Ideaalne Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Päikesesüsteemi Astronomical kasutamine. Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL teleskoobid on kaks elementi, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline Refraktorid, mis on hästi tõestatud esinejate "Rich-Field seisukohad komeete, star valdkondades, täheparvede, udukogude, särav galaktikate ja planeetide, Kuu ja Päikese (nõuetekohase ohutuse filtreerimine!), samuti annab suurepärase päevasel maapealse seisukohti. Need lai väli, lühikese toru teleskoobid suur fikseeritud ava objektiivid nii Astrophotography ja maismaa fotograafia. Nende "kiire" fookuskauguse suhe muuta need kasulikuks hõivamiseks Kuu ja päikesevarjutused samuti looduse fotod. Intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas.
Heritage-130P on spetsiaalselt projekteeritud, et tähistada rahvusvahelist astronoomia aasta ja 400. aastapäeva Galileo esimesed teleskoobiga. See ei ole mitte ainult väga funktsionaalne täpsusega optiline instrument, vaid ka ilus kokkuostja tükk ja ideaalne kingitus.Teleskoobi toru on kaunistatud nimed paljude kuulsate arvud, mis on andnud märkimisväärse panuse kõrgemasse astronoomia üle selle 400yr ajavahemikus, kaasa arvatud Galileo Galilei ise. Eluase sama suurepärase Parabolic Primary Mirror meie väga tuntud Explorer-130P, see teleskoop on suurepärane ja suudab kõik ümaram, mis annab suurepärased vaated nii Kuu ja planeedid samuti Päikesesüsteemi objektid.Kokkupandav patenteeritud FlexTube ™ süsteemi on inkorporeeritud muutes selle veelgi mugav transportida ja hoiustada.Tüsistusteta käsijuhtimisega Dobsonian alt-asimuut mount muudab suurepärane, väga kantav, ostke-and-go süsteem.Täielik teleskoobi ja mount tuleb täielikult monteeritud otse karbist. Saadaval esitlus Giftbox.
Ideaalne Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Päikesesüsteemi Astronomical kasutamine.Sky-Watcher Mercury-705 on kahe elemendi, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline teleskoop, mis on hästi tõestatud esineja "Rich-Field seisukohad komeete, star valdkondades, täheparvede, udukogude, särav galaktikate ja planeetide, Kuu ja Sun (nõuetekohase ohutuse filtreerimine!), samuti annab suurepärase päevasel maapealse seisukohti. Komplektis intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount, mis tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas.
The BRESSER NANO NT-114/500 telescope is the perfect combination of a large Newtonian mirror with a short focal length. The advanced observer who has discovered that light gathering is a more important factor than magnification, will especially appreciate the large 114 mm mirror. Enough light can be reflected into the eyepiece to be able to see even the most distant objects in our solar system at great detail. Suitable also for traveling and to observe large open star clusterns and the milky way. The telescope arrives with a wide array of accessories and almost pre-assembled - observation can start immediately. The BRESSER NANO is a light-to-medium-duty alt-azimuth mount with tripod designed to quickly and easily accept small to medium sized refractors, such as the AR-90s, AR-102s, AR-102xs and the ED-80 APO. Lightweight, fast Newtonians will also match up nicely with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount. As long as your telescope does not exceed 8 pounds and has a Vixen-Style Universal Dovetail bar for mounting the telescope to the mount head, you are good to go. The stainless steel tripod that comes standard with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount has adjustable legs and a wide foot print, which makes the tripod more stable. Spreader vanes with an acessory tray locks against the inside of the legs to secure the tripod even further, and keep vibrations to a minimum. Do you want to capture what you see ? With the included smartphone holder bracket you can use your smartphone to easily take colour pictures of celestial objects - like through a telephoto lens ! With the included camera adapter ring T2 you can also attach your DSLR or CCD camera direct to the focuser in order to capture high resolution pictures of the Moon by using short exposure times. Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design “Newton” are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. FEATURES High quality and compact reflector telescope Richfield telescope also for traveling Easy to use BRESSER NANO AZ Mount Telescope arrives almost pre-assembled Large 40mm secondary mirror Diffraction limitted optics for ideal sharpness and contrast Magnification with supplied accessories: 20x, (max. suggested: 228x) Focal distance, aperture ratio: 500mm, f/4.4 Stainless steel field tripod Smartphone holder bracket included - for taking pictures Eyepiece diameter: 31.7mm (1.25”) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube Messier NT-114/500 BRESSER NANO alt/azimuth mount Stainless steel tripod with accessory tray Eyepiece: BRESSER Super Plössl 26mm Red dot finder Smartphone camera adapter Camera-Adapter Ring T2 (M42x0.75mm) Star chart software & rotatable star-map
Auhinnatud Sky-Watcher skyhawk-1145P on suurepärane valik tõsine algaja ning saab kõrgeid hindeid rohkem kogenud astronoomid. Kasuliku 114mm valguse kogumise ava, koos oma suurepärase paraboolpeeglit see teleskoop on väga võimeline mitmekülgne inimene vaatlemiseks Moon, särav planeedid, udukogu, galaktika ja täheparvede. Komplektis EQ1 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid. Skyhawk-1145P mudelitel on premium kvaliteediga Parabolic Primary Peeglid, mis tavaliselt esinevad suuremates kallim teleskoobid kõrvaldada sfäärilise moonutuse suhtes, tekitades isegi teravam, suurema kontrastiga pilte, mis on täis detail.Parabool või täpsemini "paraboloidal" peegel, on maa kujust, mis toob kogu saabuva valguse kiirtega täiuslik keskenduda, on telje. Lisaks on neil olemas 0.5mm Ultra-Thin teisene peegel toetab vähendada difraktsioon naelu ja valguse kadu.
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Due to its aperture of 130mm and short focal length the new BRESSER Spica telescope is the perfect tool for wide field observations of large, faint objects like the Andromeda galaxy, large open star clusters and vast emission nebulae in our own milky way. Equipped with an parabolic primary mirror this telescope shows much more details on all astronomical objects. It is equipped with an equatorial mount (also known as parallactic mount). This allows for compensation of earth rotation and exact following of the celestial object observed. Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design “Newton” are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. NOTE: If you require automatic star tracking, the telescope mount can also be retrofitted with the optional motor set part No. 4951400.FEATURES telescope for night and solar observation optical system: parabolic Newton reflector ideal for wide field observations equatorial mount for exact following extensive range of accessories SCOPE OF DELIVERY reflector telescope equatorial mount tripod aperture solar-filter eyepieces (31,7 mm): 4 mm, 20mm Barlow lens 3x LED viewfinder smartphone camera adapter
The ultimate telescope for the novice to intermediate planetary astronomer! The Inspire 80AZ offers the longest focal length in the Inspire line for higher power views of the planets and is packed with features never seen before on entry level telescopes. Inspire features fully coated glass optics, a solid altazimuth mount with a unique asymmetrical design, a sturdy steel tripod with integrated fold-up accessory tray, an integrated smartphone adapter, built-in red LED flashlight, large projected reticle finderscope, erect image optics, and a focus micrometer for easily returning to the same focus point. The Inspire has the easiest setup of any telescope in its class. Simply pop open the tripod legs, turn the lock knob on the accessory tray, and attach the telescope tube to the base using the quick release dovetail mount. You are now ready to observe! The lens cap has an integrated smartphone adapter built into it. Place your smartphone against the rubberized friction surface on the outside of the cap so your camera is viewing through the imaging port. Secure the smartphone using the two adjustable bungee cords. The inside of the lens cap has a fitting that secures to your eyepiece using two set screws. Voila! You are now ready to take high power images through the telescope. The mount has a red LED flashlight built-in. Turn the flashlight on to illuminate your accessory tray with a soft red glow. The flashlight can easily be removed from the mount to provide red light where you need it most. The focus micrometer is a numbered scale that indicates the focuser’s position. It allows quick return to a specific focus point for specific targets such as a bird nest, infinity focus, etc.
Mercury-707 on suur samm edasi Mercury-607 mõttes optilise kvaliteedi ja tulemuslikkuse, tema suurem 70 mm kaetud mitme objektiiv ja annab rohkem rahuldust seisukohti tähtede, hele planeedid ja muud öötaevas objekte.Teleskoobi saab vabalt liigutada nii horisontaalselt kui vertikaalselt telge ja on varustatud micro-reguleerimine kõrguse kontroll.
Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMasterSeries on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte.
CELESTRON POWERSEEKER seeria teleskoobid eesmärk on anda Ensiasunnon täiuslik kombinatsioon kvaliteet, väärtus, funktsioonide ja võimu. Pakkudes erakordne väärtus, need teleskoobid funktsiooni kaasaskantav, kuid võimsa kujunduse rohkelt optilise jõudluse erutada iga uustulnuk maailma amatöör astronoomia. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Aegluubis kontrolli sujuv jälgimine; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Täielikult kaetud klaasi optiliste komponentide kõrge edastamise katted tõhustatud pildi heledust ja selgust; 3x Barlow lääts kolmikute suurendusklaasi võimu iga okulaari; Põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte.
Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid. Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte.
The combination of large aperture and short focal length predestine the MESSIER AR-152S for the observation of large celestial objects. Experience the famous globular cluster M 13 in the constellation Hercules: Thousands of pinpoint stars stand before a black sky like so many diamonds spilled onto black velvet. Equipped with nebular filters you can watch the _x005F Gulf of Mexico _x005F in the North America Nebula and all the other celestial objects that Charles Messier listed in 1781. The compact size of the MESSIER AR-152S combines outstanding transportability, high light gathering power and low weight for a telescope of this aperture.
Mõeldud raskemad algaja vaatleja, skyhawk-114, mille kasulik 114mm valguse kogumise ava, on väga hea kõik ringi esineja tähtede, Bright planeedid, täheparvede, galaktikad ja Nebulae. Komplektis EQ1 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid.
See teleskoop oli kavandatud reisides meeles, pakkudes erakorralisi väärtuse. Travel ulatus on valmistatud kõrgeima kvaliteediga materjale, et tagada stabiilsus ja vastupidavus. Kõik see lisab kuni teleskoop, mis annab teile eluiga rõõm minimaalselt hooldust. Lisaks kompaktne ja kaasaskantav disain rohkelt optilise jõudluse, Travel ulatus on ideaalne nii maismaa kui ka vabaaja astronoomiline vaatlus. Kõik kaetud klaasi optiliste elementide selged, teravad pildid; Püstitada pildi diagonaal, et teie seisukohad on õigetpidi;; Sujuva toimimise altazimuth mount lihtne osutades objektide asukohad Eelpaigaldatud alumiinium täissuuruses foto statiiv tagab stabiilse platvormi; Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist loodud; Teleskoop ja statiivi sobivaks sees custom seljakott lihtne reisimine ja ladustamine; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilt.
Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-130P on fantastiline valik tõsine algaja ning saab kõrgeid hindeid rohkem kogenud astronoomid. Tänu väga kasulik 130mm valguse kogumise ava ja suurepärane parabool esmane peegel, see teleskoop on väga võimeline mitmekülgne inimene vaatlemiseks Moon, särav planeedid, udukogu, galaktika ja täheparvede. Komplektis EQ2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid. EXPLORER-130P mudelitel on premium kvaliteediga Parabolic Primary Peeglid, mis tavaliselt esinevad suuremates kallim teleskoobid kõrvaldada sfäärilise moonutuse suhtes, tekitades isegi teravam, suurema kontrastiga pilte, mis on täis detail.Parabool või täpsemini "paraboloidal" peegel, on maa kujust, mis toob kogu saabuva valguse kiirtega täiuslik keskenduda, on telje. Lisaks on neil olemas 0.5mm Ultra-Thin teisene peegel toetab vähendada difraktsioon naelu ja valguse kadu. EQ2 Ekvatoriaal Mount sobib nii algajatele kui ka kogenud astronoomid. See pakub väga head stabiilsust ja pikk, täielikult reguleeritav alumiiniumist statiiv suur põhjaalus on tõeline pluss. See mount funktsioone 360º aegluubis jälgimise käiku nii otsetõusu ja kääne kirved paindliku kontrolli. Dual metallist seade ringid võimaldavad objekti asukoht oma RA ja detsember koordinaadid.Eraldi laius reguleeritav AIDSi polaarne viimist. Vabatahtlik DC Motor Drive saab paigaldada RA telje automaatse jälgimise eesmärgil.
The optics in the AP 72/420 telescope use a doublet lens with one lens element made from a particularly low-refractive index ED glass. High quality Schott glass is used for the crown glass element. Each glass-air surface in the optics is provided with a metallic anti-reflection coating for achieving an outstanding maximum light transmission of 99.5%! This optical design of the apochromat ensures an absolute minimum of chromatic aberration and provides a very sharp image! This affordable, short focal length refractor is ideal for the astrophotography of large star fields without the need for a heavy duty astronomical mount. It is also ideal for when traveling or for portable astrophotography in general. The sensitive focuser with a 1:11 reduction gearing is a great help when focusing. This telescope is designed as an astrograph, that is, the focal position is designed for astrophotography.
The highly portable Sky-Watcher SKYMAX-127 (AZ-GTi), has been designed to be controlled wirelessly with your Smartphone or Tablet, using the free SynScan App for iOS or Android. The AZ-GTi mounting, with it's built-in WiFi module, creates it’s very own Wi-Fi network, so the mount can be used anywhere, without any reliance on other WiFi or mobile networks. After entering your coordinates into the App and following a simple alignment procedure, you are ready to explore the universe using the App’s intuitive touchscreen menu. The AZ-GTi and SynScan App provides full computerised GO-TO control, allowing the telescope to be automatically slewed to any one of the objects in the App’s extensive database of 10,000+ celestial objects. Incorporates Sky-Watcher’s Freedom-Find™ patented Dual-Encoder Technology, which allows the telescope to be moved manually in either axis without the mount losing its positional information. This gives the user enormous freedom, convenience and flexibility during observational sessions. The compact but powerful SKYMAX-127 telescope is ideal for the observation of double-stars, and the surface detail of the Moon & bright planets. Its high-resolution, long focal length optical system is multi-coated to maximise contrast and image sharpness.
The compact Heritage-100P is a lightweight telescope mounted on a compact Dobsonian base for convenient grab-and-go astronomy. With its quality 100mm f/4 parabolic optics, it can be used to view the Moon and bright planets and also has enough light gathering for the observation of star clusters, bright galaxies and nebulae. A 3/8" thread located on the base allows it to be used on a suitable field tripod. Supplied with gift box.
The new Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-150PDS range of Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-150P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also, the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimize performance for prime-focus photography. Even better performance for astrophotography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher’s Newtonian coma corrector.
The STARQUEST Series is a lightweight, ‘grab-and-go’ range combining proven high quality Sky-Watcher telescope optics with a newly designed and well-engineered equatorial mount. The mount features a high quality clutch system, precision 122 gear-tooth/360° gearing on both axes and excellent stability with a maximum payload of 3kg. The equatorial mount, when polar aligned, allows you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky with its smoothly operated slow motion control cables. The STARQUEST-102R is a two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractor telescope package, and a well proven performer for ‘Rich-Field’ views of comets, star fields, star clusters, nebulae, bright galaxies/planets & the Moon. Supplied complete with Equatorial Mount and adjustable aluminium tripod.
Observing the night sky through the BRESSER Lyra telescope like Galileo Galilei or Joseph von Fraunhofer centuries ago is a very special experience. Gaze at the craters of the moon or detect the rings of Saturn with your BRESSER Lyra. The telescope is equipped with an equatorial mount and provides exquisite views onto the surface of earth's neighbor, the moon. The sharp optics and low weight of the BRESSER Lyra make it a versatile beginner's telescope for the young and young at heart astro amateur. FEATURESOptical system: achromatic refractor;45x - 675x magnification;Objective lens diameter: 70 mm;Suitable for terrestrial and celestial observation;Good stability due to the robust and lightweight aluminium tripod;Extensive accessory package and astronomy software included;RA and DEC-tracking over flexible shafts.
For the price-sensitive planetary observer, the AR-127L is a dream machine. View tiny dots and structures in the cloud bands of Jupiter, small rims, and craters on the surface of the moon and details on Mars, including the ice-covered polar regions of our neighboring planet. Watch Jupiter's moons dance around the planet and detect the greenish glow of Uranus far beyond Saturns orbit. The combination of large aperture and long focal length provides tack-sharp high-contrast pictures that will impress you every time anew.
The view Telescopes are all supplied in the standard version with galvanized steel column without footboard and without coin unit. The units are suitable for outdoor use and can optionally be supplied with stainless steel column, stainless steel base plate and boot. All stainless steel products are pickled and electropolished and have seawater-resistant quality.
Galilei terrestrial telescope has 15 x magnification and 60 mm objective lens diameter. The unit is suitable for outdoor use and can optionally be supplied with stainless steel column, stainless steel base plate, and boot. All stainless steel products are pickled and electropolished and have seawater-resistant quality.
Sky-Watcher Explorer - 250PDS Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-250P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also, the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimize performance for prime-focus photography. Even better performance for astrophotography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher’s Newtonian coma corrector.
Populaarsus meie eelmise lühike toru refraktor mudelid inspireeris meid sammu edasi kehtestamine meie Nexstar 102 SLT. Leiad, et astronoomiliste vaatamise on rõõm koos selle suure, võimsa 4 "teleskoop. 102 SLT pakub 63% tõusu pildi heledust üle 80 mm mudeleid. Lühikese toru teleskoop kiire f / 6,5 optiline süsteem annab pildid mis on helge ja karge. Ja 102 SLT, nagu teiste mudelite SLT seeria, kaasas täielikult arvutipõhise poolt kontrolli andmebaas üle 4000 taevakehade! Tänu eelpaigaldatud, reguleeritav terasest statiivi, Nexstar 102 SLT saab üles ja valmis kasutamiseks mõne minuti. Meie uus SkyAlign viimist tehnoloogia ning lisada StarPointer Finderscope punane LED, muudab viies tuul. Tänu oma laia 1,7 ° vaateväljaga Nexstar 102 SLT on optimaalne skaneerimine suurte alade taevas ja suurepärase maapealse (maa) vaatamiseks.Imeline sisenemise keskastme astronoomiline ulatus, kasutades vabatahtlik püstised pildi diagonaal, 102 SLT saab kasutada ka maismaal pikksilm.
The Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-150 PL is a fantastic choice for intermediate astronomers and also the serious beginner. Has a large 150 mm of light gathering aperture combined with superb parabolic optics. With a longer focal length of f/8 this telescope provides higher magnification with a given eyepiece than its f/5 cousin, the Explorer-150P. Sky-Watcher Explorer-150PL delivers excellent performance for the observation of the Moon, planets, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters and tight double-stars.
The highly portable SKYMAX-102 EQ2 is ideal for the observation of double-stars, and the surface detail of the Moon and bright planets. Despite its small dimensions, it packs a powerful punch. Its high-resolution, long focal length optical system is multi-coated to maximize contrast and image sharpness. Supplied with the EQ2 equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via its slow-motion control cables.
The award-winning Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-130 is a fantastic choice for the serious beginner and also receives high marks from more seasoned astronomers. With an extremely useful 130 mm of light gathering aperture, this telescope is a highly capable all-rounder for the observation of the Moon, bright planets, nebulae, galaxies and star clusters. Supplied with the EQ2 equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via its slow motion control cables.
Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR teleskoobid klassikaline kahe-element, õhu vahedega akromaatiline Refraktorid. Nad on käibel, suure jõudlusega, kõrge resolutsiooniga instrumendid valmistatud kõrged optilised ja mehaanilised täpsusega. Oma pika fookuskauguste ja lummav, difraktsioon piiratud optilise jõudluse, nad on ideaalne üksikasjalikud suure võimsusega uuring of the Moon, Planetary pindadele ja muudele objektidele meie Päikesesüsteemis, mis annab karge kontrastse pildi. Komplektis EQ3-2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondus, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid.
Kaljukits-70 on klassikaline kahe-element, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline refraktorteleskoop väga hea kvaliteediga ning muudab suurepärane valik raskemad algaja astronoom. See annab meeldejääva seisukohti tähtede, Star Cluster, planeedid, udukogud, galaktikad. Komplektis EQ1 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid.
Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR telescopes are classic two-element, air-spaced, achromatic refractors. They are outstanding, high-performance, high-resolution instruments manufactured to high standards of optical and mechanical precision. With their long focal lengths and breathtaking, diffraction limited optical performance, they are ideal for the detailed high-power study of the Moon, Planetary Surfaces and other objects in our solar system, giving crisp contrasty images.For amateur astronomers seeking superior equatorial control and the ease of a precision computerized GOTO system, the HEQ5 PRO SynScan is your answer. The Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO SynScan is designed with the novice user in mind. With the user-friendly pushbutton hand control, locating and viewing the treasures of the night sky becomes as easy as a walk in the park. The hand control allows you to point the telescope at a specific object or even tour the skies at the touch of a button. The user-friendly menu system allows automatic slewing to over 42,000+ objects. Even an inexperienced astronomer can master its variety of features in a few observing sessions.
Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL telescopes are two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractors, that are well proven performers for ‘Rich-Field’ views of comets, star fields, star clusters, nebulae, bright galaxies & planets, the Moon and the Sun (with proper safety filtering!), as well as giving excellent daytime terrestrial views when used with an erecting prism (not supplied with this model). This wide-field, short-tube telescope is great as fixed aperture lenses for both Astrophotography and terrestrial photography. Their “fast" focal ratios make them useful for capturing lunar and solar eclipses as well as nature photographs. Supplied with the EQ1 equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via its slow-motion control cables.
Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL telescopes are two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractors, that are well proven performers for ‘Rich-Field’ views of comets, star fields, star clusters, nebulae, bright galaxies & planets, the Moon and the Sun (with proper safety filtering!), as well as giving excellent daytime terrestrial views when used with an erecting prism (not supplied with this model). These wide-field, short-tube telescopes are great as fixed aperture lenses for both Astrophotography and terrestrial photography. Their “fast" focal ratios make them useful for capturing lunar and solar eclipses as well as nature photographs. Supplied with the EQ3-2 equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via its slow motion control cables.
Discover our solar system with the Celestron 102AZ! You’ll be ready to observe in minutes thanks to the quick and easy no-tool setup. The 102AZ provides bright, clear images of the Moon, planets, star clusters, and more for great nighttime viewing. Plus, this dual-purpose telescope with erect image optics can also be used during the day. You’ll enjoy viewing lakes, mountain ranges and wildlife by day, then stargazing at night.
Be ready for the next big comet with Celestron’s special-edition Cometron FirstScope, a compact, a lightweight telescope that’s perfect for beginners looking to experience the magic of a dazzling comet, planet, or nebula. This tabletop Dobsonian-style telescope includes a spherical mirror with a generous 76 mm of the aperture. The Cometron FirstScope provides bright, sharp views of comets and other celestial objects, and renders the Moon’s mountains and craters in crisp detail. And thanks to its wide field of view, you’ll be able to observe the brightest part of the comet and its tail or favorite deep-sky objects like the Orion Nebula. The Cometron FirstScope offers several upgrades from the original Celestron FirstScope, including 2 Kellner eyepieces and a 5x24 finderscope. Weighing just 1.95 kg, the Cometron FirstScope is a tabletop telescope that you can take on all your outdoor adventures. It’s also stylish enough to be a decorative fixture on your bookshelf or desk. FEATURES: Fast focal ratio offers a wide field of view, perfect for observing comets, star clusters, galaxies, and more; Lightweight and portable, a great grab-and-go telescope; Simple design makes it easy for beginners to use; No-tool setup means you are up and observing in no time; Includes a finderscope and 2 Kellner eyepieces.
With a 200 mm aperture, this telescope opens up new details in deep sky observing for the observer as compared to smaller telescopes. With 78% more light gathering ability compared to a 150 mm telescope, even the delicate spiral arms of many galaxies and additional structures in other nebulae can be observed. Globular clusters, such as the famous M13 cluster in Hercules, can be resolved at their edges to a large degree. The parabolic primary mirror is diffraction limited, allowing sharp images of the object. The very high-contrast optics are optimized by the use of a small secondary mirror and thin secondary mirror spider vanes, allowing sharp and bright planetary observing even at higher magnification. The very sturdy EQ5 Equatorial mount provides excellent precision and stability and a host of other useful features for the serious astronomer. The mount rests firmly on a large, adjustable stainless steel pipe tripod with accessory tray. Supplied complete with a bubble level, latitude adjuster with micrometer scale and an azimuth polar-alignment adjuster. It also features engraved aluminium setting circles and manual slow motion tracking controls. An optional polarscope is available for aiding in polar alignment. Optional single-axis and dual-axis D.C. motor drives can be installed for auto-tracking purposes. The OTA has a solid 2-inch Crayford focuser for a low image shift focusing - of particular importance at high magnifications and for astrophotography. The use of 2-inch eyepieces allows the maximum possible field of view to be exploited. The telescope has an f5 aperture ratio, putting it in the class of ’fast’ Newtonian telescopes, so this telescope is particularly well suited to astrophotography. The 9 x 50 finder scope is highly useful as you can already see objects due to the large aperture that is not even visible to the naked eye. The OTA is also visually a real gem, featuring an elegant design for the both OTA and finder scope in an aesthetically pleasing shimmering black.
Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR teleskoobid klassikaline kahe-element, õhu vahedega akromaatiline Refraktorid. Nad on käibel, suure jõudlusega, kõrge resolutsiooniga instrumendid valmistatud kõrged optilised ja mehaanilised täpsusega. Oma pika fookuskauguste ja lummav, difraktsioon piiratud optilise jõudluse, nad on ideaalne üksikasjalikud suure võimsusega uuring of the Moon, Planetary pindadele ja muudele objektidele meie Päikesesüsteemis, mis annab karge kontrastse pildi. Komplektis EQ3-2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondus, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid.
Viegli lietojams Grab-and-Go teleskops. SKYHAWK-1145PS ar 114 mm lielo gaismas savākšanas apertūru un lielisko parabolisko primāro spoguli ir vispusīgs teleskops Mēness, spožo planētu, miglāju, galaktiku un zvaigžņu kopu novērošanai. Labi izstrādātā un viegli lietojamā AZ PRONTO Alt-Azimuth montāža nodrošina lielisku stabilitāti un precīzu vadību, izmantojot lēnās kustības troses, gan horizontālajā (azimuta), gan vertikālajā (augstuma) asī. Ideāls teleskops iesācējiem.
Ekvaatorilisel monteeringul peegelteleskoop NT-130 on enim ostetud teleskoop Eestis. Sellega näeb Kuul ohtralt kraatreid, Saturni rõngaid, Jupiteri kuulsaid kuid ja pilvevööndeid. Sobib alustavale astronoomiahuvilisele ning võimaldab ka peafookuses fotosid teha.
The new Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-300PDS Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-300P but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimise performance for prime-focus photography.Even better performance for astro-photography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher’s Newtonian coma corrector (Prod.Code 20233)