Creality Hyper ABS Filament (Gray)Creality's Hyper ABS Filament is an excellent choice for those who care about high printing speed and durability of finished prints. Made of high-end materials - it stands out for its impressive durability and resistance to impact, cracking and distortion. This makes it ideal for a variety of tasks - from creating parts for appliances, through education, to automotive and medical applications. The filament is compatible with most Creality printers. Users can also take advantage of the Creality Cloud service, which offers, among other things, thousands of free models.Amazing printing performanceThanks to its enhanced fluidity, Hyper ABS allows printing up to 5x faster than standard ABS filaments. The printing speed here reaches up to 350 mm/s! So you can significantly reduce your working time. What's more, Creality filament is distinguished by low shrinkage, which means it is less prone to cracking and distortion. You don't have to close your workspace while printing!High durabilityHyper ABS filament is characterized by high impact resistance - up to 19 kJ/m2. As a result, printed models are extremely durable and perform well even in the most demanding applications. The product is also resistant to temperatures up to 80°C. What's more, the filament was made from environmentally friendly, high-quality materials and passed a rigorous quality control. ManufacturerCrealityNameHyper ABSModel3301020041ColorGrayExtruder temperatureFrom 230°C to 270°CTable temperatureFrom 75°C to 95°CPrinting speed< 350 mm/sImpact resistance19 kJ/m2Tensile strength30.4 ± 0.6 MpaBending strength48.1 ± 0.2 MpaFilament diameter1.75 ± 0.05 mmWeight1 kg
• Mõõdud: 296x588x428mm • Kaal 17 kg • Paberiava laius 23 cm • Jäätmete maht 30 l • Korraga hävitatavate lehtede arv 20 • Lõikamiskiirus 33 mm/s • Paberitükkide suurus 2 x 12 mm • Klambrite hävitamine • Garantii 24 kuud
AutoMax™ 90M Mini-Cut Shredder 90-sheet auto feed and 9-sheet manual feed shredding capacity (70gsm) 4 x 12mm Mini-Cut (Security Level P-4). Shreds each sheet of A4 paper into over 1000 particles - around 3x more secure than standard cross-cut. Shreds 90-sheet capacity in approximately 5 minutes with a 10-minute overall run time Auto Reverse and Sleep Mode features ensure disruption-free shredding Accepts staples, paper clips and credit cards Up to 3 Years Warranty – Register for extra year (2+1) Model name AutoMax 90M Can shred Staples/Credit cards/Paper clips, Paper clips AutoFeed, Waste collection capacity 17 l Colour Black
Seedetrakti haigustega koertele veterinaar dieet. Kana ja kalkuniga Koostisosad: kana (vähemalt 15%) ja kalkunijahu, maisi jäme, terad, riis, kuivatatud munad, gluteenjahu, loomarasv, taimeõli, kaaliumkloriid, kaltsiumkarbonaat, dikalcio fosfor, tauriin, vitamiinid ja jälgi elemendid. Kompositsioonianalüüs: toitumine: roheline valk 22,7%, roheline rasv 12,8%, roheline kiudaine 1,3%, roheline tuhk 6,3%, kaltsium 1,04%, fosfor 0,73%, naatrium 0,42%, kaalium 0,89%. Aksessuaarid: A -vitamiin 18000 V/kg, D -vitamiin 900 RÜ/kg, E -vitamiin E 600 mg/kg ja mikroelemendid. Elektrimäärad Esitage toit kuiv. Selle kõrval peaks alati olema kauss värsket vett. Veterinaar dieet on mõeldud: Seedetrakti häired: gastriit, enteriit, koliit, põletikuline soolehaigus. Taastumiseks pärast seedetrakti toiminguid. Tervenemine pärast väiksemat operatsiooni ja pärast kergeid nõrkusi. Eksokriinse pankrease puudulikkuse korral. Äge pancraetiit ilma hüperlipideemiata. Sobib kutsikate kasvatamiseks.
Royal Canini Malta täiskasvanute kuiv toit koertele. Täiskasvanutele Malta Bichoni koertele üle 10 kuu vanused. Graanuli kuju, suurus, tekstuur ja koostis on spetsiaalselt kohandatud Malta Bichoni tõukoertega. Sisaldab kaltsiumkelaatoreid aitavad vähendada kivide moodustumist. Toidu koostis aitab säilitada pikka, tervislikku maapinna mantlit. Kompositsioon on rikastatud Omega 3 rasvhapete (EPA ja DHA), oomega 6 rasvhapete, kurgiõli ja biotiiniga. Aitab vähendada väljaheite lõhna ja kogust. Tänu erakordsele maitsele on kõige nõudlikumate koerte isu rahul. Koostisosad Mais, riis, dehüdreeritud linnukasvatusvalgud, loomsed rasvad, hüdrolüüsitud loomsed valgud, dehüdreeritud sealiha valgud, maisijahu, taimevalgu isolatsioon*, siguri viljaliha, sojaõli, kalaõli, kalapärm, pärm ja selle osad, mineraalid %) luteiin), hüdrolüüsitud koorikloomad (glükoosamiini allikas), hüdrolüüsitud kõhre (kondroitiini allikas). *L.I.P.: Valgud, mida kasutatakse nende äärmiselt hea seedimiseks. Analüütilised koostisosad: roheline valk 24%, rasv 18%, roheline tuhk 5,6%, roheline kiudaine 1,5%, mitte -tsooti ekstraktmaterjal 41,4%. Toitumistarvikud 1 kg: A -vitamiin: 29500 RÜ, D3: 800 IU, Biotiin: 3 mg, E1 (raud): 64 mg, E2 (jood): 5,7 mg, E4 (vask): 15 mg, E5 (mangaan) (mangaan) : 72 mg, E6 (tsink): 143 mg, E8 (seleeni): 0,15 mg. Tehnoloogilised lisaseadmed: 5 g sette päritolu kliinopülotüül. Sensoorsed lisandid: teeekstrakt (polüfenooli allikas): 150 mg. Säilitusained. Antioksüdandid. Energia väärtus: 4031 kcal/kg Toitmissoovitus Veenduge, et teie koeral oleks alati värske joogivesi. Soovitatav igapäevane toidukogus: vt pakendil. Hoiditingimused: hoidke kuivas ja jahedas kohas. Pakendi avamine hoitakse tihedalt laste ja loomade käeulatusest.
Kleebised on valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest hõbedasest polüester kilest ja mõeldud kasutamiseks eriti rasketes tingimustes, õli-, mustuse- ja veekindel, pestav, rebimiskindel ja UV- tõrjuv. Kannatab temperatuure –40 kuni +150 kraadi. Ideaalselt sobivad inventari märgistamiseks, elektroonika toodete märgistamiseks ja tööstuslike masinate märgistamiseks. Kasutage laserprinterites. Tasuta online tarkvara kleebiste printimiseks tootja kodulehel. Tarkvara kasutamiseks ei ole vaja oma arvutisse midagi paigaldada.
Tindipliiatsi otsas paiknev kustutaja töötab temperatuuri põhimõttel: tint kustub hõõrdumisel tekkinud kuumuse tõttu (65°C juures muutub tint nähtamatuks); • Pannes paberi külmkappi -20°C, ilmub suurem osa kustutatud teksti taas nähtavale; • Kustutatud pinnale saab KOHESELT peale kirjutada; • Kustutatud pind on kuiv, puhas ja "sodita"; • Kirjutab temperatuuride vahemikus:-10˚C - +60˚C
Creality Hyper PLA Filament (Green)Creality's Hyper PLA filament stands out for its fast cooling and durability, while providing excellent precision. It's made of high-quality materials and is fantastic for a variety of applications - from creating figurines to device parts to prototypes. It allows fast, accurate printing and doesn't get tangled. It is ideal for use in conjunction with Creality printers. Users can also take advantage of the Creality Cloud service, which offers, among other things, plenty of free models for printing.Even faster printingThanks to its high fluidity and fast cooling, the filament enables printing speeds of up to 600 mm/s. In addition, the excellent stability ensures greater precision and produces better results. However, it doesn't stop there. Reliable control of the filament diameter and automatic winding system guarantee smoother printing and minimize the risk of tangling.DurabilityThe filament is distinguished by its high tensile strength (52.99 MPa) and bending strength (92.38 MPa), making the printed models more durable. Top-quality materials were used in its manufacture, and it underwent rigorous quality control. All this allows you to enjoy fantastic printing performance and excellent results.IncludedSpool with filamentDrying agentVacuum packaging ManufacturerCrealityNameHyper Series PLAModel3301010380ColorGreenDiameter1.75 mm ± 0.3 mmWeight1 kgPrinting temperatureFrom 190°C to 230°CTable temperatureFrom 25°C to 60°CPrinting speed30-600 mm/secFan100%Density1.25 g/cm3Tensile strength (X-Y)52.88 MpaModulus of elasticity (X-Y)1146,064Elongation at break6,304%Flexural strength (X-Y)92.38 MpaFlexural modulus (X-Y)2490.178 MpaCharpy impact strength (X-Y)8.8344 kJ/m2Printing platformCarbon silicon, PEI board, textured paper, PVP adhesive
Creality Hyper PLA Filament (Brown)Creality's Hyper PLA Filament stands out for its fast cooling and durability, while providing excellent precision. It's made from high-quality materials and is fantastic for a variety of applications - from creating figurines to device parts to prototypes. It allows fast, accurate printing and doesn't get tangled. It is ideal for use in conjunction with Creality printers. Users can also take advantage of the Creality Cloud service, which offers, among other things, plenty of free models for printing.Even faster printingThanks to its high fluidity and fast cooling, the filament enables printing speeds of up to 600 mm/s. In addition, the excellent stability ensures greater precision and produces better results. However, it doesn't stop there. Reliable control of the filament diameter and automatic winding system guarantee smoother printing and minimize the risk of tangling.DurabilityThe filament is distinguished by its high tensile strength (52.99 MPa) and bending strength (92.38 MPa), making the printed models more durable. Top-quality materials were used in its manufacture, and it underwent rigorous quality control. All this allows you to enjoy fantastic printing performance and excellent results.IncludedSpool with filamentDrying agentVacuum packaging ManufacturerCrealityNameHyper Series PLAModel3301010382ColorBrownDiameter1.75 mm ± 0.3 mmWeight1 kgPrinting temperatureFrom 190°C to 230°CTable temperatureFrom 25°C to 60°CPrinting speed30-600 mm/secFan100%Density1.25 g/cm3Tensile strength (X-Y)52.88 MpaModulus of elasticity (X-Y)1146,064Elongation at break6,304%Flexural strength (X-Y)92.38 MpaFlexural modulus (X-Y)2490.178 MpaCharpy impact strength (X-Y)8.8344 kJ/m2Printing platformCarbon silicon, PEI board, textured paper, PVP adhesive
Creality Hyper PLA Filament (Yellow)Creality's Hyper PLA filament stands out for its fast cooling and durability, while providing excellent precision. It's made of high-quality materials and is fantastic for a variety of applications - from creating figurines to device parts to prototypes. It allows fast, accurate printing and doesn't get tangled. It is ideal for use in conjunction with Creality printers. Users can also take advantage of the Creality Cloud service, which offers, among other things, plenty of free models for printing.Even faster printingThanks to its high fluidity and fast cooling, the filament enables printing speeds of up to 600 mm/s. In addition, the excellent stability ensures greater precision and produces better results. However, it doesn't stop there. Reliable control of the filament diameter and automatic winding system guarantee smoother printing and minimize the risk of tangling.DurabilityThe filament is distinguished by its high tensile strength (52.99 MPa) and bending strength (92.38 MPa), making the printed models more durable. Top-quality materials were used in its manufacture, and it underwent rigorous quality control. All this allows you to enjoy fantastic printing performance and excellent results.IncludedSpool with filamentDrying agentVacuum packaging ManufacturerCrealityNameHyper Series PLAModel3301010379ColorYellowDiameter1.75 mm ± 0.3 mmWeight1 kgPrinting temperatureFrom 190°C to 230°CTable temperatureFrom 25°C to 60°CPrinting speed30-600 mm/secFan100%Density1.25 g/cm3Tensile strength (X-Y)52.88 MpaModulus of elasticity (X-Y)1146,064Elongation at break6,304%Flexural strength (X-Y)92.38 MpaFlexural modulus (X-Y)2490.178 MpaCharpy impact strength (X-Y)8.8344 kJ/m2Printing platformCarbon silicon, PEI board, textured paper, PVP adhesive
Creality CR-Silk PLA Filament (Copper)Creality's CR-Silk filament features a metallic, elegant sheen, making it eye-catching and perfect for printing figurines, decorations and even jewelry. It also features impressive durability and compatibility with most Creality printers. What's more, durable yet environmentally friendly materials have been used to make it.Fast and trouble-free printingThanks to its careful winding, the filament allows for smooth, trouble-free printing at speeds of up to 100 mm/s. It is also resistant to tangling. This will save you time and avoid wasting materials!Elegant and durableThe filament is very pleasant to the touch and is distinguished by its elegant, delicate sheen - it allows you to achieve a pearly and smooth surface of the model without additional polishing. In addition, it was made of environmentally friendly, durable materials (PLA), making it resistant to deformation and distinguished by low shrinkage. Its tensile strength reaches 35 MPa, and its flexural strength is as high as 67 MPa. ManufacturerCrealityNameCR-Silk FilamentModel3301120002ColorCopperExtruder temperatureFrom 190°C to 230°CTable temperatureFrom no heat to 60°CPrinting speed40-100 mm/secTensile strength35 MPaBending strength67 MPaFilament diameter1.75 mmWeight1 kg
AnyCubic Kobra 2 Neo 3D PrinterThe AnyCubic Kobra 2 Neo 3D printer will allow you to print a wide variety of models quickly and accurately. It runs at a maximum speed of 250 mm/s and features a new integrated extruder. It also offers linear drive and input shaping to create detailed, high-quality prints. It also supports automatic leveling with Z-axis deviation compensation. At the same time, it is very simple and convenient to use.Impressive printing speedDon't want to wait too long for your models to be ready? The Kobra 2 Neo model will be perfect for you! The printer offers a maximum printing speed of up to 250 mm/s (with a recommended speed of 150 mm/s). To print 3DBenches with it, you only need about half an hour!New integrated extruderThe printer's improved extruder and cooling system enable fast filament dissolution with 60 watts of power. In turn, the built-in fan running at 7,000 rpm provides instant cooling and molding of the model. The Kobra 2 Neo is also distinguished by its compatibility with various types of filament, including PLA, TPU and PETG. This makes it great for a variety of applications!Detailed modelsThe printer also supports features such as line drive and input shaping, so the finished prints have better quality, stability, smoothness and richness of detail. Now even novice users can easily create stunning models!Automatic leveling systemThe Kobra 2 Neo supports the LeviQ 2.0 automatic leveling system, which additionally allows you to intelligently compensate for deviations in the Z-axis - it also allows you to level them using custom values. This means you can easily adapt it to your needs!Convenient operationTo operate the printer, there is a 2.4-inch LCD screen with a convenient dial. With its help, you can easily adjust settings, select the appropriate functions and much more. In addition, the entire device consists of 5 modules, making it very easy to assemble. Now you'll have the printer ready to go in no time and get busy creating high-quality models!IncludedFrameBaseScreen with knobFilament holderPrint headTF card (8 GB)Cable holderCard readerNozzleScrew setTest filamentTool kitPower cableUser manual ManufacturerAnyCubicModelKNVA0BK-Y-OTypeFDM / FFFStructureCartesianFilament detectionOptionalLevelingLeviQ 2.0 automatic system (25-point)PlatformMagnetic PEI spring steel platform (220 x 220 mm)Y axisx1 railZ axisThreaded rodExtruderIntegrated, located directly above the printheadCooling fan speed7000 rpmX / Y axis ribbon tensionerButton for adjustmentControl panel2.4-inch LCD screen controlled by a rotary knobData inputMicroSD cardTable temperature≤ 110°CDysza≤ 260°C, Ø 0.4 mm (replaceable)Motherboard32-bitMax. printing volume12,1 lCompatible filament typesPLA / TPU / ABS / PETGPrinting speedMaximum: ≤ 250 mm/s; Standard: ≤ 150 mm/s;Max. printing dimensions250 x 220 x 220 mm (W x S x G)Power supply400 WWeight7.3 kgDimensions485 x 440 x 440 mm
Twinkly Light Tree 3D on jõulupuu, millel on värvilised RGB ja soojad valged LED valgustid ning nutikad tehnoloogiad. Valgusteid on võimalik juhtida üle WiFi võrgu või kasutades Bluetooth'i - loo täpselt selline valgustus, nagu Sulle endale meeldib. Kasuta erinevaid efekte ja animatsioone. Jõuluvalgustust on võimalik ka muusikaga sünkroniseerida, kasutades selleks Twinkly Music Dongle muusikaadapterit (müügil eraldi). Razer Chroma™ RGB ja OMEN Light Studio ühilduvus on koheselt olemas. Twinkly töötab ka Apple Siri, Google Assistant ja Amazon Alexa virtuaalsete assistentidega. Sel on IP44 ilmastikukindlus, seega sobivad tuled kasutamiseks sise- ja väliruumides. Tulesid on võimalik omavahel ühendada teiste Twinkley RGB tuledega (kokku kuni 4000 LED pirni või 10 seadet).
Royal Canin täisväärtuslik kuivtoit on mõeldud keskmise suurusega (11 kuni 25 kg) üle 12 kuu vanustele koertele, kes on ülekaalulised: aitab vähendada kalorite tarbimist 30%, säilitades samas sama portsjoni. Sööda eriline koostis aitab saavutada ja säilitada ideaalse kaalu, mis on tingitud suurest valgusisaldusest (27%) ja madalast rasvasisaldusest (11%) ning L-karnitiini kasutamisest rasva kiirendatud metabolismi säilitamiseks, säilitades lihasmassi. toit aitab rahuldada ka koera söögiisukasutatava kiu kogus ja odra esinemine vähendab näljatunnet toidukordade vahel ja säilitab küllastustunde. olulised Omega-3 rasvhapped aitavad vältida põletikulisi haigusi ja optimeerida hapniku manustamist ajju. antioksüdantide sünergistliku toime kompleks kaitseb vabade radikaalide eest, toetades koera immuunsüsteemi. manaan-oligosahhariidid hoolitsevad seedetrakti tervise eest ja vähendavad patogeense mikrofloora hulka soolestikus. C- ja E-vitamiinid neutraliseerivad vabade radikaalide mõju ja kaitsevad keha rakumembraane. Tänu hoolikalt valitud koostisosadele sisaldab toit palju toitaineid ja on meeldiva aroomiga. Toidulisandid: A-vitamiin: 22000 UI, D3-vitamiin: 1000 UI, E1 (raud): 34 mg, E2 (jood): 3,4 mg, E4 (vask): 10 mg, E5 (mangaan): 44 mg, E6 (mangaan): 44 mg, E6 (Tsink): 131 mg, E8 (seleen): 0,05 mg, L-karnitiin: 200 mg - Konservandid - Antioksüdandid. Analüütiline koostis: Toorproteiin: 27% - Toorõlid ja rasvad: 11% - Toortuhk: 4,9% - Toorkiud: 10,5 % Royal Canin on lemmikloomatoidu liider maailmas. Selles tööstuses, mis püüab alati kohaneda populaarsete koerte ja kasside toitumise suundumustega, jääb Royal Canini missioon samaks: töötada tervisliku loomasöödaga ning jagada kogemusi ja teadmisi. Pakuvad kassi- ja koeratoite, mis põhinevad Royal Canini pidevalt laienevatel teaduslikel teadmistel ja kogemustel kassi- ja koeratoiduga tegelevate spetsialistide võrgustikes.