

Walimex pro Cloth Background Happy, 3x6m
Tootekood: 15827 GTIN: 4250234558273 Stuudiovarustus
32,92 €
−7,39 €
Walimex pro Cloth Background Heaven, 3x6m
Tootekood: 15831 GTIN: 4250234558310 Stuudiovarustus
24,96 €
−9,86 €
Ewa-Marine VC-300
Tootekood: VC300 GTIN: 4035144009660 Stuudiovarustus
66,16 €
Olympus POL-053 O-Ring
Tootekood: V6370510W000 GTIN: 4545350041366 Stuudiovarustus
19,90 €
Atomos Ninja V
Tootekood: ATOMNJAV01 GTIN: 814164021173 Stuudiovarustus
5 Zoll, 4Kp60 10Bit HDR Tageslicht sichtbarer 1000nit tragbarer Monitor / Recorder. Perfekt für Mirrorless, DSLRs und Gaming.
834,00 €
Eschenbach 50 mm suurendusklaas
Tootekood: 24373 GTIN: 9998923100482 Stuudiovarustus
The timeless classic folding magnifier: Uses: the practical magnifier for on the go; fits in any pocket or glove compartment. Features: small, handy and compact; the lens is protected by a leather case.
1-3 tp
32,00 €
Bresser 1.5x/4x 100mm suurendusklaas
Tootekood: 9612000 GTIN: 9994292524096 Stuudiovarustus
Practical magnifier with illumination and lanyard. Just hang the magnifier around the neck and you have both hands free for crafting, knitting, etc. The integrated lamp provides optimal illumination of the object to be observed. 
16,00 €
Arozzi taust Green Screen (AZ-GS)
Tootekood: AZ-GS GTIN: 850009447081 Stuudiovarustus
Arozzi Green Screen
126,50 €
Godox SLB-60W LED Video Light
Tootekood: SLB60W GTIN: 6952344211212 Stuudiovarustus
Godox LED SLB-60W LED videovalgusti 5600K pakub suurepärast valguseredust tänu võimsale 60W LED pirnile, mis tekitab stabiilse valguse ja on eeskätt loodud just videograafidele, ajakirjanikele ja pulmafotograafidele. Tänu Bowensi bajonettile saab lisada ka kõiki Bowensi Softbokse, ning suur 8700 mAh liitiumaku võimaldab valgusteid kasutada ka välitingimustes. Godox SLB-60W Bowens kinnitusega LED videovalgusti, 60W valge värvitoon 5600K. Pidev valgusvoog koos aku ja puldi ning laadijaga sobib suurepäraselt sise- ja välistingimustes pildistamiseks / filmimiseks.
575,99 €
vidaXL fotostuudio valgustuskomplekt
GTIN: 8720286771747 Stuudiovarustus
Tausta- ja valgustussüsteem on hädavajalik professionaalse fotograafi varustus. Meie fotostuudio komplektis on 5 taustapilti, kokkupandav ja reguleeritav raam ning softboxide, varjude, reflektori ja reguleeritavate statiividega valgustuskomplekt. Need saab pildistamisele kaasa võtmiseks kahte mugavasse kandekotti panna. Taustasüsteemi maksimaalne laius on 300 cm ja seda saab kombineerida meie paljude erinevat värvi taustadega. Paindlikku taustasüsteemi on lihtne seadistada ja seda saab kasutada portreefotode, reklaamfotode või tootefotode tegemisel. Professionaalne softboxi valgustussüsteem sobib ideaalselt digitaal- ja analoogtoodetele ning portreefotodele. Värvustemperatuuriga 5500 K kiirgab softbox ideaalset loomulikku värvi ja optimaalses vahemikus valgust. Kuna tegemist on külma valgusallikaga, ei tekita see stuudios täiendavat soojust. Seda on ideaalne kasutada portreefoto tegemisel, et tekitada erinevaid valgusefekte ja taustavalgustust ning kasutada tootefotode puhul peamise valgustusena. Kolmjalal on 1/4" standardne statiivi keere. Varjuga valgustussüsteemil on ka kaks reguleeritavate statiividega päevavalguslampi. Kaks valget ja kaks musta varju tagavad maheda valguse, et vältida varje. Komplekti kuulub 2 taustaraami statiivi, 2 taustaraami põiklati osa, 5 tausta, 2 softboxi, 2 softboxi kolmjalga, 4 päevavalguslampi, 1 reflektor (viis ühes), 2 valget varju, 2 musta varju, 2 varju kolmjalga, 2 lambipesa ja 2 suurt kandekotti.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii • Tasuta tagastamine 30 päeva jooksul
197,99 €
vidaXL puuvillane taust, roheline, 600 x 300 cm, taustprojektsiooniks
GTIN: 8718475814580 Stuudiovarustus
Kvaliteetne 600 x 300 cm fototaust sobib suurepäraselt taustprojektsiooniks ja muudeks äriprojektideks. Taust on valmistatud 100% puuvillast, see on õmblusteta ja selle värv ei tuhmu. Fototausta saab kasutada muude taustatoodetega, mida meie poest leiate. Pange tähele, et tugi ei kuulu komplekti.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii • Tasuta tagastamine 30 päeva jooksul
35,00 €
vidaXL puuvillane taust, must, 600 x 300 cm
GTIN: 8718475814597 Stuudiovarustus
Kvaliteetne 600 x 300 cm fototaust sobib suurepäraselt portreefotodeks ja muudeks äriprojektideks. Taust on valmistatud 100% puuvillast, see on õmblusteta ja selle värv ei tuhmu. Fototausta saab kasutada muude taustatoodetega, mida meie poest leiate. Pange tähele, et tugi ei kuulu komplekti.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii • Tasuta tagastamine 30 päeva jooksul
85,99 €
Tootekood: 15-2010 GTIN: 6949987420361 Stuudiovarustus
Nanlite MixPanel 60 RGBWW LED-paneel on võimeline vahetama tavapärase mitme LED-paneeli tugeva valguse, hajutatud SMD LED-paneeli pehme valguse ja RGB-paneeli värviliste ja loovate efektide vahel ühe nupuvajutusega. MixPanelil on lai CCT vahemik vahemikus 2700 kuni 7500, et sujuvalt sulanduda ükskõik millisesse ümbritsevasse valgustingimustesse.
999,00 €
vidaXL fotostuudio komplekt 5 taustapildi ja reguleeritava raamiga
GTIN: 8718475522959 Stuudiovarustus
Taustasüsteem on hädavajalik professionaalse fotograafia varustus. Meie fotostuudio komplektis on 5 taustapilti ja kokkupandav ning reguleeritav raam, mille saab pildistamisele kaasa võtmiseks mugavasse kandekotti panna. Süsteemi maksimaalne laius on 300 cm ja seda saab kombineerida meie paljude erinevat värvi taustadega. Paindlikku taustasüsteemi on lihtne seadistada ja seda saab kasutada portreefotode, reklaamfotode või tootefotode tegemisel. Komplekti kuulub 2 statiivi, 2 põiktala osa, 5 tausta ja 1 kandekott.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii • Tasuta tagastamine 30 päeva jooksul
66,99 €
−7,00 €
vidaXL fotostuudiokomplekt taustapiltide, lampide ja vihmavarjudega
Tootekood: 3051357 GTIN: 8719883868356 Stuudiovarustus
Fotostuudiokomplekti kuuluvad valgustid ja taustapildid ning seda saab kasutada stuudios või muus asukohas pildistamiseks. Taustakomplekti kuulub 5 taustapilti ja kokkupandav reguleeritav raam, mille saab kaasaskandmiseks mugavasse kandekotti pakkida. Süsteem on maksimaalselt 300 cm laiune ja seda saab kombineerida meie mitme erinevat värvi taustaga. Paindlikku taustasüsteemi on lihtne seadistada ning seda saab kasutada portree-, reklaam- või tootefotode tegemiseks. Valgustite komplekti saab kasutada nii stuudios kui ka kohapeal. Kui kasutate 5500 Kelvini temperatuuriga päevavalguslampe, saate oma objekti naturaalses valguses pildistada. Kahe lambi valgusväljund on 100 W ning neil on kaasas energiatõhus 24 W pirn. Valgustite komplekt sobib nii analoog- kui ka digitaalfotograafia jaoks. Lambi saab kinnitada statiivile, et saavutada maksimaalset 230 cm kõrgust. Kaks valget vihmavarju pehmendavad valgust, et järske varje vältida. Kõike saab kiirelt ja lihtsalt kokku panna ning esemed mahuvad käepärasesse kandekotti, et saaksite valgustid kaasa võtta.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii • Tasuta tagastamine 30 päeva jooksul
127,99 €
vidaXL fotostuudiokomplekt valgustuse ja taustapiltidega
Tootekood: 3051363 GTIN: 8719883868417 Stuudiovarustus
Fotostuudiokomplekti kuuluvad softboxi valgustus ja taustapildid ning seda saab kasutada stuudios või muus asukohas pildistamiseks. Taustakomplekti kuulub 5 taustapilti ja kokkupandav reguleeritav raam, mille saab kaasaskandmiseks mugavasse kandekotti pakkida. Süsteem on maksimaalselt 300 cm laiune ja seda saab kombineerida meie mitme erinevat värvi taustaga. Paindlikku taustasüsteemi on lihtne seadistada ning seda saab kasutada portree-, reklaam- või tootefotode tegemiseks. Meie professionaalsed stuudiovalgustid on loodud valgusvoo pehmendamiseks ja varju eemaldamiseks, et pildistamine oleks täiuslik. Need sobivad ideaalselt portree-, digitaal- ja analoogtoodete pildistamiseks. Stuudio softbox-lampidega tuleb kaasa stabiilne ja toekas terasest kolmjalg, mille kõrgust saab vastavalt vajadusele vahemikus 90–208 cm reguleerida. Kolmjalal on 1/4" standardkeermed, mis sobivad kõigile digitaal- ja analoogkaameratele. Seda saab ka kasutada kaamera- või valgustistatiivina. Komplekti kuuluva kandekotiga on stuudiokomplekti lihtne hoiustada ja transportida.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii • Tasuta tagastamine 30 päeva jooksul
161,99 €
Godox BDR-S550 Beauty Dish 550mm Silver Bounce
Tootekood: BDRS550 GTIN: 6952344206119 Stuudiovarustus
Godox BDR-S550 Beauty Dish 550mm Silver Bounce. A favorite of fashion and portrait shooters, the Silver 55cm Beauty Dish Reflector from Godox bounces the light off a centrally positioned deflector and is directed to fill the silver reflector interior. The result is a signature soft look but with an edge of crispness (ideal for hair and makeup), that you can´t get from umbrellas and softboxes. Silver interior adds a little contrast and punch and increases the light´s throw range. An added bonus is the natural-looking catchlights that appear in the subject´s eyes.
99,99 €
vidaXL kokkupandav LED fotostuudio valguskast 40x34x37 cm plast, valge
GTIN: 8719883733784 Stuudiovarustus
Kaasaskantav LED fotostuudio valguskast on loodud nutitelefoni või digipeegelkaameraga veebipoe väikeste toodete jaoks stuudiokvaliteediga piltide tegemiseks ning see vastab kõigile teie vajadustele. Ülimalt heledate LED-helmestega stuudio valguskast pakub toodetele keskmist valgust. See tarnitakse koos 4 taustaga (must/valge/hall/sinine), mis vastavad paremini teie vajadustele. Kokkupandava disainiga stuudiovalgustuse telki on lihtne kaasas kanda ja hoida. Lisaks kuulub komplekti ka mikro-USB-kaabel.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii • Tasuta tagastamine 30 päeva jooksul
50,99 €
Nanlite Forza 60 LED stuudiovalgus
Tootekood: 12-2022 GTIN: 6949987420200 Stuudiovarustus
NanLite Forza 60 LED on väike ja kaasaskantav stuudiovalgusti, mille väljundvõimsus on märkimisväärne võrreldes suurusega. Forza 60 kaalub ainult 0,82 kg ja on umbes üheliitrise veepudeli suurune (ilma komplekti kuuluva reflektorita). Komplekti kuuluva refloktoriga edastab Forza 60 muljetavaldavat 11 950 luksi. Fresneliga varustatuna tõuseb valguse väljund 23 860 luksini 1 m kaugusel. NanLite Forza 60 LED on väike ja kaasaskantav stuudiovalgusti. Oma peopesa suuruse kere kohta äärmiselt valgusjõuline. Umbes peegelkaamera suurune, kuid suudab valgustada palju. Forza 60 on kaasaskantav ja kerge süsteem, mis enda suuruse kohta pakub pakub suurepärast valgustust. Pole tähtis, kus on sinu töökoht - Forza 60 sobib suurepäraselt paljudes situatsioonides, mis tulevad video- ja fotograafi töös ette. Akuhoidik (juurde ostetav) pakub väga mugavat ja mitmekülgset alalisvoolu lahendust. Kahekordne NPF-tüüpi aku caddy koos käepideme ja 1 / 4-20” kinnitusega pakub erinevaid võimalusi. 330-kraadi pöörleva hoidiku abil avanevad uued kasutamise võimalused. NPF-i akukinnitus pakub populaarset lahendust, mis on taskukohane ja laialdaselt saadaval. Forza 60 loodi pakkuma lõputuid võimalusi, valgustit, mis on peitmiseks piisavalt väike, kuid millest tulev valguse hulk konkureerib palju suuremate valgustitega. Suurepärane reisimile kaasa võtmiseks, samas kui suurem valgusti poleks nii praktiline. Vastavalt vajadusele kohandatav ventilaator on üsna vaikne ja vastupidav, pakkudes 60 000-tunnist kasutusiga ja koguvõimsusel kasutades madalat 16dB helitaset.
11,89 €
Godox Adapter Speedlite Softbox (80x120cm) Aluminium Ring Bowens mount LAOS OLEMAS
Tootekood: SBBW80120 GTIN: 6952344205103 Stuudiovarustus
Godox Speedlite Softbox (80*120cm) Aluminium Ring Adapter Bowens mount LAOS OLEMAS. KÜSI JULGELT
29,00 €
Godox Black And Silver Umbrella UB-002 40" (101cm)
Tootekood: UB00240 GTIN: 711000000000 Stuudiovarustus
Black&Silver, Silver Bounce with Black Back Umbrella. Model: UB-002. Type: Reflector Black and Silver Umbrella. Size: 101 cm
29,00 €
Godox Black And Gold Umbrella UB-002 40" (101cm)
Tootekood: UB00340 GTIN: 711000000001 Stuudiovarustus
Black&Gold, Gold Bounce with Black Back Umbrella. Model: UB-003. Type: Reflector Black and Gold Umbrella. Size: 101 cm
29,00 €
Godox White Translucent Umbrella UB-008 40" (101cm)
Tootekood: UB00840 GTIN: 711000000002 Stuudiovarustus
White Translucent Umbrella. Model: UB-008. Type: Size: 101 cm. GODOX Photo Umbrella is intended to soften, broaden and diminish the light output of any studio flash. The umbrellas are easy to use, easy to store and easy to transport, and provide you with almost unlimited lighting possibilities. Aluminum shaft, metal cover. Can be used as a bounce source or a soft shoot through diffuser. Makes an excellent soft portrait light when used as a direct diffused light source. Easy to assemble/disassemble. Compact and easy to store. Frame is made from Nylon POM, durable and reliable. High quality soft cloth, good for reflecting.
11,00 €
Nanlite valgusti Forza 60B Bi-color LED stuudiovalgus
Tootekood: 12-2031 GTIN: 6949987469520 Stuudiovarustus
Nanlite Forza 60B Bi-color LED stuudiovalgus valgustemperatuuri saab muuta soojast 2700K jahedaks 6500K, et tulla toime ümbritseva valguse tingimustega. Seadme kõrge CRI / TLCI hinnang 96/98 kinnitab selle valgusti täpsust. Ka valgustugevus on muudetav. Nanlite püsivalgusti Forza 60B Bi-color Võimekas püsivalgusti Kõrge värviedastusindeks: CRI 96 Muudetav valgustemperatuur: 2700–6500 K Sobib kõigi Forza 60 lisatarvikutega Palju erinevaid valguse režiime Valgustemperatuur: 5600K Kõrge värviedastusindeks: CRI 96 TLCI: 98 Aktiivne jahutus Valgustugevus seadistatav: 0 to 100% Valgustugevus: 6732 luumenit Lambi eluiga kuni: 60000 tundi Max voolutarve: 60 W Võimali kasutada Bowens adapterit Valgustil on eelprogrammeritud erinevad efektid: (CCT loop, INT loop, välk, pulseeriv, torm, televiisor, kaamera välgud, küünla valgus, värelev lambipirn, ilutulestik, plahvatus ja keevitamine). Forza 60B valgustit jahutab vaikne ja seadistatav ventilaator. Valgustit on võimali kasutada kõikjal maailmas tänu 110 kuni 240 VAC toiteallikale, kuid see võib töötada ka NP-F või 14,8 V V-tüüpi akudega (pole komplektis).
9,16 €
Godox barndoor for AD200
Tootekood: BD07 GTIN: 611864747552 Stuudiovarustus
AD200 välklambile loodud barndoor komplekt kinnitub otse välgule. Iga külg on eraldi seadistatav paremaks valgusvihu kontrollimiseks. 4 värvine geelkomplekt on samuti lisatud, punase, sinise, kollase ja oranži värviga. Võimaldavad saavutada efektseid tulemusi!
27,00 €
Quadralite Reporter 200 ringvälgu tarvikute komplekt
Tootekood: QR200 GTIN: 5901698717698 Stuudiovarustus
Quadralite Reporter 200 ringvälgu tarvikute komplekt Magneetiline kinnitus: lihtsaks ja kiireks paigaldamiseks
67,00 €
Tootekood: 15-2011 GTIN: 6949987420378 Stuudiovarustus
Nanlite MIXPANEL 150 RGBWW LED-paneel. Uniquely combines three LED light sources into one compact housing, giving you the ability to switch between hard light, soft light, and colored light at the touch of a button. Coupled with ultra-bright light output (14950 Lux @ 1m 5600K Hard Light Boost Mode), 0-100% dimming, a CRI of 98, a TLCI of 95, green/magenta adjustment, 43 gel presets in two light sources (3200K & 5600K), and 9 special effects.
899,00 €
Godox Softbox SB-FW80120 grid 80x120cm rectangular
Tootekood: SBFW80120 GTIN: 952344205204 Stuudiovarustus
GODOX Softbox SB-FW80120 grid 80x120cm rectangular. The GODOX series SB-FW softbox gives better control over the light beam and the pictures are more contrasting, although the softness of lighting characteristic of softboxes is still present. The construction of the softbox is based on a metal ring, which quick and easily fastens elastic rods, responsible for the strong and even skin tightening. The plating is made of a rip-stop nylon fabric thanks to which softboxes are very resistant to mechanical damage, and at the same time very light. The interior is covered with a silvery, neutral color reflective layer. In addition to the main scattering layer, the softbox is equipped with an additional internal diffuser, made of white material with a high coefficient of light scattering. At the front of the softbox there is a collar for mounting the honeycomb (included). The Softbox is equipped with a Bowens mounting ring. It can be used with products from other brands using the same mounting.
50,00 €
Godox Softbox SB-USW6060 grid bowens 60x60 foldable square
Tootekood: SBUSW6060 GTIN: 6952344200000 Stuudiovarustus
Softbox GODOX SB-USW6060 grid bowens 60x60 foldable square. GODOX SB-USW series is a family of softboxes stands out by their short folding and unfolding time. It is a light modifier that will be useful for people who often change their workplace and perform their sessions under time pressure or have little space for storage. Removable grid ( included ), mounted with the Bowens system. The GODOX SB-UE series softbox not only saves valuable time, but also makes it easier to work on the set. This is possible thanks to the frame, which uses the principle of the umbrella. The plating fabric is stretched and held in tension by a structure whose rods are made of elastic steel. If necessary, the softbox can be folded and stored in the case in a few seconds. The plating is made of a rip-stop nylon fabric, softboxes are very resistant to mechanical damage, and at the same time very light. The interior is finished with a silver screen that evenly distributes the light on the diffusers. In addition to the main scattering layer, the softbox is equipped with an additional internal diffuser, made of white material with a high coefficient of light scattering. In the front part there is a collar used to mount the honeycomb (included). Softbox is equipped with a Bowens mounting ring. It can be used with products from other brands using the same mounting. Set contains: GODOX SB-USW6060 softbox with the necessary accessories internal diffuser external diffuser case grid original packaging
49,00 €
vidaXL professionaalsed HiFi lavakõlarid 2 tk 800 W, must 70100
GTIN: 8720286060773 Stuudiovarustus
Professionaalsed passiivsed HiFi lavakõlarid pakuvad suurepärast heli väikestel ja keskmistel üritustel. Mõlemal kõlaril on kaks messingist ava, mis suudavad pikendada sagedusvastust kõige madalamale sagedusele ja tekitada bassi. Neil on vastupidavad 20 cm bassvaljuhääldid, mis ei tekita liigseid kohapealseid vibratsioone. Mõlemal korpusel on tugeva väljundiga bassvaljuhääldi, et tekitada professionaalset kvaliteetset heli. Passiivsed lavakõlarid on tugevad hõlpsa transpordi ja kasutamise jaoks, seega peavad need kaua vastu. Tugeval korpusel on professionaalne raudkate, mis kaitseb löökide eest. Süvistatud käepide muudab transpordi lihtsaks. Ühendage kõlar tavalise kõlarijuhtmega võimendi või vastuvõtja külge.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii
119,99 €
Godox VB26 bttery for V1
Tootekood: VB26 GTIN: 6952344217511 Stuudiovarustus
Godox VB26 aku V1 välkudele (2600 mAh 18.72 Wh) sobib nii Quadralite kui ka Godox V1 välkudele Lithium-ion battery designed for Godox V1S / V1C / V1N / V1F / V1O / V1P flash units. The battery has a capacity of 2600 mAh and a constant voltage of 7.2 V. The long-lasting design allows for multiple charging. Can be used as a backup battery for Godox V1 flash. Power reserve The Godox VB26 battery is very useful as an additional battery in the event that the battery supplied with the lamp does not provide enough flashes during the session. Technical data: - Compatible models: Godox flash V1S / V1C / V1N / V1F / V1O / V1P - Capacity: 2600 mAh 18.72 Wh - Voltage: 7.2V
102,30 €
Godox VC26T Multi-Battery Charger for VB26 (V1 Lamp)
Tootekood: VC26T GTIN: 6952344219164 Stuudiovarustus
Godox VC26T Multi-Battery Charger for VB26 (V1 Lamp)
49,99 €
Tootekood: SB-FMM-60 GTIN: 6949987420590 Stuudiovarustus
NANLITE PARABOLILINE SOFTBOX FORZA 60 LED-stuudiovalgusele. Nanlite 60cm pikkune Forza 60 Softbox on portreede ja intervjuude jaoks ideaalne 16-kandiga valguse hajuti, mis loob fokuseeritud ja pehme valguse. See ainulaadne kuju annab mõõtme ja detaili nii sinu subjektile kui ka nende silmis peegelduva valgusallikale. Suurema dramaatilise loomiseks on kaasas kärg.
155,00 €
Godox Adapter ML60 LED Light
Tootekood: ML60 GTIN: 1874220542 Stuudiovarustus
At just 14.5cm x 9cm x 9cm the compact ML60 LED Light has a host of advanced features "under the hood." The light sports a 5600K color temperature - ideal for shooting outdoors, in a large place dominated by windows, or to seamlessly blend with other daylight-balanced fixtures. Its high CRI rating of CRI/TLCI: 96/97 is ample evidence of advanced capability in rendering color. The ML60 dims from 0 to 100% and it has a 32-channel, 16-group receiver. Power in Your Hands If you´re looking for a bright continuous light but hesitate because of its size, of you´re looking for a portable and easy-to-set-up light for fast-moving shootings, if you want a professional light that can be used both indoors and outdoors, here Godox offers you an optimal lighting solution, LED light ML60. It is a daylight-balanced 60W LED light source that is extremely handy in any situation where you need potent and portable light. With such professional capabilities so conveniently at your command, now your creative potential awaits. Stunning Potent and Portable ML60 brings together portability and power. It is small in size but no compromise an output. Weighing only 0.77 kg (without grip and reflector) while being impressively compact and comfortable to use, ML60 is convenient to handheld, carry and store. Built-in Effects Featuring 8 preset lighting FX, you can simulate the effects of lighting, flash, conference, paparazzi, TV, and broken bulb to achieve creative shooting. Reliable Color Rendering With high CRI and TLCI, ML60 delivers vibrant natural light and reproduces accurate colors. CRI 96+, TLCI 97+. High compatibility ML60 is compatible with all Godox-mount modifiers for various lighting possibilities. When use with a S2 bracket (optional), you will get the access to any Bowens mount accessories, opening up more creative opportunities. Stay in Control The user-friendly interface allows for easy on-board control. You can also adjust the light with a RC-A6 remote control (optional) within 16 groups, 32 channels, and 99IDs. Keep it Silent Anytime The ultra quiet fan allows ML60 keeping at a negligible noise while working. It is perfect for sound-sensitible environments as you can turn on the silent mode to eliminate the noise during use. Power Anywhere Run off by AC adapter or two NP-F970 batteries(optional), ML60 is optimal for use in the studio or no location. Ready to Go Now you are always ready to light up your subjects with this stunning go-anywhere light even in run-and-gun filmmaking. In the box: LED light ML60 Grip Battery Box BC60 Adapter Adapter Holder Reflector Lamp Cover 5M AC Power Cable 1.5M DC Power Cable 0.2M DC Power Cable Fastener Clip Carrying Case Manual
69,55 €
Godox BDR-W550 Beauty Dish 550mm White Bounce
Tootekood: BDRW550 GTIN: 6952344206133 Stuudiovarustus
The result is a signature soft look but with an edge of crispness (ideal for hair and makeup), that you can´t get from umbrellas and softboxes. White interior adds a bit of softness and increases the light´s throw range. An added bonus is the natural-looking catchlights that appear in the subject´s eyes. The set contains: Godox BDR-W550 beauty dish original packaging
99,99 €
Blackmagic Design Video Assist 7 3G
Tootekood: BM-HYPERD/AVIDA3/7 GTIN: 9338716006414 Stuudiovarustus
Blackmagic Design videomonitor Design Video Assist 7 3G
680,00 €
Godox SK400II Studio flash
Tootekood: SK400II GTIN: 6952344211373 Stuudiovarustus
Godox SK400II is a basic model of a studio flash. Power adjustment from 1/16 to 1/1, short charging time, while the 150W modeling light has a proportional mode to allow you to preview your lighting effects and a percentage mode that adjusts brightness from 5 to 100%. or just turn off. The built-in System X receiver completes the huge functionality of the lamp. Godox SK series has a flash energy adjustment range within 4 degrees of aperture (1/1 - 1/16, with an accuracy of 0.1 EV). Recycle time to full flash energy less than 2 seconds. At minimal power, it achieves a very short flash duration of only 1/2000s (t = 0.1), which allows free shooting during the session. The flash color temperature is 5600K with tolerance ± 200K depending on the flash energy set. The built-in System X receiver enables remote flash firing (until X-Sync), flash energy control and many more. In addition, Godox SK series is equipped with a USB connector that allows you to connect receivers of the XT16, FT-16 or X1 TTL system. It is also possible to use the 3.5 mm Jack socket and connect the lamp with triggers of other brands. The back panel of the lamp is simple and functional. The LCD screen showing the lamp settings is also easy to read from a large angle. Next to it is a handy knob for adjusting the flash output, changing the radio communication channel and the group of lamps. Placed under the LCD screen a series of five buttons gives quick access to all settings and functions of the lamp. The 150 W halogen pilot light can operate independently of the flash output (brightness can be set manually), or be coupled with flash energy (proportional). In addition, it can be turned off automatically for a flash or stay on without interruption. With the lamp you can use a wide range of light modifiers, such as: bowls, softboxes, spotlights, beauty disheres, and others are fitted with Bowens accessories. Set contains: Godox SK400II lamp power cable standard reflector modeling lamp original packaging
199,99 €
vidaXL kolme jalaga põrandalamp, mangopuit, 69 cm 286107
GTIN: 8719883812533 Stuudiovarustus
Valgustage oma eluruumi meie retrostiilis kolme puidust jalaga põrandalambiga! Vanaaegse stiiliga disain püüab trendikusega teie sisustuses pilke. Messingi värvi viimistlusega kallutatav ja pööratav lambivari levitab sooja hubast valgust. Tugevad jalad on valmistatud pruuni viimistlusega tugevast mangopuidust, mis tagab aluse tugevuse. Kõrgust saab vastavalt vajadusele reguleerida vahemikus 55–69 cm. Hollywoodi lampi on lihtne kokku panna. Põrandalambil on maksimaalselt 25 W jaoks sobilik E27 pesa. Saate valida ja paigaldada erinevat värvi E27 pirne. Pange tähele: pirnid ei kuulu komplekti.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii
81,99 €
vidaXL põrandalambid, 3 tk, messing, E27, mangopuit 320592
GTIN: 8720286024768 Stuudiovarustus
Valgustage oma eluruumi puidust põrandalampide komplektiga! Lampidel on vanaaegne disain, mis muudab iga sisustuse trendikaks. Lampide komplekti kuulub 3 erineva suurusega lampi, et vastata teie erinevatele vajadustele. Messingi viimistlusega rauast lambivari kiirgab sooja valgust. Kulunud pruuni viimistlusega mangopuidust raam sobib täiuslikult maamaja või tööstusliku sisustusega. Lambivarjul on E27 pesa maksimaalselt 25 W pirni jaoks. Saate paigaldada erinevat värvi E27 pirne, luues lõõgastava õhustiku. Lampidel on põrandalüliti hõlpsa sisse ja välja lülitamise jaoks. Pange tähele, et pirn ei kuulu komplekti.• Tarne 5–7 päeva kõikjale Eestis • Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii
206,99 €
Ring Adapter Viltrox VL-500T LED Light
Tootekood: VL500T GTIN: 6953400313253 Stuudiovarustus
Viltrox VL-500T LED Ring Light adopts the newest LED honeycomb design which is of high brightness and accurate color temperature. It has soft light, less heat and is environmental and durable. The HD LCD display makes it easy to operate. It`s suitable for portrait photography, children photography, macro photography, still life photography and other types of photography. Brighten your subjects with this slim VL-500T Round Bicolor LED Light with LCD Display from Viltrox. This soft, bicolor LED light features a high CRI of 95 for accurate color rendering, an adjustable 3300 to 5600K color temperature, 20 to 100% dimming, and a maximum brightness of 2000 lumen. Soft Bicolor Round LED Light: 1550 lux at 0.5 m 3300 to 5600K Color Temperature, CRI 95 20 to 100% Dimming 2000-Lumen Brightness Dimensions: 27 x 27 x 2.4 cm Optional AC adapter or NP-F battery
79,99 €
Zhiyun Mount Adapter A ZY-Mount for Molus G60
Tootekood: 123668 GTIN: 6970194087412 Stuudiovarustus
Bowens Mount Adapter A (ZY-Mount) for Molus G60. This will let you use Bowens softboxes front of Molus G60.
65,40 €
Nanlite FS-200 LED Daylight Spot Light
Tootekood: 12-8103 FS-200 GTIN: 6949987422334 Stuudiovarustus
LED päevavalguse kohtvalgusti. Võimas, sujuvalt jaotatud pehme valgus! FS-200 delivers high illuminance of up to 29,380lux @1m. Päevavalgusega tasakaalustatud FS-200 kohtvalgusti kaubamärgilt NANLITE võtab kasutusele julge uue valgustustehnoloogia, mis on COB LED valgustitega võrreldes suurem, kuid toodab veelgi tõhusamat ja ühtlasemat valgust. See võimaldab mudelil FS-200 saavutada võimsat väljundit kuni 29 380 luksi ühe meetri juures (koos kaasneva reflektoriga). See tagab sujuva, pehme ja ühtlaselt jaotatud valguskiire, et saavutada puhtam lõppviimistlus. Täielikult integreeritud süsteem suurepärase jahutusega Kompaktne kõik-ühes korpus ühendab endas juhtseadme, toiteadapteri ja lambi. See integreeritud disain muudab mudeli FS-200 veelgi kompaktsemaks ja kergemaks, ilma et see kaotaks oma võimsust – nii pakub seade käepärasemat jäädvustamist. Sisseehitatud ventilaator, mis edastab tõhusalt kuumust, tagab seadme parima toimivuse pikemaks ajaks. Praktilisus pole kunagi olnud lihtsam! 11 kaasnevat praktilist efekti, sh INT Loop, välklamp, pulseeriv efekt, torm, televiisor, paparatso välklambid, küünlavalgus/leek, vilkuv lambipirn, ilutulestik, plahvatus ja keevitamine. Kõik efektid on loodud selleks, et parendada teie tööd ja säästa teie aega keeruliste valgustusstseenide ettevalmistamisel. Lõpmatud võimalused valguse kujundamiseks Kasutades laialdaselt kättesaadavat Bowensi stiilis kinnitust ja varjuhoidjat, on mudel FS-200 ühilduv väga paljude valgusmuunduritega, nagu näiteks ilulamp, softboxid, varjud. Toetab püsivarauuendusi ja juhtmevaba juhtimist Mudelil FS-200 on integreeritud USB-pesa, et toetada püsivarauuendusi, tagades, et valgusti oleks alati avatud täiendavatele tarkvarauuendustele. Lisaks on seda võimalik juhtida juhtmevabalt 2,4G juhtseadmega, mistõttu on tegemist ideaalse valgustiga igal tasemel produktsioonide jaoks. Kiire ülevaade: Nimivõimsus: 240 W LED koguvõimsus: 252 W Sisendpinge/elektrivool: vahelduvvool 100–240 V 50/60 Hz Kiirgusnurk: 55° Toote suurus (mm): 306 × 232 × 123 mm (valgusti ilma kaitsekatteta, kuid riputuskinnitusega), 271,5 × 156 × 123 mm (valgusti kaitsekatte ja riputuskinnitusega) Kaal: 2,48 kg (ainult valgusti) Valgustus ilma reflektorita: 1 m – 7852 luksi / 729 fc, 2 m – 1978 luksi / 184 fc, 3 m – 951 luksi / 88 fc Valgustus reflektoriga: 1 m – 29 380 luksi / 2729 fc, 2 m – 6388 luksi / 593 fc, 3 m – 2776 luksi / 258 fc Pakendis: FS-200 x 1 Toitekaabel 4,5 m x 1 Reflektor x 1 Kasutusjuhend x 1
312,03 €
Nanlite Adapter Pavotube II 30X - 1 Light kit
Tootekood: 15-2020-1KIT GTIN: 6949987422952 Stuudiovarustus
The Nanlite PavoTube II RGBWW LED Pixel Tubes are the next evolution of Nanlite´s signature light fixtures. These second-gen LED Tubes have been refined based on feedback from creators around the globe with features including pixel-based special effects, brighter output, more uniform diffusion, robust metal housings, DMX compatibility, and enhanced app control. Get Unique, Studio Quality Lighting Anywhere With an expanded and more precise color temperature range from 2700K-12000K with green to magenta adjustment, an average CRI of 97, an average TLCI of 98, plus full-spectrum RGB hue and saturation control, the PavoTube II 30X RGBWW LED Pixel Tube packs studio-quality lighting into a hardy, go-anywhere package. From a Next-Generation LED Tube Nanlite drew on the feedback from PavoTube owners across the world to evolve their LED Tube design. Enhancements include brighter output from a larger illumination area with more uniform diffusion, an upgraded control panel with locking buttons, DMX compatibility, and enhanced app control. With No Cords Needed Powered an internal 4400mAh Li-ion battery, the PavoTube II 30X can run for 1 hour and 36 minutes at full brightness completely untethered. Full battery recharge is achieved in 3 hours and 30 minutes via the included AC adapter, which can also power the Pavotube II 30X during longer shoots. Pixel Based Special Effects In addition to fifteen adjustаble practical special effects, PavoTube II 30X features ten new pixel-based effects expanding the creative possibilities further than ever before. Pixel-based effects include Hue Loop, CCT Loop, INT Loop, Multi-color, Gradient, Scrolling, Marching, Flame, Rainbow, and Driving. Practical effects include Hue Loop, CCT Loop, INT Loop, CCT Flash, HUE Flash, CCT Pulse, Hue Pulse, Storm, Police Car, TV, Paparazzi, Candle/Fire, Disco, Bad Bulb, Firework, Explosion, and Welding. And A Robust Metal Housing The PavoTube II 30X´s upgraded metal housing makes worrying about an accidental drop or risky light placements a thing of the past. Plus, three incorporated ¼” receivers greatly expand mounting options. Please note that the firmware of the PavoTube II X-Series tube lights will need to be updated in order for it to be used with the NANLINK mobile app. The PavoTube II 15/30 X are RGBWW LED tubes and can replicate up to 36.000 colors. From 2700K to 12.000K with green/magenta adjustment. Excellent CRI of 97 and TLCI of 98. The PavoTube II 15/30X features a built-in battery. The enhanced battery can run the LED tube for 29 hours at 1%. At full power, you can run the tubes for around 2 hours. The recharging time is 3 to 5.5 hours. The new Pixel Control mode allows you to control the light coming out of different sections of the tube. You can control the PavoTube II X via the controls at the back of the fixture. Also, they now support DMX, RDM, Bluetooth, and 2.4G wireless control. In the box PavoTube II 30X × 1 Power Adapter × 1 Power Adapter Rubber Strap × 1 Power Cable 3M × 1 Clip × 1 Eyebolt × 2 Carrying Bag × 1 User Manual × 1
495,00 €
Nanlite Barndoor with eggcrate for Pavotube II 15X
Tootekood: 117081 GTIN: 6949987423102 Stuudiovarustus
Effective Light control and Shaping Effectively control beam angle with ease. Menu Display Window The display screen is no longer blocked, allowing for fine adjustments when fitted. Mounting access Convenient for mounting to clamps or for being used handheld. Highly flexible and versatile Removable eggcrate, tiltable barndoors, meet the requirements of precise light control and shaping.
77,00 €
Nanlite Adapter Pavotube II 30X - 4 Light kit
Tootekood: 15-2020-4KIT GTIN: 6949987422976 Stuudiovarustus
The Nanlite PavoTube II RGBWW LED Pixel Tubes are the next evolution of Nanlite´s signature light fixtures. These second-gen LED Tubes have been refined based on feedback from creators around the globe with features including pixel-based special effects, brighter output, more uniform diffusion, robust metal housings, DMX compatibility, and enhanced app control. Get Unique, Studio Quality Lighting Anywhere With an expanded and more precise color temperature range from 2700K-12000K with green to magenta adjustment, an average CRI of 97, an average TLCI of 98, plus full-spectrum RGB hue and saturation control, the PavoTube II 30X RGBWW LED Pixel Tube packs studio-quality lighting into a hardy, go-anywhere package. From a Next-Generation LED Tube Nanlite drew on the feedback from PavoTube owners across the world to evolve their LED Tube design. Enhancements include brighter output from a larger illumination area with more uniform diffusion, an upgraded control panel with locking buttons, DMX compatibility, and enhanced app control. With No Cords Needed Powered an internal 4400mAh Li-ion battery, the PavoTube II 30X can run for 1 hour and 36 minutes at full brightness completely untethered. Full battery recharge is achieved in 3 hours and 30 minutes via the included AC adapter, which can also power the Pavotube II 30X during longer shoots. Pixel Based Special Effects In addition to fifteen adjustаble practical special effects, PavoTube II 30X features ten new pixel-based effects expanding the creative possibilities further than ever before. Pixel-based effects include Hue Loop, CCT Loop, INT Loop, Multi-color, Gradient, Scrolling, Marching, Flame, Rainbow, and Driving. Practical effects include Hue Loop, CCT Loop, INT Loop, CCT Flash, HUE Flash, CCT Pulse, Hue Pulse, Storm, Police Car, TV, Paparazzi, Candle/Fire, Disco, Bad Bulb, Firework, Explosion, and Welding. And A Robust Metal Housing The PavoTube II 30X´s upgraded metal housing makes worrying about an accidental drop or risky light placements a thing of the past. Plus, three incorporated ¼” receivers greatly expand mounting options. Please note that the firmware of the PavoTube II X-Series tube lights will need to be updated in order for it to be used with the NANLINK mobile app. The PavoTube II 15/30 X are RGBWW LED tubes and can replicate up to 36.000 colors. From 2700K to 12.000K with green/magenta adjustment. Excellent CRI of 97 and TLCI of 98. The PavoTube II 15/30X features a built-in battery. The enhanced battery can run the LED tube for 29 hours at 1%. At full power, you can run the tubes for around 2 hours. The recharging time is 3 to 5.5 hours. The new Pixel Control mode allows you to control the light coming out of different sections of the tube. You can control the PavoTube II X via the controls at the back of the fixture. Also, they now support DMX, RDM, Bluetooth, and 2.4G wireless control. In the box PavoTube II 30X × 4 Power Adapter × 4 Power Adapter Rubber Strap × 4 Power Cable 3M × 4 Clip × 4 Eyebolt × 8 Carrying Bag × 1 User Manual × 1
2249,00 €
Nanlite Adapter Pavotube II 60X - 2 Light kit
Tootekood: 15-2023-2KIT GTIN: 6949987422990 Stuudiovarustus
Wide enough to expand the space of the imagination PavoTube II 60X is equipped with state-of-the-art RGBWW color mixing technology, and 2700K to 12000K ultra-wide range of color temperature with G/M adjustment. It will ensure you no longer miss every precise lighting moment of creative inspiration. Unlocking inspiration with Pixel control To help creators explore more possibilities and create a naturally floating scene, PavoTube II 60X adds pixel control to the practical effects. A variety of practical simulation effects adds more options to your creativity. Each pixel effect can be freely defined and transformed, with its speed, saturation, and remotely controlled, to be accurate and create wonderful effects. Multiple connections/Intelligent control/Stimulating infinite potential PavoTube II 60X features a brand-new interface in the light body design and supports wired DMX/RDM for more stаble control and wireless control via Bluetooth and 2.4GHz with the Nanlink APP. Built-in battery, Making wonderful shoots happen at anytime anywhere PavoTube II 60X has a built-in battery that allows you to walk with power, without being tied down by cables. Wherever you go, the lighting goes on. Standard 1/4-20 mounts On the back and both ends of PavoTube II X exists a total of three 1/4-20 mounts. With a diverse but common and customized range of accessories that satisfying different shooting requirements and applications! In the box PavoTube II 60X × 2 Power Adapter × 2 Power Cable 3M × 2 Rubber Strap x 2 Clip × 4 Eyebolt × 4 User Manual × 1
2099,00 €
Quadralite LEDTuber Lighting Kit
Tootekood: LEDTUBERKIT GTIN: 5901698716424 Stuudiovarustus
Quadralite LEDTuber Lighting Kit is made to meet the requirements of creators focused on video content who seek a complex solution for lighting in their home studio. Kit features two 45W LED fan cooled bulbs that produce the equivalency of approx. 375W of tungsten light each with minimal heat. These bulbs provide wide spread of even and soft light that is perfectly suited for home video recording. It can also be used for portrait or product photography. Furthermore LEDTuber is equipped with two light fixtures with umbrella holders and two 1.8m tripods.. Padded carry case supplied in the set makes it portable and easy to carry around. Features perfect lighting solution for home video studio and photography, exceptionally easy to use and portable, equipped with two 45W LED Bulb (equivalent to approx. 750W tungsten lamp), color Temperature of 5400K (±100K), featured with two light fixtures with umbrella holders and AC power cords, two 85cm white transparent umbrellas ensures an even distribution of soft and smooth light on the subject , padded carry bag and 2x 1.80m tripods included. Kit includes 2x 45W LED bulbs, 2x 85cm white transparent umbrellas, 2x light fixtures/umbrella holders with power cords, 2x 1.8m studio stands 1x storage/carry bag.
129,00 €
Godox Softbox SB-UE95 bowens 95 foldable octa
Tootekood: SBUE95 GTIN: 6952344213025 Stuudiovarustus
GODOX SB-UE series is a family of softboxes stands out by their short folding and unfolding time. It is a light modifier that will be useful for people who often change their workplace and perform their sessions under time pressure or have little space for storage. Mounted with the Bowens system. The GODOX SB-UE series softbox not only saves valuable time, but also makes it easier to work on the set. This is possible thanks to the frame, which uses the principle of the umbrella. The plating fabric is stretched and held in tension by a structure whose rods are made of elastic steel. If necessary, the softbox can be folded and stored in the case in a few seconds. The plating is made of a rip-stop nylon fabric, softboxes are very resistant to mechanical damage, and at the same time very light. The interior is finished with a silver screen that evenly distributes the light on the diffusers. In addition to the main scattering layer, the softbox is equipped with an additional internal diffuser, made of white material with a high coefficient of light scattering. In the front part there is a collar used to mount the honeycomb (not included in the set). Softbox is equipped with a Bowens mounting ring. It can be used with products from other brands using the same mounting. Set contains: - Godox SB-UE95 Softbox - External Diffuser - Internal Diffuser - Case - Original packaging
45,00 €
Quadralite Adapter SVL-400 LED lamp
Tootekood: SVL400LED GTIN: 5901698719494 Stuudiovarustus
Quadralite SVL-400 LED is an extremely lightweight and quiet lamp based on LEDs. With 40W power, the device can be easily used not only in photography but also on small film sets. COB LEDs guarantee a stable stream of light, which is characterised by high colour rendering index (CRI≥96,3) and colour temperature close to sunlight (5800K). The fresnel lens with adjustable range allows you to adjust the light beam in the range from 15 to 40 degrees. The universal Bowens mount will provide the possibility of using various light modifiers such as reflectors, softboxes and gates, allowing for even better effects during the session. The built-in cooling system protects the equipment from overheating, allowing you to use the lamp for a longer period, and the quiet operation of the fan will not interfere with the sound recording process during filming. Another important feature is the lifespan of the LED used in the lamp, which reaches 50,000 h which is the equivalent of over 5.5 years of continuous operation. The small casing and low weight make it possible to take the lamp with you on every session. ● Active cooling system, ● Small size and weight, ● Power adjustment from 5-100%, ● Color temperature: 5800K ● CRI >96,3 ● TLCI >99 ● Ability to manually adjust the light beam from 15 to 40 degree ● Maximum output power: 40W, ● High accuracy and narrow beam of light, ● 5-100% power adjustment allows you to adjust the light intensity perfectly to the situation, ● Built-in easy to read LED display indicating the current light settings and battery status, ● Powered by Sony NP-F power adapter or batteries ( sold separately), ● NP-F type batteries make the flash can also be used away from a stationary power source, ● Intuitive operation and simple interface, ● Sturdy composite housing. ● Bowens mount for mounting many useful accessories such as softboxes, gates and reflectors
135,99 €
Tootekood: TTSB400 GTIN: 818307012264 Stuudiovarustus
The Dual Wing Sand Bag is made of durable black Cordura nylon and has two separate compartments. The bag is built rugged and double stitched for increased strength. The dual wing sand bag is saddle style so it can be draped over a stand leg or boom, hung from a tripod with the included D ring, or hung from a J-Hook by the strap handle. Tether Tools Dual Wing Sand Bag is perfect for securing bases of light stands, tripods or set walls and backdrops. The saddlebag design is also ideal for securely nesting a camera and lens between the 2 compartments for low to the ground shots or working with unusual terrain. The attached strap handle is for easy positioned, carrying and hanging. The sand bag ships empty for convenience and economy and will hold up to 25lbs (11.4kg) of sand, shot or any weighted material. It can also be emptied for easy storage or transport. Product Specifications: Constructed of black durable Cordura nylon Rugged construction and double stitched for increased strength Saddle bag style to drape over a stand’s leg Handles for easy positioned, carrying and hanging Included D Ring on one end and locking hook on the other Ships empty; fill with sand, shot or weighted material of choice. Holds up to 25lbs (11.4kg) What’s Included: One (1) Dual Wing Sand Bag
28,00 €