DJI Mic 2 on uuendatud, kasutusvalmis mikrofon, mis pakub kõrgekvaliteedilist helisalvestust ja intelligentset mürasummutust. See sobib suurepäraselt vlogide, intervjuude, otseülekannete ja muu audio sisu tootmiseks. Tänu oma 32-bitisele ujuvkoma sisemisele salvestusele ja kuni 250 meetri levialale tagab DJI Mic 2 selge ja detailirikka heli igas olukorras. • Kuni 14-tunnine sisemine salvestus • 6-tunnine akukestvus • Intelligentne mürasummutus
The Insta360 X3 offers 360-degree video recording in high quality. It will be an ideal choice for enthusiasts of dynamic activities, providing excellent image stabilization, many practical modes and instant footage editing capabilities. Quality above all The camera is equipped with a 1/2" sensor, so it is capable of recording sharp, smooth shots in high quality. Take advantage of the 5.7K 360° setting and save the best moments for more than just memories! A 72MP 360° shooting mode is also available. This makes sure you preserve every important moment - with a realistic level of detail! Many possibilities Discover the full potential of the X3 camera with a range of available settings! Take advantage of the Single Lens Mode to record in 4K 30FPS quality or in wide-angle exposure (2.7K 170°). You can also create shots in Slow Motion - 4K 120FPS / 3K 180FPS. Experiment with different modes to wring the most quality out of the moments you experience! Also try the phenomenal Timelapse, which provides 8K class in 360°. ME Mode Also completely new is the Me mode. It uses advanced algorithms that are capable of, among other things, completely cutting out the selfie stick from your shots, providing an exquisitely rendered perspective from 3rd person. This setting is capable of capturing images in 1080P 30/60 FPS quality. You can run it, for example, while skiing downhill - the end result will impress all your friends! True stability The image stability is taken care of by the implemented technologies. Active HDR 360° mode ensures the recording of high-quality videos without shaking - even during dynamic activities. This is also influenced by the use of FlowState Stabilization system. There is also a 360° Horizon Lock mode, which guarantees real-time alignment of the image to the horizon. Thoughtful design The camera is designed with a wide range of uses in mind. The IPX8 waterproof rating allows use even in adverse conditions or diving to depths of up to 10m (up to 50m with the use of a diving case - old separately). The device features a 2.29-inch display with an intuitive interface and a powerful 1800 mAh battery. As a result, you can enjoy a long battery life and high operating comfort. High-end sound Insta360 X3 uses 4 built-in microphones to capture high-quality, detail-saturated sound. Advanced audio algorithms preserve the natural tones of ambient sounds - capturing the most beautiful moments even more accurately. More new features This is not the end of innovative solutions and additions! The camera is distinguished by the use of a number of improvements that guarantee a combination of functionality and convenience. The Pre-recording function allows you to record 15- or 30-second backward clips, so you won´t miss anything important. Loop Recording mode allows you to set file overwriting if you want to take care of free media space more efficiently. Voice Control 2.0 provides convenient voice control, and improved Wi-Fi transfer features up to 50% faster transmission compared to the X2. Editing simpler than ever Prepare content for publication from within the Insta360 app. Its AI editing algorithms will adjust all parameters and styles to your requirements in no time. Choose various effects in Shot Lab to find something to your liking. There´s also a Photo Animator mode, with which you´ll transform a static 360° shot into a smooth cinematic animation.
Imeline pildikvaliteet, veelgi parem HyperSmooth video stabiliseerimine ja tohutu aku eluea suurenemine saavad kokku GoPro viimases ja parimas mudelis - HERO12 Black. Kaamera võtab parima 5.3K video ja lisab sellele kõrge dünaamilise ulatuse (HDR), et jäädvustada kordumatuid seiklusi ja uskumatuid igapäevaseid hetki veelgi detailsemalt. Tänuparemale energiahaldusele võimaldab HERO12 2x pikemat pidevat salvestamist 5.3K60 juures (70 minutit)
DJI RS 4 kaamera stabilisaator on kerge ja võimekas seade, mis on loodud professionaalsetele videograafidele ja filmitegijatele, et tagada sujuv ja stabiilne videopilt. Selle kõrgtehnoloogiline disain ja intuitiivsed juhtimisfunktsioonid võimaldavad kasutajatel saavutada kinematograafilise kvaliteediga tulemusi, muutes selle ideaalseks tööriistaks loominguliseks visuaalseks väljenduseks. • OLED puutetundlik ekraan • Teise põlvkonna kiirkinnitusplaadi disain • Integreeritud juhtnupud • Kuni 12 tundi kestev aku
DJI Osmo Action 5 Pro on täiustatud seikluskaamera, mis ühendab endas uusima tehnoloogia ja võimsa 1/1.3” sensori, pakkudes kristallselgeid pilte ka nõrgas valguses. 360° HorizonSteady stabiliseerimine, 4-tunnine aku kestvus ja värviküllane 4K/60fps video muudavad selle ideaalseks igasuguste spordialade ja tegevuste jäädvustamiseks. Kahe OLED kõrge eredusega puutetundliku ekraani ja sisseehitatud 47GB mäluga on see kaamera loodud suurepäraseks jäädvustuseks igas olukorras. • 1/1.3” sensor ja 4K/60fps video • 360° HorizonSteady stabiliseerimine • Kuni 4-tunnine aku kestvus • 47GB sisseehitatud mälu ja kiire andmeedastus • Topelt OLED puutetundlikud ekraanid
Flagship 1/1.3´´ Sensor. A larger sensor captures more light, has better dynamic range, and superior imaging. Co-Engineered with Leica. Industry legends bring all their expertise in optical design and imaging. Unbeatаble Low Light Image Quality. Powered by a 5nm AI chip for exceptional low light performance with PureVideo. Next-Level Daytime Shooting. Get stunning clarity with Active HDR Video and jaw-dropping visuals with 4K120fps slow-mo. 2.4´´ Flip Touchscreen. Precise control and shot preview through the flexible touchscreen. Adventure Ready. Waterproof to 33ft (10m), fast charging to 80% in just 22 mins. FlowState Stabilization. Gimbal-like stabilization and 360° Horizon Lock for ultra smooth shots. Easy Shooting and Sharing. Convenient features like pause/resume recording, gesture control, and the AI Highlights Assistant. GO HANDS-FREE. AI-POWERED GESTURE CONTROL Experience an easier way to film. Give the sign to start/stop recording or take a photo. Perfect for group selfies, noisy environments or if you don´t want to draw attention to yourself! VOICE CONTROL 2.0
Salvesta üleägedaid videosi oma telefoni automaatselt. Kõik algab kaamerast - HERO11 Black Mini — kõige kompaktsem ja kergem GoPro siiani. Uus sensor salvestab rohkem, kõrgema resolutsiooniga, parema stabilisatsiooniga ning võimalusega muuta oma materjal laiaks kinofilmilikuks või ekstra kõrgeks püstiseks pildiks või videoks. Kaameral on 5.3K video ja 24.7 MP fotod, lisaks Emmy® auhinnaga pärjatud HyperSmooth 5.0 stabilisatsioon ning pisike LCD ekraan üleval.
GoPro Max Lens Mod annab HERO9 Black kaamerale horisondi lukustuse ja stabilisatsiooni kuni 2,7K 60p salvestuse juures. Selle lainurkmooduli abil suurendad oma HERO9 Black seikluskaamera vaatevälja kuni 155 kraadi. Võimekas horisondi lukustus hoiab pildi kindlalt teljel nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt, mispärast sobib see moodul suurepäraselt ka 360° võtete tegemiseks. Max HyperSmooth pakub vankumatut stabilisatsiooni kuni 2,7K 60p salvestuse juures. Moodul sobib suurepäraselt 360° võtete tegemiseks. Veekindel kuni 5 meetri sügavuseni. Max Timewarp tagab erilise sujuvuse.
DJI RS 4 Pro on tipptasemel gimbaliga kaamera stabilisaator, mis pakub teise põlvkonna vertikaalset filmimist ilma lisatarvikuteta, suurendades paindlikkust kinematograafide jaoks. Umbes 2.4 korda pikem aku kasutusaeg kuni 29 tundi RS BG70 suure mahutavusega akukäepidemega ja mitmekülgsete käeshoitavate konfiguratsioonide valik RS SDK protokolli abil. Toetab kahte fookus- ja suurendusmootorit kaugjuhtimisega, pakkudes täpset fookust ja suurendust. LiDAR fookustamine võimaldab täpsemat ja kaugemat automaatset fookustamist kuni 76,800 mõõtepunktiga 20 m kaugusel. • Combos sisaldub: RS4 gimbal, Ronin Image Transmitter, Focus Pro mootor ja telefonihoidja • Teise põlvkonna vertikaalne filmimine • Pikendatud aku kasutusaeg kuni 29 tundi • Topelt fookus- ja suumimootorite tugi kaugjuhtimisega • 4.5kg kandevõime koos 20% suurema mootori pöördemomendiga
DJI RS 4 Pro on tipptasemel gimbaliga kaamera stabilisaator, mis pakub teise põlvkonna vertikaalset filmimist ilma lisatarvikuteta, suurendades paindlikkust kinematograafide jaoks. Umbes 2.4 korda pikem aku kasutusaeg kuni 29 tundi RS BG70 suure mahutavusega akukäepidemega ja mitmekülgsete käeshoitavate konfiguratsioonide valik RS SDK protokolli abil. Toetab kahte fookus- ja suurendusmootorit kaugjuhtimisega, pakkudes täpset fookust ja suurendust. LiDAR fookustamine võimaldab täpsemat ja kaugemat automaatset fookustamist kuni 76,800 mõõtepunktiga 20 m kaugusel. • Teise põlvkonna vertikaalne filmimine • Pikendatud aku kasutusaeg kuni 29 tundi • Topelt fookus- ja suumimootorite tugi kaugjuhtimisega • 4.5kg kandevõime koos 20% suurema mootori pöördemomendiga
Unbeatаble 360° Image Quality. 8K30fps 360° video-our highest ever resolution for jaw-dropping shots! Plus sharp 5.7K60fps, cinematic 4K100fps and 72MP PureShot photos. 2 Cameras in 1. X4 doubles as a traditional wide-angle action cam with Single-Lens Mode, now up to 4K60fps! Shoot First, Frame Later. With 360º reframing, choose any angle after you shoot so you never miss a moment. Magic Third-Person Views. Capture impossible drone-like views with the Invisible Selfie Stick. Rugged with Removable Lens Guards. Robust and ready for action with new, removable Lens Guards included for convenient, all-round protection. Longer Battery Life. With a new 2290mAh battery, X4 records for a huge 135 minutes at 5.7K30fps, a whopping 67% longer than X3. Ready For Anything. Waterproof to 10m and ready for action, with FlowState Stabilization and 360º Horizon Lock for smooth, steady shots no matter what. Easy AI-Powered Editing. Share incredible clips in seconds with the Insta360 app! Full of AI effects for viral edits. 8K 360° CAPTURE BEST EVER IMAGE QUALITY. 8K is here! Immerse yourself in a world of unbelievable clarity, and relive moments like it was the first time. Every frame of action and every streak of color in unprecedented detail.
DJI Mic 2 (1TX+1RX) on kvaliteetne juhtmevaba mikrofonisüsteem, mis pakub kristallselget heli salvestamist. Komplekt sisaldab ühte saatjat (TX) ja ühte vastuvõtjat (RX), mis on ideaalsed professionaalseks ja harrastuslikuks kasutamiseks erinevates salvestusolukordades. • Juhtmevaba helisalvestus • Kristallselge helikvaliteet • Sobib professionaalseks ja harrastuslikuks kasutamiseks
DJI RS 4 kaamera stabilisaator on kerge ja võimekas seade, mis on loodud professionaalsetele videograafidele ja filmitegijatele, et tagada sujuv ja stabiilne videopilt. Selle kõrgtehnoloogiline disain ja intuitiivsed juhtimisfunktsioonid võimaldavad kasutajatel saavutada kinematograafilise kvaliteediga tulemusi, muutes selle ideaalseks tööriistaks loominguliseks visuaalseks väljenduseks. Komplekt sisaldab Focus Pro mootorit koos vardakinnituse komplektiga, fookuse hammasrihma, portfelli käepidet ja kandekohvrit. • OLED puutetundlik ekraan • Teise põlvkonna kiirkinnitusplaadi disain • Integreeritud juhtnupud • Kuni 12 tundi kestev aku
HERO13 Black on kaamera igat tüüpi loovale kasutajale, olles võimas kombinatsioon tipptehnoloogiast ja lõpututest loomingulistest võimalustest. Sellel kompaktsel kaameral on oma klassi parim 5.3K60 videojäädvustus ja legendaarne GoPro vastupidavus Uus võimsam Enduro aku pikendab salvestusaega kõikides ilmastikuoludes. Tänu uuendatud kinnitussüsteemile annab HERO13 Black rohkem paigalduspaindlikkust kui ükski teine GoPro enne seda.
Uus GoPro Max pakub sulle nii tavalise HERO kaamera videote ja fotode võimalust ning avab ka mitmekülgset 360° maailmat. Salvesta ägedat sfäärilist videot kõigest korraga enda ümber ilma kaamerat suunamata. Kaamera koos sujuva stabilisaatoriga suudab salvestada kuni 5.6K kvaliteediga videot kuni 30 kaadrit/sekundis. Tavaline HERO režiim pakub automaatset horisondi loodi panekut, mis jätab sujuva ja kinoliku ilme isegi kui oled külg ees, saltot tegemas või jooksmas oma lastele järgi. Kaameral on kuus mikrofoni, mis salvestavad selget ja elutruud 360° heli. Suunatud audio laseb sul HERO režiimis valida, mis suunast heli tahad, olenemata kumba läätse kasutad. GoPro MAX salvestab ka GPS trajektoori, kiiruse, kõrguse muutused ning palju muud.
Two-in-One CameraThe Insta360 One RS Twin Edition is an exceptionally flexible camera thanks to its ability to switch from a 360° camera to a regular action camera in an instant. Changing the 360° lens to a wide-angle lens is quick and easy.4K Boost LensCapture your adventures with the durable 4K Boost Lens. The new 1/2" 48-megapixel sensor allows for even more detailed 4K 60 fps videos and 48 MP photos.48 MP Photos4× more megapixels. Now you can capture all the perfect moments in even more detail – better colors and lighting guaranteed.5.7K 360 LensFirst capture, then point. With the 360 Lens, you can comfortably capture adventures from every angle.FlowState StabilizationNo matter which lens you are currently using – the FlowState 6-axis stabilizer provides the same smooth footage as if it were captured with a separate stabilizer.Enhanced PerformanceFaster WiFi – data transmission and file processing are now even faster and more convenient.Edit with EaseInsta360 has developed a special app for their cameras, allowing users to edit videos from their smartphones even while on the go. The app can also automatically identify the best moments in your videos and compile them into a single video.
Video maksimaalne resolutsioon:3840 × 2160 (4K); Kaadrisagedus Full HD režiimis:30; Ekraani suurus:1.3"; Veekindel korpus:Jah; Wi-Fi tugi:Ühendus võimalik
This Falcon Eyes flash umbrella UR-48T is made of a white, translucent (diffuse) fabric. The flash umbrella can be used to reflect soft light. Besides that it has the possibility to flash through the material to create a softbox ...
The Falcon Eyes CFR-32S Silver/White Reflector is a 2 in 1, round reflector. The CFR-32S is silver on one side and white on the other, allowing you to create various lighting effects with just one reflector.
Sunnylife MCUV CPL ND4 ND8 Filter Set of 4 for Insta360 GO 3/2.The Sunnylife filter set consists of MCUV, CPL, ND4 and ND8 filters that will expand your creative possibilities and make it easier to get fantastic results, thanks to high quality materials and great quality. These filters will reduce flashes and the amount of UV radiation, and add life to your materials! CPL filter The CP filter brings out the natural beauty of your surroundings. This filter allows you to effectively reduce non-metallic glare while enhancing color intensity and highlighting the beauty of elements like sky, clouds and water. It works great for shooting through glass, on the surface of water and underwater, bringing unique results in a variety of conditions. With the CPL filter, you can achieve unique impressions in your photos, adding depth and character.ND filtersThe ND filter with different degrees (ND4, ND8) works by reducing the amount of light falling on the scene, which helps avoid overexposure. The effect is to emphasize color saturation and make the shot more vivid. With this filter, you can increase the exposure time, allowing you to capture moving objects as blurry streaks, such as water or lights. This creates an artistic blur effect that adds dynamics and character to the photograph. MCUV filter - protection and clarityThe MCUV filter is a practical solution for enthusiasts and professionals alike. By reducing ultraviolet rays, it increases the camera's field of view, especially in mountainous scenery or at altitude. At the same time, it provides additional protection for the lens, protecting it from mechanical damage.High quality workmanshipSunnylife filter set, has been perfectly matched to the Insta360 GO 3/2 camera, guaranteeing a perfect fit that will give you a chance to get great results in your photos and videos. The filters are made of aluminum and optical glass, which not only ensures durability, but also guarantees light weight - just 0.8g per filter and compact dimensions of 18 x 4 mm. This makes using the filters convenient and practical, both during use and when carrying them with you. You will also find an elegant case, which is padded with soft EVA foam. This will ensure safe storage of the filters while traveling, eliminating the risk of damage. Set contents MCUV filter x 1 CPL filter x 1 ND4 filter x 1 ND8 filter x 1BrandSunnylifeModelIST-FI9316CompatibilityInsta360 Go 3/Go 2MaterialAluminum, optical glass
Salvesta üleägedaid videosi oma telefoni automaatselt. Kõik algab kaamerast - HERO11 Black— kõige võimsam GoPro siiani. Uus sensor salvestab rohkem, kõrgema resolutsiooniga, parema stabilisatsiooniga ning võimalusega muuta oma materjal laiaks kinofilmilikuks või ekstra kõrgeks püstiseks pildiks või videoks. Kaameral on 5.3K video ja 27MP fotod, lisaks Emmy® auhinnaga pärjatud HyperSmooth 5.0 stabilisatsioon ning kaks LCD ekraani. Peale salvestamist, pane oma kaamera laadima ning Sinu materjal laetakse automaatselt pilve ning tehakse sellest äge highlight video. HERO11 Black Creator Edition sisaldab lisaks seikluskaamerale veel Volta Hand Grip käsistatiivi, Light Mod välklampi, Media Mod tarvikut ja Enduro Battery akut.
Short summary: Grab a sweet deal on gear that?s perfect for selfies, group shots and more while you?re out exploring. This kit includes the ultra versatile Shorty (Mini Extension Pole + Tripod) and a Magnetic Swivel Clip for clipping your GoPro to your backpack strap or gear, or use the magnet and stick it to metal surfaces.1 360 swivel lets you turn the camera to frame the perfect shot. It?s all conveniently bundled in a grab-and-go case.
Gumby on kõikvõimas kinnitus Sinu GoPro seikluskaamerale, mis kasutab vahetatavaid Nite Ize Gear Tie® Rubber Twist Ties™ osasid, mille abil saad kaamera kinnitada kõiksugu ebaregulaarsete asjade külge. Olgu selleks aiad, pargipingid, rattaraamid või millele iganes Sinu fantaasia tuleb.
Transport your audience: VR in 8K. Capture stills and videos in stunning 8K. Go deep with 360 3D. Optical flow image stitching: seamless, dynamic, precise. Purpose-built real-time image stitching and preview. 60% bandwidth reduction for smooth, efficient live-streaming. Ethernet, Wifi, 4G, HDMI. Stay steady with advanced real-time image stabilization. Capture stunning slow-mo with 120fps high speed shooting mode.
The HERO12 Black Creator Edition is an all-in-one content capturing powerhouse that makes vlogging, filmmaking and live streaming easier than ever. This complete system features pro-quality 5.3K60 video with HDR, Emmy® Award-winning HyperSmooth 6.0 video stabilization, 5 hours of 4K recording time per charge, enhanced audio with the option to add an external mic and powerful LED lighting.
DrivePro Body 10C Transcend's DrivePro Body 10 is the best companion for police officers, security guards and other professionals. The camera uses STARVIS™ high-sensitivity image sensor, high-quality lens, and automatic infrared illumination that ensure all the important details of actions are clearly recorded. The DrivePro Body 10 also features a built-in battery and excellent water and shock resistance, making it ideal for indoor and outdoor use.
Sensori tüüp: CMOS; Megapikslite arv: kuni 10 Mpx; Video maksimaalne resolutsioon: 1280 x 720 (HD); Kaadrisagedus Full HD režiimis: 30; Kujutise stabilisaator: Ei; Ekraani suurus: 1.77"; Optiline suum: Ei; Pildistamise maksimaalne resolutsioon: 2592...
Ideaalne abivahend värina vältimiseks päästmisel, pika säriajaga pildistamiseks, varjatud pildistamiseks jne. Kaheastmeline (pooleldi päästikut alla vajutades teravustatakse ning mõõdetakse säri, täielik allavajutus teeb pildi) lukustatava päästikunupuga (võimaldab lukustada päästiku aegrežiimis, et kasutada pikemat säriaega kui kaamera võimaldab M režiimis). 1,1 m pikkune kaabel. Sobib järgnevatele kaameratele: EOS 300D EOS 350D EOS 400D EOS 450D EOS 500D EOS 550D EOS 600D EOS 650D EOS 700D EOS 750D EOS 760D EOS 1000D EOS 1100D EOS 1300D EOS 100D EOS 60D EOS 70D EOS 80D PowerShot G10 PowerShot G11 PowerShot G15 PowerShot G1 X PowerShot G1 X Mark II PowerShot G5 X PowerShot G7 X PowerShot G7 X Mark II PowerShot G9 X EOS 30 EOS 33 EOS 50 EOS 50E EOS 300 EOS 300X EOS 500 EOS 500N EOS 3000 EOS 3000V EOS 3000N EOS 5000 Samuti sobib ka Pentax CS-205, Samsung SR9NX01 ning Contax LA distantspäästiku asenduseks.
Sunnylife protective case for Insta360 GO 3 / GO 3S camera (black)Sunnylife's protective case allows you to store and conveniently transport your Insta360 GO 3 / GO 3S camera and necessary accessories. Despite its compact design, it is roomy. It is made of high-quality materials, so it provides protection for your valuable equipment.Protection during any adventureWhen designing the Sunnylife case, the focus was on maximum protection. The product is shockproof, ensuring the safety of your Insta360 GO 3/ GO 3S camera and accessories. It features a soft flannel lining that provides additional protection against scratches.Thoughtful designPrecise modeling ensures stable and secure storage of the Insta360 GO 3/ GO 3S camera. In addition, heavy-duty zippers provide hassle-free access to the case's contents, making it not only safe, but also extremely functional.Elegance and practicalityThe small size of the case (256 x 124 x 64 mm) makes it handy and easy to carry. In addition, delicate stitching and framed edges highlight the product's careful finishing. The accessory is capable of storing not only the camera, but also the Action Pod, Selfie Stick or Mini Tripod, Pivot Stand, Magnetic Hanger, Clip, Quick Mount Bracket and other small accessories such as SD card and charging cable. ManufacturerSunnylifeModelIST-B675CompatibilityInsta360 GO 3/ GO 3SMaterialfabric + flannelDimensions256 x 124 x 64 mmWeight248 g
Freewell CPL Filter for DJI Osmo Pocket 3Frewell filter designed specifically for the DJI Osmo Pocket 3 camera. CPL (Circular Polarizing Filter) optical filters are characterized by the fact that they reduce glare, improve color saturation and contrast, and increase depth of field. They are particularly useful in landscape photography, where glare on water, leaves, or windows is common. The filter is distinguished by its high-quality workmanship and has passed a number of tests to confirm its safety for your devices. You will also find a case for the filter in the set.Take care of the high quality of your photosThis circular polarizing filter is designed to reduce reflected light from various surfaces while ensuring color neutrality. The lightweight CPL filter is coated with a special coating that ensures optimal image quality. Your photos can gain even more depth and will impress with natural, clear images!GimbalSafe technologyFreewell is committed to high quality workmanship and subjects its products to rigorous testing, so you can rest assured that your drone will be safe. Each filter features an ultra-lightweight frame that won't weigh down your device or affect its balance.Protective coatingFor the best results when shooting outdoors, the filter has gained a special coating, making it dustproof and scratch-resistant. What's more, the oleophobic coating prevents greasy stains and fingerprints, so keeping the filter clean won't be a problem. You'll also find a case included for easy storage of the filter.Includedfiltercasecleaning clothManufacturerFreewellModelFW-OP3-CPLWeight1,7 gCompatibilityDJI Osmo Pocket 3
Freewell ND16 filter for GoPro HERO 9/10/11/12Protect the lens of your camera and increase the quality of your shots with Freewell's proposal. The ND16 filter provides protection from scratches, water and dust, and effectively reduces the amount of light coming through the lens. The product is made of high-quality optical glass and aluminum alloy. It is distinguished by its light weight - you do not have to worry about the load on your device. It is compatible with GoPro HERO 9/10/11/12 cameras.Effective performanceFreewell's ND16 filter provides effective glare reduction, so you can easily take shots that feature realistic colors and excellent contrast. The product also helps you control your camera's exposure settings when shooting or recording outdoors and offers 4-stage compensation to reduce the amount of light coming through the lens.Refined constructionThe Freewell product is made of high-quality optical glass and aluminum alloy. It provides protection against water and oil, as well as dust and scratch resistance. Its lightweight and sturdy design make it ideal for drone and gimbal recording.Included:ND16 filterProtective caseManufacturerFreewellModelFW-H9B-ND16Filter typeND16MaterialAluminum alloy, optical glassCompatibilityGoPro HERO 9/10/11/12
Set of 4 Sunnylife ND4 ND8 ND16 ND32 filters for Insta360 GO 3/2.Sunnylife's ND filters are a great choice for those who want to take their photos and videos to the next level. The set consists of four ND filters of different values, which allow you to gradually reduce the amount of light caught by the device. This makes it possible to increase the shutter speed to capture moving objects, lights at night in an interesting way or simply avoid overexposing the photo. The filters are made of high-quality optical glass and aircraft-grade aluminum to give you the best quality and results. Protective coatingUsing a multi-layer coated film, the filters ensure image clarity, preserving realistic colors. In addition, they protect the lens from scratches, moisture and oil stains. They are the perfect solution for enthusiasts and professionals alike who want excellent quality in every shot. The filter frame is made of lightweight aircraft-grade aluminum, which guarantees the strength and durability of the product.Complete setThe Sunnylife filter set has been perfectly optimized to work with the Insta360 GO 3/Go 2 camera, ensuring not only a perfect fit, but also great results. The filters are made of aluminum and optical glass, which guarantees not only light weight - only 0.8g - but also compact dimensions of 18 x 4 mm, making them convenient to use and easy to carry. In addition, the set includes an elegant case padded with soft EVA foam, ensuring safe storage of the filters while traveling.Set contents ND4 filter x 1ND8 filter x 1 ND16 filter x 1 ND32 filter x 1BrandSunnylifeModelIST-FI9315CompatibilityInsta360 Go 3/Go 2MaterialAluminum, optical glass