
Manfrotto õlakott Noreg 30 Messenger (MB OL-M-30)
Tootekood: MB OL-M-30 GTIN: 8024221687286 Kaamerate kotid
Manfrotto Noreg 30 modulaarne süsteem on ideaalne kõigiks fotoseiklusteks. Messengerilt saab eemaldada sülearvutitasku ja kaamerasisu, mida saab kasutada iseseisva õlakotina. Kaamerasisu mahutab mugavalt täiskaader hübriidkaamera koos suumobjektiiviga ning kuni 2 lisaobjektiivi (või ühe 70-200mm suumi) või hoopis DJI Mavic Pro droonikomplekti. Samuti on seljakotilt eemaldatav sülearvutitasku, kuhu mahub 15-tolline sülearvuti ja 9,7-tolline tahvelarvuti. Kasuta kogu süsteemi koos, et pakkida fotovarustus, sülearvuti ja isiklikud esemed ühte õlakotti või kasuta neid eraldi. Koti ette saab mugavalt kinnitada ka statiivi. Noreg 30 kamodisain sobib ideaalselt linnadžunglisse sulandumiseks ning selle vetthülgav pealispind ja vihmakaitse tõttab appi, kui ilm veab alt.
191,14 €
Manfrotto seljakott Advanced 2 Fast M (MB MA2-BP-FM)
Tootekood: MB MA2-BP-FM GTIN: 8024221693119 Kaamerate kotid
Manfrotto Advanced 2 Fast on multifunktsionaalne kaamerakott, mis Sind ühelgi seiklusel hätta ei jäta. See mahutab nii kaameravarustuse, isiklikud esemed kui ka sülearvuti. Vastamaks Sinu eelistustele on Advanced 2 Fast väga mitmekülgne: kaks küljeavaust kiireks ligipääsuks kaamerale, pealmine avaus saamaks kätte isiklikud esemed või teise kaamerakere ning täissuuruses avaus esiküljel kogu kaameravarustuse organiserimiseks. Advanced 2 Fast mahutab peegelkaamera või täiskaader hübriidkaamera koos 4–5 lisaobjektiiviga, DJI Mavic seeria drooni või valgusti. Varustuse mugavaks paigutamiseks on kotil kohandatavad vaheseinad. Kott jaotub kaheks nii, et koti alumine osa hoiustab kaameravarustust ning ülemises osas saab hoida oma isiklikke esemeid. Fotovarustusele pääseb hõlpsalt ligi nii koti eest kui külgedelt. Lisaks on kotil ka eraldi sülearvutisahtel 15-tollisele seadmele ning välisküljel statiivikinnitus. Koti välispind on kusjuures ka vett hülgav ning keerulisemateks ilmaoludeks on komplektis ka vihmakaitse.
159,99 €
Peak Design vutlar Travel Camera Cube Small (BCC-S-BK-1)
Tootekood: BCC-S-BK-1 GTIN: 818373020897 Kaamerate kotid
Eriti turvaline, aga ka lihtsasti ligipääsetav Travel Camera Cube teeb foto- video või droonivarustusega reisimise muretuks. See on disainitud Peak Design Travel kottidele ning võimaldavad varustust mugavalt ja turvaliselt kotis organiseerida. Pole vahet, kas Su varustusse kuulub kompaktne hübriidkaamera või täisprofessionaalne komplekt – Camera Cube hoolitseb väärtusliku varustuse eest. Tänu FlexFold vaheseintele, saab vutlari sisu kiirelt just Sinu varustusele sobivaks kohandada. Keskmine Camera Cube mahutab 6 L – see on nt kaamerakere, üks suumobjektiiv ja üks fiksobjektiiv. Lisataskud filtritele, objektiivikorkidele ja muudele pisematele tarvikutele on vutlaril samuti olemas. Camera Cube on valmistatud veekindlast 400D nailonist.
106,40 €
Peak Design õlakott Everyday Tote 20L, charcoal (BT-20-BL-1)
Tootekood: BT-20-BL-1 GTIN: 855110003829 Kaamerate kotid
Peak Design Everyday Tote on klassikaline õlakott, mis on täielikult ümber disainitud, et Sinu fotovarustust ja igapäevatarbeid mugavalt kaasas kanda ning hõlpsalt organiseerida. Everyday Tote on valmistatud ilmastikukindlast 400D ning seesmiselt kaetud puuvillast tekstiili ning pehme vahtpolsterdusega. Kotile lisavad omapära nahksed detailid. Koti sees on eemaldatavad FlexFold vaheseinad, millega on lihtne kogu koti sisu organiseerida. Everyday Tote sobib hästi nii fotovarustuse, drooni, tööasjade, beebitarvete kui igapäevaks vajalike esemete kandmiseks. Lisaks on kotil ka eraldi sülearvutisahtel kuni 13-tollisele arvutile. Lihtsalt avatavad küljepaneelid võimaldavad kiiresti koti sisule ligi pääseda ilma, et peaksid koti õlalt äragi võtma. Pagasirihm, magnetilised kinnitused, väline statiivikinnitus ning mugavad sangad ja õlarihmad, mida saab sättida ka nii, et kotti on võimalik seljakotina kasutada, tagavad maksimaalse kasutusmugavuse. Kohandatavad FlexFold vaheseinad hõlpsaks organiseerimiseks Kinnitusrihmad, kuhu saab kinnitada statiivi, vihmavarju, joogamati või muid suuremaid esemeid Sülearvutitasku 13-tollisele arvutile Rohkelt taskuid pisemate tarvikute hoiustamiseks Sobib nii fotovarustusele kui droonile Mugavad küljeavad Magnetilised kinnitused Sobib lennuki käsipagasiks Õlarihmad saab sättida nii, et kotti saab seljal kanda Ilmastikukindlast materjalist
189,00 €
Canon EM-E2 black
Tootekood: 1661C001 GTIN: 4549292078596 Kaamerate kotid
Disainitud spetsiaalselt Canon EOS M5 hübriidkaamera jaoks, kuid sobib kandmiseks ka teiste Canon kaameratega. See kaamerarihm on paraja laiusega, et kaamera kaelas või õlal kandmine oleks võimalikult mugav. Valmistatud ehtsast ...
39,99 €
Canon Wide Strap B
Tootekood: 4771B001 GTIN: 4960999677859 Kaamerate kotid
Canon 4771B001AA. Toote värv: Must, Ühilduvad tooted: EF 300 / 400 mm f/2.8L IS II USM
46,90 €
Pacsafe Cashsafe Travel Belt Wallet Black
Pacsafe Cashsafe Travel Belt Wallet rahakott must
19,99 €
39,99 €
Cullmann Malaga Compact 300 grey Camera bag
Tootekood: 90225 GTIN: 4007134020962 Kaamerate kotid
1-3 tp
39,80 €
Manfrotto kohver Runner-50 (MB MN-R-RN-50)
Tootekood: MB MN-R-RN-50 GTIN: 8024221693058 Kaamerate kotid
Manfrotto Manhattan Runner-50 ratastega kott on truu kaaslane fotograafidele, kes on alatasa liikvel. Sagedasi reisijaid silmas pidades sobib Manhattan Runner-50 suurepäraselt käsipagasiks. Sellel on kaks ratast, et saaks mugavalt vedada rasket varustust. Sellel on kergesti ligipääsetav esitasku 15" ekraaniga sülearvutile ja vahed aksessuaaridele. Ülevalt on võimalik pääseda ligi ka fotovarustuse taskule. Sellest kohvrist saab kiiresti teha kaks kotti: fotovarustuse taskut saab edukalt kasutada seljakotina ja Runner-50 saab samal ajal kasutada tavalise reisikohvrina. Kui Sul on vaja võtta oma fotovarustus endaga kaasa, eemalda lihtsalt sisemine tasku ja kasuta seda seljakotina tänu kahele mugavale õlarihmale. Selles äärmiselt funktsionaalses sisetaskus on kasutatud Manfrotto uuenduslikku turvasüsteemi. See ratastega kott mahutab Sinu peegelkaamera suure suumobjektiiviga, teise peegelkaamera kere ja kuni 4 objektiivi. Näiteks suudab see kott mahutada Sony a9 lisaobjektiividega ja DJI Mavic Pro 2. Koti peal on statiivi kinnitussüsteem, millega saad mugavalt kaasas kanda oma kolmjalga, rula või kasvõi jakki. Kott on tehtud väga kvaliteetsetest, hoolega valitud materjalidest: kõrgekvaliteediline ballistiline riie kaitseb Sinu kotti kriimude eest ja pinnatud materjal koti allosas võimaldab seda lihtsasti puhastada. Koti väline riie on veekindel ja sellega on kaasas eraldi vihmakaitse kehvadeks ilmastikutingimusteks.
611,99 €
Fujifilm Instax Mini 11 kott, blush pink
Tootekood: 70100146236 GTIN: 8720094750460 Kaamerate kotid
Fujifilm 1012734. Karbi tüüp: Kompaktne kaitseümbris, Brändiühilduvus: Fujifilm, Ühilduvus: Instax Mini 11, Õlarihm, Toote värv: Roosa
71,81 €
Hama Valletta 110 Camera bag black (185073)
Tootekood: 00185073 GTIN: 4047443428042 Kaamerate kotid
Hama kott Valletta 110 kaamera bag must
52,52 €
Hama Valletta 100 Camera bag black (185072)
Tootekood: 00185072 GTIN: 4047443428035 Kaamerate kotid
Hama kott Valletta 100 kaamera bag must
50,68 €
Hama Valletta 140 Camera bag black (185075)
Tootekood: 00185075 GTIN: 4047443428141 Kaamerate kotid
Hama kott Valletta 140 kaamera bag must
73,69 €
Hama Valletta 90 Camera bag black (185071)
Tootekood: 00185071 GTIN: 4047443428028 Kaamerate kotid
Hama kott Valletta 90 kaamera bag must
44,54 €
Hama Valletta 90P Camera bag black (185070)
Tootekood: 00185070 GTIN: 4047443428004 Kaamerate kotid
Hama kott Valletta 90P kaamera bag must
54,88 €
Hama Valletta 60L Camera bag black (185069)
Tootekood: 00185069 GTIN: 4047443427984 Kaamerate kotid
Hama kott Valletta 60L kaamera bag must
41,03 €
Hama Valletta 60G Camera bag black (185068)
Tootekood: 00185068 GTIN: 4047443427823 Kaamerate kotid
Hama kott Valletta 60G kaamera bag must
42,69 €
Manfrotto seljakott Chicago 30
Tootekood: MB CH-BP-30 GTIN: 8024221693072 Kaamerate kotid
Mitmekülgne ja mugav seljakott fotovarustusele; Mahutab hübriidkaamera koos kolme objektiiviga; Sülearvutitasku kuni 14-tollisele seadmele; Eemaldatav vutlar fotovarustusele; Vetthülgav pealispind koos vihmakaitsega
189,99 €
ThinkTank Think Tank THIN SKIN BELT™ V3.0
Tootekood: 700-037 GTIN: 874530000379 Kaamerate kotid
Lightweight webbing waist belt for the Modular Component System. Lightweight webbing belt is great for travel – folds into a compact size. Adjustable buckle stops prevent belt from loosening yet is easy to resize Part of Think Tank’s Modular Component System (components sold separately). Small–Medium–Large Size: 68–106 cm based on actual waist measurement over clothing. Weight: 0.17 kg.
35,00 €
ThinkTank Think Tank NAKED SHAPE SHIFTER® 17 V2.0
Tootekood: 720473 GTIN: 874530004735 Kaamerate kotid
Think Tank NAKED SHAPE SHIFTER® 17 V2.0 - võimaldab kohandada kandelahendusi vastavalt sinu soovile, kinnitades seljakoti siseküljele nahast taskud või objektiivi vahetustaskud. Naked Shape Shifter innovatiivne lahendus muudab selle professionaalsetele fotograafidele üheks paindlikumaks kandelahenduseks. Reisil olles või mitte, seljakotti saab muuta suuremaks või väiksemaks, just sellepärst et see sobiks sinu vajadustega. Shape Shifteri seerial on ka spetsiaalsed tahvelarvutite ja nutitelefonide taskud, rullkäepide ja eemaldatav veepudeli kott. PÕHIOMADUSED: Koti saab kokku presside 3 tolli võrra, kui fototehnika on välja võetud Kinnita Skin Pouches või Lens Changer seljakoti kohandatud modulaarse lahendusele Mahutab täisvarustuse fototarvikuid, statiivi, 17 ”sülearvutit ja täissuuruses tahvelarvutit
229,00 €
Golla "Popcorn" must (G988)
Tootekood: G988 GTIN: 6419334095110 Kaamerate kotid
Digikaamera kott
7,30 €
DJI Bag "Plus" Mini 2 (Mavic Mini 2) black / yellow (CP.MA.00000295.01)
Tootekood: CP.MA.00000295.01 GTIN: 6941565901347 Kaamerate kotid
Spetsiaalselt DJI Mavic Mini ja Mini 2 droonidele ja selle tarvikute mahutamiseks disainitud õlakott. Multifunktsionaalne kott annab sulle vabaduse oma droon kõikjale kaasa võtta ning seda seejuures ka turvaliselt.
34,00 €
Gomatic Vacuum Bag XL
Tootekood: 116623 GTIN: 850019169607 Kaamerate kotid
The Vacuum Bag 2.0 is an updated version of our original vacuum bag. With 2 sizes that are designed to fit perfectly in all of our travel bags and packs. The durable, water resistant materials are new and improved, delivering a better experience. We´ve added a compression zipper, upgraded vent, and longer straps so you can get even more compression. •NO VACUUM NEEDED •PRESS & SEAL OPENING •WATER RESISTANT •WELDED SEAMS
49,00 €
Gomatic Peter McKinnon Memory Card Case
Tootekood: PMMC00G-BLK01 GTIN: 850019169775 Kaamerate kotid
Peter McKinnon Memory Card case is small enough to carry easily in a pocket. The Memory Card Case from Gomatic keeps those all-important memory cards safe and organized. It can hold up to six SD cards or two C-Fast cards. No snap or zipper to fuss with—the Memory Card Case pops open and snaps closed easily with magnetic closure. In the Box: Gomatic McKinnon Memory Card Case Limited Lifetime Warranty
29,00 €
Godox CB-17 Bag for AD1200
Tootekood: CB17 GTIN: 6952344219461 Kaamerate kotid
Godox CB-17 roller case that allows you to carry the entire AD1200Pro kit. The Carrying Bag for AD1200 Pro Battery Powered Flash System from Godox is designed transport and store the AD1200 Pro Battery Powered Flash System set. The compact 55x37x30cm dimensions may be suitable for packing in some airplane overhead storage bins. The case can contain one AD1200 Pro flash head, one battery-powered base, and the related accessories. It features a folding handle and casters for easy transport, plus two exterior zippered pockets, and a pair of exterior straps for attaching a light stand or tripod.
100,00 €
68,60 €
Gomatic Peter McKinnon Accessory Hip Belt/waist straps
Tootekood: 116653 GTIN: 850019169829 Kaamerate kotid
The Gomatic McKinnon Accessory Hip Belt is an essential accessory if you´re planning on taking the trail less traveled or climbing over rough and rocky terrain with the trail far behind you. Designed to fit their 35L McKinnon camera pack, the belt feeds into a pass through on the back panel and provides stability during strenuous activity by eliminating sway and keeping the bag securely against your body. It has an adjustable length to accommodate a wide variety of users or if you wear it over bulky clothes. The back is padded for comfort and the belt has a simple quick release buckle. Key Features Essential Accessory for Trail Hiking Quick Release Buckle Padded for Comfort Adjustable Length In the Box Gomatic McKinnon Accessory Hip Belt Limited Lifetime Warranty
31,00 €
Access Boundary Prima System (Stone Grey)
Tootekood: SQ5541612 GTIN: 860005838516 Kaamerate kotid
The Prima System´s adaptable storage and modular components make life more comfortable by providing a simple carry solution for your personal, photo, and tech gear. The Prima System´s adaptable storage and modular components make life more comfortable by providing a simple carry solution for your personal, photo, and tech gear. The modular backpack has a large 30 L volume, padded laptop sleeve, and an assortment of pockets to organize gear of all sizes. The included camera case and laptop sleeve can be used individually or with the Prima to expand storage and function when you need it most. Prima Features: Padded main sleeve safely stores up to a 17" laptop. Magnetic auto-locking buckles effortlessly close the Prima System for greater security. Included magnetic keychain docks inside the top pocket providing quick access to MetroCard or bike key. Hidden RFID safehouse pocket fits passport and wallet for safe travel. LFT™ foam harness keeps you cool and provides all-day comfort. An expandable side pocket holds a 32 oz. water bottle. A quick access top pocket is lined with soft Nywool™ to store sunglasses or phone safely. A full-length front zipper allows quick access to the entire main compartment. The large main compartment offers ample storage space with easy access, full-length front zipper design. Luggage pass-through for easy traveling. Padded top grab handle and side handle provide easy carry. LFT™ foam shoulder straps are adjustable for a personalized, comfortable feel. External pockets offer easily accessible storage. YKK® StormGuard zippers seal the top pocket and access points Verge Case Features Securely store camera equipment in the main compartment then convert to a shoulder bag or waist pack for day trips. Dual stretch-mesh pockets for memory cards. Top zipper pocket stores small essentials. Expansion zipper increases storage capacity from 4–8 L. Lash straps for attaching items. Padded side walls and Nywool™ lining provide protection. Included Verge Camera Divider for a custom fit. Fieldspace Features Nywool™ lining and magnetic closure protect up to a 13” laptop. Dual-stretch mesh pockets store a mouse, charger, and phone. Document sleeve keeps a magazine or papers crisp. Dual pen slots for tablet stylus and a writing tool. Removable sleeve magnetically docks inside the Prima.
265,00 €
Access Boundary Prima System (Mojave Tan)
Tootekood: SQ6323549 GTIN: 860005838523 Kaamerate kotid
The Prima System´s adaptable storage and modular components make life more comfortable by providing a simple carry solution for your personal, photo, and tech gear. The Prima System´s adaptable storage and modular components make life more comfortable by providing a simple carry solution for your personal, photo, and tech gear. The modular backpack has a large 30 L volume, padded laptop sleeve, and an assortment of pockets to organize gear of all sizes. The included camera case and laptop sleeve can be used individually or with the Prima to expand storage and function when you need it most. Prima Features: Padded main sleeve safely stores up to a 17" laptop. Magnetic auto-locking buckles effortlessly close the Prima System for greater security. Included magnetic keychain docks inside the top pocket providing quick access to MetroCard or bike key. Hidden RFID safehouse pocket fits passport and wallet for safe travel. LFT™ foam harness keeps you cool and provides all-day comfort. An expandable side pocket holds a 32 oz. water bottle. A quick access top pocket is lined with soft Nywool™ to store sunglasses or phone safely. A full-length front zipper allows quick access to the entire main compartment. The large main compartment offers ample storage space with easy access, full-length front zipper design. Luggage pass-through for easy traveling. Padded top grab handle and side handle provide easy carry. LFT™ foam shoulder straps are adjustable for a personalized, comfortable feel. External pockets offer easily accessible storage. YKK® StormGuard zippers seal the top pocket and access points Verge Case Features Securely store camera equipment in the main compartment then convert to a shoulder bag or waist pack for day trips. Dual stretch-mesh pockets for memory cards. Top zipper pocket stores small essentials. Expansion zipper increases storage capacity from 4–8 L. Lash straps for attaching items. Padded side walls and Nywool™ lining provide protection. Included Verge Camera Divider for a custom fit. Fieldspace Features Nywool™ lining and magnetic closure protect up to a 13” laptop. Dual-stretch mesh pockets store a mouse, charger, and phone. Document sleeve keeps a magazine or papers crisp. Dual pen slots for tablet stylus and a writing tool. Removable sleeve magnetically docks inside the Prima.
265,00 €
Pacsafe Camsafe X17L Seljakott ECONYL ® ocean
Tootekood: 15801641 GTIN: 688334060336 Kaamerate kotid
Pacsafe kott Camsafe X17L seljakott Backpack ECONYL® ocean
69,00 €
1,00 €
BIG päästikukaabel Nikon (443143)
Tootekood: 443143 GTIN: 4501914431431 Kaamerate kotid
Sobib järgnevatele Nikoni kaameratele: D90 D3100 D3200 D5000 D5100 D5200 D7000 D7100 D600 Coolpix A Coolpix P7700
9,99 €
BIG päästikukaabel Canon Profi (443142)
Tootekood: 443142 GTIN: 4501914431424 Kaamerate kotid
Sobib järgnevatele kaameratele: EOS 5D EOS 5D Mark II EOS 5D Mark III EOS 5D Mark IV EOS 6D Mark II EOS 6D EOS 7D EOS 7D Mark II EOS-1D X EOS-1D X Mark II EOS 1DC EOS 1DS EOS 1DS Mark II EOS 1DS Mark III EOS 1D EOS 1D Mark II EOS 1D Mark III EOS 1D Mark IV EOS 10D EOS 20D EOS 20Da EOS 30D EOS 40D EOS 50D EOS D30 EOS D60 EOS D2000 EOS 1v EOS 1vHS EOS 3 Kodak DSC-520 Kodak DSC-530
9,99 €
Polaroid kott Now kott, valge/roheline
Tootekood: 6103 GTIN: 9120096772023 Kaamerate kotid
Haara oma Polaroid Now kiirpildikaamera kõikjale kaasa. See pehme fliisist sisemusega kott kaitseb kaamerat ning teeb selle kandmise mugavaks nii lühematel kui pikematel rännakutel. Kaamerakott Polaroid Now kiirpildikaamerale Vastupidav polüestrist disain pehme fliisist sisemusega Reguleeritav rihm: 28–143 cm Magnetiline kinnitus
50,99 €
Saramonic mikrofon UwMic9S Kit 2 TX + TX + RX
Tootekood: UWMIC9S KIT2 GTIN: 6971008027372 Kaamerate kotid
Juhtmevaba mikrofonisüsteem Saramonic UwMic9s juhtmevaba mikrofonisüsteem pakub esmaklassilist juhtmevaba helilahendust filmitegijatele, vlogijatele, mobiilsetele ajakirjanikele ja sisuloojatele. See on hõlpsasti kasutatav, kvaliteetne ja paindlik UHF-süsteem. Väline sisend võimaldab vastuvõtja ühendada täiendava heli või muusika jäädvustamiseks mikrofoni või teiste seadmetega. Süsteem saab toidet USB-C-porti kaudu, võimaldades sellel töötada mitu tundi USB-C 5V akupangal. RX9S kaasaskantav vastuvõtja Saramonic UwMic9s RX on kaamerasse paigaldatav kahekanaliline UHF juhtmeta vastuvõtja. Sellel on lai RF-ribalaius, suure kontrastsusega OLED-ekraan, infrapuna ja sünkroniseerimine saatja ja vastuvõtja vahel. Parema vastuvõtu tagamiseks saab kahte eemaldatavat antenni 360° pöörata. Vastuvõtja väljundit saab vahetada mono- ja stereorežiimi vahel. TX9S saatja Saramonic UwMic9S-TX9S on monteeritav kerega saatja. Sellel on hõlpsasti loetav OLED-ekraan, eemaldatav antenn ja sisseehitatud laetav aku. Liinisisendi ja mikrofoni sisendpistikuga saab see heli vastu võtta kaasasolevast 3,5mm lukustusmikrofonist või teistest seadmetest. Lühike toitenupu vajutus vaigistab mikrofoni võtete vahel. Lukustusfunktsioon takistab saatja tahtmatut summutamist või väljalülitamist. UHF juhtmevaba mikrofonikomplekt Lihtne kasutada ja üles seada Tugev metallist konstruktsioon Ergas ja kõrge kontrastsusega OLED ekraan Komplektis veekindel hoiustamiskohver
582,70 €
SMALLRIG kaamerapuur Sony a7R III/a7 III (2087)
Tootekood: 2087B GTIN: 6972070625305 Kaamerate kotid
Disainitud spetsiaalselt Sony a7 III ja a7R III hübriidkaamerate jaoks. SmallRig kaamerapuur pakub palju täiendavaid kinnitusvõimalusi. Puuri ülemiselt plaadilt leiab lisa välgukinga kuhu on võimalik kinnitada mikrofone, valgusteid, monitore ja palju muud. Lisaks on ülaosas Arri süsteemiga sobivad kinnituspunktid. Kuna SmallRig kaamerapuur on disainitud spetsiaalselt Sony kaameratele ei blokeeri see ühtegi vajaliku ühenduspesa.
103,26 €
Sony pildiotsija kummiserv FDA-EP19
Tootekood: FDAEP19.SYH GTIN: 4548736120549 Kaamerate kotid
Kummiserv varjab pildiotsijasse küljelt siseneva valguse ning pakub ka pehmendust.
16,99 €
Gomatic Peter McKinnon Everyday Divider Kit
Tootekood: PMDIVKG-BLK01 GTIN: 850029149651 Kaamerate kotid
**Create the perfect set up for you. ** This divider set is a perfect addition to your McKinnon 25L camera bag. Organize, protect and customize your camera, lenses, drone, action cams and any other gear. The Dividers are hinged in the middle to give you more options for customization. If you want to set up your Camera Bag 25L without the Cubes, this Divider Set is perfect. Features Customizable dividers and Intentional Organization 2 Large (Left and a right), 2 medium (5”) and 3 Small (3”) Dividers included Hook & loop attachment points Materials: Compression molded EVA foam with laminated Velex on both sides.
49,00 €
Gomatic Peter McKinnon Everyday Small Cube
Tootekood: PMCBSMG-BLK01 GTIN: 850029149675 Kaamerate kotid
The Small Cube is a perfect addition to your McKinnon 25L Camera Bag. Customize your Cube layout to organize and protect all your gear. **Customize and Organize. ** The Small Cube is a perfect addition to your McKinnon 25L Camera Bag. Customize your Cube layout to organize and protect all your gear. From camera, lenses, drone, action cams and any other gear, you can create a place for anything. **Create the perfect set up for you. ** Setting up your Camera Bag 25L with 2 small cubes gives you the most flexibility. The Cubes are compression molded EVA foam. This is meant to give you the most padding with the least bulk. The hook-and-loop compatible Velex liner fabric is super durable, so no need to worry about adjusting your dividers for the long-term. The Small Cube comes with 2 medium (5”) and 1 Small (3”) Dividers. The Dividers are hinged in the middle to give you more options for customization Features Customizable dividers and Intentional Organization 2 medium (5”) and 1 Small (3”) Dividers included Hook & loop attachment points (instead of velcro) Materials: Compression molded EVA foam, laminated Spandura on the exterior and Velex on the interior.
55,00 €
Gomatic Peter McKinnon Everyday Large Cube
Tootekood: 117638 GTIN: 850029149699 Kaamerate kotid
The Large Cube is a perfect addition to your McKinnon 25L Camera Bag. Customize your Cube layout to organize and protect all your gear. From camera, lenses, drone, action cams and any other gear, you can create a place for anything. **Customize and Organize. ** The Large Cube is a perfect addition to your McKinnon 25L Camera Bag. Customize your Cube layout to organize and protect all your gear. From camera, lenses, drone, action cams and any other gear, you can create a place for anything. Create the perfect set up for you. The Cubes are compression molded EVA foam. This is meant to give you the most padding with the least bulk. The hook-and-loop compatible Velex liner fabric is super durable, so no need to worry about adjusting your dividers for the long-term. The Large Cube comes with 2 Large (Left and a right) and 4 Small (3”) Dividers. The Dividers are hinged in the middle to give you more options for customization Features Customizable dividers and Intentional Organization 2 Large (Left and a right) and 4 Small (3”) Dividers included Hook-and-loop attachment points Materials: Compression molded EVA foam, laminated Spandura on the exterior and Velex on the interior
99,00 €
Gomatic Peter McKinnon Accessory Straps (Set of 2)
Tootekood: 116650 GTIN: 850019169799 Kaamerate kotid
These Gomatic McKinnon Accessory Straps attach to the sides of their McKinnon backpack and allow you to lash tripods, trekking poles, lightweight rain jackets, and other accessories to the exterior of the pack. Simple hardware lets you quickly and easily add the straps to your pack, and the straps are small enough to stow inside the pack when you don´t need them without taking up a lot of space. Key Features: For the McKinnon Camera Backpack Lash Larger Gear to Outside of Pack Fast Attachment In the Box: Gomatic McKinnon Accessory Straps (Set of 2)
25,00 €
Gomatic Navigator 37L Wheeled Expandable Carry-On Bag
Tootekood: 116655 GTIN: 850019169843 Kaamerate kotid
Sleek and stylish with a minimalist feel, this Gomatic Navigator 37L Wheeled Expandable Carry-On Bag is designed to carry your essential clothing and tech gear for a five-day trip. It has a 7L expansion sleeve and compression strap so you can pack more in less space. It also features an RFID-safe pocket and laptop compartment so you can bring everything you need on your next adventure. Key Features: Designed for Trips up to 5 Days Expandable to 44L for Extra Room External Tech Pocket Holds a 17" Laptop Protective ABS Honeycomb Internal Panel Water-Resistant Polycarbonate Shell Water-Resistant Lockable YKK Zippers Internal Pockets and Compression Strap RFID-Safe Pocket Protects Credit Cards Extendable Handle with Dual Wheels Four Grab Handles What It Carries Designed for trips up to 5 days 37L volume, expandable to 44L if you need extra room Integrated compression X-strap keeps clothing and gear in place in the main compartment Quick-access pocket allows you to grab essentials like your phone, wallet, and boarding pass Internal mesh slip and zippered pockets offer organization when you pack 16.5" x 12.5" front compartment holds a 17" laptop with slip pockets for accessories like cords, cables, and external drives RFID-safe pocket helps guard against electronic skimmers & scanners How It´s Made? Durable and water-resistant Makrolon polycarbonate exterior shell Tamper- and water-resistant lockable YKK zippers offer enhanced security Protective ABS honeycomb interior panel High-impact ABS skid protects the bottom from wear Bottom rest prevents the bag from tipping or falling over when standing Weighs under 8 pounds empty ID card slot How You Carry It? Four grab handles arrayed around the bag Three-stage aluminum tow handle accommodates users of all sizes Two low-profile wheels
463,90 €
Cullmann kaamerakott RIO Fit 100 Love Instax Mini 8/9, hall/roosa
Tootekood: CUL-98850 Kaamerate kotid
Cullmann kott RIO Fit 100 Love, Case for Instax Mini 8/9, hall/roosa; Sobivus: Fujifilm polaroid kaameratele Instax Mini 8 ja Mini 9.
15,25 €
Cullmann kaamerakott RIO Fit 110 Instax Mini 11 Llama
Tootekood: CUL-98866 Kaamerate kotid
Täiuslikult sobiv Fujifilm instax mini 11 jaoks; Lisatasku tagaküljel lisatarvikute jaoks; Eemaldatav kanderihm tänu praktilistele metallist karabiinidele; Vastupidav ja veekindel välismaterjal sünteetilisest nahast; Pehme ...
12,25 €
Cullmann kaamerakott RIO Fit 110 Instax Mini 11 valge
Tootekood: CUL-98861 Kaamerate kotid
Täiuslikult sobiv Fujifilm instax mini 11 jaoks; Lisatasku tagaküljel lisatarvikute jaoks; Eemaldatav kanderihm tänu praktilistele metallist karabiinidele; Vastupidav ja veekindel välismaterjal sünteetilisest nahast; Pehme ...
12,25 €
Fujifilm kott Instax Mini Link Printer Case Clay valge
Tootekood: 70100154005 GTIN: 8720094751528 Kaamerate kotid
Fujifilm kott Instax Mini Link Printer Case Clay valge
18,09 €
Gomatic Peter McKinnon Rain Cover for Camera Pack--Travel
Tootekood: 116649 GTIN: 850019169782 Kaamerate kotid
Gomatic designed this Rain cover to perfectly fit their McKinnon 35L Camera Pack and offer you additional protection if you´re out and about and the weather turns nasty. Made of durable and highly water-resistant nylon, the fly fits over the pack for a snug fit. Since the material is light and thin, it will pack down for easy storage. An added benefit of using the fly is it provides extra security for your gear in crowds where pickpockets are active and keeps them out of your bag´s exterior compartments.
36,00 €
ThinkTank Think Tank Essentials Convertible Rolling Backpack Black
Tootekood: 153730511 GTIN: 874530005114 Kaamerate kotid
The Essentials Convertible rolling backpack goes where other rollers can’t. Roll smoothly through the airport then deploy the backpack straps to carry over rough terrain. Sized to meet most airline carry-on requirements*, the Essentials fits two DSLR or Mirrorless bodies, a mounted 70–200mm, multiple lenses, and a 16-inch laptop. And because it’s from Think Tank, the bag will roll long into the future. KEY FEATURES: eployable backpack straps allow you to carry the roller on your back when the terrain gets rough Specially designed interior to maximize camera gear for carry-on, meeting most U.S. and International airline carry-on requirements Dedicated laptop compartment fits up to a 16-inch laptop Additional Features Fits two DSLR or Mirrorless camera bodies with lenses attached including a 70–200mm f/2.8 Deep front pocket with organizer for personal gear YKK RC Fuse lockable zipper sliders with security cable and lock included Light, comfortable and contoured harness system with adjustable sternum strap Tripod/monopod mounting system included Reinforced telescoping handle with rubberized touch points Custom-designed, high-performance, 80mm wheels with sealed ABEC grade 5 bearings for quiet rolling Robust handles on three sides Water bottle pocket Adjustable dividers allow a customized fit for your DSLR or Mirrorless gear Hypalon reinforced rear panel for increased durability User-replaceable retractable handle, wheels, wheel housings, and feet extend product life Seam-sealed rain cover included What Fits Holds two standard-size DSLR bodies and 4–6 pro lenses Mirrorless System 16” laptop 70–200mm f/2.8 attached 24–70mm f/2.8 100mm or 105mm f/2.8 macro 50mm f/1.4 Flash Example: Sony A7rIII with 70–200mm f/2.8 attached (hood extended), 16–35mm f/4, 24–70mm f/2.8 and a flash Specifications Internal Dimensions: 31 x 42 x 11–15 cm Exterior Dimensions: 32 x 48.3 x 21 cm Laptop Pocket: 25.5 x 36.5 x 2.5 cm (Dedicated laptop compartment fits up to a 16-inch laptop) Weight: 3.3 kg Materials Exterior: Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane coating 600D Poly YKK® RC Fuse (abrasion-resistant) zippers High performance 80mm wheels with sealed bearings Rubberized laminate reinforcement Nylon webbing 3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: 210D silver-toned nylon Polyurethane backed velex liner and dividers 2x polyurethane coated nylon 210T seam-sealed rain cover Closed cell foam and PE board reinforced dividers Clear mesh pockets 3-ply bonded nylon thread
299,00 €
ThinkTank Think Tank Retrospective 30 V2.0 Black
Tootekood: 153710769 GTIN: 874530007699 Kaamerate kotid
Think Tank Photo Retrospective 20 V2.0 Shoulder Messenger Bag - Black Fits gripped DSLR, 10” tablet, 12” laptop, 70–200mm f/2.8 attached OR 300mm f/2.8 unattached, 24–70mm f/2.8 and flash. Example: Nikon D5 with 70–200mm f/2.8 attached, 14–24mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.8, SB-5000 AFSpeedlight Soft and form-fitting with minimalist outer appearance Zippered opening to main compartment tucks-away when not in use Dedicated pockets fit a 10" tablet and a 12" laptop Exterior Dimensions: 33 x 31.7 x 17.8 cm, Internal Dimensions: 30.5 x 29.8 x 17 cm, Laptop Pocket (fits up to 12” laptop): 29 x 28 x 2.5 cm, Weight: 1.3 kg with all accessories
189,00 €