The PSP-V adapter is designed to mount Proton and Krypton FXG50 thermal imaging attachments in front of optical riflescope lenses on hunting and sporting weapons with Weaver/Picatinny rails, including those based on MSR (modern sporting rifles) / AR‒15 platforms.
The Uovision LiveStream game camera opens a live view of the target! Now you can connect to your camera anytime and from anywhere and watch live what is happening there. If you want, you can save a video view with sound to the free LinckEazi remote control program.> DTS – Dual Tracking System > High definition Quad HD 1440P resolution support> Fast 4G LTE transmission
Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-130P on fantastiline valik tõsine algaja ning saab kõrgeid hindeid rohkem kogenud astronoomid. Tänu väga kasulik 130mm valguse kogumise ava ja suurepärane parabool esmane peegel, see teleskoop on väga võimeline mitmekülgne inimene vaatlemiseks Moon, särav planeedid, udukogu, galaktika ja täheparvede. Komplektis EQ2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid. EXPLORER-130P mudelitel on premium kvaliteediga Parabolic Primary Peeglid, mis tavaliselt esinevad suuremates kallim teleskoobid kõrvaldada sfäärilise moonutuse suhtes, tekitades isegi teravam, suurema kontrastiga pilte, mis on täis detail.Parabool või täpsemini "paraboloidal" peegel, on maa kujust, mis toob kogu saabuva valguse kiirtega täiuslik keskenduda, on telje. Lisaks on neil olemas 0.5mm Ultra-Thin teisene peegel toetab vähendada difraktsioon naelu ja valguse kadu. EQ2 Ekvatoriaal Mount sobib nii algajatele kui ka kogenud astronoomid. See pakub väga head stabiilsust ja pikk, täielikult reguleeritav alumiiniumist statiiv suur põhjaalus on tõeline pluss. See mount funktsioone 360º aegluubis jälgimise käiku nii otsetõusu ja kääne kirved paindliku kontrolli. Dual metallist seade ringid võimaldavad objekti asukoht oma RA ja detsember koordinaadid.Eraldi laius reguleeritav AIDSi polaarne viimist. Vabatahtlik DC Motor Drive saab paigaldada RA telje automaatse jälgimise eesmärgil.
Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte.
The BRESSER NANO NT-114/500 telescope is the perfect combination of a large Newtonian mirror with a short focal length. The advanced observer who has discovered that light gathering is a more important factor than magnification, will especially appreciate the large 114 mm mirror. Enough light can be reflected into the eyepiece to be able to see even the most distant objects in our solar system at great detail. Suitable also for traveling and to observe large open star clusterns and the milky way. The telescope arrives with a wide array of accessories and almost pre-assembled - observation can start immediately. The BRESSER NANO is a light-to-medium-duty alt-azimuth mount with tripod designed to quickly and easily accept small to medium sized refractors, such as the AR-90s, AR-102s, AR-102xs and the ED-80 APO. Lightweight, fast Newtonians will also match up nicely with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount. As long as your telescope does not exceed 8 pounds and has a Vixen-Style Universal Dovetail bar for mounting the telescope to the mount head, you are good to go. The stainless steel tripod that comes standard with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount has adjustable legs and a wide foot print, which makes the tripod more stable. Spreader vanes with an acessory tray locks against the inside of the legs to secure the tripod even further, and keep vibrations to a minimum. Do you want to capture what you see ? With the included smartphone holder bracket you can use your smartphone to easily take colour pictures of celestial objects - like through a telephoto lens ! With the included camera adapter ring T2 you can also attach your DSLR or CCD camera direct to the focuser in order to capture high resolution pictures of the Moon by using short exposure times. Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design “Newton” are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. FEATURES High quality and compact reflector telescope Richfield telescope also for traveling Easy to use BRESSER NANO AZ Mount Telescope arrives almost pre-assembled Large 40mm secondary mirror Diffraction limitted optics for ideal sharpness and contrast Magnification with supplied accessories: 20x, (max. suggested: 228x) Focal distance, aperture ratio: 500mm, f/4.4 Stainless steel field tripod Smartphone holder bracket included - for taking pictures Eyepiece diameter: 31.7mm (1.25”) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube Messier NT-114/500 BRESSER NANO alt/azimuth mount Stainless steel tripod with accessory tray Eyepiece: BRESSER Super Plössl 26mm Red dot finder Smartphone camera adapter Camera-Adapter Ring T2 (M42x0.75mm) Star chart software & rotatable star-map
The aluminium construction is black anodized on the inside and on the outside. FEATURES: 15mm optical path length; Telescope side T-2 internal thread; Focus side T-2 external thread; For eyepiece projection with shift/sliding focuser.
Accurate manufactured T2 extension ring with an overall length of 40mm excluding T2 external thread. This extension tube is a real problem solver for fine tuning!FEATURES: 40mm optical path length; Telescope side T-2 internal thread; Focus side T-2 external thread; For eyepiece projection with shift/sliding focuser.
The ultimate telescope for the novice to intermediate planetary astronomer! The Inspire 80AZ offers the longest focal length in the Inspire line for higher power views of the planets and is packed with features never seen before on entry level telescopes. Inspire features fully coated glass optics, a solid altazimuth mount with a unique asymmetrical design, a sturdy steel tripod with integrated fold-up accessory tray, an integrated smartphone adapter, built-in red LED flashlight, large projected reticle finderscope, erect image optics, and a focus micrometer for easily returning to the same focus point. The Inspire has the easiest setup of any telescope in its class. Simply pop open the tripod legs, turn the lock knob on the accessory tray, and attach the telescope tube to the base using the quick release dovetail mount. You are now ready to observe! The lens cap has an integrated smartphone adapter built into it. Place your smartphone against the rubberized friction surface on the outside of the cap so your camera is viewing through the imaging port. Secure the smartphone using the two adjustable bungee cords. The inside of the lens cap has a fitting that secures to your eyepiece using two set screws. Voila! You are now ready to take high power images through the telescope. The mount has a red LED flashlight built-in. Turn the flashlight on to illuminate your accessory tray with a soft red glow. The flashlight can easily be removed from the mount to provide red light where you need it most. The focus micrometer is a numbered scale that indicates the focuser’s position. It allows quick return to a specific focus point for specific targets such as a bird nest, infinity focus, etc.
Mõeldud raskemad algaja vaatleja, skyhawk-114, mille kasulik 114mm valguse kogumise ava, on väga hea kõik ringi esineja tähtede, Bright planeedid, täheparvede, galaktikad ja Nebulae. Komplektis EQ1 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid.
Bushnell 12x50 Prime binokkel on kerge, vastupidav ning täielikult veekindel – ideaalne kaaslane ka tormisemates tingimustes ja keerulisemates keskkondades. Tänu 12× suurendusele ja 50 mm läätsedele on see ideaalne nii jahipidamisel kui loodusvaatlustel. Tänu mitmekihilise vääristusega optikale on vaateväli selge ja kontrastne ka kehvemates valgustingimustes. EXO Barrier hülgab läätsedelt nii vee, sõrmejäljed, tolmu kui mustuse ning ennetab ka kriime IPX7 veekindlusega jääb binokkel töökorda ka juhul kui see kogemata meetri sügavusse vette kukub ning sinne pooleks tunniks jääb Täieliku mitmekihilise vääristusega optika eemaldab peegeldused ning tagab selge ja kontrastse vaatevälja
Mercury-707 on suur samm edasi Mercury-607 mõttes optilise kvaliteedi ja tulemuslikkuse, tema suurem 70 mm kaetud mitme objektiiv ja annab rohkem rahuldust seisukohti tähtede, hele planeedid ja muud öötaevas objekte.Teleskoobi saab vabalt liigutada nii horisontaalselt kui vertikaalselt telge ja on varustatud micro-reguleerimine kõrguse kontroll.
Universaalne nutitelefoni adapter teleskoopidele, vaatlustorudele, binoklitele ja mikroskoopidele. Nutikalt konstrueeritud ning lihtsasti kasutatava Celestron NexYZ adapteri abil saate ühendada mis tahes nutitelefoni enda teleskoobi, vaatlustoru, binokli, monokli või mikroskoobiga ning see võimaldab teil jäädvustada pilte ja videoid vaadeldavast objektist. Sobib peaaegu kõigele NexYZ sobib okulaaridele, mille läbimõõt on vahemikus 35 kuni 60 mm, sealhulgas 1,25" ja 2" okulaaridega teleskoopidele. NexYZ sobib ka mikroskoopidele, kui kasutate komplekti kuuluvat adapterrõngast, mis võimaldab kasutada adapterit 25 mm läbimõõduga okulaaridel. Tugev vedru ja keermestatud lukustussüsteem tagavad kindla haarde optilise instrumendi okulaaril ja nii saate oma nutitelefoni kindlalt käsitseda. Märkus: NexYZ ei ole konstrueeritud kasutamiseks optiliste sihikutega. **Universaalne ühilduvus nutitelefonidega ** NexYZ sobib suure hulga nutitelefonidega. Telefonikinnitus on täielikult reguleeritav ja sobib praktiliselt igale seadmele, isegi kaitseümbrist ei ole vaja eemaldada. Tänu vastupidavatele materjalidele on seade vastupidav ka suuremate ja raskemate nutitelefonide kasutamisele. Tänu NexYZ vedruklambrite süsteemile on telefoni lihtne eemaldada ja mõne sekundiga teise vastu vahetada. See muudab NexYZi ideaalseks lahenduseks ühistel tähevatlustel ning linnuretkedel, kus igaüks tahab saada pilti enda telefoniga. Kergem kui X-Y-Z Mille poolest erineb NexYZ teistest nutitelefoni adapteritest? Peaasjalikult ülimalt täpse ja väga kiire kolme teljeline reguleerimise poolest! Enamiku adapteritega asetate oma telefoni kinnitusklambrite vahele ja teile jääb võimalus seadistada vaid kahe telje suunas. NexYZ annab teile aga võimaluse tsentreerid enda telefoni kaamera X- ja Y-nuppude abil täpselt okulaari kohale ning seejärel liigutada seda okulaari kohal veel ka üles või alla, kuni kogu vaateväli on kaadris nähtav. Kogu protsess võtab vaid umbes 30 sekundit ning oletegi valmis jäädvustama! Portree- ja maastikuasendi vahel vahetamine on samuti ülilihtne - keerate lihtsalt pehmendusega okulaarklambrit ja reguleerite vajadusel telefoni X-, Y- ja Z-telje sihis parima tulemuse saavutamiseks. Olulisimad omadused Universaalne - sobib nutitelefonidega, mille laius on vahemikus 65 - 90 mm. Sobib vaatlusseadmete okulaaridele läbimõõduga 35 - 60 mm (25 mm koos komplekti kuuluva vahetükiga). Joondamine kolme telje (X-, Y- ja Z-telg) sihis. Vastupidavad materjalid - metallraam ja polümeerist korpus. Mõõtmed 165x140x108 mm, kaal 283 grammi.
Extensive microscope set with varied accessories; USB eyepiece for connecting a PC; Bright LED illumination; Image editing software; Magnification: 40x - 1024x; 2 wide field eyepieces (10x and 16x); 3 objective lenses (4x, 10x, ...
See teleskoop oli kavandatud reisides meeles, pakkudes erakorralisi väärtuse. Travel ulatus on valmistatud kõrgeima kvaliteediga materjale, et tagada stabiilsus ja vastupidavus. Kõik see lisab kuni teleskoop, mis annab teile eluiga rõõm minimaalselt hooldust. Lisaks kompaktne ja kaasaskantav disain rohkelt optilise jõudluse, Travel ulatus on ideaalne nii maismaa kui ka vabaaja astronoomiline vaatlus. Kõik kaetud klaasi optiliste elementide selged, teravad pildid; Püstitada pildi diagonaal, et teie seisukohad on õigetpidi;; Sujuva toimimise altazimuth mount lihtne osutades objektide asukohad Eelpaigaldatud alumiinium täissuuruses foto statiiv tagab stabiilse platvormi; Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist loodud; Teleskoop ja statiivi sobivaks sees custom seljakott lihtne reisimine ja ladustamine; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilt.
The new, very light wrapping cloths for every purpose of blue neoprene stretch material, so very stretchy (up to 30%) and permanently elastic for optimum adaptation of cameras, lenses, binoculars, Discman, etc. Quality Velcro technique over the full deck area. Surfaces are abrasion resistant and are not charged with static electricity. If the wrapping cloths get dirty again anyway, so they can be cleaned with a damp sponge easily at any time.
The largest aperture scope in the Ultima line, the 100 mm Ultima offers more than 50% brighter images than the 80mm, allowing for better performance in low light conditions. The 100 mm refractor features excellent multi-coated optics packed into a portable and durable refractor design and comes standard with a 22-66x zoom eyepiece.
Browning 2020 Spec Ops ELITE HP4The Browning Spec Ops ELITE HP4 is not only the ultimate cameratrap to capture animals, but also performs well as a security camera. Unlike the Browning Recon Force models, the Browning Spec Ops models are equipped with an invisible infrared flash and is therefore less likely to be noticed by bystanders. Furthermore, this brand new model is equipped with all sorts of nice features. For example, you can reduce the detection and flash range to 18 meters. This comes in handy when you expect an animal to come close before the camera (e.g. at a bird’s nest or using a lure). Not only the detection range, but also the detection time is adjustable (0.1s-0.7s). With small tricks like these, you can adjust your cameratrap even more to your desired goal. Additional specifications of the Browning Spec Ops ELITE HP4 are: Detection range of 24 meters (adjustable)Flash range of 27 meters (adjustable)Maximum photo resolution of 22MP (interpolated)1080p HD video resolutionDynamic video functionTime-lapseMultilingual user interfaceCapture timer, with which you can select a custom time frame to capture events Browning 2020 Spec Ops ELITE HP4 | AppearanceThe Browning Spec Ops ELITE HP4 has a housing with a camouflage print. The cameratrap has a cover on the lower half of the front where the settings need to be entered. The 2.0-inch internal color viewer makes it possible to see live the view of the cameratrap and to review captured images or videos directly in the field, which makes the set-up of the cameratrap a lot easier. The AA batteries (8 pieces) go into a special battery compartment, which is pushed into the bottom of the cameratrap. When using Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries, the camera can last extra long. Browning 2020 Spec Ops ELITE HP4 | Benefits+ very fast detection- and recovery time (0.1s/0.5s)+ internal 2.0 inch color viewer+ intuitive menu settings+ respectable battery life+ SD card management
The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC children’s telescope allows you to obtain impressive close-up views of celestial bodies. Featuring an aperture of 70 mm and a focal length of 400 mm, the refracting telescope, also known as lens telescope offers the ideal introduction into the world of astronomy. It comes complete with three eyepieces, amici prism, a Barlow lens and an aluminium tripod in a sturdy space-themed backpack, giving you everything you need for an exciting night of stargazing on a clear night with a children’s telescope.See the night sky closer than ever beforeThanks to the 3 different eyepieces with 20x, 50x and 100x magnification, you can quite literally reach for the stars. If that’s not enough, you can use the Barlow lens to triple each magnification level. The set also comes with a great accessory to introduce you to the world of astrophotography: With the eyepiece smartphone adapter, you can take stunning photos of the moon, planets and other celestial objects and share your discoveries from the night sky with your parents, siblings or friends.Take your observations to the next level with your smartphoneYou don’t have to worry about finding objects yourself - the augmented reality app will guide you through the night sky. After setting up the AR app, simply attach your smartphone the smartphone adapter on the children’s telescope. In AR mode, your smartphone will display the names and images of the constellations at which your telescope is currently pointing, allowing you to navigate easily between planets and constellations and discover interesting objects. With the augmented reality photo function, you can take a few snapshots before taking a proper look through the eyepiece.Children’s telescope with AR app for astronomical learningThe app also has lots of images, audio and text - go to the constellation encyclopedia to read about the Greek gods after which the constellations are named, or read the solar system encyclopedia to find out more about the planets that travel around the sun together with the earth. After making your first discoveries with the childrens telescope, you can take a quiz to test your knowledge of the constellations. Learning has never been such fun!Go on your own journey to the stars with the smart children’s telescope.FEATURES Children’s telescope (refracting telescope) with practical backpack Includes BRESSER augmented reality app for your smartphone Built-in smartphone adapter as finder scope for the AR app Lens diameter: 70 mm Focal length: 400 mm 20x to 300x magnification Designed for children aged 10 and above DELIVERY CONTENT Children’s telescope Backpack Amici prism 3 eyepieces (H20 mm, H8 mm, H4 mm) 3x Barlow lens Height-adjustable aluminium tripod Smartphone holder 1x CR2032 battery Instruction manual