Mäng mille inspiratsiooniks on olnud Hollywoodi ja Aasia filminduse põnevus ja thriller. Sleeping dogs on avatud maailma stiilis võmmi draama mis leiab aset Hong kongi linnas ning mille inspiratsiooniks on olnud Hollywoodi ja Aasia filminduse koostööl valminud põnevus filmid.
Asu detektiiv John Tanneri rolli, et osaleda saladuskatte all halastamatul inimjahil. Koge tagaajamise põnevust. Autodega kihutamine kui filmis. Liigu vabalt San Franciscos. Üle 200 ülesande ja 120 litsenseeritud auto. 19 pöörast mitmikmängu tüüpi. Mängu koos sõpradega võrgus või Split-Screen mängutüübis.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands on viimane osa samanimelises seiklusmängude saagas. Mäng toob endaga kaasa Prince of Persia sarjale omaseid elemente. Viimaste hulgas rohkelt pööraseid mõõgavõitluseid, huvitavaid mõistatusi, pingelist märulit, arvukaid hulljulgeid akrobaatilisi trikke jne. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands loomise taga on samad mängumeistrid, kes ühtlasi ka hiti Assassin’s Creed autorid. Pane oma nutikus ja osavus proovile, kuninglikust soost kangelastele kohane seiklus on algamas. Konsoolimäng Avatar (saadaval ka arvutile) viib Sind kaugele Pandora planeedile ning heidab eepilise lahingu keskele. Sa pead valima, kas võitled koos inimestega või asud hoopis abistama planeedi põliselanikke Na'visi. Mängi kas RDA Korporatsiooni või planeedi põliselanike Na'videga nii üksik- kui mitmikmängus. Ratsuta metsikute loomadega, juhi masinaid ning omanda uusi oskusi mängu läbimise käigus. Seikle kaunil ja ühtlasi ohtlikul Pandora planeedil.
Mängijad kehastuvad Dünaamiliseks Duoks, Batmaniks ja Robiniks (lisakarakteriks on Nightwing), et võidelda Gothami linna kuulsaimate kõrilõikajatega nagu Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Riddler, Mr. Freeze, ...
The Adventures Of Tintin: The Game on märulist pakatavlõbus seiklusmäng, mis pakub ohtralt põnevat meelelahutustigas vanuses mängusõpradele. Mäng The Adventures Of Tintinpajatab kaasahaarava loo, mis loodud Steven Spielbergipoolt lavastatud samanimelise kogupere filmi ainetel.Ühine kartmatu reporter Tintini ja tema ustava abilisega Snowynende kõige põnevamal seiklusel. Koge tuttavaid momente filmist ning avasta palju uut ja põnevat legendaarse laeva kohta.Naudi parimaid hetki filmist, olgu selleks autode tagaajamised või eepilised võitlused. Lenda, võitle, lahenda mõistatusiläbides kaasahaarava Tintini loo ja väldi ohtlike lõksepõnevates märulistseenides. Mängi koos sõpradega ja vali endalemmiktegelane filmist ning ava nende uusi võimeid!
Bonus includes - Untouchables single player pack: A nod to Chicago’s infamous 1920s criminal world. Rewards: Tommy gun + 1920s Chicago outfit. Cyberpunk single player pack: The visual incarnation of a cyberpunk. Rewards: cyberpunk gun (a powerful one-handed weapon) + cyberpunk outfit. DedSec Shadow single player pack: Rewards : Dedsec outfit + hacking boost: add 1 battery slot. Club Justice single player pack: Rewards: Chicago South Club skin + driving boost: more hit points to vehicles.
The Day 1 Edition includes: Adam-ska Special Revolver. Silver Personal Ballistic Shield. Wetland Cardboard Box. Blue Urban Fatigues Outfit. MGO XP Boost.
Just Dance 2015 tracklist: Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj, She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds of Summer, Problem - Ariana Grande Ft. Iggy Azalea and Big Sean, 4x4 - Miley Cyrus, Best Song Ever - One Direction, Happy - Pharrell Williams, Addicted To You - Avicii, Black Widow - Iggy Azalea Ft. Rita Ora, Maps - Maroon 5, Papaoutai - Stromae, Birthday - Katy Perry, Bad Romance - Lady Gaga, Built For This - Becky G, Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler, Summer - Calvin Harris, Tetris - Dancing Bros., You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - Dead Or Alive, Let It Go - Disney's Frozen. Burn - Ellie Goulding, Bailando - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Descemer Bueno & Gente de Zona, Mahna Mahna - Frankie Bostello, Never Can Say Goodbye - Gloria Gaynor, I Love It - Icona Pop Ft. Charli XCX, You're On My Mind - Imposs Ft. J. Perry, Love Me Again - John Newman, Only You (And You Alone) - Love Letter, Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, Get Low - Dillon Francis & DJ Snake, Diamonds - Rihanna, Me And My Broken Heart - Rixton, Walk This Way - Run-DMC & Aerosmith, Don't Worry Be Happy - The Bench Men, Epic Sirtaki - The Bouzouki's, Speedy Gonzalez - Los Pimientos Locos, Macarena (Official Choreography by Mia Frye)- The Girly Team, Love Is All - The Sunlight Shakers, It's My Birthday - will.i.am Ft. Cody Wise, The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) - Ylvis, XMas Tree - Bollywood Santa and Fatima - Cheb Salama.
Little Big Planet 3 PS4Toote kirjeldus inglise keeles: Details Sackboy® is back − and he’s brought along new friends!PlayStation’s most imaginative franchise, LittleBigPlanet™, is back with a new cast of playable plush characters in the biggest handcrafted adventure yet!Three all-new hand-stitched heroes will completely change the way you play…Bound over walls as the quick and agile OddSock!Glide through the skies as the majestic Swoop!Transform Toggle between Big Toggle, a heavy strongman; and Little Toggle, a light speedster!All the new characters are, like Sackboy, fully customizable and there will be plenty of quirky new costumes to collect in the game so you can express your own individuality.Speaking of Sackboy - what about him? Well, our favorite knitted knight has been equipped with an all-new climbing ability and loads of brand-new power-ups including the amazing Pumpinator!In LittleBigPlanet™ 3, explore a world filled with creativity as you explore all corners of the Imagisphere, meet the inhabitants of the mysterious planet Bunkum and face the nefarious Newton.Discover endless surprises that the LittleBigPlanet™ Community have created and shared for you to enjoy, with new levels and games to play every day. Then if you’re feeling inspired, flex your creative muscles with the powerful and intuitive customization tools, to bring your own imagination to life in LittleBigPlanet™ 3.LittleBigPlanet™ 3 is a perfect showcase for PS4™, featuring innovative support for the DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller, stunning 1080p graphics and the ability to broadcast creations and gameplay clips with a touch of the SHARE button.With Sackboy® or Sackgirl® and their new friends, the journey is just the start.
Limited Edition includes 3 extra missions and 1 exclusive weapon. Mission 1: Fight dangerous enemies in the ice caves of snow-capped mountains to retrieve a rare artifact. Mission 2: Fight waves of enemies while riding an unusual vehicle with Hurk by your side. Mission 3: In this epic bro-tastic conclusion, chase down an enemy convoy and save Hurk from certain death. Exclusive Weapon: Harpoon gun “the Impaler”! Use this modified whale hunting Harpoon with a Unique Skin Pack to shoot harpoon stakes! Bonus includes: Blood Ruby Pack, Yak Farm Pack and Driller Pack.
Limited Edition includes 3 extra missions and 1 exclusive weapon. Mission 1: Fight dangerous enemies in the ice caves of snow-capped mountains to retrieve a rare artifact. Mission 2: Fight waves of enemies while riding an unusual vehicle with Hurk by your side. Mission 3: In this epic bro-tastic conclusion, chase down an enemy convoy and save Hurk from certain death. Exclusive Weapon: Harpoon gun “the Impaler”! Use this modified whale hunting Harpoon with a Unique Skin Pack to shoot harpoon stakes! Bonus includes: Blood Ruby Pack, Yak Farm Pack and Driller Pack.