The OM SYSTEM LS-P5 Linear PCM Recorder offers professional filmmakers, YouTube enthusiasts, musicians, Students and Journalists the sound quality and versatility that the LS Series of audio recorders is renowned for – in a compact and robust design making it the ideal companion as stand-alone recorder or a camera microphone.
The OM SYSTEM LS-P5 Linear PCM Recorder offers professional filmmakers, YouTube enthusiasts, musicians, Students and Journalists the sound quality and versatility that the LS Series of audio recorders is renowned for – in a compact and robust design making it the ideal companion as stand-alone recorder or a camera microphone.
Kvaliteetsed MP3 salvestised; 4 GB sisemälu & microSDHC mälukaardipesa; Nutikas automaatrežiim puhta ja selge heli jaoks; USB 2.0 ühendus arvutiga & patareitoide; Integreeritud tugijalg pinnamüra vähendamiseks
Pika tööajaga lihtne Sony diktofon ICDPX240.CE7, Sisemälu: 4GB, Sisse-ehitatud mikrofon: Mono, Salvestusformaat: HVXC/MP3, Taasesitusformaat: HVXC/MP3, Aku tüüp: AAA x2, Max salvestusaeg: 1043 h (MP3 8kbps), Aku tööaeg ...
The OM SYSTEM LS-P5 Linear PCM Recorder offers professional filmmakers, YouTube enthusiasts, musicians, Students and Journalists the sound quality and versatility that the LS Series of audio recorders is renowned for – in a compact and robust design making it the ideal companion as stand-alone recorder or a camera microphone.
The VN‑541PC is intended for everybody who is about to start using a digital voice recorder. It is the perfect device for students of all ages. Packed with all useful features it is supporting you in all situations in your daily life at school, university and lectures of all types. The usability is very easy to understand. The switch is enabling even one‑handed operation. The voice recorder incorporates one‑touch direct recordings to be started at any time with one button and a micro USB connector to enable a connection with a PC.
From soft to loud voices at meetings or in seminars, you’ll hear everyone on your audio recording in an even volume with the WS-853 digital voice recorder. This high-quality device uses a built-in, low-noise stereo microphone to capture all speakers – and best of all, its Intelligent Auto mode adjusts the recording level automatically so you don’t miss a thing. At the same time, the Noise Cancel function cancels out unwanted ambient sound to provide crisper, clearer playback quality. Thanks to the WS-853’s Simple Mode, beginners experience simplified use. Yet advanced users don’t miss out: this voice recorder also offers Normal Mode for more customised audio capture.
Philips diktofon DPM 6000, Philips DPM6000 Pocket Memo voice recorder with SpeechExec workflow softwareFirst-class recording with outstanding ergonomics. The Pocket Memo voice recorder takes dictation to a new level. Two ...
Philips ACC8120. Brand compatibility: Philips, Compatibility: DPM6000, DPM7000, DPM8000, LFH2210. Colour of product: Silver. DC output voltage: +5V, DC output current: 1.8 A. Width: 8 cm, Depth: 7.700 cm, Height: 4.500 cm
Innovatiivne Zoom H2n esindab järgmise generatsiooni kaasaskantavat helisalvestit. See ülikompaktne seade on tulvil suurepäraseid omadusi, mis võimaldavad salvestada puhast heli kõikjal, kus te ka ei viibiks. Videost ja ...
ME-30W konverentsmikrofonide abil on lihtne ka sellistel suurtel kogunemistel stereosalvestusi teha, nagu konverentsid või kontserdid. Komplekti kuulub kaks Olympuse mikrofoni ja see sobib ideaalselt koos DM-550 diktofoniga ...
Philips diktofon DPM 7200, Philips DPM 7200 Pocket Memo dictation and transcription set with SpeechExec workflow software and slide switch class recording quality with superior ergonomics The Pocket Memo dictation brings on a ...
LS-P1 digitaalsel helisalvestil on kõige kaasaegsemad mikrofonid: nende 90°-ehitus tagab erakordse stereotunde. Tänu mikrofonide kõrgkvaliteetsele ehitusele saad lisaks selge heli, millel on madal müratase. Kõik see ja rohkem veel ...
Kaugjuhtimispult Zoom H4n ja H4n Pro jaoks.; Võimaldan käivitada ja peatada salvestamist.; Võimaldan edasi kerida ja tagasi kerida failis.; Ümber lülitada sisendi allikat.; Seadistada salvestus tasemeid distantsilt.
ME-52W müravähendav mikrofon tasandab ümbritseva keskkonna helisid ja tagab soovitud heli selgema salvestumise. Mikrofon ühendatakse otse seadme sisendpistikusse ja selle kallet saab vastavalt vajadusele reguleerida. Mikrofoniga ...
Philips diktofon DPM 7700, Philips DPM7700 Pocket Memo dictation and transcription set with SpeechExec workflow software The shortest route from voice to text - with superior recording quality with the Philips dictation and ...