Taustakomplekti ja valgust peegeldavate varjudega paindlikku fotostuudiokomplekti saab kasutada stuudios või muus asukohas pildistamiseks/filmimiseks. Suurepärane taustasüsteem: taustasüsteemi maksimaalne laius on 300 cm ja seda saab kombineerida ühe erinevat värvi taustaga. Paindlikku taustasüsteemi on lihtne üles seada ning seda saab kasutada portreede, reklaampiltide või toodete pildistamiseks.Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 2 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 13 watti. Suurepärane jõudlus: varjul on kaks päevavalguslampi, mille värvitemperatuur on 5500 Kelvinit, võimaldades teil objekti loomulikult tabada. Komplekt sobib nii analoog- kui digitaalfotograafiaks. Kaks valget vihmavarju pakuvad pehmet valgust, et vältida järske varje.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne ja tagastamine
Fotostuudio komplekti kuuluvad stuudio softboxi valgustused, taustapildid ja viis-ühes reflektor ning seda saab kasutada stuudios või mõnes muud asukohas pildistamiseks. Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 3 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 23 watti.Suurepärane jõudlus: 3 fotovalgustust on ideaalsed valgusallikad loominguliseks foto- või videovõtteks. Softboxide abil saab vältida järske varje. Kogu valgustuskomplekt on pideva valgustusega. Suurepärane taustasüsteem: taustasüsteemi maksimaalne laius on 300 cm ja seda saab kombineerida ühe erinevat värvi taustaga. Paindlikku taustasüsteemi on lihtne üles seada ning seda saab kasutada portreede, reklaampiltide või toodete pildistamiseks.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne ja tagastamine
Paindlikku fotostuudiokomplekti, kuhu kuuluvad taustad ja softboxide valgustussüsteem viis-ühes reflektoriga, saab kasutada stuudios või muus asukohas pildistamiseks/filmimiseks. Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 2 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 13 W.Suurepärane taustasüsteem: taustasüsteemi maksimaalne laius on 300 cm ja seda saab kombineerida ühe erinevat värvi taustaga. Paindlikku taustasüsteemi on lihtne üles seada ning seda saab kasutada portreede, reklaampiltide või toodete pildistamiseks.Lai kasutuala: sobib suurepäraselt portreealadele erinevate valgusefektide ja taustavalguse tekitamiseks ning tootealadele põhivalgusena kasutamiseks.Suurepärane jõudlus: professionaalne softboxi valgustussüsteem sobib suurepäraselt digitaal- ja analoogfotograafiaks toodete ja portreede pildistamisel. Värvustemperatuuriga 5500 K kiirgab softbox ideaalset loomulikku värvi ja optimaalses vahemikus valgust. Kuna tegemist on külma valgusallikaga, siis stuudios lisasoojust ei teki.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne ja tagastamine
Prožektori lisakomplekt Godox VSA-26K Ühtlane valgustugevus. VSA valgusvoogu iseloomustab ühtlane intensiivsus, ilma värvi või heleduse muutuseta keskpunktist servani. Süsteem on optimeeritud kiirgama ideaalseid valguskiiri. Teravad servad. Kasutades oma klassi parimat moonutusi kõrvaldavat läätsesüsteemi, kiirgab VSA-seade uskumatult selge teravate servadega valguskiire, mis võimaldab luua kunstipäraseid kujundeid fantaasiat piiramata. Palju kasutusvõimalusi. Prožektoril on palju kasutusvõimalusi, näiteks: kärpimine – sisseehitatud sulgurlabad tagavad kõige tõhusama ja täpsema juhtimise, võimaldades visandada kujundit valgusega, nagu teeksite seda pintsliga; kujundamine – sisestage Gobo filter, et luua kunstipärane taust või intrigeeriv muster, mis sobib teie teemaga; fookustamine – hoova vajutamisega saate lihtsalt ja sujuvalt reguleerida valgusvihku punktist kuni hajumiseni; värvimine – looge värviliste geelfiltritega pilkupüüdev meeleolu ja laske oma loovusel lennata. Vahetatavad läätsed. Valikus on kolm läätse – 19°, 26° ja 36°, mis võimaldavad loojatel kujundada valgust vastavalt erinevatele seadistustele. VSA-26K on varustatud 26° läätsega. Laialdane ühilduvus Prožektoril on populaarne Bowensi kinnitus, mis avab loojatele rohkem loomingulisi võimalusi. Parima kasutuskogemuse tagamiseks soovitab Godox kasutada seadet kuni 300 W LED-valgusallikaga. Komplektis on: • prožektori lisa, • 26° lääts, • 3 x gobo, • gobo hoidik, • värvifiltrite hoidik, • transpordikott.
Prožektori lisakomplekt Godox VSA-36K Ühtlane valgustugevus. VSA valgusvoogu iseloomustab ühtlane intensiivsus, ilma värvi või heleduse muutuseta keskpunktist servani. Süsteem on optimeeritud kiirgama ideaalseid valguskiiri. Teravad servad. Kasutades oma klassi parimat moonutusi kõrvaldavat läätsesüsteemi, kiirgab VSA-seade uskumatult selge teravate servadega valguskiire, mis võimaldab luua kunstipäraseid kujundeid fantaasiat piiramata. Palju kasutusvõimalusi. Prožektoril on palju kasutusvõimalusi, näiteks: kärpimine – sisseehitatud sulgurlabad tagavad kõige tõhusama ja täpsema juhtimise, võimaldades visandada kujundit valgusega, nagu teeksite seda pintsliga; kujundamine – sisestage Gobo filter, et luua kunstipärane taust või intrigeeriv muster, mis sobib teie teemaga; fookustamine – hoova vajutamisega saate lihtsalt ja sujuvalt reguleerida valgusvihku punktist kuni hajumiseni; värvimine – looge värviliste geelfiltritega pilkupüüdev meeleolu ja laske oma loovusel lennata. Vahetatavad läätsed. Valikus on kolm läätse – 19°, 26° ja 36°, mis võimaldavad loojatel kujundada valgust vastavalt erinevatele seadistustele. VSA-36K on varustatud 36° läätsega. Laialdane ühilduvus Prožektoril on populaarne Bowensi kinnitus, mis avab loojatele rohkem loomingulisi võimalusi. Parima kasutuskogemuse tagamiseks soovitab Godox kasutada seadet kuni 300 W LED-valgusallikaga. Komplektis on: • prožektori lisa, • 36° lääts, • 3 x gobo, • gobo hoidik, • värvifiltrite hoidik, • transpordikott.
Litemons video light series is a set of entry-level tools designed to make your journey of the content creation much easier, a portаble, ease-of-use and budget-friendly lighting solution to which our LED6R/LED6Bi belongs. Versatility LED6BI will give you the right amount of light, whether you are creating creative shots, vlog, lighting a party or taking product photography. You can adjust the color temperature in the range from 3200 to 6500K (in 9 steps), and the brightness of the device itself can be set between 0% and 100% (10 steps). Thoughtful design Litemons is equipped with a 1800 mAh lithium battery that is able to power the panel for 1.5 to 10 hours, depending on the power set. The built-in magnet on the back of the device allows the panel to be mounted on metal surfaces. It also has an additional cold shoe for mounting on the camera and three handles on the housing, allowing you to connect additional panels and create a larger light source. Included: Godox LED6BI Litemons Bi-Color Diffuser USB Type-C cable
Godox R200 Ring Flash Head for AD200Pro & AD200 The Godox R200 Ring Flash Head is made for AD200Pro & AD200. As a 200Ws ring flash like never had before, the R200 renders incredible even illumination while eliminating unpleasant highlights and creating a glamorous glow on your subject that will make the portrait look expensive and impressive, making it an irreplaceable light source for photography. Unique visual impact Delivering virtually shadowless illumination that creates artistic contrast but never causes any harshness or misses the details of your subject; throwing the shadows behind and thus creates a beautiful contour around the subject to produce the visual impact that is hard to achieve with other light sources, the R200 ring flash distinguishes itself from other off-axis lights to be an ideal fill-in light for portrait and fashion photography. Another beauty dish The R200 works as a perfect beauty dish equipped with a reflector RFT-25S. The light delivered by the ring flash spread evenly and then bounce from the round dish to create broader and softer illumination. Providing you with more fun to explore the reflector also comes with dedicated honeycomb grids in three different angles to shape the light as you need. Run-and-gun The R200 ring flash comes with a stylish mini bag to hold your AD200/AD200Pro. The bag is ingeniously designed to let you go at ease and adjust the parameter conveniently even when you work alone. Fold-and-go The foldable camera bracket allows you to easily and quickly fold up the whole fixture without unscrewing them, saving much time for the next shooting. Characteristics Flash Power: 200Ws Flash CCT: 5800±200K Modeling Lamp CCT: 4500±300K Dimension (excluding power cable): 18,8 x 18,8 x 6cm Net Weight: 0.64kg 2 year warranty In the box 1 x Flash head 1 x Foldable camera bracket 1 x Cross-body mini bag 1 x Umbrella bracket
Suitable for round and Fresnel heads It is the perfect combination of simplicity and capability. The AK-R21 is designed with two types of mounting rings to connect both round and normal Fresnel heads. So it is compatible with AD200Pro (round head and Fresnel head), AD100Pro, V1 and almost all camera flash units of all brands. Be it portrait photography, product photography or any other genre, the AK-R21 always offers inspiration. Creativity awaits, unlock your imagination. Note: When use on fresnel head flash(AD200Pro/V860III,V860II, TT685, TT685II,V850III), you need to purchase square head adapter Godox AK-R25 separately. The projector rotates 360° when attached to flash units. This allows you to adjust the projection angle to the right angle much more easily and efficiently. The mounting ring is also carefully marked with degree figures, giving you a visible and measurable guide to adjust the projection precisely. Hold and hide Designed with a universal 1/4" mount on the adapters, you can attach the projector directly to the light stand or with the flash. For camera flash, attaching the projector directly to the light stand will fix the light angle stably and avoid downward tilt caused by weight. A range of supporting accessories is the perfect choice to hold and conceal the AK-R21. Special lenses with optional focal length The projector comes with a ready-to-use kit consisting of the projector, a dedicated 65mm lens and a transparency kit. The lenses are precision-built to eliminate centre-to-edge colour aberrations. Whatever you project, it casts explicit shapes and vivid images as if it came to life. Apart from the included 65mm lens, there are two optional 50mm and 83mm focal length lenses to choose from. * For better results, it is recommended to keep the focal length of the flash above 80mm. Characteristics Modifier Type: Snoot Mounting method: Clip-On Suitable for round and Fresnel heads Universal 1/4" mounting 360° rotatable Dimensions: H: 79.0 x W: 76.0 x L: 121.0 mm (open) Weight: 182 g 2-year warranty In the box 1x Projection Attachment for Flash Head 1x 65mm lens 1x Adapter Holder for Round Flash Head 1x Slide Box 1x Demo Slide 1x Storage Bag
The ideal soft lighting source for small spaces. The CS-T series softbox with a shallower depth offer exceptional versatility in compact settings, emitting soft and uniform lighting in all directions. They are perfect for live streaming and video recordings. The diffuser is securely fastened to the frame with Velcro tape, keeping the umbrella ribs in place, enabling the softbox to expand and collapse in just one second, greatly enhancing workflow efficiency. The sperical Lantern excels in emitting soft, uniform light in all directions, making it versatile for both confined and open spaces. Its wide 270 degrees beam angle is well-suited for a range of videos shooting activities, including video recording and live streaming. Achieve precise light control with the detachable skirt, easily attachable to the Lantern, allowing you to eliminate unwanted bouncing light by rolling it up or down. Skirt CS-85T-S is optional (not included to this product). With the Bowens mount, the lantern is fully compatible with a wide range of Bowens mount flashes and continuous lights, including the Godox SL, UL, VL series, and more.
The SMDV Speedbox Flip-28G is a very quick to set-up, octagonal softbox. The Flip-28G has a diameter of 70 centimeters and features a practical folding system. This gives you the opportunity to unfold and fold it in no time. It comes in a handy carrying bag. Diffuser The SMDV Speedbox Flip-28G softbox creates beautiful, even light in your studio or on location. The softbox is ideal for portrait, beauty and fashion photographers. It is equipped with a fixed diffuser. Get started quickly After using the softbox, there´s no need to take it apart again. Quickly fold it to a manageable size with the convenient SMDV quick-fold system and within 20 seconds the softbox is ready for use again. Durable The SMDV Speedbox Flip-28G softbox is made of aluminium and nylon. The material is wear-resistant. The adapter ring is not included. Optional Adapter Rings: SMDV S Adapter for Speedlight. Write us & ask about it! SMDV C Adapter for A1, A10, V1, AD100pro. Write us & ask about it! SMDV G Adapter for Godox AD300PRO & ML60. Write us & ask about it! SMDV F Adapter for Nanlite Forza 60,60B. Write us & ask about it! Characteristics Diameter of 70 centimetres Fold in and out quickly Made of wear resistant nylon fabric Dimensions softbox of 70 x 59 x 34 centimetres With fixed diffuser In the box 1 x SMDV Speedbox-Flip28G 1 x Carrying bag
This set of 10 GOBO discs offer a range of unique patterns that add texture to backgrounds and make adding layers to a sceneeasy and compelling. Set of 10 specificially designed for the PJ-BM-19/36.
This set of 10 GOBO discs offer a range of unique patterns that add texture to backgrounds and make adding layers to a sceneeasy and compelling. Set of 10 specificially designed for the PJ-BM-19/36.
Ideal for portraits, headshots, interviews, and fashion, the 150cm Parabolic 150 Softbox with Bowens Mount from Nanlite is a 16-sided hexadecagon-shaped modifier. The structure of the Para 150 is fortified by 16 durable support rods, while its silver interior maximizes your light source´s output. It offers focused, soft output with a punchy, crisp edge that lends dimension and detail to your subject as well as natural-looking catchlight in their eyes. Additionally, the parabolic shape of the modifier renders significant falloff at the field edge and therefore an enhanced degree of directional control, decreased spill light, and easy feathering. In the box Nanlite Parabolic 150 Softbox with Bowens Mount (150cm) Bowens Mount Speed Ring Carry Bag
Create a round light beam with soft edges. The Ulanzi AS-045 Quick Release Octagonal Softbox With Grid 45 cm Bowens is designed to set up and fold down quickly. The softbox delivers a round light beam with soft edges that is great for portrait and fashion photography. Highlights: Easy setup and quick to set up High quality and durability Adjustаble light direction Easy installation and quick set up The innovative quick release structure allows for effortless installation and removal in just 15 seconds. Ulanzi´s parabolic softbox weighs only 790 grams and comes with a storage bag, making it ideal for photographers who are often on the go. Adjustаble light direction. Supports one to three layers of diffusers, inner baffle, front diffuser and Grid to provide a variety of lighting effects. The removable inner diffuser and outer diffuser soften light and reduce exposure by 2.1 stops. A fabric grid is included to reduce the beam angle and control unwanted light. High quality and durability. The stainless steel bracket provides exceptional strength and durability to the softbox, ensuring long-term use without distortion. It offers enhanced contrast and tactile feel, while the reversible deflector element eliminates a hot spot in the center. Compatible with lamps with Bowens mounts. The Ulanzi Softbox is compatible with GODOX M200D/M300D, Aputure LS 60d/x / LS C120d II/ Amaran 100 200dx/Amaran COB 60d/60x, and ordinary studio lamps; Suitаble for photography speedlites, strobes and etc. Characteristics: Model:AS-045 Product weight: 709 g Softbox opening: Φ 45 cm External diffusion size: Φ 42 cm Internal diffusion size: Φ 33,5 cm Honeycomb size: Φ 43 cm Material: Oxford cloth, aluminum alloy In the box: 1 x Ulanzi AS-045 Quick Release Octagonal Softbox With Grid 45cm Bowens 1 x Carry Bag 1 x User Manual 1 x Internal Diffusion 1 x External Diffusion 1 x Honeycomb Grid
Godox Zoom Box P128Kit Godox Parabolic light Focusing System realizes a distinctive way to shape your light. Thanks to the engineering preciseness and pursuit of excellence. The 24 -brace reflector works perfectly as a light re-inventor creating dimensions no other light shapers could. Focus system The focus system gives you great light variations from just one modifier. The easy-to-use focus bar allows you to achieve different lighting results. When the light is placed inwards, the scattered beams are stretched to form a focused and narrow beam with high contrast. When the light is placed further out, the reflected rays tend to disperse, some touching the subject while others disperse. This makes the light softer and provides less contrast. Prominent light Master You will be impressed by the magnificent light effects that´s provided. Shadows being cast in a sense of gorgeous sculpturing for elegant dimensionality. Rich contrast could be obtained while tonal areas are evenly lit, with great depth. Details and charms are merged in one piece. Vibrant colors are greatly maintained to strengthen the impact of the image. The overall intensity is adjustаble to your visual aesthetics. At all levels of light quality, the system shows its undoubted masterfulness, best for fashion, beauty, fine-art and other artistic creations. Small adapter ring The adapter ring that connects the light head of your preference is newly designed with a smaller diameter, resulting in less block of light output, which creates a more efficient illumination. User friendly Thanks to thoughtful mechanical design with the one-twist-release, it’s easy to use and quick to set-up. Secure your light. The light is protected by 2 safety mechanisms. The Anti-rotation mechanism and a Fall Arrest rope. This is to protect your light head from accidentally falling. Characteristics Parabolic design 24-brace reflector Small adaptor ring one-twist release Easy pushing and pulling Anti- rotation mechanism Fall arrest rope In the box 1x Parabolic Reflector 128 1x Carry bag CB35 1x Grip PB-G1 1x Focusing mount PF-M 1x Focusing Rod PF-R870 1x Strobe adapter PF-BM Compatibility Focusing mount: PF-M Focusing Rod: PF-R670 for P68, P88 Focusing Rod: PF-R870 for P128, P158 Bowens mount adapter: PF-BM Godox mount adapter:PF-GM Broncolor mount adapter: PF-BRM Profoto mount adapter:PF-PM Mounting bracket MB-01 for AR400 Mounting bracket MB-02 for R1200 Diffusers: P68-D1, P88-D1, P128-D1, P158-D1, P68-D2, P88-D2, P128-D2, P158-D2 Light grid: P68-LG, P88-LG, P128-LG, P158-LG
Godox Zoom Box P158Kit Godox Parabolic light Focusing System realizes a distinctive way to shape your light. Thanks to the engineering preciseness and pursuit of excellence. The 24 -brace reflector works perfectly as a light re-inventor creating dimensions no other light shapers could. Focus system The focus system gives you great light variations from just one modifier. The easy-to-use focus bar allows you to achieve different lighting results. When the light is placed inwards, the scattered beams are stretched to form a focused and narrow beam with high contrast. When the light is placed further out, the reflected rays tend to disperse, some touching the subject while others disperse. This makes the light softer and provides less contrast. Prominent light Master You will be impressed by the magnificent light effects that´s provided. Shadows being cast in a sense of gorgeous sculpturing for elegant dimensionality. Rich contrast could be obtained while tonal areas are evenly lit, with great depth. Details and charms are merged in one piece. Vibrant colors are greatly maintained to strengthen the impact of the image. The overall intensity is adjustаble to your visual aesthetics. At all levels of light quality, the system shows its undoubted masterfulness, best for fashion, beauty, fine-art and other artistic creations. Small adapter ring The adapter ring that connects the light head of your preference is newly designed with a smaller diameter, resulting in less block of light output, which creates a more efficient illumination. User friendly Thanks to thoughtful mechanical design with the one-twist-release, it’s easy to use and quick to set-up. Secure your light. The light is protected by 2 safety mechanisms. The Anti-rotation mechanism and a Fall Arrest rope. This is to protect your light head from accidentally falling. Characteristics Parabolic design 24-brace reflector Small adaptor ring one-twist release Easy pushing and pulling Anti- rotation mechanism Fall arrest rope In the box 1x Parabolic Reflector 158 1x Carry bag CB36 1x Grip PB-G1 1x Focusing Mount PF-M 1x Fosusing Rod PF-R870 1x Strobe Adapter PF-BM Compatibility Focusing mount: PF-M Focusing Rod: PF-R670 for P68, P88 Focusing Rod: PF-R870 for P128, P158 Bowens mount adapter: PF-BM Godox mount adapter:PF-GM Broncolor mount adapter: PF-BRM Profoto mount adapter:PF-PM Mounting bracket MB-01 for AR400 Mounting bracket MB-02 for R1200 Diffusers: P68-D1, P88-D1, P128-D1, P158-D1, P68-D2, P88-D2, P128-D2, P158-D2 Light grid: P68-LG, P88-LG, P128-LG, P158-LG
Godox Zoom Box P68Kit Godox Parabolic light Focusing System realizes a distinctive way to shape your light. Thanks to the engineering preciseness and pursuit of excellence. The 24 -brace reflector works perfectly as a light re-inventor creating dimensions no other light shapers could. Focus system The focus system gives you great light variations from just one modifier. The easy-to-use focus bar allows you to achieve different lighting results. When the light is placed inwards, the scattered beams are stretched to form a focused and narrow beam with high contrast. When the light is placed further out, the reflected rays tend to disperse, some touching the subject while others disperse. This makes the light softer and provides less contrast. Prominent light Master You will be impressed by the magnificent light effects that´s provided. Shadows being cast in a sense of gorgeous sculpturing for elegant dimensionality. Rich contrast could be obtained while tonal areas are evenly lit, with great depth. Details and charms are merged in one piece. Vibrant colors are greatly maintained to strengthen the impact of the image. The overall intensity is adjustаble to your visual aesthetics. At all levels of light quality, the system shows its undoubted masterfulness, best for fashion, beauty, fine-art and other artistic creations. Small adapter ring The adapter ring that connects the light head of your preference is newly designed with a smaller diameter, resulting in less block of light output, which creates a more efficient illumination. User friendly Thanks to thoughtful mechanical design with the one-twist-release, it’s easy to use and quick to set-up. Secure your light. The light is protected by 2 safety mechanisms. The Anti-rotation mechanism and a Fall Arrest rope. This is to protect your light head from accidentally falling. Characteristics Parabolic design 24-brace reflector Small adaptor ring one-twist release Easy pushing and pulling Anti- rotation mechanism Fall arrest rope In the box 1x Parabolic Reflector 68 1x Carry bag CB35 1x Grip PB-G1 1x Focusing Mount PF-M 1x Focusing Rod PF-R670 1x Strobe Adapter PF-BM Compatibility Focusing mount: PF-M Focusing Rod: PF-R670 for P68, P88 Focusing Rod: PF-R870 for P128, P158 Bowens mount adapter: PF-BM Godox mount adapter:PF-GM Broncolor mount adapter: PF-BRM Profoto mount adapter:PF-PM Mounting bracket MB-01 for AR400 Mounting bracket MB-02 for R1200 Diffusers: P68-D1, P88-D1, P128-D1, P158-D1, P68-D2, P88-D2, P128-D2, P158-D2 Light grid: P68-LG, P88-LG, P128-LG, P158-LG
Godox Zoom Box P88Kit Godox Parabolic light Focusing System realizes a distinctive way to shape your light. Thanks to the engineering preciseness and pursuit of excellence. The 24 -brace reflector works perfectly as a light re-inventor creating dimensions no other light shapers could. Focus system The focus system gives you great light variations from just one modifier. The easy-to-use focus bar allows you to achieve different lighting results. When the light is placed inwards, the scattered beams are stretched to form a focused and narrow beam with high contrast. When the light is placed further out, the reflected rays tend to disperse, some touching the subject while others disperse. This makes the light softer and provides less contrast. Prominent light Master You will be impressed by the magnificent light effects that´s provided. Shadows being cast in a sense of gorgeous sculpturing for elegant dimensionality. Rich contrast could be obtained while tonal areas are evenly lit, with great depth. Details and charms are merged in one piece. Vibrant colors are greatly maintained to strengthen the impact of the image. The overall intensity is adjustаble to your visual aesthetics. At all levels of light quality, the system shows its undoubted masterfulness, best for fashion, beauty, fine-art and other artistic creations. Small adapter ring The adapter ring that connects the light head of your preference is newly designed with a smaller diameter, resulting in less block of light output, which creates a more efficient illumination. User friendly Thanks to thoughtful mechanical design with the one-twist-release, it’s easy to use and quick to set-up. Secure your light. The light is protected by 2 safety mechanisms. The Anti-rotation mechanism and a Fall Arrest rope. This is to protect your light head from accidentally falling. Characteristics Parabolic design 24-brace reflector Small adaptor ring one-twist release Easy pushing and pulling Anti- rotation mechanism Fall arrest rope In the box 1x Parabolic Reflector 88 1x Carry bag CB35 1x Grip PB-G1 1x Focussing mount PF-M 1x Focussing Rod PF-R670 1x Strobe Adapter PF-BM Compatibility Focusing mount: PF-M Focusing Rod: PF-R670 for P68, P88 Focusing Rod: PF-R870 for P128, P158 Bowens mount adapter: PF-BM Godox mount adapter:PF-GM Broncolor mount adapter: PF-BRM Profoto mount adapter:PF-PM Mounting bracket MB-01 for AR400 Mounting bracket MB-02 for R1200 Diffusers: P68-D1, P88-D1, P128-D1, P158-D1, P68-D2, P88-D2, P128-D2, P158-D2 Light grid: P68-LG, P88-LG, P128-LG, P158-LG
RGB LED Camera Lamp Puluz is a brand perfect for the discerning eye. The lamp working up to 10h, with low output power will prove itself during long hours of shooting, and the magnetic design will facilitate the work. As many as 13 types of light simulations and color temperature reaching from 2500K to 9000K, will enrich any photo and create the desired atmosphere. Adaptation to scenery The Puluz Led RGB lamp is 20RGB, 20 white and 20 yellow beads of light, and over 98 CRI- a guarantee of true rendering of any image. Working from a distance A light range of up to 5m is a solution that will please enthusiasts of distant frames. Working with the lamp will make it easier to show details from far away. BrandPuluzModelPU560BMaterialMagnetDimensions6,6 x 3 x 8 cmPower6WVoltage3.7VInterfaceType-C
3 fotovalgustust on ideaalsed valgusallikad loominguliseks foto- või videovõtteks. Kaasasolev pildistuslaud on ideaalne väiksemate või keskmise suurusega toodete pildistamiseks ning sobib hästi kokku valgustuskomplektiga. Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 3 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 23 watti.Suurepärane esitus: softboxide kasutamine aitab vältida järske varje. Kogu valgustuskomplekt on pideva valgustusega. Sellel on 61 cm laiune ja 110 cm pikkune suur valge taust, mis aitab vähendada objektide varju.Tugev ja paindlik laud: pildistamislaual on tugev ja vastupidav terasraam. Seda saab ruumi kokkuhoiuks kokku panna, kui seda ei kasutata.Lai kasutusala: sobib suurepäraselt portreealadele erinevate valgusefektide ja taustavalguse tekitamiseks ning tootealadele põhivalgusena kasutamiseks.p>• Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne
Professionaalsed stuudiovalgustid on loodud valgusvoo pehmendamiseks ja varju eemaldamiseks, et pildistamine oleks täiuslik. Need sobivad ideaalselt portree-, digitaal- ja analoogtoodete pildistamiseks. Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 2 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 13 watti.Suurepärane jõudlus: 5500 K värvilise päevavalguse temperatuuriga stuudiovalgusti toodab suurepäraseid, detailseid ja naturaalseid värve optimaalses vahemikus. Säravvalge valgus tagab suurepärased fotomeetrilised väärtused. Tänu külmale valgusallikale ei teki stuudios soojust.Lai kasutusala: sobib suurepäraselt portreealadele erinevate valgusefektide ja taustavalguse tekitamiseks ning tootealadele põhivalgusena kasutamiseks.Mitmeotstarbeline statiiv: statiivil on 1/4" standardkeermed, mis sobivad kõigile digitaal- ja analoogkaameratele. Seda saab ka kasutada kaamera- või valgustistatiivina.p>• Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne
Professionaalne stuudiovalgusti sobib digitaal- ja analoogfotograafiaks nii toodete kui portreede pildistamisel. Energiasäästlik: valgust annab energiasäästlik LED-pirn, mis on ainult 13 vatti.Suurepärane jõudlus: 5500 K värvilise päevavalguse temperatuuriga stuudiovalgusti toodab suurepäraseid, detailseid ja naturaalseid värve optimaalses vahemikus. Säravvalge valgus tagab suurepärased fotomeetrilised väärtused. Tänu külmale valgusallikale ei teki stuudios soojust.Lai kasutusala: sobib suurepäraselt portreealadele erinevate valgusefektide ja taustavalguse tekitamiseks ning tootealadele põhivalgusena kasutamiseks.Mitmeotstarbeline statiiv: statiivil on 1/4" standardkeermed, mis sobivad kõigile digitaal- ja analoogkaameratele. Seda saab ka kasutada kaamera- või valgustistatiivina.p>• Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne
Valgustuskomplekt koosneb kahest päevavalguslambist, kahest statiivist ja kahest valgest vihmavarjust. Sobib fotode ja videote jaoks ning seda saab hõlpsasti kaasas kanda. Laialdane kasutus: valgustuskomplekti saab kasutada stuudios või soovitud asukohas Sobib nii analoog- kui digitaalfotograafiaks.Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 2 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 13 watti.Reguleeritav kõrgus: saate lambi statiivile kinnitada ja maksimaalselt 230 cm kõrgusele seada.Suurepärane valgustus: 5500 kelvini värvitemperatuuriga päevavalguslampe kasutades on võimalik objekti jäädvustada loomulikul viisil. Kaks valget vihmavarju pakuvad pehmet valgust, et vältida karme varjusid.p>• Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne
3 softboxidega fotovalgustit on ideaalsed valgusallikas loominguliseks foto- või videovõtteks. Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 3 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 23 watti.Suurepärane jõudlus: softboxid loovad pehme valguse, mis ennetavad järske varje. Tänu külmale valgusallikale ei teki stuudios soojust. Kogu valgustuskomplekt on pideva valgustusega.Lai kasutusala: sobib suurepäraselt portreealadele erinevate valgusefektide ja taustavalguse tekitamiseks ning tootealadele põhivalgusena kasutamiseks.p>• Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne
Stuudio valgustuskomplekti kuulub 3 päevavalguslampi, 3 lambihoidjat, 3 statiivi ja 3 vihmavarju (1 x valge, 2 x hõbedane). Sobib fotode ja videote jaoks ning seda saab hõlpsalt kaasas kanda. Laialdane kasutus: valgustuskomplekti saab kasutada stuudios või soovitud asukohas Sobib nii analoog- kui digitaalfotograafiaks.Energiasäästlik: valgust annavad 3 energiasäästlikku LED-pirni, millest igaüks on ainult 13 watti.Reguleeritav kõrgus: saate lambi statiivile kinnitada ja maksimaalselt 230 cm kõrgusele seada.Suurepärane valgustus: 5500 kelvini värvitemperatuuriga päevavalguslampe kasutades on võimalik objekti jäädvustada loomulikul viisil. 3 vihmavarju pakuvad pehmet valgust, et vältida karme varjusid.p>• Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne