Systematic statiivid on Gitzo statiivide seas ühed tugevaimad, kuid pakuvad samas ka ületamatut paindlikkust. Nende modulaarset süsteemi saab kiiresti oma vajadustest lähtudes muuta – näiteks saab sellele hiljem lisada vastavalt vajadusele sobiva kesksamba. Süsinikkiust torudega statiiv on suurepärane baasmudel pildistamiseks nii sise- kui välitingimustes. Uue põlvkonna Systematic statiividel on Gitzo Carbon eXact süsinikkiust torud, uued stabiilsemad statiivijalad ning Easy Link kinnitussüsteem. Tänu nendele innovatsioonidele on statiiv kergem, kiiremini käsitsetav ning toekam kui kunagi varem.Series 3 statiivid on ideaalsed kaaslased fotograafidele, kes ei taha rasket pagasit kaasas kanda, kuid soovivad stabiilset ja usaldusväärset tuge. GT3533S mudel paistab teiste seas silma oma ülima paindlikkuse poolest: statiivi jalad suudavad asetuda lausa 23° nurga alla ning püüda võtteid vaid 9 cm kõrgusel maapinnast.
Systematic statiivid on Gitzo statiivide seas ühed tugevaimad, kuid pakuvad samas ka ületamatut paindlikkust. Nende modulaarset süsteemi saab kiiresti oma vajadustest lähtudes muuta – näiteks saab sellele hiljem lisada vastavalt vajadusele sobiva kesksamba. Süsinikkiust torudega statiiv on suurepärane baasmudel pildistamiseks nii sise- kui välitingimustes. Uue põlvkonna Systematic statiividel on Gitzo Carbon eXact süsinikkiust torud, uued stabiilsemad statiivijalad ning Easy Link kinnitussüsteem. Tänu nendele innovatsioonidele on statiiv kergem, kiiremini käsitsetav ning toekam kui kunagi varem.Series 3 statiivid on ideaalsed kaaslased fotograafidele, kes ei taha rasket pagasit kaasas kanda, kuid soovivad stabiilset ja usaldusväärset tuge. GT3533S mudel paistab teiste seas silma oma ülima paindlikkuse poolest: statiivi jalad suudavad asetuda lausa 23° nurga alla ning püüda võtteid vaid 10 cm kõrgusel maapinnast, samas ulatudes ka üle rahvamasside tänu 202 cm maksimaalsele kõrgusele.
GK1545T-82TQD on vastupidavaim, tugevaim ning profesionaalseim Traveler seeria statiivikomplekt. Antud komplekt koosneb Gitzo GT1545T Series 1 Traveler statiivist ning GH1382TQD kuulpeast.Gitzo GT1545T Series 1 Traveler statiivGitzo Traveler seeria statiivid on loodud liikuvale fotograafile, kellel on oluliseimaks aspektiks vastupidavus ning kompaktsus. Tänu 180° pööratavale jalgade disainile on statiiv transpordiasendis ülikompaktne, samas tööasendis piisava töökõrguse ning kõrge kandevõimega.Statiivi jalad on neljaosalised ning valmistatud Carbon eXact süsinikfiibrist torudest, mistõttu statiivi enda kaal on võrdlemisi väike. G-Lock kiirlukustid teevad jalgade pikkuse reguleerimise ülikiireks. Statiivi keskosa on uue disainiga, lisades jäikust ning tõstes kandevõimet. Series 1 statiiv on suurepärane valik professionaalse varustuse jaoks, kuna see on stabiilne kuni 10 kg töökoormusega (keskformaatkaamera, digipeegel 135 mm kuni 200 mm objektiiviga jne).Gitzo GH1382TQD Series 1 kuulpeaGitzo Series 1 tasakaalustatud kuulpea, millel lisaks kõrgele maksimaalsele töökoormusele on ka väga suur, sujuv liikumine, täpne kinnitus, ning madal raskuskese. Kuulpeal on ka mugav lood kaamera täpse nurga seadistamiseks. Olgugi, et statiivipea on kompaktse disainiga, on sel olemas ka hõõrdetugevuse seadistamise võimalus ning kaks eraldi lukustust - kuuli ning horisontaaltasapinnal liikumise lukustamiseks.GH1382TQD kuulpeal on hübriidne kiirkinnitusmehhanism, mis võimaldab kasutada Arca-Swiss tüüpi kiirkinnitusplaati ning traditsioonilist Gitzo D profiiliga plaati. Kuulpea sobib perfektselt kasutamiseks Gitzo Series 0 ning Series 1 Mountaineer tüüpi statiividega ning mahub kenasti ka Series 2 Traveler kokkuvolditud jalgade vahele.
Pisike lauastatiiv erinevateks rakendusteks. Mahub taskusse või vööl kantavasse vutlarisse ning sobib kasutamiseks praktiliselt kõikjal. Statiivil on integreeritud mini-kuulpea. Sobib kasutamiseks kompaktkaamerate ning kergete ...
Nikon Tripod Collar Ring RT-1 The RT-1 tripod collar ring enables the AF-S NIKKOR 70 200mm f/4G ED VR lens to be rotated freely through 360-degrees when attached to a camera body. The ring helps improve tripod balance and allows quick, smooth switching between vertical and horizontal orientation when shooting in portrait and landscape format. Type Tripod Mount Ring Information For optimised Handling Colour Black Weight (g) 157
The Novoflex Micro PodWeighing in at just 50 g, the Micropod is an ideal companion if you re out and about. It also scores highly in table-top photography. It s right for digital cameras and camcorders, but has no problems with supporting a heavy SLR camera. It is also perfect for positioning flash lights, video lights, microphones, etc. Together with the NOVOFLEX Neiger 19 and 19P, it s an item that should be found in any camera bag. The plug-in legs are assembled in a trice for immediate action. Folded together, the tripod turns into a small handle that can be used to stabilize the camera as you carry it. Maximum heigth: 70mmWeight: 50 g Type of Tripod Table Tripod Max. Weight Capacity (kg) 5,0 Max. Working Height (cm) 0,7 Colour Black Weight (kg) 0,050
Ultrek UT-43D II on kokkupandult äärmiselt kompaktne, kuid tänu 6-osalistele jalgadele muutub see vajadusel täispikaks statiiviks. Võtteid saab teha ka madalalt. Uuenduste hulka kuulub ka 2-osaline teleskoop-kesksammas ja 6-osalised jalad, mis pööratakse kokkupanemiseks 180° ülespoole.
GK3532-82QD on vastupidavaim, tugevaim ning profesionaalseim Mountaineer seeria statiivikomplekt. Komplekt koosneb Gitzo GT3532 Series 3 Mountaineer statiivist ning GH3382QD kuulpeast. Gitzo GT3532 on Mountaineer Series 3 statiiv – ideaalselt tasakaalustatud professionaalse fotograafi vajadusi silmas pidades. Standardkõrgusega statiivi kandevõime on kuni 18 kilo, sobides hästi täiskaader peegelkaamerale koos 300–400 mm teleobjektiiviga kasutamiseks. Statiivi jalad on kolmeosalised ning valmistatud Carbon eXact süsinikfiibrist torudest, tänu millele on statiivi enda kaal võrdlemisi väike. Statiivi kesksammas on eemaldatav ning pööratav. G-Lock Ultra kiirlukustid teevad jalgade pikkuse reguleerimise ülikiireks. Statiivi keskosa disain lisab jäikust ning tõstab kandevõimet. Mountainteer seeriale omaselt on kesksamba lukustus kiire ning lihtsalt kasutatav. Lisaks saab kesksammast tagurpidi keerata, et võimalikult maapinna lähedalt pildistada. Gitzo GH3382QD Series 3 kuulpea sobib GT3532 statiiviga nagu sukk ja saabas – see ei jää statiivile võimekuselt grammigi alla. GH3382QD suur kuul tagab vastupidavuse ka tõeliselt raske varustusega koostööd tehes. Kuulpeal on lai kiirkinnitusadapter, hõõrdetugevuse kontroll ning pöördelukustus. GH3382QD tagab sujuva ja hea kontrolliga käsitsetavuse ning tänu integreeritud loodile ka täpse kadreerimise.
Operating height (max): 153 Operating height (min): 44.5 Length of the complex stand: 47 Maximum diameter of the legs: 20 Load (max): 2 Weight: 1.18 Other features: - Leg Lock Type: levers - Quick: QB-46
Velbon M-seeria on hea valik reisivale fotograafile, kes hindab kerget, aga ka funktsionaalset statiivi. M-45 on kerge alumiiniumjalgadega statiiv, millel on integreeritud kuulpea ning QB-32 kiirkinnitusplaat. Sobib ideaalselt väiksemale peegelkaamerale või videokaamerale.
Multi-function mini-tripod. The little 3T series tripods are true all-rounders. They are small in size but big in versatility. Additional features include a 3T-35 ball had in matching colours. It will allow you to get your camera in place quickly and securely. The small tripod is extremely light and will accomplish any task. Whether as a hand-hold for action cams or as a table-top tripod with a system camera - it performs well in any situation.
The AirHed 360 is our flagship ball head. One of the most functional and versatile tripod heads in the world, featuring base pan, detachable, panoramic clamp, security sockets and spirit level, plus a beautifully fluid ball with powerful locking. Panoramic Clamp - At times when the user is unable to level the tripod, this useful clamp enables level panning, whatever the tripod angle.
Alan is the perfect blend of size, weight and capability. Built for versatility, adaptability, and resilience, Alan is a powerful additional to any professional photographer or filmmaker´s toolbox. With a stored height of just 450 mm, Alan is compact enough to be stored in hand-luggage. Formed from eight layers of 100% pure pre-preg carbon fibre, and aircraft grade alloys, Alan is as robust as he is light. With standard threads at both ends, Alan is highly versatile and can also be used as a camera or microphone boom. Max Height 1.49 m. Max Height with Docz2 1.53 m. Min Height 450 mm. Min Height with Docz2 505 mm. Folded Length with Docz2 505 mm. 5 Section Leg. Load Capacity - 60 kg. Monopod Weight 0.6 kg. Monopod Weight with Docz2 1.1 kg. Max Leg Tube Diameter 32 mm.
Billy is our first full carbon Punk tripod from the new range. Built for everyday use, Billy is our lightest tripod in the current line up, but built to withstand every day punishment. Take it to the bridge or anywhere else, for that matter. At just 1.38 kg, Billy is the easiest tripod to transport in our range. A tale of two heights. Topping out at 1.645 m, Billy is a tripod with a serious working height, that still extends to 1.37 m without the column installed, giving you a stable, workable solution in even the most difficult conditions. Billy, like our other Punks tripods, has one or two tricks up his sleeve. A full height detachable monopod is a sought after feature for most, but the real coup d´état is a minimum working height of just 10 cm. Billy´s legs counterfold around the column and head, enabling the user to get him down to just 46 cm. Billy, like all 3 Legged Thing tripods, comes with a detachable monopod leg that can also be used as a microphone or camera boom. Billy is capable of supporting loads up to 13 times his weight. With an 18kg payload, Billy is one of the strongest tripods in this class. Max Height 1.645 m. Max Height w/o column 1.37 m. Min Height 100 mm. Monopod Max Height 1.71 m. Folded Length 460 mm. 4 Section Legs / 1 Section Column. Load Capacity - 18 kg. Tripod Weight 1.38kg. Leg Angles 23º, 55º, 80º. Max Leg Tube Diameter 23 mm.
Corey is our entry level micro-traveler system. Featuring many of the same technologies that are found on our professional ranges, but made of durable, aircraft grade Magnesium Alloy, Corey is the perfect travel option for photographers who need their tripod to be as compact as possible. Max Height 1.5 m. Min Height 185 mm. Monopod Max Height 1.5 m. Folded Length 350 mm. Load Capacity - 14 kg. Tripod Weight 1.5kg. Built for punishing. Corey is a solid tripod, with powder-coated furniture for durability, and precision engineered mechanisms for smooth, easy use. One of a kind. Most entry-level tripods lack the features of their professional counterparts, but with Corey you get many of the features of our pro range, including the patented Tri-mount plate, detachable monopod leg and interchangeable footwear for use on any terrain. Pushing the boundaries of design. Corey is packed with small details that really define the brand. Our approach to design aesthetics is a long way left field of our competitors, and it is our unique styling that separates us from the mundane.
Docz2 provides extra stability to monopods, and can also be used as a mini tripod by mounting a camera directly on to its 1/4“-20 screw mount. With a 1/4“-20 screw mount, and 3/8“-16 adapter supplied, Docz2 can be used with a huge variety of monopods and tripods with detachable monopod legs. Docz2 is made from strong alloys with a robust ABS covering and grippy rubber feet; suitable for use on a wide variety of terrains. With legs that fold upwards for transportation, Docz2 is an alternative to mini tripods - small enough to fit into the corner of a camera bag, yet strong enough to support cameras up to 20 kg. Height Open 8.5 cm. Folded Length 16.5 cm. Max Diameter (open) 29.5 cm. Load Capability - 20 kg. Weight 531 g.
Ellie has 9 separate possible configurations, with infinite scope for individual set ups. With two-axis adjustments, Ellie fits more cameras than any other universal L-Bracket, with an unprecedented level of functionality. Ellie´s detachable release plate can be used in isolation, or with the vertical aspect. Dual Arca-Swiss profile sides and symmetrical 1/4"-20 threaded ends enable the vertical axis to be configured in 8 positions, enabling more cable access than ever before. Ellie´s unique vertical aspect has dual-Arca Swiss profiled edges, and symmetrical ends with twin 1/4"-20 threads, enabling 8 possible side configurations. This gives Ellie unprecedented compatibility and functionality.
Godox MT-01 mini Tripod Folding Table top stand and Grip Stabilizer for Digital Camera, DSLR, Video Camera & Camcorder --Travel Portable Tripod. Godox Mini Tripod MT01 with 1/4" Mounting screw Socket 5 levels adjustable table tripod For Godox AD200/Cameras/LED Light.
The QR11 is a new evolution of universal L bracket. Designed to fit most cameras* and to enable a seamless, effortless workflow between portrait and landscape. The QR11 defies convention with it´s two colour options, and additional functionality. Available in standard size for most modern DSLRs and CSC cameras, and full-size for larger DLSRs and cameras with battery grips. With strap connectors at both the horizontal and vertical aspects, the QR11 has a variety of options for wrist, neck and sling strap compatibility. The QR11´s design enables users to disassemble, with the supplied 3LT Toolz, into two flat sections, for easier stowage in tight spaces. An additional tapped 1/4" thread in the vertical aspect enables connectivity with universal devices, like magic arms, cold and hotshoe adapters, microphones, lights and basically anything with a male 1/4" thread.
Zelda is 3LT’s first dedicated L-Bracket. Designed, in cooperation with Nikon, to perfectly fit the shapely contours of the new Z 6 and Z 7 cameras, Zelda gives users full access to all ports and doors on the cameras. Super Strength. Zelda exquisite curves are hewn with precise accuracy from a single block of solid magnesium alloy, giving it a strength never previously found in anything outside Thor’s hammer. Sharp Styling. Anodised in stunning Copper or Metallic Slate Grey, Zelda features perfectly-aligned cut-outs that give users easy access to the tilting screen and lens release buttons on the Z Series cameras. Easy as FTZ... Because Zelda was designed in collaboration with Nikon, the dedicated accessories are 100% compatible. Both the FTZ and WR-R10 can be installed and removed without the need to remove the Bracket. Horizontal Aspect Length: 106 mm. Horizontal Aspect Width: 38 mm. Vertical Aspect Height: 85 mm. Vertical Aspect Width: 38 mm. Weight: 67 g. Compatibility – Standard Arca-Swiss.
Zelda is 3LT’s first dedicated L-Bracket. Designed, in cooperation with Nikon, to perfectly fit the shapely contours of the new Z 6 and Z 7 cameras, Zelda gives users full access to all ports and doors on the cameras. Super Strength. Zelda exquisite curves are hewn with precise accuracy from a single block of solid magnesium alloy, giving it a strength never previously found in anything outside Thor’s hammer. Sharp Styling. Anodised in stunning Copper or Metallic Slate Grey, Zelda features perfectly-aligned cut-outs that give users easy access to the tilting screen and lens release buttons on the Z Series cameras. Easy as FTZ... Because Zelda was designed in collaboration with Nikon, the dedicated accessories are 100% compatible. Both the FTZ and WR-R10 can be installed and removed without the need to remove the Bracket. Horizontal Aspect Length: 106 mm. Horizontal Aspect Width: 38 mm. Vertical Aspect Height: 85 mm. Vertical Aspect Width: 38 mm. Weight: 67 g. Compatibility – Standard Arca-Swiss.
Velbon EX 630 F Aluminum TripodToote kirjeldus inglise keeles:The Velbon EX-630/F Aluminum Tripod With 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head is a 3.7 lb aluminum camera support with a permanently mounted three-way pan and tilt head. It can reach a maximum height of 66.1" with the geared center column fully extended, and it has a minimum working height of 24.2". This portable tripod folds down to 24.2". The EX-630/F will support a maximum of 11 lb. The camera plate turns 90° to the right for shooting in portrait mode. A QB-46 quick-release plate is included. The diameter of the tripod legs is 1.02" (26mm). A carrying case for storage and transport is included.
58.42 cm, Tripod, Lateral Tilt -90° to +60°. Vertical Tilt 0° to +90°, 156.2 cm, 3.49 kg, Pistol Grip Head, Number of legs 3, Leg sections 3, 360 °, 55.4 cm
Gitzo Mini Traveler on spetsiaalselt loodud profifotograafidele ja edasijõudnud harrastajatele, kelle varustusse kuuluvad hübriidkaamerad või peegelkaamerad koos lühikeste objektiividega. Mini Traveler on nagu nimigi viitab – ministatiiv –, mis pakub minimaalse kaalu juures stabiilset tuge. Tänu tipptasemel süsinikust eXact jalgadele ja alumiiniumist statiivipeale, kaalub Mini Traveler vaid 265 grammi (ainult jalad 117 g). See on jalaotsast "pealaeni" konstrueeritud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, luues kombinatsiooni, mida saad usaldada. Statiiv koosneb eraldatavatest jalgadest ja alumiiniumist statiivipeast, mis kannab kuni 3 kg suurust raskust. Ilma statiivipeata võib Mini Traveler jalgadele asetada lausa 25 kg suuruse raskuse. Mini Traveler on varustatud uhiuue (patendiootel) Pull&Fix jalanurga seadistusmehhanismiga, mis võimaldab statiivijalad asetada kahe nurga alla. Statiivijalgadel on ka kummist otsakud, mis tagavad stabiilsuse ka libedamatel pindadel. Nagu iga Gitzo toode, on ka Mini Traveler loodud kerget kaalu, suurepärast koostekvaliteeti ja kasutajasõbralikkust silmas pidades.