Kit for cleaning plasmas, LCD, OLED, touch screens and other electronics. Removes grease, dust and fingerprints. Liquid doesn’t leave streaks and has anti-static properties. Alcohol free. Usage: Turn off the screen, apply liquid and wipe with a microfiber cloth. Read label before use. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Ingredients: AQUA, PARFUM (D-Limonen) preservative: BENZISOTHIAZOLINONE, METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE, LAURYLAMINE DIPROPYLENEDIAMINE NOTICE Because the Platinet compressed air spray is a class 2 - flammable gases (subclass 2.1), UN1950, flammable - hazardous material, this item can only be shipped within Germany. Shipments within the EU or to a third country are restricted due to safety reasons.
Elektroonika mitmeotstarbeline puhastusvahend Puhas isopropanool, mis eemaldab mustuse, õli, rasva ja vaigu. Kasutusalad: Trükkplaadid, magnetpead, samuti peenmehaanika ja optika.
PRF 6-68 KONTAKT Rasvatu “kuiv” puhastusvahend. Eemaldab oksiid-ja sulfiidkihistused ning eemaldab mustuse, rasva, õli ja vaigu. Sobib TV-, video-, kontorimasinate, arvutite, elektroonika ning liikumatute kontaktide puhastamiseks. Kasutusjuhend: Enne kasutamist loksutada! Lülita seade enne puhatamist vooluvõrgust välja. Seadme võib uuesti sisse lulitada siis, kui aine on haihtunud.
Compressed air Contents: 600 ml Description: Platinet compressed air for cleaning office equipment and other electronic appliances. - blows dust and crumb from hard to reach places. - recommended for cleaning: cash registers, computers (cleaning keyboards, computer cases), office equipment, copying machines, printers, photographic equipment, precision engineering equipment, telecommunications equipment. Technical Details: Contains 600 ml Highly flammable Scope of Delivery: 600 ml compressed air spray NOTICE Because the Platinet compressed air spray is a class 2 - flammable gases (subclass 2.1), UN1950, flammable - hazardous material, this item can only be shipped within Germany. Shipments within the EU or to a third country are restricted due to safety reasons.
Kiiresti kuivav kaitselakk. Moodustab läikiva, elastse kile, mille läbi saab joota. Kasutatakse elektroonikahooldusel ning valmistamisel. Kaitseb transformaatoreid, elektri-mootoreid, trükkplaate jm.
Application: Shake the bottle well and then wipe the screen with a soft cloth. Repeat if necessary. Be careful! Container is under pressure and contains highly flammable aerosol: may burst when heated. Keep out of the reach of children and away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, naked flames and other sources of ignition. Do not smoke. Protect from sunlight and do not burn or puncture after use. Keep the product away from temperatures above 50°C / 122°F. NOTICE Because the Platinet compressed air spray is a class 2 - flammable gases (subclass 2.1), UN1950, flammable - hazardous material, this item can only be shipped within Germany. Shipments within the EU or to a third country are restricted due to safety reasons.
Compressed air Contents: 600 ml Description: Platinet compressed air for cleaning office equipment and other electronic appliances. - blows dust and crumb from hard to reach places. - recommended for cleaning: cash registers, computers (cleaning keyboards, computer cases), office equipment, copying machines, printers, photographic equipment, precision engineering equipment, telecommunications equipment. NOTICE Because the Platinet compressed air spray is a class 2 - flammable gases (subclass 2.1), UN1950, flammable - hazardous material, this item can only be shipped within Germany. Shipments within the EU or to a third country are restricted due to safety reasons.
Kiiresti haihtuv kuiv spetsiaalne puhastusvahend täpsuselektroonika komponentide, kontaktide ja seadmete jaoks. Eemaldab kergesti õli, rasva, Sobib kasutamiseks arvutite ja elektroonikasead-mete hooldusel, valmistamisel ning puhastamisel. Haihtub täielikult ega jäta jääke, ei söövita metalli ega kahjusta kummi, värvi, lakki ega plastmassi.
Compressed air Contents: 600 ml Description: Platinet compressed air for cleaning office equipment and other electronic appliances. - blows dust and crumb from hard to reach places. - recommended for cleaning: cash registers, computers (cleaning keyboards, computer cases), office equipment, copying machines, printers, photographic equipment, precision engineering equipment, telecommunications equipment. NOTICE Because the Platinet compressed air spray is a class 2 - flammable gases (subclass 2.1), UN1950, flammable - hazardous material, this item can only be shipped within Germany. Shipments within the EU or to a third country are restricted due to safety reasons.
Suruõhk tolmu ja lahtise mustuse eemaldamiseks raskesti ligipääsetavatest kohtadest. Suruõhu abil saab puhastada elektroonilisi seadmeid, arvuteid, klaviatuure, printereid, koopiamasinaid, rahalugemismasinaid, kontoriseadmeid, seina- ja käekelli, fotoaparaate, filme, õmblusmaisnaid jne.
Kuivmääre objektidele, kus on vaja jälgi mitte jätvat määret. Tõrjub vett, õli, mustust, tolmu. Ei sisalda õli ega määret. Säilitab omadused –240° - +300°C juures. Vastab US MIL-L-60326 nõuetele. Kasutuskohad: Metall-, puit-, plast-, nahk- ja tekstiilpinnad. Liugpinnad, terad, mööbliesemed, tekstiilimasinad, plastvaluvormid, rihmtransportöörid, liugrööpad, lõikurid jne.
Kaitselakk Moodustab heleda, paindliku kile, mille kaudu saab joota. Rakendused: Elektroonika hooldus ja tootmine. Kaitseb trükkplaate, elektrimootoreid, trafosid, jooniseid jne.
Toote üksikasjad3M Bumpon™ SJ5012 Mustad elastsed kummijaladTutvustame 3Mi SJ5012 Bumpon™ kummijalgu, mis on isekleepuvad, ümmargused, lamedate otstega polüuretaanist vibratsioonivastased kinnitused. Need mustad kummijalad tagavad libisemisvastase funktsionaalsuse ja taluvad tugevat survet. SJ5012 sobivad suurepäraselt kasutamiseks kodus või tööl, toimides jalgade, põrkeraua või vahekaitsena.Silindriline tasane pind tagab suurepärase survekoormuse taluvuse ja libisemiskindluse.Need on väga mitmekülgsed ja neid saab kasutada peaaegu kõikjal, kus löömine, kriimustamine, nikerdamine, kraapimine, marrastamine, libisemine, vibratsioon või müra võib teie toote jaoks probleemiks olla.