Võimas nutikodu juhtimiskeskus; Kontrolli seadmeid ja automatiseeri oma kodu; Sisseehitatud 95 dB kõlar, kohandatavad helinad; WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Thread, Matter & infrapuna tugi; RJ45 pesa, laetav USB-C pesa kaudu
Õhukvaliteedi mõõteseade aitab Sul tervislikult elada. Lisaks ruumiõhus olevale CO2-le mõõdab CO2 mõõteseade ka ümbritsevat õhuniiskust ja temperatuuri. See aitab Sul leida õige tasakaalu ventileerimise ja kütmise vahel tervisliku ruumikeskkonna ja heaolu jaoks. • Kompaktne õhukvaliteedi mõõteseade süsinikdioksiidi (CO2)kontsentratsiooni hindamiseks, sh. temperatuuri ja õhuniiskuse näidik • Sobib kasutamiseks siseruumides (nt elutuba, magamistuba, lastetuba ja kontor) • Sisseehitatud kvaliteetne NDIR-andur annab eriti usaldusväärsed mõõteväärtused • CO2 sisalduse kuvamine (ppm)
Stay informed about CO², humidity, and temperature levels in your home or workplace! Bloom: Experience the blossoming beauty of nature's embrace with the Bloom casing for the AIRVALENT monitor, infusing your surroundings with freshness and vibrant energy. Nourish your indoor environment with the essence of a flourishing garden.
The motion sensor captures the infrared light emitted by the human body through a lens, thereby sensing the presence of a living body. It can still play a role even in dark occasions, it generates small data traffic, does not easily violate user privacy, has low power consumption,long standby time and easy to install. It can effectively detect intrusion information and generate alarm linkage.
Head to toe with 180° IP65 waterproof Two power supply modes Xiaomi security chip Ultra clear 2K resolution 5200 mAh battery Free 72 h cloud storage Dedicated indoor chime Head to toe* with the diagonal 180° ultra-wide viewThe new-generation ultra-wide camera increases the vertical angle to 107°, to ensure clear, panoramic monitoring of the entire area in front of the door.*When the doorbell is installed at a height of 1.5 meters, it can capture full-body footage of visitors 1.1 meters away from it.Ultra-clear vision with 2K resolution, clearer than 1080P2K resolution images are higher quality and record more details than 1080P images, allowing you to see visitors' faces more clearly.Superior night vision: See clearly in low or no lightThe new night vision sensitivity adjustment function can help avoid inaccurate night vision switching. The 6 built-in 940nm high-power infrared illuminators* are activated automatically when it turns dark. You can see clearly even in low or no light.Professional IP65 water and dust resistant designNo fear of adverse weather conditions. The IP65 water and dust resistance rating enables stable performance in adverse weather conditions.Supports both a lithium battery and hardwired power supply*Two power supply modes are supported. You can choose either a lithium battery or hardwired power supply according to your needs.*The hardwired power supply mode is only applicable to houses with a doorbell wire reserved at the door. The power supply requirements are as follows: 8-24VAC, 10-40VA.Ultra-high capacity lithium batteryThe built-in 5200 mAh high-capacity lithium battery makes frequent charging and battery replacement unnecessary. The Type-C charging port enables faster and easier charging.Multiple theft prevention featuresForced removal alarm + powerful 3M adhesive + screw fixing + strong doorbell and user account pairing*. When the doorbell detects that it is being removed, it will trigger an alarm, record video, and send a notification to your phone. Equipped with the Xiaomi Security Chip, the doorbell can fundamentally prevent privacy leakage caused by video streaming, device forgery, etc.*The doorbell and user account are paired one-to-one in the cloud. Even if the doorbell is forcibly removed and stolen, no one can pair with or use your doorbell.24-hour smart motion detectionEquipped with a human body sensor and AI human shape detection technology for all-day monitoring of abnormal movement. Any abnormal motion on the doorstep is immediately recorded and sent to your smartphone.New customizable monitoring areaYou can customize the monitoring area as needed to receive only the notifications you care about.Free, rolling 72-hour cloud storage*Watch videos recorded in the last 72 hours for free without purchasing a microSD card or subscribing to cloud services, and check recordings of abnormal doorstep movement anytime, anywhere.*72-hour rolling cloud storage means that the camera records videos on a rolling basis. Each video will be stored on the cloud for 3 days and be deleted after that.Supports Alexa & Google Voice AssistantVoice control works with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.Real-time remote monitoringA doorbell that's also a monitor. Two-way audio communication with visitors via your smartphone anytime, anywhere. Supports remote doorbell wake-up to check abnormal movement by the door.Supports personalized settings and customizable auto-repliesRecord a fun welcome message that will automatically play when visitors press the doorbell.The wireless chime rings even when disconnected from the internetWith 4 volume settings to choose from, the dedicated high-volume indoor chime can be heard clearly in noisy environments. The "Do not disturb" mode mutes the chime when you don't want to be interrupted.Compatible with Wi-Fi 6 standards for efficient transmission without lagEquipped with a Wi-Fi 6 transmission chip for fast and stable video transmission.
Reolink D340W on arenenud 2K turvakaamera, mis pakub kristallselget videopilti ja mitmekülgseid funktsioone, et tagada teie vara turvalisus. Kaamera on varustatud öönägemise, juhtmevaba ühenduvuse ja liikumistuvastusega, pakkudes usaldusväärset jälgimist ööpäevaringselt. • 2K resolutsioon • Täiustatud öönägemine • Juhtmevaba ühenduvus • Liikumistuvastus ja märguanded • Kaugjuurdepääs ja juhtimine
• Mill PA1500WIFI3 on terasest kütteseade integreeritud wifi mooduliga. • See mudel hoiab suuri ruume, näiteks elutuba või muid kuni 22 m2 suuruseid ruume soojana. • Juhi kõiki oma kütteseadmeid Millheat äpist ühe kasutaja kaudu, olenemata kütteseadme asukohast • Nädalaprogrammide seadistamine erinevate määratletud režiimidega (mugavus, uni, eemal ja väljas) • Määra igas toas 3 erineva režiimi jaoks eraldi temperatuur • Lülita välja kogu maja, konkreetse ruumi või konkreetse kütteseadme seatud programmid. Programmi pole vaja muuta, kui jõuad ühel päeval koju tavapärasest varem) • Koguvõimsus on 1500 W. • Saab paigutada vannituppa (IPX4).
Sfäärilise kujundusega nutikõlar; Ümbritsetud võrkkangaga; Ülemine paneel sisaldab helitugevuse ja Siri nuppe; S5 kiip ja lisaks “arvutuslik heli" (kõlar saab muusikat ise analüüsida ja kohanduda optimeerituma “360-kraadise” ...