Nikon Z5 + 24-50 KIT on mugavalt kaasaskantav täiskaadrilise suumobjektiiviga komplekt, mis sisaldab kaamerat Nikon Z 5 ja kompaktset suumobjektiivi NIKKOR Z 24–50mm f/4-6.3. Jäädvustage teravaid kaadreid täis värve ja detaile väikseima saadaoleva täiskaadrilise standardsuumiga. EN-EL15c akuga 390 pilti või 115 min videot kasutades EVF, või 470 pilti või 120 min videot ainult LCD ekraani kasutades. 24,3 MP | TÄISKAADER | KAASASKANTAV KOMPLEKT | 4K VIDEO | WI-FI® | BLUETOOTH® Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on suurepärane võimalus viia oma fotod ja videod uuele tasemele. See peeglita kaamera on ehitatud maailma kõige laiema objektiivikinnituse, Nikoni Z-kinnituse ümber. Kaamera andurini jõuab rohkem valgust, mis annab teile vabaduse luua rohkemate detailide, sügavuse ja värvidega. Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on kaasaskantav ja väga võimekas – nagu ka NIKKOR Z 24-50 mm objektiiv, mis kuulub Z 5 põhikomplekti. See NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiiv on väikseim ja kergeim saadaolev täiskaadriline suumobjektiiv. Alates intrigeerivatest lainurkadest kuni võimsate portreedeni, see vabastab teid jäädvustamaks palju enamat – kõikjal.
Oma klassi parimad tulemused automaatse fookuskauguse määramise (AF) ja jälgimise osas. 493-punktiline automaatne teravustamissüsteem sisaldab 405 ala automaatset fookuspunkti – viis korda rohkem kui mudelil Z 7 II – ning 10 automaatset fookusrežiimi võimaldavad kasutajatel valida automaatse seadistuse mis tahes töö jaoks. Pidevalt õppival tehisintellektil baseeruv pildiotsija võimaldab samaaegselt tuvastada kuni üheksa erinevat tüüpi objekti. See haakub 3D-jälgimisega, mida Nikoni peeglivabades kaamerates kasutatakse esmakordselt, aidates jäädvustada kõik olulisemad hetked. Alates inimestest ja nende ilmetest kuni loomade ja sõidukiteni – Z 9 saab aru, mida pildistatakse, reageerides silmapilkselt muutustele objekti asukohas, paigutuses või liikumiskiiruses. Uuel tasemel videovõimalused Z 9 uskumatu kaadrite jõudlus võimaldab kasutajatel kaameraga salvestada suurepäraseid täiskaadrisagedusega 8K 24p kuni 60p ja poolkaadrisagedusega 4K 24p kuni 120p videolõike ning aeglustatud filme. Täiskaader 8K videomaterjali eraldusvõimega 30p saab korraga salvestada ligikaudu 125 minuti jagu – see on pikim kestus, mida võimaldab peeglivaba kaamera. Ühilduvus salvestusvorminguga ProRes 422 HQ, mis vastab täielikult videomaterjalide tootmise laiaulatuslikele nõudmistele. Peatselt tehtav püsivara uuendus võimaldab salvestada RAW vormingus 8K-videot ülisujuva eraldusvõimega 60p . Filmimist toetavad ka täielik AF/AE automaatteravustamine ja funktsioon Eye-Detection, samas hoiab Nikoni uus N-RAW-vorming failide suurused hallatavad Võimas kiirus Jäädvustage ühe sarivõttega rohkem kui 1000 täiseraldusvõimega RAW-vormingus kaadrit kiirusega 20 kaadrit sekundis. Samuti on uues C+ režiimis võimalik pildistada täisautomaatsete AF/AE võimalusega kuni 120 kaadrit sekundis, saades tulemuseks tavalises umbes 11 MP JPEG-vormingus pildikvaliteedi. Maailma kiireim skannimiskiirus sisuliselt kaotab rulluva katiku moonutused, nii et mehaaniline katik on eemaldatud. Säriaeg 1/32000 kooskaamera võimega pildistada tundlikkusega ISO 64 pakub uskumatut teravust ja sügavust isegi äärmuslikult eredas valguses. Pidev nähtavus reaalajas Kaameral Z 9 on eredaim (3000-nitine) elektroonilise pildiotsijaga ekraan, mille kahevooline tehnoloogia tagab reaalajas toimiva, pimendusteta pildistamise, et fotograafidel ei jääks ükski hetk püüdmata. Z 9 ekraan pakub reaalajas katkestusteta vaadet, mis tähendab, et kui objekt liigub või pildistatavas kaadris toimub vähimgi muutus, näeb fotograaf seda kohe. Ergonoomika ja vastupidavus Veel ühe uuendusena on Nikoni mudel Z 9 varustatud neljateljelise vertikaalselt ja horisontaalselt kallutatava monitoriga, mis võimaldab fotograafidel kohaneda hetkega, olles kadreerimisel kiired ja paindlikud. Igas mõttes profitööriistanaon kaamera ergonoomikat, näiteks nuppude paigutust, viimistletud ja täiustatud koostöös professionaalsete fotograafidega. Kaamera vastupidavus on veel parem kui mudelil D6, tagades, et kasutajad saavad jäädvustada soovitud kaadreid ka karmides tingimustes. Uus AF-režiimi lüliti võimaldab kasutajatel liikuda kaadriotsijaga pildistamise ajal automaatse teravustamise režiimi ja alarežiimi vahel. Ülemine ja tagumine LCD-juhtpaneel ning klahvinuppude valgustus süttib kaamera toitelülitist, võimaldades hõlpsasti sätteid muuta ka hämaras. Z 9 lisaomadused ja -võimalused • Kompaktne kaamerakere: 20% väiksem kui mudelil D6, sügava käepidemekumerusega, mis võimaldab kaamerat kindlalt hoida, pildistades nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt. • Voolitud magneesiumisulamist, et saavutada ülim tasakaal tugevuse ja kerguse vahel. • Ilmastikukindel kate kaitseb nii kaamerat, Z-seeria objektiive kui ka kinnitusadapterit igasugustes oludes. • Staatiline kate tekitab magnetvälja, mis tõrjub aktiivselt eemale sensorile maanduvaid tolmuosakesi. • Kaamerale omane tundlikkus, vahemikus ISO-64 – 25 600 (laiendatav vahemikuni 32 –102 400) toimib koos täiustatud müratasanduse algoritmi ja kaamerasisese väreluse vähendamisega.
With its incredible blend of class-leading performance and compact build, the Z 8 is an exciting follow up to the Z 9 and a true creative successor to the D850. Weighing just 910 g (approx.), the Z 8 body is 30 % smaller than the Z 9 and 15 % smaller than the D850. It’s the perfect hybrid camera for creators who want a lighter body for shooting handheld or a full-frame camera that will balance perfectly on any rig, including most gimbals. A veritable video and stills powerhouse, the Z 8’s 45.7 megapixel stills resolution and 8.3K native video resolution open so many possibilities. The same stacked CMOS sensor and EXPEED 7 processor as the Z 9 ensure spectacular image quality straight out of the camera, giving creators maximum flexibility to adjust to any workflow. Video can be recorded in an array of frame rates and codecs, including in-camera 12-bit RAW for video up to 8.3K/60p or 4.1K/120p. Stills shooters can work with an array of file sizes and burst speeds, including an astounding 120 fps. For HDR content creators, the camera records 10-bit HEIF stills and 10-bit HLG video. The smaller, lighter body doesn’t sacrifice reliability: the Z 8 boasts pro-grade weather sealing, and the same cold tolerance as Nikon’s flagship D6 and Z 9 cameras, ensuring reliable performance in low temperatures. The Z 8 is also the first Nikon mirrorless camera to feature two USB-C ports, which makes it possible to transfer files quickly while charging. Beyond the camera, there’s a NIKKOR Z lens for every idea and budget, and partner accessories from gimbals to mics and more.
Nikon Z5 Body peeglita kaamera on tugev, kerge, hõlpsalt käsitsetav ja ühildub kompaktsete täiskaadriliste objektiividega. Saavutage pildikvaliteedis põnev uus tase, olgu tegemist pildistamise või videosalvestusega. EN-EL15c akuga 390 pilti või 115 min videot kasutades EVF, või 470 pilti või 120 min videot ainult LCD ekraani kasutades. 24,3 MP | TÄISKAADER | KAASASKANTAV KOMPLEKT | 4K VIDEO | WI-FI® | BLUETOOTH® Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on suurepärane võimalus viia oma fotod ja videod uuele tasemele. See peeglita kaamera on ehitatud maailma kõige laiema objektiivikinnituse, Nikoni Z-kinnituse ümber. Kaamera andurini jõuab rohkem valgust, mis annab teile vabaduse luua rohkemate detailide, sügavuse ja värvidega. Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on kaasaskantav ja väga võimekas – nagu ka NIKKOR Z 24-50 mm objektiiv, mis kuulub Z 5 põhikomplekti. See NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiiv on väikseim ja kergeim saadaolev täiskaadriline suumobjektiiv. Alates intrigeerivatest lainurkadest kuni võimsate portreedeni, see vabastab teid jäädvustamaks palju enamat – kõikjal.
Make it iconic. Performance to inspire. Full-frame image quality, depth and dynamic range. Autofocus built from Deep Learning technology. Astounding low-light performance and image stabilization. An iconic exterior design inspired by Nikon´s historic FM2. The adoption of new Picture Control, Flat Monochrome and Deep Tone Monochrome, with a dedicated ѕelector to immediately switch to black-and-white photo mode. Supports a variety of video production needs, including in-camera 10-bit H.265 video recording, 4K UHD using 6K oversampling, and a maximum recording time of 125 minutes in 4K UHD/60p. Thanks to the full-frame/FX-format sensor and the EXPEED 7 image-processing engine, shooting possibilities are expanded, such as superior AF and high ISO performance, and 8.0-stop in-camera VR. Nail the decisive moment with 14 fps continuous shooting using the Z f’s mechanical shutter, which has been tested to 200,000 cycles, or activate C30+ for up to 30 fps using the silent electronic shutter. Full Frame 24.5 megapixels ISO: 100-64000 Processor: EXPEED 7 Subject detection for 9 subject types 8.0-stop in-camera VR Focus point VR Dedicated ѕelector for switching to B&W photo mode Pixel-shift shooting Vari-angle monitor SD & microSD cards Autofocus detection range (in photo mode, AF-S, ISO 100, f/1.2 lens at 20°C): -10 to +19 EV Focus points (in photo mode, single-point AF, FX format): 273 focus points
Nikon Z50II is made to discover and play. Express yourself with gorgeous image quality, film-inspired looks, intelligent auto modes and easy sharing. Stay in the moment and let your creativity run wild. Easy Color Presets. Find your aesthetic with a choice of 31 built-in color profiles, all available at the press of a button. Automatic. Effortless. Intelligent automatic modes take the guesswork out of finding the right settings, including exposure and focus. Go Beyond Your Phone. Deeper colors, less noise and greater detail for portraits, landscapes and more - even in low light. Share in a Snap. Send photos and video to your smart device in seconds using the free Nikon SnapBridge app. Carry-everywhere Convenience. Lightweight and compact enough to fit in a small bag. Beautiful Photos. Quality That Speaks for Itself. Capture lifelike colors and incredible details from dawn to dusk thanks to a superior 20.9-megapixel DX format (APS-C) sensor several times larger than that of a typical smartphone. Inspiring Color Presets. At the press of the Picture Control button, choose from 31 built-in presets designed to make your photos and videos stand out. Get Even More Distinctive Looks. Create and save your own Picture Control presets or download bespoke Cloud Picture Controls directly to your Z50II from Nikon Imaging Cloud. Play with results in real-time as you shoot, and open up a world of creative possibilities. Portraits That Move You. Discover easy-to-use features including Skin Softening, Portrait Impression Balance and face + eye-detection autofocus for people and animals. Plus, authentic, beautifully-blurred backgrounds. Impressive in Low Light. Continue to enjoy amazing detail and sharp results after dark thanks to ultra-high maximum ISO sensitivity of 51,200 and sophisticated noise reduction. Built-in Flash. Get beautifully-balanced photos indoors and at night. Use Night Portrait mode to create natural-looking slow-shutter flash portraits. Capture Peak Action. Shoot bursts as fast as 30 photos per second plus pro-level features including Pre-Release Capture1 and powerful multi-subject detection autofocus with 3D-tracking. All thanks to our most powerful processing engine ever. Focus with Confidence. People, dogs, cats, birds and vehicles–the Z50II can automatically detect and accurately track nine distinct subjects. Plus dedicated [bird] and [airplane] modes for even greater autofocus accuracy. Get maximum quality and detail with 4K/60p, 4K UHD/30p, plus 120p slow-motion in Full HD.
Compact, lightweight 4K setup for creators, vloggers and streamers. Creators, meet the camera you’ve been looking for. The Z 30 is packed with the features you need, like a front-facing screen, crisp 4K video, crystal-clear audio and worry-free autofocus. Designed to inspire your best work with easy operation, smart connectivity and convenience. Elevate your content with standout video quality. Effortless live streaming up to 60p. Stand out among a competitive field of streamers with Full HD 60p and 4K 30p video quality. Also works great with compatible web conferencing applications. Eye and face tracking. Locks on to the eyes of people, dogs and cats and follows them. Product close-ups. Focus automatically repositions when you hold something up to the camera. Built-in stereo mic. Effective Pixels: 20.9 million Sensor Size: 23.5 mm x 15.7 mm Image Sensor Format: DX ISO 100 - 51,200 in steps of 1/3 EV Approx. Weight: 350 g Monitor Size: 3.0 in. diagonal Monitor Type: Vari-angle TFT touch-sensitive LCD with 170° viewing angle, approximately 100% frame coverage. Color balance and 11-level manual brightness controls. Battery: One EN-EL25 rechargeable Li-ion battery
22,3x14,9 mm CMOS 24MPix sensor; Fotod kuni ISO 32 000 ja video kuni 12 800; Sarivõte kiirusega 15 kaadrit/s; 4K/30p ja 4K/60p videosalvestamine; Protsessor DIGIC X; 7,5 cm 1,04 miljoni punktiga muudetava nurgaga puuteekraan
Nikon Z 6III has incredible autofocus. Blistering speed. 6K/60p internal RAW + 240p HD video. Our brightest, most detailed electronic viewfinder. EVF - Dazzlingly-bright, high-resolution viewfinder covering gamut equivalent to DCI-P3. VR - 8 stops2 of built in image stabilization with Focus Point VR. A mirrorless camera in a class of its own. Partially stacked 24.5 MP full-frame sensor: blazing sensor-scan rates power full-pixel readout for clean, detailed images with superb dynamic range and colour fidelity. The native ISO range goes from 100 to 64000 (expandable to 50-204800). 6K RAW video in-camera: Internal 6K/60P (RAW) and 5.4K/60P (YUV) recording. You can create 4K UHD/60p video oversampled from 6K in-camera and shoot footage at 240p (10x slow motion). Pro-quality sound: The camera’s external mic input can be used as a line-level input for pro-quality sound. Bright EVF with ultra-wide colour gamut: with refresh rates of 60 fps, the 4000-nit, 5670k-dot EVF displays consistently smooth, high-definition views. A wide (DCI-P3) colour gamut displays lifelike colours with no colour banding. Up to 120 fps with AF/AE and Pre-Release Capture: 120 fps (10MP DX-format JPEGs), or 60 fps (24MP full-frame JPEGs). The Z6III nails the decisive moment, even if it happens before the shutter is released. Flagship AF features: blisteringly fast AF calculations power consistently reliable tracking that won’t let go. Subject detection and AF work down to –10 EV for video and stills.3 Powerful Vibration Reduction and focus-point stabilisation: 8.0 stops4 of 5-axis image stabilisation built right into the camera’s body, and E-VR for video. Focus Point VR stabilises the area around the active focus point.5 High-resolution vari-angle monitor: fully articulating 2100k-dot touchscreen for a clear, highly detailed view of the scene from any angle. Small, lightweight, tough: Weighs just 750 g (approx.), with premium weather sealing and cold resistance all the way down to –10 C/14 F. Two card slots: one slot supports CFexpress Type B cards or XQD cards, and one slot supports UHS-II SD cards. Optional vertical battery grip: Nikon’s new Power Battery Pack MB-N14 can be used as a grip for vertical shooting, or to counterbalance telephoto lenses, as well as for extended all-day shooting.
Nikon Z50II is made to discover and play. Express yourself with gorgeous image quality, film-inspired looks, intelligent auto modes and easy sharing. Stay in the moment and let your creativity run wild. Easy Color Presets. Find your aesthetic with a choice of 31 built-in color profiles, all available at the press of a button. Automatic. Effortless. Intelligent automatic modes take the guesswork out of finding the right settings, including exposure and focus. Go Beyond Your Phone. Deeper colors, less noise and greater detail for portraits, landscapes and more - even in low light. Share in a Snap. Send photos and video to your smart device in seconds using the free Nikon SnapBridge app. Carry-everywhere Convenience. Lightweight and compact enough to fit in a small bag. Beautiful Photos. Quality That Speaks for Itself. Capture lifelike colors and incredible details from dawn to dusk thanks to a superior 20.9-megapixel DX format (APS-C) sensor several times larger than that of a typical smartphone. Inspiring Color Presets. At the press of the Picture Control button, choose from 31 built-in presets designed to make your photos and videos stand out. Get Even More Distinctive Looks. Create and save your own Picture Control presets or download bespoke Cloud Picture Controls directly to your Z50II from Nikon Imaging Cloud. Play with results in real-time as you shoot, and open up a world of creative possibilities. Portraits That Move You. Discover easy-to-use features including Skin Softening, Portrait Impression Balance and face + eye-detection autofocus for people and animals. Plus, authentic, beautifully-blurred backgrounds. Impressive in Low Light. Continue to enjoy amazing detail and sharp results after dark thanks to ultra-high maximum ISO sensitivity of 51,200 and sophisticated noise reduction. Built-in Flash. Get beautifully-balanced photos indoors and at night. Use Night Portrait mode to create natural-looking slow-shutter flash portraits. Capture Peak Action. Shoot bursts as fast as 30 photos per second plus pro-level features including Pre-Release Capture1 and powerful multi-subject detection autofocus with 3D-tracking. All thanks to our most powerful processing engine ever. Focus with Confidence. People, dogs, cats, birds and vehicles–the Z50II can automatically detect and accurately track nine distinct subjects. Plus dedicated [bird] and [airplane] modes for even greater autofocus accuracy. Get maximum quality and detail with 4K/60p, 4K UHD/30p, plus 120p slow-motion in Full HD.
Compact, lightweight 4K setup for creators, vloggers and streamers. Creators, meet the camera you’ve been looking for. The Z 30 is packed with the features you need, like a front-facing screen, crisp 4K video, crystal-clear audio and worry-free autofocus. Designed to inspire your best work with easy operation, smart connectivity and convenience. Elevate your content with standout video quality. Effortless live streaming up to 60p. Stand out among a competitive field of streamers with Full HD 60p and 4K 30p video quality. Also works great with compatible web conferencing applications. Eye and face tracking. Locks on to the eyes of people, dogs and cats and follows them. Product close-ups. Focus automatically repositions when you hold something up to the camera. Built-in stereo mic. Effective Pixels: 20.9 million Sensor Size: 23.5 mm x 15.7 mm Image Sensor Format: DX ISO 100 - 51,200 in steps of 1/3 EV Approx. Weight: 350 g (camera) Monitor Size: 3.0 in. diagonal Monitor Type: Vari-angle TFT touch-sensitive LCD with 170° viewing angle, approximately 100% frame coverage. Color balance and 11-level manual brightness controls. Battery: One EN-EL25 rechargeable Li-ion battery
Make it iconic. Performance to inspire. Full-frame image quality, depth and dynamic range. Autofocus built from Deep Learning technology. Astounding low-light performance and image stabilization. An iconic exterior design inspired by Nikon´s historic FM2. The adoption of new Picture Control, Flat Monochrome and Deep Tone Monochrome, with a dedicated ѕelector to immediately switch to black-and-white photo mode. Supports a variety of video production needs, including in-camera 10-bit H.265 video recording, 4K UHD using 6K oversampling, and a maximum recording time of 125 minutes in 4K UHD/60p. Thanks to the full-frame/FX-format sensor and the EXPEED 7 image-processing engine, shooting possibilities are expanded, such as superior AF and high ISO performance, and 8.0-stop in-camera VR. Nail the decisive moment with 14 fps continuous shooting using the Z f’s mechanical shutter, which has been tested to 200,000 cycles, or activate C30+ for up to 30 fps using the silent electronic shutter. Full Frame 24.5 megapixels ISO: 100-64000 Processor: EXPEED 7 Subject detection for 9 subject types 8.0-stop in-camera VR Focus point VR Dedicated ѕelector for switching to B&W photo mode Pixel-shift shooting Vari-angle monitor SD & microSD cards Autofocus detection range (in photo mode, AF-S, ISO 100, f/1.2 lens at 20°C): -10 to +19 EV Focus points (in photo mode, single-point AF, FX format): 273 focus points
Nikon Z50II is made to discover and play. Express yourself with gorgeous image quality, film-inspired looks, intelligent auto modes and easy sharing. Stay in the moment and let your creativity run wild. Easy Color Presets. Find your aesthetic with a choice of 31 built-in color profiles, all available at the press of a button. Automatic. Effortless. Intelligent automatic modes take the guesswork out of finding the right settings, including exposure and focus. Go Beyond Your Phone. Deeper colors, less noise and greater detail for portraits, landscapes and more - even in low light. Share in a Snap. Send photos and video to your smart device in seconds using the free Nikon SnapBridge app. Carry-everywhere Convenience. Lightweight and compact enough to fit in a small bag. Beautiful Photos. Quality That Speaks for Itself. Capture lifelike colors and incredible details from dawn to dusk thanks to a superior 20.9-megapixel DX format (APS-C) sensor several times larger than that of a typical smartphone. Inspiring Color Presets. At the press of the Picture Control button, choose from 31 built-in presets designed to make your photos and videos stand out. Get Even More Distinctive Looks. Create and save your own Picture Control presets or download bespoke Cloud Picture Controls directly to your Z50II from Nikon Imaging Cloud. Play with results in real-time as you shoot, and open up a world of creative possibilities. Portraits That Move You. Discover easy-to-use features including Skin Softening, Portrait Impression Balance and face + eye-detection autofocus for people and animals. Plus, authentic, beautifully-blurred backgrounds. Impressive in Low Light. Continue to enjoy amazing detail and sharp results after dark thanks to ultra-high maximum ISO sensitivity of 51,200 and sophisticated noise reduction. Built-in Flash. Get beautifully-balanced photos indoors and at night. Use Night Portrait mode to create natural-looking slow-shutter flash portraits. Capture Peak Action. Shoot bursts as fast as 30 photos per second plus pro-level features including Pre-Release Capture1 and powerful multi-subject detection autofocus with 3D-tracking. All thanks to our most powerful processing engine ever. Focus with Confidence. People, dogs, cats, birds and vehicles–the Z50II can automatically detect and accurately track nine distinct subjects. Plus dedicated [bird] and [airplane] modes for even greater autofocus accuracy. Get maximum quality and detail with 4K/60p, 4K UHD/30p, plus 120p slow-motion in Full HD.
Megapikslite arv:26; Maksimaalne resolutsioon:3840 x 2160; Objektiiv komplektis:Ei; Video maksimaalne resolutsioon:3840 x 2160 (4K); Maksimaalne ISO tundlikkus:32000; Keeratav ekraan:On
Megapikslite arv:24,2 Mpx; Maksimaalne resolutsioon:6000 x 4000; Objektiiv komplektis:Ei; Video maksimaalne resolutsioon:5952 x 3968 (6K); Maksimaalne ISO tundlikkus:51200; Keeratav ekraan:On
Nikon Z 5 + 24-70 F/4 S KIT on mugavalt kaasaskantav täiskaadrilise suumobjektiiviga komplekt, mis sisaldab kaamerat Nikon Z 5 ja kompaktset suumobjektiivi NIKKOR Z 24–70mm f/4. Jäädvustage teravaid kaadreid täis värve ja detaile väikseima saadaoleva täiskaadrilise standardsuumiga. EN-EL15c akuga 390 pilti või 115 min videot kasutades EVF, või 470 pilti või 120 min videot ainult LCD ekraani kasutades. 24,3 MP | TÄISKAADER | KAASASKANTAV KOMPLEKT | 4K VIDEO | WI-FI® | BLUETOOTH® Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on suurepärane võimalus viia oma fotod ja videod uuele tasemele. See peeglita kaamera on ehitatud maailma kõige laiema objektiivikinnituse, Nikoni Z-kinnituse ümber. Kaamera andurini jõuab rohkem valgust, mis annab teile vabaduse luua rohkemate detailide, sügavuse ja värvidega. Täiskaadriline Nikon Z 5 on kaasaskantav ja väga võimekas – nagu ka NIKKOR Z 24-50 mm objektiiv, mis kuulub Z 5 põhikomplekti. See NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiiv on väikseim ja kergeim saadaolev täiskaadriline suumobjektiiv. Alates intrigeerivatest lainurkadest kuni võimsate portreedeni, see vabastab teid jäädvustamaks palju enamat – kõikjal.
Nikon Z fc + Z DX 16-50 mm f/3.5-6.3 + Z DX 50-250 f/4.5-6.3 kit kaamera on 20.9 MP DX pildiandur, 100-51200 ISO, 4K video, 11 kaadrit sekundis pildistamine, 209 fookuspunkti Nikon Z fc liidab endas klassikalise Nikoni disaini ja uue Z-seeria tehnoloogia, et pakkuda suurepärast pildikvaliteeti koos stiilse kerega. Kõik algab Z-bajonetist Z fc on kujundatud Nikoni revolutsioonilise Z-bajoneti ümber, millel on kõigi võrreldavate kaamerasüsteemide kõige laiem objektiivikinnitus. Laiem kinnitus tähendab rohkem valgust ja rohkem valgust tähendab kõike head - teravust, kontrastsust, täpset fookust, vähese valguse jõudlust ja pildikvaliteeti. Paindlikus Võtke hetk ja hinnake ümbritsevat maailma värsketest vaatenurkadest. Z fc kasutab 3,0-tollist pööratavat ja kallutavat ekraani- esimest korda Z-seeria kaameras. Jäädvustage vaikselt vertikaalseid kaadreid madalate nurkade alt. Suurepärane inimestega Spontaansed portreed muutusid just paremaks. Arukas silmatuvastusega automaatne teravustamine fokuseerib automaatselt pildistatava silmadele, olgu tegemist ühe näo või rahvahulgaga. Fookus püsib terav isegi siis, kui pildistav liigub.
22,3x14,9 mm CMOS 24MPix sensor; Fotod kuni ISO 32 000 ja video kuni 12 800; Sarivõte kiirusega 15 kaadrit/s; 4K/30p ja 4K/60p videosalvestamine; Protsessor DIGIC X; 7,5 cm 1,04 miljoni punktiga muudetava nurgaga puuteekraan
With its incredible blend of class-leading performance and compact build, the Z 8 is an exciting follow up to the Z 9 and a true creative successor to the D850. Weighing just 910 g (approx.), the Z 8 body is 30 % smaller than the Z 9 and 15 % smaller than the D850. It’s the perfect hybrid camera for creators who want a lighter body for shooting handheld or a full-frame camera that will balance perfectly on any rig, including most gimbals. A veritable video and stills powerhouse, the Z 8’s 45.7 megapixel stills resolution and 8.3K native video resolution open so many possibilities. The same stacked CMOS sensor and EXPEED 7 processor as the Z 9 ensure spectacular image quality straight out of the camera, giving creators maximum flexibility to adjust to any workflow. Video can be recorded in an array of frame rates and codecs, including in-camera 12-bit RAW for video up to 8.3K/60p or 4.1K/120p. Stills shooters can work with an array of file sizes and burst speeds, including an astounding 120 fps. For HDR content creators, the camera records 10-bit HEIF stills and 10-bit HLG video. The smaller, lighter body doesn’t sacrifice reliability: the Z 8 boasts pro-grade weather sealing, and the same cold tolerance as Nikon’s flagship D6 and Z 9 cameras, ensuring reliable performance in low temperatures. The Z 8 is also the first Nikon mirrorless camera to feature two USB-C ports, which makes it possible to transfer files quickly while charging. Beyond the camera, there’s a NIKKOR Z lens for every idea and budget, and partner accessories from gimbals to mics and more.
45-megapiksline täiskaader CMOS sensor; DCI 8K RAW 8192 × 4320 30p videosalvestus; 5-suunaline keresisene stabilisaator; Dual Pixel CMOS II teravustamissensor; Integreeritud WiFi ja Bluetooth ühendus
Nikon Z fc + Z DX 16-50 mm f/3.5-6.3 kit kaamera on 20.9 MP DX pildiandur, 100-51200 ISO, 4K video, 11 kaadrit sekundis pildistamine, 209 fookuspunkti Nikon Z fc liidab endas klassikalise Nikoni disaini ja uue Z-seeria tehnoloogia, et pakkuda suurepärast pildikvaliteeti koos stiilse kerega. Kõik algab Z-bajonetist Z fc on kujundatud Nikoni revolutsioonilise Z-bajoneti ümber, millel on kõigi võrreldavate kaamerasüsteemide kõige laiem objektiivikinnitus. Laiem kinnitus tähendab rohkem valgust ja rohkem valgust tähendab kõike head - teravust, kontrastsust, täpset fookust, vähese valguse jõudlust ja pildikvaliteeti. Paindlikus Võtke hetk ja hinnake ümbritsevat maailma värsketest vaatenurkadest. Z fc kasutab 3,0-tollist pööratavat ja kallutavat ekraani- esimest korda Z-seeria kaameras. Jäädvustage vaikselt vertikaalseid kaadreid madalate nurkade alt. Suurepärane inimestega Spontaansed portreed muutusid just paremaks. Arukas silmatuvastusega automaatne teravustamine fokuseerib automaatselt pildistatava silmadele, olgu tegemist ühe näo või rahvahulgaga. Fookus püsib terav isegi siis, kui pildistav liigub.
Nikon Z 6III has incredible autofocus. Blistering speed. 6K/60p internal RAW + 240p HD video. Our brightest, most detailed electronic viewfinder. EVF - Dazzlingly-bright, high-resolution viewfinder covering gamut equivalent to DCI-P3. VR - 8 stops2 of built in image stabilization with Focus Point VR. A mirrorless camera in a class of its own. Partially stacked 24.5 MP full-frame sensor: blazing sensor-scan rates power full-pixel readout for clean, detailed images with superb dynamic range and colour fidelity. The native ISO range goes from 100 to 64000 (expandable to 50-204800). 6K RAW video in-camera: Internal 6K/60P (RAW) and 5.4K/60P (YUV) recording. You can create 4K UHD/60p video oversampled from 6K in-camera and shoot footage at 240p (10x slow motion). Pro-quality sound: The camera’s external mic input can be used as a line-level input for pro-quality sound. Bright EVF with ultra-wide colour gamut: with refresh rates of 60 fps, the 4000-nit, 5670k-dot EVF displays consistently smooth, high-definition views. A wide (DCI-P3) colour gamut displays lifelike colours with no colour banding. Up to 120 fps with AF/AE and Pre-Release Capture: 120 fps (10MP DX-format JPEGs), or 60 fps (24MP full-frame JPEGs). The Z6III nails the decisive moment, even if it happens before the shutter is released. Flagship AF features: blisteringly fast AF calculations power consistently reliable tracking that won’t let go. Subject detection and AF work down to –10 EV for video and stills.3 Powerful Vibration Reduction and focus-point stabilisation: 8.0 stops4 of 5-axis image stabilisation built right into the camera’s body, and E-VR for video. Focus Point VR stabilises the area around the active focus point.5 High-resolution vari-angle monitor: fully articulating 2100k-dot touchscreen for a clear, highly detailed view of the scene from any angle. Small, lightweight, tough: Weighs just 750 g (approx.), with premium weather sealing and cold resistance all the way down to –10 C/14 F. Two card slots: one slot supports CFexpress Type B cards or XQD cards, and one slot supports UHS-II SD cards. Optional vertical battery grip: Nikon’s new Power Battery Pack MB-N14 can be used as a grip for vertical shooting, or to counterbalance telephoto lenses, as well as for extended all-day shooting.
Sony ZV-E10 II. Megapiksel: 26 MP, Anduri tüüp: CMOS, Maksimaalne pildiresolutsioon: 3840 x 2160 pikslit. ISO-tundlikkus (max): 32000. Fookuskauguse ulatus: 16 - 50 mm. Kaamera kiireim katikukiirus: 1/8000 s. WiFi. HD tüüp: 4K ...
Megapikslite arv:24.2; Maksimaalne resolutsioon:6000 x 4000; Objektiiv komplektis:On; Video maksimaalne resolutsioon:3840 x 2160 (4K); Maksimaalne ISO tundlikkus:32000; Keeratav ekraan:On
22,3x14,9 mm CMOS 24MPix sensor; Fotod kuni ISO 32 000 ja video kuni 12 800; Sarivõte kiirusega 15 kaadrit/s; 4K/30p ja 4K/60p videosalvestamine; Protsessor DIGIC X; 7,5 cm 1,04 miljoni punktiga muudetava nurgaga puuteekraan
The OM-1 Mark II is the perfect camera for nature photography. It excels in the wild with essential features, making it a true wonder of outdoor photography.
Every journey is a story waiting to be told; a thousand little moments hidden between a beginning and an end. This is for you and your thousand moments. Tell your story with the new OM SYSTEM OM-5. Designed to stay with you but not get in the way of your experience. Chuck it in your favourite bag or let it dangle unnoticeably on your shoulder until inspiration strikes. — It will be ready for your story but won't be a tiresome load. The OM-5 features class leading IP53 dustproof, splashproof, and freezeproof design so you can keep telling that story, like your favourite pair of boots that just keep on going. Get closer, see more from afar, let computational photography features like Live ND inspire you to try new things and see your surroundings in a new light. The new OM-5, ready for your adventures.
Every journey is a story waiting to be told; a thousand little moments hidden between a beginning and an end. This is for you and your thousand moments. Tell your story with the new OM SYSTEM OM-5. Designed to stay with you but not get in the way of your experience. Chuck it in your favourite bag or let it dangle unnoticeably on your shoulder until inspiration strikes. — It will be ready for your story but won't be a tiresome load. The OM-5 features class leading IP53 dustproof, splashproof, and freezeproof design so you can keep telling that story, like your favourite pair of boots that just keep on going. Get closer, see more from afar, let computational photography features like Live ND inspire you to try new things and see your surroundings in a new light. The new OM-5, ready for your adventures.
As the flagship of the mirrorless OM system, the OM-1 is equipped with the industry’s latest technology to realize your most creative ideas. Pick it up and be amazed at its compact size, how it fits naturally in your hand and how little effort it takes to lift it. Break free from heavy, bulky cameras and tripods with the world’s best image stabilization system for shooting sharp handheld shots even in low light. Weathersealing lets you work without worry in adverse conditions. You’ll have the speed and precision to capture the impossible and take your photos and video to new, exciting places.