Võimsus 1000 W, 2 temperatuuriastet. Tänu innovatiivsele kuuma õhu väljumise ava disainile saab selle fööniga juuksed kiiremini kuivaks võrreldes tavapärase kompaktse fööniga, lisaks on energiakulu väiksem. Värv grafiithall/lilla.
Give the gift of multiple styles using Coanda airflow. Engineered for different hair types. With barrels to curl and wave in both directions, brushes to control and shape, and the multi-functional Coanda smoothing dryer to dry, smooth and hide flyaways. Coanda styling pioneered by Dyson Re-engineered attachments with Enhanced Coanda airflow for increased control. Intelligent heat control Measures airflow temperature over 40 times a second, intelligently controlling the heating element to keep the temperature under 150°C. Preventing extreme heat damage. Powered by the Dyson digital motor V9 The 13-blade impeller spins at up to 110,000rpm, generating 3.2kPa. Powerful enough to produce the air pressure needed to create the Coanda effect. Refined usability The multi-functional Coanda smoothing dryer has been re-engineered to harness Coanda in both directions to achieve a sleek and smooth finish. All barrels now allow you to easily switch curl direction as you style. Hide flyaways The Coanda smoothing dryer combines two functions into one tool for streamlined styling. Pre-dry hair, and also finish by dramatically reducing flyaways to create a smooth, sleek finish. Styled by you Utilise airflow in both directions with one barrel for ease and speed. Choose from a range of barrel sizes to create loose waves, voluminous curls or tight ringlets. Quick and easy blow dries Enhanced Coanda gives increased styling control with every brush stroke. Achieve volume from the roots, shape the hair and align each strand to create a smooth finish. Straight and sleek See how to style a straight and sleek, everyday look with the Dyson Airwrap multi-styler. Voluminous Blow Dry See how to style a Hollywood inspired blow dry with the Dyson Airwrap multi-styler. Tousled waves See how to style tousled waves with the Dyson Airwrap multi-styler. Curly blow out A glamorous finish featuring big, bold curls. See how to style with the Dyson Airwrap multi-styler. Presentation case in Blue Blush Protects and neatly stores your Dyson Airwrap multi-styler and attachments. Finished in Blue Blush, cushioned with soft fabric and with a removable lid that is also a non-slip mat for your multi-styler. EU lisagarantiid ei saa.
* Koolutaja komplekt, värv: punane/must* 2 temperatuuri, jahe õhk, Ionic funktsioon* 7 vahetatavat otsikut: lokitangid läbimõõt 18 mm, ümar hari läbimõõt 20 / 31 mm poolhari laius 39 mm, sirgestushari laius38 mm, ümar hari väljalükatavate harjastega läbimõõt 28 mm suunav otsik* Võimsus: 1000 W *
Laia läbimõõduga: 38mm, Sobib eriti laiade ning laineliste lokkide tegemiseks, Sublim’touch kattepind: ultrõrn juuste vastu, Optimaalne tulemus tänu õigele temperatuurile 180°C, Kiire soojenemine, 10 temperatuuri seadet (150°C ...
Professionaalsel ultrakergel föönil on kaks kiiruse ja kolm temperatuuri seadistust soovitud kuivatustulemuse saavutamiseks. Saate oma soengut kohendada ka siis, kui juuksed on kuivad. Selleks vajutage lihtsalt "külma õhu" nuppu. Kui aga hommikuti on kiire, saab juuksed kuivaks kiiresti ja tõhusalt 2000 W võimsusega. Õhusisselaskefilter on eemaldatav ja nii saab seadet ka kergesti puhastada.Kummiga kaetud käepideme tagumine osa ja küljekaitsmed tagavad mugava kastutamise ja takistavad fööni kriimustamist.Ülekuumenemise kaitseRiputusaasToitejuhtme pikkus: 2,6 m