Samsungi kuivati kinnituskomplekt on mõeldud Samsungi kuivati turvaliseks paigaldamiseks Samsungi eestlaetava pesumasina peale. See komplekt sobib enamikele Samsungi pesumasinamudelitele ja seda on lihtne paigaldada kaasasolevate kinnitusvahendite abil.
Keraamilise pliidi puhastusvahend, pudel 300 ml Meie kreemja puhastusvahendiga saavutate säravpuhta pliidi. See kvaliteetne puhastuskreem sobib nii keraamilistele, induktsioon- kui ka klaasist pinnaga pliitidele. Mitteabrasiivne koostis jätab pinnale kaitsva kihi. Tänu sellele saate kerge vaevaga eemaldada ka kõrbenud toiduosakesed.
SmartDeviceBox võimaldab Sul muuta oma ühilduv Liebherr külmik nutikamaks. Ühenda lihtsalt see tarvik oma külmikuga, lülita see sisse ja ühenda külmkapp Wi-Fi võrku. Nii saadki külmikut juhtida otse oma nutitelefonilt.
* Paigalduskomplekt võimaldab kinnitada kuivati eestlaetava pesumasina peale torniks. * Sobib vaid Hoover SLIM kuivatite (sügavus 40–46 cm) ja pesumasinate ühendamiseks
Hoidke seda lihtsalt õhukindlalt ja nautige kauem värsket toitu.
Värskelt suletud: sulgeb toidu õhukindlalt ja hoiab seda kauem värskena, olgu see siis külmkapis-sügavkülmas või sahvris.
Korduvkasutatav: vastupidav, BPA-vaba, kahekordse tõmblukuga, nõudepesumasinas ohutu.
Sous-vide: värsked vaakumkotid, mis sobivad liha, kala või köögiviljade keetmiseks vaakumis.
Ühilduv vaakuklapp: saab kasutada koos Boschi käsimikseri vaakumpumba ja Bosch VitaMaxx vaakumikseriga.
Komplektis: 10 suurt vaakumvärsket säilituskotti.
Vaakumpump sulgeb toidu õhukindlalt.
Road safety is important. Transcend's DrivePro 110 dashcam utilizes a Sony image sensor to provide high-resolution images with extremely fine tonal gradation even in low light. In addition, the DrivePro 110 features a built-in battery, a handy snapshot button, emergency recording, headlight reminder, and driver fatigue alert. The DrivePro 110 uses a Sony sensor to capture high-resolution images with superb, rich color even in low light. Its built-in Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology balances the light and dark areas of captured images, ensuring that every critical shot is as clear as possible. A built-in Li-Polymer battery ensures uninterrupted power to the device. Video will continue to be recorded and stored in the event of an accident or when the engine is off. The snapshot button allows you to take photos while still recording video. During an incident, you can remove the DrivePro 110 from the vehicle to create a photographic record of collision damage. In the event of a collision, the DrivePro 110's motion G-sensor detects the impact and triggers emergency recording mode. This prevents overwriting of the file being recorded at the time. This feature can also be manually activated by pressing the red button on the side of the unit. In addition to on-the-road safety, the DrivePro 110 stands sentry when the vehicle is parked. Enabling time-lapse video recording means you can get right to the heart of the matter without needing to view hours of incident-free footage. When the DrivePro detects poor lighting conditions, for example at dusk, or in dark places such as a tunnel and basement, the headlight reminder will automatically activate. To help prevent tired drivers from getting into an accident, the driver fatigue alert regularly reminds the driver of the need to rest after driving for a preset, driver-determined period of time. In addition to playback, Transcend's DrivePro Toolbox features a sorting function to quickly locate video clips by file name, recording date, or group. The DrivePro Toolbox also provides a screenshot function allowing for the capture of a single frame. The DrivePro 110 comes bundled with a Transcend memory card built of high-quality NAND flash, and tested under harsh environmental conditions. Card Reader microSD Storage capacity 64GB, Screen size 2.4" Lens angle 130 degrees, 1xMicro-USB Dimensions 70.2 x 63.1 x 32.5mm
Venta puhastusvahend on välja töötatud just Venta õhupesurite puhastamiseks. Soovitav on seda kasutada iga 6 kuu järel. Venta puhastusvahendit tuleks kasutada ka enne seadme ladustamist, et tagada, et jääkained ei jääks pikaks ajaks seadmesse.