HP 5y Nextbusday Standard Monitor HWSupp,Standard Monitor 1/1/0 wty,5 years of hardware support. Next business day onsite response. 8am-5pm, Std bus days excluding holidays. (U0A97E)
Microsoft Office 2021 Home and Student for PC (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote) - ühele kasutajale allalaetav elektroonne litsents - litsents e-mailile mõne tunniga
HP Care Pack Support Plus Service provides comprehensive hardware & software services that increases the availability of your IT infrastructure.• Provides 4-hour response for HP hardware.Kasutusaeg3 aasta(t)Järgmisel tööpäeval (NBD) garantiiJahÜhilduvusProLiant DL320e
Product kirjeldus: Electronic HP Care Pack Next äri Day Hardware tugi koos Accidental Damage Protection - extended service agreement - 2-aastane - on-site Type: Extended service agreement Service Included: Parts ja labour Location: On-site Full Contract Period: 2-aastane reageerimisaeg: Next äri day Service Availability: 9 tundi a day / 5 päeva a week Designed For: Pro Slate 10 EE G1, 12, 8
Product kirjeldus: Electronic HP Care Pack Next äri Day Hardware Exchange - extended service agreement - 3-aastane - shipment Type: Extended service agreement Service Included: Replacement Location: Shipment Full Contract Period: 3-aastane reageerimisaeg: Next äri day Service Availability: 9 tundi a day / 5 päeva a week
HP 3y Nbd ChnlRmtPrt CLJ M577 MFP SVC,Color Laserjet M577,3 year Next Business Day Remote and Parts Exchange for Channel Partners Std bus hours/days excl hol (U8TJ6E)
HP Hardware Support Onsite Service provides high-quality remote assistance and onsite support for your covered hardware, helping you to improve product uptime. You have the flexibility to choose between multiple predefined service-level options featuring several onsite response or call-to-repair time and coverage window combinations in various durations to address your specific service needs. Service level options with call-to-repair times provide IT managers with support specialists who will quickly begin troubleshooting the system to help return the hardware to operating condition within a specified timeframe.Kasutusaeg1 aasta(t)Järgmisel tööpäeval (NBD) garantiiJahÜhilduvusLaserJet M830