Sigma 105mm f/1.4 Art valgusjõuline kõrgklassi objektiiv on loodud nii täiskaader kui poolkaader sensoriga kaameratega kasutamiseks. See on ustav kaaslane nii portreetööks kui ürituste pildistamiseks. Selles objektiivis on kasutusel uus HSM (Hyper Sonic Motor) mootor, mis tagab märkimisväärselt kiire ja täpse teravustamise. Optiliselt on objektiivis kasutuses kolm FLD ning kaks SLD (eriti madala dispersiooniga) elementi, mis tagavad suurepärase teravuse. FLD klaaselemendid on suurepärase valguse ülekandega ning võrdväärsed fluoriidelementidega. 9-labaline diafragma loob fotodele kauni bokeh. Objektiivi tolmu- ja pritsmekindel disain kindlustab usaldusväärse töö ka keerulisemates keskkonnaoludes. Erinevalt tavalistest ABS plastikust tehtud päikesevarjukitest on Sigma 105mm Art seeria objektiivi varjuk tehtud süsinikkiuga tugevdatud plastikust (CFRP). Eemaldatav Acra-Swiss statiivikrae sobib enamike statiiviplaatidega ja seda on mugav ja kiire eemaldada.
Uus Sigma 35mm f/1.4 objektiiv on valgusjõuline objektiiv, mis on disainitud küll täiskaadersensoriga kasutamiseks, kuid sobib ka poolkaaderkaamera ette. Objektiiv on varustatud kiire ning täpse HSM (Hyper Sonic Motor) teravustamismootoriga, mis ei jäta sind ka kiirelt mööduvatel hetkedel hätta. Objektiiv kasutab sisemist teravustamismehhanismi ning parima pildikvaliteedi tagamiseks on kasutusel nii SLD kui FLD elemendid. Sigma AF 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM A on ühilduv Sigma USB dokiga, võimaldades kasutajal endal uuendada nii objektiivi püsivara kui ka seadistada teravustamist. The Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM is a state of the art lens designed for full frame cameras but can also be used with APS-C sensors as well. The first addition to the Art category in Sigma’s Global Vision, the 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM includes new features based around a unique lens concept and design. The 35mm is a staple focal length in the world of photography, and paired with Sigma technology, this lens can take artistic expression to the next level. The lens is equipped with technology including a Hyper Sonic Motor (HSM), floating internal focusing system, SLD and FLD Glass elements. The HSM ensures quiet, high speed, accurate autofocusing while the floating focusing system allows for superior optical performance with subjects at a closer shooting distance. The SLD glass elements along with the FLD glass elements, which are equal to fluorite, help correct both axial and chromatic aberration. The large f/1.4 aperture make it ideal in low light and the lens is compatible with the Sigma USB dock and Optimization Pro software to adjust and fine tune focusing parameters. The Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM is a must have for any camera bag.
24–70 mm normaalsuumobjektiiv. Valgusjõuline - läbiva f/2.8 avaga. Kiire ning vaikse HSM teravustamismootoriga Sigma OS pildistabilisaatoriga. Nikon F bajonetiga peegelkaameratele. Creative, Travel, Landscape, Wedding & Events, Portrait, Family, Specialty. Flagship of the ART line.
AF 24mm F1.8 Z-Mount • Full-frame wide-angle prime autofocus lens • Light weight and high image quality, built-in STM+ lead screw type stepping motor • Stable and smooth autofocus, lightweight focusing assembly • Slight breathing effect, support Eye-control focusing • Excellent resolution, soft and natural bokeh
Fujifilm XF 18mm f/1.4 R LM WR ülilainurkobjektiiv on valmistatud spetsiaalselt Fujifilm X-seeria hübriidkaameratele. Selle optiline ehitus koosneb 15 elemendist 9 grupis, mis tagavad piltidele vähima moonutuse. Lisaks on elementide vahel kasutatud Super EBC vääristust, mis vähendavad võimalike varikujutiste teket. XF 18mm on ideaalne objektiiv maastikupildistamiseks ja reisikotti kaasa pakkimiseks ning lisaks on selle vähim fokusseerimiskaugus on üliväike – umbes 20 cm.Ilmastikukindel disainLisaks viimase peal optilisele ehitusele, on XF 18mm ka ilmastikukindel. Sellel on 9 tihendit kaheksas erinevas kohas, mis kaitsevad objektiivi niiskuse ja tolmu eest ning lubavad objektiivi kasutada ka kuni -10°C juures.
The Viltrox FX-85 f / 1.8 AF Fujifilm X-Mount MKII lens is a short telephoto lens ideal for portrait photography. The lens is characterized by the bright maximum aperture of f / 1.8. With this lens, you can also take excellent photos in low-light situations. Optical design The optical design includes an Ultra-low Dispersion element and four elements of highly transparent glass. This design helps to counteract chromatic and spherical aberrations to achieve high clarity and sharpness. HD Nano coating The multi-layer HD Nano coating prevents lens flare and ghosting and provides more contrast when working with strong light. The lens is equipped with an STM motor which makes it very fast and quiet during focusing. Thanks to the minimum focusing distance of 80cm, you can focus on your subject from very close range.
Micro Four Thirds System; 50mm (35mm Equivalent); Aperture Range: f/1.8 to f/22; Two Aspherical Elements; Movie & Still Compatible AF System; Rounded 7-Blade Diaphragm
75 mm tele-fiksobjektiiv; Valgusjõuline - f/1.8 maksimaalne ava; Vaikne ning kiire teravustamismootor; Kompaktne ja kerge konstruktsioon; Sony E bajonetiga pool- ja täiskaader hübriidkaameratele
14 mm ülilainurkobjektiiv; Valgusjõuline - f/2.8 maksimaalne ava; Perfektne maastiku ja arhitektuuri pildistamiseks; Manuaalse teravustamisega; Nikon Z bajonetiga kaameratele
24 mm lainurk-fiksobjektiiv; Valgusjõuline - f/1.4 maksimaalne ava; Kaunis bokeh tänu 11-labalisele avale; Ülimalt kvaliteetne Sony G Master seeria; Sony E bajonetiga täis- ja poolkaader hübriidkaameratele
Viltrox XF-75 F1.2 AF PRO Nikon Z-mount APS-C. The AF 75mm F1.2 XF Pro is VILTROX´s first high-end PRO series lens and reflects VILTROX´s years of developing optical technology. Highlights Aperture of F1.2 - F16 Latest algorithm STM step motor Has 16 lens elements in 11 groups Also supports Eye focus on humans and animals The lens uses the special nitrate material imported from Japan. With F1.2 aperture, it also features advanced autofocus performance as well as professional handling and reliability. With 16 lens elements in 11 groups, the image at maximum aperture is still unparalleled and all details come into focus instantly. The Viltrox 75mm F1.2 has high resolution and restoration capabilities with sharp imaging and consistency from edge to center. The built-in latest algorithm STM stepper motor provides the high drive power needed for accurate autofocus and tracking focus. It can also achieve fast, smooth, accurate and quiet autofocus and tracking under extremely shallow depth of field. It also supports Eye focus on humans and animals. With a 3 layers of protection, it has a professional waterproof and dustproof structural design, which avoids dust and water drops. Characteristics Camera mount: Z-mount Compatible frame size: APS-C Lens elements: 11/16 Focal length: F=75mm (115mm) Viewing angle: 21.35º Aperture: F1.2- F16 Aperture control: 11 Shooting Distance: 0.88m-⚭ Focusing mechanism: Ultra-light internal focus Focusing motor: STM+Lead screw Focus mode: MF, AF Max. magnification: 0.1X Lens size (diameter/length): ⌀87mmx 101mm Weight: ~710g Filter size: ⌀77mm In the box Viltrox XF-75 F1.2 AF PRO Nikon Z-mount APS-C Carrying case Lens hood lens caps
This bright F1.4 PRO lens beautifully balances high resolution with the ability to capture soft, feathered bokeh. Compact and lightweight, you’ll find this prime lens makes long days of shooting landscapes, nature or travel photos seem effortless. Enjoy reliable IPX1 weathersealing so you can shoot without worry in any and all conditions.
A Pro lens like no other in its class ‑ the M.Zuiko Digital ED 150‑400mm F4.5 TC1.25x IS PRO (300‒800mm*) sets the standard in super‑telephoto performance, portability and precision. Featuring a built‑in 1.25x teleconverter, this zoom lens goes up to 500mm (1000mm*) shooting ‑ or add the optional MC‑20 Teleconverter for an ultimate 1000mm (2000mm*). 5‑axis Sync IS offering up to 8 EV steps of compensation with a compatible camera ensures your photos remain sharp. And because photo assignments can take you anywhere, Olympus‑renowned weather sealing is a given. Just like the highly precise and fast autofocus.