Teleskoobid ja binoklid

Nikon binokkel ACULON T02 8x21 RED
Tootekood: BAA860WA GTIN: 4580130920769 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Kerge ja kompaktne ACULON T02 binokkel, mis avab täiesti uue detailimaailma rändajatele, kontserdikülastajatele ja spordisõpradele. Vaid 195 g kaaluv binokkel on pole palju suurem nutitelefonist ning seda on lihtne kaasa võtta nii õhtul välja minnes kui ka elu olulisimale reisile suundudes. Binokkel mitmekordistab osalusrõõmu muusikafestivalidel, spordivõistlustel ja kultuurisündmustel, pakkudes esireavaadet sõltumata kohast, kus asute. ACULON T02 8x21 Key Features · Compact and lightweight for portability - weighing a mere 195g. · Multilayer-coated lenses for a bright image. · Larger focusing ring for smooth operation. · Turn-and-slide rubber eyecups facilitate easy positioning of eyes at the correct eyepoint. · Single-hinged, slim and stylish design. · Available in four body colours: 8x21 in red, blue and white / 10x21 in black.
64,00 €
Pentax VM 6x21 WP (63620)
Tootekood: 63620 GTIN: 27075301719 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Pentax monokkel VM 6x21 WP
147,90 €
Junior 6x21 binoklid
Tootekood: 109539 GTIN: 7391879044886 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Focus Junior 6X21, sinine
1-3 tp
18,14 €
Pentax binokkel Jupiter 10x50 Must
Tootekood: 65912 GTIN: 27075304123 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Pentax Jupiter 10x50
72,40 €
National Geographic Telescope compact 76/350
Tootekood: 9015000 GTIN: 4007922201641 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
National Geographic 76/350 Compact TelescopeSmall but powerful, this bright, Dobsonian Telescope for stargazers is extremely portable, easy to use and available at a very reasonable price!This reflecting telescope is easy to operate, even for beginners to the fascinating world of astronomy, and it collects lots of light from celestial objects. The telescope comes fully assembled and ready to use right out of the box. You can simply place it on a table and begin exploring outer space. All required accessories are included, even a small book that introduces you to the starry sky and planetarium software for your computer.Features:Diameter: 76mmFocal Length: 350mmMagnification: 18x-117xEyepieces: 6, 20mmBarlow LensCompassMoon filter Application Skywatching Focal Lenght (mm) 350 Magnification (x-times) 18 - 117 Lens diameter (mm) 76 Colour Black
1-3 tp
78,79 €
Hama Celestron binoculars UpClose G2 8x21 - Roof (150672)
Tootekood: UYCELL000150672 GTIN: 50234712309 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Celestron UpClose G2 8x21
25,98 €
Pentax binokkel UD 9x21, navy (61812)
Tootekood: 61812 GTIN: 4549212301810 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Pentax binokkel UD 9x21, navy
71,40 €
Nikon binokkel Monarch M5 8x42
Tootekood: BAA910YA GTIN: 4580130921407 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
MONARCH M5 on mõeldud loodusest ja õuesviibimisest huvitatutele. Binokkel on vastupidav ja tema stiilse korpuse kaudu saab kasutaja selge ja loomuliku vaate välismaailmale. Muljetavaldav MONARCH M5 sobib sama hästi suure energiatarbega hobide jaoks, nagu mägironimine ja matkamine, aga ka lõõgastavamaks tegevuseks nagu telkimine. Kõik mudelid on varustatud eriti madala dispersiooniga (ED) klaasiga, mis parandab värvi hõõrdumist põhjustavat kromaatilist aberratsiooni, pakkudes alati selget vaadet. MONARCH M5 puhul on kasutajatel võimalik oodata suure eraldusvõimega rikkalikke pilte, mille tulemuseks on looduse värvide suurepärasus. Mudelil on dielektriline suure peegeldusega mitmekihiline prismakate, mis tagab suurepärase läbilaskvuse ühtluse kogu nähtavas piirkonnas. Mõistes, et mugavus on eluslooduse ilmumist oodates võtmetähtsusega, on MONARCHi binokkel hõlpsasti käes hoitav tänu kindlale haardele ja kummikindlale löögikindlusele. Vastupidav MONARCH M5 on 10 minuti jooksul veekindel kuni ühe meetri sügavusel ja ka uduvaba. Pööratavad ja libistatavad kummist silmaklapid, millel on mitme klõpsuga tugi, võimaldavad silmade lihtsat positsioneerimist õigesse silmapunkti. Kuigi MONARCH M5 binokkel on kompaktne ja kerge, on ta ka statiivile monteeritav, võimaldades kasutajatel käed vabad hoida. See on eriti kasulik, kui olete pikka aega staatilises asendis, näiteks kui olete peidus, lootes näha seda haruldast tabamatut lindu, keda olete oodanud.
369,00 €
Explore Scientific 68° 34mm (2") AR okulaar
Tootekood: 0218634 GTIN: 9995206377524 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
With the introduction of the 68° Series we are pleased to make two important improvements in eyepiece manufacture, the first being 15 layer Enhanced Multi-layer Deposition (EMD™) coatings on all glass-to-air surfaces to gain maximum contrast and waterproofing the eyepiece with the use of Argon gas purging instead of standard Nitrogen gas. Although Nitrogen is a fine choice that will last for many years, Argon is a larger molecule that maintains its protective properties over a wider range of temperatures and is even more resistant to diffusion thereby further extending the protective waterproof environment of the eyepiece body.Through computer-optimized design, a careful selection of optical glasses, and enhanced multi-layer deposition coatings, the Explore Scientific 68° Series™ eyepieces produce long eye-relief and ensure high image-correction, a flat field, and high contrast across the entire image field. An excellent choice for those who make extended visual studies of detail with subtle variations of brightness, and for those who must wear glasses while observing.All 68° Series eyepieces are fully EMD (Enhanced Multi-Layer Deposition) coated and edge-blackened to produce superior contrast. 
289,00 €
Explore Scientific EXOS-2 PMC-8 Wi-Fi GoTo ekvatoriaalne monteering
Tootekood: 0456200 GTIN: 9994611972935 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
The Explore Scientific EXOS2-GT with PMC-8 Electronics is quite unique and special. Most of the serious amateur mounts on the market today offer single processors. The PMC-8 electronics are extremely robust. They include a 2-Channel Multi-Processor Micro-controller with 8 CPUs that run independently and are completely deterministic in their behavior, thus the name PMC-8. Within this multi-processor system is a 64 Kbyte EEPROM Non-Volatile Memory bank used to store parameters; a Wireless Ethernet 10/100 with full IP function which permits operation from anywhere using a browser, ASCOM, or APP over the web or serial port; and Non-Volatile Memory used to store user selected parameters. The electronics also includes an Auto-Guide port (ST4 contact input) and features the only wireless ASCOM driver on the market. The belt driven system uses 2 timing pulleys (1-45 groove and 1-10 groove) with fiberglass re-enforced neoprene belt connected to a Nema11 bi-polar stepper .67 amps 12ncm motor then connected to the worm. Precise ball bearings in both axes ensures minimal backlash at all nine possible tracking speeds. The included battery pack (12 V) takes eight size "D" batteries. The head rests on a very tough and rigid stainless steel tripod with adjustable 2" legs from 26.8" to 42.5" and can support up to 28 lbs. of equipment. This system is all controlled from a tablet, notebook or desktop pc with 7" display and WIN8.1, WIN10, iOS or Android 4.4 with a beautiful full graphical user interface using our very own ExploreStars OpenGoto® Software. The ExploreStars OpenGoto® Software has the same basic functions as most all other mounts on the market today. ExploreStars is a free App downloadable from the Microsoft App store and GooglePlay. The basic download includes a standard 2 star or 3 star alignment procedure, over 70,000 star database, the Messier Catalog and Solar System objects. The software interface features a Classic four-button pattern for guiding, centering, moving and slewing on the touch screen of your tablet or phone. Pull-down menus open to offer the intuitive 2 star and 3 star alignment procedure, selection of the various catalogs, guided tours, the sync button, the park position, search feature and the coordinate input screen to enter RA and DEC coordinate information. Numerical key pad allows for selectable and user enterable GOTO speeds for slewing, centering and guiding rates. You can also set sidereal, king, lunar, solar, and user defined tracking rates. What makes this software different is that YOU can write your own code and import it into this software. Create a Messier challenge. Create a selectable list of objects you want to photograph and program that information into the software. With the ability to write your own code, you can create whatever your heart desires. Share it with the community of astronomers that are using this software.In addition, this mount can be controlled by any ASCOM compliant software using the built-in wireless ASCOM driver. GPS-compatible and auto time / date settings are dependent on optional receiver on computer, tablet or phone.Here are most of the ASCOM software packages available for use with the Explore Scientific / Losmandy G-11 with PMC-8 mount: ACP; APT; AST / ATC & Ricerca (Omega Lab); AstroArt; AstroMB; Cartes du Ciel / Sky Chart; CCD AutoPilot; DeepSky; Deepsky Planner; DFM Engineering; Earth Centered Universe Pro; EasySky; Eye and Telescope; Project Pluto; Hallo Northern Sky; Maxim DL; MaxPoint; PinPoint Astrometric; Prism; Sequence Generator Pro; Sidereal Technology; The Sky; SkyMap Software; SkyTools 3; Star Atlas PRO; Sky Observer; StarryNight; Stellarium; Virtual Moon Atlas; and WorldWide Telescope.
939,00 €
Explore Scientific 52° 6.5mm (1.25”) AR okulaar
Tootekood: 0219506 GTIN: 9995051708146 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
High power eyepieces (e.g. 3mm to 10mm) are used not only for obvious observations of planets and double stars, but can be employed for bright, compact deep sky objects. Not only will the scale of an object like a planetary nebula or globular cluster be impressive as it fills the eyepiece FOV, but the background sky will be very dark as the contrast effect increases with added magnification, provided that the atmospheric seeing conditions are favorable enough to reveal a sharp image. The 6.5mm is a popular choice for a wide variety of telescopes, producing some of the highest magnification views that most astronomers will observe at.Comfort, Quality, Value. The Explore Scientific 52° LER Series Most short focal length eyepieces are excellent flat-field multi-element oculars that can transform your visual astronomy experience. With an apparent field of view of 52 degrees, these eyepieces offer incredible value in a very nice eyepiece. Expect exceptional quality and value versus a comparably priced Plossl.  These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patented EMD-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.
79,00 €
Levenhuk Sherman PRO 10x42 (67726)
Tootekood: 67726 GTIN: 611901510187 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Binokkel Levenhuk Sherman PRO 10x42
189,99 €
140,98 €
Bresser universaalne nutitelefoni adapter Deluxe
Tootekood: 4914914 GTIN: 9996489614320 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Take pictures with your smartphone through the telescope or microscope? With the Smartphone camera adapter this is now child’s play! Simply screw the adapter to the eyepiece and use your smartphone as a camera with a super-telephoto / super-macrophoto lens. It lets you take pictures of distant objects or very small objects as if you were very close.The Deluxe version offers an even more comfortable and secure attachment to the eyepiece. By a rotary movement of the clamping ring 3 clamping jaws are evenly applied to the eyepiece housing and the Smartphone adapter sits firmly and centrically on the eyepiece. The fine adjustment of the height of the smartphone support allows a quick and precise adjustment of the viewing height of the smartphone camera above the eyepiece lens. Good image results are thus guaranteed.  FEATURES  Take photos through the telescope  Smartphone camera with super telephoto lens Fine  Height adjustment of phone support  Wide adjustment range for eyepiece housing diameter  Fits 31.7mm (1.25”) eyepieces  For eyepiece housing diameters from 22-38mm  SCOPE OF DELIVERY  Smartphone holder deluxe Locking ring for the smartphone  
14,90 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Mercury 70/500 AZ3 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10721 GTIN: 6970456095063 Teleskoobid
Ideaalne Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Päikesesüsteemi Astronomical kasutamine.Sky-Watcher Mercury-705 on kahe elemendi, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline teleskoop, mis on hästi tõestatud esineja "Rich-Field seisukohad komeete, star valdkondades, täheparvede, udukogude, särav galaktikate ja planeetide, Kuu ja Sun (nõuetekohase ohutuse filtreerimine!), samuti annab suurepärase päevasel maapealse seisukohti. Komplektis intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount, mis tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas.
1-3 tp
195,00 €
Bresser TR-688V statiiv
Tootekood: F002036 GTIN: 9996509336539 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
The BRESSER TR-688V is a solid video tripod at a small price!The three tripod legs can be individually adjusted in length thanks to the practical quick-release buckles. The rubber feet can be angled as required. So you can find stable stand even on slopes and on uneven ground. Ideal for photographing outdoors!360 ° shots are not a problem with the 2-way tilt. With the help of the handgrip, the tripod head can be rotated 360 ° smoothly. In addition, the camera can be tilted up to 90 ° over two axes. An integrated water scale and canister bubble ensure the required precision.Want to quickly switch between cameras with different lenses and settings? With the quick-release plate is no problem!FEATURES especially lightweight and transportable suitable for cameras and spotting scopes up to a total weight of 3 kg infinitely height adjustable from 63.5 cm to 171 cm 2-way tilt with quick-release plate 1/4 ”photo screw two integrated circular levels individually adjustable tripod legs for uneven terrain by hand crank extendable column Hook for attachment of a counterweight for more stability
1-3 tp
50,00 €
Pentax AD 10x25 WP
Tootekood: 62882 GTIN: 4549212288661 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
199,95 €
Olympus 12x50 EXPS I (18797)
Tootekood: 18797 GTIN: 50332133839 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Olympus binokkel 12x50 EXPS I
179,00 €
1-3 tp
268,99 €
74,00 €
Bresser kaugusmõõtja 6x24 OLED
Tootekood: 9625800 GTIN: 9995497570505 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
The BRESSER 6x24 OLED laser rangefinder allows you to reliably determine the distance between your location and an object, animal or building. The device is very easy to use: simply switch on, look through the eyepiece, place the reticle over the object you want to measure, and then press the button. The distance is displayed in metres on the high-quality OLED display with a measuring accuracy of ±0.2 m to ±0.5 m. Thanks to the harmless 905 nm laser beam, the device can determine distances within fractions of a second. The target can be located at a distance of up to 800 m. The rangefinder also features a great additional function for moving objects: a speedometer. This enables you to determine in an instant how fast something is moving towards you, away from you or past you - at speeds of up to 300 km/h.Rangefinder with high quality optics in a handy formatDue to its compact dimensions, the distance measuring device only weighs around 230 g, and is therefore ideal for hiking, hunting, sailing and other outdoor activities. The small device also comes with high-quality optics with 6x magnification and close-up focus from a distance of 4 metres. The field of view is 7 degrees - or in other words: 122.5 m at a distance of 1000 m - ideal for a perfect overview of your surroundings. The dioptre compensation of +/- 5 ensures that you will always obtain a crystal-clear image. In addition, the brightness of the display can be adapted to the current lighting conditions. When you no longer need the distance measuring device, simply place it in the practical case to keep it well protected until you need it again.Measure distance and speed with ease - with the compact BRESSER 6x24 OLED laser rangefinder.FEATURES Distance measuring device for hunting, hiking, etc. OLED display Laser distance measurement with display in meters Measures speeds up to 300 km/h Range: Up to 800 m Laser: 905 nm Close-up focusing from 4 m Field of view: 7 degrees Lens diameter: 24 mm Magnification: 6x Dioptre compensation: +/- 5 Measurement accuracy: ± 0.2 m Battery operated: 1x CR2 lithium, 3V (included) DELIVERY CONTENT Laser rangefinder Bag Hand strap 1x CR2 battery Instructions with warranty information
1-3 tp
269,00 €
20,39 €
Pentax binokkel UP 10x25 WP (61932)
Tootekood: 61932 GTIN: 27075288874 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Binokkel Pentax UP 10x25 WP
1-3 tp
125,99 €
Bresser Telescope Spica Reflector 130/1000 EQ3
Tootekood: 4630100 GTIN: 4007922058825 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser teleskoop Telescope Spica Reflector 130/1000 EQ3
1-3 tp
339,00 €
Celestron binokkel 71232 Binoculars UPCLOSE G2 10X25 ROOF (150674)
Tootekood: UYCELL000150674 GTIN: 50234712323 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Celestron UpClose G2 Roof 10x25
40,46 €
+0,03 €
Pentax binokkel SP 12x50 (65904)
Tootekood: 65904 GTIN: 27075288744 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Binokkel Pentax SP 12x50 W/C
1-3 tp
141,00 €
Pentax binokkel AP 8x30 WP (65931)
Tootekood: 65931 GTIN: 27075288768 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Binokkel Pentax AP 8x30 WP
1-3 tp
172,00 €
Bushnell PowerView 2.0 20x50 MC (PWV2050)
Tootekood: PWV2050 GTIN: 29757006011 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bushnell binokkel PowerView 2.0 20x50 MC
112,40 €
Carson JR 10x42 WP (JR-042MO)
Tootekood: JR-042MO GTIN: 750668012999 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Carson binokkel JR 10x42 WP
168,60 €
12,99 €
Nikon Action EX 8x40 CF
Tootekood: BAA661AA GTIN: 18208072385 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
8x suurenduse ning 40 mm läbimõõduga objektiiviga lubab teil kindlalt ja rahulikult oma sihtmärgile läheneda.Veekindel (kuni 1 meeter 10 minuti vältel) ja udukindel ning rõngastihendite ja lämmastikuga lisakaitseks loodusjõudude vastu.
1-3 tp
194,00 €
Carson JD-025 10x25 Scout Plus
Tootekood: JD-025 GTIN: 750668005540 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Carson binokkel JD-025 10x25 Scout Plus
54,79 €
Carson JD-718 7x18 MiniScout
Tootekood: JD-718 GTIN: 750668005045 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Carson binokkel JD-718 7x18 MiniScout
37,60 €
Carson JD-822 Scout 8x22
Tootekood: JD-822 GTIN: 750668005533 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Carson binokkel JD-822 Scout 8x22
44,09 €
Pentax binokkel AD 9x32 WP (62791)
Tootekood: 62791 GTIN: 27075288614 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Pentax binokkel AD 9x32 WP
1-3 tp
235,99 €
Pentax binokkel AP 10x30 WP (65932)
Tootekood: 65932 GTIN: 27075288775 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Binokkel Pentax AP 10x30 WP
1-3 tp
183,00 €
Bresser binokkel Corvette 8x42 (1440843)
Tootekood: 1440843 GTIN: 4007922037172 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Corvette 8x42 katusebinokkel on mugav binokkel, mis kerge kaalu ja veekindla korpuse tõttu sobib erinevate rakenduste jaoks, muu hulgas looduse ja lindude jälgimiseks, aga ka kasutamiseks reisidel, matkadel ja muudel ...
1-3 tp
167,90 €
Bresser Corvette 7x50 Porro
Tootekood: 1460751 GTIN: 4007922055596 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Corvette 7x50 Porro
1-3 tp
149,00 €
Nikon binokkel ACULON T02 10x21 BLACK
Tootekood: BAA861WA GTIN: 4580130920882 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Kerge ja kompaktne ACULON T02 binokkel, mis avab täiesti uue detailimaailma rändajatele, kontserdikülastajatele ja spordisõpradele. Vaid 195 g kaaluv binokkel on pole palju suurem nutitelefonist ning seda on lihtne kaasa võtta nii õhtul välja minnes kui ka elu olulisimale reisile suundudes. Binokkel mitmekordistab osalusrõõmu muusikafestivalidel, spordivõistlustel ja kultuurisündmustel, pakkudes esireavaadet sõltumata kohast, kus asute. ACULON T02 8x21 Key Features · Compact and lightweight for portability - weighing a mere 195g. · Multilayer-coated lenses for a bright image. · Larger focusing ring for smooth operation. · Turn-and-slide rubber eyecups facilitate easy positioning of eyes at the correct eyepoint. · Single-hinged, slim and stylish design. · Available in four body colours: 8x21 in red, blue and white / 10x21 in black.
79,00 €
Carson Stinger 8x22 (HW-822)
Tootekood: HW-822 GTIN: 750668012968 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Carson binokkel Stinger 8x22
40,10 €
Olympus 8x40 S (V501022BU000)
Tootekood: V501022BU000 GTIN: 4545350053147 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Porro-Prismen-Fernglas, asphärisch, vergütete Prismen und Linsen, extra weites Sehfeld, Dioptrie-Korrektur, praktisches Fokussierrad
89,00 €
Vanguard Vesta 10x21 rosaline (Vesta 1021 ROSE)
Tootekood: Vesta 1021 ROSE GTIN: 4719856245737 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Vanguard binokkel Vesta 10x21 rosaline
51,39 €
National Geographic 40-1280x mikroskoop
Tootekood: 9039001 GTIN: 4007922032702 Mikroskoobid
This NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 40 - 1280 x Microscope is the ideal tool to enter the world of microscopy. Thanks to the combined transmitted and incident illumination it can be used for the observation of opaque and transparent specimens. By means of exclusive accessories like instrument sets or optionally available electronic eyepieces, your beginner model can be extended endlessly.
1-3 tp
129,90 €
Nikon Action EX 7x50 CF
Tootekood: BAA662AA GTIN: 18208753925 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Nikon Action EX seeria binoklid on veekindlad kuni 1m., kõrgekvaliteedilise klaasiga, kummist objektiivikatetega, mitkekihiliselt kaetud optikaga, kummist ümbriskattega jne.
1-3 tp
204,00 €
Olympus Slim 8x21 RC II Gold
Tootekood: N3852292 GTIN: 4545350029845 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Olympus binokkel Slim 8x21 RC II kuldne, Kokkupandav, stiilne ja kompaktne disain., UV-kiirguse kaitse muretuks vaatlemiseks.
52,00 €
Pentax binokkel SD 9x42 WP (62751)
Tootekood: 62751 GTIN: 27075288584 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Pentax binokkel SD 9x42 WP
1-3 tp
389,99 €
Pentax AD 10x36 WP (62852)
Tootekood: 62852 GTIN: 27075288645 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Pentax binokkel AD 10x36 WP
1-3 tp
245,99 €
Olympus Slim 10x21 RC II WP black (V501054BE000)
Tootekood: V501054BE000 GTIN: 4545350041441 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
inkl. Tasche
69,90 €
Pentax SD 10x42 WP (62762)
Tootekood: 62762 GTIN: 27075288607 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Uus täieliku mitmekihilise vääristusega optika; Uued valgusedastust parandavad vääristused; Faasikorrektsioon; Kaitsev vääristus esiläätsel; Veekindel, lämmastikuga täidetud; Sisene teravustamine; BaK-4 prisma
1-3 tp
249,99 €
Pentax SD 8x42 WP (62761)
Tootekood: 62761 GTIN: 27075288591 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Binokkel Pentax SD 8x42 WP
1-3 tp
235,99 €