Securely attach your compatible Approach® handheld to your golf cart for easy viewing and quick removal. The mount allows for quick viewing of the sunlight-readable display and makes the device easy to remove for use on the greens. Includes mounting hardware. Sobib järgmistele Garmini toodetele: Garmin G80
Permanently mount your GPS 18 receiver in your vehicle using this flange mount. Sobib järgmistele Garmini toodetele: Garmin GPS 18 Deluxe / 18x 5Hz / 18x OEM
For those whose bows tune significantly inside of centershot and find they run out of windage, this extender plate provides additional travel on your compatible Xero® A1i PRO bow sight. The correct extender plate handedness will match that of your bow (i.e. choose Right-hand for a Right- handed bow). Includes screws for easy installation. Sobib järgmistele Garmini toodetele: Garmin Xero A1i PRO Bow Sight
Use these elastic bands with your Varia tail light multi-location quarter turn mount to attach your compatible tail light (sold separately) to your backpack, helmet or other preferred location on your bike. Sobib järgmistele Garmini toodetele : Garmin Varia RTL510 / RTL515 / RVR315 / Smart Bike Lights / UT800 Smart Headlight
For easy viewing, mount your compatible zūmo® on your windshield or any smooth, flat surface. Includes suction cup mount, bracket and vehicle power cable. Sobib järgmistele Garmin toodetele: Garmin zumo 396 LMT-S
3,5-tolline GPS-iga kalaleidja CHIRP Lihtsalt kasutatav 3,5-tolline värviline kalaleidja koos sisseehitatud kõrge tundlikkusega GPS-iga Leia kala; märgistada ja naasta kuumadele kohtadele, dokkidele ja kaldteedele Mugav klahvistiku kasutamine Sisaldab CHIRP (77/200 kHz) sonari muundurit; edastusvõimsus (200 W RMS)/(1600 W tipust tippu) Minge üle suure jõudlusega CHIRP-le, kasutades andurit GT8 või GT15 (mõlemat müüakse eraldi) STRIKER 4 kalaleidjaga on kala leidmine lihtsam kui kunagi varem. Märkige ja naaske oma levialadele, paadikaldteedele ja dokkidele ning jagage oma lemmikteekonnapunkte ja marsruute teiste STRIKER ja echoMAP™ kombinatsioonidega. Smooth Scaling™ graafika pakub sügavusvahemiku skaalade vahel vahetamisel katkematut kujutist. Sonari ajaloo tagasikerimine võimaldab teil kerida tagasi sonaripiltide vahel, et märkida teekonnapunktid, millest te algselt märkamata võisite. Lisaks on sellel sisseehitatud vilkur ja see kuvab kiirusandmeid. Sisaldab kallutatavat/pööratavat kinnitust, CHIRP (77/200 kHz) andurit koos ahtripeegliga ja trollimismootori kinnitusriistvara ja kaablit. Suure jõudlusega CHIRP-i jaoks ostke GT8 või GT15 muundur (mõlemat müüakse eraldi). Kogege CHIRPi selgust Kalaotsija STRIKER 4 sisaldab Garmini CHIRP (77/200 kHz) andurit, mis tagab kalade ja struktuuri jaoks nähtavalt kõrgema selguse ja detailsuse kui traditsioonilised 77/200 kHz andurid. Selle asemel, et saata ainult üks sagedus, saadab CHIRP pideva sageduste pühkima, mis ulatub madalast kõrgeni, ja tõlgendab neid seejärel tagasipöördumisel eraldi. Kuna sagedused pakuvad laiemat teavet, saab CHIRPi sonaritehnoloogia abil luua teravamaid kalakaare, mille sihtmärk on suurem. Samuti saate minna üle suure jõudlusega Garmini CHIRP-tehnoloogiale, mis pakub kristallselgeid sonaripilte veelgi märkimisväärsema sihtmärgi eraldatuse ja eraldusvõimega madalast kuni sügavamani. Parema püügi jaoks on põhjakontuurid paremini nähtavad isegi suurematel kiirustel ja signaalimüra saab suuremal sügavusel summutada, et allpool olevast õigeaegsemalt tõlgendada. Märkige kohad kõrge tundlikkusega GPS-iga Erinevalt tavalistest kalaleidjatest on STRIKERi kalaleidjatel sisseehitatud kõrge tundlikkusega GPS, mis võimaldab teil kiiresti ja täpselt määrata teie hetkeasukoha ning säilitada GPS-asukoha kõikjal, kuhu järvele lähete. Veelgi olulisem on see, et need võimaldavad teil märkida kohti, kus kalad hammustavad, et saaksite nende juurde tulevikus uuesti naasta. Samuti saate järvel märkida dokke, paadikaldteid ja muid kohti. Lihtsalt järgige ekraanil loodud rada, et nende juurde naasta millal iganes soovite. Teekonnapunkti kaardi abil navigeerige hõlpsalt Kuna kalaleidjate seeria STRIKER sisaldab kõrge tundlikkusega GPS-i, näete oma asukohta märgitud teekonnapunktide suhtes. Kasutage teekonnapunkti kaarti, et hõlpsasti vaadata, märgistada ja navigeerida sellistesse asukohtadesse nagu võsahunnikud, kännud ja dokid. See on ka suurepärane tööriist paadirambi juurde tagasitee leidmiseks. Kontrollige oma kiirust ekraanil Näete kiiresti ja lihtsalt oma paadi kiirust oma STRIKER kalaotsija ekraanilt. See on suurepärane tööriist tagamaks, et trollimine toimub kasutatava landi ja konkreetse kalaliigi jaoks õige kiirusega. See on ka hea viis teada saada, kas liigute äratuskontrolliga aladel õigel kiirusel. Kala vertikaalselt sisseehitatud vilkuriga STRIKER pakub teile nii kalaleidjat kui ka vilkurit ühes üksuses. Iga kord, kui kalastate paigal (nt jääpüük või jigimine), näitab sisseehitatud vilkur teile põhja, kas see on tahke või mudane, teie jigi või kaalutud sööta ja kala sügavust, kui nad sonarisse ujuvad. tala. Saate isegi jälgida, kui kõrgele teie rakis tõstetakse ja kukutatakse ning kas kalad liiguvad selle poole või sellest eemale. Võtke oma kalaleidja ükskõik kuhu GPS-iga STRIKER kalaleidja kaitsmiseks ja kaasaskandmiseks on saadaval kaasaskantav komplekt, nii et see sobib ideaalselt süsta-, kanuu- või jääpüügiks. See sisaldab suletud, taaslaetavat akut koos laadijaga, sisseehitatud muunduri kaabli juhtimist ja hoidmist ning iminapp anduri kinnitust ja ujukit.
3.5-inch CHIRP Fishfinder with GPS and Portаble Kit Easy-to-use 3.5-inch color fishfinder with built-in, high-sensitivity GPS Portаble carrying case is perfect for kayak, canoe or ice fishing Find fish; mark and return to hot spots, docks and ramps Includes CHIRP (77/200 kHz) sonar transducer; transmit power (200 W RMS)/(1,600 W peak-to-peak) Upgrade to high performance CHIRP with a GT8 or GT15 transducer (each sold separately) STRIKER 4 fishfinder with portаble carrying case is perfect for fishing from a kayak or canoe and is especially handy for ice fishing. Mark and return to your hot spots, boat ramps and docks. You also can share your favorite waypoints and routes with other STRIKER and echoMAP™ chartplotter combos. Smooth Scaling™ graphics provide uninterrupted imagery when switching between depth-range scales. Sonar history rewind allows you to scroll back through sonar images to mark waypoints you originally may have missed. Includes carrying case, rechargeable battery, CHIRP (77/200 kHz) transducer and a tilt/swivel mount. For high-performance CHIRP, purchase a GT8 or GT15 transducer (each sold separately). Experience the Clarity of CHIRP STRIKER 4 fishfinder includes a Garmin CHIRP (77/200 kHz) transducer, which provides a visibly higher level of clarity and detail for fish and structure than traditional 77/200 kHz transducers. Instead of sending just 1 single frequency, CHIRP sends a continuous sweep of frequencies, ranging from low to high, then interprets them individually upon their return. Since the frequencies provide a wider range of information, CHIRP sonar technology can create crisper fish arches with greater target separation. You also can upgrade to high-performance Garmin CHIRP technology, which provides crystal-clear sonar images with even more remarkable target separation and resolution from shallow to deeper depths. For better fishing, bottom contours are more visible, even at higher speeds, and signal noise can be suppressed at greater depths to provide a more timely interpretation of what’s below. Mark Spots with High-sensitivity GPS Unlike regular fishfinders, STRIKER fishfinders have built-in, high-sensitivity GPS to locate your current position quickly and precisely, then maintain your GPS location anywhere you go on the lake. More importantly, they allow you to mark spots where the fish are biting so you can return to them again in the future. You also can mark docks, boat ramps and other locations on the lake. Just follow the path created on your screen to return to them whenever you wish. Since the STRIKER fishfinder series includes high-sensitivity GPS, you can see your position in relation to waypoints you have marked. Use the waypoint map to easily view, mark and navigate to locations such as brush piles, stumps and docks. It’s also a great tool for finding your way back to the boat ramp. You can quickly and easily see your boat’s speed on the screen of your STRIKER fishfinder. It’s a great tool to make sure you are trolling at the right speed for the lure you’re using and for a particular fish species. It’s also a good way to tell if you are going the right speed in wake-controlled areas STRIKER provides you with both a fishfinder and flasher all in 1 unit. Anytime you are stationary fishing, such as ice fishing or jigging for crappie, the built-in flasher will show you the bottom, whether it is solid or muddy, your jig or weighted bait, and the depth of fish as they swim into the sonar beam. You can even watch how high your jig is being lifted and dropped and whether fish move toward or away from it. Take Your Fishfinder Anywhere The portаble kit protects and carries your STRIKER fishfinder with GPS, so it’s perfect for kayak, canoe or ice fishing. It includes a sealed, rechargeable battery with charger, suction cup transducer mount, kayak in-hull transducer mount and foam float.
Snap your GPS unit into this secure handlebar mount and it's ready to ride. - Mount fits up to a one-inch diameter bar and is perfect for your bike Type Navigation Mount Operating Range Arm / Bicycle
Kaardi mõõtkava on M 1:10 000 suuremad Baltikumi linnad ja maa-asulad ning M 1:100 000 ülejäänud territoorium. Topokaart sobib eelkõige käsi-GPSidele: Montana, Dakota, Oregon, Colorado, GPSMap 60xx ja 62xx, kaartinäitavad eTrexi mudeli, Astro ning universaalsetele navigaatoritele (5xx seeria mudelid) või kaartinäitavatele rattakompuutritele Edge.
Case Logic Kontrast ekstreemkaamerakott, millel on tugev materjal ja roheline sisemus, et GoPro tarvikuid oleks kotist kergem leida ning et kott oleks vastupidav ekstreemsetes oludes. Koti veekindel põhi kaitseb koti põhja nii niiskuse kui ka löökide eest. Kott mahutab kuni kaks GoPro kaamerat koos lisatarvikutega. Kaameraid kaitsvad vaheseinad on hõlpsasti ümber paigutatavad ja erksavärviline sisemus toob esile kõik komponendid. Lisaks on kotis eraldi eemaldatava lukuga kott, kuhu on mugav paigutada kaamera kinnitused.
Kui Teie autol on tugev kuumust peegeldav esiklaas, siis ei pruugi GPS signaal sealt hästi läbi tulla., Hädast aitab välja lisaantenn. Sisse-ehitatud magnet katusele paigaldamiseks ja MCX ühendus., Kaabel 2,5 meetrit pikk., Mõõdud ...
Monatana merehoidik. Komplekt sisaldab hoidikut, võimalust ühildada RAM kinnitusega ja lahtiste juhtmeotste ning kaitsmega toitejuhet koos audio ja andmete otstega.
Train Multiple Dogs with your PRO 70/550 or Sport PRO Systems Train up to 6 dogs on 1 PRO 70 handheld, up to 3 dogs on 1 PRO 550 handheld or up to 3 dogs on 1 Sport PRO™ handheld (additional dog devices required; purchase separately) 1 mile range Built-in BarkLimiter™ Remote operation of beacon lights on dog device Interchangeable contact points The PT 10 dog device works with the PRO 70, PRO 550 and the Sport PRO handhelds, allowing you to add more dog device collars to your pack. Train up to 6 dogs on 1 PRO 70 handheld, 3 dogs on 1 PRO 550 handheld or 3 dogs on 1 Sport PRO handheld (additional dog devices required) with a range of 1 mile, plus remote-operated LED beacon lights for low light conditions and built in BarkLimiter, activated on the dog device, for a quieter kennel.
Wireless solutions open up new horizons for your business and help to keep an eye on your assets. Discover brand-new and certified Bluetooth Low Energy ID beacon model from Teltonika with robust waterproof casing and a long-lifetime battery. The model designed for a low-cost fast and easy configuration and integration to save precious time resources and ensure accountability.Perfect for traceability use cases delivery tracking monitoring of various movable objects in logistics (trailers containers) agriculture (tractor attachments) and constructions (tools and inventory). Also it is suitable for indoor tracking solutions for items tracking in warehouses hospitals transport hubs and other types of industrial areas. EYE beacon supports iBeacon and Eddystone protocols. The device is fully compatible with the Teltonika firmware platform which provides extended functionality. Configure scan and update anytime anywhere with a dedicated Teltonika mobile app.
Wireless solutions open up new horizons for your business and help to keep an eye on your assets. Discover brand-new and certified Bluetooth Low Energy ID sensor model from Teltonika with robust waterproof casing and a long-lifetime battery. The model designed for a low-cost fast and easy configuration and integration to save precious time resources and ensure accountability.Perfect for traceability use cases delivery tracking monitoring of various movable objects in logistics (trailers containers) agriculture (tractor attachments) and constructions (tools and inventory). Sensors data makes it especially suitable for cold chain refrigerator use cases. The built-in accelerometer can detect item movement or fall events. Magnet detection can be used for wireless open/close detection and notifications such as trailer door events etc. EYE sensor supports iBeacon and Eddystone protocols. The device is fully compatible with the Teltonika firmware platform which provides extended functionality. Configure scan and update anytime anywhere with a dedicated Teltonika mobile app
No more complex training. With the Delta SE handheld and dog collar, you and your canine companion have everything you need to sit, stay and play — the easy way.
No more complex training. With the Delta SE handheld and dog collar, you and your canine companion have everything you need to sit, stay and play — the easy way.
No more complex training. With the Delta SE handheld and dog collar, you and your canine companion have everything you need to sit, stay and play — the easy way.
The Delta Canine remote provides convenient 1-handed, no-look training. This tactile remote control looks much like a key fob — and works just as quickly — so you are ready to react in any situation. The 3 buttons control stimulation, tone and vibration on the dog device (sold separately). Use it from up to 10 meters away, and slip it easily into a pocket for discreet training wherever needed. Set up your remote with the Garmin Canine™ app , and review your training sessions. The replaceable CR2032 battery lasts up to 1 year and features an automatic sleep mode to save battery life. Green LED light indicates when a button has been pressed.
Jahipidamise lihtsustamiseks saab kompaktset käsiseadet Alpha 10 kasutada eraldi, ühendatult ühilduva nutitelefoniga ühilduva nutitelefoniga või muude Garmini koerajälgimisseadmetega. Seda kompaktset GPS-seadet ei ole raske kaasas kanda. Tea oma koera asukohta sõltumata sellest, kuhu jaht teda viib. Kas oled sageli liikvel? Kinnita Alpha 10 autosse või mujale, kus see on alati lähedal. Valik on sinu. Kasuta Alpha 10 eraldi või koo teiste koerajälgimisseadmetega. Vaata koera asukohta auto juhikohal istudes või lausa oma randmelt1. Kuni 1 nädal (40 kasutustundi) kestev aku võimaldab kauem jahil olla. Sobib järgmistele Garmini toodetele: Garmin Alpha 100 / 200i / With TT 15/TT 15 Mini Garmin fenix 3 / 3 HR / 3 Sapphire / 5 / 5S / 5S Plus / 5X Plus / 6 Pro and Sapphire / 6S Pro and Sapphire / 6X Pro and Sapphire / 6X Pro Solar / Chronos Garmin DriveTrack 71 Garmin Instinct / Tactical / Solar / Solar Camo / Solar Surf Garmin Marq Adventurer / Athlete / Aviator / Captain / Captain : American Magic Edition / Driver / Golfer Garmin Montana 700i / 750i Garmin T 5 Dog Device / Mini Dog Device Garmin tactix Delta Sapphire / Delta Solar / Delta Solar with Ballistics Garmin TT 15 Dog Device / Mini Dog Device