Nikon Z-TELECONVERTER TC-1.4x laiendab ühilduvate NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivide võtteulatust ilma oluliselt kaalu lisamata. Olgu tegemist loomadest, tegevuse või dramaatiliste vaadetega, saate kaugemalt pildistada. Seda kõike Nikoni Z-seeria teada-tuntud suurepärase pildikvaliteedi ja teravustamiskiirusega. Tehke ilusaid pilte objektidest, milleni te varem ei ulatunud. Z TELEKONVERTER TC-1.4x pikendab teie peeglita NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivi fookuskauguste vahemikku 40%. Ideaalne, kui täiusliku pildi saamiseks on vaja veel natuke. Telekonverteriga TC-1.4x pildistades jääb väikseim teravustamiskaugus samaks.
Nikon Z-TELECONVERTER TC-2.0x. Nikoni Z-seeria 2,0x telekonverter. Ükskõik, mida pildistate, jõudke lähemale. Z-TELEKONVERTER TC-2.0x kahekordistab ühilduvate NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivide võtteulatust ilma oluliselt kaalu lisamata. Võite jäädvustada uskumatuid kaadreid, mis olid varem võtteulatusest väljas. Seda kõike Nikoni Z-seeria teada-tuntud suurepärase pildikvaliteedi ja teravustamiskiirusega. Täitke kaader detailidega. Z TELEKONVERTER TC-2.0x pikendab teie peeglita NIKKORi Z-seeria objektiivi fookuskauguste vahemikku 100%. Ideaalne spordi- ja loomapiltide tegemiseks, kui te ei soovi teist objektiivi endaga kaasas kanda. Telekonverteriga TC-2.0x pildistades jääb väikseim teravustamiskaugus samaks.
Doublepack with 2x8 instant color photos with white frames. For use in I-type cameras. Images begin to emerge within 2 minutes. Full development takes 10-15 minutes. I-type film is optimized for I-type cameras.It´s cheaper than our standard film, because it doesn´t contain batteries. I-type film uses our latest color chemistry to produce photos with rich, well-balanced tones and those soft textures that make analog photography so distinctive. Its iconic white frame style is a piece of instant history. For use with Polaroid I-type cameras Do not work with vinage polaroid cameras.
The Remote Grip MC- N10 — a new accessory for videographers and moviemakers. Perfect in any set-up, this lightweight and reliable grip lets users seamlessly control the Nikon mirrorless camera at the heart of their video rig.
The MB-N12 is a dust- and drip-resistant battery grip that can be used for vertical shooting, as well as to increase shooting time versus using the camera battery alone. It’s also a great way to counterbalance the weight of telephoto lenses.
Eight instant color photos with white frames. For use in Polaroid 600-type cameras and I-type cameras. Images begin to emerge within 2 minutes. Full development takes about 10-15 minutes. Our latest color film formula produces photos with rich color, well-balanced tones and those soft textures that make analog photography so distinctive. Its iconic white frame is a piece of instant history. Paper size: 108mm x 88mm
12x Visible Dust Sensor Cleaning MXD Swab greenThe patented mini-channel, with contour, provides an even saturation of the paddles surface while preventing pooling and vertical flow at the edge. This reduces streaks associated with traditional flat surface paddles. The mini-channels also provide the extra reservoir to absorb the excessive liquid and prolonging the moisture life of the swab during the cleaning process.1.0x (24 mm)Download VisibleDust - compatibility list Cleaning & Care Cleaning Swabs Information Thorough and Safe Cleaning of Camera Sensor Quantity 12
The LB-T01 Lens Barrier can be attached to the camera through a secure screw mount to protect the lens surface from scratches and dirt. It's easy one hand operation by rotating the edge let's you switch between lens protection function in closed position to shooting mode in open position with a snap, so you will always be ready for shooting - even when wearing gloves.
Ideaalne fotoajakirjanikule, samuti spordi- ja loodusfotograafile. See kompaktne telekonverter suurendab Nikoni Nikkorii teleobjektiivi fookuskaugust 1.4x, millega kaasneb suurem AF täpsus ning pareneb suhtlemine kaamera ja ...
Erinevalt enamikust kompaktkaameratest, saab TG-1 kaamerale CLA-T01 adapterit kasutades kinnitada veekindlaid konvertereid ning 45mm filtreid. Telekonverter TCON-T01 on loodud kasutamiseks koos TG-1 kaameraga ja võimaldab professionaalselt hägustatud taustaga televõtete jäädvustamiseks optilise zoomi ulatust 6,8x suurendada. Tänu TG-1 kaamera superresolutsiooniga zoomifunktsioonile on võimalik kasutada isegi kuni 13,6x suurendust. See konverter on abiks eriti kaugete objektide jäädvustamisel.
Unlike with most cameras in the compact class, you can attach waterproof converters and 45mm lens filters to the high-class TG-series using the CLA-T01 conversion lens adapter. The fisheye converter lens FCON-T02 allows circular fisheye shooting without sacrificing the brightness of the lens. Simply change the zoom position of the FCON-T02 to switch between circular fisheye and diagonal fisheye photography. It has a waterproof finish for unique photographic expressions even underwater. The interior of the lens is filled with nitrogen gas preventing internal fogging due to temperature differences. With this unique accessory you can shoot wider, more dynamic images that reproduce the beauty of the underwater world in full scale.
Camera strap for all Polaroid Cameras with strap hooks. For example; I-type, SX-70, and other vintage cameras. This flat strap is made of 95% Polyester & 5% cotton and has a length of 110cm and the width is 4cm Available in many different colours.
A true High-Definition quality edge to edge; It creates a -64% distortion image, obtaining the Fisheye effect.; 3-Group-3-element High Definition Design; 205g Compact size design
The High-End professional footswitch RS31H incorporates 4 buttons to easily control not only Olympus dictation management software (ODMS, DSS Player Standard, Sonority), but also your preferred third party software. This can be any transcription player or other application software, which can be controlled via keyboard shortcuts (e.g. “Ctrl + Alt + P” or “Alt + 1”) or multimedia keys (Scan Next Track, Stop, Play/Pause etc.). Just assign the desired command to the pedals with the free Olympus Foot Switch Configuration Tool. Once the pedals are configured according to your individual needs you will have your hands free to transcribe an audio file or for other things.With the extra wide center pedal it is has a perfect ergonomics for shoe sizes up to 46 and helps you to transcribe audio files even for operations over several hours.
Kümne-viigulise kaugterminaliga fotoaparaatidele. ML-3 pakub infrapuna LED kiire abil kaugjuhtimist kahele eraldi kanalile võimaldades fotoaparaadi automaatset juhtimist ligi 8 meetri kauguselt. Võimalikud on automaatne päästmine, katiku viivitusega vabastamine, üksik ning pidev pildistamine.
Juhtige kogu oma mitmest välgust koosnevat Loovvalgustussüsteemi suure ja lihtsa LCD-ekraani abiga. Kaob vajadus juhtmete ja eraldi välgumõõdikute järele, kui soovite saavutada täpset automaatvõtet ükskõik millistes valgustingimustes. SU-800 võib juhtida ükskõik kui mitut i-TTL Loovvalgustussüsteemi kuuluvat kiirvälku nagu SB-900, SB-800 või SB-600, või ka spetsiaalset SB-R200 kaugjuhtimisega kiirvälku lähivõteteks, andes nii täiesti uue mõõtme teie pildistamisele sise- või välitingimustes.
This Remote Cord replaces the MC-20 with many improved features. It sports an Electric Sound Speaker, Shutter Release Active Lamp, similar to D-SLR/COOLWALKER multi-selector button operation, Interval Timer, Long Exposure (it can use Interval Timer and Long Exposure simultaneously), Self Timer, TIME Exposure and a Release Hold Mechanism.
Camera strap for all Polaroid Cameras with strap hooks. For example; I-type, SX-70, and other vintage cameras. This flat strap is made of 95% Polyester & 5% cotton and has a length of 110cm and the width is 4cm Available in many different colours.