Our toner meets the different requirements of our systems.UTAX original toner is neither toxic nor carcinogenic. This is confirmed by the AMES test. The test results are stated in the security data sheets.Some of our copiers have a sealed self contained toner system that eliminates disagreeable physical contact with the toner. These advanced copiers leave no toner residues at all.PrintimisvärvidMustÜhilduvad tootedCDC5520Kogus pakis1 tkLeheküljetootlus12000 lehekülge
Toshiba toner cartridge for use in Toshiba e-STUDIO 2050C/2051C/2550C/2551CPrintimisvärvidKollaneBrändiühilduvusToshibaÜhilduvad tootede-STUDIO 2050C/2051C/2550C/2551CTüüpLasertoonerLeheküljetootlus33600 lehekülgePrintimistehnoloogiaLaser
Our toner meets the different requirements of our systems.UTAX original toner is neither toxic nor carcinogenic. This is confirmed by the AMES test. The test results are stated in the security data sheets.Some of our copiers have a sealed self contained toner system that eliminates disagreeable physical contact with the toner. These advanced copiers leave no toner residues at all.PrintimisvärvidKollaneBrändiühilduvusUniversaalneÜhilduvad tootedTriumph Adler 2500 CITriumph Adler 2500 SeriesTriumph Adler 2550 CIUtax 2500 CIUtax 2500 SeriesUtax 2550 CIKogus pakis1 tkTüüpLasertoonerLeheküljetootlus12000 lehekülge
Universaalsed prinditavad kleebisetiketid. Kartongist, klaasist, plastikust pindadele. Näiteks: dokumentidele, ümbrikutele, kaustikutele. Kleebiseid saab printida kõikides laserprinterites, tindiprinterites ning koopiamasinates. Kergelt eemaldatavad, ei jäta pinnale liimijääke.
Universaalsed etiketid tindi- ja laserprinterites ja koopiamasinates kasutamiseks Jam-Free ehk sujuv, probleemideta printimine Tasuta online tarkvara kleebiste printimiseks tootja kodulehel. Tarkvara kasutamiseks ei ole vaja oma arvutisse midagi paigaldada.
DURABrite Pro inks have been designed for improved printing on plain paper, making them ideal for business and office use. The inks penetrate firmly into the fibres of the paper, which protects important documents from tampering.