Boya BY-K2 adapter võimaldab 3,5 mm ühendusega mikrofone kasutada koos USB-C pesaga seadmetega. 3,5 mm TRS pistik mikrofoniga ühendamiseks USB-C pistik nutiseadmega ühendamiseks Pikkus: ca 20 cm
B&W International Type 2000 with padded divider systemsThe outdoor.cases line was developed from case specialists B&W International. The outdoor.cases are designed to be used in the toughest situations and tested under the most extreme conditions. They are designed for temperatures ranging from -40°C up to +80°C. The outdoor.cases are stackable and watertight, dustproof, crack proof and shock resistant. In short B&W outdoor.cases are a reliable companion to protect your equipment no matter where you are or what you do.Features:Fully configurable padded partition inserts are made of washable, heavy duty nylon fabric with Velcro attachmentsCase shells made out of impact resistant polypropylene (PP)Shock resistant, crack proof and stackableDustproof and watertightDesigned for temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +80 °CBlack Type Suitcase External Material Polypropylen Colour Black Colour Spectrum Black Width (Inner Dimension in cm) 24,7 Height (Internal Dimension in cm) 17,5 Depth (Internal Dimension in cm) 15,4 Weight (g) 850
Spacious and adjustable interior, features padded dividers to easily customise camera kit.; Main compartment features an UltraFlex™ panel that folds down to create more space for personal gear and less camera gear, or whatever ...
The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. A deep front compartment with zippered mesh pockets has ample room for personal gear, including a 10” tablet and up to 16" laptop. And with its plush shoulder harness and removable waist belt, the BackStory is comfortable enough to wear all day. KEY FEATURES: Top panel quick access and rear panel full-access to camera gear Dedicated 13” laptop pocket and 10” tablet compartment (BackStory 13) Roomy front pocket for light layers and other pers6onal items Additional Features Microfiber-lined exterior pocket for today’s plus-sized phones or sunglasses Customizable divider system maximizes photo carry with two cushioned pillows that shape to your gear for secure protection Tripod attachment on front secures a small or large tripod with deployable cup Plush shoulder harness with removable sternum strap Removable webbing waist belt Luggage handle pass-through Top and side grab handle Expandable water bottle pockets on both sides Top compartment mesh pocket helps to organize small items Front pocket organizer and zippered mesh pocket keep essentials handy Main compartment pockets give you quick access to filters, batteries, cards, etc. Seam-sealed rain cover included What Fits - BackStory 13 1-2 Standard DSLR bodies or, Mirrorless System 13” laptop 70–200mm f/2.8 attached Plus personal gear Flash Examples: Sony a7mIII with 24–70mm f/4 attached and a Sony a6300 with a 50mm f/1.8 attached, two small primes, HVL-F43M strobe and a 13” laptop Weight: 1.3 kg (BackStory 13) Materials Exterior: Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane backed fabric for superior water-resistance 500D 2-tone poly tech-weave YKK® RC Fuse (abrasion-resistant) zippers* 420D high-density nylon 350G high-density nylon air-mesh Nylon webbing3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: Stiffened closed cell foam dividers Polyurethane backed liner & dividers 210D nylon Super-Grip velex Hexa mesh High-density nylon microfiber 2x polyurethane coated nylon 190T seam-sealed rain cover 3-ply bonded nylon thread
The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. A deep front compartment with zippered mesh pockets has ample room for personal gear, including a 10” tablet and up to 16" laptop. And with its plush shoulder harness and removable waist belt, the BackStory is comfortable enough to wear all day. KEY FEATURES: Top panel quick access and rear panel full-access to camera gear Dedicated 16” laptop pocket and 10” tablet compartment (BackStory 15) Roomy front pocket for light layers and other pers6onal items Additional Features Microfiber-lined exterior pocket for today’s plus-sized phones or sunglasses Customizable divider system maximizes photo carry with two cushioned pillows that shape to your gear for secure protection Tripod attachment on front secures a small or large tripod with deployable cup Plush shoulder harness with removable sternum strap Removable webbing waist belt Luggage handle pass-through Top and side grab handle Expandable water bottle pockets on both sides Top compartment mesh pocket helps to organize small items Front pocket organizer and zippered mesh pocket keep essentials handy Main compartment pockets give you quick access to filters, batteries, cards, etc. Seam-sealed rain cover included What Fits - BackStory 15 1-2 ungripped DSLR body or, Mirrorless System 16” laptop 70–200mm f/2.8 attached 2-5 additional lenses Flash Plus personal gear Examples: Canon 5DMIV with 24–70mm f/2.8 attached, 5DMIV with a 100mm f/2.8 macro attached, 70–200mm f/2.8, 600EXIIRT strobe and a 16” laptop Weight: 1.6 kg (BackStory 15) Materials Exterior: Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane backed fabric for superior water-resistance 500D 2-tone poly tech-weave YKK® RC Fuse (abrasion-resistant) zippers* 420D high-density nylon 350G high-density nylon air-mesh Nylon webbing3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: Stiffened closed cell foam dividers Polyurethane backed liner & dividers 210D nylon Super-Grip velex Hexa mesh High-density nylon microfiber 2x polyurethane coated nylon 190T seam-sealed rain cover 3-ply bonded nylon thread
The Peter McKinnon Cube Pack 21L is the most functional camera cube ever. The camera cube is customizable, and expands to become a go bag at your destination. This pack is lightweight and when used as a camera cube fits perfectly in the large Camera Pack. •CAMERA CUBE & BACKPACK •CUSTOMIZABLE DIVIDERS •DESIGNED WITH PETER MCKINNON •DURABLE/WATER RESISTANT •EXTERNAL ATTACHMENT LOOPS •FITS IN CAMERA PACK
Professionaalne otseülekande pult Neli HDMI sisendit HDMI, USB ja RJ-45 väljund Rohkelt funktsioone juhtimiseks Video väljund kuni 1080p 60 kaadrit/sek
Multifunktsionaalne kaamerarihm, mis sobib ideaalselt kandmiseks nii suurte, raskete täiskaader peegelkaameratega kui kergete hübriidkaameratega. Slide kaamerarihma palistus ning lisapolsterdus tagavad maksimaalse kasutusmugavuse sõltumata sellest, kuidas kaamerat kanda eelistad: ümber kaela, üle õla või risti üle keha. Tänu Anchor Link kiirkinnitusklambritele saab kaamera kergusega rihmalt eemaldada ning alumiiniumist reguleerimisklambrid teevad rihma pikkuse muutmise imelihtsaks. Tänu Dyneema Anchor kinnitustele, mis suudavad kanda ka tervelt 90 kg suurust raskust, on Slide kaamerarihma turvaline kasutada ka professionaalsete peegelkaameratega. Võrreldes eelmise Slide kaamerarihmaga on uuel mudelil uuendatud Anchor Link kinnitused – õhemad paelad võimaldavad kinnitada ka väiksemate kinnitusaasadega kaameratele, kuid suudavad endiselt kanda kuni 90 kg suurust raskust. Anchor kinnitused ühilduvad kõigi Peak Design või teiste tootjate kiirkinnitusplaatidega. Kinnituste pesa on nüüd madalama profiiliga, kuid endiselt tugev ja mugavalt kasutatav. Rihma ülisile nailonist kude on nüüd tihedam ja vastupidavam. Pikkus: 99–145 cm Laius: 4,5 cm Kaal: 148 g Komplektis neli Anchor Link rihma kiirkinnitust, Anchor Mount kinnitus, kuuskantvõti ja mikrofiibrist kott.
Boya BY-WM8 Pro-K3 on 48-kanaliline UHF juhtmevaba süsteem, millega saab heli salvestada nii nutiseadmete, peegelkaamerate kui videokaameratega. See on ideaalne lahendus nii intervjuudeks, konverentsideks ning ka otse-eetris kasutamiseks. BY-WM8 Pro-K3 komplekt koosneb integreeritud saatjaga mikrofonist ning bodypack vastuvõtjast. Lisaks on komplektis kinnitused, millega saab vastuvõtja kaamerale asetada. Komplekti tööraadius on tervelt 100 meetrit. Mikrofon on varustatud dünaamilise kardioid kapsli, selge OLED ekraani ning kerge ent vastupidava korpusega. Bodypack vastuvõtjal on seejuures selgelt loetav LCD ekraan ja 3,5 mm kõrvaklapipesa, mis võimaldab reaalajas helil kõrva peal hoida. A või B kanaligrupp Kardioid mikrofon saatja Kerge ent vastupidav korpus Mono ja stereorežiim Kasutajasõbralik menüü Lukustusfunktsioon juhuslike sätete muutmise ennetamiseks Kõrvaklapipesa vastuvõtjal 556.71 MHz-575.98 MHz (Transmitter: A)
Telefonihoidik võimaldab Ricoh Theta kaamera kinnitada telefoni külge, et saaksid üheaegselt salvestada nii Ricoh Theta 360° kaameraga kui ka nutitelefoniga. Kui hoidik parajasti telefoni küljes ei ole, saab seda kasutada Theta alusena. Sobib Ricoh Theta Z1, V, SC2, SC, S kaameratele
Boya BY-WM6S on 48-kanaliline UHF juhtmevaba mikrofonisüsteem, millega saab heli salvestada nii nutiseadmete, peegelkaamerate kui videokaameratega. See süsteem on ideaalne intervjuudeks, konverentsideks ning ka otse-eetris kasutamiseks. BY-WM6S komplekt koosneb saatjast, kaamerale asetatavast vastuvõtjast ja ringsuunalisest lavalier mikrofonist. Süsteem on disainitud kompaktse ja vastupidava korpuse ning eemaldatava antenniga, mis parendab signaali nii sise- kui välioludes. Ideaalne lahendus ajakirjanikule, vlogijale, filmitegijale ja videograafile Ühildub nii nutitelefoni, tahvelarvuti, peegelkaamera kui videokaamera jms seadmetega Tagab puhta eetrikvaliteediga helisalvestuse UHF 48-kanaliline edastus Komplektis ringsuunaline lavalier mikrofon Selgelt loetavad LCD ekraanid nii saatjal kui vastuvõtjal Lihtne laadimine USB-C pesa kaudu Vastupidav metallist korpus Töötab kuni 70 m raadiuses (ilma takistusteta) Vaigistusfunktsioon 3,5 mm kõrvaklapiväljund Sagedus: 556.710-575.980MHz
Pehme kunstnahast vutlar, mis kaitseb kaamerat kriimude ja mustuse eest. Tänu pikale rihmale saab kaamerat kanda nii kaela ümber kui õlal ning rihma küljes olev aas võimaldab kaamera kotti panna ka koos Theta Stick käsistatiiviga. Sobib Ricoh Theta V / SC2 / SC / S / m15 kaamerale
B&W International Type 6000 with padded dividerThe outdoor.cases line was developed from case specialists B&W International. The outdoor.cases are designed to be used in the toughest situations and tested under the most extreme conditions. They are designed for temperatures ranging from -40°C up to +80°C. The outdoor.cases are stackable and watertight, dustproof, crack proof and shock resistant. In short B&W outdoor.cases are a reliable companion to protect your equipment no matter where you are or what you do.Fully configurable padded partition inserts are made of washable, heavy duty nylon fabric with Velcro attachments. This includes robust egg crate foam in the lid for full shock resistant protection (RPD).Features:Fully configurable padded partition insertsCase shells made out of impact resistant polypropylene (PP)Shock resistant, crack proof and stackableDustproof and watertightDesigned for temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +80 °CBlack Type Suitcase External Material Polypropylen Colour Black Colour Spectrum Black Width (Inner Dimension in cm) 47,3 Height (Internal Dimension in cm) 35,1 Depth (Internal Dimension in cm) 19,7 Weight (g) 3.950
Boya BY-K4 adapter võimaldab 3,5 mm ühendusega mikrofone kasutada koos USB-C pesaga seadmetega. 3,5 mm TRRS pesa mikrofoniga ühendamiseks USB-C pistik nutiseadmega ühendamiseks Pikkus: ca 6 cm
Spetsiaalselt Fujifilm Instax Square SQ1 kaamerale valmistatud vutlar. See kott kaitseb Sinu kiirpildikaamerat välistingimuste eest ning on samas ka kauni aksessuaari eest. Koos kotiga on komplektis mugav õlarihm.
Fun accessoryPolyurethane case for Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 camera protects your device from dirt and scratces and at the same time is a fun and fashionable accessory. You can carry it over the shoulder with a shoulder strap.
Spetsiaalselt Fujifilm Instax Square SQ1 kaamerale valmistatud vutlar. See kott kaitseb Sinu kiirpildikaamerat välistingimuste eest ning on samas ka kauni aksessuaari eest. Koos kotiga on komplektis mugav õlarihm.
B&W International Type 6000 with sponge insertThe outdoor.cases line was developed from case specialists B&W International. The outdoor.cases are designed to be used in the toughest situations and tested under the most extreme conditions. They are designed for temperatures ranging from -40°C up to +80°C. The outdoor.cases are stackable and watertight, dustproof, crack proof and shock resistant. In short B&W outdoor.cases are a reliable companion to protect your equipment no matter where you are or what you do.Removable cubed "pick 'n" pluck" foam inserts allow for precision customization of your cases interior. This includes robust egg crate foam in the lid for full shock resistant protection.Features:Cubed "pick 'n" pluck" foam insertsCase shells made out of impact resistant polypropylene (PP)Shock resistant, crack proof and stackableDustproof and watertightDesigned for temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +80 °CYellow Type Suitcase External Material Polypropylen Colour Yellow Colour Spectrum Yellow / Orange Width (Inner Dimension in cm) 47,3 Height (Internal Dimension in cm) 35,1 Depth (Internal Dimension in cm) 19,7 Weight (g) 3.950
Pehmendatud kaitsekott su peegelkaamerale koos objektiiviga ning lisatarvikutele., Õlarihm, seesmin tasku mälukaartidele ja akudele, Mõõtmed: 190 x 220 x 160mm, Kaal: 330g
Novoflex Bluewrap - Stretch Wrap - Size: L (38x38cm) A innovative wrap made of blue neopren, a highly elastic material (up to 30%) for optimal wrapping of cameras and lenses. High-quality velcro fasteners over the full overlap. This wrap is highly recommended as reliable protection for your valuable equipment. Ideal for Telephoto lenses, cameras with small lenses, camcorders Colour: outside: light blue, inside: dark blue. Type Wrapping Cloth External Material Neoprene Colour Blue Colour Spectrum Blue / Turquoise Width (cm) 38 Height (cm) 38