and Deep Tone Monochrome, with a dedicated ѕelector to immediately switch to black-and-white photo mode. Supports a variety of video production needs, including in-camera 10-bit H.265 video recording, 4K UHD using 6K oversampling, and a maximum recording time of 125 minutes in 4K UHD/60p. Thanks to the full-frame/FX-format sensor and the EXPEED 7 image-processing engine, shooting possibilities are expanded, such as superior AF and high ISO performance, and 8.0-stop in-camera VR. Nail the decisive moment with 14 fps continuous shooting using the Z f’s mechanical shutter, which has been tested to 200,000 cycles, or activate C30+ for up to 30 fps using the silent electronic shutter. Full Frame 24.5 megapixels ISO: 100-64000 Processor: EXPEED 7 Subject detection for 9 subject types 8.0-stop in-camera VR Focus point VR Dedicated ѕelector for switching to B&W photo mode Pixel-shift shooting Vari-angle monitor SD & microSD cards Autofocus detection range (in photo mode, AF-S, ISO 100, f/1.2 lens at 20°C): -10 to +19 EV Focus points (in photo mode, single-point AF, FX format): 273 focus points
1898,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 400mm f/4.5 VR S
Tootekood: JMA503DA GTIN: 4960759909459 Objektiivid
Designed for extreme portability, this lens lets photographers take advantage of a 400 mm focal length and breathtaking S-line image quality—in a lightweight, travel-friendly package. Wildlife, sports, fast action, distant portraits. With its long reach, brilliant resolution, and comfortable handling, this tough yet compact and lightweight super-telephoto lens puts so many shots within reach. Weighing just 1245 g (approx.) and with a total length of just 234.5 mm, it’s incredibly portable build puts the NIKKOR Z 400mm f/4.5 VR S firmly in a class of its own. Photographers can even keep this super-telephoto lens attached to their camera when walking around—making it easier to trek out to the best vantage points. Stills or video, the outstanding resolving power of this S-line lens delivers images with beautiful bokeh, colour, contrast, and clarity. Nikon’s powerful, in-lens optical VR keeps shots steady, while Synchro VR allows up to 6 stops of compensation when this lens is paired with the Z 9. The f/4.5 maximum aperture allows plenty of opportunities to work creatively with available light, and AF performance is fast, accurate, and exceptionally quiet. In addition, this super-telephoto lens supports use of Z teleconverters, which can extend the reach to 560 mm or 800 mm. The balanced design keeps the lens’ centre of gravity closer to the camera body, which makes it easier to track, pan, and stop smoothly. Photographers can also hold the lens in a more comfortable position when shooting handheld and get into position more quickly to capture fleeting moments. Controls are fully customisable, and advanced weather sealing protects both lens and camera.
2998,00 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z5 Body
Tootekood: VOA040AE GTIN: 4960759904645 Hübriidkaamerad
Nikon Z5 Body peeglita kaamera on tugev, kerge, hõlpsalt käsitsetav ja ühildub kompaktsete täiskaadriliste objektiividega. Saavutage pildikvaliteedis põnev uus tase, olgu tegemist pildistamise või videosalvestusega. EN-EL15c akuga 390 pilti või 115 min videot kasutades EVF, või 470 pilti või 120 min videot ainult LCD ekraani kasutades. 24,3 MP | TÄISKAADER | KAASASKANTAV KOMPLEKT | 4K VIDEO | WI-FI® | BLUETOOTH® Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on suurepärane võimalus viia oma fotod ja videod uuele tasemele. See peeglita kaamera on ehitatud maailma kõige laiema objektiivikinnituse, Nikoni Z-kinnituse ümber. Kaamera andurini jõuab rohkem valgust, mis annab teile vabaduse luua rohkemate detailide, sügavuse ja värvidega. Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on kaasaskantav ja väga võimekas – nagu ka NIKKOR Z 24-50 mm objektiiv, mis kuulub Z 5 põhikomplekti. See NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiiv on väikseim ja kergeim saadaolev täiskaadriline suumobjektiiv. Alates intrigeerivatest lainurkadest kuni võimsate portreedeni, see vabastab teid jäädvustamaks palju enamat – kõikjal.
998,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S
Tootekood: JMA716DA GTIN: 4960759906557 Objektiivid
Nikoni kaamerate kiire, terane ja mitmekülgne kaaslane. NIKKOR Z 100–400 mm f/4,5–5,6 VR S teravustab kiiresti ja vaikselt, jälgides absoluutse täpsusega isegi kiiresti ja ebaühtlaselt liikuvaid objekte. Objektiivi 100–400 mm telesuumi ulatus ja suurepärane optiline jõudlus annavad väga erinevates olukordades erakordseid tulemusi, olenemata sellest, kas pildistatav objekt on lähedal või kaugel. Sellele lisandub võimas, 5,5 katikusulgusega võrreldav VR-jõudlus, mis võimaldab fotograafidel pildistada pikema säriajaga, hoides kaamerat käes, ja ilma teravust ohverdamata. Minimaalne fookuskaugus on suumivahemiku lainurkses otsas vaid 0,75 m ja täispikkuses 0,98 m.
2989,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S
Tootekood: JMA504DA GTIN: 4960759911247 Objektiivid
With its built-in teleconverter and next-level AF performance, this super-telephoto prime lens is a powerful choice for sports and wildlife photographers. High- performance optics ensure consistently stunning image quality whether shooting at 600 mm—or at 840 mm with the built-in 1.4x teleconverter activated.
14 988,00 €
Tootekood: JMA904DA GTIN: 4960759904324 Kaamerate lisad
Nikon Z-TELECONVERTER TC-2.0x. Nikoni Z-seeria 2,0x telekonverter. Ükskõik, mida pildistate, jõudke lähemale. Z-TELEKONVERTER TC-2.0x kahekordistab ühilduvate NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivide võtteulatust ilma oluliselt kaalu lisamata. Võite jäädvustada uskumatuid kaadreid, mis olid varem võtteulatusest väljas. Seda kõike Nikoni Z-seeria teada-tuntud suurepärase pildikvaliteedi ja teravustamiskiirusega. Täitke kaader detailidega. Z TELEKONVERTER TC-2.0x pikendab teie peeglita NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivi fookuskauguste vahemikku 100%. Ideaalne spordi- ja loomapiltide tegemiseks, kui te ei soovi teist objektiivi endaga kaasas kanda. Telekonverteriga TC-2.0x pildistades jääb väikseim teravustamiskaugus samaks.
646,00 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z 8 Body
Tootekood: VOA100AE GTIN: 4960759910028 Hübriidkaamerad
With its incredible blend of class-leading performance and compact build, the Z 8 is an exciting follow up to the Z 9 and a true creative successor to the D850. Weighing just 910 g (approx.), the Z 8 body is 30 % smaller than the Z 9 and 15 % smaller than the D850. It’s the perfect hybrid camera for creators who want a lighter body for shooting handheld or a full-frame camera that will balance perfectly on any rig, including most gimbals. A veritable video and stills powerhouse, the Z 8’s 45.7 megapixel stills resolution and 8.3K native video resolution open so many possibilities. The same stacked CMOS sensor and EXPEED 7 processor as the Z 9 ensure spectacular image quality straight out of the camera, giving creators maximum flexibility to adjust to any workflow. Video can be recorded in an array of frame rates and codecs, including in-camera 12-bit RAW for video up to 8.3K/60p or 4.1K/120p. Stills shooters can work with an array of file sizes and burst speeds, including an astounding 120 fps. For HDR content creators, the camera records 10-bit HEIF stills and 10-bit HLG video. The smaller, lighter body doesn’t sacrifice reliability: the Z 8 boasts pro-grade weather sealing, and the same cold tolerance as Nikon’s flagship D6 and Z 9 cameras, ensuring reliable performance in low temperatures. The Z 8 is also the first Nikon mirrorless camera to feature two USB-C ports, which makes it possible to transfer files quickly while charging. Beyond the camera, there’s a NIKKOR Z lens for every idea and budget, and partner accessories from gimbals to mics and more.
3598,00 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z5 + 24-50 KIT
Tootekood: VOA040K001 GTIN: 4960759904676 Hübriidkaamerad
Nikon Z5 + 24-50 KIT on mugavalt kaasaskantav täiskaadrilise suumobjektiiviga komplekt, mis sisaldab kaamerat Nikon Z 5 ja kompaktset suumobjektiivi NIKKOR Z 24–50mm f/4-6.3. Jäädvustage teravaid kaadreid täis värve ja detaile väikseima saadaoleva täiskaadrilise standardsuumiga. EN-EL15c akuga 390 pilti või 115 min videot kasutades EVF, või 470 pilti või 120 min videot ainult LCD ekraani kasutades. 24,3 MP | TÄISKAADER | KAASASKANTAV KOMPLEKT | 4K VIDEO | WI-FI® | BLUETOOTH® Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on suurepärane võimalus viia oma fotod ja videod uuele tasemele. See peeglita kaamera on ehitatud maailma kõige laiema objektiivikinnituse, Nikoni Z-kinnituse ümber. Kaamera andurini jõuab rohkem valgust, mis annab teile vabaduse luua rohkemate detailide, sügavuse ja värvidega. Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on kaasaskantav ja väga võimekas – nagu ka NIKKOR Z 24-50 mm objektiiv, mis kuulub Z 5 põhikomplekti. See NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiiv on väikseim ja kergeim saadaolev täiskaadriline suumobjektiiv. Alates intrigeerivatest lainurkadest kuni võimsate portreedeni, see vabastab teid jäädvustamaks palju enamat – kõikjal.
1298,00 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z 9 Body
Tootekood: VOA080AE GTIN: 4960759906205 Hübriidkaamerad
Oma klassi parimad tulemused automaatse fookuskauguse määramise (AF) ja jälgimise osas. 493-punktiline automaatne teravustamissüsteem sisaldab 405 ala automaatset fookuspunkti – viis korda rohkem kui mudelil Z 7 II – ning 10 automaatset fookusrežiimi võimaldavad kasutajatel valida automaatse seadistuse mis tahes töö jaoks. Pidevalt õppival tehisintellektil baseeruv pildiotsija võimaldab samaaegselt tuvastada kuni üheksa erinevat tüüpi objekti. See haakub 3D-jälgimisega, mida Nikoni peeglivabades kaamerates kasutatakse esmakordselt, aidates jäädvustada kõik olulisemad hetked. Alates inimestest ja nende ilmetest kuni loomade ja sõidukiteni – Z 9 saab aru, mida pildistatakse, reageerides silmapilkselt muutustele objekti asukohas, paigutuses või liikumiskiiruses. Uuel tasemel videovõimalused Z 9 uskumatu kaadrite jõudlus võimaldab kasutajatel kaameraga salvestada suurepäraseid täiskaadrisagedusega 8K 24p kuni 60p ja poolkaadrisagedusega 4K 24p kuni 120p videolõike ning aeglustatud filme. Täiskaader 8K videomaterjali eraldusvõimega 30p saab korraga salvestada ligikaudu 125 minuti jagu – see on pikim kestus, mida võimaldab peeglivaba kaamera. Ühilduvus salvestusvorminguga ProRes 422 HQ, mis vastab täielikult videomaterjalide tootmise laiaulatuslikele nõudmistele. Peatselt tehtav püsivara uuendus võimaldab salvestada RAW vormingus 8K-videot ülisujuva eraldusvõimega 60p . Filmimist toetavad ka täielik AF/AE automaatteravustamine ja funktsioon Eye-Detection, samas hoiab Nikoni uus N-RAW-vorming failide suurused hallatavad Võimas kiirus Jäädvustage ühe sarivõttega rohkem kui 1000 täiseraldusvõimega RAW-vormingus kaadrit kiirusega 20 kaadrit sekundis. Samuti on uues C+ režiimis võimalik pildistada täisautomaatsete AF/AE võimalusega kuni 120 kaadrit sekundis, saades tulemuseks tavalises umbes 11 MP JPEG-vormingus pildikvaliteedi. Maailma kiireim skannimiskiirus sisuliselt kaotab rulluva katiku moonutused, nii et mehaaniline katik on eemaldatud. Säriaeg 1/32000 kooskaamera võimega pildistada tundlikkusega ISO 64 pakub uskumatut teravust ja sügavust isegi äärmuslikult eredas valguses. Pidev nähtavus reaalajas Kaameral Z 9 on eredaim (3000-nitine) elektroonilise pildiotsijaga ekraan, mille kahevooline tehnoloogia tagab reaalajas toimiva, pimendusteta pildistamise, et fotograafidel ei jääks ükski hetk püüdmata. Z 9 ekraan pakub reaalajas katkestusteta vaadet, mis tähendab, et kui objekt liigub või pildistatavas kaadris toimub vähimgi muutus, näeb fotograaf seda kohe. Ergonoomika ja vastupidavus Veel ühe uuendusena on Nikoni mudel Z 9 varustatud neljateljelise vertikaalselt ja horisontaalselt kallutatava monitoriga, mis võimaldab fotograafidel kohaneda hetkega, olles kadreerimisel kiired ja paindlikud. Igas mõttes profitööriistanaon kaamera ergonoomikat, näiteks nuppude paigutust, viimistletud ja täiustatud koostöös professionaalsete fotograafidega. Kaamera vastupidavus on veel parem kui mudelil D6, tagades, et kasutajad saavad jäädvustada soovitud kaadreid ka karmides tingimustes. Uus AF-režiimi lüliti võimaldab kasutajatel liikuda kaadriotsijaga pildistamise ajal automaatse teravustamise režiimi ja alarežiimi vahel. Ülemine ja tagumine LCD-juhtpaneel ning klahvinuppude valgustus süttib kaamera toitelülitist, võimaldades hõlpsasti sätteid muuta ka hämaras. Z 9 lisaomadused ja -võimalused • Kompaktne kaamerakere: 20% väiksem kui mudelil D6, sügava käepidemekumerusega, mis võimaldab kaamerat kindlalt hoida, pildistades nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt. • Voolitud magneesiumisulamist, et saavutada ülim tasakaal tugevuse ja kerguse vahel. • Ilmastikukindel kate kaitseb nii kaamerat, Z-seeria objektiive kui ka kinnitusadapterit igasugustes oludes. • Staatiline kate tekitab magnetvälja, mis tõrjub aktiivselt eemale sensorile maanduvaid tolmuosakesi. • Kaamerale omane tundlikkus, vahemikus ISO-64 – 25 600 (laiendatav vahemikuni 32 –102 400) toimib koos täiustatud müratasanduse algoritmi ja kaamerasisese väreluse vähendamisega.
4688,00 €
Tootekood: JMA903DA GTIN: 4960759904317 Kaamerate lisad
Nikon Z-TELECONVERTER TC-1.4x laiendab ühilduvate NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivide võtteulatust ilma oluliselt kaalu lisamata. Olgu tegemist loomadest, tegevuse või dramaatiliste vaadetega, saate kaugemalt pildistada. Seda kõike Nikoni Z-seeria teada-tuntud suurepärase pildikvaliteedi ja teravustamiskiirusega. Tehke ilusaid pilte objektidest, milleni te varem ei ulatunud. Z TELEKONVERTER TC-1.4x pikendab teie peeglita NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivi fookuskauguste vahemikku 40%. Ideaalne, kui täiusliku pildi saamiseks on vaja veel natuke. Telekonverteriga TC-1.4x pildistades jääb väikseim teravustamiskaugus samaks.
599,00 €
Objektiiv Nikkor Z 26mm f/2.8
Tootekood: JMA108DA GTIN: 4960759910967 Objektiivid
NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8 võimaldab fotograafidel muuta iga võimaluse loominguliseks võimaluseks, seda nii koduseid tänavastseene, maastikke, interjööre kui ka muud pildistades. Lai Z-kinnitus on kombineeritud objektiivi laia f/2,8 maksimaalse avaga, et pakkuda hämaras valguses suurepärast jõudlust ning fotograafid saavad kasutada kiiremat säriaega, et tegevust külmutada ilma heledust ohverdamata. Lähema töö jaoks võimaldab objektiiv teravustada, kui kaamera on objektidest vaid 20 cm kaugusel – ja bokeh-efekti saab rõhutada lähedalt kunstipärase tausta hägususe saamiseks. Videograafid ja vlogijad saavad kasutada objektiivi laia vaatevälja ja surutud fookuse hingamist, et jäädvustada suurepärase välimusega kaadreid, mis on ideaalsed kõigeks alates laiaulatuslikest võtetest kuni intervjuudeni, mis loob tõelise kohatunnetuse.
498,00 €
Hübriidkaamera Sony ILME-FX30 Camcorder Body with E-Mount System
Tootekood: ILMEFX30B.CEC GTIN: 4548736141803 Hübriidkaamerad
APS-C (Super 35mm formaat) Exmor R™ sensor; 4K UHD 3840 × 2160 120p videosalvestus & 26 MP fotod; 5-teljeline stabilisaator & 759 punktiga autofookus; 10-bit 4:2:2 XAVC S-I & 16-bit RAW väljund; Magneesiumsulamist ...
2119,00 €
−6,00 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z50II KIT 16-50mm Kit + 50-250mm
Tootekood: VOA150K002 GTIN: 4960759915702 Hübriidkaamerad
Nikon Z50II is made to discover and play. Express yourself with gorgeous image quality, film-inspired looks, intelligent auto modes and easy sharing. Stay in the moment and let your creativity run wild. Easy Color Presets. Find your aesthetic with a choice of 31 built-in color profiles, all available at the press of a button. Automatic. Effortless. Intelligent automatic modes take the guesswork out of finding the right settings, including exposure and focus. Go Beyond Your Phone. Deeper colors, less noise and greater detail for portraits, landscapes and more - even in low light. Share in a Snap. Send photos and video to your smart device in seconds using the free Nikon SnapBridge app. Carry-everywhere Convenience. Lightweight and compact enough to fit in a small bag. Beautiful Photos. Quality That Speaks for Itself. Capture lifelike colors and incredible details from dawn to dusk thanks to a superior 20.9-megapixel DX format (APS-C) sensor several times larger than that of a typical smartphone. Inspiring Color Presets. At the press of the Picture Control button, choose from 31 built-in presets designed to make your photos and videos stand out. Get Even More Distinctive Looks. Create and save your own Picture Control presets or download bespoke Cloud Picture Controls directly to your Z50II from Nikon Imaging Cloud. Play with results in real-time as you shoot, and open up a world of creative possibilities. Portraits That Move You. Discover easy-to-use features including Skin Softening, Portrait Impression Balance and face + eye-detection autofocus for people and animals. Plus, authentic, beautifully-blurred backgrounds. Impressive in Low Light. Continue to enjoy amazing detail and sharp results after dark thanks to ultra-high maximum ISO sensitivity of 51,200 and sophisticated noise reduction. Built-in Flash. Get beautifully-balanced photos indoors and at night. Use Night Portrait mode to create natural-looking slow-shutter flash portraits. Capture Peak Action. Shoot bursts as fast as 30 photos per second plus pro-level features including Pre-Release Capture1 and powerful multi-subject detection autofocus with 3D-tracking. All thanks to our most powerful processing engine ever. Focus with Confidence. People, dogs, cats, birds and vehicles–the Z50II can automatically detect and accurately track nine distinct subjects. Plus dedicated [bird] and [airplane] modes for even greater autofocus accuracy. Get maximum quality and detail with 4K/60p, 4K UHD/30p, plus 120p slow-motion in Full HD.
1348,00 €
Nanlite Adapter Halo 16 LED Ring Light
Tootekood: 12-2024-JSG GTIN: 6949987422242 Stuudiovarustus
Nanlite Halo16 LED Ring Light is ultra thin, bi-colour from warm to cold, and has 180° adjustment angles, to meet different shooting requirements. This soft, high brightness ring light creates a diamond ring in your subject´s eyes. Perfect for portrait photography, video production, wedding photography, vlogging, cosmetology, hair dressing, still life shooting, makeup tutorial and more. The ring light offers optional accessories for more professional lighting solutions. It can be powered by either an AC adapter or a Sony NP-F style battery (optional). With the USB power pass through port, you can also charge smartphones and other devices for live streaming, vlogging, timelapses and more. Nanlite Halo16 LED Ring Light. WiFi, 2.4G, Dimming Control 95 CRI (Ra) 74-435 lux @ 3m/1m Illumination 3200K - 5600K Colour Temperature 29W Power 180° Adjustment Angles Continuous Dimming Includes light, mirror & phone holder
138,00 €
Zhiyun LED Fiveray M40 Pocket Light
Tootekood: C040005G2 GTIN: 6970194087184 Stuudiovarustus
A compact device without compromising on its 40W power; whereas products of a comparable size currently only offer 5-13W. Valgustatus (LUX): 14000 (0,3m) / 4400 (0,5m) / 1050 (1m). Zhiyun LED Fiveray M40 Pocket Light The ZHIYUN M40, embedded with 176 LED chips rivals the key lights provided by bulkier products on the market with: Incredible illuminance of 14,000 lux at its peak Adjustable dual color temperature ranging from 2,700-6,200K and consistent power output peaks at 40W with no strobing, ensuring a stable light source A standard fidelity offering for both photography and videography with CRI reaching 96+ and TLCI reaching 97+ Based on the attitude-control algorithm applied on gimbals, DynaVort technology enables better heat dispersion, allows for smaller fans, and therefore, a compact device without compromising on its 40W power! Precise dimming of color temperature and brightness is available via two separate wheels, giving you smooth control with your fingertips. The adjustable stand of M40 extend possibilities for various occasions, while two 1/4" screw holes allow the M40 to be mounted on a tripod or light stand, offering a fast lighting setup than ever. The palm-sized ZHIYUN M40 fill light epitomizes simplicity and utility. Weighing only 320g, it fits neatly in pockets, looks stylish and is the ultra-portable illumination companion for videographers, whether amateur or professional. With 4 LED indicator lights that display battery level and two 18650 mah batteries built in, M40 supports 55W PD fast charge protocol that allows a real time charging. M40 can work for 29min at max power output, run by batteries only. Package includes: 1x FIVERAY M40 1x Charging Cable 1x Quick Start Guide
99,90 €
Objektiiv Sony Objektiiv SEL85F18
Tootekood: SEL85F18 GTIN: 4548736058354 Objektiivid
Uue 9 labaga ja F1.8 valgusjõuga ava teevad sellest objektiivist ideaalse kaaslase portreefotode tegemiseks; Objektiivi sisse on paigaldatud ülivaikne lineaarne teravustamismootor mis eemaldab kaameraga filmides teravustamisest ...
437,68 €
−11,32 €
Objektiiv Nikkor Z 85MM F/1.2 S
Tootekood: JMA302DA GTIN: 4960759910318 Objektiivid
Selle professionaalse portreeobjektiivi tähelepanuväärne lahutusvõime võimaldab meisterlikult reprodutseerida nahatoone ja peeneid detaile riietuses või meigis. Koos objektiivi ülimadala teravussügavuse ja kreemja bokehiga saavutavad pildid peaaegu kolmemõõtmelise kvaliteedi. Bokeh ise pole midagi ülevat: täiuslikult ümmargune, sujuvalt sorteeritud ja ilma märgatavate ääristeta isegi punktvalgusallikate ümber. Neile, kelle loominguline nägemus hõlmab dramaatilist taustvalgustust – kummitustele, peegeldustele ja helkidele on see kõik põhjalikult vastu võetud. Isegi otse karmi valgusallikasse pildistades saavutatakse kõige teravamad ja selgemad tulemused.
2798,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S
Tootekood: JMA001DA GTIN: 4960759900067 Objektiivid
KAMPAANIA HIND! Tantsige valgusega. Selle täiskaadrilise S-seeria NIKKORi Z-süsteemi objektiivi silmapaistev optiline suutlikkus kehtestab f/1,8 objektiividele uue standardi. Varasemaid¹ f/1,4 avaga fikseeritud fookuskaugusega objektiive ületava ereduse ja detailsusega on see midagi enamat kui vaid uutmoodi 50 mm objektiiv. See on imepärase fotograafia uus tulevik.
528,00 €
Digikaamera EasyPix KiddyPix Galaxy
Tootekood: 10080 GTIN: 4260041685666 Kompaktkaamerad
Easypix KiddyPix GalaxyToote kirjeldus inglise keeles:KiddyPix Galaxy is the ideal first camera for the youngest. Its ergonomic shape makes it easy to grip without any fingers blocking the lens.KiddyPix Galaxy's front lens delivers beautiful pictures with a resolution of up to 5MP (by interpolation) and colourful videos with sound and a resolution of up to Full HD (1920x1080 @25fps by interpolation). The back lens is perfect for first selfies. Thanks to the 2" LCD display, little photographers can immediately check their takes and decorate their photos with a wide range of funny and pretty frames.The included hand strap keeps the KiddyPix Galaxy from getting lost when playing outside or running around the house.FeaturesСеChildren camera with dual lensFront lens for great photos and videosBack lens for selfies1.3MP sensor5MP max. resolution2.0"/ 5cm LTPS LCDFull HD video with sound
1-3 tp
43,90 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 600 f/6.3 VR S
Tootekood: JMA505DA GTIN: 4960759911346 Objektiivid
A handheld 600mm prime in a class of its own. Pack lighter, react faster and cover more distance with the shortest, lightest 600mm prime lens Nikon has ever created. Designed around a size-reducing Phase Fresnel (PF) lens element, the NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S enables bird, wildlife, motorsports and aircraft photographers to perform in the field with tremendous mobility and spontaneity. Stills or video—capture the speed, power, and grace of distant subjects with the NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S prime lens. Lightweight and balanced for handheld shooting. Crisp and clear at any aperture. Wildlife, birds, motor sports, airplanes, and more. Nail striking images with all the sharpness and pleasing bokeh that only an S-line prime lens can deliver. Sharp, even with a teleconverter. You get superb detail and clarity, even if you’re shooting straight into the sunset—or with a teleconveter attached. SR and ED glass control aberrations and colour fringing. Nano Crystal Coat counters ghosting and flare. Autofocus that stays on track. From aerial tricks to birds in flight, or a fleeting moment of eye contact. This super-telephoto lens will track and focus on your subject in near silence: ideal for birds and wildlife, or if shooting video. Up to 6-stop VR for steady low-light shots. Shooting at dusk, dawn, or in a dense forest? In-lens optical Vibration Reduction (VR) provides stabilisation equivalent to shooting at 5.5 stops slower, or 6.0 stops with a Z camera that supports Synchro VR. The lightest 600mm prime in its class. Weighing approximately 1470 g (with tripod collar) and with its centre of gravity closer to the camera body, this long lens moves fluidly with you. Perfect if panning — or framing a tight overhead shot! With the lightest body in its class*, realized by the employment of a Phase Fresnel (PF) lens element, as well as superior weight balance, agile shooting for capturing decisive moments of distant subjects is enabled, even handheld. *Among f/6.3 and faster lenses, including those with a focal length of 600 mm, for full-frame/FX-format interchangeable-lens mirrorless cameras, available as of October 11, 2023. Statement based on Nikon research. So much power in your hands. Leave the tripod and monopod at home and live in the moment, quickly acquiring faraway subjects and tracking them with controlled precision. Outstanding balance & handling. The center of gravity is shifted toward the camera, giving you more speed and control when panning and making the lens feel even lighter. Stunning clarity down to the smallest detail. Specialized ED and SR lens elements work together to prevent light dispersion and produce the sharpest images imaginable. Fine details and intricate patterns, like those found in the feathers of birds, are rendered with lifelike accuracy. Cut through backlighting and glare. Nikon´s anti-reflection coating, Nano Crystal Coat (N), greatly reduces ghosting and flare, even against bright backgrounds with direct sunlight. Fast, reliable autofocus. The NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S lens is powered by the Nikon Stepping Motor (STM), an incredibly accurate, near-silent AF drive system designed to keep up with fast, erratic subjects like birds and motorsports, where you have only an instant to nail the shot. The adoption of a stepping motor (STM) achieves fast and accurate AF while also ensuring excellent quietness with reduced operational sounds — essential in sensitive situations. Powerful Vibration Reduction (VR) function with an effect equivalent to a 5.5-stop* increase in shutter speed allows shooting handheld without the worry of camera shake. When using a camera that is compatible with Synchro VR activation, the effect extends to 6.0 stops*. *Based on CIPA Standard; in NORMAL mode, when attached to a full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera. The lens body demonstrates superior dust- and drip-resistant performance*, while anti-fouling fluorine coat is applied to the frontmost lens element, letting users continue shooting uninterrupted, even in adverse conditions. *Thorough dust- and drip-resistance is not guaranteed in all situations and under all conditions. Minimum focus distance: 4 m from focal plane Filter-attachment size: 95mm Dimensions: Approximately 106.5 mm maximum diameter x 278 mm (distance to end of lens from camera lens mount flange). Weight: Approximately 1,470 g (with tripod collar) approximately 1,390 g (without tripod collar) Supplied accessories: LC-95B Lens Cap (front cap), LF-N1 Lens Cap (rear cap), HB-105A Lens Hood, CL-C6 Lens Case
4498,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 28mm f/2.8
Tootekood: JMA105DA GTIN: 4960759904911 Objektiivid
GET WIDELY CREATIVE. THE SMALLEST Z SERIES PRIME LENS TO DATE This street-smart storyteller makes a superb everyday lens. Wide but not too wide, wonderfully affordable, and deceptively powerful, it’s ready for everything from street scenes to landscapes and situational portraits. This bright 28 mm prime lens offers an expansive angle of view that’s just right for showing more of the scene, while the 0.19 m minimum focus distance puts this lens in the sweet spot for dramatic close-ups. The wide Z mount and rounded f/2.8 aperture combine to allow superb low-light performance, and image makers can put their subject in focus against incredibly soft, natural-looking background bokeh. The NIKKOR Z 28mm f/2.8 also makes it easy to shoot great-looking video footage. The 28 mm focal length is a cinematic classic, and with such a lightweight lens the user gets to choose whether to shoot handheld or with a gimbal. Bright f/2.8 wide-angle lens: 28 mm focal length captures wide-angle shots with rich colour and contrast. Ultra-portаble: the lens is approx. 43 mm long and weighs in at approx. 155 g. Easily small enough to keep on the camera or slip into a coat pocket. Beautiful bokeh: the wide Z mount and fixed f/2.8 rounded 7-blade aperture enable incredibly soft, natural-looking bokeh. Superb up close: a minimum focus distance of 0.19 m allows users to focus sharply at close range. Fast, silent AF: powered by an ultra-quiet stepping motor and enhanced by the additional light gathered by the Z mount, focusing is fast, accurate—and silent. Great for video: Focus breathing is dramatically reduced so focus can be adjusted without affecting the shot´s angle of view. 42 mm DX crop: offers a 42 mm angle of view when used with a DX-format Nikon Z camera. Easy control: the silent control ring can be set to control focus, aperture, exposure compensation, or ISO. Well protected: sealed for protection against dust and water droplets.
208,00 €
Objektiiv Canon RF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Tootekood: CALEMRF24144 GTIN: 4549292115611 Objektiivid
24–105 mm standardsuumobjektiiv; Läbiva f/4 avaga; Võimekas pildistabilisaator, kuni 5 stoppi; Canon L seeria tippkvaliteet; Canon täiskaader hübriidkaameratele
1342,29 €
Objektiiv Fujifilm Fujinon XC 50-230mm F4.5-6.7 OIS II Black
Tootekood: 16460771 GTIN: 4547410301496 Objektiivid
50–230 mm telesuumobjektiiv, Suurepärane kaaslane igapäevaseks kasutuseks, Kiire ja täpne samm-mootor, Võimekas pildistabilisaator, kuni 3,5 stoppi, Fujifilm X-seeria hübriidkaameratele
389,00 €
Walimex wT-1003 Basic-Monopod, 171cm
Tootekood: 12120 GTIN: 4250234521208 Statiivid ja lisad
22,23 €
Fujifilm 1 Fujicolor 200 135/36
Tootekood: 15649497 GTIN: 8712928122024 Filmikaamerad
Fujifilm Fujicolor C 200/36
12,99 €
Walther pildiraam New Lifestyle 3x13x18 Gallery Silver KV338S
Tootekood: KV338S GTIN: 4004122209729 Albumid ja pildiraamid
Walther pildiraam New Lifestyle 3x13x18 Gallery hõbedane KV338S
13,54 €
Nanlite Pavotube II 6C 1-Kit
Tootekood: 15-2017 GTIN: 6949987469599 Stuudiovarustus
Soft light without any accessories. The PavoTube II 6C has a combination of a linear light source and a diffused source, this provides a soft light without needing any softening accessories. A wide range of color temperature 2700K - 7500K. Easy-To-Go Design With a compact size and magnets on both ends let the PavoTube II 6C can be used ANYWHERE! Thanks to a unique design you can quickly place your PavoTube II 6C at many desired angles and still have an even soft light. With an industry standard 1/4”-20 mount at both ends, you are able to attach the PavoTube II to all modern photo / video fixtures. Bulit-in battery with Quick charging The built-in battery of PavoTube II 6C can run for more than 1 hour at full power, and can last up to 10 hours at 1%. The PavoTube II 6C features a USB Type-C port for charging and future firmware updates, ensuring your light is futureproof. Wireless Control YOUR LIGHT! With a Built-in 2.4Ghz receiver the PavoTube II 6C is designed to work with the RC-1 remote control (optional) or NANLink WiFi controller (optional) compatible with iOS or Android devices.
1-3 tp
79,00 €
−6,00 €
Extra Digital Aku Nikon EN-EL14
Tootekood: DV00DV1290 GTIN: 4775341112908 Akud ja laadijad
Extra Digital aku analoog Nikon EN-EL14
27,50 €
Yongnuo YN-622C-TX E-TTL raadioväljaanne, Canon
Tootekood: YN-622C-TX GTIN: 6947110919065 Kaamerate lisad
Radio transmitter with LCD display and control buttons for controlling flash units connected to YN-622 TTL receivers.; For Canon cameras.
1-3 tp
52,22 €
+0,19 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z 30 body
Tootekood: VOA110AE GTIN: 4960759910776 Hübriidkaamerad
Compact, lightweight 4K setup for creators, vloggers and streamers. Creators, meet the camera you’ve been looking for. The Z 30 is packed with the features you need, like a front-facing screen, crisp 4K video, crystal-clear audio and worry-free autofocus. Designed to inspire your best work with easy operation, smart connectivity and convenience. Elevate your content with standout video quality. Effortless live streaming up to 60p. Stand out among a competitive field of streamers with Full HD 60p and 4K 30p video quality. Also works great with compatible web conferencing applications. Eye and face tracking. Locks on to the eyes of people, dogs and cats and follows them. Product close-ups. Focus automatically repositions when you hold something up to the camera. Built-in stereo mic. Effective Pixels: 20.9 million Sensor Size: 23.5 mm x 15.7 mm Image Sensor Format: DX ISO 100 - 51,200 in steps of 1/3 EV Approx. Weight: 350 g Monitor Size: 3.0 in. diagonal Monitor Type: Vari-angle TFT touch-sensitive LCD with 170° viewing angle, approximately 100% frame coverage. Color balance and 11-level manual brightness controls. Battery: One EN-EL25 rechargeable Li-ion battery
598,00 €
Polaroid Color Film for I-TYPE 2-PACK
Tootekood: 6009 GTIN: 9120096770722 Kaamerate lisad
Doublepack with 2x8 instant color photos with white frames. For use in I-type cameras. Images begin to emerge within 2 minutes. Full development takes 10-15 minutes. I-type film is optimized for I-type cameras.It´s cheaper than our standard film, because it doesn´t contain batteries. I-type film uses our latest color chemistry to produce photos with rich, well-balanced tones and those soft textures that make analog photography so distinctive. Its iconic white frame style is a piece of instant history. For use with Polaroid I-type cameras Do not work with vinage polaroid cameras.
32,18 €
Hübriidkaamera Sony a7 III Body
Tootekood: ILCE7M3B.CEC GTIN: 4548736079656 Hübriidkaamerad
24-megapiksline täiskaader Exmor R BSI CMOS sensor; 693 faasi- & 425 kontrastituvastusega teravustamispunkti; Foto sarivõte kuni 10 kaadrit sekundis; 4K 3840 x 2160 30p videosalvestus; Integreeritud WiFi, Bluetooth ja NFC; ...
1394,00 €
Digikaamera Nikon COOLPIX P1100
Tootekood: VQA170EA GTIN: 4960759916617 Kompaktkaamerad
The COOLPIX P1100, a compact digital camera that features an incredible 125x optical super-telephoto zoom and superior operability for recording high-quality images. The COOLPIX P1100 is equipped with a 125x optical zoom lens that covers an incredible range of focal lengths beginning at the wide-angle 24 mm equivalent and extending to the super-telephoto 3000 mm*1 equivalent (up to 250x zoom is possible when Dynamic Fine Zoom is enabled). As successor to the popular COOLPIX P1000, a compact digital camera that realized amazing super-telephoto shooting, the COOLPIX P1100 offers further improvements in usability. The AF-area mode in Bird-watching mode can now be ѕelected, and the same functions that can be assigned to the camera´s Fn button can now be assigned to the Fn1/Fn2 buttons on the optional ML-L7 Remote Control. Just as with the COOLPIX P1000, the EXPEED image-processing system and high-power zoom NIKKOR lens with outstanding rendering capabilities enable the capture of beautiful images, even with super-telephoto shooting. In addition, Dual Detect Optical VR, which achieves a level of vibration reduction equivalent to the center 4.0 stops*4, effectively suppresses camera shake with handheld shooting. The COOLPIX P1100 makes it easier to enjoy the world of super-telephoto shooting with the ability to capture dynamic images of subjects that are difficult or impossible to approach, including birds and celestial bodies. 4K UHD/30p and superlapse movie recording are also supported. Superior operability that pursues ease of use for shooting and support for a wide range of accessories ensure the COOLPIX P1100 facilitates diverse imaging expression with super-telephoto shooting. Primary features 1. 125x optical zoom for super-telephoto performance that enables shooting at a focal length of up to 3000 mm equivalent The COOLPIX P1100 is equipped with a 125x optical zoom NIKKOR lens that covers the wide-angle 24-mm to super-telephoto 3000-mm focal lengths. Adoption of super ED and ED lens elements that provide superior chromatic aberration compensation demonstrates outstanding rendering capabilities across the entire zoom range, even with super-telephoto shooting. In addition, Dual Detect Optical VR, which provides a level of compensation equivalent to the center 4.0 stops, accurately suppresses the effects of camera shake with super-telephoto handheld shooting. This enables the capture of sharp and clear images of birds, celestial bodies, and other distant subjects at dynamic angles of view. 2. Shooting functions that support diverse imaging expression Bird-watching and Moon modes are independent of scene modes, and can be accessed directly using the mode dial. With the COOLPIX P1100, the AF-area mode used in Bird-watching mode can now be ѕelected from [Center (spot)], [Center (normal)], or [Center (wide)]. Greater flexibility in framing and more precise focusing enable the capture of sharper images of birds´ small eyes or their entire bodies that better reflect the user´s intent. In addition, a [Fireworks] option has been added to [Multiple exp. Lighten] scene mode. Users do not have to worry about the blown-out highlights that often occur when shooting long exposures and can more easily capture impressively clear scenes of fireworks displays in which the brightness of the foreground or the background differs. 3. Support for 4K UHD/30p movie recording The COOLPIX P1100 supports recording of high-definition 4K UHD/30p movies. Users can beautifully record subjects with the power of super-telephoto 3000 mm equivalent. Frames from movies recorded in 4K UHD format can also be saved as still images to preserve moments that simply can´t be captured with a continuous burst of still-image shooting. 4. Superior operability that makes for more flexible enjoyment of super-telephoto shooting Despite coverage of focal lengths up to super-telephoto 3000 mm equivalent, a weight of only approximately 1,410 g* has been achieved, allowing users to enjoy super-telephoto shooting more comfortably than with DSLR and mirrorless camera systems. Furthermore, the deep grip enables stable shooting, even for handheld super-telephoto photography. The camera is equipped with a focus-mode ѕelector that can be used to change the focus mode even after focus has been acquired, and a control ring that enables the adjustment of settings such as white balance and manual focus. *Including battery and memory card. 5. Support for a comprehensive range of accessories that enhance shooting The COOLPIX P1100 is equipped with an accessory shoe and accessory terminal capable of accommodating a wide variety of accessories, such as Speedlights and the DF-M1 Dot Sight that facilitates image composition during telephoto shooting. Support for Nikon´s extensive lineup of accessories further expands possibilities for imaging expression. In addition, when the optional accessory ML-L7 Remote Control is connected to the COOLPIX P1100 via Bluetooth®, the same functions that can be assigned to the camera´s Fn button, for example white balance and AF area mode, can now be assigned to the Fn1/Fn2 buttons on the ML-L7 Remote Control. With the COOLPIX P1100, operation of all the buttons on the ML-L7 Remote Control is enabled, further expanding possibilities for remote shooting operation. The ML-L7 is also effective in preventing the effects of camera shake that frequently occur with telephoto shooting and when pressing the shutter-release button, for smoother and more accurate shooting. 6. Additional features A 3.2-in. TFT LCD vari-angle monitor with wide viewing angle Compatible with Nikon´s exclusive NRW (RAW) format COOLPIX Picture Control, which can be used to make adjustments in accordance with the subject, shooting situations and intentions Creative mode that makes attaining the ideal imaging expression simple Capability to record superlapse and time-lapse movies Support for Clean HDMI output, which cleans the information display from the image output to an external monitor during recording The ability to set long-exposure noise reduction to [Auto] or [Off] Adoption of a USB Type-C input/output connector
1199,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
Tootekood: JAA805DA GTIN: 4960759025630 Objektiivid
Nikon AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
339,00 €
+21,23 €
Extra Digital Laadija D-LI90
Tootekood: DV00DV2281 GTIN: 4775341222812 Akud ja laadijad
Laeb akut: Pentax D-LI90.
16,20 €
2,00 €
Walther New Lifestyle 30x30 Resin Frame silver KV330S
Tootekood: KV330S GTIN: 4004122260621 Albumid ja pildiraamid
Walther pildiraam New Lifestyle 30x30 Resin Frame hõbedane KV330S
6,91 €
Peegelkaamera Nikon D850 + 24-120 4G ED VR Kit
Tootekood: VBA520K001 GTIN: 18208956487 Peegelkaamerad
D850 kaamera parima võimsuse ja vastupidavuse kombinatsiooniga saate jäädvustada kõik ülitähtsad hetked. D850 pildistab kiirusega 7 kaadrit sekundis. Või saate pildistada kiirusega 9 kaadrit sekundis, kui kasutate valikulist mitme toiteallikaga akukomplekti MB-D18, kuhu on sisestatud aku EN-EL18B . Spetsiaalne automaatse teravustamise protsessor tagab välkkiire objekti tuvastamise, isegi kui pildistate suure kaadrite arvuga sekundis. Kaamera kaks mälukaardi pesa võimaldavad korraga kasutada UHS-II SD-kaarti ja XQD-kaarti – see on kiireim võimalik kombinatsioon. Suurepärase ISO tundlikkusega toote esile ka kõige pimedamates stseenides ja kõige tumedamates varjudes olevad detailid.Saate veatu pildikvaliteedi nii RAW-vormingus suurte, keskmiste kui ka väikeste failiseadetega pildistamisel. Kaameral kui ka akukomplektil MB-D18 on ilmastikukindlad tihendid, mis võimaldavad teil igal pool, igas olukorras pildistada. D810 on ühtlasi ka esimene digitaalne üheobjektiiviline peegelkaamera, millel on kaamerasisene mitmikpildi režiim, mis tagab suure teravussügavusega erakordselt teravad pildid. Pildiandur: FX, CMOS, 35,9 mm × 23,9 mm Efektiivsed pikslid: 45,7 miljonitSalvestus – kandja: XQD, SD, SDHC (UHS-II-ga ühilduv), SDXC (UHS-II-ga ühilduv) Salvestus – failivorming: NEF (RAW): 12- või 14-bitine, saadaval suur, keskmine ja väikeTIFF (RGB)JPEG: JPEGNEF (RAW)+JPEG Särikompensatsioon:–5 kuni +5 juurdekasvuga 1/3, 1/2 või 1 EV Fookuspunktid: 153 fookuspunkti, millest 55 või 15 on valimiseks saadaval Video – häälsalvestusseade: Sisseehitatud stereo- või väline mikrofon Ekraan: 8 cm (3,2 tolli) TFT puutetundlik LCDAku: Üks liitium-ioonaku EN-EL15a. Kuni 1840 kaadrit CIPA-standarditel.Mõõtmed (L × K × S): 146 × 124 × 78,5 mm Kaal: Ligikaudu 1005 g koos aku ja XQD-mälukaardigaKaasasolevad tarvikud: Korpuse kaas BF-1B, klemmi kattega liitium-ioonaku EN-EL15a, akulaadija MH-25a, HDMI-/USB-kaabli klamber, HDMI-kaabli klamber, USB-kaabel UC-E22, rihm AN-DC18
2898,00 €
Zhiyun LED Molus G200 COB Light
Tootekood: 124209 GTIN: 6970194087665 Stuudiovarustus
Zhiyun LED Video Light MOLUS G200 COB 200W Bowens Mount Continuous Output Light,Bi-Color 2700K-6500K,Peak Brightness 61500Lux w/ZHIYUN Reflector,ZY Vega App Control for Video Photography Live Stream.
399,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 28-75mm f/2.8
Tootekood: JMA717DA GTIN: 4960759909077 Objektiivid
The NIKKOR Z 28-75mm f/2.8 boasts a versatile wide-angle to telephoto zoom range, a fast constant aperture, and sharp focusing. Street scenes to landscapes to portraits, it’s a great walkaround lens for Nikon Z users who want to up their creative game. With its lightweight build and sharp optics, the NIKKOR Z 28-75mm f/2.8 lets people capture superb images of everything that inspires them. The versatile zoom range covers a number of classic focal lengths, while the f/2.8 constant aperture allows more freedom to try out new ideas: users can easily capture the mood of dimly lit situations or explore the creative potential of shallow depth of field. They can also shoot with faster shutter speeds in available light and freeze motion without sacrificing brightness. The NIKKOR Z 28-75mm f/2.8 focuses quickly and sharply, even when shooting up close to a subject, and it renders beautiful bokeh that lets users take their portraiture to the next level. This full-frame Z lens is also wellsuited to video: the zoom range can cover wide establishing shots and medium shots, and focus breathing is suppressed. Summary of key features: NIKKOR Z 28-75mm f/2.8 Standard zoom range: fit in more of the scene at 28 mm. Nail compelling portraits at 75 mm. f/2.8 maximum aperture: the fast, constant aperture allows consistent exposure across the zoom range and clear shots in low light. Users can also shoot with faster shutter speeds in natural light. Beautiful bokeh: the large Z mount and f/2.8 rounded 9-blade aperture enable incredibly soft, natural-looking bokeh. Superb up close: minimum focus distance is just 0.19 m at 28 mm, and 0.39 m at 75 mm. Fast, confident focus: focusing is smooth, silent, and tack sharp—even when shooting at close range. Great-looking video: focus breathing is suppressed so focus can be adjusted without affecting the shot’s angle of view. Smooth aperture control enables beautifully natural-looking shifts in brightness. Intuitive control: the smooth click-less control ring can be used for precise manual focusing or to adjust aperture, ISO, or exposure compensation. Dust and drip resistant: the NIKKOR Z 28-75mm f/2.8 is dust- and drip-resistant1, with a coating that makes the lens easy to clean.
898,00 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z50II KIT 16-50mm Kit
Tootekood: VOA150K001 GTIN: 4960759916822 Hübriidkaamerad
Nikon Z50II is made to discover and play. Express yourself with gorgeous image quality, film-inspired looks, intelligent auto modes and easy sharing. Stay in the moment and let your creativity run wild. Easy Color Presets. Find your aesthetic with a choice of 31 built-in color profiles, all available at the press of a button. Automatic. Effortless. Intelligent automatic modes take the guesswork out of finding the right settings, including exposure and focus. Go Beyond Your Phone. Deeper colors, less noise and greater detail for portraits, landscapes and more - even in low light. Share in a Snap. Send photos and video to your smart device in seconds using the free Nikon SnapBridge app. Carry-everywhere Convenience. Lightweight and compact enough to fit in a small bag. Beautiful Photos. Quality That Speaks for Itself. Capture lifelike colors and incredible details from dawn to dusk thanks to a superior 20.9-megapixel DX format (APS-C) sensor several times larger than that of a typical smartphone. Inspiring Color Presets. At the press of the Picture Control button, choose from 31 built-in presets designed to make your photos and videos stand out. Get Even More Distinctive Looks. Create and save your own Picture Control presets or download bespoke Cloud Picture Controls directly to your Z50II from Nikon Imaging Cloud. Play with results in real-time as you shoot, and open up a world of creative possibilities. Portraits That Move You. Discover easy-to-use features including Skin Softening, Portrait Impression Balance and face + eye-detection autofocus for people and animals. Plus, authentic, beautifully-blurred backgrounds. Impressive in Low Light. Continue to enjoy amazing detail and sharp results after dark thanks to ultra-high maximum ISO sensitivity of 51,200 and sophisticated noise reduction. Built-in Flash. Get beautifully-balanced photos indoors and at night. Use Night Portrait mode to create natural-looking slow-shutter flash portraits. Capture Peak Action. Shoot bursts as fast as 30 photos per second plus pro-level features including Pre-Release Capture1 and powerful multi-subject detection autofocus with 3D-tracking. All thanks to our most powerful processing engine ever. Focus with Confidence. People, dogs, cats, birds and vehicles–the Z50II can automatically detect and accurately track nine distinct subjects. Plus dedicated [bird] and [airplane] modes for even greater autofocus accuracy. Get maximum quality and detail with 4K/60p, 4K UHD/30p, plus 120p slow-motion in Full HD.
1098,00 €
ZEP Levico 15x20 Wooden Portrait Frame WW2268
Tootekood: WW2268 GTIN: 8020912055693 Albumid ja pildiraamid
ZEP pildiraam Levico 15x20 Wooden Portrait Frame WW2268
8,34 €
Nanlite Adapter PavoSlim 60B LED Panel
Tootekood: 126437 GTIN: 6949987425892 Stuudiovarustus
The slim and lightweight design, fast and convenient installation, high luminance, and accurate color rendering are combined to create the bi-color PavoSlim 60B/120B. The PavoSlim will empower creators with more flexible options to achieve their visions. PavoSlim 60B Slim yet Rugged, Compact yet Bright Nanlite has once again explored the potential of the panel light source, bringing creators a new generation of LED panel light: The PavoSlim. The slim and lightweight design, fast and convenient installation, high luminance, and accurate color rendering are combined to create the bi-color PavoSlim 60B/120B. The PavoSlim will empower creators with more flexible options to achieve their visions. Metal Housing, Efficient Heat Dissipation, Meticulous Optical Lens, Efficient Converging Light (Achieving 4 times the output compared to the average output of similar products) Slim and Lightweight yet Tough (only 1.86cm thick) Rapid Setup within one minute Wireless Control Nanlink APP Rated Power: 72W Weight: 0.91 kg Thickness: 1.86cm With the metal housing, the PavoSlim 60B proves that slimness and ruggedness are not contradictory. Even after being equipped with a complete set of diffusers and accessories for installation, it remains lighter and thinner compared to traditional light mats. This makes it necessary no matter in small studios, low-ceiling locations, or film and television sets with strict requirements. Efficient Design, Maximum Output The Nanlite team has developed a dedicated optical system for the individual chip of PavoSlim. Combining efficient heat dissipation and an excellent optical design, the PavoSlim achieves 4 times the output compared to the average output of similar products. PavoSlim 60B: 8156 lux @ 1m (light only, 5600K) Rapid Deployment Every element of the PavoSlim 60B/120B is designed for rapid deployment since every minute counts on set. Even the accessories are designed with the same philosophy for easy and rapid setup, enabling creators to effortlessly complete installation within one minute. The back of the fixture has multiple sockets for installation, meeting flexible needs in various situations. The control unit is designed with a quick-release plate, which is compatible with the quick-release clamp (optional) that also used for the Forza II series fixtures (suitаble for light stands and trusses). The control unit can also be hung on the light stand by its strap. Various Modes CCT Range: 2700K-6500K CRI: Average 95 TLCI: Average 97 TM-30 Rf: Average 95 Rg: Average 102 SSI 3200K: 83 5600K: 73. PavoSlim 60B/120B are equipped with 12 effects for simulating real scene lighting effects. Various parameters of each effect can be tuned on-board, while more customized settings can be obtained by the Nanlink App and DMX/RDM. Professional Control Options The PavoSlim 60B can be controlled on the included power control unit. The design of two buttons, two knobs, and the two-inch screen makes the operation straightforward. With built-in 2.4G and Bluetooth modules, the PavoSlim can be easily connected to the Nanlink App. This not only helps users easily achieve wireless intelligent control for lighting in small and medium spaces like studios but also makes it possible to integrate with point-source and tube lights from Nanlite to create diverse and complementary lighting solutions for scenes. In addition, through the stаble connection and control via wired DMX/RDM, PavoSlim can be applied in the film and TV standard control system, jointly. Multiple Power Options, Deploy Anywhere The PavoSlim 60B/120B provide multiple power supply methods: PavoSlim 60B can be powered by AC power, V-mount batteries, and NP-F batteries, Besides, the PavoSlim 60B support hot swapping among different power supply modes, allowing for ongoing shooting without interrupting operations. PavoSlim 60B Power Supply Options: AC power supply, 14.4-14.8V V-mount battery, 26V V-mount battery, 7.4V NP-F battery (×2). Multiple Accessories Magnetic Base Adapter with 1/4"-20 Thread Set Each corner of the PavoSlim is built with one 1/4"-20 mount, which can be paired with the magnetic base adapter with 1/4"-20 thread set, making installation faster and easier. Extension cable: The fixture body of PavoSlim 60B/120B comes with a 0.4M DC connection cable, connected with the control unit through a 2.6M DC connection cable, and it can also be connected with another 2.6M connection cable as an extension. Softboxes There are custom-made foldable softboxes and egg crates for both horizontal and vertical coupling. Slender & Durable Case The included carrying bag follows the design concept of the Nanlite family. A solid structure with internal explicit space partitions helps store more conveniently. The external reinforced stitching ensures a more durable bag. PavoSlim 60B includes: PavoSlim 60B× 1 Control Unit × 1 Universal Holder × 1 DC Connection Cable 2.6M × 1 AC Power Cable 4.5M × 1 Softbox × 1 Diffuser × 2 (Lite Diffuser × 1 + Standard Diffuser × 1) Eggcrate × 1 Carrying Bag × 1
398,99 €
ZEP Montreaux 10Q 10x10x15 Wood Gallery Frame TY091
Tootekood: TY091 GTIN: 8020912064237 Albumid ja pildiraamid
ZEP Montreaux 10Q 10x10x15 Wood Gallery Frame TY091
23,89 €
Elinchrom Rotalux Octabox 100 cm (E26646)
Tootekood: E26646 GTIN: 7630006320401 Stuudiovarustus
Elinchrom Rotalux Octabox 100cm
1-3 tp
171,81 €
Rode DeadCat VMP
Tootekood: 400820130 GTIN: 698813002160 Stuudiovarustus
Mikrofoni tuulekaitse Rode DeadCat VMP
1-3 tp
38,20 €
+1,61 €
Duracell Li-Ion bat. 1900 mAh for Panasonic DMW-BLF19
Tootekood: DRPBLF19 GTIN: 5055190181591 Kaamerate lisad
Duracell aku bat. 1900mAh for DMW-BLF19
1-3 tp
27,18 €