See BESTWAY täispuhutav ükssarvik-parv "Fantaasia" lisab basseinimängudele veelgi lõbusust! Erksavärvilise saba, tiibade ja vikerkaarega sarvega - see tõstab kõikide meeleolu.Haaratavate käepidemetegaValmistatud testitud ja vastupidavast vinüülistMõõtmed: 1,50m x 1,17mMaksimaalne koormus: 45 kgSoovitatav vanus: 3+
Welcome to the Radiant Citadel In the heart of the Ethereal Plane lies an ancient and mysterious city called the Radiant Citadel. Through tradition, cooperation, and ancestral magic, fifteen civilizations are bound to this wondrous site. Journeys through the Radiant Citadel is an anthology of 13 adventures that explore the cultures and myths of these realms. Adventures Inspired by World Folklore The living and the dead celebrate the Night of the Remembered in the city of San Citlán From glittering night markets to undersea cities, from curse-afflicted villages to angel-ruled city-states—each adventure in this anthology takes inspiration from the writer’s personal connection to real-world mythologies and cultures, creating a rich tapestry of never-before-seen lands and stories for you to explore. Create Rich Character Backstories Each adventure is accompanied by an overview of the land it’s set in—describing its people, noteworthy sites, common names, local legends, and more. For players who want to create characters who come from these locales, questions are included to help determine how key aspects of that culture have shaped their character.
Paku vähemalt 7-aastastele LEGO® Friends fännidele tundide kaupa mängurõõmu ägeda lõbusa diskosaali (41708) mänguasjaga. Mudeli avamise korral paljastub kolm lõbusat tegevustsooni. Lapsed aitavad LEGO Friends Andreal uisud jalga panna ja lõbusal diskol sõpradega aega veeta. Samuti saavad tegelased mängida keeglit või mänguautomaatidel. Kolm LEGO Friends tegelaskuju ja rohkelt lahedaid mängutarvikuid annavad piiramatult võimalusi jutustada loomingulisi lugusid sõpruse kohta. Sisaldab vahvaid võimalusi! Mininukud uisutavad, kui lapsed keeravad hammasratast. Lapsed saavad mängida ka DJ-d: mudelil on mobiiltelefonialus, nii et lapsed saavad diskomuusika ise valida. Lisaks paberjuhendile on komplektiga kaasas Instructions PLUS. See on saadaval rakenduses LEGO Building Instructions ja sisaldab suumimis-, kummitus- ja pööramistööriistu, mis aitavad lastel ehitusprotsessi mõista. Nad saavad ka poolelioleva ehitustöö salvestada ning ehitamist igal ajal jätkata.
Radlands is a competitive, dueling card game about identifying fiercely powerful card synergies. Act as the leader of your post apocalyptic group of survivors in a tooth-and-nail fight to protect your three camps from a vicious rival tribe. If all of them are destroyed, you lose the game. The main resource in the game is water. You will spend it to play people and events, and to use the abilities of cards you already have on the table. People protect your camps and provide useful abilities, while events are powerful effects that take time to pay off. Both players draw cards from the same deck. All cards can either be played to the table or discarded for quick “junk” effects. To win, you will need to manage your cards and water wisely.
In battle, there are no equals. Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game for two or four players. (Note that this set is solely for two players, but it can be combined with other sets, which all serve up to four players.) Each hero is represented by a unique deck designed to evoke their style and legend. Tactical movement and no-luck combat resolution create a unique play experience that rewards expertise, but just when you've mastered one set, new heroes arrive to provide all new match-ups. Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot features the titular heroes. Robin Hood and his outlaws excel at ranged attacks and robbing from their opponents. Bigfoot and his pal, the Jackalope, crash through the forest for quick attacks before disappearing like a figment of the mind. Combat is resolved quickly by comparing attack and defense cards. However, each card's unique effects and a simple but deep timing system lead to interesting decisions each time. The game also features an updated version of the line-of-sight system from Tannhauser for ranged attacks and area effects. The game includes a double-sided board with two different battlefields, pre-washed miniatures for each hero, and custom life trackers that's brought to life with the stunning artwork of Oliver Barrett and the combined design teams of Restoration Games and Mondo Games.
Aveniri erksavärvilised kraapimiskaardid hoiavad lapsed tegevuses ja pakuvad neile värvikaid elamusi, lisaks arendavad need loovust ning kujutlusvõimet. Dinosaurustega kraapimiskunsti komplekt (15 lehte) paneb teie lapse tundma end tõelise kunstnikuna! Kraabi lehti komplektis oleva spetsiaalse pliiatsiga ning loo ilusaid pilte dinosaurusest. Iga tõmme spetsiaalse pliitasiga eemaldab musta kattekihti ning paljastuvad peened kujundid, millele tekstuuri, mustreid ja kujutlusvõimet lisades vormuvad enneolematud ja eriilmelised pildid.
Kaunista oma elu Aveniri polaarjoone teemaliste kleebiste komplektiga! llusad kleepsud toovad lastele palju rõõmu. Avenir kleebised sobivad ideaalselt telefoni, sülearvuti, tahvelarvuti, märkmiku, päeviku või albumi kaunistamiseks. Kasuta neid kõikjal, et oma päeva helgemaks muuta. Saadaval paljudes kujundites ja värvides – vali oma lemmik! Komplektis on 20 kleebist.
Kasuta oma loovust ja kaunista! Ilusad ükssarvikutega kleepsud toovad palju rõõmu. Avenir kleebised sobivad ideaalselt telefoni, sülearvuti, tahvelarvuti, märkmiku, päeviku või albumi kaunistamiseks. Kasuta neid kõikjal, et oma päeva helgemaks muuta. Saadaval paljudes kujundites ja värvides – vali oma lemmik! Komplektis on 20 kleebist.