Noblechairs LEGEND TX Gaming Chair - anthracite. Noblechairs brings you this exquisite gaming and office chair. It features a high-quality textile cover in anthracite-grey and comfortable cold foam padding. With extensive ergonomic adjustment options and 60mm casters suitable for both hard and soft floors. It can support up to 150kg.
Elegant pillow set for noblechairs EPIC/ICON/HERO/LEGEND, for neck and lumbar support, enhanced ergonomics and comfort, officially licensed Bethesda product.
Elegant gaming and office chair in MOUZ design, black and red PU leather cover, with embroidery of the new MOUZ logo, comfortable cold foam padding, extensive ergonomic adjustment options, 60 mm casters for hard and soft floors, load capacity up to 150 kg
PREMIUM UPHOLSTERY Every chair we make is designed and handcrafted with thoughtful details and top-grade materials. The premium leather of this chair not only supports the contours of your back but also helps breathe while retaining the softness for a low maintenance solution without sacrificing comfort. 4D ADJUSTABLE ARMREST The ergonomically designed 4D adjustable armrests move up/down, left/right, forwards/backward, or swivel to better suit your sitting preference while relieving pressure between your arm and elbow by providing cushion. 135° RECLINING With a 135° fully reclining seatback, it’s easy to adjust the angle of your sitting position throughout your gaming sessions. The chair's tilt tension is easily adaptable to your body weight, allowing you to lean back with ease and comfort. MULTI-FUNCTION TILT MECHANIS Easily adjust the chair's height with the high-quality multi-function tilt mechanism. The locking tilt function allows you to not only rock back the seat & backrest but also lock it in the position that fits you. ANTI-SCRATCH PU CASTERS PU coating casters are engineered for quieter operation and greater resistance to foreign objects and debris. They are edgy, quiet, and impeccably smooth, providing the mobility you need for every action.
PREMIUM UPHOLSTERY Every chair we make is designed and handcrafted with thoughtful details and top-grade materials. The premium leather of this chair not only supports the contours of your back but also helps breathe while retaining the softness for a low maintenance solution without sacrificing comfort. 4D ADJUSTABLE ARMREST The ergonomically designed 4D adjustable armrests move up/down, left/right, forwards/backward, or swivel to better suit your sitting preference while relieving pressure between your arm and elbow by providing cushion. 135° RECLINING With a 135° fully reclining seatback, it’s easy to adjust the angle of your sitting position throughout your gaming sessions. The chair's tilt tension is easily adaptable to your body weight, allowing you to lean back with ease and comfort. MULTI-FUNCTION TILT MECHANIS Easily adjust the chair's height with the high-quality multi-function tilt mechanism. The locking tilt function allows you to not only rock back the seat & backrest but also lock it in the position that fits you. ANTI-SCRATCH PU CASTERS PU coating casters are engineered for quieter operation and greater resistance to foreign objects and debris. They are edgy, quiet, and impeccably smooth, providing the mobility you need for every action.
Memory Foam Pillow Set for noblechairs EPIC/ICON/HERO/LEGEND, for neck and lumbar support, cores made of memory foam, enhanced ergonomics and comfort, embroidered elements in Iron Man design
Elegant gaming and office chair, high-quality PU leather cover in black/red/white, comfortable cold foam padding, extensive ergonomic adjustment options, 60 mm casters for hard and soft floors, load capacity up to 150 kg
Elegant cushion set for noblechairs EPIC/ICON/HERO/LEGEND, for neck and lumbar support, enhanced ergonomics and comfort, officially licensed Star Wars product
Elegant cushion set for noblechairs EPIC/ICON/HERO/LEGEND, for neck and lumbar support, enhanced ergonomics and comfort, officially licensed Star Wars product
• Еksklusiivne ratastel töötool kõrge seljatoega ja käetugedega • Reguleeritav istumiskõrgus • Istme ja seljatoe sünkroonitud reguleerimis mehhanism • Multifunktsionaalsus tagab mugava kasutamise ja sobiva kehaasendi leidmise • Pehmete patjadega reguleeritavad käetoed • Tool on valmistatud puidust ja täidetud vahtpolüuretaaniga • 5-haruline alumiiniumist jalarist, pehmete ratastega • Maksimaalne kandevõime 160 kg • Materjal: must nailon BR06 • Kõrgus: 120-129 cm • Istme kõrgus: 44-53 cm • Istme sügavus: 47 cm • Istme laius: 47 cm • Kõrgus: 120-129 cm • Laius: 64 cm • Kaal: 22,3 kg • Garantii 5 aastat
Executive töötool ENJOY , mis kohandub suurepäraselt veelgi nõudlikuma tööga inimeste nõudlike vajadustega. Ideaalse kujuga iste ja seljatugi on valmistatud hingavast võrgust ning tagavad seega loomuliku soojuse hajumise istmelt ja seljatoest. Sünkroonmehhanismi (iseseisev istme ja seljatoe nurga reguleerimine) täiendavad reguleeritav istme sügavus, seljatoe kõrgus ja peatoe reguleerimine. Kiigetugevust saab ka reguleerida. Tooli juhtimine on väga lihtne. Tänu bowdeni süsteemile tehakse kõik reguleerimised ühe kangiga. Selle kategooria toolilt ei saa puududa polsterdatud kolme teljega reguleeritavad käetoed . Aluse materjalina kasutatakse poleeritud alumiiniumi, et tagada maksimaalne stabiilsus ja loomulikult täiuslik välimus. Enjoy tool pole mitte ainult mugav, vaid kaunistab ka teie kontorit või töötuba. Toolil on garanteeritud kandevõime 130 kg ja pikendatud kolmeaastane garantiiaeg. MESH kate - hingav, väga tugev võrkkangas. • Moodne ratastel töötool käetugedega • Reguleeritav istumoskõrgus ja seljatugi • Istme sügavus on reguleeritav +5 cm • Sünkroniseeritud kallutusmehhanism, 4 seljatoe fikseerimise asendit • Tool on valmistatud plastikust, polüestrist • Seljatugi on kaetud võrkkangaga (polüester) • T-kujulised nailonist käetoed • 5-haruline nailonist jalarist, tugevate ratastega • Maksimaalne kandevõime 120 kg • Garantii 5 aastat
Footrest with high-quality artificial leather, tiltable up to 45 degrees, comfortable cold foam padding, base with swivel joint and rubber absorbers, for additional ergonomics during gaming
Footrest with high-quality genuine leather, tiltable up to 45 degrees, comfortable cold foam padding, swivel base with rubber shock absorbers, for additional ergonomics during gaming
Elegant gaming and office chair, designed with Resident Evil theme, black and white PU leather cover, featuring iconic Umbrella Corporation embroidery, comfortable cold foam padding, high ergonomics with flexible adjustment options, 60mm casters, supports up to 150kg
Xtreme on mitmekülgne ravitool, mis sobib kõigile, kes on pikemad kui 160 cm. Kui olete pikem kui 180 cm, soovitame kasutada Xtreme ilma kaelatoeta. Xtremel on kangast istme viimistlus ja võrgust seljatugi. Xtreme´il on teise põlvkonna vedru, mis on loodud lihaste reaktsiooni mõõtmise põhjal, et viia tervisekasu uuele tasemele. Automaatselt kohanduv. Hämmastav. Selja- ja kaelatugi on valmistatud kõrgtehnoloogilistest komposiitmaterjalidest, mis paistavad silma oma paindlikkuse poolest ja kohanduvad teie keha põhjustatud survega, pakkudes kindlat, kuid mugavat tagasijõudu, mis hoiab teie kehahoiaku optimaalsena. Xtreme sobib 160-180 cm pikkusele kaelatoega kasutajatele, üle 180 cm - soovitame mitte kasutada kaelatuge. Lisaks Adaptic istmete kohandatavusele saab Xtreme istet ette- või tahapoole nihutada, mis muudab optimaalse asendi saavutamise lihtsamaks. Xtreme´il on ka palju ruumi, mugav iste, täiuslik ergonoomika ning reguleeritava kõrgusega peatugi ja käetoed (edasi, üles-alla.) Adaptic seab tervise esikohale Tänu pehmele ergonoomilisele istmele on Adaptic Xtreme´is istumine väga mugav. Nagu teisedki Adaptic toolid, leevendab adaptiivne istumissüsteem alaselja- ja kaelavalusid, tugevdab sügavaid stabiilsuslihaseid, hoiab ära lülisamba ketaste nihkumise ja võimaldab vaagna loomulikku liikumist, mis on selja tervise seisukohalt oluline tegur. Intuitiivsed juhtnupud võimaldavad hõlpsasti ideaalsesse asendisse reguleerida. Istmed on saadaval erinevates värvitoonides, mis sobivad kasutamiseks kontoris või kodukontoris. • Reguleeritava lükandistmega ravitool • Kõrgtehnoloogilised komposiitmaterjalid väga painduva seljatoe jaoks • Adaptiivne peatugi ja seljatugi sobivad selja ja pea liigutamiseks • Libisev iste pakub paremat võimalust saavutada optimaalne ja pingevaba asend • Tugevdab selja-, kõhu- ja sügavstabiilsuslihaseid • Pehme mugav iste, hingav võrk seljatugi • Reguleeritava sügavusega iste • Reguleeritavad käetoed (üles/alla, ees/taga, lukustatavad) • Reguleeritava kõrgusega iste, kaelatug
Komfortables Kissen-Set von noblechairs, ein großflächiges Sitzkissen & ein Nackenkissen, rutschfeste Unterseite für perfekten Halt, aus Memory Foam, bequem und atmungsaktiv, für alle noblechairs geeignet
Elegant gaming and office chair with Starfield motifs, high-quality high-tech vinyl, comfortable cold foam padding, extensive ergonomic adjustment options, 60-mm casters for hard and soft floors, supports up to 150 kg
Footrest with high-quality fabric cover, tiltable by 45 degrees, comfortable cold foam padding, base with rubber absorbers, for additional ergonomics while gaming.
Footrest with high-quality PU synthetic leather, tiltable by 45 degrees, comfortable cold foam padding, foot cross with rubber absorbers, for additional ergonomics while gaming.
Cushion set for noblechairs EPIC/ICON/HERO/LEGEND, for the neck and lumbar region, memory foam cores, increased ergonomics and comfort, 30 years of DOOM design
Elite Tablet/Button Box Mount Add-OnThe Next Level Racing Elite Tablet/ Button Box Add-on, is the perfect solution for the serious sim racer to complete the full informational and immersive simulation experience to have a tablet or button box within reach with complete adjustability. With a wide range of mounting options for the Elite Tablet/ Button Box Add-on, users are able to customize their simulator for the best simulation experience. By having a permanent station for a button box or a tablet, the user is able to create a more connected and informed experience with simulation.Wide Range Of AdjustibilityThe Elite Tablet / Button Box Add-on is designed and engineered to give you the ability to mount your Tablet or Button Box in the perfect position. With a double joined configuration, the user is able to have full adjustability in distance and placement of their button box. With multiple setup configurations, the user can set up with a single arm combination to achieve perfect integration. The Elite Tablet/ Button Box Add-on also offers three lateral axes of rotation for ease of movement and for fine adjustment in distance and angle. The ability for the vertical axis of rotation, allows the user to angle their button box or tablet in the optimal positioning. The mount clamps offer a 105 degree of range (90 degrees Upwards tilt and 15 degrees downward tilt). The Mount Arms adjustment is 160 degrees (80 Degrees Clockwise and 80 Degrees Counter Clockwise). For the Wheel Plate mounting variation, the angle adjustment offers 120 degrees (60 Degrees Clockwise and 60 Degrees Counter Clockwise), while the pivot angle adjustment range is 140 degrees (90 Degrees Upward tilt and 50 Degrees Downward tilt).High Quality And CompatibilityThe Elite Tablet/ Button Box Add-on is constructed from a premium aluminium profile with a custom premium black anodised finish, combined with precision folded black carbon steel for added strength. With the 3-mounting variations, the Elite Tablet/ Button Box Add-on is able to be mounted to any existing Elite series cockpit and other aluminium cockpits, based on user preference and the most realistic positioning.
Elite Hardware KitThe Next Level Racing Elite Hardware Kit is the perfect addition for any user that requires more hardware for your elite range cockpit or your do-it-yourself project for their do-it-yourself projects. With a wide range of bolts and T-nuts, the user has the option to add extra aluminium extrusion to their cockpit for the most customized simulation experience. The Next Level Racing Elite Hardware Kit comes with a multitude of different fasteners, fixings, and tools to take your setup to the next level. The quality of components can be seen in other Elite products with the same amount of attention and detail.Everything You Need To CustomizeWith the Next Level Racing Hardware kit, users are able to add the desired part to their Aluminum cockpit for a personalized simulation experience. With all the parts needed for direct mounting, users are now able to create a more bespoke experience for their simulator.Bolts M8 Ultra Low-Profile Bolts: 14mm x 10 units M8 Ultra Low-Profile Bolts: 25mm x 10 units M8 Bolts: 16mm x 20 units M8 Bolts: 35mm x 6 units M8 Bolts: 45mm x 6 units M8 Bolts: 60mm x 6 units M8 Countersunk Bolts: 16mm x 6 units M6 Bolts: 20mm x 10 units Tools Ratchet Wrench: 1 unit M6 Allen Key: 1 unit M8 Allen Key: 1 unit M6 Hex Tip: 1 unit M8 Hex Tip: 1 unit Laser Level: 1 unit T-Slot Nuts T-Slot Nuts: (Regular) x 20 units T-Slot Nuts: (Full Width) x 20 units T-Slot Nuts: (Wide Full Width) x 20 units Other Fixings M8 Metal Washers: 20 units M8 Nylon Washers: 20 units M8 Flange Nuts: 6 units Felt Pads (90mm x 10mm): 4 units Felt Pads (60mm x 40mm): 4 units Felt Pads (40mm x 35mm): 4 units NLR Ratchet Handles: 8 units NLR Cable Clips: 4 units Cable Ties: 4 units
The Vernazza Soft Fabric design is based on Arozzi’s top-rated Vernazza chair; It’s designed for maximum support and comfort — with a sturdy frame, adjustable height, a spacious seat and two soft support pillows