Microscope slides with a micrometer scale are used for the calibration for measurements. They are used in combination with a micrometer eyepiece or a measurement software (for cameras) in order to measure preparations. The broad scale is suitable for lower magnifications, the fine scale for higher magnifications.
Photo adapters are used to mount a camera on a microscope. SLR cameras work without their own objective. The magnification is made only by the microscope objectives. A specific T2-ring is necessary!With the BRESSER photo adapter, 30 mm reflex cameras can be connected to microscopes with an eyepiece tube diameter of 30 mm. The camera is connected to the photo adapter via an optionally available T2 ring. The photo adapter is put into the eyepiece tube of the microscope instead of the eyepiece. Depending on the type of construction and sensor or film size shadows may occur at the margins of the image.
The BRESSER JUNIOR Experiment Set is an optimal accessory to get you started in the field of microscopy. It contains numerous useful accessories. SCOPE OF DELIVERY Pipette Utensils Magnifier Shrimp Hatchery Blank Slides Cover Plates Tweezers, and much more.
The BRESSER MikroCamII 0.4 UHSP Microscope camera is the perfect tool for demanding microscopy applications where high sensitivity and short exposure times are crucial. The camera will enhance results from demanding contrast techniques like darkfield and phase contrast. The camera is able to "freeze" even the fastest motions from live biology samples or in machine vision applications.The camera is able to capture video with framerates up to 300 images per second.Record fast motions from live samples without blur with ultrashort exposure times as low as 1/30.000 second.The "Global Shutter" technology gives distortion free images of fast moving objects.The MikroCam II 0.4 UHSP is the perfect camera for a wide range of applications: documentation analysis presentation, lectures quality control automation machine vision The MikroCamII 0.4 UHSP is fully suitable as an industry camera with an attractive price level.
The BRESSER MikroCam Pro HDMI delivers excellent image quality with ease of use. The microscopic image is transferred in Full HD resolution and without delay to a HDMI monitor or TV screen.No computer is necessary to use the camera. Pictures and video can be stored on a SD card.The camera can be controlled with the included USB mouse directly through the on screen display. Despite this, connection to a PC is still possible.
The BRESSER MikroCam SP microscope cameras help to make photos and videos with a microscope very easy.The modern CMOS sensors give brilliant colors with very low noise and is the perfect choice for any application where true natural colors are important. The included imaging software has multiple adjustments for the capture of still images and videos. The integrated measuring* routine allows for a measurementin the camera live image. The software can be operated in the following languages: German, English, French, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Chinese. The camera housing includes the c-mount adapter thread. For use with 23,2mm adaptations, we recommend the optional, variable 0,5x reducer (item no. 5914005). For special applications the camera can also be mounted using the 1/4” camera tripod thread.
The BRESSER Science photo adapter (2.5x/4x) is to connect a SLR camera on a trinocular BRESSER Science microscope. The camera adapter is for the following microscopes: 5750600 BioScience Trino;5760100 Science TRM-301; 5770200 Science ADL-601 P; 5770500 Science ADL-601F; 5780000 Science MPO-401; 5790000 Science IVM-401; 5807000 Science MTL-201.Additionally a specific T2-Ring is necessary for the camera.
Adapter Bresser Science C-Mount MikroCam - 5942101 - Kaamerad ja adapterid - C-Mount MikroCami adapter BRESSER Science'i mikroskoopidele ühendab BRESSER MikroCami BRESSER Science'i mikroskoobiga. Kaamerat saab ühendada otse või koos 0,5x objektiiviga.
Universaalne nutitelefoni adapter teleskoopidele, vaatlustorudele, binoklitele ja mikroskoopidele. Nutikalt konstrueeritud ning lihtsasti kasutatava Celestron NexYZ adapteri abil saate ühendada mis tahes nutitelefoni enda teleskoobi, vaatlustoru, binokli, monokli või mikroskoobiga ning see võimaldab teil jäädvustada pilte ja videoid vaadeldavast objektist. Sobib peaaegu kõigele NexYZ sobib okulaaridele, mille läbimõõt on vahemikus 35 kuni 60 mm, sealhulgas 1,25" ja 2" okulaaridega teleskoopidele. NexYZ sobib ka mikroskoopidele, kui kasutate komplekti kuuluvat adapterrõngast, mis võimaldab kasutada adapterit 25 mm läbimõõduga okulaaridel. Tugev vedru ja keermestatud lukustussüsteem tagavad kindla haarde optilise instrumendi okulaaril ja nii saate oma nutitelefoni kindlalt käsitseda. Märkus: NexYZ ei ole konstrueeritud kasutamiseks optiliste sihikutega. **Universaalne ühilduvus nutitelefonidega ** NexYZ sobib suure hulga nutitelefonidega. Telefonikinnitus on täielikult reguleeritav ja sobib praktiliselt igale seadmele, isegi kaitseümbrist ei ole vaja eemaldada. Tänu vastupidavatele materjalidele on seade vastupidav ka suuremate ja raskemate nutitelefonide kasutamisele. Tänu NexYZ vedruklambrite süsteemile on telefoni lihtne eemaldada ja mõne sekundiga teise vastu vahetada. See muudab NexYZi ideaalseks lahenduseks ühistel tähevatlustel ning linnuretkedel, kus igaüks tahab saada pilti enda telefoniga. Kergem kui X-Y-Z Mille poolest erineb NexYZ teistest nutitelefoni adapteritest? Peaasjalikult ülimalt täpse ja väga kiire kolme teljeline reguleerimise poolest! Enamiku adapteritega asetate oma telefoni kinnitusklambrite vahele ja teile jääb võimalus seadistada vaid kahe telje suunas. NexYZ annab teile aga võimaluse tsentreerid enda telefoni kaamera X- ja Y-nuppude abil täpselt okulaari kohale ning seejärel liigutada seda okulaari kohal veel ka üles või alla, kuni kogu vaateväli on kaadris nähtav. Kogu protsess võtab vaid umbes 30 sekundit ning oletegi valmis jäädvustama! Portree- ja maastikuasendi vahel vahetamine on samuti ülilihtne - keerate lihtsalt pehmendusega okulaarklambrit ja reguleerite vajadusel telefoni X-, Y- ja Z-telje sihis parima tulemuse saavutamiseks. Olulisimad omadused Universaalne - sobib nutitelefonidega, mille laius on vahemikus 65 - 90 mm. Sobib vaatlusseadmete okulaaridele läbimõõduga 35 - 60 mm (25 mm koos komplekti kuuluva vahetükiga). Joondamine kolme telje (X-, Y- ja Z-telg) sihis. Vastupidavad materjalid - metallraam ja polümeerist korpus. Mõõtmed 165x140x108 mm, kaal 283 grammi.