Jootepasta Stannol SP2200 on välja töötatud spetsiaalselt pliivaba sulamite jaoks TSC405 (Sn95.5Ag4Cu0.5) ja TSC305 (Sn969.5Ag3Cu0.5) standardse sulamina. See sisaldab väga aktiivset L-tüüpi no-clean fluxi. Erilise koostisega täiuslikuks jooteks vastab SP2200 kõigile kaasaegse jootepasta nõuetele, mida saab kasutada suure mahuga elektroonika tootmine. Niisutusomadused on optimeeritud kõigi elektroonikatööstuse teadaolevate pindade jaoks. Nagu see joodepasta jätab pärast PCB-le jootmist vaid väga vähe jääke ja neid väikesi koguseid jääkide elektriline ohutus on erakordne, puhastamist ei ole vaja.
Description While eutectic or almost eutectic alloys, i.e. alloys with a defined melting point or a small melting range are desired in electronics, there are other application areas where a larger melting range or particularly high melting temperatures are desired. The solder is plastic and not liquid within the melting range. This helps for soldering at vertical places or if the solder in the plastic phase should be formed or modelled. Product Advantages Defined melting ranges due to adapted alloy composition. Large melting range from 183 °C to 245 °C possible Solder with high melting range from around 300 °C for applications with high continuous operating temperatures of up to 200 °C Application S-Sn60Pb40 / S-Sn50Pb40: general soldering tasks in the metal trade, model making S-PB60Sn40: building plumbing, soldering on copper and zinc gutters and pipes, soldering of refined zinc and alloyed zinc, dip tinning S-Pb65Sn35: body construction for filling in dents and buckles, cooler/radiator construction, soldering of lead cable sheaths, refined zinc, alloyed zinc and stainless steel, cooler/radiator construction, handicrafts S-Pb93Sn5Ag2: Special cooler construction, secondary solder for safety fuses, tinning of enamelled copper wires
Description FLOWTIN TSC305 (Sn96.5Ag3.0Cu0.5) is a lead-free, eutectic solder analogous to ISO 9453:2006 (alloy number 711) with micro-alloyed additives (
Description FLOWTIN TC (Sn99Cu1 and Sn99.3Cu0.7) is a lead-free, eutectic solder analogous to ISO 9453:2006 (alloy number 401) with micro-alloyed additives (
Description FLOWTIN TC300 (Sn97C3.0) is a lead-free solder analogous to ISO 9453:2006 (alloy number 402) with micro-alloyed additives ( 350 °C. Due to the high dissolution rate of copper, there is the risk here that the liquid temperature of the solder increases greatly and that thin wires and layers are dissolved in a short time. FLOWTIN TC300 reduces the dissolution rate and thus prevents the reduction of the Cu cross section of the wire. If occurring dross presents a problem, lead-free deoxidation pellets can be added to keep the surface bare. The use of inert gas means a significant extension of the process window. The wetting of the solder is made easier and on exit from the wave, no excess solder remains attached to the components. The dross formation is also considerably minimised. FLOWTIN TC300 can also be used in selective soldering systems.