Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 90 AZ teleskoop Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMasterSeries on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte. | 1-3 tp | 5 | 294,22 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-120/1000 EQ3-2 Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-120/1000 EQ3-2 - Sky-Watcher EVOSTARi teleskoobid on klassikalised kahe elemendiga ja õhuvahega akromaatilised refraktorid. | 1-3 tp | 2 | 640,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Startravel-120 (AZ-3) 4.75" teleskoop Ideaalne Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Päikesesüsteemi Astronomical kasutamine. Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL teleskoobid on kaks elementi, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline Refraktorid, mis on hästi tõestatud esinejate "Rich-Field seisukohad komeete, star valdkondades, täheparvede, udukogude, särav galaktikate ja planeetide, Kuu ja Päikese (nõuetekohase ohutuse filtreerimine!), samuti annab suurepärase päevasel maapealse seisukohti. Need lai väli, lühikese toru teleskoobid suur fikseeritud ava objektiivid nii Astrophotography ja maismaa fotograafia. Nende "kiire" fookuskauguse suhe muuta need kasulikuks hõivamiseks Kuu ja päikesevarjutused samuti looduse fotod. Intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas. | 1-3 tp | 2 | 465,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron Inspire 80AZ teleskoop The ultimate telescope for the novice to intermediate planetary astronomer! The Inspire 80AZ offers the longest focal length in the Inspire line for higher power views of the planets and is packed with features never seen before on entry level telescopes. Inspire features fully coated glass optics, a solid altazimuth mount with a unique asymmetrical design, a sturdy steel tripod with integrated fold-up accessory tray, an integrated smartphone adapter, built-in red LED flashlight, large projected reticle finderscope, erect image optics, and a focus micrometer for easily returning to the same focus point. The Inspire has the easiest setup of any telescope in its class. Simply pop open the tripod legs, turn the lock knob on the accessory tray, and attach the telescope tube to the base using the quick release dovetail mount. You are now ready to observe! The lens cap has an integrated smartphone adapter built into it. Place your smartphone against the rubberized friction surface on the outside of the cap so your camera is viewing through the imaging port. Secure the smartphone using the two adjustable bungee cords. The inside of the lens cap has a fitting that secures to your eyepiece using two set screws. Voila! You are now ready to take high power images through the telescope. The mount has a red LED flashlight built-in. Turn the flashlight on to illuminate your accessory tray with a soft red glow. The flashlight can easily be removed from the mount to provide red light where you need it most. The focus micrometer is a numbered scale that indicates the focuser’s position. It allows quick return to a specific focus point for specific targets such as a bird nest, infinity focus, etc. | 1-3 tp | 4 | 309,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Bresser Messier AR-152S/760 EXOS-2 teleskoop The combination of large aperture and short focal length predestine the MESSIER AR-152S for the observation of large celestial objects. Experience the famous globular cluster M 13 in the constellation Hercules: Thousands of pinpoint stars stand before a black sky like so many diamonds spilled onto black velvet. Equipped with nebular filters you can watch the _x005F Gulf of Mexico _x005F in the North America Nebula and all the other celestial objects that Charles Messier listed in 1781. The compact size of the MESSIER AR-152S combines outstanding transportability, high light gathering power and low weight for a telescope of this aperture. | 1 | 1209,00 € | Vaata | ||
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Mercury 70/500 AZ3 teleskoop Ideaalne Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Päikesesüsteemi Astronomical kasutamine.Sky-Watcher Mercury-705 on kahe elemendi, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline teleskoop, mis on hästi tõestatud esineja "Rich-Field seisukohad komeete, star valdkondades, täheparvede, udukogude, särav galaktikate ja planeetide, Kuu ja Sun (nõuetekohase ohutuse filtreerimine!), samuti annab suurepärase päevasel maapealse seisukohti. Komplektis intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount, mis tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas. | 1-3 tp | 2 | 210,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 50 AZ teleskoop CELESTRON POWERSEEKER seeria teleskoobid eesmärk on anda Ensiasunnon täiuslik kombinatsioon kvaliteet, väärtus, funktsioonide ja võimu. Pakkudes erakordne väärtus, need teleskoobid funktsiooni kaasaskantav, kuid võimsa kujunduse rohkelt optilise jõudluse erutada iga uustulnuk maailma amatöör astronoomia. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Aegluubis kontrolli sujuv jälgimine; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Täielikult kaetud klaasi optiliste komponentide kõrge edastamise katted tõhustatud pildi heledust ja selgust; 3x Barlow lääts kolmikute suurendusklaasi võimu iga okulaari; Põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte. | 1-3 tp | 7 | 78,89 € | Vaata | |
1-3 tp | 2 | 59,90 € | Vaata | ||
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-130/650P EQ-2 teleskoop Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-130P on fantastiline valik tõsine algaja ning saab kõrgeid hindeid rohkem kogenud astronoomid. Tänu väga kasulik 130mm valguse kogumise ava ja suurepärane parabool esmane peegel, see teleskoop on väga võimeline mitmekülgne inimene vaatlemiseks Moon, särav planeedid, udukogu, galaktika ja täheparvede. Komplektis EQ2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid. EXPLORER-130P mudelitel on premium kvaliteediga Parabolic Primary Peeglid, mis tavaliselt esinevad suuremates kallim teleskoobid kõrvaldada sfäärilise moonutuse suhtes, tekitades isegi teravam, suurema kontrastiga pilte, mis on täis detail.Parabool või täpsemini "paraboloidal" peegel, on maa kujust, mis toob kogu saabuva valguse kiirtega täiuslik keskenduda, on telje. Lisaks on neil olemas 0.5mm Ultra-Thin teisene peegel toetab vähendada difraktsioon naelu ja valguse kadu. EQ2 Ekvatoriaal Mount sobib nii algajatele kui ka kogenud astronoomid. See pakub väga head stabiilsust ja pikk, täielikult reguleeritav alumiiniumist statiiv suur põhjaalus on tõeline pluss. See mount funktsioone 360º aegluubis jälgimise käiku nii otsetõusu ja kääne kirved paindliku kontrolli. Dual metallist seade ringid võimaldavad objekti asukoht oma RA ja detsember koordinaadid.Eraldi laius reguleeritav AIDSi polaarne viimist. Vabatahtlik DC Motor Drive saab paigaldada RA telje automaatse jälgimise eesmärgil. | 1-3 tp | 2 | 345,00 € | Vaata | |
3 | 287,79 € +0,59 € | Vaata | |||
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 70 AZ teleskoop Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte. | 1-3 tp | 5 | 176,45 € +0,07 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron TRAVEL 70 teleskoop See teleskoop oli kavandatud reisides meeles, pakkudes erakorralisi väärtuse. Travel ulatus on valmistatud kõrgeima kvaliteediga materjale, et tagada stabiilsus ja vastupidavus. Kõik see lisab kuni teleskoop, mis annab teile eluiga rõõm minimaalselt hooldust. Lisaks kompaktne ja kaasaskantav disain rohkelt optilise jõudluse, Travel ulatus on ideaalne nii maismaa kui ka vabaaja astronoomiline vaatlus. Kõik kaetud klaasi optiliste elementide selged, teravad pildid; Püstitada pildi diagonaal, et teie seisukohad on õigetpidi;; Sujuva toimimise altazimuth mount lihtne osutades objektide asukohad Eelpaigaldatud alumiinium täissuuruses foto statiiv tagab stabiilse platvormi; Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist loodud; Teleskoop ja statiivi sobivaks sees custom seljakott lihtne reisimine ja ladustamine; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilt. | 1-3 tp | 10 | 125,64 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skyhawk 114 EQ-1 teleskoop Mõeldud raskemad algaja vaatleja, skyhawk-114, mille kasulik 114mm valguse kogumise ava, on väga hea kõik ringi esineja tähtede, Bright planeedid, täheparvede, galaktikad ja Nebulae. Komplektis EQ1 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid. | 1-3 tp | 2 | 225,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 70 EQ teleskoop Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte. | 1 | 243,99 € | Vaata | ||
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 90 EQ teleskoop Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte | 1 | 359,00 € | Vaata | ||
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skymax-90 Table-Top 3.5” teleskoop The highly portable SKYMAX-90 EQ1 is ideal for the observation of double-stars, and the surface detail of the Moon and bright planets. Despite its small dimensions, it packs a powerful punch. Its high-resolution, long focal length optical system is multi-coated to maximize contrast and image sharpness. Supplied with the EQ1 equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via its slow-motion control cables. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 260,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skywatcher N 100/400 Heritage DOB teleskoop The compact Heritage-100P is a lightweight telescope mounted on a compact Dobsonian base for convenient grab-and-go astronomy. With its quality 100mm f/4 parabolic optics, it can be used to view the Moon and bright planets and also has enough light gathering for the observation of star clusters, bright galaxies and nebulae. A 3/8" thread located on the base allows it to be used on a suitable field tripod. Supplied with gift box. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 169,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 60 EQ teleskoop PowerSeeker telescopes are a great way to open up the wonders of the Universe to the aspiring astronomer!The Celestron PowerSeeker series of telescopes is designed to give the first-time buyer the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Offering exceptional value, these telescopes feature portable yet powerful designs with ample optical performance to excite any newcomer to the world of amateur astronomy.FEATURES:Quick and easy no-tool setup;Slow motion controls for smooth tracking;Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use;Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity;3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece;Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories;BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps, and 75 enhanced images. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 149,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer 150PDS EQ3-2 teleskoop The new Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-150PDS range of Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-150P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also, the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimize performance for prime-focus photography. Even better performance for astrophotography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher’s Newtonian coma corrector. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 735,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher SkyMax 102/1300 EQ2 teleskoop The highly portable SKYMAX-102 EQ2 is ideal for the observation of double-stars, and the surface detail of the Moon and bright planets. Despite its small dimensions, it packs a powerful punch. Its high-resolution, long focal length optical system is multi-coated to maximize contrast and image sharpness. Supplied with the EQ2 equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via its slow-motion control cables. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 375,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 80 EQ teleskoop PowerSeeker telescopes are a great way to open up the wonders of the Universe to the aspiring astronomer! The Celestron PowerSeeker series of telescopes is designed to give the first-time buyer the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Offering exceptional value, these telescopes feature portable yet powerful designs with ample optical performance to excite any newcomer to the world of amateur astronomy. FEATURES: Quick and easy no-tool setup; Slow motion controls for smooth tracking; Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use; Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity; 3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece; Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories; BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps, and 75 enhanced images. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 266,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-150 (HEQ-5 PRO SynScan™) 6" teleskoop Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR telescopes are classic two-element, air-spaced, achromatic refractors. They are outstanding, high-performance, high-resolution instruments manufactured to high standards of optical and mechanical precision. With their long focal lengths and breathtaking, diffraction limited optical performance, they are ideal for the detailed high-power study of the Moon, Planetary Surfaces and other objects in our solar system, giving crisp contrasty images.For amateur astronomers seeking superior equatorial control and the ease of a precision computerized GOTO system, the HEQ5 PRO SynScan is your answer. The Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO SynScan is designed with the novice user in mind. With the user-friendly pushbutton hand control, locating and viewing the treasures of the night sky becomes as easy as a walk in the park. The hand control allows you to point the telescope at a specific object or even tour the skies at the touch of a button. The user-friendly menu system allows automatic slewing to over 42,000+ objects. Even an inexperienced astronomer can master its variety of features in a few observing sessions. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 2230,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 60 AZ teleskoop CELESTRON POWERSEEKER seeria teleskoobid eesmärk on anda Ensiasunnon täiuslik kombinatsioon kvaliteet, väärtus, funktsioonide ja võimu. Pakkudes erakordne väärtus, need teleskoobid funktsiooni kaasaskantav, kuid võimsa kujunduse rohkelt optilise jõudluse erutada iga uustulnuk maailma amatöör astronoomia. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Aegluubis kontrolli sujuv jälgimine Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine Täielikult kaetud klaasi optiliste komponentide kõrge edastamise katted tõhustatud pildi heledust ja selgust 3x Barlow lääts kolmikute suurendusklaasi võimu iga okulaari "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte | 1 | 127,99 € | Vaata | ||
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 70AZ teleskoop The PowerSeeker series is designed to give the first-time telescope user the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Amateur astronomy is a great family hobby that can be enjoyed year round, and Celestron’s PowerSeekers are the ideal choice for families looking for an affordable and high-quality telescope that will provide many hours of enjoyment for children and adults alike. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 139,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-200P (EQ5) teleskoop With a 200 mm aperture, this telescope opens up new details in deep sky observing for the observer as compared to smaller telescopes. With 78% more light gathering ability compared to a 150 mm telescope, even the delicate spiral arms of many galaxies and additional structures in other nebulae can be observed. Globular clusters, such as the famous M13 cluster in Hercules, can be resolved at their edges to a large degree. The parabolic primary mirror is diffraction limited, allowing sharp images of the object. The very high-contrast optics are optimized by the use of a small secondary mirror and thin secondary mirror spider vanes, allowing sharp and bright planetary observing even at higher magnification. The very sturdy EQ5 Equatorial mount provides excellent precision and stability and a host of other useful features for the serious astronomer. The mount rests firmly on a large, adjustable stainless steel pipe tripod with accessory tray. Supplied complete with a bubble level, latitude adjuster with micrometer scale and an azimuth polar-alignment adjuster. It also features engraved aluminium setting circles and manual slow motion tracking controls. An optional polarscope is available for aiding in polar alignment. Optional single-axis and dual-axis D.C. motor drives can be installed for auto-tracking purposes. The OTA has a solid 2-inch Crayford focuser for a low image shift focusing - of particular importance at high magnifications and for astrophotography. The use of 2-inch eyepieces allows the maximum possible field of view to be exploited. The telescope has an f5 aperture ratio, putting it in the class of ’fast’ Newtonian telescopes, so this telescope is particularly well suited to astrophotography. The 9 x 50 finder scope is highly useful as you can already see objects due to the large aperture that is not even visible to the naked eye. The OTA is also visually a real gem, featuring an elegant design for the both OTA and finder scope in an aesthetically pleasing shimmering black. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 875,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 130 EQ teleskoop Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setupPüsivalt paigaldatud StarPointerPüstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamineQuick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setupSaksa Ekvatoriaal-mount seadistamine ringid - täpselt leida ja jälgida taevaobjektiVastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvormKõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildidDeluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud"TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte | 1-3 tp | 1 | 339,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron NexStar 127SLT GoTo teleskoop Designed to be an affordable entry level to mid-level computerized GoTo telescope, the NexStar SLT refractors, reflectors, and Maks are available in the most popular sizes and are loaded with valuable design features. With preassembled, adjustable stainless steel tripods and quick release fork arms and tubes, NexStar SLT telescopes can be set up in a matter of minutes – with no tools required! You can see details of the lunar surface, Venus and its phases, polar caps on Mars, Jupiter and its four moons, Saturn with its rings plainly visible and much more! Most NexStar SLTs can also be used as a land-based spotting telescope. Powered by 8 AA (user supplied) batteries or an optional AC adapter, these NexStar GoTos love to travel. The internal battery compartment provides power to the high precision servo motors for rigid low-vibration performance while eliminating cord wrap issues associated with external battery packs. With the NexStar’s ergonomically designed hand control, the user is free to remove the hand control from its holder for remote use or leave it cradled for hands-free operation. With a touch of a button, you can select the object catalog, change the slew speed, view fascinating information about an object or simply know if the desired object is visible in the sky. CELESTRON’S SKYALIGNUsing Celestron’s patented SkyAlign (patent pending), simply input the date, time and location into the hand control then slew the telescope to any three bright celestial objects in the sky. You do not need to know the names of the stars – you can even pick the Moon or bright planets! | 1-3 tp | 1 | 859,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Omegon Pro 304/1200 OTA teleskoop Omegon f/4 astrograph - for unforgettable astronomy photosWhich other type of telescope can be used to create a beautiful image with so little effort? With Omegon astrographs this is easier than with ’ordinary’ telescopes. Why? The answer is obvious - because an aperture ratio of f/4 means a big light output and consequently shorter exposure times. Immerse yourself in the world of deep sky photography. Admire faint galaxies or details in hydrogen nebulae. The Omegon astrograph sets a new benchmark for your astronomy photos.The advantages in a nutshell f/4 astrograph - a telescope with ultra-fast aperture ratio for short exposures suitable to go on medium mountings due to its short overall length wide field of view for extended objects - approx. 24mm is illuminated 94% reflection parabolic main mirror for bright images large secondary mirror - good illumination for DSLR cameras robust 2” Crayford focuser with 1:10 reduction and 1.25” reducer faster cool-down for getting started observing quicker - main mirror fan 94% reflection f/4 main mirrorAstrographs are suitable for visual observing, but only show their full potential when used for astrophotography. Their f/4 aperture means they are among the ’fastest’ Newtonian telescopes around, allowing you to take shorter exposure images.The secondary mirror and the parabolic BK7 main mirror are 94% reflective, providing brighter and higher contrast images. One can see a visible improvement when compared to a ’normal’ mirror which is around 88% reflective. No shadows, only light - large secondary mirrorAttach your DSLR camera or a modern CCD camera to the telescope and enjoy impressive illumination over a wide field of view. No shadowing is noticeable thanks to the particularly large secondary mirror (see also below). Observing with 2” wide-field eyepieces is now perfect. Less mistakes - more fun with the photographyThe particularly short OTA length and focal length means the telescope is compact - the astrograph is about 20% shorter as compared to an f/5 system. This means you can also use this OTA’s excellent optics on a medium mount, saving yourself the expense and clumsiness of a heavier mount.Another advantage is that the astrograph is perfect for extended deep sky objects thanks to its shorter focal length. This system is also more tolerant of small tracking errors than a telescope with a longer focal length. You will achieve some astounding astrophotography with even just a little effort. 3” focuser with linear ball bearings - illuminate huge fields of view Instead of using classic ball-bearings this eyepiece has a ’Linear-Power-System’. The advantage is that a stainless steel rail makes the focuser much more stable. Your equipment will not tilt or slip. The 72mm inner diameter of the focuser tube provides shadow-free illumination for large and fast telescopes. It is even suitable for full-frame sensors. It is the right focuser for your large field camera. In comparison, a 2” focuser would show unsightly shadowing on the edge of the image - a 3” focuser means more freedom for large and extended images, and that’s just how it should be! Of course, this focuser has even more features dual rate 1:10 reduction assists you in accurately focusing astronomical objects. - a 2” to 1.25” adapter is included for all eyepieces and adapters laser-engraved scale to help you find a previously used focus position only 82mm long and with 50mm of adjustment 74x0.5mm thread for adapter or filter wheel friction adjustment length 82mm Get started observing faster - main mirror fanJust a quiet, unobtrusive hum, but what an effect! - the built-in 12V fan means 50% faster cool-down of your main mirror. This allows your telescope to reach optimum image quality more rapidly, so you do not have to wait for so long. Included in delivery and other important data 12” astrograph OTA with 88mm secondary mirror secondary mirror marking for collimation tube-ring clamps and 22cm Vixen-style prism rail 2” 35mm extender OTA length 1170mm, OTA outer diameter 355mm 12V fan telescope with ultra-fast aperture ratio for short exposures suitable to go on medium mountings due to its short overall length wide field of view for extended objects - approx. 24mm is illuminated 94% reflection parabolic main mirror for bright images large secondary mirror - good illumination for DSLR cameras robust 2" Crayford focuser with 1:10 reduction and 1.25" reducer faster cool-down for getting started observing quicker - main mirror fan 94% reflection f/4 main mirrorAstrographs are suitable for visual observing, but only show their full potential when used for astrophotography. Their f/4 aperture means they are among the 'fastest' Newtonian telescopes around, allowing you to take shorter exposure images.The secondary mirror and the parabolic BK7 main mirror are 94% reflective, providing brighter and higher contrast images. One can see a visible improvement when compared to a 'normal' mirror which is around 88% reflective. No shadows, only light - large secondary mirrorAttach your DSLR camera or a modern CCD camera to the telescope and enjoy impressive illumination over a wide field of view. No shadowing is noticeable thanks to the particularly large secondary mirror (see also below). Observing with 2" wide-field eyepieces is now perfect. Less mistakes - more fun with the photographyThe particularly short OTA length and focal length means the telescope is compact - the astrograph is about 20% shorter as compared to an f/5 system. This means you can also use this OTA's excellent optics on a medium mount, saving yourself the expense and clumsiness of a heavier mount.Another advantage is that the astrograph is perfect for extended deep sky objects thanks to its shorter focal length. This system is also more tolerant of small tracking errors than a telescope with a longer focal length. You will achieve some astounding astrophotography with even just a little effort. 3" focuser with linear ball bearings - illuminate huge fields of view Instead of using classic ball-bearings this eyepiece has a 'Linear-Power-System'. The advantage is that a stainless steel rail makes the focuser much more stable. Your equipment will not tilt or slip. The 72mm inner diameter of the focuser tube provides shadow-free illumination for large and fast telescopes. It is even suitable for full-frame sensors. It is the right focuser for your large field camera. In comparison, a 2" focuser would show unsightly shadowing on the edge of the image - a 3" focuser means more freedom for large and extended images, and that's just how it should be! Of course, this focuser has even more features dual rate 1:10 reduction assists you in accurately focusing astronomical objects. - a 2" to 1.25" adapter is included for all eyepieces and adapters laser-engraved scale to help you find a previously used focus position only 82mm long and with 50mm of adjustment 74x0.5mm thread for adapter or filter wheel friction adjustment length 82mm Get started observing faster - main mirror fanJust a quiet, unobtrusive hum, but what an effect! - the built-in 12V fan means 50% faster cool-down of your main mirror. This allows your telescope to reach optimum image quality more rapidly, so you do not have to wait for so long. Included in delivery and other important data 12" astrograph OTA with 88mm secondary mirror secondary mirror marking for collimation tube-ring clamps and 22cm Vixen-style prism rail 2" 35mm extender OTA length 1170mm, OTA outer diameter 355mm 12V fan | 1-3 tp | 1 | 1248,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer 150/1200 EQ-3-2 teleskoop A very good telescope for beginners and a must for experienced amateur astronomers! This Newtonian reflecting telescope collects so much light with its generous 150mm diameter that distant DSOs such as the Ring Nebula in Lyra or the Dumbbell Nebula become beautifully visible and globular clusters, such as M13, resolve into a multitude of individual stars at their edges. Planetary observing provides rich detail in images of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. The f8 focal ratio helps make this reflector a real all-rounder suitable for both deep sky and planetary observing. The light gathering capacity of the150 is 460 times greater than with the naked eye alone. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 580,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-200PDS (EQ-5 PRO SynScan™) teleskoop The new Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-200PDS Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-200P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also, the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimize performance for prime-focus photography. Even better performance for astrophotography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher’s Newtonian coma corrector. *Note: the Explorer-200PDS has a larger 58mm secondary mirror, for enhanced field illumination, compared to the Explorer-200P which has a 52 mm secondary. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 1540,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher MAK150 (HEQ-5) PRO teleskoop This high-quality ProSeries model is supplied with a noble design tube, complete Maksutov optics. The Skywatcher HEQ-5 mount is a high speed installing of a new kind. It offers achievement for heavy devices. The removable counterweight seaweeds has a diameter of 18 mm. In the coordinate system, a Polsucher is trained, which can be focused. The dovetail connection is compatible to the Skywatcher telescopes and to many other marks. Wedging the dovetail takes place via 2 sturdy screws. the mount has in both axles pitch circles. the mount comes into both axles motorized. The control is made by a hand tax box, which on north and Southern Hemisphere can be used. The stand is manufactured from high-grade steel pipe, an extremely stable construction. The height can be adjusted from 97 cm to 121 cm. Each leg possesses Quick release clamps. The weight of the stand amounts to 5,6 kg. An accessory file reinforces the stand additionally and can meaningfully be used. 2 counterweights to 5.1 kg each are likewise supplied to mount. The HEQ-5 was conceived for telescope loads up to 15 kg and is suitable very well for visual observation and CCD Astrofotografie. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 2180,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skyliner-250PX FlexTube (SynScan™ GOTO) teleskoop Combining the power of a large optical tube, the extreme portability of the patented collapsible FlexTube design and SynScan computerised Go-To technology, the new Skyliner FlexTube Synscan Dobsonians bring over 42,900 celestial objects right in front of your eyes, and automatically track them as they move across the night sky - its as easy as a walk in the park! The patented dual-encoder design allows you to manually move the telescope anytime and go anywhere you wish - with no need for realignment. Slewing to an object on the opposite side of the night sky no longer feels like watching a kettle boil. Simply push the tube close to the object and let the computer do the rest of the work. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 1700,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher SkyMax BD (NEQ-3) MC 127/1500 Pro SynScan GoTo teleskoop The highly portable SKYMAX-127 EQ3-2 Pro SynScan GoTo is ideal for the observation of double-stars, and the surface detail of the Moon and bright planets. Despite its compact dimensions, it packs a powerful punch. Its high-resolution, long focal length optical system is multi-coated to maximize contrast and image sharpness.The EQ3 PRO SynScanTM mounts use the same Go-To system found in the HEQ5 and EQ6 PRO SynScanTM. It allows you to point the telescope at a specific object or even tour the skies at the touch of a button. Its extensive database includes a massive 42,900+ night sky objects.The EQ3 PRO SynScanTM mount is a perfect instrument for novice visual observers and imagers to enjoy astronomy with minimal setup time and in-depth knowledge of the night sky. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 1145,00 € | Vaata | |
1-3 tp | 1 | 80,00 € | Vaata | ||
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher ESPRIT-100ED (statiivita) Teleskoop Sky-Watcher ESPRIT-100ED (OTA - statiivita) | 1-3 tp | 1 | 2340,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Professionaalne ESPRIT-120ED F/7 (Triplet OTA) Teleskoop Sky-Watcher ESPRIT-120ED F/7 Professional (kolme elemendiga; OTA - statiivita) | 1-3 tp | 1 | 3370,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Professionaalne ESPRIT-150ED F/7 (Triplet OTA) Teleskoop Sky-Watcher ESPRIT-150ED F/7 Professional (kolme elemendiga; OTA - statiivita) | 1-3 tp | 1 | 6430,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skymax-180 PRO (EQ-5 PRO SynScan™) teleskoop Its diameter makes it a 'fast' yet portable instrument. The Maksutov-Cassegrain system allows a long focal length to be combined with a relatively short OTA length. The central obstruction in the optics is minimal as the small secondary mirror has been directly vacuuming deposited onto the meniscus lens. The meniscus lens gives very good contrast - for example, ideal for planetary observing. The lens corrects for spherical aberration and its shape reduces chromatic aberration to a minimum. It comes supplied with a mounting plate.The EQ5 PRO SynScan mounts use the same Go-To system found in the HEQ5 and EQ6 PRO SynScan. It allows you to point the telescope at a specific object or even tour the skies at the touch of a button. Its extensive database includes a massive 42,900+ night sky objects. The EQ5 PRO SynScan mount is a perfect instrument for advanced visual observers and imagers to enjoy astronomy with minimal setup time and in-depth knowledge of the night sky. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 2330,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skymax-180 PRO (HEQ-5 PRO SynScan™) teleskoop The highly portable SKYMAX-180 HEQ5 PRO is ideal for the observation of double stars, and the surface detail of the Moon and bright planets. Despite its compact dimensions, it packs a powerful punch. Its high-resolution, long focal length optical system is multi-coated to maximize contrast and image sharpness. Supplied with the HEQ5 PRO equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via motors.HEQ5 Pro SynScan Mount:For amateur astronomers seeking superior equatorial control and the ease of a precision computerized GOTO system, the HEQ5 PRO SynScan is your answer. The Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO SkyScan is designed with the novice user in mind. With the user-friendly pushbutton hand control, locating and viewing the treasures of the night sky becomes as easy as a walk in the park. The hand control allows you to point the telescope at a specific object or even tour the skies at the touch of a button. The user-friendly menu system allows automatic slewing to over 13,400 objects. Even an inexperienced astronomer can master its variety of features in a few observing sessions. The HEQ5 PRO SkyScantm also comes with features that advanced astronomers can appreciate:Positioning Accuracy up to 1 arc minute. Accuracy enhanced by software collimation error (mount mechanical error) compensation. Stepper motors with 1.8° step angle and 64 micro steps driven. Slewing speed up to 3.4°/sec (800X). Auto-Guider Interface for astrophotography. Guiding speed selectable from 0.25X, 0.50X, 0.75X, or 1X. Object database containing complete M, NGC, and IC catalogs. Minimal vibration for steady long-exposure photography | 1-3 tp | 1 | 2470,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron Teleskoop CPC 925 GPS GENERAL FEATURES 9.25" diffraction limited Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope Celestron's premium StarBright XLT coatings Fully computerized dual fork arm Altazimuth mount 8x50 finderscope to help accurately find objects Newly designed heavy-duty tripod makes attaching the telescope so easy you can do it in the dark; also features sturdy 2" steel legs and accessory tray Ergonomic design - Comfortably lift and move the telescope from location to location Star diagonal provides more comfortable viewing position when observing objects that are high in the sky Convenient remote hand control holder - Allows you to view information hands-free while using the scope COMPUTERIZED MOUNT FEATURES Proven NexStar computer control technology 40,000 object database with over 100 user-definable objects and expanded information on over 200 objects Custom database lists of all the most famous deep-sky objects by name and catalog number; the most beautiful double, triple and quadruple stars; variable stars; solar system objects and asterisms Re-designed drive base and drive mechanics - Quiet operation; large drive gears, quick release clutch SkyAlign allows you to align on any three bright celestial objects, making for a fast and easy alignment process Flash upgradeable hand control software and motor control units for downloading product updates over the Internet Permanent PEC Auxiliary port for additional accessories such as Autoguider, GPS accessory NexRemote telescope control software and RS-232 cable included for advanced control of your telescope via computer | 1-3 tp | 1 | 4099,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar 150ED DS-PRO (EQ6-R) Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-150ED DS-PRO (EQ6-R) - 10198 - 20855 - Refraktorid - Apokromaatilised refraktorid annavad tänu oma takistusteta õpikulaadsetele difraktsioonimustritele kõigist teleskoobi optilistest süsteemidest kõige teravama ja parema kvaliteediga optilise kujutise | 1-3 tp | 1 | 4420,00 € | Vaata | |
1-3 tp | 1 | 2460,00 € | Vaata | ||
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar 72ED DS-PRO (statiivita) Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar 72ED DS-PRO (OTA - statiivita) | 1-3 tp | 1 | 399,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-100ED DS-PRO 4" (statiivita) Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-100ED DS-PRO (OTA - statiivita) | 1-3 tp | 1 | 1300,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-102/1000 EQ3-2 Sky-Watcher Evostar-102/1000 EQ3-2 - Sky-Watcher EVOSTARi teleskoobid on klassikalised kahe elemendiga ja õhuvahega akromaatilised refraktorid. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 585,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-120 (EQ-5 PRO SynScan™) 4,75" Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-120 (EQ-5 PRO SynScan™) 4,75" - | 1-3 tp | 1 | 1425,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-120 (EQ-5) 4,75" Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-120 (EQ-5) 4,75" - Sky-Watcher Evostari teleskoobid on klassikalised kahe elemendiga ja õhuvahega akromaatilised refraktorid. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 925,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron Teleskoop CPC DELUXE 1100 HD GENERAL FEATURES EdgeHD Optics Celestron's premium StarBright XLT coatings Fully computerized dual fork arm Altazimuth mount 50 mm finderscope to help accurately find objects Heavy-duty tripod makes attaching the telescope so easy you can do it in the dark; also features sturdy 2"; stainless steel legs and aluminum accessory tray 23 mm, 82 degree Luminos Eyepiece - 2" Ergonomic design allows you to comfortably lift and move the telescope from location to location Star diagonal provides a more comfortable viewing position when observing objects that are high in the sky Convenient remote hand control holder holder allows you to view information hands-free while using the scope Mirror Support Knobs hold the mirror in place and reduce image shift during imaging COMPUTERIZED MOUNT FEATURES Proven NexStar computer control technology SkyAlign allows you to align on any three bright celestial objects, providing a fast and easy alignment process 40,000 object database with over 100 user-definable objects and expanded information on over 200 objects Custom database lists of all the most famous deep-sky objects by name and catalog number; the most beautiful double, triple and quadruple stars; variable stars; solar system objects and asterisms Re-designed drive base and drive mechanics with spring loaded RA worm block with enveloping brass teeth Re-designed electronics deliver constant regulated power to the motors making them capable of driving the telescope even when not perfectly balanced Computer assisted All-Star polar-alignment Flash upgradeable hand control software and motor control units for downloading product updates over the Internet Permanent PEC Auxiliary port for additional accessories such as Autoguider NexRemote telescope control software and RS-232 cable included for advanced control of your telescope via computer | 1-3 tp | 1 | 6349,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron Teleskoop CPC Deluxe 800 HD The CPC Deluxe 800 HD combines Celestron's newly designed fork mount with its new EdgeHD optical system and is the most portable of Celestron's top-of-the-line fork-mounted astronomical telescopes. This telescope is at home as a superb visual instrument or with optional Pro Wedge and CCD cameras, as a serious astro imager's tool. With over 8 inches of aperture and our premium StarBright XLT coatings, the CPC Deluxe 800 HD gives you over 800 times the light gathering power than the unaided eye. Turn this scope to planets and see amazing detail on the surface of Jupiter; see Cassini's Division in the rings of Saturn, and resolve details on the surface of Mars. Even the distant Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are within your reach. Although large in aperture, with its conveniently located carrying handles and an instrument weight of only 43 lbs, this telescope is portable enough to set up in your backyard or take with you to your favorite dark sky location. NEW OPTICAL DESIGN The EdgeHD optical system combines all of the compact power popularized by the SCT with an improved high definition optical system for wide field, astrograph quality images. As a visual instrument, EdgeHD optics deliver pinpoint images even with your widest field eyepiece. You can search for all of the Messier Catalog objects, and see hundreds of other NGC, IC and Caldwell objects with amazing clarity. For astro imaging, EdgeHD optics produce aberration-free images across your favorite CCD or DSLR camera. All EdgeHD optics are designed to produce an extremely flat focal plane precise enough to match the strict tolerances of the largest commercial CCD detectors, allowing stars to be in tight focus to the very edge of the chip. Learn more about the benefits and features of this new optical system by going to the EDGEHD WEB PAGE. INTERNAL GPS The CPC Deluxe HD Series' internal GPS receiver automatically downloads the date and time from orbiting satellites and pinpoints its exact location on Earth. This eliminates the need for you to manually enter the date, time, longitude and latitude. CELESTRON'S REVOLUTIONARY SKYALIGN Once the CPC's internal GPS has established the telescope's position, aligning the telescope is as easy as 1-2-3! Simply locate and use the hand control to manually point (slew) the telescope to three bright celestial objects. You do not need to know the names of the stars. You may even pick the Moon or bright planets! Celestron's NexStar™ software technology will model the night sky to determine the position of every star, planet and celestial object above the horizon. Once aligned, the remote hand control allows direct access to each of the celestial catalogs in its user-friendly database. CELESTIAL OBJECT DATABASE The CPC database contains over 40,000 celestial objects including Messier objects, the Caldwell Catalog, as well as NGC Galaxies, nebulae and planets. User-definable filter limits make navigating through this expansive database quicker and easier. Filter Limits let you filter out objects that are outside of your local horizon (ie, if trees or mountains were in the way). There's also "Solar System Align" that lets you align on the Sun or Moon for daytime observing – it is easy to use this to see planets or bright stars in the day. FASTAR VERSATILITY All EdgeHD optical tubes are equipped with a removable secondary mirror for fast f/2 CCD imaging. Not only does imaging in the FASTAR configuration allow for exposure times that are 25 times faster than at f/10, but also yields a field of view five times wider. A perfect combination for imaging your favorite wide field objects in a fraction of the time. (FASTAR imaging requires a third party lens assembly in place of the secondary mirror). INNOVATIVE FEATURES DESIGN - With the introduction of the CPC Deluxe HD series, Celestron has gone back to the drawing board and re-designed and re-engineered the drive train with a larger 6 inch, 180 tooth brass gear and .75" stainless steel worm gear and unique roller bearing design with both Steel and Nylon ball bearings rotating around a wide 9.8 track designed for smoother tracking accuracy for long exposure astrophotography. INNOVATION - The CPC Deluxe HD series uses the innovative All-Star™ Polar alignment procedure. Coupled with Celestron's optional Pro Wedge, All-Star allows users to choose any bright star, while the software calculates and assists with polar alignment. Another great feature of the CPC, sure to please astro imagers, is the Permanent Periodic Error Correction (PEC), which allows users to train out the worm gears periodic errors, while the mount retains the PEC recordings. POWER MANAGEMENT - Redesigned electronics deliver constant regulated power to the motors making them capable of driving the telescope, even when not perfectly balanced, without sacrificing smooth tracking motion and pointing accuracy across the entire sky. PERFORMANCE - For objects near the Meridian (imaginary line passing from North to South), the CPC will track continuously through the Meridian for uninterrupted imaging through the most ideal part of the sky. | 1-3 tp | 1 | 3499,00 € | Vaata | |
Teleskoop Celestron Teleskoop CPC DELUXE 925 HD GENERAL FEATURES EdgeHD Optics Celestron's premium StarBright XLT coatings Fully computerized dual fork arm Altazimuth mount 50 mm finderscope to help accurately find objects Heavy-duty tripod makes attaching the telescope so easy you can do it in the dark; also features sturdy 2"; stainless steel legs and aluminum accessory tray 23 mm, 82 degree Luminos Eyepiece - 2" Ergonomic design allows you to comfortably lift and move the telescope from location to location Star diagonal provides a more comfortable viewing position when observing objects that are high in the sky Convenient remote hand control holder holder allows you to view information hands-free while using the scope Mirror Support Knobs hold the mirror in place and reduce image shift during imaging COMPUTERIZED MOUNT FEATURES Proven NexStar computer control technology SkyAlign allows you to align on any three bright celestial objects, providing a fast and easy alignment process 40,000 object database with over 100 user-definable objects and expanded information on over 200 objects Custom database lists of all the most famous deep-sky objects by name and catalog number; the most beautiful double, triple and quadruple stars; variable stars; solar system objects and asterisms Re-designed drive base and drive mechanics with spring loaded RA worm block with enveloping brass teeth Re-designed electronics deliver constant regulated power to the motors making them capable of driving the telescope even when not perfectly balanced Computer assisted All-Star polar-alignment Flash upgradeable hand control software and motor control units for downloading product updates over the Internet Permanent PEC Auxiliary port for additional accessories such as Autoguider NexRemote telescope control software and RS-232 cable included for advanced control of your telescope via computer | 1-3 tp | 1 | 4949,00 € | Vaata |