Tootekood: FSW53801 GTIN: 18208047949 Tarvikud > Välklambid > Välgupäästikud
Juhtige kogu oma mitmest välgust koosnevat Loovvalgustussüsteemi suure ja lihtsa LCD-ekraani abiga. Kaob vajadus juhtmete ja eraldi välgumõõdikute järele, kui soovite saavutada täpset automaatvõtet ükskõik millistes valgustingimustes. SU-800 võib juhtida ükskõik kui mitut i-TTL Loovvalgustussüsteemi kuuluvat kiirvälku nagu SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600, SB-500, SB-5000 and SB-R200, või ka spetsiaalset SB-R200 kaugjuhtimisega kiirvälku lähivõteteks, andes nii täiesti uue mõõtme teie pildistamisele sise- või välitingimustes.
Toote pilt
395,00 €
Tamron 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD Nikon Z
Tootekood: A058Z GTIN: 4960371006888 Tarvikud > 1NIKKOR
A top lens for the whole trip. World premiere with speed F2. Beautiful pictures with breathtaking details The as world’s first all-in-one zoom with a speed F/2 for mirrorless full format system cameras The 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD (model A058) is a travel zoom lens that is characterized by its particularly high resolution. It covers the most common focal length range from 35mm wide angle to 150mm telephoto and is the world´s first1 zoom lens with a starting aperture F/2 for mirrorless full format system cameras with Sony E-mount. It is suitable for all typical travel photography situations - from landscapes and architecture to portraits and group shots to everyday snapshots, even for motif scenes with little light. Equipped with a fast and precise autofocus with VXD technology, the 35-150mm F / 2-2.8 allows you to capture every moment sharply in the picture. The inspiring and unique combination of a large focal length range, high speed and advanced technology in one lens opens up new creative freedom. 35–150 mm universaalsuumobjektiiv Valgusjõuline – f/2–2.8 maksimaalne ava Kiire ja vaikne VXD teravustamismootor Ideaalne kaaslane reisifotograafile Nikon Z bajonetiga kaameratele Filtri läbimõõt: 82mm Valgusjõuline kõik-ühes-suumobjektiiv Tamron 35–150mm f/2–2.8 Di III VXD on reisisuumobjektiiv, mida iseloomustab eriti kõrge lahutusvõime. See katab kõige tavalisema fookuskauguse vahemiku 35 mm lainurgast kuni 150 mm telefotoni. See sobib kõikidesse tüüpilistesse reisifotograafia olukordadesse – jäädvustatud saavad nii maastikud, arhitektuur, portreed ja grupivõtted kui ka igapäevased hetkepiltid. Kiire ja täpne VXD teravustamismootor võimaldab iga hetke teravalt talletada. Inspireeriv ja ainulaadne kombinatsioon suurest fookuskauguse vahemikust, kiirest teravustamisest ja täiustatud tehnoloogiast avab ukse loomingulise vabaduse juurde. Suurejoonelised lähivõtted 35 mm lainurkasendis on lähim teravustamiskaugus vaid 33 cm, mis vastab maksimaalsele suurendusele 1 : 5,7. Suur ava tagab motiivi suurepärase särituse ja kauni tausta hägususe. Tänu sellele võimaldab objektiiv luua ka loomingulisi fotosid, näiteks siseruumides tehtud toidufotosid. Lainurgast telefotoni 35–150 mm f/2–2.8 abil on kasutajatel vaid ühe objektiiviga rohkem võimalusi kui kunagi varem. Kiire suumiga objektiiv katab kogu fookuskauguse vahemikus 35 mm lainurgast kuni 150 mm telefotoni. Ühest kohast saab realiseerida palju erinevaid võtteid – ideaalsed tingimused loominguliseks pildistamiseks. 150 mm juures saad saavutada muljetavaldavaid portreesid, millel on suurepärane teravus ja kaunis bokeh-efekt maksimaalse f/2.8 avaga. 85 mm juures annab pildistatava inimese lähedus fotodele veelgi intiimsema tunde. 50 mm ja 35 mm on klassikalised fookuskaugused maastiku- ja tänavafotograafia jaoks. Niiskuskindel konstruktsioon ja fluorkate Korpusele on lisatud tihendid, mis aitavad objektiivi sisemust kaitsta niiskuse ja vihmapiiskade eest. Eesmisele läätseelemendile on lisatud fluorkate, mis tõrjub sellelt vett ja õli.
Toote pilt
1749,00 €
Tamron 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD Sony FE
Tootekood: A058S GTIN: 4960371006789 Tarvikud > 1NIKKOR
A top lens for the whole trip. World premiere with speed F2. Beautiful pictures with breathtaking details The as world’s first all-in-one zoom with a speed F/2 for mirrorless full format system cameras The 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD (model A058) is a travel zoom lens that is characterized by its particularly high resolution. It covers the most common focal length range from 35mm wide angle to 150mm telephoto and is the world´s first1 zoom lens with a starting aperture F/2 for mirrorless full format system cameras with Sony E-mount. It is suitable for all typical travel photography situations - from landscapes and architecture to portraits and group shots to everyday snapshots, even for motif scenes with little light. Equipped with a fast and precise autofocus with VXD technology, the 35-150mm F / 2-2.8 allows you to capture every moment sharply in the picture. The inspiring and unique combination of a large focal length range, high speed and advanced technology in one lens opens up new creative freedom. 35–150 mm universaalsuumobjektiiv Valgusjõuline – f/2–2.8 maksimaalne ava Kiire ja vaikne VXD teravustamismootor Ideaalne kaaslane reisifotograafile Nikon Z bajonetiga kaameratele Filtri läbimõõt: 82mm Valgusjõuline kõik-ühes-suumobjektiiv Tamron 35–150mm f/2–2.8 Di III VXD on reisisuumobjektiiv, mida iseloomustab eriti kõrge lahutusvõime. See katab kõige tavalisema fookuskauguse vahemiku 35 mm lainurgast kuni 150 mm telefotoni. See sobib kõikidesse tüüpilistesse reisifotograafia olukordadesse – jäädvustatud saavad nii maastikud, arhitektuur, portreed ja grupivõtted kui ka igapäevased hetkepiltid. Kiire ja täpne VXD teravustamismootor võimaldab iga hetke teravalt talletada. Inspireeriv ja ainulaadne kombinatsioon suurest fookuskauguse vahemikust, kiirest teravustamisest ja täiustatud tehnoloogiast avab ukse loomingulise vabaduse juurde. Suurejoonelised lähivõtted 35 mm lainurkasendis on lähim teravustamiskaugus vaid 33 cm, mis vastab maksimaalsele suurendusele 1 : 5,7. Suur ava tagab motiivi suurepärase särituse ja kauni tausta hägususe. Tänu sellele võimaldab objektiiv luua ka loomingulisi fotosid, näiteks siseruumides tehtud toidufotosid. Lainurgast telefotoni 35–150 mm f/2–2.8 abil on kasutajatel vaid ühe objektiiviga rohkem võimalusi kui kunagi varem. Kiire suumiga objektiiv katab kogu fookuskauguse vahemikus 35 mm lainurgast kuni 150 mm telefotoni. Ühest kohast saab realiseerida palju erinevaid võtteid – ideaalsed tingimused loominguliseks pildistamiseks. 150 mm juures saad saavutada muljetavaldavaid portreesid, millel on suurepärane teravus ja kaunis bokeh-efekt maksimaalse f/2.8 avaga. 85 mm juures annab pildistatava inimese lähedus fotodele veelgi intiimsema tunde. 50 mm ja 35 mm on klassikalised fookuskaugused maastiku- ja tänavafotograafia jaoks. Niiskuskindel konstruktsioon ja fluorkate Korpusele on lisatud tihendid, mis aitavad objektiivi sisemust kaitsta niiskuse ja vihmapiiskade eest. Eesmisele läätseelemendile on lisatud fluorkate, mis tõrjub sellelt vett ja õli.
Toote pilt
1749,00 €
Tamron 90mm F/2.8 Di III Macro VXD Nikon Z
Tootekood: F072Z GTIN: 4960371006949 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid
The new 90mm F2.8 MACRO from TAMRON for mirrorless fullframe cameras impresses with its high resolution and beautiful bokeh. It offers unrivalled sharpness from the centre to the edge and a velvety bokeh effect. The lens has 15 elements in 12 groups, including four LD lens elements that correct spherical and chromatic aberrations. The BBAR-G2 coating minimises ghost images and stray light and ensures clear details even in backlighting. In addition, thanks to its exceptional flat-field correction, the lens is ideal for flat subjects such as documents and offers sharpness from edge to edge as well as minimal distortion. This lens shows its strengths in macro, landscape and portrait photography and enables unique photographic expression in all genres. 90 mm tele-fiksobjektiiv Valgusjõuline – läbiva f/2.8 avaga Kiire ja vaikne VXD teravustamismootor Sujuv bokeh ja muljetavaldav Travis Nikon Z bajonetiga kaameratele Filtri läbimõõt: 67mm Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Macro objektiiv täiskaader hübriidkaameratele avaldab muljet oma kõrge eraldusvõime ja kauni bokeh-efektiga. See pakub konkurentsitut teravust keskosast servadeni ja sametist bokeh-efekti. Objektiivil on 15 elementi 12 grupis, sealhulgas neli LD elementi, mis korrigeerivad sfäärilisi ja kromaatilisi aberratsioone. BBAR-G2 vääristus minimeerib moonutusi ja hajutatud valgust ning tagab selged detailid isegi taustvalgustuse korral. Lisaks on objektiiv tänu erakordsele flat-field korrektsioonile ideaalne lamedate objektide (nt dokumendid) pildistamiseks ja pakub teravust servast servani ning minimaalseid moonutusi. See objektiiv näitab oma tugevaid külgi makro-, maastiku- ja portreefotograafias ning võimaldab ainulaadset fotograafilist väljendust kõigis žanrites. Muljetavaldav bokeh 90mm Macro objektiiv on esimene Tamroni objektiiv, millel on 12-labaline ava, mis loob täiusliku ümmarguse bokeh-efekti minimaalse vinjetiga, või väiksema ava korral efektseid 12 kiirega tähti. Kerge ja kompaktne See on kompaktne makroobjektiiv keskmises telefoto vahemikus maksimaalse f/2.8 avaga. 128,5 mm pikkuse ja 79,2 mm läbimõõduga objektiiv istub mugavalt käes ja tänu 640 g kaalule on seda mugav alati kaasas kanda. Uue disainiga päikesevarjuk Sellel objektiivil on uus libiseva aknaga varjuk, mis muudab filtrite kasutamise lihtsamaks ilma varjukit eemaldamata. See tagab lihtsa ja sujuva töövoo. Tamron Lens Utility Objektiiv kasutab Tamron Lens Utility tarkvara, mis võimaldab seda ühendada arvutiga. Tänu sellele saad ise objektiivi valitud seadeid kohandada ja püsivara värskendada. See omakorda pakub paindlikke võimalusi, mis sobivad iga konkreetse pildistamise või videosalvestuse olukorraga. 5 aastat lisagarantiid Tamroni objektiivid on alati olnud tuntud oma suurepärase kvaliteedi poolest ja seetõttu võid mistahes Tamroni objektiivi ostul nende käest julgelt taotleda tasuta 5-aastast pikendatud tootjagarantiid.
Toote pilt
699,00 €
Tamron 90mm F/2.8 Di III Macro VXD Sony E
Tootekood: F072S GTIN: 4960371006932 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid
The new 90mm F2.8 MACRO from TAMRON for mirrorless fullframe cameras impresses with its high resolution and beautiful bokeh. It offers unrivalled sharpness from the centre to the edge and a velvety bokeh effect. The lens has 15 elements in 12 groups, including four LD lens elements that correct spherical and chromatic aberrations. The BBAR-G2 coating minimises ghost images and stray light and ensures clear details even in backlighting. In addition, thanks to its exceptional flat-field correction, the lens is ideal for flat subjects such as documents and offers sharpness from edge to edge as well as minimal distortion. This lens shows its strengths in macro, landscape and portrait photography and enables unique photographic expression in all genres. 90 mm tele-fiksobjektiiv Valgusjõuline – läbiva f/2.8 avaga Kiire ja vaikne VXD teravustamismootor Sujuv bokeh ja muljetavaldav teravus Sony E bajonetiga kaameratele Filtri läbimõõt: 67mm Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Macro objektiiv täiskaader hübriidkaameratele avaldab muljet oma kõrge eraldusvõime ja kauni bokeh-efektiga. See pakub konkurentsitut teravust keskosast servadeni ja sametist bokeh-efekti. Objektiivil on 15 elementi 12 grupis, sealhulgas neli LD elementi, mis korrigeerivad sfäärilisi ja kromaatilisi aberratsioone. BBAR-G2 vääristus minimeerib moonutusi ja hajutatud valgust ning tagab selged detailid isegi taustvalgustuse korral. Lisaks on objektiiv tänu erakordsele flat-field korrektsioonile ideaalne lamedate objektide (nt dokumendid) pildistamiseks ja pakub teravust servast servani ning minimaalseid moonutusi. See objektiiv näitab oma tugevaid külgi makro-, maastiku- ja portreefotograafias ning võimaldab ainulaadset fotograafilist väljendust kõigis žanrites. Muljetavaldav bokeh 90mm Macro objektiiv on esimene Tamroni objektiiv, millel on 12-labaline ava, mis loob täiusliku ümmarguse bokeh-efekti minimaalse vinjetiga, või väiksema ava korral efektseid 12 kiirega tähti. Kerge ja kompaktne See on kompaktne makroobjektiiv keskmises telefoto vahemikus maksimaalse f/2.8 avaga. 128,5 mm pikkuse ja 79,2 mm läbimõõduga objektiiv istub mugavalt käes ja tänu 640 g kaalule on seda mugav alati kaasas kanda. Uue disainiga päikesevarjuk Sellel objektiivil on uus libiseva aknaga varjuk, mis muudab filtrite kasutamise lihtsamaks ilma varjukit eemaldamata. See tagab lihtsa ja sujuva töövoo. Tamron Lens Utility Objektiiv kasutab Tamron Lens Utility tarkvara, mis võimaldab seda ühendada arvutiga. Tänu sellele saad ise objektiivi valitud seadeid kohandada ja püsivara värskendada. See omakorda pakub paindlikke võimalusi, mis sobivad iga konkreetse pildistamise või videosalvestuse olukorraga. 5 aastat lisagarantiid Tamroni objektiivid on alati olnud tuntud oma suurepärase kvaliteedi poolest ja seetõttu võid mistahes Tamroni objektiivi ostul nende käest julgelt taotleda tasuta 5-aastast pikendatud tootjagarantiid.
Toote pilt
699,00 €
Tootekood: JAA925DA GTIN: 18208022199 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid > Telekonverterid
Võimas 1,4-kordse suurendusega telekonverter See telekonverter, mis aitab teatud NIKKORi objektiivide fookuskaugust kuni 40% suurendada, sobib suurepäraselt spordi-, pressi- ja loomafotograafidele, kel on tarvis vaateulatust pikendada. Kiirete põhi- ja suumobjektiividega kasutamiseks hästi sobiv telekonverter jäädvustab kvaliteetseid, suure eraldusvõimega pilte ka suurima avaga. Optiline konstruktsioon suurendab objektiivi jõudlust ja vähendab kromaatilist aberratsiooni, mida telekonverter võib põhjustada. Esi- ja tagaküljel on fluorkate, mis tõrjub mustust ja niiskust ning objektiivitorul on tipptasemel ilmastikukindlus.
Toote pilt
609,00 €
Tootekood: JAA913DA GTIN: 18208021895 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Nikkor Objektiivid > Telekonverterid
Tõhus telekonverter, mis kahekordistab teatavate NIKKORi objektiivide fookuskauguse, suurendamata seejuures lähimat teravustamisvahemaad. See maailma esimene asfäärilist läätseelementi kasutav telekonverter laseb teha silmapaistva eraldusvõime ja kontrastsusega pilte. See on kompaktne, kerge, soodne ja praktiline lahendus olukordade jaoks, kus ei ole võimalik eraldi telefoto objektiivi kaasas kanda.
Toote pilt
589,00 €
Tether Tools Case Relay Camera Power System
Tootekood: CRUPS110 GTIN: 818307013070 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Muud tarvikud
Uniterruptible power for your camera! With Case Relay, you’ll never run out of power and never need to stress about forgetting your camera batteries. If you’re shooting and get low on battery power, simply swap out external batteries throughout your shoot. Utilizing a wall outlet or external batteries, you could in theory shoot forever with consistent power flowing to your camera through Case Relay. How does it work? Simply insert the Relay Camera Coupler directly intο the camera battery port, attach it to the Case Relay CPS and power your camera with any standard 5V external battery (commonly known as a portable USB charger, which you can get most anywhere) or an AC power source, such as a wall outlet or generator. Because Relay also has its own secondary internal 1200 mAh battery, if your external battery runs low you can easily hot swap the external battery and not lose power to the camera. If you have access to AC wall power you can also use the Relay USB Wall Power Adapter (sold separately) for an infinite power source to the camera. VideoTether Tools Case Relay Camera Power System The Case Relay Camera Power System provides constant, uninterruptable power for your camera and is perfect for time-lapse photography, photo booths, video production and powerhungry LiveView shooting or any long day on the set. Connect Case Relay EPS to a Tether Tools Rock Solid External Battery Pack (10,000 mAh) and you’ll be able to shoot considerably longer than you would with your standard camera battery. A 10,000 mAh external battery provides 3-10 times the power of most camera batteries, depending on the camera. Need more power? Hot swap in another power bank and continue shooting while never losing power to your camera. Relay Benefits: More cost effective than purchasing multiple proprietary camera batteries Power sources are non-proprietary. Power your camera with the same 5V battery you use to charge phones or tablets. Never need to charge camera batteries again. And never run out power. Compatible with most Canon, Nikon,
Toote pilt
150,00 €
Tootekood: TTSB400 GTIN: 818307012264 Tarvikud > Liivakotid
The Dual Wing Sand Bag is made of durable black Cordura nylon and has two separate compartments. The bag is built rugged and double stitched for increased strength. The dual wing sand bag is saddle style so it can be draped over a stand leg or boom, hung from a tripod with the included D ring, or hung from a J-Hook by the strap handle. Tether Tools Dual Wing Sand Bag is perfect for securing bases of light stands, tripods or set walls and backdrops. The saddlebag design is also ideal for securely nesting a camera and lens between the 2 compartments for low to the ground shots or working with unusual terrain. The attached strap handle is for easy positioned, carrying and hanging. The sand bag ships empty for convenience and economy and will hold up to 25lbs (11.4kg) of sand, shot or any weighted material. It can also be emptied for easy storage or transport. Product Specifications: Constructed of black durable Cordura nylon Rugged construction and double stitched for increased strength Saddle bag style to drape over a stand’s leg Handles for easy positioned, carrying and hanging Included D Ring on one end and locking hook on the other Ships empty; fill with sand, shot or weighted material of choice. Holds up to 25lbs (11.4kg) What’s Included: One (1) Dual Wing Sand Bag
Toote pilt
28,00 €
Tootekood: TG098 GTIN: 818307015371 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaablid ja juhtmed
TetherGuard Support Kit Camera and Cable TG098. Protect and relieve the stress on your ports and cables with the TetherGuard Tethering Support Kit. The tethering support kit secures your connection at both the computer and camera ports, ensuring seamless transfer of all files. TetherGuard absorbs any strain on ports and keeps your gear safe from damage. The TetherGuard Camera Support features an easy-to-use locking base for complete security or choose the magnetic quick release mode designed with breakaway technology that gives way only when excessive pressure is applied. The Cable Support features TetherGuard’s signature easy-to-use magnetic quick release, and its cable dock includes a 3M adhesive that safely and securely mounts to any flat surface. Ensure you never miss a shot and enjoy peace of mind while safeguarding your expensive electronics from damage or unnecessary repairs. Key Features Secure, stabilize and protect cable Create and maintain a reliable connection Magnetic Quick Release System for quick setup Camera Dock has a locking and breakaway side Ѕelect the option which works best for your needs Computer Dock mounts to any flat surface with included 3MTM VHBTM adhesive Prevent cable port damage and eliminate cable strain What´s Included 1x TetherGuard Camera Support 1x TetherGuard Cable Support
Toote pilt
38,00 €
Tether Tools TetherPro USB-C to USB-C cable 3M
Tootekood: CUC10ORG GTIN: 818307014411 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaablid ja juhtmed
The TetherPro USB-C to USB-C cable is the photographer’s choice for tethering a USB-C camera to a computer with USB-C ports. It allows for a straight connection with no adapters or dongles. USB-C is also fully reversible, so no matter how you plug it in, it’s always right side up. The TetherPro USB-C to USB-C cable is available in the following lengths to provide photographers with the right length for their need: 3m TetherPro USB cables are constructed to the highest USB specifications and incorporate all of the latest technology ensuring consistent and reliable conductivity for fast and reliable transfers.. 3 meters. As technology innovation marches forward, computers, cameras, and storage devices are converging and require significantly more bandwidth to maintain the interactive experience users have come to expect. Designed to the highest USB specifications to filter out signal noise and reduce transmission errors, all cables are fully shielded and plated to protect against external signal interference. Key Features: Streamlined connection from your USB-C computer to USB-C Camera Available in high-visibility orange and non-reflective black Note: This cable is for data transfer only. Do not use for powering devices. Specifications Data Cable - Do not use for charging Length: 3m Color: Orange USB 3.1 Key Features: Streamlined connection from your USB-C computer to USB-C Camera Available in high-visibility orange and non-reflective black The TetherPro USB-C to USB-C cable is the photographer’s choice for tethering a USB-C camera to a computer with USB-C ports. It allows for a straight connection with no adapters or dongles. USB-C is also fully reversible, so no matter how you plug it in, it’s always right side up.
Toote pilt
50,00 €
Tether Tools TetherPro USB-C to USB-C for Phase One kaabel 4.6M
Tootekood: CUCP15ORG GTIN: 818307015067 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaablid ja juhtmed
Andmeedastuskaabel – Ära kasuta laadimiseks! If you own a Phase One camera, securing a tether cable is crucial to keeping your tethered workflow running at optimal conductivity and speed. What sets the TetherPro USB-C Cable to Phase One apart is the construction of an expanded port fitting that allows for a secure fit in a Phase One USB-C port. USB-C is also fully reversible, so no matter how you plug it in, it’s always right side up. Streamline connection from Phase One USB-C cameras to a USB-C computer Secure non-slip port casing design ensures USB-C cables fit securely in Phase One USB-C port Designed to the highest USB specification to filter out signal noise and reduce transmission errors Available in high-visibility orange Data transfer only; not intended for charging Specs Product Specifications: Data Cable – Do not use for charging Length: 4.6m Color: High-visibility Orange Extruded tips, custom fitting Nickel plated tip, gold plated pins
Toote pilt
60,00 €
Tether Tools TetherPro USB-C TO USB-C kaabel 4.6M
Tootekood: CUC15ORG GTIN: 818307014435 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaablid ja juhtmed
The TetherPro USB-C to USB-C cable is the photographer’s choice for tethering a USB-C camera to a computer with USB-C ports. It allows for a straight connection with no adapters or dongles. USB-C is also fully reversible, so no matter how you plug it in, it’s always right side up. TetherPro USB cables are constructed to the highest USB specifications and incorporate all of the latest technology ensuring consistent and reliable conductivity for fast and reliable transfers.
Toote pilt
60,00 €
Tootekood: CUC31BORG Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaablid ja juhtmed
Tether Boost Pro USB-C – USB Micro B 9,4 m kood CUC31B-ORG Tether Boost Pro USB-C – 3.0 USB Micro B 9,4 m on juhtmesüsteem, mis on mõeldud professionaalseks kasutamiseks fotostuudios. Tänu oma pikkusele 9,4 m pakub see piiramatut liikumisvabadust suurel alal. Komplekti kuulub Tether Pro USB-C – 3.0 USB Micro B kaabel, TetherBoost Pro USB-C pikenduskaabel, JerkStopper Exstension Lock kaitse, ProTab kaabli rihmad ja transpordikott. 2) Tether Boost Pro USB-C – USB Micro B 9,4 m (tootekood CUC31B-ORG) on professionaalne juhtmesüsteem, mis on loodud kasutamiseks fotostuudios. Selle 9,4-meetrine pikkus tagab kasutajale suure liikumisvabaduse. Komplekt sisaldab Tether Pro USB-C – 3.0 USB Micro B kaablit, TetherBoost Pro USB-C pikenduskaablit, JerkStopper Exstension Lock kaablikaitset, ProTab kaablisidemeid ja transpordikotti. The TetherBoost Pro 31ft. (9.4m) USB-C to Micro-B Cable System is a versatile tool that gives photographers the distance needed to tether up to 31 ft. confidently and securely. Be prepared with the with the right length cable for your shoot. Whether you need 15 ft. (4.6m) or 31ft. (9.4m), this system gives you the versatility for any environment. The system includes our highest quality 15 ft. TetherPro Cable (available in USB-C to C or USB-C to 3.0 Mirco-B) along with our uniquely designed TetherBoost Pro USB-C Core Controller Extension Cable that enables you to tether up to 31 ft. while maintaining high transfer rates and exceptional connection stability. The system also includes a TetherGuard Extension lock to protect your cables from damage while on set, a set of 10 ProTab Cable Ties, and a Tether Tools Organization Case so your tether kit is always kept together and visible among your gear.
Toote pilt
161,00 €
Tootekood: CUC33R15ORG GTIN: 818307014497 Objektiivid ja konverterid > Kaablid ja juhtmed
The TetherPro USB-C to USB 3.0 Micro-B cable is the photographer’s choice for tethering a USB 3.0 camera to a computer with the smaller USB-C port. It allows for a straight connection with no adapters or dongles. On the camera side, USB-C is also fully reversible, so no matter how you plug it in, it’s always right side up. TetherPro USB cables are constructed to the highest USB specifications and incorporate the latest technology ensuring consistent and reliable conductivity for fast and reliable transfers. Available in 4.6m, the cable is long enough for most tethering uses.
Toote pilt
63,00 €
Think Tank Airport Accelerator
Tootekood: 42020457 GTIN: 874530004896 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Massive capacity, carry on size backpack which meets all domestic and international size requirements. Holds up to a 500 f/4 attached to a camera body or a 600 f/4 unattached.
Toote pilt
279,00 €
Think Tank Airport Advantage
Tootekood: 730553 GTIN: 874530005534 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Designed for traveling photographers, the Airport Advantage roller is sized to meet commuter or regional jet carry-on requirements.The roller’s customizable interior allows you to carry the maximum amount of gear on the plane. The Airport Advantage’s lightweight design helps meet weight restrictions, yet features the same level of protection for which Think Tank is known. Ultra light design weighs only 2.7kg, keeping your roller under weight restrictions.
Toote pilt
269,99 €
Think Tank Airport Advantage XT
Tootekood: 730556 GTIN: 874530005565 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Weighing only 3.4kg the Airport Advantage XT rolling camera case meets increasingly restrictive International airline requirements, yet still provides the ample quality and protection you’ve come to expect from Think Tank. The Airport Advantage XT fits two gripped DSLR camera bodies and several lenses, enabling traveling photographers to carry the maximum amount of gear on the plane. And our proprietary two-tone fabric creates a stylish look yet doesn’t proclaim the case is full of expensive camera gear. KEY FEATURES: Specially designed interior to maximize gear for carry-on. Meets most U.S. and International airline carry-on requirements Ultra-lightweight design weighs only 3.4 kg keeping your bag under weight restrictions Front pocket fits up to a 17” laptop and 10” tаblet† Laptop may expand external dimensions of the roller Check with your airline for current carry-on requirements Additional Features Custom designed retractаble handle with inset channel on aluminium tubing adds strength and durability Side pocket for tripod mount (additional straps included for larger tripods) Extra tall handle height keeps the bag away from your feet when rolling YKK® RC Fuse zippers, and closed-cell PU foam are the highest quality materials in the industry Fits up to two gripped camera bodies with lenses attached Lockable zipper sliders (lock not included) Interior zippered pockets for batteries, CF cards, filters and accessories User replaceable retractаble handle, wheels, wheel housings, and front foot Custom-designed, high-performance, 80mm super quiet wheels with sealed bearings Seam-sealed rain cover included Grab handles on three sides for lifting bag into the overhead bin Closed-cell foam dividers support heavy gear and maintain strength over time Hypalon reinforced rear corners increase durability Business card holder on top for identification What Fits Holds Two Gripped DSLRs with lenses attached, plus 5–8 additional lenses, and up to a 17” laptop Mirrorless video kit with lenses, batteries, DJI Ronin-S and DJI Mavic Pro Specifications Interior Dimensions: 33.8 x 45.7 x 16.5–19.1 cm Exterior Dimensions: 35.6 x 53.3 x 20.3 cm Laptop Compartment: 35 x 44 x 5 cm Tаblet Compartment: 25.4 x 25.4 x 4 cm Weight: 3.18–3.59 kg, *(Lowest weight reflects all accessories removed while using only minimal dividers) Materials Exterior: Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane coating 500D 2-tone poly tech-weave YKK® RC Fuse (abrasion-resistant) zippers High performance 80mm super quiet wheels with sealed bearings Rubberized laminate reinforcement Nylon webbing 3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: 210D silver-toned nylon Polyurethane backed nylex liner and dividers 2x polyurethane coated nylon 210T seam-sealed rain cover Stiffened closed-cell foam dividers Mesh pockets 3-ply bonded nylon thread
Toote pilt
399,00 €
Think Tank Airport Commuter
Tootekood: TT0486 GTIN: 874530004865 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
For photographers flying internationally, this camera backpack has it all: Carry-on size, Comfort and Capacity. The Airport Commuter fits a pro-size DSLR, 4 - 6 standard zooms, iPad and 15” laptop. With its increased depth, it holds a 400mm f/2.8 attached to a camera body or a 500 f/4 unattached. It´s equipped with integrated, rapid-access pockets for both a laptop and an iPad. The top pocket holds boarding passes and your passport. Three sturdy handles ensure easy placement/retrieval from overhead bins. The lightweight, adjustable, contoured harness provides comfort and lumbar support. Air mesh paneling helps keep your back cool. A removable waist belt, side pocket for a water bottle, tripod/monopod mounting system and seam sealed rain cover add versatility. For greater functionality, this camera backpack can be used with our Pro Speed belts for additional support and capacity by adding components from our Modular Component line. Internal Dimensions: 29.2 × 42.4 × 17.3cm Exterior Dimensions: 31.6 × 45.7 × 21.6cm Laptop: 27 × 40 × 3.5cm Weight: 1.5–1.9kg Depending on accessories used
Toote pilt
250,00 €
Think Tank Airport Essentials
Tootekood: TT0483 GTIN: 874530004834 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Designed to make international and domestic air travel easier for photographers, the Airport Essentials backpack has it all: Carry-on size, Comfort, Capacity. It fits a standard DSLR, 4-6 standard zooms, and iPad and up to a 15" MacBook Retina laptop.* Fits up to a 300mm f/2.8 lens attached to a standard camera body. Enjoy integrated, quick access pockets for both a laptop and iPad, a top pocket for boarding passes and three robust handles, ensuring easy placement/retrieval from overhead bins. The light, adjustable, contoured harness provides comfort along with lumbar support and air mesh paneling to keep your back cool. The height adjustable sternum strap allows for the perfect fit. A removable waist belt, side water bottle pocket, tripod/monopod mounting system and seam sealed rain cover extend the versatility of this line. For increased functionality, these backpacks can be used with our Pro Speed belts for additional support and they´re fully compatible with our Modular Component line for even greater capacity. Internal Dimensions: 27.9 × 41.4 × 12.7cm Exterior Dimensions: 29.2 × 45.7 × 17.8cm Laptop: 25 × 38 × 3cm Weight: 1.4–1.6 kg Depending on accessories used
Toote pilt
190,00 €
Think Tank Airport International V3.0
Tootekood: TT0563 GTIN: 874530005633 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Think Tank Airport International V3.0 on auhinnatud kolmanda põlvkonna ratastega fotokott, mis pakub parimaid standardeid fotokottide maailmas. Mis on uut? Tugevdatud teleskoopkäepide. Spetsiaalne, polsterdatud tasku sülearvuti ja tahvelarvuti jaoks. Kasutaja vahetatavad osad. PEAMISED OMADUSED: Spetsiaalselt loodud sisu, mis võimaldab transportida suuremal hulgal varustus. Vastab enamikule rahvusvahelistele (ja USA) lennufirmade esitatatud nõuetele. Spetsiaalselt polsterdatud sülearvutite ja tahvelarvutite sektsioonid, mis asuvad lukustatavas taskus. TSA poolt heaks kiidetud tõmblukud põhisektsiooni tarvis ning ülitugeva kattega kaabel ja koodlukk sülearvuti sektsioonile ning koti kinnistamiseks kindlalt paigal oleva asja külge. Mis kotti mahub? 2 haarde valmis peegelkaamerat, millede küljes objektiivid ja lisaks 2–4 objektiivi. 15” sülearvuti ja 10” tahvelarvuti Maksimaalne objektiiv: 500mm f/4 eraldiseisvalt või 400mm f/2.8 kaamera küljes (varjuk tagurpidi.) Spetsifikatsioon: sisemised mõõdud: 33 x 47 x 16.5–19.1 cm välimised mõõdud: 35.6 x 53.3 x 20.3 cm Tahvelarvuti sahtel: 24 x 25.5 x 1.3 cm Sülearvuti sahtel: 27 x 38 x 3 cm Kaal: 4.4–5.2 kg
Toote pilt
425,00 €
Think Tank Airport Security V3.0
Tootekood: TT0572 GTIN: 874530005725 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
The third generation of Think Tank’s award winning rolling bag series redefines the gold standard for photo transport cases. WHAT´S NEW: Reinforced telescoping handle Dedicated, padded pocket for laptop and tablet User-replaceable parts KEY FEATURES: Specially designed interior to maximize gear for carry on, meets most International (and U.S.) airline carry on requirements* Dedicated padded laptop and tablet compartments located in a lockable pocket TSA-approved zipper locks for the main compartment, and high-strength coated cable and combination lock for the laptop compartment and securing your bag to an immovable object *Check with your airline for current carry on requirements What Fits: 2 Gripped DSLRs with lenses attached plus 4–6 additional lenses 17” laptop and a 10” tablet Max Lens: 600mm f/4 detached or 500mm f/4attached (hood reversed) Specifications: Internal Dimensions: 33 x 53.3 x 17.8–20.3 cm Exterior Dimensions: 35.6 x 55.9 x 22.9 cm Tablet Compartment: 24 x 25.5 x 1.3 cm Laptop Compartment: 29 x 41 x 3 cm Weight: 5–5.8 kg* *Lowest weight reflects all accessories removed while using only minimal dividers
Toote pilt
399,00 €
Tootekood: 730499 GTIN: 874530004995 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
THINK TANK AIRPORT TAKEOFF™ V2.0 on ratastega kott, millel on kõik vajalik, et ta seljakotiks muuta. Kui maastik muutub ebaühtlaseks, teisenda Airport TakeOff V2.0 lihtsalt seljakotiks, et saaksid enda varustuse mugavalt asukohta viia. Kott, mille suurus vastab professionaalse reisija vajadustele - Lennujaama TakeOff V2.0. Vastab enamikele USA sise- ja rahvusvaheliste lennuettevõtete käsipagasi nõudmistele. PEAMISED OMADUSED: Integreeritud õlarihmad koti seljas kandmiseks saab peita koti tagapaneeli polsterdatud taskusse. Mahutab kuni 400mm f / 2,8, kaks standardset peegelkaamera kere ja muud mitmesugused objektiivid Suur esitasku mahutab kuni 17 ”sülearvuti ja 10” tahvelarvuti.
Toote pilt
345,00 €
Think Tank BackStory 13 Graphite
Tootekood: 153720448 GTIN: 874530004483 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. A deep front compartment with zippered mesh pockets has ample room for personal gear, including a 10” tablet and up to 16" laptop. And with its plush shoulder harness and removable waist belt, the BackStory is comfortable enough to wear all day. KEY FEATURES: Top panel quick access and rear panel full-access to camera gear Dedicated 13” laptop pocket and 10” tablet compartment (BackStory 13) Roomy front pocket for light layers and other pers6onal items Additional Features Microfiber-lined exterior pocket for today’s plus-sized phones or sunglasses Customizable divider system maximizes photo carry with two cushioned pillows that shape to your gear for secure protection Tripod attachment on front secures a small or large tripod with deployable cup Plush shoulder harness with removable sternum strap Removable webbing waist belt Luggage handle pass-through Top and side grab handle Expandable water bottle pockets on both sides Top compartment mesh pocket helps to organize small items Front pocket organizer and zippered mesh pocket keep essentials handy Main compartment pockets give you quick access to filters, batteries, cards, etc. Seam-sealed rain cover included What Fits - BackStory 13 1-2 Standard DSLR bodies or, Mirrorless System 13” laptop 70–200mm f/2.8 attached Plus personal gear Flash Examples: Sony a7mIII with 24–70mm f/4 attached and a Sony a6300 with a 50mm f/1.8 attached, two small primes, HVL-F43M strobe and a 13” laptop Weight: 1.3 kg (BackStory 13) Materials Exterior: Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane backed fabric for superior water-resistance 500D 2-tone poly tech-weave YKK® RC Fuse (abrasion-resistant) zippers* 420D high-density nylon 350G high-density nylon air-mesh Nylon webbing3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: Stiffened closed cell foam dividers Polyurethane backed liner & dividers 210D nylon Super-Grip velex Hexa mesh High-density nylon microfiber 2x polyurethane coated nylon 190T seam-sealed rain cover 3-ply bonded nylon thread
230,00 €
Think Tank BackStory 15 Graphite
Tootekood: 153720449 GTIN: 874530004490 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. The BackStory Backpacks with a rear-panel opening offers complete access to your gear while a top panel provides quick access to your camera and speeds your workflow. A deep front compartment with zippered mesh pockets has ample room for personal gear, including a 10” tablet and up to 16" laptop. And with its plush shoulder harness and removable waist belt, the BackStory is comfortable enough to wear all day. KEY FEATURES: Top panel quick access and rear panel full-access to camera gear Dedicated 16” laptop pocket and 10” tablet compartment (BackStory 15) Roomy front pocket for light layers and other pers6onal items Additional Features Microfiber-lined exterior pocket for today’s plus-sized phones or sunglasses Customizable divider system maximizes photo carry with two cushioned pillows that shape to your gear for secure protection Tripod attachment on front secures a small or large tripod with deployable cup Plush shoulder harness with removable sternum strap Removable webbing waist belt Luggage handle pass-through Top and side grab handle Expandable water bottle pockets on both sides Top compartment mesh pocket helps to organize small items Front pocket organizer and zippered mesh pocket keep essentials handy Main compartment pockets give you quick access to filters, batteries, cards, etc. Seam-sealed rain cover included What Fits - BackStory 15 1-2 ungripped DSLR body or, Mirrorless System 16” laptop 70–200mm f/2.8 attached 2-5 additional lenses Flash Plus personal gear Examples: Canon 5DMIV with 24–70mm f/2.8 attached, 5DMIV with a 100mm f/2.8 macro attached, 70–200mm f/2.8, 600EXIIRT strobe and a 16” laptop Weight: 1.6 kg (BackStory 15) Materials Exterior: Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane backed fabric for superior water-resistance 500D 2-tone poly tech-weave YKK® RC Fuse (abrasion-resistant) zippers* 420D high-density nylon 350G high-density nylon air-mesh Nylon webbing3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: Stiffened closed cell foam dividers Polyurethane backed liner & dividers 210D nylon Super-Grip velex Hexa mesh High-density nylon microfiber 2x polyurethane coated nylon 190T seam-sealed rain cover 3-ply bonded nylon thread
Toote pilt
275,00 €
Think Tank Credential Holder Tall V2.0
Tootekood: TT0977 GTIN: 874530009778 Tarvikud > Lisatarvikute kotid
This extra tall credential holder is feature rich with an extra wide, adjustable lanyard. Compartments for smart phones, pens and notebook. The holder also has a zippered compartment for securing small items. The belt loop attachment gives you a second option in addition to an adjustable lanyard.
Toote pilt
29,00 €
Think Tank Emergency Rain Cover Medium
Tootekood: 116849 GTIN: 874530006197 Tarvikud > Muud tarvikud
Never let bad weather catch you off guard. The Emergency Rain Covers are a simple, compact solution to protect your gear from a downpour or dusty conditions. Never let bad weather catch you off guard. The Emergency Rain Covers are a simple, compact solution to protect your gear from a downpour or dusty conditions. KEY FEATURES: Seam-sealed for extreme protection in downpour or dusty conditions Compresses into an included compact carrying pouch Oversize window to view your LCD and controls Additional Features Ability to access your camera through one cinchable sleeve Mountable to tripod or monopod Dual viewing configurations for varying conditions Hot-shoe mount keeps cover located on camera during use Non-slip, adjustable strap attaches directly to the lens hood DWR coating for an extra layer of protection What Fits - Emergency Rain Cover - Medium Gripped or standard camera bodies 24–70mm f/2.8 70–200mm f/2.8 Specifications Dimensions: 18.9” long x 3.1”- 5.5” adjustable diameter / 48 x 8-14cm (medium) Weight: 114g (medium) Materials Exterior: 70D Taffeta seam-sealed rip-stop plus polyurethane film Polyurethane seam tape High-density shock cord Nylon webbing Heavy-duty non-slip material 3-ply bonded nylon thread
Toote pilt
46,00 €
Think Tank EP-N Hydrophobia eyepiece (EP) for Nikon DSLR´s - D5100 - D750
Tootekood: TT0641 GTIN: 874530006418 Tarvikud > Muud tarvikud
EP-N Hydrophobia eyepiece (EP) for most Nikon DSLR cameras such as the D600, D7000, D300s D750, D610, D7100, D5300
Toote pilt
29,00 €
Think Tank EP-NSI Hydrophobia eyepiece (EP) for Nikon screw in mounts (D700-D4)
Tootekood: TT0639 GTIN: 874530006395 Tarvikud > Muud tarvikud
EP-NSI is required to use any Hydrophobia rain covers with flagship Nikon DSLR cameras that have screw in eyepieces such as the D4, D3S, D3X, D800, D700 and others.
Toote pilt
29,00 €
Think Tank Essentials Convertible Rolling Backpack Black
Tootekood: 153730511 GTIN: 874530005114 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
The Essentials Convertible rolling backpack goes where other rollers can’t. Roll smoothly through the airport then deploy the backpack straps to carry over rough terrain. Sized to meet most airline carry-on requirements*, the Essentials fits two DSLR or Mirrorless bodies, a mounted 70–200mm, multiple lenses, and a 16-inch laptop. And because it’s from Think Tank, the bag will roll long into the future. KEY FEATURES: eployable backpack straps allow you to carry the roller on your back when the terrain gets rough Specially designed interior to maximize camera gear for carry-on, meeting most U.S. and International airline carry-on requirements Dedicated laptop compartment fits up to a 16-inch laptop Additional Features Fits two DSLR or Mirrorless camera bodies with lenses attached including a 70–200mm f/2.8 Deep front pocket with organizer for personal gear YKK RC Fuse lockable zipper sliders with security cable and lock included Light, comfortable and contoured harness system with adjustable sternum strap Tripod/monopod mounting system included Reinforced telescoping handle with rubberized touch points Custom-designed, high-performance, 80mm wheels with sealed ABEC grade 5 bearings for quiet rolling Robust handles on three sides Water bottle pocket Adjustable dividers allow a customized fit for your DSLR or Mirrorless gear Hypalon reinforced rear panel for increased durability User-replaceable retractable handle, wheels, wheel housings, and feet extend product life Seam-sealed rain cover included What Fits Holds two standard-size DSLR bodies and 4–6 pro lenses Mirrorless System 16” laptop 70–200mm f/2.8 attached 24–70mm f/2.8 100mm or 105mm f/2.8 macro 50mm f/1.4 Flash Example: Sony A7rIII with 70–200mm f/2.8 attached (hood extended), 16–35mm f/4, 24–70mm f/2.8 and a flash Specifications Internal Dimensions: 31 x 42 x 11–15 cm Exterior Dimensions: 32 x 48.3 x 21 cm Laptop Pocket: 25.5 x 36.5 x 2.5 cm (Dedicated laptop compartment fits up to a 16-inch laptop) Weight: 3.3 kg Materials Exterior: Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane coating 600D Poly YKK® RC Fuse (abrasion-resistant) zippers High performance 80mm wheels with sealed bearings Rubberized laminate reinforcement Nylon webbing 3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: 210D silver-toned nylon Polyurethane backed velex liner and dividers 2x polyurethane coated nylon 210T seam-sealed rain cover Closed cell foam and PE board reinforced dividers Clear mesh pockets 3-ply bonded nylon thread
299,00 €
Think Tank Freeway Tote
Tootekood: 122402 GTIN: 874530001048 Tarvikud > Kotid
The Freeway Tote is a 30-liter bag that fitsperfectly into one side the Freeway Longhaul’s main divided compartment. The tote can be easily removed for mini trips to the store or to centralize your groceries, clothing, or other similar items in one smaller bag. We constructed the tote from thesame durable nylon material as the Longhaul, so it matches the interior. The FreewayTote can also be folded down into a smaller pocket on the outside of the FreewayLonghaul and stashed away when not in use. KEY FEATURES Fits perfectly in main compartment of the Freeway Longhaul Carryall Duffel Long tote straps easily fit on your shoulder when the bag is stuffed full Outer stash pocket to keep small important items close at hand Strong construction with ripstop nylon material Stuffs down into exterior pocket of the Freeway Longhaulfor convenient storage SPECIFICATIONS: Dimensions: 32 x 38 x 19.5 cm) Weight: 0.2 kg Volume: 30 liters MATERIALS: ROBIC (High Tenacity) N 100D Triple Ripstop• Poly 200D PU Nylon Webbing• Durable water-repellant (DWR) coating Polyurethane coating 3-ply bonded nylon thread
Toote pilt
34,00 €
Think Tank Hydrophobia 300-600
Tootekood: TT0626 GTIN: 874530006265 Tarvikud > Muud tarvikud
Advanced rain cover for 300 f2.8 up to 600 f4 lenses [Separate eyepiece required]. The Hydrophobia 300-600 V2.0 protects a DSLR with a super telephoto lens (300 f2.8 up to a 600 f4) attached, with the lens hood in position. The Hydrophobia 300-600 V2.0 is designed to allow full operation of the camera while protecting it from the elements. In rain, snow, even blowing sand, the Hydrophobia 300-600 V2.0 gives photographers peace of mind!
Toote pilt
149,00 €
Think Tank LENS CHANGER™ 35 V3.0
Tootekood: 700-055 GTIN: 874530000553 Tarvikud > Objektiivikotid
Modular pouch holds a 24–70mm f/2.8 lens with lens hood in shooting position, or other similar size lenses. Rotate or lock components on a belt. Wide-mouth opening for quick one-handed access. Attaches to any Think Tank Photo Modular belt or belt pack (sold separately). 24–70mm f/2.8 with the lens hood in the shooting position. 100mm macro with the lens hood in the shooting position. 105mm macro with the lens hood in the shooting position
Toote pilt
40,99 €
Tootekood: 700-057 GTIN: 874530000577 Tarvikud > Objektiivikotid
Modular pouch accommodates a 70–200mm f/2.8 lens with hood reversed or in shooting position when popped down. Pop Down feature increases bag depth to keep lens hood in the shooting position. Wide-mouth opening for quick access. Attaches to any Think Tank Photo belt or belt pack (sold separately). 70–200mm f/2.8 with the lens hood and tripod collar attached and lens hood in shooting position when pouch is "popped-down". Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 with the lens hood and tripod collar attached and lens hood in shooting position when pouch is "popped-down". Other similarly sized lenses
Toote pilt
55,00 €
Think Tank Mindshift BackLight Sprint Slim Lightweight Backpack Green
Tootekood: 124788 GTIN: 819865013694 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Despite its slim profile, the pack will hold a standard-sized camera body and the trifecta of zoom lenses. A minimal but plush harness systems enables comfortable, all-day carry and two large side pockets each fit a big water bottle or can be used to carry a tripod. Designed for the photographer who has a lighter kit and wants a smaller less bulky bag, the BackLight Sprint is a slim, lightweight backpack that is ideal for hiking or treks around town. Despite its slim profile, the pack will hold a standard-sized camera body and the trifecta of zoom lenses. A minimal but plush harness systems enables comfortable, all-day carry and two large side pockets each fit a 32oz/950ml Nalgene water bottle or can be used to carry a tripod. WHAT FITS: Holds a standard-sized camera body with lenses attached and 1–3 standard zoom lenses Fits personal gear in the 2L front compartment Maximum lens size: 300mm f/2.8 or 150–600mm f/5–6.3 attached to a body KEY FEATURES: Back-panel access to your camera gear without taking the pack off, allowing you to work out of the bag without getting your harness dirty, wet, muddy or icy Slim, lightweight backpack for the minimalist photographer Front pocket offers 2 liters of capacity for personal gear and opens vertically on the right side for easy access without taking off the pack Rear-panel access also adds security when traveling since your camera gear is protected behind your back Meets most international and U.S. carry-on requirements and will fit under most airline seats Dual vertical daisy chains on the front pocket add functionality and external carry capacity Simplified tripod carry on either side using the pocket and upper compression straps Padded waist belt is removable for personal preference Two large water bottle pockets with cinch cord fit a 950ml Nalgene Side compression straps with locking SR buckles for additional lash points Airmesh covered lumbar support and rear-panel for all-day comfort Ergonomic zipper pulls are easily gripped with gloves or frozen fingers Highest quality YKK RC Fuse zippers, 420D Velocity and 420D highdensity nylon for long lasting durability and strength Adjustable dividers for large telephoto lenses, traditional photo gear, or personal items Top zippered pocket for quick access to phone and other essentials Simplified top webbing handle Seam-sealed rain cover included Check with your airline for current carry-on requirements Available in following colors: Green | Grey SPECIFICATIONS: External Dimensions: 44.5 x 23 x 17 cm Internal Dimensions: 42 x 21 x 14 cm Volume: 15 Liter Weight: 1048 gram MATERIALS: Exterior: For superior water resistance, all exterior fabric has a durable water-repellent coating, plus the underside of the fabric has a polyurethane coating. It also has highest-quality abrasion-resistant YKK RC-Fuse zippers, 420D velocity nylon, 420D high-density nylon, 320G UltraStretch mesh, 350G airmesh, nylon webbing, 3-ply bonded nylon thread. Interior: 210D silver-toned nylon lining, hexa-mesh pockets, high-density closed-cell foam, PE board reinforcement, 3-ply bonded nylon thread. Think Thank on tuntud fotograafide näpunäidete järgi disainitud professionaalse kvaliteediga kaamerakottide poolest. Kõik tooted luuakse töökindlust ning teie varustuse maksimaalset turvalisust silmas pidades igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Täna esitleme uut Backlight seeria kompaktset seljakotti BackLight Sprint 15L. Think Thank BackLight Sprint loodi kompaktse varustusega fotograafide vajadusi silmas pidades. Kerge ja stiilne, sobides suurepäraselt nii linnakeskkonda kui ka päevaseks matkaks looduses. Teistest BackLight seeria mudelitest kitsama profiiliga, ent siiski 15-liitrine seljakott mahutab näiteks standardse suurusega kaamerakere ja kolm suumobjektiivi. Praktilist selja poolt avanevat juurdepääsu kaameravarustusele täiendab kaheliitrine esitasku kerge vihmajope või isiklike esemete jaoks. Pehmendustega rihmad võimaldavad muretult ette võtta ka pikemaid matku. Kaks suurt küljetaskut võivad kanda näiteks veepudelit ning statiivi. Vastupidav ja vetthülgav väliskangas pakub eeskujulikku kaitset niiskuse eest ning on teisalt lihtsam puhastada. Sarnaselt teiste Think Tanki toodetega on ka eraldi vihmakate komplektis kaasas. Olulisimad omadused Välismõõtmed 44,5 x 23 x 17 cm, sisemõõtmed 42 x 21 x 14 cm ning kaal 1048 grammi. Ruumi 1 kaamerakerele, 3 suumobjektiivile ja statiivile küljetaskus. Lisaks esitasku isiklike esemete jaoks. Mahutab vajadusel ka kaamera koos 300mm f2.8 või 150–600mm f/5–6.3 objektiiviga. Selja poolt avanevatel kottidel on kaks suurt eelist – keegi ei pääse teie fotovarustusele selja tagant märkamatult ligi ning teiseks jäävad kanderihmad ning koti vastu selga toetav osa peale koti maha panemist alati puhtaks. Pealisriideks on vastupidav 420D nailonkangas ning kasutatud on vastupidavaid YKK RC-Fuse tõmblukke. Vastab mõõtudelt enamikule rahvusvaheliste ja USA lennufirmade käsipagasi nõuetele. Pehmendusteega puusavöö on eemaldatav.
Toote pilt
179,00 €
Think Tank Mindshift BackLight Sprint Slim Lightweight Backpack Grey
Tootekood: 124787 GTIN: 819865013687 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Despite its slim profile, the pack will hold a standard-sized camera body and the trifecta of zoom lenses. A minimal but plush harness systems enables comfortable, all-day carry and two large side pockets each fit a big water bottle or can be used to carry a tripod. Designed for the photographer who has a lighter kit and wants a smaller less bulky bag, the BackLight Sprint is a slim, lightweight backpack that is ideal for hiking or treks around town. Despite its slim profile, the pack will hold a standard-sized camera body and the trifecta of zoom lenses. A minimal but plush harness systems enables comfortable, all-day carry and two large side pockets each fit a 32oz/950ml Nalgene water bottle or can be used to carry a tripod. WHAT FITS: Holds a standard-sized camera body with lenses attached and 1–3 standard zoom lenses Fits personal gear in the 2L front compartment Maximum lens size: 300mm f/2.8 or 150–600mm f/5–6.3 attached to a body KEY FEATURES: Back-panel access to your camera gear without taking the pack off, allowing you to work out of the bag without getting your harness dirty, wet, muddy or icy Slim, lightweight backpack for the minimalist photographer Front pocket offers 2 liters of capacity for personal gear and opens vertically on the right side for easy access without taking off the pack Rear-panel access also adds security when traveling since your camera gear is protected behind your back Meets most international and U.S. carry-on requirements and will fit under most airline seats Dual vertical daisy chains on the front pocket add functionality and external carry capacity Simplified tripod carry on either side using the pocket and upper compression straps Padded waist belt is removable for personal preference Two large water bottle pockets with cinch cord fit a 950ml Nalgene Side compression straps with locking SR buckles for additional lash points Airmesh covered lumbar support and rear-panel for all-day comfort Ergonomic zipper pulls are easily gripped with gloves or frozen fingers Highest quality YKK RC Fuse zippers, 420D Velocity and 420D highdensity nylon for long lasting durability and strength Adjustable dividers for large telephoto lenses, traditional photo gear, or personal items Top zippered pocket for quick access to phone and other essentials Simplified top webbing handle Seam-sealed rain cover included Check with your airline for current carry-on requirements Available in following colors: Green | Grey SPECIFICATIONS: External Dimensions: 44.5 x 23 x 17 cm Internal Dimensions: 42 x 21 x 14 cm Volume: 15 Liter Weight: 1048 gram MATERIALS: Exterior: For superior water resistance, all exterior fabric has a durable water-repellent coating, plus the underside of the fabric has a polyurethane coating. It also has highest-quality abrasion-resistant YKK RC-Fuse zippers, 420D velocity nylon, 420D high-density nylon, 320G UltraStretch mesh, 350G airmesh, nylon webbing, 3-ply bonded nylon thread. Interior: 210D silver-toned nylon lining, hexa-mesh pockets, high-density closed-cell foam, PE board reinforcement, 3-ply bonded nylon thread. Think Thank on tuntud fotograafide näpunäidete järgi disainitud professionaalse kvaliteediga kaamerakottide poolest. Kõik tooted luuakse töökindlust ning teie varustuse maksimaalset turvalisust silmas pidades igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Täna esitleme uut Backlight seeria kompaktset seljakotti BackLight Sprint 15L. Think Thank BackLight Sprint loodi kompaktse varustusega fotograafide vajadusi silmas pidades. Kerge ja stiilne, sobides suurepäraselt nii linnakeskkonda kui ka päevaseks matkaks looduses. Teistest BackLight seeria mudelitest kitsama profiiliga, ent siiski 15-liitrine seljakott mahutab näiteks standardse suurusega kaamerakere ja kolm suumobjektiivi. Praktilist selja poolt avanevat juurdepääsu kaameravarustusele täiendab kaheliitrine esitasku kerge vihmajope või isiklike esemete jaoks. Pehmendustega rihmad võimaldavad muretult ette võtta ka pikemaid matku. Kaks suurt küljetaskut võivad kanda näiteks veepudelit ning statiivi. Vastupidav ja vetthülgav väliskangas pakub eeskujulikku kaitset niiskuse eest ning on teisalt lihtsam puhastada. Sarnaselt teiste Think Tanki toodetega on ka eraldi vihmakate komplektis kaasas. Olulisimad omadused Välismõõtmed 44,5 x 23 x 17 cm, sisemõõtmed 42 x 21 x 14 cm ning kaal 1048 grammi. Ruumi 1 kaamerakerele, 3 suumobjektiivile ja statiivile küljetaskus. Lisaks esitasku isiklike esemete jaoks. Mahutab vajadusel ka kaamera koos 300mm f2.8 või 150–600mm f/5–6.3 objektiiviga. Selja poolt avanevatel kottidel on kaks suurt eelist – keegi ei pääse teie fotovarustusele selja tagant märkamatult ligi ning teiseks jäävad kanderihmad ning koti vastu selga toetav osa peale koti maha panemist alati puhtaks. Pealisriideks on vastupidav 420D nailonkangas ning kasutatud on vastupidavaid YKK RC-Fuse tõmblukke. Vastab mõõtudelt enamikule rahvusvaheliste ja USA lennufirmade käsipagasi nõuetele. Pehmendusteega puusavöö on eemaldatav.
Toote pilt
179,00 €
Think Tank MindShift Rotation 34L Backpack
Tootekood: 116863 GTIN: 819865012079 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Rotation180® technology enables photographers to quickly access their camera without taking off the backpack. Simply rotate the integrated belt pack to the front of your body and your camera is at your fingertips. Snap the shot, slide the belt pack back in, and you’re on your way! Rotation180® technology enables photographers to quickly access their camera without taking off the backpack. Simply rotate the integrated belt pack to the front of your body and your camera is at your fingertips. Snap the shot, slide the belt pack back in, and you’re on your way! KEY FEATURES Rotating belt pack offers multiple benefits Immediate camera access: Stowed-to-shooting in 3 seconds Keep your backpack on while shooting Maintain creative momentum 2 bags in 1: Separate the belt pack and go light when needed One-handed magnetic opening with zipper closure for complete security Additional Features Rotating belt pack (8,5L) Front zippered pocket fits up to a 13” laptop (unpadded) or a 3L reservoir Jacket-sized front stuff pocket Torso height adjustment fits a wide range of body sizes Tripod carries easily on the front and/or side panels 10-point adjustable harness to fine tune how you carry your load Weather protection: DWR coated fabrics, zipper covers and belt pack elements barrier Perforated, angular foam back panel for increased airflow and quick-dry Top pocket for quick access to essential items Large side pocket fits most 1.5L water bottles Pack weight transfers to waist belt and moves with your hips Internal load compression to keep your gear tight and close to your body Waist belt pocket for instant access to small items Mountain axe/hiking pole loops Daisy chain attachment points to expand your load Increase your capacity: The Stash Master Pro (sold separately) maximizes photo gear in the top compartment Expand your access: Attach accessories (sold separately) to the belt wing Enhance your protection: Rain cover for downpour conditions (sold separately) What Fits Belt Pack: One gripped Mirrorless or DSLR kit with 3–5 lenses or one ungripped Mirrorless or DSLR body with 70-200mm f/2.8 attached Main Compartment: 25.5 liters of capacity for personal items or The Stash Master Top Load photo insert (sold separately) Specifications Backpack Exterior: 34 x 58 x 26 cm Backpack Interior: 28.5 x 34 x 18 cm Belt pack Interior: 28 x 19.5 x 18 cm Laptop: 24 x 34 x 2.5 cm Weight: 2.2 kg Materials Exterior: All exterior fabric is coated on both sides with a durable water-repellant coating YKK® AquaGuard and RC Fuse zippers 100D high-tenacity Triple Ripstop material 100D high-tenacity Ace Twill 1680D nylon ballistic bottom panel Triangle perforated high-density cross-linked angular foam 580G honeycomb air-mesh 350G air-mesh Nylon webbing 3-ply bonded nylon thread Interior: 200D polyester lining Belly-o mesh pockets Closed-cell cross-linked foam 3-ply bonded nylon thread
Toote pilt
299,00 €
Think Tank Mirrorless Mover 10 Dark Blue
Tootekood: TT0654 GTIN: 1111111111 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Compact, high quality bags design specifically for todays newest compact cameras. Room for a compact camera body and one or two additional lenses and accessories. Scaled to fit today’s compact, mirrorless cameras, this collection of bags offers the same top quality materials and craftsmanship that Think Tank is known for. Unlike many other competitors´ bags in this class, our collection does not cut corners in materials or craftsmanship. Using metal hardware instead of plastic buckles, high quality fabrics, YKK zippers and a new, magnetic closure, the Mirrorless Mover offer quality and value.
Toote pilt
45,00 €
Think Tank Mirrorless Mover 5
Tootekood: TT0646 GTIN: 87453000646 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Compact, high quality bags design specifically for today´s smallest mirrorless and system cameras such as the Nikon 1 and Sony NEX cameras. Scaled to fit today’s compact, mirrorless cameras, this collection of bags offers the same top quality materials and craftsmanship that Think Tank is known for. Unlike many other competitors´ bags in this class, our collection does not cut corners in materials or craftsmanship. Using metal hardware instead of plastic buckles, high quality fabrics, YKK zippers and a new, magnetic closure, the Mirrorless Mover offer quality and value.
Toote pilt
30,00 €
Think Tank My 2nd Brain 13 – Black
Tootekood: TT0602 GTIN: 874530006029 Tarvikud > Sülearvutikotid
This slim, soft case fits a a 13” MacBook Pro/Air + any iPad® + iPhone® in individual padded pockets. Additional dedicated pockets provide easy access to power adapters and memory cards, down to the tiniest items; so don´t sweat the small stuff. It´s made of tough, soft water-resistant fabrics and metal hardware that complement the Apple aesthetic. Slide an iPad into the zippered padded pocket that also has an organizer for pens and more. Keep an iPhone in the top pocket with a pouch for earbuds or a Bluetooth headset. Unzip the main compartment to organize and secure adapters and small items in clear zippered pockets. Stow documents in the rear pouch. Even the removable padded shoulder strap has a clip for full-size headphones—all in a case that´s only 2.4” thick.
Toote pilt
55,00 €
Think Tank My 2nd Brain 15 – Black
Tootekood: TT0606 GTIN: 874530006067 Tarvikud > Sülearvutikotid
This slim, soft case fits a a 15” MacBook Pro + any iPad® + iPhone® in individual padded pockets. Additional dedicated pockets provide easy access to power adapters and memory cards, down to the tiniest items, so don´t sweat the small stuff. It´s made of tough, soft water-resistant fabrics and metal hardware that complement the Apple aesthetic. Slide an iPad into the zippered padded pocket that also has an organizer for pens and more. Keep an iPhone in the top pocket with a pouch for earbuds or a Bluetooth headset. Unzip the main compartment to organize and secure adapters and small items in clear zippered pockets. Stow documents in the rear pouch. Even the removable padded shoulder strap has a clip for full-size headphones—all in a case that´s only 2.6” thick.
Toote pilt
59,00 €
Think Tank My 2nd Brain Tablet – Black
Tootekood: TT0594 GTIN: 874530005947 Tarvikud > Sülearvutikotid
This slim, soft case fits an iPad + iPhone® in individual padded pockets. Additional dedicated pockets provide easy access to power adapters and memory cards, down to the tiniest items; so don´t sweat the small stuff. It´s made of tough, soft water-resistant fabrics and metal hardware that complement the Apple aesthetic. Slide an iPad into the zippered padded pocket that also has an organizer for pens and more. Keep an iPhone in the top pocket with a pouch for earbuds or a Bluetooth headset. Unzip the main compartment to organize and secure adapters and small items in clear zippered pockets. Stow documents in the rear pouch. Even the removable padded shoulder strap has a clip for full-size headphones—all in a case that´s only 1.9” thick.
Toote pilt
45,00 €
Tootekood: 720473 GTIN: 874530004735 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Think Tank NAKED SHAPE SHIFTER® 17 V2.0 - võimaldab kohandada kandelahendusi vastavalt sinu soovile, kinnitades seljakoti siseküljele nahast taskud või objektiivi vahetustaskud. Naked Shape Shifter innovatiivne lahendus muudab selle professionaalsetele fotograafidele üheks paindlikumaks kandelahenduseks. Reisil olles või mitte, seljakotti saab muuta suuremaks või väiksemaks, just sellepärst et see sobiks sinu vajadustega. Shape Shifteri seerial on ka spetsiaalsed tahvelarvutite ja nutitelefonide taskud, rullkäepide ja eemaldatav veepudeli kott. PÕHIOMADUSED: Koti saab kokku presside 3 tolli võrra, kui fototehnika on välja võetud Kinnita Skin Pouches või Lens Changer seljakoti kohandatud modulaarse lahendusele Mahutab täisvarustuse fototarvikuid, statiivi, 17 ”sülearvutit ja täissuuruses tahvelarvutit
Toote pilt
229,00 €
Think Tank Okular EP-C7D Hydrophobia for Canon 7D
Tootekood: TT0633 GTIN: 874530006333 Tarvikud > Muud tarvikud
Toote pilt
31,00 €
Think Tank Pixel Pocket Rocket
Tootekood: TT0209 GTIN: 874530002090 Tarvikud > Lisatarvikute kotid
Mahutab 10 CF või XQD mälukaarti, kokkuvolditavas kottikeses. Store 10 Compact Flash or XQD memory cards in a small package that fits easily in your pocket or attaches to your belt or bags. A built in business card holder makes for easy identification!
Toote pilt
19,00 €
THINK TANK Pro Speed Belt V3.0 - L-XL
Tootekood: 116827 GTIN: 874530000119 Tarvikud > Muud tarvikud
Fully padded waistbelt for the Modular Component System Comes in three sizes: S-M / M-L / L-XL. This product is in size L-XL. KEY FEATURES: All belt edges are fully padded for comfort and support Adjustable buckle stops prevent belt from loosening yet is easy to resize Part of Think Tank’s Modular Component System (components sold separately) Additional Features Ability to Rotate or Lock components on the belt Compatible with Keep It Up strap and Pixel Racing Harness V3.0 Integrates with most Think Tank backpacks Allows pouches to rotate 360º around the belt Specifications Note: For the most accurate results, please measure your waist with a tape measure over your clothing. Small–Medium Size: 68–85 cm, based on actual waist measurement over clothing Weight: 0.5 lbs (0.22 kg) Medium–Large Size: 81–106 cm, based on actual waist measurement over clothing Large–XL Size: 96–122 cm, based on actual waist measurement over clothing Weight: 0.22 kg (Small–Medium) 0.25 kg (Medium–Large) 0.3 kg (Large–XL) Materials Exterior: Rock Lockster® buckles High-density closed cell foam* TouchTex™ mesh Nylon webbing 3-ply bonded nylon thread In The Box Seam-sealed rain cover
Toote pilt
49,90 €
Think Tank Pro Speed Belt™ V2.0 - XL-XXL
Tootekood: TT0013 GTIN: 874530000133 Tarvikud > Muud tarvikud
Täielikult polsterdatud vöö, pakub maksimaakset mugavust ja tuge. Samuti reguleeritava turvapandlaga. (112–162 cm) Protect your back! Designed for comfort, this fully padded waist belt allows you to “Rotate or Lock” Modular and Skin components for even weight distribution.
Toote pilt
37,00 €
Think Tank R U Hot?
Tootekood: TT0224 GTIN: 87453000204 Tarvikud > Lisatarvikute kotid
Take a full-size water bottle and a couple of energy bars on your next shoot with this soft, collapsible belt pouch. You can also use the R U Hot? for other accessories like a soft hat and gloves.
Toote pilt
10,00 €
Think Tank Red Whips Bungie Cable Ties V2.0
Tootekood: 116813 GTIN: 874530009648 Tarvikud > Lisatarvikute kotid
Think Tank Red Whips Bungie Cable Ties V2.0 are heavy-duty, adjustable elastic bands. The package contains ten short (6"/16cm) and two long (7.5"/19cm) cable wraps which you can use to secure cables. 12-pack of adjustable elastic cable ties built to withstand the daily rigors of working professionals KEY FEATURES: 10 regular sized and 2 longer red whips for flexibility in organization Easy slider adjustment allows tie downs to be quick and secure Bright red color keeps them visible in your bag Great for keeping your cables organized and orderly What Fits 12 adjustable Red Whips per package for safely securing and organizing your cables, chargers, etc. Specifications Length: 6” (16 cm) and 7.5” (19cm) sized red whips Materials *High density elastic cording Cord lock In The Box 12 Red Whips
Toote pilt
12,90 €
Think Tank Retrospective 10 Black
Tootekood: TT0754 GTIN: 874530007545 Think Tank FOTOKOTID
Created for the professional photographer that wants to blend in with the crowd and remain inconspicuous in any situation. This bag combines the look and feel of "old-school" camera bags with "new-school" features and technology for the digital imaging age. This inconspicuous, soft-sided shoulder bag´s simple exterior helps you keep a low-profile. Carries 1 pro-size DSLR plus 2-4 lenses.
Toote pilt
170,00 €