Tüübi järgi


Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer BD (NEQ-5) N 200/1000 Pro SynScan GoTo
Tootekood: 10923/20981 GTIN: 9997350025733 Teleskoobid
Skywatcher N 200/1000 telescope: With a 200 mm aperture, this telescope opens up new details in deep sky observing for the observer as compared to smaller telescopes. With 78% more light gathering ability compared to a 150 mm telescope, even the delicate spiral arms of many galaxies and additional structures in other nebulae can be observed. Globular clusters, such as the famous M13 cluster in Hercules, can be resolved at their edges to a large degree. The parabolic primary mirror is diffraction limited, allowing sharp images of the object. The very high-contrast optics are optimized by the use of a small secondary mirror and thin secondary mirror spider vanes, allowing sharp and bright planetary observing even at higher magnification. The OTA has a solid 2-inch Crayford focuser for a low image shift focusing - of particular importance at high magnifications and for astrophotography. The use of 2-inch eyepieces allows the maximum possible field of view to be exploited. The telescope has an f5 aperture ratio, putting it in the class of 'fast' Newtonian telescopes, so this telescope is particularly well suited to astrophotography. The 9 x 50 finder scope is highly useful as you can already see objects due to the large aperture that is not even visible to the naked eye. The OTA is also visually a real gem, featuring an elegant design for the both OTA and finder scope in an aesthetically pleasing shimmering black.   The NEQ-5 Pro GoTo mount: This mount is a further development of the EQ-5 Pro in a white design. It provides a solid platform for most medium-sized telescopes and is excellent for exploring the night sky. The polar elevation at the observing site can be set using the fine scale provided and adjusted perfectly by using two screws. A polar finder can be retrofitted. Fully equipped with motors in both axes and a SynScan hand control box to give you a complete GoTo mount: the NEQ-5 is suitable not only for visual observing but also for getting started in astrophotography. With a little practice, you will soon be able to produce successful images of galaxies and nebulae.
1435,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 70 EQ
Tootekood: 821622 Teleskoobid
PowerSeeker telescopes are a great way to open up the wonders of the Universe to the aspiring astronomer! The Celestron PowerSeeker series of telescopes is designed to give the first-time buyer the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Offering exceptional value, these telescopes feature portable yet powerful designs with ample optical performance to excite any newcomer to the world of amateur astronomy. FEATURES:  Quick and easy no-tool setup; Slow motion controls for smooth tracking; Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use; Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity; 3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece; Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories; BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps, and 75 enhanced images.  
1-3 tp
233,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 80 EQ
Tootekood: 821652 Teleskoobid
PowerSeeker telescopes are a great way to open up the wonders of the Universe to the aspiring astronomer! The Celestron PowerSeeker series of telescopes is designed to give the first-time buyer the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Offering exceptional value, these telescopes feature portable yet powerful designs with ample optical performance to excite any newcomer to the world of amateur astronomy. FEATURES: Quick and easy no-tool setup; Slow motion controls for smooth tracking; Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use; Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity; 3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece; Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories; BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps, and 75 enhanced images.    
1-3 tp
266,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-150 (EQ-5) 6"
Tootekood: 10925/20464 GTIN: 9992985903357 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR telescopes are classic two-element, air-spaced, achromatic refractors. They are outstanding, high-performance, high-resolution instruments manufactured to high standards of optical and mechanical precision. With their long focal lengths and breathtaking, diffraction limited optical performance, they are ideal for the detailed high-power study of the Moon, Planetary Surfaces and other objects in our solar system, giving crisp contrasty images. Supplied with the EQ5 equatorial mount, which when polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the night sky via its slow motion controls.
1330,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer 150/1200 NEQ-3 Pro SynScan GoTo
Tootekood: 10949/20230 GTIN: 9996957303305 Teleskoobid
A very good telescope for beginners and a must for experienced amateur astronomers! This Newtonian reflecting telescope collects so much light with its generous 150 mm diameter that distant DSOs such as the Ring Nebula in Lyra or the Dumbbell Nebula become beautifully visible and globular clusters, such as M13, resolve into a multitude of individual stars at their edges. Planetary observing provides rich detail in images of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. The f8 focal ratio helps make this reflector a real all-rounder suitable for both deep sky and planetary observing. The light gathering capacity of the150 is 460 times greater than with the naked eye alone. The NEQ-3 Pro GoTo mount: This mount is a further development of the EQ-3 Pro in a white design. It provides a solid platform for most medium-sized telescopes and is excellent for exploring the night sky. The polar elevation at the observing site can be set using the fine scale provided and adjusted perfectly by using two screws. A polar finder can be retrofitted. Fully equipped with motors in both axes and a SynScan hand control box to give you a complete GoTo mount: the NEQ-3 is suitable not only for visual observing but also for getting started in astrophotography. With a little practice, you will soon be able to produce successful images of galaxies and nebulae.
920,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-150PDS EQ-5 PRO SynScan™
Tootekood: 10218/20981 GTIN: 9990215745043 Teleskoobid
This versatile Newtonian reflecting telescope provides both beginners and more experienced amateur astronomers plenty of light and high stability for a very modest price. It collects so much light with its generous 150mm diameter that distant DSOs such as the Ring Nebula in Lyra or the Dumbbell Nebula become beautifully visible and globular clusters, such as M13, resolve into a multitude of individual stars at their edges. Planetary observing provides rich detail in images of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. The f5 focal ratio means this reflector falls into the class of 'fast' Newtonian telescopes. This telescope is therefore particularly suitable for astrophotography. The light gathering capacity of the 150 is 460 times greater than that of the naked eye alone (with a 7mm fully dilated pupil).
1-3 tp
1390,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-200P (HEQ-5) PRO SynScan™ 8"
Tootekood: 10923/20886 GTIN: 9998606627299 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-200P on fantastiline valik vahe kõrgtasemeni astronoomid aga sobib ka väga tõsised täiskasvanud algajatele. Mis palju suurem 200 mm valguse kogumise ava koos oma suurepärase paraboolne optika ja hea lahutusvõimega, isegi feinter objekte saab vaadata. See teleskoop on väga võimeline mitmekülgne inimene koos suurepärase jõudluse jälgimine Kuu, planeedid, udukogu, galaktika, täheparvede, kaksiktähtede jne Amatöör astronoomid otsivad parimat Ekvatoriaal kontrolli ja lihtsust täpsus arvutipõhiseks GOTO süsteem, HEQ-5 PRO SynScan on teie vastus.Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO SynScan on mõeldud algaja kasutajat silmas pidades. Mis kasutajasõbralik surunupp poolt kontrolli, asukoha ja vaatamise aarded öötaevas on sama lihtne nagu jalutuskäik pargis.Samas kontroll võimaldab Teil teleskoobi konkreetse objekti või isegi tour taeva juures ühe nupuvajutusega.Kasutajasõbralik menüü süsteem võimaldab automaatset pööramist üle 42,000+ objekte. Isegi kogenematu astronoom võib kapten selle erinevaid funktsioone mõned vaatlev istungid.
1830,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-200PDS (HEQ-5 PRO SynScan™)
Tootekood: 10220/20886 GTIN: 9999769940676 Teleskoobid
The new Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-200PDS Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-200P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also, the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimize performance for prime-focus photography. Even better performance for astrophotography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher’s Newtonian coma corrector. *Note: the Explorer-200PDS has a larger 58mm secondary mirror, for enhanced field illumination, compared to the Explorer-200P which has a 52mm secondary.
1925,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skymax-150 PRO (EQ-5 PRO SynScan™)
Tootekood: 10885/20981 GTIN: 9997661463170 Teleskoobid
The Sky-Watcher SKYMAX Maksutov-Cassegrains are the ultimate take-anywhere telescopes. They are also ideal if working space is limited. Despite their small dimensions, they pack a powerful punch. Their High-Resolution, diffraction limited optical systems are multi-coated to maximize contrast and image sharpness. This compact telescope, with its high-resolution multi-coated optical system, excels at medium-to-high-powers for the examination of the surface detail on the Moon, planets and also for double-star observations. Also useful for terrestrial use. The telescope comes with a strong computerized stand, that automatically points the telescope to over 42,900 objects in the night sky. Our SKYMAX 150 Pro benefits from the inclusion of Schott glass in its construction. Schott is the recognized world leader in glass utilized for precision optical lens systems, including medical instrumentation and famous brand camera lenses.
1785,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-150/750P EQ3-2
Tootekood: 10912/20448 GTIN: 9996077996883 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-150P on fantastiline valik vahe astronoomid ja ka tõsine algaja. Mis suur 150mm valguse kogumise ava koos suurepärase paraboolne optika, see teleskoop on väga võimeline mitmekülgne inimene koos suurepärase jõudluse vaatlemiseks Kuu, planeedid, udukogu, galaktika ja täheparvede. Komplektis EQ3-2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondus, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid. Suurepärase EQ3-2 mount saab kõrgeid hindeid kogenud vaatlejad. See vastupidav Mount pakub täpsus ja stabiilsus koos hulk muid funktsioone tõsine astronoom.Mount toetub kindlalt suur, reguleeritav alumiiniumist statiiv põhjaalus.Mull tasandil võimaldab kiiret ja täpset tasandamine. Aegluubis juhtnupud võimaldavad pidevalt manuaalselt jälgida taevakehade.Täpsus mount funktsioone täis 360 º ussitanud käik jälgimise kontrolle nii RA ja detsember telge. Dual metallist seade ringi skaalad võimaldavad kiiret asukoht eesmärkideni taevalik koordinaadid.Vabatahtlik polarscope on saadaval abistamine polaarne viimist. Valikuline ühe telje ja dual-telg DC mootor ajab saab paigaldada auto-jälgimise eesmärgil.
585,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar 90/660 (AZ PRONTO) Teleskoop
Tootekood: 10254 GTIN: 9998482732940 Teleskoobid
Viegli lietojams Grab-and-Go teleskops. Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR 90/660 ir klasisks ahromatiskais refraktors ar diviem elementiem un gaisa atstarpi. Tā f/7,3 fokusa attālums ļauj novērot Mēnesi, planētas un daudzus debesu objektus. Šis daudzpusīgais teleskops, ja to aprīko ar papildu vertikālo attēla diagonāli (pieejama atsevišķi), nodrošina vertikālu, pilnībā koriģētu attēlu, kas ļauj teleskopu izmantot arī zemes novērošanai. Labi izstrādātā un viegli lietojamā AZ PRONTO Alt-Azimuth montāža nodrošina lielisku stabilitāti un precīzu vadību, izmantojot lēnās kustības troses, gan horizontālajā (azimuta), gan vertikālajā (augstuma) asī. Spējīgs, viegli lietojams teleskops, kas ir ļoti ieteicams iesācējiem vai pieredzējušākiem novērotājiem, kuri vēlas ērtu teleskopu "paņem un dodies".
1-3 tp
330,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-130P SynScan AZ GO2 Teleskoop
Tootekood: 10193 GTIN: 9992410114594 Teleskoobid
Pārnēsājamais Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-130P (AZ-Go2) ir izstrādāts tā, lai to varētu vadīt bezvadu režīmā ar viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru, izmantojot bezmaksas lietotni SynScan iOS vai Android. AZ-Go2 stiprinājums ar iebūvēto WiFi moduli izveido savu Wi-Fi tīklu, tāpēc AZ-Go2 stiprinājumu var izmantot jebkurā vietā, neatkarīgi no citiem WiFi vai mobilajiem tīkliem. Pēc koordinātu ievadīšanas lietotnē un vienkāršas izlīdzināšanas procedūras veikšanas jūs esat gatavs izpētīt Visumu, izmantojot lietotnes intuitīvo skārienekrāna izvēlni. AZ-Go2 un SynScan lietotne nodrošina pilnīgu datorizētu GO-TO kontroli, ļaujot teleskopu automātiski novirzīt uz jebkuru no objektiem, kas atrodas lietotnes plašajā datubāzē ar vairāk nekā 10 000 debesu objektu. EXPLORER-130P ir ļoti noderīgs 130 mm gaismas savākšanas apertūras diametrs un lielisks parabolisks primārais spogulis, tāpēc tas ir vispusīgs teleskops Mēness, spilgtu planētu, miglāju, galaktiku un zvaigžņu kopu novērošanai.
1-3 tp
470,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skyhawk-1145P SynScan AZ GO2 Teleskoop
Tootekood: 10192 GTIN: 9995261497182 Teleskoobid
Pārnēsājamais Sky-Watcher SKYHAWK-1145P (AZ-Go2) ir izstrādāts tā, lai to varētu vadīt bezvadu režīmā ar viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru, izmantojot bezmaksas lietotni SynScan iOS vai Android. AZ-Go2 stiprinājums ar iebūvētu WiFi moduli izveido savu Wi-Fi tīklu, tāpēc AZ-Go2 stiprinājumu var izmantot jebkurā vietā, neatkarīgi no citiem WiFi vai mobilajiem tīkliem. Pēc koordinātu ievadīšanas lietotnē un vienkāršas izlīdzināšanas procedūras veikšanas jūs esat gatavs izpētīt Visumu, izmantojot lietotnes intuitīvo skārienekrāna izvēlni. AZ-Go2 un SynScan lietotne nodrošina pilnīgu datorizētu GO-TO kontroli, ļaujot teleskopu automātiski novirzīt uz jebkuru no objektiem, kas atrodas lietotnes plašajā datubāzē ar vairāk nekā 10 000 debesu objektu. SKYHAWK-1145P ar 114 mm lielo gaismas savākšanas apertūru un lielisko parabolisko primāro spoguli ir vispusīgs teleskops Mēness, spožo planētu, miglāju, galaktiku un zvaigžņu kopu novērošanai.
378,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher SKYHAWK-1145PS (AZ-GTe) Wi-Fi Teleskoop
Tootekood: 10278 GTIN: 9992759527536 Teleskoobid
Pārnēsājamais Sky-Watcher SKYHAWK-1145PS (AZ-GTe) ir izstrādāts tā, lai to varētu vadīt bezvadu režīmā ar viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru, izmantojot bezmaksas lietotni SynScan iOS vai Android. AZ-GTe stiprinājums ar iebūvētu WiFi moduli izveido savu Wi-Fi tīklu, tāpēc AZ-GTe stiprinājumu var izmantot jebkurā vietā bez jebkādas atkarības no citiem WiFi vai mobilajiem tīkliem. Pēc koordinātu ievadīšanas lietotnē un vienkāršas izlīdzināšanas procedūras veikšanas jūs esat gatavs izpētīt Visumu, izmantojot lietotnes intuitīvo skārienekrāna izvēlni. AZ-GTe un SynScan lietotne nodrošina pilnīgu datorizētu GO-TO kontroli, ļaujot teleskopu automātiski novirzīt uz jebkuru no objektiem, kas atrodas lietotnes plašajā datubāzē ar vairāk nekā 10 000 debesu objektu. SKYHAWK-1145PS ar 114 mm lietišķu gaismas savākšanas apertūru un lielisku parabolisko primāro spoguli ir ļoti piemērots visdažādāko objektu novērošanai, lai novērotu Mēnesi, spožas planētas, miglājus, galaktikas un zvaigžņu kopas. (Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā: AZ-GTe statīvs ir identisks AZ-GTi statīvam, izņemot Freedom-Find™ divu asu kodētājus.)  
1-3 tp
445,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skymax-150 PRO (EQ-5) telekoop
Tootekood: 10885/20464 GTIN: 9997673264680 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher Skymax-150 PRO (EQ5 PRO) 150mm (6") f/1800 SynScan GO-TO Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope. Black Diamond PRO-Series is the name for the new generation of professional quality telescopes and mounts of the Sky-Watcher range, targeted at the most discerning and critical observers, available in apertures of 150mm and 180mm. Skymax Black Diamond-PRO series Maksutov-Cassegrains are manufactured to extremely high levels of optical and mechanical precision, undergoing very strict quality control procedures and testing by specially assigned technicians, to ensure the highest standards of quality and performance are consistently maintained. They employ super-high contrast optical systems, utilizing high-transmission multi-coatings on all optical services, for optimum optical performance. The quality of each telescope is monitored by means of a Ronchi test and an artificial star test. They excel in high-power, high-resolution and Planetary applications. No effort is spared to reach optimal optical quality. 
1280,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 70 EQ teleskoop
Tootekood: 822006 GTIN: 9998125924787 Teleskoobid
Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid.   Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte.  
1-3 tp
230,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 90 EQ teleskoop
Tootekood: 822011 GTIN: 9999380332799 Teleskoobid
Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid.   Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte  
1-3 tp
359,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 60 AZ teleskoop
Tootekood: 821605 GTIN: 9996239777909 Teleskoobid
CELESTRON POWERSEEKER seeria teleskoobid eesmärk on anda Ensiasunnon täiuslik kombinatsioon kvaliteet, väärtus, funktsioonide ja võimu. Pakkudes erakordne väärtus, need teleskoobid funktsiooni kaasaskantav, kuid võimsa kujunduse rohkelt optilise jõudluse erutada iga uustulnuk maailma amatöör astronoomia.    Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Aegluubis kontrolli sujuv jälgimine Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine Täielikult kaetud klaasi optiliste komponentide kõrge edastamise katted tõhustatud pildi heledust ja selgust 3x Barlow lääts kolmikute suurendusklaasi võimu iga okulaari "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte  
1-3 tp
115,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 130 EQ teleskoop
Tootekood: 822025 GTIN: 50234310451 Teleskoobid
Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setupPüsivalt paigaldatud StarPointerPüstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamineQuick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setupSaksa Ekvatoriaal-mount seadistamine ringid - täpselt leida ja jälgida taevaobjektiVastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvormKõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildidDeluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud"TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte
1-3 tp
319,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Star Discovery P150i GoTo teleskoop
Tootekood: 10275 GTIN: 6970456091263 Teleskoobid
The Sky-Watcher STAR DISCOVERY P150i has been designed to be controlled wirelessly with your Smartphone or Tablet, using the free SynScan App for iOS or Android. The supplied Synscan™ Wi-Fi module creates it’s very own Wi-Fi network, so the mount can be used anywhere, without any reliance on other WiFi or mobile networks. After entering your coordinates into the App and following a simple alignment procedure, you are ready to explore the universe using the App’s intuitive touchscreen menu. The STAR DISCOVERY P150i and SynScan™ App provide full computerized GO-TO control, allowing the telescope to be automatically slewed to any one of the objects in the App’s extensive database of 10,000+ celestial objects. Incorporates Sky-Watcher’s Freedom-Find™ patented Dual-Encoder Technology, which allows the telescope to be moved manually in either axis without the mount losing its positional information. This gives the user enormous freedom, convenience, and flexibility during observational sessions.           With an extremely useful 150 mm of light gathering aperture and a superb parabolic primary mirror, the STAR DISCOVERY P150i is a highly capable all-rounder for the observation of the Moon, bright planets, nebulae, galaxies and star clusters, and is easy to carry and transport.
1-3 tp
700,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer 150P F/750 (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10912 GTIN: 6970456092314 Teleskoobid
The powerful parabolic Newtonian Explorer 150 P is a very good telescope for the advanced beginner and also a transportable second telescope. 150mm aperture gather 450x more light than the naked human eye. Faint galaxies and nebulae become visible! The diffraction-limited precise main mirror is also a good choice for successful lunar and planetary observations. Due to the reflective optics priciple, the images are free from false colour and full of contrast. The 2" Crayford focuser allows using 2" eyepieces and also coma correctors for photography. With the standard 1.25" adapter, normal eyepieces can of course also be used.   -- Powerful and diffraction limited parabolic main mirror -- Keeps precise collimation by robust metal cell for main- and secondary mirror -- Improved 2" metal focuser for 2", T2 and 1.25" accessories -- Enough back focus e.g. for (D)SLR cameras -- High-contrast images by thin secondary spider vanes -- 6x30 optical viewfinder for quick target aquisition -- Clampshell with 1/4" thread for piggyback camera mount -- Fast f/5 system - ideal for astro photography -- 2x 1,25" RK Okulare - 25mm and 10mm
1-3 tp
299,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 70AZ teleskoop
Tootekood: 821621 GTIN: 50234210362 Teleskoobid
The PowerSeeker series is designed to give the first-time telescope user the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Amateur astronomy is a great family hobby that can be enjoyed year round, and Celestron’s PowerSeekers are the ideal choice for families looking for an affordable and high-quality telescope that will provide many hours of enjoyment for children and adults alike.
1-3 tp
139,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 114 EQ teleskoop
Tootekood: 822020 GTIN: 50234310420 Teleskoobid
Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMaster Series on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid.   Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup Saksa Ekvatoriaal-mount seadistamine ringid - täpselt leida ja jälgida taevaobjektid Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte  
1-3 tp
219,00 €
Teleskoop Bresser Quasar 90/900 teleskoop
Tootekood: 4780909 GTIN: 9998857238787 Teleskoobid
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. The achromatic objective lens in the BRESSER Quasar collects 30% more light than a 70mm telescope and already makes the first details on Mars visible. The rugged aluminium tripod gives secure footing on almost any surface and is easily and quickly set up thanks to its clever design.  This refractor telescope is equipped with an equatorial mount (also known as parallactic mount). This allows for compensation of earth rotation and exact following of the celestial object observed.FEATURES telescope for night and solar observation optical system: achromatic refractor equatorial mount for easy tracking detailed moon observations easy and quick set-up SCOPE OF DELIVERY refractor telescope eq mount aluminium tripod aperture solar-filter eyepieces (31.7 mm): 4 mm, 20 mm barlow lens 3x diagonal mirror smartphone camera adapter  
1-3 tp
286,02 €
Teleskoop Celestron Travel Scope 50 teleskoop
Tootekood: 822036 GTIN: 50234210386 Teleskoobid
See teleskoop oli kavandatud reisides meeles, pakkudes erakorralisi väärtuse.Travel ulatus on valmistatud kõrgeima kvaliteediga materjale, et tagada stabiilsus ja vastupidavus. Kõik see lisab kuni teleskoop, mis annab teile eluiga rõõm minimaalselt hooldust. Lisaks kompaktne ja kaasaskantav disain rohkelt optilise jõudluse, Travel ulatus on ideaalne nii maismaa kui ka vabaaja astronoomiline vaatlus.
1-3 tp
79,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 70 EQ teleskoop
GTIN: 50234210379 Teleskoobid
PowerSeeker telescopes are a great way to open up the wonders of the Universe to the aspiring astronomer!The Celestron PowerSeeker series of telescopes is designed to give the first-time buyer the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Offering exceptional value, these telescopes feature portable yet powerful designs with ample optical performance to excite any newcomer to the world of amateur astronomy.FEATURES: Quick and easy no-tool setup;Slow motion controls for smooth tracking;Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use;Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity;3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece;Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories;BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps, and 75 enhanced images.
179,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 60 EQ teleskoop
Tootekood: 60EQ GTIN: 50234210430 Teleskoobid
PowerSeeker telescopes are a great way to open up the wonders of the Universe to the aspiring astronomer!The Celestron PowerSeeker series of telescopes is designed to give the first-time buyer the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Offering exceptional value, these telescopes feature portable yet powerful designs with ample optical performance to excite any newcomer to the world of amateur astronomy.FEATURES:Quick and easy no-tool setup;Slow motion controls for smooth tracking;Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use;Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity;3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece;Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories;BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps, and 75 enhanced images.
1-3 tp
89,00 €
−14,90 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 80 EQ teleskoop
Tootekood: 80EQ GTIN: 50234210485 Teleskoobid
PowerSeeker telescopes are a great way to open up the wonders of the Universe to the aspiring astronomer! The Celestron PowerSeeker series of telescopes is designed to give the first-time buyer the perfect combination of quality, value, features, and power. Offering exceptional value, these telescopes feature portable yet powerful designs with ample optical performance to excite any newcomer to the world of amateur astronomy. FEATURES: Quick and easy no-tool setup; Slow motion controls for smooth tracking; Erect image optics - Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use; Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity; 3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece; Accessory tray for convenient storage of accessories; BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps, and 75 enhanced images.  
1-3 tp
159,30 €
−18,91 €