Tootekood: EL26554 GTIN: 7630006320616 Stuudio varustus ja valgus > Softboksid ja vihmavarjud
Rotalux Speedring Bowens S-mount. The new strengthened Rotalux speedring ensures that the mechanical moveable parts will withstand hard work stress and when assembled and disassembled. Now just one Elinchrom speedring to build 11 Rotalux shapes. The blue and red colour marks will indicate and help how to setup square/ recta and strip shaped Rotalux Softboxes. Elinchrom speedrings could be identified by the Elinchrom brand, molded on the speedring.
Toote pilt
49,00 €
Rubber Cap WU-R1
Tootekood: VBW10201 GTIN: 18208271078 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Muud tarvikud
Toote pilt
9,00 €
RØDE SC15 300mm Lightning to USB-C Cable with cable management
Tootekood: SC15 GTIN: 698813006946 KAAMERAD > KOMPAKTKAAMERAD > Mikrofonide tarvikud
The SC15 is a high-quality Lightning Accessory Cable (USB-C to Lightning) designed to connect MFi-certified USB-C microphones to iOS devices. Measuring 300mm long, it is particularly suitable for connecting the VideoMic NTG to Apple mobile devices with a Lightning port and features a junction box for cable management. Note: This cable will not charge or sync your iOS device. Key Features: High-quality Lightning Accessory Cable (USB-C to Lightning) 300mm (11.8") long Junction box for cable management
Toote pilt
23,00 €
RØDE SC16 300mm USB-C to USB-C Cable
Tootekood: SC16 GTIN: 698813006953 KAAMERAD > KOMPAKTKAAMERAD > Mikrofonide tarvikud
USB-C - USB-C kaabel Mikrofoni ühendamiseks nutiseadmega Pikkus: 30 cm Kvaliteetne varjestatud kaabel Kaabli pide mugavaks kaablihalduseks SC16 on kvaliteetne USB-C - USB-C kaabel, mis on loodud USB-C väljundiga RØDE mikrofonide ühendamiseks USB-C ühendusega seadmetega. 30 cm pikkune kaabel on ülipaindlik, võimaldades selle hõlpsalt seadmete külge kinnitada. Sellel on ka praktiline pide, mis ühildub VideoMic NTG shock mount´i kaablihaldussüsteemiga. Kaabel sobib eriti hästi VideoMic NTG ühendamiseks USB-C nutiseadmetega, kuid töötab ka kõigi teiste USB-C väljundiga RØDE seadmetega, sealhulgas NT-USB Mini, Wireless GO ja RØDECaster Pro.
Toote pilt
15,00 €
SAMYANG AF 12mm F/2.0 Fuji X
Tootekood: 117479 GTIN: 8809298887681 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid
The focal length and high optical quality make the Samyang AF 12mm f /2.0 E a perfect lens for landscape, travel, interior design and architectural photography. With a brightness of f /2.0, it is also excellent for astrophotography.
Toote pilt
479,00 €
SAMYANG AF 135mm F/1.8 Sony FE
Tootekood: 118773 GTIN: 8809298887919 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid
Uus valgusjõuline AF 135 mm F1.8 FE teleobjektiiv on optimeeritud portreede, ööfotografia ja videovõtete vajadusi silmas pidades. Objektiivil on juba varasemast tuttavad fookuse lukustamise, teravustamisulatuse piiraja ning muudetava funktsiooniga nupp. Kõik see on ühendatud eeskujulike optiliste näitajatega ning pakitud kompaktsesse ning kergesse korpusesse. Optiliselt koosneb uus 135 mm fookuskaugusega objektiiv 13 läätsest (neist üks U-ASP, kaks HR ja kolm ED), mis on jagatud 11 gruppi. Koostööna Sony täiskaadri mõõdus sensoriga saavutatakse eeskujulik kontrastsus ja kujutise teravus kogu pildivälja ulatuses. Objektiivis kasutatav UA (Ultra-precision Aspherical) lääts aitab luua teie fotodele loomuliku uduse tausta ning eraldada portree- ning lähivõtetel fookuses oleva objekti selgelt taustast. AF 135 mm F1.8 FE disainiti kerge ning kompaktsena ja see kaalub vaid 772 grammi. Mikrotekstuuriga kaetud kummeeritud teravustamisrõngas ning tihendid kaitseks ilmastikumõjude eest võimaldavad selle objektiivi kasutamist ka keerulistes ilmastikuoludes. Objektiivilt leiame teravustamispunkti lukustamise nupu, muudetava funktsiooniga lüliti ja teravustamisvahemiku valiku lüliti. Muudetava funktsiooniga lüliti võimaldab teil näiteks muuta teravustamisrõnga keeramisel hoopis vaikselt avaarvu. Samyang Lens Station´i abiga saate objektiivi kohandada enda vajadustele ning tulevikus lisatakse tarkvarauuendustega ka täiendavaid võimalusi funktsioonilülitile. Focus Hold nupu vajutamisel hoitakse fookust valitud kaugusel. Kaamerast on sellele nupule võimalik omistada ka teisi seadistusi – näiteks silmale teravustamist (Eye AF). Objektiivis Samyang AF 135 mm F1.8 FE on teravustamiseks kasutusel Samyang´i linear STM (samm-mootor), mille vaikne töö võimaldab objektiivi kasutada nii video- kui fotovõteteks. Lähimaks teravustamiskauguseks on eeskujulik 0,69 meetrit, mis annab lähipildistamiseks suurenduse 0,243x – eriti sobilik detailide esile toomiseks pehmest udustatud taustast. Olulisimad omadused Suurepärane pildikvaliteet. Eeskujulik tausta hägustamine. Tihendid kaitseks ilmastikumõjude eest. Kiire, täpne ja vaikne automaatteravustamine. Muudetava funktsiooniga nupud. Minimaalne teravustamiskaugus vaid 0,69 meetrit. Kaalub vaid 772 grammi. Filtrikeerme läbimõõt 82 mm.
Toote pilt
910,00 €
SAMYANG AF 24-70mm F/2.8 Sony FE
Tootekood: 117792 GTIN: 8809298887704 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid
Kõige universaalsema fookusvahemikuga Samyang AF 24-70 mm F2.8 FE objektiiv sobib väga paljudeks võtteolukordadesks. Samyang´i lineaarse STM (Stepping Motor) töö on raskete läätsegruppide liigutamisel vaikne, kiire ja täpne. Videovõtetel saate fookuspunkti üleminekud muuta sujuvateks ja filmilikeks. Fookuspunkti saate suumimisel hoida muutumatuna (par-focal function) ning „focus breathing“ fookuskauguse muutmisel on viidud miinimumini. Teravustamisrõnga tunnetus käsitsi teravustamisel on viidud võimalikult lähedaseks käsitsi teravustatavate objektiivide liikumisele, et videovõtetel säiliks teile juba sisse harjunud tunnetus. The new 24-70 is adapted for many different types of situations with requirements for high image quality. It´s a versatile lens that works great for portraits, landscapes and lifestyle. With Samyang´s linear STM (Stepping Motor) it satisfies both photographers and videographers by quieter and more accurate control of large and heavy focusing lens groups. It operates fast yet quietly and smoothly in video recording and provides cinematic transitions. The Par-focal function maintains the focus on the subject when zooming in/out and minimizes focus breathing. The linear MF control provides convenience to video shooters by realizing the torque of the focus ring as closely as possible to that of a manual video lens when shooting video in manual mode. Thanks to an advanced optical construction that consists of 17 elements in 14 groups (2 ASP, 1 H-ASP, 3 HR and 3 ED) the lens will provide a stunning image quality with great corner-to corner sharpness. The lens uses a large f/2.8 aperture to provide smooth background blur and effectively separates the subject and the background using a shallow depth of field to capture a unique image of an ultra-wide angle in which the background is compressed. The 9 blades create a smooth and natural bokeh. The housing is made of lightweight aluminium and weight is 1027g without lens hood. Weather sealing protects the lens and ensures that you can use it even in harsh weather conditions. The focus ring has a micropattern texture to give the user a great grip and feels good to operate. On the side of the lens is a custom switch that lets the user adjust the aperture with the focus ring. Using the Lens Station, you can sеt different function to the switch (more functions will be added trough firmware update in the future). Key specifications: Great image quality f/2.8 thru entire zoom range Weather sealed Works great for both video and photo
Toote pilt
910,00 €
Samyang AF 35-150mm F2-2.8 L mount
Tootekood: 128249 GTIN: 8809298889197 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid
35–150 mm universaalsuumobjektiiv Valgusjõuline – maksimaalne f/2–2.8 ava Kiire ja täpne teravustamismootor Tolmu- ja ilmastikukindel konstruktsioon L-bajonetiga täiskaader kaameratele 35–150 mm universaalsuumobjektiiv maksimaalse f/2–2.8 avaga Suurepärane objektiiv, mis toob pildistatava udustatud taustast esile Mitmed videograafidele suunatud funktsioonid: Dolly Shot, digitaalne Par-Focal funktsioon, sujuv fookuspunkti liikumine, minimeeritud focus breathing Kiire, vaikne ja täpne Linear STM teravustamismootor Lisatud tihendid kaitsevad objektiivi kerge vihma, lume ja tolmu eest Seadistatav lüliti ja fookuse hoidmise nupp Üks objektiiv kõigeks. Samyang’i uus suumobjektiiv on universaalne, kattes enimkasutatavad fookuskaugused – 35, 50, 85 mm – ning ulatudes kuni 150 mm kaugusele. Kuigi see objektiiv on peamiselt loodud portreefotograafidele, on see kasulik ka reklaamide, ürituste ja reiside jäädvustamiseks. Suurepärane pildikvaliteet. Objektiivi optiline konstruktsioon koosneb 21 läätsest (sh 2 ASP, 1 HB, 3 H-ASP ja 6 ED elementi), mis on jagatud 18 grupiks, et tagada eeskujulik pildikvaliteet kogu pika suumivahemiku ulatuses. UMC (Ultra Multi-Coating) vääristus minimeerib peegeldusi, mis aitab omakorda säilitada loomulikke värve ning saavutada selgeid ja kontrastseid kaadreid. Imeline taustahägu Maksimaalse f/2–2.8 ava aitab tõhusalt eraldada objekti taustast ja üheksa diafragmalamelli loovad ühtlase ja meeldiva tausta hägustamise. Kiire ja vaikne teravustamismootor. Objektiivis on kasutusel Samyang’i Linear STM teravustamismootor, mis pakub kiiret, vaikset ja täpset teravustamist. See sobib suurepäraselt ka videotöös kasutamiseks. Objektiiv on disainitud parfokaalsena, mis on eriti kasulik videovõtetel. Kui oled käsitsi teravustamise režiimis (MF) mingile objektile teravustanud, siis ei ole suumimisel vaja fookust korrigeerida. See võimaldab videovõtetel aega kokku hoida ning teisalt säilitada täpne ja stabiilne fookus. Ka focus breathing on selle objektiivi puhul viidud miinimumini. Lühike lähim teravustamiskaugus. Selle objektiivi lähim teravustamiskaugus on 35 mm juures 32 cm ja 150 mm juures 85 cm. Tänu objektiivi lahtisele avale võimaldab see luua ainulaadse perspektiiviga võtteid, millel objektiivi läheduses olev objekt eraldub kaunilt hägustatud taustast. Funktsionaalsus. Objektiivi küljel olevad muudetava funktsiooniga lülitid ja nupud võimaldavad kasutajal objektiivi enda vajadustele vastavaks kohandada. Samyang Lens Station (saadaval eraldi) võimaldab objektiivi kohandada Sinu vajaduste järgi. Ilmastikukindel disain. AF 35-150 mm f/2-2.8 on ilmastikukindla disainiga. 12 tihendit erinevates objektiivi piirkondades aitavad vältida tolmust, kergest vihmast või lumest tekkida võivaid kahjustusi.
Toote pilt
1359,00 €
SAMYANG AF 85mm f/1.4 Nikon F
Tootekood: 111708 GTIN: 8809298885847 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid
Fast telephoto autofocus with Nikon F mount and autofocus. Fits both full-frame and APS-C models. Perfect for portrait photography. The Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4 F offers high performance in a small but durable package. This weather sealed autofocus lens is perfect for Nikon photographers who love to take portraits with beautiful background bokeh, but dislikes carrying unnecessarily large and heavy equipment. The weight is only 480 grams while the length is 75 mm. The advanced optical construction is designed to match even the most high-resolution DSLR cameras with full-frame sensors, but the lens also works well on Nikon models with APS-C size sensors. Upgraded AF motor In order to provide as fast, accurate and quiet autofocus as possible, Samyang has used its new, upgraded autofocus motor Dual LSM (Linear Supersonic Motor). Focusing also occurs internally, with just one single element being moved, which means that the length of the lens remains the same regardless of focus distance. If you prefer to focus manually, the lens has a wide and user friendly focus ring. The aperture is electronically controlled, which means that you can use all exposure and light metering modes the camera has to offer. A lens for attractive bokeh Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4 F may be small and light, but inside the weather sealed housing is 9 elements divided into 7 groups. The design includes a hybrid aspherical element that ensures maximum sharpness even at the largest apertures, which are commonly used in a lens for portrait photography. Samyang´s effective Ultra Multi Coating (UMC) ensures that the images always show high contrast and brilliance as well as neutral color reproduction. To reduce the risk of reflexes in strong side light, the user can mount an included lens hood. The aperture has 9 blades, which contribute to render out of focus areas in a soft and attractive way. Summary of important features: Fast 85mm telephoto lens with Nikon F mount (full-frame) Quick and quiet autofocus plus auto exposure Soft a
Toote pilt
719,00 €
SARAMONIC Blink 500Pro B1 2,4 GHz wirelss system
Tootekood: 114903 GTIN: 6971008027563 Juhtmeta mikrofonid
Blink 500Pro B1 2,4 GHz wirelss system viivad juhtmevaba helisalvestuse täiesti uuele tasemele. Uus seeria toob rea olulisi täiustusi, mida sisuloojad, videograafid ja otseülekannete edastajad on soovinud. Suurema leviulatusega - kuni 100 meetrit ja aku tööajaga kuni 8 tundi on kasutajatel nüüd oluliselt suurem vabadus ringi liikuda ning võttepäevi planeerida. Ühest laadimiskorrast piisab terveks päevaks! Uues kahe kanaliga vastuvõtja (RX) komplektis on kaasas mõlemad, TRS ja TRRS väljundkaablid. Need võimaldavad süsteemi ideaalselt kasutada kaamerate, salvestite, mikserpultide, kaasaegsete arvutite, nutitelefonide ja tahvelarvutitega, millel on olemas 3,5 mm pesad. Blink 500 Pro komplekti vastuvõtjast on võimalik välja võtta kas mono- või stereosignaal – seega saate kahe saatja kasutamisel soovi korral suunata ühe vestluspartneri signaali paremasse ning teise oma vasakusse kanalisse. Saatjatesse on sisse ehitatud uus muljetavaldava -39 dB tundlikkusega ring-suunadiagrammiga mikrofon. See tagab puhta ja selge heli juba saatja kasutamisel. Saatjat on hõlpsasti võimalik kinnitada särgi või krae külge. Samas toimib see ka traditsioonilise bodypack-saatjana, kui lisate komplektis kaasas oleva SR-M1 reväärimikrofoni. Saramonic Blink 500 Pro B1 seadmetega saate lisaks mikrofonist tulevale signaalile edastada juhtmevabalt ka audioseadme liiniväljundi signaali. See muudab süsteemi väga mitmekülgseks. Saate kasutada komplekti kuuluvat reväärimikrofoni, ühendada suundmikrofoni, lisada mikrofoniga peakomplekti või ükskõik millise 3,5 mm TRS väljundiga mikrofoni. Helivaljuse saate reguleerida täpselt vajalikule tasemele. Nii vastuvõtjal kui ka saatjal on suur ja selge OLED ekraan, mis võimaldab teil hoida silma peal sisendi režiimil, mikrofoni helitasemel, ühenduvusel jpm. Uus on ka seadmekomplekti karp, millel on nüüd lisaks mikrofonide kaitsmisele ka laadimisfunktsioon karbis olevast akupangast või välise toiteallika kaudu – saatjad ning vastuvõtja karpi ja liikudes ühest võttekohast teise on nad jälle laetud
Toote pilt
235,00 €
Saramonic juhtmevaba mikrofon Blink 500 B4 Lightning
Tootekood: 111918 GTIN: 6971008024548 Juhtmeta mikrofonid
Saramonic juhtmevaba mikrofon Blink 500 B4 Lightning on loodud iOS toodetele, milledel on Lightning ühendus. Isegi tahvli või nutitelefoniga video salvestamisel on kvaliteetse juhtmevaba mikrofoni kasutamine ülioluline hea heli salvestamiseks. Saramonic on valmistanud uue Blink 500 mikrofonisüsteemi, mis on üks väiksematest ning kergematest saadaolevatest juhtmevabadest komplektidest. Vaatamata komplekti kompaktsusele on edastatav heli kvaliteetne ning tänu kasutamise lihtsusele eriti sobiv professionaalseks helisalvestuseks ajakirjanikele, vloggeritele ning teistele sisutootjatele, kelle töös on lisaks kvaliteedile väga olulised ka töö alustamise kiirus ning lihtsus. Saramonic Blink 500 on kaasaskantav ja multifunktsionaalne 2,4G traadita mikrofonisüsteem, mida saab kasutada korraga maksimaalselt kahe saatjaga ühe vastuvõtjaga. Blink 500 sobib nii kaamerate, nutitelefonide kui ka kaasaskantavate salvestajate, mikserite jms jaoks. Praegu on see maailmas esimene, millel on erinevate seadmete jaoks saadaval kolm erinevat versiooni. Vali õige komplekt! Mikrofoni töökaugus on 30m (koos takistusega). Saatja toiteallikaks on laetavad liitiumpatareid, mis võimaldavad sul pikka aega filmida, ilma et peaksid muretsema akude tühjenemise pärast.
Toote pilt
245,00 €
Saramonic Vmic Mini Compact mirrorless & Smartphone Mic
Tootekood: 110355 GTIN: 6971008026078 KAAMERAD > KOMPAKTKAAMERAD > Shotgun mikrofonid
Condenser microphone for system cameras and smartphones. The Saramonic Vmic Mini is a compact directional condenser microphone which adds high-quality audio to your videos. Suitable for use on a DSLR / mirroless system camera or smartphone. The cardioid condenser microphone capsule reduces distracting peripheral sounds and focuses on the audio in front of the camera. The integrated shock mount is helpful to prevent mechanically transmitted noise. Equipped with standard cold shoe mount, 3.5mm audio output and two enclosed TRS & TRRS spiral cables.
Toote pilt
50,00 €
SB-5000 Speedlight
Tootekood: FSA04301 GTIN: 18208950140 Välklambid
Pildistage õiges valguses meie esimese raadio teel juhitava kiirvälguga SB-5000. Kiire, usaldusväärne, mitmekülgne kiirvälk SB-5000 pakub ainulaadset valgustusvõimsust nii välitööl kui ka stuudios. Raadiosignaalid lasevad töötada 30-meetrise vahemaaga ning võimaldavad keerukaid kaameraväliste ja -siseste seadmete kombinatsioone: nüüd saate töötada igas keskkonnas, kui otsenähtavus on takistatud või ere päiksevalgus on nõrgendanud optilist signaali. Uus sisseehitatud jahutussüsteem võimaldab välgu täisvõimsusel teha rohkem kui 100 kiirvõtet. Ja fotograafidele, kellel pole pildistamisel hetkegi kaotada, pakub kerge kompaktne kiirvälk SB-5000 intuitiivseks kasutamiseks selgeid juhtelemente.
Toote pilt
709,00 €
Tootekood: FSA906CA GTIN: 18208048038 Välklambid
Täiuslik juhtmevaba välklambi komplekt täisautomaatseks Close-up fotograafiaks. Sisaldab 2 SB-R200 Remote Speedlight välku SU-800 Juhtmevaba Commander seade SW-12 Hajuti eestvalguse korral. Adapter rõngad 52/62/67/72/77mm objektiivi keermele. Komplektile kaasas pehme vutlar.
Toote pilt
798,00 €
Tootekood: FSA906BA GTIN: 18208048045 Välklambid
Unique Wireless Speedlight system kit for fully automatic Close-up photographic exposures. This kit comprises of two SB-R200 Remote units attached to the lens, triggered by the pop up flash of the D70s or D200. Fully automatic TTL exposure calculation and synchronization is carried out using infrared wireless communication between the camera’s metering system and the remote units. The kit includes adaptors for frontal lighting, filters, and adaptor rings for the most popular Nikkor lens filter screw threads. Additional SB-R200 units or SB-800 and SB-600 units can be added to add an entirely new dimension to illuminating subjects in a wide variety of photographic situations as well. This kit configuration is recommended for D70/D70s/D200 customers.
Toote pilt
619,00 €
Tootekood: FSA90601 GTIN: 18208048052 Välklambid
Nikoni juhtmevaba lähivõtte kiirvälgu süsteemi kompaktne, kuid võimas kiirvälgu komponent. Seade on ühendatud NIKKORi objektiiviga ja see tuleb käivitada käsujuhi režiimis i-TTL-kaameraga või kiirvälguga SU-800 või SB-800. Paindlik väljastus ja lihtsad analoognupud muudavad käsitsirežiimi juhtimise hõlpsaks.
225,00 €
Tootekood: FSG02701 GTIN: 18208047666 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaablid ja juhtmed
TTL Multi-Flash sünkroniseerimisjuhe kinnitub kergelt kaamera ning välise välklambi külge. Ühildub D750, D800,D610, SB-300, SB-5000, SB-500, SB-910, SB-700, SB-400, SB-800, SU-800, SB-900, SB-600.
Toote pilt
57,00 €
Seikluskaamera Insta360 ACE PRO
Tootekood: 471898 GTIN: 6970357856251 SEIKLUSKAAMERA
Flagship 1/1.3´´ Sensor. A larger sensor captures more light, has better dynamic range, and superior imaging. Co-Engineered with Leica. Industry legends bring all their expertise in optical design and imaging. Unbeatаble Low Light Image Quality. Powered by a 5nm AI chip for exceptional low light performance with PureVideo. Next-Level Daytime Shooting. Get stunning clarity with Active HDR Video and jaw-dropping visuals with 4K120fps slow-mo. 2.4´´ Flip Touchscreen. Precise control and shot preview through the flexible touchscreen. Adventure Ready. Waterproof to 33ft (10m), fast charging to 80% in just 22 mins. FlowState Stabilization. Gimbal-like stabilization and 360° Horizon Lock for ultra smooth shots. Easy Shooting and Sharing. Convenient features like pause/resume recording, gesture control, and the AI Highlights Assistant. GO HANDS-FREE. AI-POWERED GESTURE CONTROL Experience an easier way to film. Give the sign to start/stop recording or take a photo. Perfect for group selfies, noisy environments or if you don´t want to draw attention to yourself! VOICE CONTROL 2.0
475,00 €
Seikluskaamera Insta360 ONE RS 4K Edition
Tootekood: 033330 GTIN: 6970357853335 SEIKLUSKAAMERA
Insta360 ONE RS 4K Edition. Get even more recording options. With the Insta360 ONE RS modular camera, you can easily create excellent quality 6K videos and 48MP photos. The features available in the Insta360 app will help you unleash your creativity, and the built-in microphone provides high quality audio. The camera is waterproof to a depth of 5m, and its long-lasting battery ensures a long life. With ONE RS you can also enjoy reliable footage stabilization. Now you have everything you need in one device! Enhanced 4K Boost lens. The new 4K Boost lens is the perfect option for athletes and people who want to create dynamic yet detailed shots on the move. The improved 1/2″ sensor allows you to take stunning 48MP photos and record 4K/60FPS videos. With the 4K Boost lens, you can also enjoy 2 innovative modes. Active HDR provides video stabilization when you move and offers rich detail in both bright and dark areas. Widescreen 6K mode allows you to record superb quality 6K footage in the classic 2.35:1 aspect ratio. Cinematic-level movies are at your fingertips! Reliable stabilization. Create incredibly smooth, dynamic shots and forget about unwanted shake. FlowState stabilization will give you fantastic results. No more wasting time editing your footage! There is also a Horizon Lock function that allows you to perfectly level the horizon. No matter how much you tilt the camera - the result is stunning! Improved operation. Operating the camera is incredibly easy and fun. The user-friendly Quick Menu provides quick access to default recording modes, and 50% faster WiFi allows for seamless file transfers. Instant Zoom provides up to 2.7x digital zoom, and an additional microphone and Wind Noise Reduction algorithm provide crystal clear, crisp audio. There´s also a special Quick Reader accessory that makes it convenient to transfer footage without WiFi. Just plug it into the camera, save the files to an SD card, then plug it into your phone to start editing! Carefully thought-out design. This unique camera can accompany you almost anywhere. It is extremely light and compact, yet robust. It´s also waterproof. You can submerge it to depths of up to 5m without worry. What´s more, its improved lens mount allows you to change lenses quickly and its heat dissipation panel ensures the ONE RS won´t overheat. A windproof microphone cover is also available so you can record excellent audio quality even in challenging conditions. Plus, the 1445mAh battery gives you even longer battery life. Easy editing. With the Insta360 app, editing your footage becomes easier than ever before. A host of smart features let you make your videos more attractive and unique. Deep Track 2.0 will keep your subject in the center of the frame while you record, and you can create fantastic Timelapse and TimeShift shots. Slow down the pace by up to 8x with the 4K Boost lens - anything is possible with Slow Motion! What´s more, those who prefer to edit footage on a computer can use the free Insta360 Studio or plug-ins for Adobe Premiere Pro. More than just a sports camera. The Insta360 ONE RS is more than just a sports camera. It will also prove itself as a webcam. It´s compatible with platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. It´s a great solution when studying or working remotely! There are also accessories available to help you record - such as various adapters and mounts, as well as a waterproof case for the 4K Boost lens. In the box: Insta360 ONE RS camera 4K Boost Lens ONE RS Battery Base ONE RS Mounting Bracket Charging cable Lens Cloth
349,00 €
Seikluskaamera Insta360 ONE RS Twin Edition
Tootekood: 1367320 GTIN: 6970357852949 SEIKLUSKAAMERA
Insta360 ONE RS Twin Edition – Waterproof 4K 60fps Action Camera & 5.7K 360 Camera with Interchangeable Lenses, Stabilization, 48MP Photo, Active HDR, AI Editing 4K Boost Lens & 5.7K 360 Lens: Get two cameras in one with Insta360 ONE RS. Swap between the new 4K Boost Lens for stunningly detailed wide-angle videos and the 360 Lens for endless creative possibilities. FlowState Stabilization: Buttery smooth image stabilization, no matter what lens you use. The powerful RS Core now delivers FlowState stabilization in camera when paired with the wide-angle lenses. No editing needed. 48MP Photo & 6K Widescreen Mode: With the 4K Boost Lens, capture photos with 4x more megapixels and ultra-detailed 6K widescreen video, thanks to a new 48MP sensor. Invisible Selfie Stick: Don´t ruin the view with an ugly selfie stick! The 360 Lens makes the Invisible Selfie Stick totally disappear from your shots for impossible drone-like footage and third-person perspectives. In the Box: 1x 4K Boost Lens, 1x 360 Lens, 1x ONE RS Core, 1x ONE RS Battery Base, 1x Lens Cap for 360 Lens and 1x ONE RS Mounting Bracket.
Toote pilt
635,00 €
SG-3IR Panel for built-in flash
Tootekood: FXA10358 GTIN: 18208049059 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Muud tarvikud
Attaches to camera flash shoe and covers the camera’s built-in flash to prevent it from influencing the exposure. For use when the built-in flash of a camera is used as a Commander to fire Speedlights wirelessly.
Toote pilt
25,00 €
SHOKZ OpenFit Black
Tootekood: 470996 GTIN: 810092675747 KAAMERAD > KOMPAKTKAAMERAD > Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid
Shokz OpenFit Open-Ear True Wireless Earbuds (Black) OpenFit continues the Shokz open-ear concept to let users enjoy all-day comfort and hear their own soundtrack while staying open to the world around them. OpenFit offers an ultra-lightweight, open-ear construction to hear both your own audio and every sound around you with crystal clarity. DirectPitch™ technology produces a full audio experience to immerse yourself in your favorite songs, podcasts, and audiobooks. A flexible ear hook design combines stability and comfort. Moments are precious, and OpenFit gives you the freedom to hear every one of them. Every Sound, Uncovered OpenFit continues the Shokz open-ear concept with a compact earbud design. OpenFit is built around the ear, leaving the inner ear open to keep you engaged with the world. Feel Nothing but Comfort The ear cushion core is engineered with a dual-layered liquid silicone that gives a pliable fit for every ear shape while avoiding discomfort from even extended wear. Spend a whole day of engaged conversation and musical feasts in total contoured comfort. Made for Every Ear A dolphin arc ear hook design with a built-in 0.7mm ultra-fine flexible memory wire provides an ergonomic fit that can gently adapt to your natural ear shape. Go Unnoticed Optimizing the design and material of open-ear earbuds, OpenFit is compact and light, weighing just 8.3 grams. The earbuds and battery compartment provide a perfect balance that makes you forget you’re even wearing them. Bright Highs and Deep Lows DirectPitch Technology Shokz introduces DirectPitchTM, a brand-new audio experience made for OpenFit. It allows for premium audio quality that perfectly balances bold highs, clear mids, and surging bass. A Live Concert Just for You Low-Frequency Enhancement Algorithm For a true audio experience, Shokz OpenBassTM is a proprietary low-frequency enhancement algorithm to carry low frequency vibrations directly toward your ear without covering it. Dynamic Range Control dynamically adjusts the EQ in real-time, providing a rich and natural listening experience under any volume. The Shokz app provides for preset EQ modes as well as customization, giving you a private concert on the go. Acoustic Excellence Customized Dynamic Drivers OpenFit features a powerful 18 11mm customized dynamic driver unit built with an ultra-light composite diaphragm crafted from carbon fiber and a polymer surround. The inner dome-shaped cap is made of a high-strength, ultra-lightweight carbon fiber that is 20 times stronger than steel, directing every acoustic vibration with incredible accuracy. The polymer surround amplifies the intensity of the diaphragm’s vibrations, delivering an immersive audio experience with deep bass notes. Fit and Secure To achieve a shape that provides a secure fit for different ear shapes,8 the Shokz Lab scanned a vast array of human ear data from all over the world. The ergonomic and flexible ear hook perfectly wraps around different curves of ears, providing a soft and secure grip. The split design between the earbud and battery balances the weight of the whole system, providing comfort and stability. Feel free to walk, run, and even jump, and OpenFit stays in place. As if You Were Here AI Call Noise Cancellation OpenFit uses AI Call Noise Cancellation technology to ensure call quality. This technology is tested and proven in common noisy call settings – such as stations and intersections – filtering out up to 99.7% of ambient noise.4 During a call, OpenFit captures the subtleties of the human voice in even noisy environments, placing the dual microphones at a prime position to form the most effective Adaptive Beamforming effect, enhancing noise cancellation. Hear and be heard loud and clear. According to the results of simulation experiments conducted by Shokz Lab for the intersection scene, AI noise cancellation can provide a maximum of 50dB signal-to-noise ratio improvement, which is equivalent to a 99.7% reduction of ambient noise, when the sound pressure level at the artificial head is 65-72dB(A). Always On…And We Mean it, Up to 28 Hours of Listening OpenFit provides up to 7 hours of listening on a single full charge. The protective charging case extends the earbuds to 28 hours of literal all-day listening. For those on the run, a quick 5-minute charge gives one hour of battery life.5 Never wait for the perfect time again. Up to 7 hours of battery life with a single charge Up to 28 hours total listening time with the charging case A quick 5-minute charge provides 1 hour of listening time Easy Control, Right on the Bud Audio playback and calls can be controlled directly on the built-in touchpads, truly freeing your hands without additional phone operation. The touchpads take double-tap and press-and-hold controls and more customized control through the Shokz app. IP54 Water Resistance OpenFit features IP54 water resistance and is designed with a double-layer waterproof steel mesh and gauze for additional protection and enhanced sound performance.6 During your sweatiest of workout sessions, keep enjoying your music or audiobook worry-free. Technical Specifications: Speaker type: Air conduction transduer Frequency response: 50Hz-16kHz Speaker sensitivity: 95.5 dB±2.5dB Microphone sensitivity: -38 dB ±1dB Bluetooth®: version Bluetooth 5.2 Compatible profiles: A2DP,AVRCP,HSP,HFP Materials: Earbuds : PC , Silicone Charging case: PC Charge voltage: 5V±5% Frequency band: 2402MHz-2480MHz Wireless range: 33ft (10m) Battery: Li-Polymer battery Continuous play: OpenFit: Up to 7 hours of listening time with a single charge OpenFit with Charging Case: Up to 28 hours of listening time Standby time: Up to 10 days Charge time: Charge the earbuds with the charging case: 60 minutes; Empty case with charging cable: 120 minutes Quick charge A 5-minute charge gives 1 hour of battery life (music) Weight: Earbuds: 8.3g ± 0.2g Charging case: 57g ± 1g Total weight: 73.85g ± 1g Sweat resistance Earbuds : IP54 Charging case: Not waterproof Battery capacity Earbuds: 58mAh (Min) Charging case: 600mAh (Min) Audio codecs supported: AAC SBC
Toote pilt
199,00 €
SHOKZ OpenRun PRO Black
Tootekood: S810BK GTIN: 850033806359 KAAMERAD > KOMPAKTKAAMERAD > Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid
Shokz Openrun Pro Bone Conduction Wireless Bluetooth Headphones, Open-Ear, Standard Size (Black) Be open to pushing your limits. Introducing the Shokz OpenRun Pro. our most high-end sport headphones ever. They´re ready to redefine everything you knew about open-ear listening with improved tech including enhanced bass. a 10-hour battery life, and a quick charge feature. Our new flagship sport headphones feature the latest 9th generation bone conduction with two added bass enhancers and our signature situational awareness and comfortable fit you know and love. Key Features Shokz TurboPitch Technology for Enhanced EOSS Open-ear design ensures comfort and safety Titanium frame for secure fit 10 hours of music & calls IP55 water-resistant durable and reliable Dual noise-cancelling microphone Quick charge 20% smaller in size for balanced weight distribution Shokz app Technical Specifications Speaker type: bone conduction transducers Frequency response: 20Hz~20KHz Sensitivity: 105 ± 3dB Microphone: -38dB ± 3dB Bluetooth version: v5.0 Compatible profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, HFP Wireless range: 33 ft (10m) Battery: lithium polymer 140mAH Continuous play: 10 hours Standby time: 10 days Charge time: 1 hours Quick charge: Yes, 5 min charge for 1.5 hours of usage Weight: 29g Sweat resistance: IP55 What´s Included Shokz Openrun Pro Headphones USB Magnetic charging cable Carrying case
Toote pilt
199,00 €
Tootekood: VHC04801 GTIN: 18208259625 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Kaitske oma Nikon COOLPIX W300 kaamerat kriimustuste, mustuse ja tolmu eest. Kaitseümbris istub täpselt ümber kaamera korpuse ja on tehtud siledast kaitsematerjalist, millest on väga hea kinni hoida. Kaamera objektiivid, välklamp ja juhikud (sh ekraan) jäävad ümbrisest välja, et pildistamine oleks võimalikult lihtne. Avatud juurdepääs portidele ja piludele muudab SD-kaardi ja akude vahetamise või laadija ühendamise imelihtsaks. Sobib ideaalselt välitingimustes kasutamiseks või kaamera kaitsmiseks väikeste täkete või mõlkide eest, mis võivad tekkida seljakotis kandmisel. Mõõtmed (pikkus x laius x sügavus): umbes 111,4 x 66 x 28,7 mm Materjal: Silikoon
Toote pilt
29,00 €
SIRUI Monopod P-325FL
Tootekood: 118824 GTIN: 6952060025575 Statiivid > Üksjalad
SIRUI P-325FS and P-325FL are advanced photo/video monopods that combine functions of monopods, monopod with feet, extension rods, and tabletop-tripods intο a whole. The innovative modular design, lightweight and flip-lock mechanism are going to provide you with more convenience and creative opportunities. Sirui Monopod P-325FL For Photo/Video The carbon fiber structure gives the P-325FL monopod a weight of only 1.2 kg, which is 20% lighter than previous models from SIRUI. Weighing about the same as a mirrorless camera, this monopod is of great portability for doing outdoor shoots. The monopod features a unique modular design; Four modules, including the mounting plate, main tube section, tripod foot, rubber foot, can be detached and combined freely to form a monopod, an extension rod, or a tabletop tripod. Quick Release System The quick release system has a distinct advantage over the locking knob system. Pull down the top/bottom quick release sleeve to detach modules in a quick and easy way. Thanks to the trigger mechanism, even a mounting plate with heavy gear attached can be inserted intο the quick release sleeves within a second. When inserted, the mounting plate will be locked securely intο place. Quick release mounting screw Press and hold the button to take out the screw. Flip the screw upside down to switch between the 1/4" and 3/8" thread. Quick release tripod base Remove the rubber foot from the tripod base and attach it to the bottom of the main tube to form an extension rod or normal monopod. 360° Panning The upper twist collar has a groove-textured surface for quick adjustment while shooting. Unlock the upper twist collar to get a full 360°panning ability. Quick Leveling Two bubble levels on the base allow you to always keep the monopod in good balance even when you are doing highly mobile outdoor shoots 36° Tilting Use the ball locking knob to adjust the friction of the ball. Loosen the ball locking knob and tilt the monopod 36° in any direction to get a lot of movements. Full-Featured Tripod Foot The tripod foot is well built with solid aluminum, offering two positions at your choice. Legs can be folded up reversely to fit intο your backpack. Rubber & Spike Foot The monopod comes with a rubber foot that can be retracted to reveal a spike. Combine functions of monopods with feet, monopod, extension rods, and tabletop-tripod: Monopod with feet Video recordings where you can move smoothly, but still with stability. Monopod Event shooting, interview shooting, high-angle shooting, places where the tripod is not an option Extension Rod Highly mobile situations, weight distribution of telephoto lenses, a telescopic stick for stabilizers or action cameras Table Tripod Low-angle shooting, desktop recording, close-up shots, vlog shooting.
Toote pilt
199,00 €
Tootekood: 118825 GTIN: 6952060025568 Statiivid > Üksjalad
SIRUI P-325FS and P-325FL are advanced photo/video monopods that combine functions of monopods, monopod with feet, extension rods, and tabletop-tripods intο a whole. The innovative modular design, lightweight and flip-lock mechanism are going to provide you with more convenience and creative opportunities. The carbon fiber structure gives the P-325FS monopod a weight of only 1.17 kg, which is 21% lighter than previous models from SIRUI. Weighing about the same as a mirrorless camera, this monopod is of great portability for doing outdoor shoots. The monopod features a unique modular design; Four modules, including the mounting plate, main tube section, tripod foot, rubber foot, can be detached and combined freely to form a monopod, an extension rod, or a tabletop tripod. Quick Release System The quick release system has a distinct advantage over the locking knob system. Pull down the top/bottom quick release sleeve to detach modules in a quick and easy way. Thanks to the trigger mechanism, even a mounting plate with heavy gear attached can be inserted intο the quick release sleeves within a second. When inserted, the mounting plate will be locked securely intο place. Quick release mounting screw Press and hold the button to take out the screw. Flip the screw upside down to switch between the 1/4" and 3/8" thread. Quick release tripod base Remove the rubber foot from the tripod base and attach it to the bottom of the main tube to form an extension rod or normal monopod. 360° Panning The upper twist collar has a groove-textured surface for quick adjustment while shooting. Unlock the upper twist collar to get a full 360°panning ability. Quick Leveling Two bubble levels on the base allow you to always keep the monopod in good balance even when you are doing highly mobile outdoor shoots 36° Tilting Use the ball locking knob to adjust the friction of the ball. Loosen the ball locking knob and tilt the monopod 36° in any direction to get a lot of movements. Full-Featured Tripod Foot The tripod foot is well built with solid aluminum, offering two positions at your choice. Legs can be folded up reversely to fit intο your backpack. Rubber & Spike Foot The monopod comes with a rubber foot that can be retracted to reveal a spike. Combine functions of monopods with feet, monopod, extension rods, and tabletop-tripod: Monopod with feet Video recordings where you can move smoothly, but still with stability. Monopod Event shooting, interview shooting, high-angle shooting, places where the tripod is not an option Extension Rod Highly mobile situations, weight distribution of telephoto lenses, a telescopic stick for stabilizers or action cameras Table Tripod Low-angle shooting, desktop recording, close-up shots, vlog shooting
Toote pilt
184,00 €
SIRUI ST-124+VA-5 Carbon Tripod WPS with Video Head
Tootekood: 115632 GTIN: 6952060012353 Statiivid > Videojalad ja lisatarvikud
Prime tripod for smaller Video-cameras and Spottingscopes. Sirui ST-124+VA-5 Carbon Tripod Video Kit The Sirui Standard Series tripods are compact, lightweight, strong and waterproof. Packed with features they are the perfect match mirrorless and compact DSLR cameras made for Video. Leightweight and strong carbon fiber sections provide the ultimate stability for your camera. The large leg diameters enhance the strength of the carbon layers. The unique triangle shaped center column allows for a more compact design as well as a sturdier center section. The center column can be reversed to achieve ultra low shooting sections. An extra feature is waterproof twist leg locks. This tripod have interchangeable rubber feet and metal spikes, and 4 section legs. SIRUI VA-5 Professional Fluid Video Head have a fluid system designed to produce smooth pans and tilts. And an internal spring-assisted counter-balance mechanism provides added support, smoother tilt movements and protection to your equipment. Forward/backward camera position adjustments for balance are fast and easy. And the dual safety lock system prevents the camera from falling off when the primary locking mechanism is loosened. To make horizontal alignment of the head extra easy, there are 2 bubble levels - one on the base of the head to align the tripod and one on top of the video head to align the camera (a SIRUI first!). Recommended for video and birdwatching.
300,90 €
Sirui statiiv 3T-35K Black
Tootekood: 102245 GTIN: 6952060002040 Statiivid > Statiivid
Multi-function mini-tripod. The little 3T series tripods are true all-rounders. They are small in size but big in versatility. Additional features include a 3T-35 ball had in matching colours. It will allow you to get your camera in place quickly and securely. The small tripod is extremely light and will accomplish any task. Whether as a hand-hold for action cams or as a table-top tripod with a system camera - it performs well in any situation.
Toote pilt
89,00 €
Sirui statiiv 3T-35R
Tootekood: 102246 GTIN: 6952060002064 Statiivid > Statiivid
Multi-function mini-tripod. The little 3T series tripods are true all-rounders. They are small in size but big in versatility. Additional features include a 3T-35 ball had in matching colours. It will allow you to get your camera in place quickly and securely. The small tripod is extremely light and will accomplish any task. Whether as a hand-hold for action cams or as a table-top tripod with a system camera - it performs well in any situation.
Toote pilt
89,00 €
SIRUI Videokit R-2004 + VH-10
Tootekood: 102865 GTIN: 6952060002897 Statiivid > Videojalad ja lisatarvikud
SIRUI Videokit R-2004 + VH-10. This kit fits perfect for DSLR cameras, videocameras and Spotting scopes, when you want to follow a subject with smooth pans, controlled tilts and seamless transitions. Complete together with a bag which fits tripod and mounted VH-10. Features: Tripod R-2004 Built-in bubble level helps make horizontal adjustments easy. For speed and convenience, each leg has an automatic leg angle lock mechanism 2 leg angle positions for uneven terrain Retractable spiked feet for outdoor photography. Videohead VH-10 Panning resistance is preset for amazingly smooth 360° pans and can be locked for precise framing. The SIRUI designed fluid head tilting mechanism (+70°/-90°) lets you steplessly adjust resistance - producing a smooth, professional look with heavy or lightweight systems. A counter-balance mechanism (2 kg) moves the head to a neutral position - this helps camera balance and reduces unsteady tilt sequences, even when no resistance is set. Increasing resistance will smooth out your tilts. By combining smooth panning motion with proper tilt resistance you´ll achieve a professional look and feel in your videos. While this precision-machined, forged aircraft aluminum video head weighs only 0.9kg, it can easily handle camera systems (camera, lens, grip, lights, etc.) weighing up to 6kg! Included in the box: Tripod witt mounted video head, VP-90 Quick Release plate, soft protective case, shoulder strap, telescoping handle, tools, instruction manual, warranty card
Toote pilt
250,00 €
SmallRig 1446 Top Handle Rubber
Tootekood: 112936 GTIN: 6941590010199 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
SmallRig 1446 Top Handle The good quality rubber handle is very good looking and the special design increases its friction during handheld shooting. It is equipped with a cold shoe on the top for attaching a microphone and other accessories. Compatibility: Universal Package Includes: 1 x Top Handle (Rubber) 1 x Hex Spanner 2 x 1/4´´Screw
Toote pilt
30,00 €
SMALLRIG 1693 Lock HDMI Protector
Tootekood: 112989 GTIN: 6972070623288 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
SMALLRIG 1693 Lock HDMI Protector. A universal HDMI clamp for various camera cages. It protects your wireless HDMI transmitter connections from being bumped or broken. The HDMI clamp could be adjusted and fitted for different HDMI cable. It attaches to a cage securely using a 1/4´´-20 screw. Includes:1x HDMI Lock
Toote pilt
25,00 €
SMALLRIG 2209 Cage for Atomos Ninja V
Tootekood: 113338 GTIN: 6972070626319 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
SMALLRIG 2209 Cage for Atomos Ninja V. The cage mounts to the monitor by a 1/4"-20 screw on the top and two M3 screws on the left side. Across the top and bottom the cage features multiple 1/4"-20, 3/8"-16 holes, and an ARRI locating mount point on the base. NATO rails are also provided along on both top and bottom to allow use with a range of SmallRig mounts such as SmallRig Ball Head Magic Arm 2071 or the 2072 for quick release. The cage includes a single HDMI cable clamp that works with a range of cables and is ideal for the AtomFlex 4k 60p cables. If required, the cage supports the use of a second SmallRig HDMI Cable Clamp 1693 for the HDMI output. It is attached on the left to protect the HDMI cable and port. For backwards compatibility with Atomos Master Caddy II, the cage also features Drive locks that incorporate the additional size of standard 2.5" drives into the cage’s form factor. It features raised attachment points on both the top and bottom of the cage for use with neck straps and to accommodate the Atomos Ninja V Sunhood frame. NOTE: 1.This cage is COMPATIBLE with the original Atomos Ninja V Sun hood. The Sun hood frame needs to be fitted before fitting the unit in to the cage and can remains in place providing additional protection and the folding sun hoods can easily be removed 2.If a sun hood is desired, please use SmallRig Sun Hood 2269 Package Includes: 1 x cage 1 x HDMI Clamp 1693 2 x 1/4" Screw 4 x M3 Screw 3 x Hex Spanner
Toote pilt
188,90 €
SMALLRIG 2269 Sun Hood for Atomos Ninja V
Tootekood: 113382 GTIN: 6972070625572 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
A dedicated sun hood fitted into the SmallRig Cage 2209 by 4 velcro tapes, which is easy to take on and removed. It helps to provide great viewing experience even in harsh lighting conditions. Measures: 406,5x95x5 mm. Weight: 63g. NOTE: This Sun Hood is designed to work with SmallRig Cage for Atomos Ninja V 2209.
Toote pilt
27,90 €
SmallRig 2670 Top Handle NATO w Remote Trigger for Sony Cameras
Tootekood: 114314 GTIN: 6941590001432 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
SmallRig 2670 Top Handle NATO w Remote Trigger for Sony Cameras.
Toote pilt
75,00 €
SmallRig 3008 Professional Kit for Sony A7S III
Tootekood: 114461 GTIN: 6941590001982 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
SmallRig 3008 Professional Kit for Sony A7S III including Cage 2999, Cableclamp 3000 and Wooden Handgrip 2093. Cage 2999: In addition to one cold shoe mount and multiple 1/4"-20 and 3/8"-16 threaded holes, this formfitting aluminum cage features seve SMALLRIG 3008 Professional Kit for Sony A7S III including Cage 2999, Cableclamp 3000 and Wooden Handgrip 2093. Cage 2999: In addition to one cold shoe mount and multiple 1/4"-20 and 3/8"-16 threaded holes, this formfitting aluminum cage features several ARRI-style mounts for preventing accessories from twisting when mounted on the cage. The cage also incorporates an anti-twist design with an M2.5 screw fixed to the strap hole in addition to the 1/4"-20 camera mounting screw so your camera can´t move around in the cage. You can attach SmallRig Top Handle 1984 or SmallRig Wooden Side Handle 2093 for hand-held shooting, and SmallRig Cable Clamp 3000 to protect the HDMI cable and port. ARRI-style mounts on the top and side are provided to attach SmallRig ARRI Locating Handle 2165 or SmallRig Ball Head Magic Arm 2115. It also comes with a built-in NATO rail on the left of the cage. Mounting holes on the front allow mounting a separately available SmallRig lens adapter 2219 or 1764. Strap holes are included to add a separately available wrist strap 2456,2398 or neck strap 2428 to your rig. Besides, a screwdriver is built into the bottom of the cage for tightening the camera screws. Cable Clamp 3000: This clamp attaches to the side of the cage using a 1/4"-20 screw and two anti-twist pins. The easy-to-grasp knurled 1/4"-20 screw adjusts a sliding block that can be tightened to accommodate HDMI cable of varying diameters. This Cable Clamp is constructed of a sturdy aluminum alloy and comes with an Allen wrench. Handgrip 2093: It is locked via two thumb screws and fits any cage featuring two 1/4"-20 threaded holes with 18mm distance on the side. The ergonomic side handle can be attached to left or right side by loosing the two scre
Toote pilt
173,90 €
SmallRig 3142 Cage & Sidehandle Kit for Nikon Z5/6/7 & Z6II/Z7II
Tootekood: 115628 GTIN: 6941590003344 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
1. Formfitting full Cage for Nikon Z5/Z6/Z7/Z6II/Z7II Camera 2. Multiple 1/4"-20 & ARRI 3/8"-16 Accessory Threads 3. Integrated Cold Shoe & NATO Rail 4. Locks Camera via 1/4"-20 & M2.5 Screw to Prevent Twisting 5. Built-In Flat Head Screwdriver with Allen Wrench on the Bottom 6. Fits any cage featuring Nato Rail on each side.
Toote pilt
330,00 €
SMALLRIG 3195 Cage For Nikon Z9
Tootekood: 118100 GTIN: 6941590007038 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
Designed to provide accessory mounts and protection for the Nikon Z9 camera. The cage secures to the camera with one 1/4´´-20 screw & locating pin at the bottom and the right side shoulder strap hole. Featuring multiple 1/4´´-20 threaded holes and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes, support SmallRig Top Handle 2165, Side Handle 2093, 2624, and Monitor Mount 2903. Comes with a cold shoe on the top to attach microphones, LED lights, etc. The bottom integrates an Arca Swiss plate that allows switching directly to tripod shooting and features multiple 1/4´´-20 threaded holes allowing for mounting DJI RS 2/RSC 2 Quick Release Plate (Upper) with two 1/4” screws. The front of the cage features two 1/4´´-20 threaded holes for Smallrig 15mm Rod Clamp 942 that supports lens support, follow focus, matte box, etc. The cage features all-around protective rubber pads inside to prevent scratches and a built-in magnetic slotted screwdriver & Allen Wrench that is easy to use. Note: Please remove the shoulder strap ring on the right side before attaching the cage. The cage is not compatible with Nikon WR-R11 remote controller. Package Includes: 1 x Cage 8 x M3 Screw
Toote pilt
126,00 €
SmallRig 3196 Mini Matte Box
Tootekood: 116714 GTIN: 6941590005485 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Muud tarvikud
Designed for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras to prevent sunlight or other light from causing glare and flare and to control images on the screen. SmallRig 3196 Mini Matte Box Its clamp connector works with adapter rings of various sizes (Φ52-95mm; Φ55-95mm; Φ58-95mm; Φ62-95mm; Φ67-95mm; Φ72-95mm; Φ77-95mm; Φ82-95mm; Φ86-95mm) or attached directly to Φ95mm lens. Note! Comes with 4 adapter rings (67/72/77/82mm), to meet users common shooting needs. (All other sizes are sold as accessories) Its adapter ring fits round CPL, ND filter and other round filters of up to Φ95mm. The filter tray 3319 can be quickly mounted onto the matte box via a NATO clamp and supports multiple 4x5.65" plug-in filters of up to 4mm in thickness at the same time. It is easy to store and prevents scratches and fingerprints while replacing plug-in filters. The adjustable carbon-fiber top flag blocks sunlight or strong light and also prevents internal reflections with its anti-reflective design. Top 1/4"-20 threaded holes enable easy attachment of other accessories and anti-twist 1/4"-20 threaded holes on the bottom suits SmallRig 15mm LWX Rod Support 2663 Max load capacity: 1kg Package Includes: 1 x Mini Matte Box 1 x Φ67/72/77/82-95mm Adapter Ring 1 x Filter Tray (4 x 5.65)
Toote pilt
135,00 €
SMALLRIG 3260 Rotating Nato Handle
Tootekood: 117372 GTIN: 6941590004921 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
SMALLRIG 3260 Rotating Nato Handle
Toote pilt
115,00 €
SMALLRIG 3326 SR-RG1 Wireless Shooting Grip
Tootekood: 118920 GTIN: 6941590008035 Statiivid > Statiivid
A versatile shooting grip, selfie stick as well as tabletop tripod for select Sony and Canon cameras featuring Bluetooth connectivity. This grip is designed to improve shooting stability, ideal for vlogging, live streaming, simple everyday use and other scenarios. Features detachable and chargeable wireless remote control can achieve camera photo, video, zoom, focus and other functions, which makes your vlog easier. The grip is extendable with two levels stretch up to 15cm for better selfie and wider view. The integrated head can tilt upward 90°, downward 90°, and rotate 360° for easier positioning. Portable size and lightweight for easy carrying. The bottom of grip comes with a 1/4”-20 threaded hole for tripod to provide wider view and help to stand when use as a selfie stick. High-strength nylon and glass fiber make it robust and durable with a payload up to 1.5kg (0.5kg when stretched). Note: Load Capacity: 1.5kg (folded as a grip or tripod); 0.5kg (extended as a selfie stick) Please do not use the grip as a tripod when extended as selfie stick. Remote control operating range: 10 meters Compatibility: Sony Cameras ZV-1 / ZV-E10 / RX100 Ⅶ / RX0 II Alpha 6100 / Alpha 6400 / Alpha 6600 Alpha 7C / Alpha 7 III / Alpha 7 IV / Alpha 7R III / Alpha 7R IV / Alpha 7S III / Alpha 9 / Alpha 9 II Canon Cameras EOS M6 Mark II / EOS M50 / EOS M50 II / EOS M200 / EOS R / EOS R5 / EOS R6 PowerShot G5X II / G7X III (Depending on the camera, the setup method for remote control shooting may differ, please refer to the instruction manual for your camera)
Toote pilt
119,00 €
SMALLRIG 3480 L-Shape Grip For Nikon Z fc Camera
Tootekood: 117475 GTIN: 6941590006161 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
Key Features: 1. Dedicated retro grip for Nikon Z fc, with comfortable grip experience. 2. Built-in Arca Swiss plate on the bottom allows switching quickly to a tripod. 3. Features a 1/4"-20 threaded hole in the grip, enables vertical shooting on a tripod. 4. Built-in cold shoe mount allows attaching microphone and light. 5. Easily secured with one toolless 1/4”-20 D-ring screw. SmallRig L-Shape Grip for Nikon Z fc Camera 3480 is designed to provide a comfortable grip. The retro-style grip shares a similar texture and color with the camera; the baseplate shares the same silver surface treatment with the camera and fits perfectly. The L grip secures to the camera via a 1/4"-20 D-ring screw on the bottom and comes with a built-in 1/4"-20 threaded hole on the grip that enables vertical shooting on a tripod. The baseplate features a built-in Arca Swiss plate to quickly switch to tripod shooting, and a 1/4"-20 threaded hole at the center that supports a tripod or Manfrotto quick release plate. In addition, the baseplate features a built-in cold shoe that allows attaching microphone, light, and other accessories; the plate also comes with a slot for the wrist strap. The grip adopts a compact and lightweight design, which is easy to carry around. Designer: Yetta White Compatibility: Nikon Z fc Package Includes: 1 x L-Shape Grip Product Dimensions: 141 x 48.5 x 64mm Package Dimensions: 160 x 80 x 65mm Net Weight: 74g±5g Package Weight: 133g±5g Material: Aluminum Alloy, Silicone gel
Toote pilt
59,00 €
SMALLRIG 3585 RA-D55 Parabolic Softbox with bowens mount
Tootekood: 118820 GTIN: 6941590007625 Stuudio varustus ja valgus > Softboksid ja vihmavarjud
RA-D55 parabolic softbox, with a diameter of 55cm, a depth of 37cm and a small body, is versatile, lightweight and portаble to use and can create a 3D light effect. SmallRig 3585 RA-D55 Parabolic Softbox Innovative quick release disk structure Adopt new generation of buckle structural design,you just gently lifting and pressing the buckle to finish the installation and disassemble. Even and ideal soft light With highly reflective coating + high-performance Oxford fabric double design, our softboxes are light-tight for a more uniform diffuse light and the natural transition of light effects. The outer layer is sturdy, durable, dustproof and slightly waterproof. The inner layer is smooth, with even light, original color temperature and CRI. Innovative external rib design The revolutionary design of the external ribs is to ensure that the inner is smooth, reduce light loss and achieve a brighter and softer light effect, as well as to avoid rib displacement and puncture of traditional inside ribs. With 16 military-grade high-temperature resistant steel ribs, lighter, tougher and more elastic than ordinary stainless ribs and 3 times easier to install, it can withstand tens of thousands of pressures without deformation. It has 3D and spherical illuminating surface and thoughtful silicone hand guard design prevents hand rubbing during disassembly. Fabric diffusion and grid With two strong and highly transparent softlight cloths and a 45° high-quality fabric honeycomb grid coming with the softbox, you can freely create a more delicate and textured soft light effect, to meet the needs of a variety of scenes. Standard Bowens mount The softbox adopts a Bowens mount, is fully compatible with various accessories with the Bowens mount on the market, and provides more lighting possibilities. Cylinder pouch for easy storage The softbox will come with a cylinder storage pouch having an open top for easy storage.
Toote pilt
109,00 €
SMALLRIG 3586 RA-D85 Parabolic Softbox with bowens mount
Tootekood: 118821 GTIN: 6941590007632 Stuudio varustus ja valgus > Softboksid ja vihmavarjud
RA-D85 deep parabolic softbox is 84cm in diameter and 57cm in depth, which can increase the times of light reflections (increase the illuminating surface and light softness) and produce softer light, which is ideal for portrait shooting SmallRig 3586 RA-D85 Parabolic Softbox Innovative quick release disk structure Adopt new generation of buckle structural design,you just gently lifting and pressing the buckle to finish the installation and disassemble. Even and ideal soft light With highly reflective coating + high-performance Oxford fabric double design, our softboxes are light-tight for a more uniform diffuse light and the natural transition of light effects. The outer layer is sturdy, durable, dustproof and slightly waterproof. The inner layer is smooth, with even light, original color temperature and CRI. Innovative external rib design The revolutionary design of the external ribs is to ensure that the inner is smooth, reduce light loss and achieve a brighter and softer light effect, as well as to avoid rib displacement and puncture of traditional inside ribs. With 16 military-grade high-temperature resistant steel ribs, lighter, tougher and more elastic than ordinary stainless ribs and 3 times easier to install, it can withstand tens of thousands of pressures without deformation. It has 3D and spherical illuminating surface and thoughtful silicone hand guard design prevents hand rubbing during disassembly. Fabric diffusion and grid With two strong and highly transparent softlight cloths and a 45° high-quality fabric honeycomb grid coming with the softbox, you can freely create a more delicate and textured soft light effect, to meet the needs of a variety of scenes. Standard Bowens mount The softbox adopts a Bowens mount, is fully compatible with various accessories with the Bowens mount on the market, and provides more lighting possibilities. Cylinder pouch for easy storage The softbox will come with a cylinder storage pouch having an open top for easy storage.
Toote pilt
180,00 €
SMALLRIG 3634 17mm threaded lens backplane for iPhone 13 Pro Max cage
Tootekood: 118105 GTIN: 6941590007052 Tarvikud > Nikon1 > Fototarvikud nutitelefonidele
SmallRig 17mm threaded lens backplate for iPhone 13 Pro Max cage 3634 Key Features: 1. Can be used with a 17mm threaded lens to enhance the quality of your iPhone camera. 2. It is locked by screws, can be replaced by the M-mount backplate of the original cage after removing it. 3. The precise holes do not block the camera of your iPhone. SmallRig 17mm threaded lens backplate for iPhone 13 Pro Max cage 3634, can be used with 17mm threaded lens, the backplate is locked by three screws which can be removed, and can be replaced by the original M-mount backplate of the cage 3561, which allows attaching lenses of different mounts; The precise holes do not block the camera such as Ultra -Wide of your iPhone. Note: Will only be used with SmallRig iPhone 13 Pro Max cage 3561; keep it away from strong acids. Compatibility: iPhone 13 Pro Max cage 3561 Package Includes: 1 x 17mm Threaded Lens Backplate 3 x Screws 1 x Wrench Product Dimensions: 91 x 51.5 x 5.8mm Package Dimensions: 106 x 99 x 33 mm Net Weight: 27g Package Weight: 57g±5g Material: Aluminum Alloy
Toote pilt
10,00 €
SMALLRIG 3738 Cage Kit For Nikon Z9
Tootekood: 118211 GTIN: 6941590007519 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
Designed to provide the handheld solution, accessory attachment, and protection for the camera, and particularly during low-angle shooting, ease burdens on the arm and assist in camera movements. The kit comes with a Cage for Nikon Z9 (3195) and an ARRI Top Handle (2165) and maintains access to buttons, holes, card slots, battery door, and flip screen after installation. SmallRig 3738 Cage Kit For Nikon Z9 The cage is locked via a 1/4´´-20 screw at the bottom, locating pin and the shoulder strap ring on the right side. The top handle is ergonomically designed to increase comfort and allows quick assembly and disassembly. Built-in mounting points are fully compatible with the SmallRig accessory system. Featuring 1/4´´-20 threaded holes and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes for SmallRig Side Handle 2093 or 2426 for side handheld shooting and camera movements, and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating hole on the top of the handle for Monitor Mount 2903 and a cold shoe mount for microphones, LED lights. Arca quick release plate on the bottom of the cage fits directly on to a tripod for tripod shooting. Two 1/4´´-20 threaded holes at the bottom of the front, support SmallRig Rod Clamp 942 for attach 15mm rail support system to attach lens support, follow focus, matte box, etc. Besides, comes with protective cushions inside to prevent scratches and provides a built-in magnetic spanner for easy access. Compatibility: Nikon Z9 Note: Please remove the shoulder strap ring on the right side before attaching the cage. The cage is not compatible with Nikon WR-R11 remote controller. Package Includes: 1 x Cage 3195 8 x M3 Screw 1 x Top Handle 2165
Toote pilt
190,00 €
SMALLRIG 3754 RA-L65 Lantern Softbox with bowens mount
Tootekood: 118822 GTIN: 6941590007724 Stuudio varustus ja valgus > Softboksid ja vihmavarjud
With a diameter of 65cm, a depth of 56cm and a weight of 1348g, RA-L65 is compact and easy to use; it is made of high-performance soft fabric and highly reflective coating, rendering the color temperature and CRI and creating a more delicate three-dimensional soft light effect through the even spherical light. SmallRig 3754 RA-L65 Lantern Softbox Faster lighting setup with one-piece design One step to set up the softbox: Press the Bowens mount until the bottom hook is hooked. No extra manual work is needed when install and disassemble, for the bottom, rib, and top disk of the lantern is fixed together at the factory. What’s more, the bottom hook is upgraded to a wider one, which can solve the laborious problem and the directions of hook can not be seen clearly, which saves time and make it easier to install. Upgraded construction RA-L65 is equipped with 12 military-grade high-temperature resistant ribs. Lighter, tougher and more elastic than ordinary stainless ribs and 3 times easier to install, it can withstand tens of thousands of pressures without deformation. Flexible light control When doing research, we found that many creators have their own ideas about lighting setups, so it is necessary to provide a few more pieces of fabric diffusion and black fabric barn doors.The softbox will come with standard Black fabric barn door which adopts a Velcro design for easy installation. Standard Bowens mount The softbox adopts a Bowens mount, is fully compatible with various accessories with the Bowens mount on the market, and provides more lighting possibilities. Cylinder pouch for easy storage The softbox will come with a cylinder storage pouch having an open top for easy storage.
Toote pilt
119,00 €
SMALLRIG 3766 Nato Top Handle
Tootekood: 119247 GTIN: 6941590008455 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
Ergonomically designed to improve grip experience, facilitate low-angle shot and reduce burdens on arms. SmallRig 3766 Nato Top Handle The ergonomic handle, featuring anti-slip and anti-freeze silicone, feels comfortable and weighs only 124g because of a hollowed-out structure. It has 3 front cold shoes and 2 rear cold shoes that allow simultaneously mounting microphone, LED light, monitor, and other accessories. ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes support SmallRig Monitor Mount 2903 and 2348 to attach monitors. 1/4"-20 threaded holes support SmallRig Magic Arm 2070 for monitors and Remote Control 2924 for recording. Its quick-release NATO clamp fits all standard NATO rails. Compatibility: Any accessories features NATO Rail In the Box: 1 x Top Handle
Toote pilt
45,00 €
SmallRig 3940 Cage For Nikon Z 8
Tootekood: 124052 GTIN: 6941590009346 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
Designed to protect the camera and attach accessories. The cage features rubber pads that prevent scratches and gives full access to buttons, card slots, flip screen, and battery door. SmallRig 3940 Cage For Nikon Z 8 Locking the camera via one bottom 1/4 "-20 screw, one locating screw, and one side lock adapter on the right Among its accessory mounting points, 1/4"-20 threaded hole, 3/8"-16 threaded hole, and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating hole support SmallRig Side Handle 2093 & 3814, Top Handle 3765, Monitor Mount 2903 & 2904, Manfrotto Plate 1280 & 2458, Holder for Portable Power Banks 2336 and mini V Mount Battery Plate 2987. The side 1/4"-20 locating hole fits SmallRig Single Rod Clamp 3598 and Magic Arm 3873, and left NATO rail quickly connects SmallRig Side Handle 3847 & 4017. Besides, there are cold shoe mounts for the microphone and LED video light, strap holes for Smallrig Hand Strap 3848 & 2456, and QD mounts for the QD strap buckle. The bottom Arca-Swiss quick-release plate supports Arca-type tripods or DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 / RS 3 / RS 3 Pro gimbals for a quick switch between gimbal, handheld, and tripod modes. A double-ended wrench is also included for easy disassembly and assembly. Compatibility: Nikon Z 8 Package includes: 1x Cage
Toote pilt
89,00 €
SmallRig 3941 Cage Kit For Nikon Z 8
Tootekood: 124051 GTIN: 6941590012223 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaamerapuurid
Designed for Nikon Z 8 to assist with handheld shooting and attach accessories. It includes a cage, an HDMI & USB-C cable clamp, and a top handle. SmallRig 3941 Cage Kit For Nikon Z 8 With a 1/4"-20 threaded hole, 3/8"-16 threaded hole, ARRI 3/8"-16 locating hole, NATO rail, and cold shoe mount, the kit can mount a monitor, microphone, tripod, follow focus, handle, etc. Among its three parts, the cage locks the camera via one bottom 1/4"-20 screw, one locating pin, and one side lock adapter. The ergonomic handle facilitates shooting in motion, providing a comfortable and stable user experience. And the HDMI & USB-C cable clamp, tightened by a hand screw, ensures stable signal transmission. Besides, a magnetic double-ended wrench is included for easy disassembly and assembly. Compatibility: Nikon Z 8 Package includes: 1x Cage 1x Cable Clamp 1x Top Handle
Toote pilt
149,00 €