Tokyo is overrun by deadly supernatural forces, perpetrated by a dangerous occultist, causing Tokyo’s population to vanish in an instant. Ally with a powerful spectral entity on their quest for vengeance and master a powerful arsenal of abilities to unravel the dark truth behind the disappearance as you FACE THE UNKNOWN in Ghostwire: Tokyo. Explore a unique vision of Tokyo twisted by a supernatural presence. From its ultra-modern cityscape to its traditional temples and narrow alleyways, discover a hauntingly beautiful city teeming with Yokai - vengeful spirits that prowl the streets. Discover iconic landmarks like Shibuya Crossing and Tokyo Tower, frozen in time when the city’s population disappeared and travel to the surreal underworld on your quest to save your family. Wield a combination of upgradeable elemental powers and ghost-hunting skills to combat the supernatural threat.
Tokyo is overrun by deadly supernatural forces, perpetrated by a dangerous occultist, causing Tokyo’s population to vanish in an instant. Ally with a powerful spectral entity on their quest for vengeance and master a powerful arsenal of abilities to unravel the dark truth behind the disappearance as you FACE THE UNKNOWN in Ghostwire: Tokyo. Explore a unique vision of Tokyo twisted by a supernatural presence. From its ultra-modern cityscape to its traditional temples and narrow alleyways, discover a hauntingly beautiful city teeming with Yokai - vengeful spirits that prowl the streets. Discover iconic landmarks like Shibuya Crossing and Tokyo Tower, frozen in time when the city’s population disappeared and travel to the surreal underworld on your quest to save your family. Wield a combination of upgradeable elemental powers and ghost-hunting skills to combat the supernatural threat.
Overview Life is Strange: Before the Storm features Chloe Price, a 16 year-old rebel who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success. When Rachel’s world is turned upside down by a family secret, it takes their newfound alliance to give each other the strength to overcome their demons. Limited Edition includes The Complete Season (Episodes 1 to 3) Exclusive artbook featuring art from Life is Strange: Before the Storm The original soundtrack on CD Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...* Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.* Outfit pack – Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.* Episode 1 from the first Life is Strange season.* *Digital content
Tõuse kuulsuste sekka ja hakka tõeliseks staariks uues arvutimängus The Sims™ 4 Get Famous. Loo oma staariseis ning hakka näitlejaks või A-klassi superstaariks. Ela enneolematult kuulsusrikast elu!
Uus linn Windenburg - euroopalik linn moodse arhitektuuri ja ka klassikaliste ehitistega. Võluv maapiirkond, kihev keskplats ja luksuslikud saared - Windenburg pakub simsidele palju uut ja põnevat.; Liituge klubidega - iga grupil ...
Battlefield 4 on oma žanri üks parimaid näiteid, tuues mängijani märulirohke sõjatandri, kus mängu ja tõelise aupaiste vaheline piir muutub üha ähmasemaks ning seda on võimalik kogeda vaid Battlefield 4. Dünaamiline keskkond, ...
* Hingavast fliis materjalist soojendusega alustekk, värv valge * Kahe reguleerimisalaga * 3 valgustatud temperatuuri seadistust * Hingav, mõnus ja nahasõbralik * Hingav, kiire soojenemine * Eemaldatav lüliti, masinpestav 30°C juures * BSS (Beureri turvasüsteem) * Mõõdud 150 x 800 cm * 60 W
THE HEART OF CHERNOBYL The Heart of Chernobyl has never been beating so loud as it is right now. The Zone is calling for stalkers, who are ready to delve into the non-linear journey through a sinister open world in the Eastern European post-apocalyptic setting. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl applies the full potential of Unreal Engine 5 as well as motion capture and photogrammetry technologies to provide you with benchmark-setting graphics and ultimate immersion into the game world. The advanced artificial intelligence system will compel the stalker to utilize a tactical approach against numerous enemies, challenging and keeping even the most hard-boiled players engaged. A-Life 2.0 life-simulating system builds a holistic live environment where player's actions have an impact on the world of the Zone. Dangerous mutants and deadly anomalies will not be the only obstacles on your journey. You will feel all the griefs of a new stalker life while searching and consuming rare and valuable supplies — food, drinks, meds, alcohol, etc. Immersive survival mechanics will be enriching the gameplay on the path through the branched storyline.