Teleskoobid ja binoklid

Bresser Science IVM 401 mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5790000 GTIN: 9990146188452 Mikroskoobid
At the BRESSER Science IVM 401, the usual direction of illumination and observation is inverted: One illuminates the sample from above and observes it from below. This type allows for the microscopy of sediments and transparent living organisms, which are found at the bottom of a liquid medium. For example, plankton or protozoa at the ground of culture bottles, which should not turn over, can be investigated. So, this special microscope is suitable for public water departments, research institutes, and universities, for medical treatment, animal husbandry, agriculture, limnology etc.The Science IVM 401 has a large fixed object plate with stage moving system, a powerful halogen bulb illumination (30 W) with dimmer and field diaphragm, and a fourfold nosepiece. The trinocular head is turnable and bears 30° inclined eyepiece tubes and a phototube. There are eye relief adjustment and diopter adjustment, as well as coaxial coarse and fine focusing knobs.As accessories, which are available on request, you have a big choice: Widefield eyepieces (WF10x, WF16x), plan achromatic DIN objectives (10x, 25x, 40x), plan achromatic DIN phase contrast objectives with annular diaphragm (10x, 25x, 40x), condenser (working distance 30 mm; with phase contrast), condenser (working distance 70 mm), different filters (blue, green, ground glass) and specimen holders for rectangular or round culture utensils.
2249,00 €
Bresser Science MPO 401 mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5780000 GTIN: 9993111830219 Mikroskoobid
Erinevalt tavalisest valgusest on polariseeritud valgusel valguslainete eelistatud võnkepind. Polariseeritud valgust näeme anisotroopsetel objektidel, mille vaadeldavad omadused olenevad suunast, "uues valguses": kristallid, kuid ka loomakarvade, sulgede, lihaste, närvikiudude ja taimsete rakkude seinte, millel on eelistatud biomolekulide suund, struktuur näib nüüd selline, mis oli tavalise ereda vaateväljaga kujutises varjatud. Polariseeritud valgusega tehtud kujutisi iseloomustavad sageli fantastilised värvid. Polarisatsiooniga mikroskoope kasutatakse eriti mineraloogias, geoloogias, bioloogias ja meditsiinis. Objekti suuna muutmiseks kontrollitud moel on Science MPO 401 mikroskoobil ümmargune reguleeritava keskkohaga ja üleni pööratav objekti alus koos kraadiskaalaga. Valgutus- ja vaatlussüsteemi kuulub nt hämardiga halogeenlamp (20 W), vaatevälja diafragma (kasutatakse Köhleri valguse saamiseks), 360° pööratav polarisaator (polariseerutud valguse loomiseks), objektiivide ja analüsaatori kinnituse tsentreerimisdetailid (polariseeritud valguse analüüsimiseks). Analüsaatori kinnitus on mõeldud 360° pööratava analüsaatori saamiseks ja liugurid (Bertrandi läätsed konoskoopia jaoks; kvartskiil, » plaat ja »/4 plaati kasutatakse eriliste värviefektide saamiseks). Laia vaatevälja okulaarid (WF10x) paigaldatakse trinokulaarmikroskoobi pea juures 30° kaldega. Neil on silmade vahe reguleerimise ja dioptri seadistamise võimalus. Nendega saadud kujutised on selged, ehtsate värvidega, teravad ja detailirikkad.
2899,00 €
Bresser Science MTL 201 mikroskooop
Tootekood: 5807000 GTIN: 9991857760272 Mikroskoobid
Bresser Science MTL 201 on spetsiaalne peegelduva valgusega mikroskoop, mis võimaldab vaadelda läbipaistmatuid pindu suurema suurendusega (50x-800x). See vastupidava ehitusega instrument sobib ideaalselt tööks metallograafia (nt Metallide ja sulamite poleeritud näidiste vaatlemine mikroskoobiga), mineraloogia, täppistehnika ja elektroonika valdkonnas. See sobib teadusuuringute tegemiseks, esitluse õppimiseks ja tööstustoodangu uurimiseks (nt Kvaliteedikontrolliks). Vastavalt oma eesmärkidele on MTL 201 varustatud suure alusega (250 mm x 230 mm), mida saab kiirreguleerimishoova abil jämedalt ning rist- ja pikisuunalise liigutamise nupuga täpselt liigutada. Fokuseerijal on jäme- ja täppisajam (koaksiaalne; umbes 70 µm/ täispööre). Valgustuse tagab hämardiga halogeenlamp (20 W). Valgus läheb läbi objektiivi ülevalt näidise kohale. Komplekti kuuluvad vaatevälja diafragma, mida on võimalik tsentreerida, mõned filtrid (kollane, roheline, sinine, lihvklaas) ja polarisaator7 / analüsaatori kombinatsioon. Viiekordne ninapadjake on varustatud planakromaatiliste DIN objektiividega (5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 80x). Trinokulaarmikroskoobi peal on kaks 30° kaldega okulaaritoru ja fotoelement. Okulaaridel (10x suurusega vaateväljaga läätsed) on dioptri seadistamise ja silmade vahe reguleerimise võimalus. Fotoelement võimaldab digifotode tegemist nt lisavarustusse kuuluva arvuti okulaariga.
2800,00 €
Celestron DMK - bioloogiline digitaalne mikroskoop
Tootekood: 822500 GTIN: 50234443203 Mikroskoobid
Algtaseme Celestron digitaalmikroskoobi komplekt suurendusega 40x kuni 600x on ideaalne tööriist putukateadlastele. Vaadelge näidiseid suumokulaariga või ühendage kaasasolev digitaalne kaamera nende vaatamiseks arvutist. Intuitiivse tarkvara abil salvestage avastustest tehtud fotod või videod otse arvuti kõvakettale. Suuremal suurendusel saate vaadelda näidiseid pärmist ja hallitusest, kultuuridest, taime- ja loomaosadest, kiududest, bakteritest jne. Väiksema suurendusega vaadelge selliseid objekte nagu mündid, kivid, putukad jne. Alustage kaasasolevate näidisslaididega ning seejärel looge mõned enda omad!  
99,00 €
Zenith PM-1 x20 Primary Inspection mikroskoop
Tootekood: PM-1 GTIN: 9994846142103 Mikroskoobid
A high-quality instrument of robust, reliable metal construction and excellent optical performance. Highly recommended for Primary Science Education and Field Study Centres (officially approved by the Royal Microscopical Society for use in primary schools). Extremely simple to use, the PM-1 is ideal for the examination of everyday objects in fascinating yet understandable detail. The anti-tamper student proof design includes locked-on eyepiece & stage clips and a slip clutch on the focus movement. Also an extremely useful routine inspection microscope for use in industrial applications.
77,43 €
Celestron LABS S20 Stereo mikroskoop
Tootekood: 822540 GTIN: 50234442077 Mikroskoobid
Celestron Labs S20 on ideaalne taskukohase hinnaga stereomikroskoop algajatele. 20x suurendusega sobib see hästi detailide vaatlemiseks 3D objektidel, nagu lehed, putukad ja paljud muud objektid. Ülemine LED valgusti võimaldab üksikasjalikku vaatlust ning eemaldatava alusplaadiga tekib võimalus alt valgustusele (kasutaja hangitav). Põnevaid avastusi on võimalik teha kohe kahe kaasasoleva putukanäidise abil. S20 stereomikroskoop on kerge ja lihtne kaasas kanda, mis muudab selle hästi sobivaks harrastajatele ja õpiastele.  
1-3 tp
119,00 €
Celestron MicroDirect 1080p HDMI digitaalne käsimikroskoop
Tootekood: 822508 GTIN: 9999312342421 Mikroskoobid
A New View The MicroDirect 1080p HDMI Handheld Digital Microscope streams in amazingly clear 1080p HD video via HDMI cable-directly through a TV monitor or projector-- No computer needed. This microscope can connect to any compatible monitor or projector via HDMI cable for real 1080p HD video streaming at up to 220x magnification. That means high quality viewing of 3D specimens, samples, and even some slides! REAL HD Video and Imaging Great for the classroom, lab or home, the 3.5MP high speed sensor allows for high definition streaming and still image and video recording. Still images can be saved directly to the onboard Micro SD slot (card not included) while viewing on monitor. The included PC software and USB cable make recording HD videos simple. Use the included fully adjustable stand to steady the microscope to get the perfect image or video.
319,00 €
Celestron MicroFi WiFi digitaalne mikroskoop
Tootekood: 822533 GTIN: 9998407784641 Mikroskoobid
1-3 tp
349,00 €
Celestron Tetraview LCD digitaalne mikroskoop
Tootekood: 822468 GTIN: 9992309287804 Mikroskoobid
1-3 tp
579,00 €
Celestron Mini digitaalne käsimikroskoop
Tootekood: 822479 GTIN: 9993055316565 Mikroskoobid
Celestron digitaalne Mini käsimikroskoop on kergesti kasutatav taskukohane väikese võimsusega mikroskoop. Alates 15x kuni 30x suurendusvõimega sobib digitaalne Mini käsimikroskoop ideaalset markide, müntide, putukate, taimede, kivide, naha, vääriskivide, trükkplaatide jne vaatlemiseks. Suurematel võimsustel saate vaadata isegi näidiseid mikroskoobi slaididel. Kõige parem on see, et oma avastusi saate koguda sisseehitatud 1,3 MP kaameraga. Piltide ja VDA­kvaliteediga videote salvestamiseks otse lauaarvutisse vajutage katikut. LED valgustus tagab, et näidised on selged ja erksad. Teismeliste ja täiskasvanute jaoks on digitaalne Mini käsimikroskoop lõbus hariv tööriist. See sobib ideaalselt harrastajatele, kvaliteedikontrolli inspektoritele, arstidele ning teadlastele.
1-3 tp
29,00 €
Bresser Biorit ICD CS 5x-20x stereo mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5802530 GTIN: 9996529595565 Mikroskoobid
Because of its large swing range and very large working distance the BRESSER Biorit ICD CS offers an excellent basis for various observations . It is the perfect choice for fine handiwork, e.g. soldering of SMD components, quality control of parts, electronics etc.FEATURES stereo microscope with large swing range and high working distance LED illumination/AC Power working distance with 1.0x objective (approx.): 230 mm / swing arm: 210 mm object height: 70 mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY stereomicroscope dust cover 1 pair of rubber eye cups additional objective 0,5x / 1.0x / 2.0x power cable  
1-3 tp
450,00 €
Bresser Adapter Science ETD-301 7-63x mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5806300 GTIN: 9990894882541 Mikroskoobid
The BRESSER Science ETD-301 is a stereo incident light and transmitted light microscope with high-quality optics.It is suitable for use in medicine, agriculture, forestry, forensics, scientific research institutes and schools as well as for the assembly and inspection of small components in precision mechanics and electronics.The particularly wide base with object table enables the viewing of larger objects. The maximum object height is approx. 85 mm. The large working distance of 100 mm allows working with tools, e.g. for dissecting, measuring or testing.The instrument has an LED incident light and a transmitted light illumination, which can be used individually or combined and each can be infinitely adjusted. The incident light angle can be adjusted in a particularly user-friendly way. With interchangeable wide-field eyepieces (WF10x) and a 9x stereo zoom lens (0.7x-6.3x), a continuous magnification range from 7x to 63x is realised.The coarse and fine focusing allows precise focusing, especially at high magnifications and in photography.The interpupillary distance and dioptric compensation are individually adjustable. The trinocular microscope head can be rotated 360° and has two 45° inclined eyepiece tubes.The trinocular tube can carry an SLR/system camera (APS-C or DX format) or a c-mount camera (sensor size up to 1”) using an optional adapter. By means of a switch, the beam path of one eyepiece is deflected towards the camera. This provides 50% more light than a microscope with a permanent beam splitter.To connect an SLR or system camera, the adapter with item no. 5942100 and a camera-specific T2 ring are required.A c-mount camera is connected with the optional adapter item no. 5942101.FEATURES WF 10x eyepieces with 22 mm field of view (referring to a 1x objective) Large, continuous 9x zoom (7x - 63x magnification) With optional adapter suitable for SLR/system cameras and c-mount cameras Tripod with coarse and fine focus SCOPE OF DELIVERY Microscope zoom head LED microscope stand WF 10x eyepieces with 22mm field of view (2 pieces) Translucent plastic object plate AC adapter (12V 3A) dust cover
1160,00 €
Bresser Adapter Analyth STR 10x-40x stereo mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5803800 GTIN: 9991691836911 Mikroskoobid
The Analyth STR comes with 3 different magnifications, that can easily be switched by turning the objective. It is easy to change magnifications from 10x to 20x or 40x. The stereo microscope will show structured objects nicely in 3D, which is especially impressive. The low starting magnification of 10x is helpful when working with children and will show objects in full up to a size of 20mm. With the wide magnification range, the Analyth STR is a versatile instrument. You can use it to view insects, plants, minerals and much more. It is useful for hobbyists, in schools and more. Typical professional applications include quality control, gardening or farming (pest control), hydrobiology and much more.The interpupilllary distance and the diopters can be adjusted to your needs. The eyepieces feature a big field of view of 20mm. They are equipped with rubber eyecups and have a locking screw to prevent loss or damage during transport.The power supply can be achieved through the AC adapter, with the included USB power cable (using a USB power source like a laptop or powerbank) or with a set of 3 AA type batteries (batteries not included). This makes the microscope  perfect for mobile use, e.g. outside in the garden or for biology field work.
1-3 tp
255,00 €
Bresser Bino Researcher mikroskoop koos mikrokullaga
Tootekood: 5722110 GTIN: 9997372639147 Mikroskoobid
The Bino Researcher is the mostly-selled BRESSER biological microscope in the medium range, due to its unbeatable price. The microscope is based on a solid metal body and performs the wide magnification range 40x-1000x, that is reached with 4 objectives and one pair of eyepieces. So, this instrument fulfills higher demands. The 40x- and the 100x-objective are retractable (safeguarding against damages). The 100x-objective is intended for oil immersion microscopy (immersion oil is included). The halogen lamp is bright (20 W), and its intensity is variable with a dimmer. The adjustable Abbe condenser is equipped with a blue filter and an iris diaphragm. There is a focuser with a coarse and fine drive for dead-sharp images, and a mechanical desk for exact object positioning. The binocular head is 360° rotatable and also it makes possible the individual adjustment of eye relief as well as the diopter adjustment. Observation objects: Microbes, Insects, Plants.    
480,90 €
Bresser Biolux cross table
Tootekood: 5942650 GTIN: 9996719638188 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
BRESSER cross table for Biolux microscopes - Recommended Accessory for the Biolux microscopes. You are able to precisely set your slides on the microscope stage using the cross table with vernier, without having to touch it with your hands. Makes using the microscope at high magnifications much more precise and comfortable.Fits the following versions of the Biolux microscopes: Bresser Junior Biolux Sets8855000, 8855001, 8855002, 8855003; Bresser Micro Set 5011100; Bresser Erudit MO 5110000; Bresser Biolux NV 5116200;  Bresser Duolux 5012000; Bresser Biodiscover 5013000; Bresser Biolux Advance 5203000; Bresser LCD microscope5201000; Bresser LCD Touch microscope5201002; National Geographic microscope 9039000, 9039100.
1-3 tp
28,00 €
Bresser Biorit ICD 4x objective
Tootekood: 5941485 GTIN: 9995023929333 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Additional objective for BRESSER Biorit ICD Microscope.• Biorit ICD (5802500)• Biorit ICD LL (5802510)
55,00 €
Bresser WF10X 23mm okulaari mikromeeter
Tootekood: 5941980 GTIN: 9997417075817 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Eyepieces with micrometer scale are created for measurement of samples. For calibration a micrometer slide would be necessary
85,00 €
Bresser WF10X 30.5 mm okulaari mikromeeter
Tootekood: 5941990 GTIN: 9995602871794 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Eyepieces with micrometer scale are created for measurement of samples. For calibration a micrometer slide would be necessary  
80,00 €
Tootekood: MH-C800S GTIN: 9993135563469 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The Powerex MH-C800S has an integrated deep conditioning system that charges, deep-discharges and then recharges batteries automatically, in order to offer maximum rejuvenation. The charger's 8th generation MH-NM7008 Powerex Precision Microprocessor ensures batteries are charged to their maximum capacities without being over- or undercharged. It affords maximum battery longevity, delivering just the right amount of charge every time.
50,00 €
89,00 €
79,00 €
Bresser 23mm mikroskoobi foto adapter
Tootekood: 5942060 GTIN: 9995955896161 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Photo adapters are used to mount a camera on a microscope. SLR cameras work without their own objective. The magnification is made only by the microscope objectives. A specific T2-ring is necessary!With the BRESSER photo adapter, 23 mm reflex cameras can be connected to microscopes with an eyepiece tube diameter of 23 mm. The camera is connected to the photo adapter via an optionally available T2 ring. The photo adapter is put into the eyepiece tube of the microscope instead of the eyepiece. Depending on the type of construction and sensor or film size shadows may occur at the margins of the image.
1-3 tp
27,00 €
Bresser 30mm 25x laia vaateväljaga
Tootekood: 5942125 GTIN: 9992329824409 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The plan eyepiece 25x (30mm) creates a smooth field of view and thus a very good image quality and edge sharpness.Compatible with all the microscopes with 30mm plug-in diameter.
1-3 tp
60,00 €
Bresser DIN 10x laia vaateväljaga
Tootekood: 5941700 GTIN: 9994629708410 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Standard wide field microscope eyepiece with 10x magnification and 23.2mm diameter. 
1-3 tp
31,00 €
Bresser DIN 15x laia vaateväljaga
Tootekood: 5941740 GTIN: 9990025207731 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Standard wide field microscope eyepiece with 15x magnification and 23.2mm diameter.
1-3 tp
39,00 €
Bresser MikroCam II 0.4 UHSP mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914004 GTIN: 9995934941165 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCamII 0.4 UHSP Microscope camera is the perfect tool for demanding microscopy applications where high sensitivity and short exposure times are crucial.  The camera will enhance results from demanding contrast techniques like darkfield and phase contrast. The camera is able to "freeze" even the fastest motions from live biology samples or in machine vision applications.The camera is able to capture video with framerates up to 300 images per second.Record fast motions from live samples without blur with ultrashort exposure times as low as 1/30.000 second.The "Global Shutter" technology gives distortion free images of fast moving objects.The MikroCam II 0.4 UHSP is the perfect camera for a wide range of applications: documentation analysis presentation, lectures quality control automation machine vision The MikroCamII 0.4 UHSP is fully suitable as an industry camera with an attractive price level.
795,00 €
Bresser MikroCam II 12MP 3.0 mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914912 GTIN: 9997911571839 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCamII microscope cameras help to make photos and videos with a microscope very easy.The modern Sony® CMOS sensors  give brilliant colors with very low noise and is the perfect choice for any application where true natural colors are important. The included imaging software has multiple adjustments for the capture of still images and videos. The integrated measuring* routine allows for a measurement in the camera live image. The software can be operated in the following languages: German, English, French, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Chinese. The camera housing includes the c-mount adapter thread. For use with 23,2mm adaptations, we recommend the optional, variable 0,5x reducer (item no. 5914005). For special applications the camera can also be mounted using the 1/4” camera tripod thread.The BRESSER MikroCamII  are equipped with a USB 3.0 port, compared to the MikroCam SP. This enables up to 8 times faster data transfers to the PC compared with the USB 2.0 standard. The camera is able to deliver more than 50 frames per second (depending of resolution, exposure time and PC performance). This is especially important when observing live microorganisms. In addition to this, the camera is exceptionally sensitive. Even in low light conditions (high magnifications, contrast methods) the camera can be operated with short exposure times.
820,00 €
Bresser MikroCam II 20MP 1” mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914200 GTIN: 9997248811493 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCam II 20 MP 1’’ microscope camera is the professional solution when it comes to microscope imaging. This camera has a big 1’’ sensor (image area 13.6 x 8.8 mm); this is the biggest sensor of the MikroCam camera range. With this camera it is possible to document roughly the same field of view as it can be seen through the eyepiece (e.g. when using a 10x / 22mm). Other models will cover only 50% or less of the eyepiece field of view. The Sony IMX183 CMOS-sensor is very sensitive and has extremely low image noise, which makes this camera especially suitable for contrast methods like dark field or phase contrast. The MikroCam Lab II software comes with a wide range of professional functions, e.g. measurements in live view (calibration slide needed), mosaic, Focus-Stacking (for improved depth of field). All automatic functions (exposure time, gain, white balance etc) can be adjusted manually as well. Due to the big sensor size the camera will not work with all microscope models. It might be possible that the optics will not illuminate the full sensor, so you experience vignetting. Usually this can be resolved by using the optional 1x optical adapter (item no. 5914001). Please note that this camera model is not suitable for the stereo microscope BRESSER Science ETD-201. It will cover only a small field of view. 
1060,00 €
Bresser MikroCam II 3.1MP USB 3.0 mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914310 GTIN: 9992748959669 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCam 3.0 microscope camera facilitates the documentation of your preparations and represents high functionality and quality. Among single frames it’s possible to make video sequences and serial images.The included software provides you a professional basis to edit your images. The integrated measuring function allows a precise measurement* of your preparations. The counting function allows an exact counting e. g. of particles. In addition to these functions the software includes several settings and filters for an optimal image.  
640,00 €
Bresser MikroCam II Full HD HSP mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914020 GTIN: 9990002644092 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCamII FULL HD HSP Microscope camera is the perfect tool for demanding microscopy applications where high sensitivity and short exposure times are crucial.  The camera will enhance results from demanding contrast techniques like darkfield and phase contrast. The camera is able to "freeze" even the fastest motions from live biology samples or in machine vision applications.The camera is able to capture video with framerates up to 120 images per second.Record fast motions from live samples without blur with ultrashort exposure times as low as 1/30.000 second.The MikroCamII Full HD HSP is the perfect camera for a wide range of applications: documentation analysis presentation, lectures quality control automation machine vision The MikroCamII Full HD HSP is fully suitable as an industry camera with an attractive price level.
795,00 €
Bresser MikroCam Pro HDMI 5MP mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914185 GTIN: 9991136349105 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCam Pro HDMI delivers excellent image quality with ease of use. The microscopic image is transferred in Full HD resolution and without delay to a HDMI monitor or TV screen. An optional 11" HDMI screen is available under item code 5914110 and can be mounted on the camera directly. It gives brilliant images with high contrast.Microscope images and video can now be stored on a SD card with high resolution (up to 5 MP). The Sony Sensor gives excellent image quality.The camera can be controlled with the included USB mouse directly through the on screen display. The on screen functionality now includes a measuring function as well, so the MikroCam Pro HDMI 5MP upgrades your existing trinokular microscope to a fully equipped digital measuring microscope.With the WiFi module, the camera can also supply the images in a wireless network. Due to this, a permanent connection to a PC via USB is not provided. But the professional software MikroCamLabII is still included with the camera for further image analysis after transferring the stored on SD card.
1060,00 €
999,00 €
Bresser MikroCam Pro HDMI mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914180 GTIN: 9992812743026 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCam Pro HDMI delivers excellent image quality with ease of use. The microscopic image is transferred in Full HD resolution and without delay to a HDMI monitor or TV screen.No computer is necessary to use the camera. Pictures and video can be stored on a SD card.The camera can be controlled with the included USB mouse directly through the on screen display. Despite this, connection to a PC is still possible.
890,00 €
Bresser MikroCam SP 3.1 mikroskoobikaamera
Tootekood: 5914320 GTIN: 9991123672322 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER MikroCam SP microscope cameras help to make photos and videos with a microscope very easy.The modern CMOS sensors  give brilliant colors with very low noise and is the perfect choice for any application where true natural colors are important. The included imaging software has multiple adjustments for the capture of still images and videos. The integrated measuring* routine allows for a measurementin the camera live image. The software can be operated in the following languages: German, English, French, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Chinese. The camera housing includes the c-mount adapter thread. For use with 23,2mm adaptations, we recommend the optional, variable 0,5x reducer (item no. 5914005). For special applications the camera can also be mounted using the 1/4” camera tripod thread.
269,00 €
Bresser Science C-Mount MikroCam adapter
Tootekood: 5942101 GTIN: 9993345992813 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
C-Mount MikroCam adapter for BRESSER Science microscopes connects the BRESSER MikroCam to a BRESSER Science microscope. The camera can be connected directly or in combination with the 0,5x lens which is included in the scope of delivery of BRESSER Science microscope.Suitable for the following BRESSER microscopes: BioScience Trino (5750600); Science TRM-301 (5760100); Science ADL-601P (5770200); Science ADL-601F (5770500); Science MPO-401 (5780000); Science IVM-401 (5790000); Science MTL-201 (5807000).
1-3 tp
35,00 €
Bresser MikrOkular Full HD okulaari kaamera
Tootekood: 5913650 GTIN: 9992742925592 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Eyepiece camera with resolution 1920x1080 pixels (Full HD); Includes different adapters for various microscopes and also for telescopes as well as capturing software compatible with Win 7 / 8 / 10. With this camera you can capture images and video, and document your microscope observations or share it with others. Ideal for hobby, school and work.
1-3 tp
68,00 €
Bresser SLR mikroskoobi foto adapter
Tootekood: 5942000 GTIN: 9999917921540 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER Photo Adapter connects your SLR camera to a microscopes. Slide the adapter into the eyepiece holder (max. 23.2 mm diameter). The SLR camera can now be attached to the microscope using the necessary T-mount (optionally available / depending on camera type).FEATURES suitable for common microscopes for eyepiece barrels of 23.2mm
35,00 €
Bresser box with 25pcs. prepared slides
Tootekood: 5986001 GTIN: 9993845138384 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Permanent preparations are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained.All preparations are labelled in German and English language. A list with all preparations is included.This set includes: Penicillium,W.M. Rhizopus Sporongia,W.M. Chlamydomonas,W.M. Pine Leaf,C.S. Leaf of Winter Jasmine,C.S. Corn Root Tip, L.S. Vicia Faba Young Root C.S. Corn Stem C.S. Corn Stem L.S. Cucurbita Stem C.S. Cucurbita Stem L.S. Basswood Stem C.S. Basswood Stem L.S. Pollen W.M. Daphnia Sp W.M. Hydra W.M. Paramecium W.M. Rotifer W.M. Honey Bee Mouth Parts W.M. Cardiac Muscle Sec. Skeletal Muscle L.S,C.S. Dog Small Intestine C.S. Spinal Cord C.S. Motor Neurons Cell W.M. Blood Smear Human
40,00 €
Bresser prepared slides 50 pcs box
Tootekood: 5986002 GTIN: 9991143291053 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Prepared slides are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained.The prepared slides are marked with english and german descriptions. A printed list of the contents is included.Set includesPenicillum.W.M. Croton stellatopilosus Fern Leaf Sec Pine Leaf C.S. Corn Stem C.S. Corn Stem L.S. Helianthus Stem L.S. Hydrilla Stem L.S. Vicia, dicot Leaf W.M. Pollen W.M. Plasmodesma Sec Leaf of Winter Jasmine C.S. Allium Scale Epidermis W.M. Paramecium W.M. Hydra W.M. Daphnia W.M. Rotifer W.M. Culex, House Mosquito Larva Blood Smear Human Fish Scale W.M. Blood Smear Chicken Skeletal Muscle C.S. Smooth Muscle Teased Prep. Motor Neurous Cell W.M. Stomach Sec Small Intestine Sec Lymph Node C.S. Spinal Cord C.S. Ciliated Epithelium Sec Testis Sec Ant W.M. Butterfly Wing W.M. Honey Bee Hind Leg W.M. Butterfly Antennular W.M. Musca Leg W.M. Mosquito Leg W.M. Spirogyra W.M. Spirogyra Conjugation W.M. Euglena W.M. Blood, Fish Smear Lichenrons Ox Sec Potato Sec Basswood Stem C.S. Letter “e Planaria C.S. Skin of Frog W.M. Honey Bee, Mouth Parts W.M. Liver Sec Dense Bone Sec Clam Gill C.S.
1-3 tp
69,00 €
Bresser (100 tk.) 22x22 katteplaadid
Tootekood: 5915100 GTIN: 9992729113837 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Cover plates for your microscope.Specifications     • Dimensions: 22 x 22 mm     • Quantity: 100 Pieces
1-3 tp
5,00 €
Bresser blank slide with 1/100mm scale
Tootekood: 5916710 GTIN: 9996511497938 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Besides a vast selection of microscope BRESSER also offers an extensive range of accessories. Blank slides with 1/100 mm scale for your microscope are meant for calibration of measurements. They are used together with eyepiece micrometers or a measuring software (for cameras) to measure preparations.
1-3 tp
40,00 €
Bresser blank slides with well (50 tk)
Tootekood: 5916600 GTIN: 9995246454896 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
BRESSER Blank Slides with cavity wells are particularly useful for the observation of water samples and plankton.
1-3 tp
30,50 €
Bresser Bresseri (10 tk.) prepareeritud slaidi (bioloogia)
Tootekood: 5984500 GTIN: 9990376992416 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
See preparaatide komplekt saabub plastkarbis, kus on ruumi 15 slaidile. See sobib ideaalselt õpilastele ja õppeotstarbel. Lisaks sellele komplektile võime pakkuda spetsiaalseid komplekte vastavalt koolide, ülikoolide ja bioloogiaettevõtete vajadustele.
1-3 tp
22,90 €
Celestron (100 tk.) klaasist alused
Tootekood: 822489 GTIN: 9992405541718 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
A wide assortment of specimen slides covering insect parts, plant parts, animal parts, etc.FEATURES:Prepared Slides For Hours and Hours of Enjoyment and Discovery;1" x 3" (25 mm x 76 mm) Glass Slides;Packed in a Wooden Case;Listing of each of the Slides.
1-3 tp
119,00 €
Celestron 2MP digitaalse mikroskoobi kujutis
Tootekood: 822484 GTIN: 9994371009155 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Turn your traditional microscope (stereo and biological) into a high-resolution digital microscope using a 2MP CMOS sensor digital microscope imager.  Replace the eyepiece of your microscope with the Celestron Digital Imager, then connect via USB to your computer to start streaming live images of your specimens. It’s the perfect tool for hobbyists, teachers, students, medical labs, exhibits and more. Celestron S-Viewer Software Use the downloadable Windows software to capture images and video of your discoveries. Measure and annotate your specimens with built-in measurement and marking tools. Note – S-Viewer software is only compatible with Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7/8/10). Imager can be used directly as an external camera on Mac OS systems via Photo Booth or Quick Camera.
1-3 tp
69,00 €
Celestron 5MP HD digitaalse mikroskoobi kujutis
Tootekood: 822492 GTIN: 9992708034993 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
In the classroom, lab, and for any person who has a traditional microscope, Celestron’s 5MP Digital Microscope imager is the perfect tool to capture high resolution images and 30 fps video. Simply assemble the adjustment collar and the imager will replace any standard 23mm or 30mm eyepiece and plug directly in to your Mac (2MP max.) or Windows (full 5MP) PC via standard USB. The Digital Microscope Imager software allows you to easily shoot, save, and share quality images and video and even make notes and highlight areas of your specimen for use in reports or presentations.  
1-3 tp
150,00 €
Bresser Bresseri DIN-PL 60x planakromaatiline objekt
Tootekood: 5941560 GTIN: 9990668882968 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
BRESSER Planachromat 60x -this DIN-Objectives are processed with the highest quality materials to enhance the image replication.Plan correction minimizes refocus between center and edge of field and is especially useful for imaging.BioScience (5750600)Science TRM-301 (5760100)Science ADL-601P (577020) only for transmission illumination
210,00 €
Bresser SLR kaamera-adapter 2x T2 23.2 mm
Tootekood: 5942080 GTIN: 9998007805364 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The BRESSER SLR camera adapter 2x T2 functions as an adapter between a microscope and a reflex or system camera. A camera-specific T2 ring is required for operation. This adapter is suitable for common microscopes with a 23.2 mm connection. Depending on the setup, you can achieve a parfocal image with a trinocular microscope. As with other adapters, the visible field of view remains smaller than the ocular field of view.FEATURES 23.2 mm plug connection T2 thread Integrated lens with 2x magnification SCOPE OF DELIVERY Camera adapter FEATURES 23.2 mm plug connection T2 thread Integrated lens with 2x magnification SCOPE OF DELIVERY Camera adapter
210,00 €
National Geographic suurendusklaas
Tootekood: 9044000 GTIN: 9998493588550 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
The NATIONAL GEORAPHIC 2in1 magnifier can be transformed easily from a handheld magnifier into a table top magnifier. The lens with its 85 mm inner diameter is quite large and provides a 2-fold magnification. When used as a table top magnifier the lens can be angled as needed and thus be brought into a position parallel to the table surface. Under the lens there are two LEDs which provide optimal light conditions. In case the 2-fold magnification is not enough In case the fine print is so impertinently small that the 2-fold magnification is not enough, the magnifier is additionally equipped with an integrated 4-fold magnification lens.
12,90 €
Bresser (100 tk.) prepareeritud slaidi
Tootekood: 5986003 GTIN: 9990323100291 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
Permanent preparations are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained.The prepared slides are marked with english and german descriptions. Includes: Three Types of Bacteria  Penicillium,W.M.  Aspergillus,W.M.  Rhizopus,W.M.  Actinomyces,W.M.  Chlamydomonas,W.M.  Diatoms,W.M.  Stellato-Pilosus W.M.  Spirogyra,W.M.  Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M.  Lichenrons Ox, Sec  Fern Leaf, Sec  Fern Prothallium,W.M.  Leaf of Winther Jasmine,C.S.  Elodes Stem, C.S.  Elodes Leaf,C.S.  Pine Leaf, C.S.  Pinus Male Strobile,L.S.  Pinus Female Strobile L.S.  Rubber Tree Leaf,C.S.  Corn Root Tip,L.S.  Vicia Faba Young Root C.S.  Corn Stem, C.S.  Corn Stem, L.S.  Cucurbita Stem, C.S.  Cucurbita Stem, L.S.  Helianthus Stem,C.S.  Moss Antheridia L.S.  Moss Archegonia,L.S.  Moss Protonemata W.M.  Basswood Stem C.S.  Basswood Stem L.S.  Pelargonium Stem C.S.  Vicia Dicot Leaf W.M.  Pollen Germination W.M.  Pollen W.M.  Tomato Fruit Sec  Cymbidium Aerial Root C.S.  Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells  Corn Seed With Endosperm L.S.  Plasmodesma Sec  Lily Ovary C.S.  Lily Anther C.S.  Lily Leaf C.S.  Capsella Old Embryo Sec  Capsella Young Embryo Sec  Allium Scale Epidermis,W.M.  Euglena W.M.  Paramecium W.M.  Hydra W.M.  Hydra L.S.  Planaria, C.S.  Schistosoma Male W.M.  Schistosoma Female, W.M.  Ascaris Egg W.M.  Earthworm W.M.  Snake Skin, W.M.  Daphnia Sp W.M.  Rotifer W.M.  Mosquito Female Mouth Parts W.M.  Honey Bee Mouth parts, W.M.  Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M.  Butterfly Mouth Parts W.M.  Musca Mouth Parts, W.M.  Grasshopper Mouth Parts W.M.  Ant W.M.  Fish Scale W.M.  Planaria C.S.  Trachea  Clam Gill C.S.  Blood Smear Human  Blood Smear Fish  Ciliated Epithelium Sec  Simple Flat Epthelium W.M.  Stratified Flat Epthelium W.M.  Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs  Small Intestine, C.S.  Dense Bone Sec  Tendon Dog Sec  Loose Connective Tissue, W.M.  Skeletal Muscle L.S,C.S.  Cardiac Muscle Sec  Spinal Cord C.S.  Motor Neurous W.M  Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation W.M.  Lungs Sec  Stomach Sec  Liver Sec  Lymph Node Sec  Lung With Blood Vessels Injected Rat  Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected Rat Sec  Kidney Rat L.S.  Testis Sec  Ovary Cat Sec  Squamous Epithelium Smear  DNA RNA  Pancreas Gland, Sec  Frog Egg Sec  Human Chromosome (Male)  Human Chromosome (Female) SCOPE OF DELIVERY 100x prepared slides Durable plastic box
1-3 tp
125,00 €