The fast party camera with a flash. The built-in flash makes this single use camera a real all-rounder. Just press the button and put ahappy group of people in the picture. The flash has a range of 4 metresand illuminates the scene evenly. And it recharges automatically, sothat you are ready for the next snapshot straight away. LeBox Flash,photo fun with a flash: for indoors and outdoors with a flash range ofup to 4 metres. Light Sensivity (ISO) 400 Number of Exposures 27 Waterproof No
Kõik tundliku filmi eelised, samas peene teragaIdeaalne kasutamiseks teleobjektiividega, spordi ning hämaras pildistamiseksTerav, hästi tasakaalustatud värvikülluse ja peene teraga värvinegatiiv. Ideaalne teleobjektiivide kasutamiseks ja liikumise jäädvustamiseks hämaras.
This half-frame form Kodak camera features a built-in flash, a lightweight body, and comes in six stylish colors, making it the perfect camera for travel or any social occasion. The new, improved H35N camera come with several exiting features such a built-in star filter, a bulb shutter, tripod hole and a partial glass lens with coating. Half frame means that each exposure is half the size of a standard frame, resulting in a smaller image size which means on a 36 roll you get 72 images, and 48 images on a 24 roll. When you look thru the viewfinder you see a vertical image instead of a horizontal as you normally do. On the new camera Kodak has improved the optic lens and one element of acrylic lens elements is replaced with a glass lens that helps to improve the sharpness of the image. The camera also come with a built-in star filter that create a four-beam flare on light spots. Equipped with a bulb shutter and cable release, the H35N enables precise control over exposure duration, allowing the capture of motion trails and easier to use in low-light conditions. Additionally, a tripod socket has been incorporated at the camera´s base. The camera is availible in six stylish looks; striped black, striped silver, striped green, glazed blue, glazed orangeand glazed pink Key specifications: Improved optics Built-in star filter Bulb function Refined viewfinder and rewind knob Tripod Available in six stylish looks Flash
Keskmise tundlikkusega - ISO 200Laiendatud punase tundlikkusParemad tulemused SFX filtritegaSFX 200 on keskmise tundlikkusega mustvalge film loominguliseks fotograafiaks. Sel on laiendatud punase tundlikkus, mistõttu sobib suurepäraselt kasutamiseks koos värvifiltritega. Näiteks kasutades sügavpunast filtrit saavutatakse taevas, mis näeb välja pea süsimust ning taimestik hoopis peaaegu valge. Selle filmi ebaharilik tonaalne ülekanne annab huvitavad tulemused nii portree-, arhitektuuri- kuid ka maastikufotograafias.
The new PORTRA 400 is the world’s finest grain high-speed color negative film. At true ISO 400 speed, this film delivers spectacular skin tones plus exceptional color saturation over a wide range of lighting conditions.For years, professional photographers have preferred KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Films because of their consistently smooth, natural reproduction of the full range of skin tones. In that same tradition, the new PORTRA 400 Film is the ideal choice for portrait and fashion photography, as well as for nature, travel and outdoor photography, where the action is fast or the lighting can’t be controlled.ISO-tundlikkus400
This half-frame form Kodak camera features a built-in flash, a lightweight body, and comes in six stylish colors, making it the perfect camera for travel or any social occasion. The new, improved H35N camera come with several exiting features such a built-in star filter, a bulb shutter, tripod hole and a partial glass lens with coating. Half frame means that each exposure is half the size of a standard frame, resulting in a smaller image size which means on a 36 roll you get 72 images, and 48 images on a 24 roll. When you look thru the viewfinder you see a vertical image instead of a horizontal as you normally do. On the new camera Kodak has improved the optic lens and one element of acrylic lens elements is replaced with a glass lens that helps to improve the sharpness of the image. The camera also come with a built-in star filter that create a four-beam flare on light spots. Equipped with a bulb shutter and cable release, the H35N enables precise control over exposure duration, allowing the capture of motion trails and easier to use in low-light conditions. Additionally, a tripod socket has been incorporated at the camera´s base. The camera is availible in six stylish looks; striped black, striped silver, striped green, glazed blue, glazed orangeand glazed pink Key specifications: Improved optics Built-in star filter Bulb function Refined viewfinder and rewind knob Tripod Available in six stylish looks Flash
Kodak Gold 200 135 36 Color Negative FilmToote kirjeldus inglise keeles:Kodak's GOLD 200 is a medium-speed daylight-balanced color negative film offering a versatile combination of vivid color saturation, fine grain, and high image sharpness. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24° along with a wide exposure latitude for exposing up to two stops under or three stops over to enable working in a wide variety of lighting conditions. Additionally, due to the fine grain structure, this film is well-suited for scanning or enlarging your photographs.This item is one 36-exposure roll of 35mm film.
KODAK Power Flash Einwegkamera Worry-free picture taking made easy! Get great pictures in outdoor or low-light situations. This automatic flash recharges, covering 4 to 14.5 feet (1.2 to 4.5 meters). Light Sensivity (ISO) 800 Number of Exposures 27 Waterproof No
Eriti kõrge tundlikkus - ISO 3200Perfektne nõrgas valguses pildistamiseks või spordifotograafiaksDelta 3200 on ülitundlik film, mis sobib ideaalselt öösel pildistamiseks, spordi-, sisearhitektuuri jms fotograafiaks, kus välgu kasutamine pole võimalik. Filmi tundlikkus on ilmutamisega muudetav vahemikus 400 - 6400 ISO.
Eriti kõrge tundlikkus - ISO 3200Perfektne nõrgas valguses pildistamiseks või spordifotograafiaksDelta 3200 on ülitundlik film, mis sobib ideaalselt öösel pildistamiseks, spordi-, sisearhitektuuri jms fotograafiaks, kus välgu kasutamine pole võimalik. Filmi tundlikkus on ilmutamisega muudetav vahemikus 400 - 6400 ISO.
This half-frame form Kodak camera features a built-in flash, a lightweight body, and comes in six stylish colors, making it the perfect camera for travel or any social occasion. The new, improved H35N camera come with several exiting features such a built-in star filter, a bulb shutter, tripod hole and a partial glass lens with coating. Half frame means that each exposure is half the size of a standard frame, resulting in a smaller image size which means on a 36 roll you get 72 images, and 48 images on a 24 roll. When you look thru the viewfinder you see a vertical image instead of a horizontal as you normally do. On the new camera Kodak has improved the optic lens and one element of acrylic lens elements is replaced with a glass lens that helps to improve the sharpness of the image. The camera also come with a built-in star filter that create a four-beam flare on light spots. Equipped with a bulb shutter and cable release, the H35N enables precise control over exposure duration, allowing the capture of motion trails and easier to use in low-light conditions. Additionally, a tripod socket has been incorporated at the camera´s base. The camera is availible in six stylish looks; striped black, striped silver, striped green, glazed blue, glazed orangeand glazed pink Key specifications: Improved optics Built-in star filter Bulb function Refined viewfinder and rewind knob Tripod Available in six stylish looks Flash
Ühekordse kaameraga on pildistamine imelihtne ning tänu kompaktsele disainile saab seda ka mugavalt kõikjale kaasa võtta. Tänu välgule saab pildistada ka hämaras, nii toas kui õues. 36 mustvalget kaadrit ISO 400 Välgu ulatus: 4 m
Kodak Sport Camera With advanced all-weather construction, this single-use camera from Kodak performs well in any outdoor activity, including camping, snorkeling and skiing. Features: Dimensions - 4.75 x 3.75 x 1.5 inches Rugged, shock-resistant camera is sealed in a waterproof plastic body, allowing you to snap breathtaking underwater shotsdown to 50 ft! Light Sensivity (ISO) 800 Number of Exposures 27 Waterproof 15 m
This half-frame form Kodak camera features a built-in flash, a lightweight body, and comes in six stylish colors, making it the perfect camera for travel or any social occasion. The new, improved H35N camera come with several exiting features such a built-in star filter, a bulb shutter, tripod hole and a partial glass lens with coating. Half frame means that each exposure is half the size of a standard frame, resulting in a smaller image size which means on a 36 roll you get 72 images, and 48 images on a 24 roll. When you look thru the viewfinder you see a vertical image instead of a horizontal as you normally do. On the new camera Kodak has improved the optic lens and one element of acrylic lens elements is replaced with a glass lens that helps to improve the sharpness of the image. The camera also come with a built-in star filter that create a four-beam flare on light spots. Equipped with a bulb shutter and cable release, the H35N enables precise control over exposure duration, allowing the capture of motion trails and easier to use in low-light conditions. Additionally, a tripod socket has been incorporated at the camera´s base. The camera is availible in six stylish looks; striped black, striped silver, striped green, glazed blue, glazed orangeand glazed pink Key specifications: Improved optics Built-in star filter Bulb function Refined viewfinder and rewind knob Tripod Available in six stylish looks Flash
Kodak quality at an attractive price.KODAK GOLD 200 Film provides an excellent combination of colour saturation, colour accuracy, and sharpness in a 200-speed film. Excellent for picture-taking under general lighting conditions.ISO-tundlikkus200Kaadrite arv24 lööki
T-grain struktuur tagab parema teravuseSuur lahutusvõimeÜlipeen tera - hea portreefotograafiaksT-Max 100 on hea tonaalsusega mustvalge film, mis sobib igapäevaseks pildistamiseks ning stuudiotööks. Eriti kasulik siis, kui suurt rõhku on vaja panna detailsusele ning kvaliteedile. Film on keskmise tundlikkusega - ISO 100 - eriti peene teraga ning lahutusvõimega.
This half-frame form Kodak camera features a built-in flash, a lightweight body, and comes in six stylish colors, making it the perfect camera for travel or any social occasion. The new, improved H35N camera come with several exiting features such a built-in star filter, a bulb shutter, tripod hole and a partial glass lens with coating. Half frame means that each exposure is half the size of a standard frame, resulting in a smaller image size which means on a 36 roll you get 72 images, and 48 images on a 24 roll. When you look thru the viewfinder you see a vertical image instead of a horizontal as you normally do. On the new camera Kodak has improved the optic lens and one element of acrylic lens elements is replaced with a glass lens that helps to improve the sharpness of the image. The camera also come with a built-in star filter that create a four-beam flare on light spots. Equipped with a bulb shutter and cable release, the H35N enables precise control over exposure duration, allowing the capture of motion trails and easier to use in low-light conditions. Additionally, a tripod socket has been incorporated at the camera´s base. The camera is availible in six stylish looks; striped black, striped silver, striped green, glazed blue, glazed orangeand glazed pink Key specifications: Improved optics Built-in star filter Bulb function Refined viewfinder and rewind knob Tripod Available in six stylish looks Flash
This half-frame form Kodak camera features a built-in flash, a lightweight body, and comes in six stylish colors, making it the perfect camera for travel or any social occasion. The new, improved H35N camera come with several exiting features such a built-in star filter, a bulb shutter, tripod hole and a partial glass lens with coating. Half frame means that each exposure is half the size of a standard frame, resulting in a smaller image size which means on a 36 roll you get 72 images, and 48 images on a 24 roll. When you look thru the viewfinder you see a vertical image instead of a horizontal as you normally do. On the new camera Kodak has improved the optic lens and one element of acrylic lens elements is replaced with a glass lens that helps to improve the sharpness of the image. The camera also come with a built-in star filter that create a four-beam flare on light spots. Equipped with a bulb shutter and cable release, the H35N enables precise control over exposure duration, allowing the capture of motion trails and easier to use in low-light conditions. Additionally, a tripod socket has been incorporated at the camera´s base. The camera is availible in six stylish looks; striped black, striped silver, striped green, glazed blue, glazed orangeand glazed pink Key specifications: Improved optics Built-in star filter Bulb function Refined viewfinder and rewind knob Tripod Available in six stylish looks Flash
Säravad nahatoonidPeen tera - optimeeritud T-GRAIN emulsioonidSobib suurepäraselt skaneerimiseksSuurepärased värvid segavalgusesTalub kõige paremini alasäri omas klassisAastaid on professionaalid eelistanud Kodaki Portra tootesarja.Sama kehtib ka portra 400 kohta. ISO 400 film annab säravad nahatoonid ning eeskujuliku värvikülluse ja seda väga erinevates valgustingimustes.
Naturaalne naha tonaalsusÜlipeen teraMadal kontrastsusHea tulem ka segavalgusesKodak T-Grain tehnoloogiaPortra on olnud pikka aega ilusate portreefotode sünonüümiks filmiga pildistamisel. See talletab iga kaadri perfektselt sõltumata valgusoludest - peen tera, detailsed varjud ning heledad alad - mida enamat tahta.
Teravaim ISO 400 tundlikkusega mustvalge film maailmasParima teraga ISO 400 mustvalge filmIlmutades võimalik pushida kuni ISO 1600T-MAX 400 on hea tonaalsusega mustvalge negatiivfilm. Seda on hea kasutada ka päevavalguslambi valguses.
Kodak Fun Saver Camera 27+12 Ganz einfach drinnen und draußen großartige Erinnerungen aufnehmen. Mit dem Kodak 800-Film für Bilder mit lebendigeren, leuchtenderen Farben.Eigenschaften:- 800 ISO Film mit 27+ 12 Aufnahmen- integrierter Blitz Light Sensivity (ISO) 800 Number of Exposures 39 Waterproof No