Täielik paindlikkus Dyson Coralle HS07 on tõeline universaalne seade teie juustele! Tänu uuenduslikele funktsioonidele ja intelligentsetele tehnoloogiatele muudab stiil naudinguks. Dyson Coralle HS07 painduvad mangaani-vasesulamist soojendusplaadid vastavad juustele, pakkudes kolme täpset temperatuuriseadet väiksema kuumusega kujundamiseks ja minimeerida juuste kahjustusi 50%. Dyson Coralle on esimene täisvõimsusega juhtmeta juuksesirgendaja, mis tänu võimsale akule võimaldab paindlikku soengut ilma sassis kaabliteta. Täisvõimsusega juhtmevaba juuksesirgendaja Kuni 30 minutit sirgendamist ilma kaablita või alternatiivina pikemaks kasutamiseks kaabliga Äärmiselt kiire laadimine (90% laadimine vaid 40 minutiga) Muudetavad temperatuuri seadistused - 165°C, 185°C ja 210°C - tagavad tõhusa soengu kõikidele juuksetüüpidele ja -pikkustele Integreeritud andurisüsteem reguleerib kütteplaatide temperatuuri 100 korda sekundis Selle kumer välispind muudab lokkide ja lainete kujundamise veelgi lihtsamaks – aga ka siledate ja siledate stiilide kujundamise
Dyson Airwrap™ multi-styler and dryer Straight+Wavy Dry. Curl. Shape. Smooth and hide flyaways. With no heat damage. Barrel to curl and wave in both directions. Brushes to shape, volumize and style. Dryer+Flyaway smoother uses the Coanda effect to dry, smooth, and hide flyaways. Accessories Included: Dyson Airwrap i.d.™ multi-styler and dryer Straight+Wavy,40mm long barrel,Soft smoothing brush,Dryer+Flyaway smoother,Large round volumising brush,Fast dryer,Filter cleaning brush,Presentation case,Detangling comb.
Securely and conveniently stores your Dyson Airwrap™ styler and attachments when you’re on the move. Lightweight and portable, so it’s easy to take anywhere. Made with soft, heat-resistant fabric, with a discreet magnetic clasp. Finished with fuchsia or purple piping.
Securely and conveniently stores your Dyson Airwrap™ styler and attachments when you’re on the move. Lightweight and portable, so it’s easy to take anywhere. Made with soft, heat-resistant fabric, with a discreet magnetic clasp. Finished with fuchsia or purple piping.
With the Dyson Airwrap Long re-engineered attachments you can easily create curls or waves and also smoothen or add volume even faster. Engineered for multiple hair types but meant to be used for hair that are chest-length or even longer. Its Coanda effect allows you to style your hair without using excessive heat. The Coanda effect pulls the hair around the curling iron using only air. The intelligent heat control unit measures the air temperature more than 40 times per second to prevent heat damage and to ensure you that it always remains below 150°C. This airwrap is also designed to style wet hair. It combines a powerful flow of air with controlled heat, to dry your hair and style them at the same time. Drying and styling at the same time Dyson Airwrap Complete Long combines hair moisture with a powerful air flow and controlled heat, so it dries your hair, but at the same styles them. Dyson Airwrap uses an aerodynamic phenomenon called the Coanda effect. The air flow pulls the hair around the curler itself, thanks to what it is possible to make curls or waves. All this is possible only with air and without excessive heat. Sleeker and fluffier hair thanks to the Coanda effect Its small, powerful digital motor combined with aerodynamics helps you to achieve The Coanda effect. The Coanda effect pulls the hair towards the curler and then curls them without the need to rewind the hair itself. This allows the hair to be styled and dried at the same time, using air and not excessive heat. Its intelligent heat control measures the airflow temperature more than 40 times per second and regulates the heat to ensure it is always below 150°C.
Juuksesirgendaja Babyliss Pro Ionic Slim Diamond ST387E; Teemant Sol-gel katte ja Ionic funktsiooniga õhuke WetjaDry Babyliss Pro sirgendaja on loodud kaitsmaks Sinu juukseid; Temperatuuri regulaator; 6 temperatuuri astet ...
Uue spetsiaalselt kiireks ja lihtsaks kasutuseks loodud Essential Care'i sirgendaja pikemad plaadid aitavad teil kiiremini saavutada soovitud sirguse ja läikega juuksed, mõjudes samal ajal juustele õrnalt., 210 °C ...
Sirgendaja välispind on kaetud libisemiskindla kattega, mis teeb kasutamise mugavaks. "Wet & Dry" süsteem - aitab kaitsta juukseid liigse kuumuse eest ja juuksed ei muutu elektrostaatiliseks. Keraamiline plaat ja keraamiline kuumutaja, sisselülitamise indikaatorlamp, pöördpesaga juhe, riputusaas, võimsus 30 W. Toitejuhe 1,8 m.