Barbecook steak nuga OLIVIA 4tk (7049)
Tootekood: 00000268 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Olivia on uus ja moodne Batbecook grilltarvikute seeria. Tarvikud on valmistatud kvaliteetsest roostevabast terasest,millepaksus on 1,8mm. Tera pikkus 11,5 cm. Lisaks stiilsele mustale disainile on käepidemed ergonoomilised ja kuumuskindlad.Toodeon pestav nõudepesumasinas.
Toote pilt
24,35 €
Barbecook suitsuahi OSKAR L (5020)
Tootekood: 00000687 Suitsugrillid
Barbecook suitsuahju Oskar kasutatakse nii külma kui kuumsuitsutamise jaoks. Suitsutamine on tervislikuim viisvalmistadatoitu, sest pole vaja rasva ega õli. Lisaks säilib suitsutatud toit kaua. Oskar suitsuahjud on varustatud niivõrkresti, kuitugevate konksudega, millel saate suitsutada nii liha kui kala. Suitsutamisel on temperatuuri reguleerimineäärmiseltoluline. Sellepärast on Oskar suitsuahjudel sisse ehitatud termomeeter ja reguleeritav õhuvarustus, millegasaatetemperatuuri hästi juhtida. Oskar suitsuahjud on lihtsad kasutada kõigile. Kuumuskindla ja kriimustuskindla emailgakaetudsuitsuahju kõrgus on 120 cm ja kroomitud võrkresti läbimõõt Ø 54 cm.
Toote pilt
405,65 €
Barbecook suitsuahi OSKAR M (5014)
Tootekood: 00000685 Suitsugrillid
Barbecook suitsuahju Oskar kasutatakse nii külma kui kuumsuitsutamise jaoks. Suitsutamine on tervislikuim viisvalmistadatoitu, sest pole vaja rasva ega õli. Lisaks säilib suitsutatud toit kaua. Oskar suitsuahjud on varustatud niivõrkresti, kuitugevate konksudega, millel saate suitsutada nii liha kui kala. Suitsutamisel on temperatuuri reguleerimineäärmiseltoluline. Sellepärast on Oskar suitsuahjudel sisse ehitatud termomeeter ja reguleeritav õhuvarustus, millegasaatetemperatuuri hästi juhtida. Oskar suitsuahjud on lihtsad kasutada kõigile. Kuumuskindla ja kriimustuskindla emailgakaetudsuitsuahju kõrgus on 112 cm ja kroomitud võrkresti läbimõõt Ø 44 cm.
Toote pilt
293,82 €
Barbecook suitsuahi OSKAR S (5017)
Tootekood: 00000686 Suitsugrillid
Barbecook suitsuahju Oskar kasutatakse nii külma kui kuumsuitsutamise jaoks. Suitsutamine on tervislikuim viisvalmistadatoitu, sest pole vaja rasva ega õli. Lisaks säilib suitsutatud toit kaua. Oskar suitsuahjud on varustatud niivõrkresti, kuitugevate konksudega, millel saate suitsutada nii liha kui kala. Suitsutamisel on temperatuuri reguleerimineäärmiseltoluline. Sellepärast on Oskar suitsuahjudel sisse ehitatud termomeeter ja reguleeritav õhuvarustus, millegasaatetemperatuuri hästi juhtida. Oskar suitsuahjud on lihtsad kasutada kõigile. Kuumuskindla ja kriimustuskindla emailgakaetudsuitsuahju kõrgus on 88 cm ja kroomitud võrkresti läbimõõt Ø 40 cm.
Toote pilt
232,82 €
Barbecook suitsulaastud HIKKORIPUU, 310 gr. (5002)
Tootekood: 00002400 Grilli aksessuaarid ja tarvikud
Hikkoripuu laast annab suitsutamisel lisamaitse ja ka ilusa värvi. Hikkoripuu suitsulaast on 100% naturaalne.Suitsulaastudsobivad kasutamiseks nii universaalses suitsutoosis kui ka fooliumikotis, mida saab visata otse põlevale söelesuitsutekitamise eesmärgil. Lisamaitseid saate suitsulaastuga anda nii gaasi kui söegrillil, kui ka suitsuahjus. NÕUANNE:Ennekasutamist täitke laastukott veega ja laske laastul paar tundi liguneda.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsulaastud KIRSS, 350 gr. (5004)
Tootekood: 00002401 Grilli aksessuaarid ja tarvikud
Kirss suitsulaastud annavad magusa maitse ja puuviljane suits sobib hästi kodulindudele (nahk muutub kenaks,tumepruunivärvi). Suits annab ilusa roosaka tooniga kerge liha. Kirss suitsulaast on 100% naturaalne ja sobib kana, sealiha,singi javeiseliha suitsutamiseks. Suitsulaastud sobivad kasutamiseks nii universaalses suitsutoosis kui ka fooliumikotis,mida saabvisata otse põlevale söele suitsu tekitamise eesmärgil. Lisamaitseid saate suitsulaastuga anda nii gaasi kuisöegrillil, kuika suitsuahjus. NÕUANNE! Enne kasutamist täitke laastukott veega ja laske laastul paar tundi liguneda.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsulaastud OLIIV, 350 gr. (5003)
Tootekood: 00000319 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Oliiv suitsulaastud annavad vürtsika maitse, kuid pärast pikemat suitsutamist võib jääda ka mõru maitse. Oliiv suitsulaaston100% naturaalne ja sobib ideaalselt kodulindude suitsutamiseks. Suitsulaastud sobivad kasutamiseks niiuniversaalsessuitsutoosis kui ka fooliumikotis, mida saab visata otse põlevale söele suitsu tekitamise eesmärgil.Lisamaitseid saatesuitsulaastuga anda nii gaasi kui söegrillil, kui ka suitsuahjus. NÕUANNE! Enne kasutamist täitkelaastukott veega ja laskelaastul paar tundi liguneda.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsulaastud ÕUN, 310 gr. (5000)
Tootekood: 00000369 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Õunapuu suitsulaastud annavad magusa puuviljamaitse ja see sobib suurepäraselt veiseliha, linnuliha (nahk muutubkenaks,tumepruuni värvi) või singi suitsutamiseks. Õunapuul on viljapuudest kõige tugevam aroom suitsutamisel. Õunapuusuitsulaaston 100% naturaalne. Suitsulaastud sobivad kasutamiseks nii universaalses suitsutoosis kui ka fooliumikotis, midasaab visataotse põlevale söele suitsu tekitamise eesmärgil. Lisamaitseid saate suitsulaastuga anda nii gaasi kui söegrillil,kui kasuitsuahjus. NÕUANNE: Enne kasutamist täitke laastukott veega ja laske laastul paar tundi liguneda.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsulaastud PÖÖK, 350 gr. (5010)
Tootekood: 00000371 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Pöök suitsulaastud annavad kerge maheda maitse ja sobivad seega igasuguse toidu suitsutamiseks. Kala, liha,juust,köögiviljad, pähklid jne. Pöök suitsulaast on 100% naturaalne. Lisamaitseid saate suitsulaastuga anda nii söegrillil,kui kasuitsuahjus, visates leotatud laastud otse hõõguvale söele. NÕUANNE: Enne kasutamist täitke laastukott veega ja laskelaastulpaar tundi liguneda.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsulaastud SIDRUN, 375 gr. (5005)
Tootekood: 00000320 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Sidrun suitsulaastud annavad hõrgu puuvilja maitse ja see peen lõhn on eriti sobilik õrna valge kala suitsutamiseks.Sidrunsuitsulaast on 100% naturaalne ja sobib ka kodulindude ja mereandide suitsutamiseks. Suitsulaastud sobivad kasutamiseksniiuniversaalses suitsutoosis kui ka fooliumikotis, mida saab visata otse põlevale söele suitsu tekitamiseeesmärgil.Lisamaitseid saate suitsulaastuga anda nii gaasi kui söegrillil, kui ka suitsuahjus. NÕUANNE! Enne kasutamisttäitkelaastukott veega ja laske laastul paar tundi liguneda.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsulaastud TAMM, 310 gr. (5001)
Tootekood: 00002399 Grilli aksessuaarid ja tarvikud
Tamme suitsulaast on kõige mitmekülgsema suitsuaroomiga ja sobib enamikule lihatoodetele. Tamm annab suitsutamiselpuhtamaitse, ilma kõrvalmaitseta ja ka ilusa värvi. Tamme suitsulaast on 100% naturaalne ja eriti sobib ribisuitsutamiseks.Suitsulaastud sobivad kasutamiseks nii universaalses suitsutoosis kui ka fooliumikotis, mida saab visata otsepõlevale söelesuitsu tekitamise eesmärgil. Lisamaitseid saate suitsulaastuga anda nii gaasi kui söegrillil, kui kasuitsuahjus. NÕUANNE:Enne kasutamist täitke laastukott veega ja laske laastul paar tundi liguneda.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsutuspuru LEPP, 250 gr. (5008)
Tootekood: 00000370 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Lepa suitsupuru kasutatakse traditsiooniliselt lõhe ja teiste mereandide külmsuitsutamisel. Lepal on väga pehme aroom,misannab kalale lisamaitse. Barbecook külmsuitsutoosiga saate lisaks mereandidele lepa suitsupuruga suitsutada ka lihajajuustu.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suitsutuspuru PÖÖK, 230 gr. (5007)
Tootekood: 00000321 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Pöögi suitsupuru kasutatakse külmsuitsutamisel ja selle kerge maitse sobib liha, kala, köögiviljade, pähklite jajuustudejaoks. Pöögi suitsupuru on neutraalne ja sobib seetõttu igasuguse toidu suitsutamiseks.
Toote pilt
6,56 €
Barbecook suur kokanuga OLIVIA (7041)
Tootekood: 00000264 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Olivia on uus ja moodne Batbecook grilltarvikute seeria. Tarvikud on valmistatud kvaliteetsest roostevabast terasest,millepaksus on 1,8mm. Tera pikkus 20 cm. Lisaks stiilsele mustale disainile on käepidemed ergonoomilised ja kuumuskindlad.Toodeon pestav nõudepesumasinas.
Toote pilt
12,15 €
Barbecook süütamistabeletid 72tk (7113)
Tootekood: 00000299 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Keskkonnasõbralikud Barbecook süütamistabletid. Pakendis 72 tükki.
Toote pilt
5,03 €
Barbecook tikud 26cm (7112)
Tootekood: 00000298 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Tuletikk on vahend tule süütamiseks. Barbecook pikad tikud (26 cm) sobivad hästi grillide ja muude sügavamatekolletesüütamiseks. Karp sisaldab 60 tuletikku.
Toote pilt
4,52 €
Barbecook toidutermomeeter DIGITAL
Tootekood: 00000289 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Praktiline köögitermomeeter, mis on ette nähtud liha, aga ka erinevate vedelike nt. piima, veini või õlisisetemperatuurikontrollimiseks. Mõõteskaala vahemik on 0 kuni 140 °C ja mõõtmistulemus saavutatakse juba 5-6 sekundiga.Seadme sond onroostevabast terasest, käepide plastikust. Seade töötab patareidelt (2xAG13, 1,5V), mis kuuluvad komplekti.TÄHELEPANU!Kaitske termomeetri elektroonikat ja plastikkorpust lahtise tule eest ja ärge kasutage termomeetrit suletud ahjus.
Toote pilt
36,55 €
Barbecook toidutermomeeter POCKET DIGITAL (7078)
Tootekood: 00000287 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Laia kasutusalaga köögitermomeeter, mis on ette nähtud liha, aga ka erinevate vedelike nt. piima, veini võiõlisisetemperatuuri kontrollimiseks. Mõõteskaala vahemik on 0 kuni 140 °C ja mõõtmistulemus saavutatakse juba 5-6sekundiga.Seadme sond on roostevabast terasest, käepide plastikust. Mugav ka vajadusel kaasa võtta, sest kokku panduna mahubideaalselttaskusse. Seade töötab patareidelt (1xAAA), mis ei kuulu komplekti. TÄHELEPANU! Kaitske termomeetri elektroonikatjaplastikkorpust lahtise tule eest ja ärge kasutage termomeetrit suletud ahjus.
Toote pilt
26,38 €
Barbecook toidutermomeeter WIRELESS
Tootekood: 00000286 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Komplekt koosneb kaugjuhtimispuldist, alusest ja juhtmega sondist. Wireless termomeetril on mitmeid erinevaidfunktsioone.Seadmel on taimeri funktsioon, lisaks saate vaadata valmistatava liha valmimisastet, sisetemperatuuri ning saateedastadasignaali, kui on saavutatud eelseatud temperatuur. Seade töötab patareidelt (4xAAA), mis ei kuulu komplekti.TÄHELEPANU!Kaitske termomeetri elektroonikat ja plastikkorpust lahtise tule eest.
Toote pilt
47,73 €
Barbecook tulease CLASSIC SQUADRA 62x62cm (6012)
Tootekood: 00002398 Gaasisoojendi ja tulease
Toote pilt
121,95 €
Barbecook tulease JURA 43cm (6013)
Tootekood: 00000684 Gaasisoojendi ja tulease
Elav tuli on toob alati sõbrad kokku. Barbecook tuleasemega saate turvaliselt teha tuld igal aastaajal. Lisaks tuleleonvõimalik ka grillida, kui eelnevalt olemas vardad või grillrest. Tulease Jura 60 on valmistatud metallist jakaetudkuumuskindla värviga. Tuleaseme läbimõõt Ø 60 cm ja kõrgus 75 cm.
Toote pilt
111,78 €
Barbecook tulease MODERN 60cm (6005)
Tootekood: 00000682 Gaasisoojendi ja tulease
Elav tuli on toob alati sõbrad kokku. Barbecook tuleasemega saate turvaliselt teha tuld igal aastaajal. Lisaks tuleleonvõimalik ka grillida, kui eelnevalt olemas vardad või grillrest. Tulease Modern 60 on valmistatud metallist jakaetudkuumuskindla värviga. Tuleaseme läbimõõt Ø 60 cm ja 34cm.
Toote pilt
171,82 €
Barbecook tulease MODERN 75cm (6003)
Tootekood: 00002397 Gaasisoojendi ja tulease
Elav tuli on toob alati sõbrad kokku. Barbecook tuleasemega saate turvaliselt teha tuld igal aastaajal. Lisaks tuleleonvõimalik ka grillida, kui eelnevalt olemas vardad või grillrest. Tulease Modern 75 on valmistatud metallist jakaetudkuumuskindla värviga. Tuleaseme läbimõõt Ø 75 cm ja 32cm.
Toote pilt
192,15 €
Barbecook tulease MODERN RONDA 40cm (6010)
Tootekood: 00000683 Gaasisoojendi ja tulease
Elav tuli on toob alati sõbrad kokku. Barbecook tuleasemega saate turvaliselt teha tuld igal aastaajal. Lisaks tuleleonvõimalik ka grillida, kui eelnevalt olemas vardad või grillrest. Tulease Modern Ronda on valmistatud metallist jakaetudkuumuskindla värviga. Tuleaseme läbimõõt Ø 40 cm, kõrgus 62 cm.
Toote pilt
66,03 €
Barbecook tulease URAL 47cm (6004)
Tootekood: 00000681 Gaasisoojendi ja tulease
Toote pilt
116,87 €
Barbecook tulepuhur (7110)
Tootekood: 00000297 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Manuaalne Barbecook tulepuhur on abiks, kui on häireid tule süütamisel. Toode on valmistatud plastikust. Puhuri pikkus24,5cm.
Toote pilt
8,08 €
Barbecook universaalne suitsulaastu toos (5019)
Tootekood: 00000325 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Barbecook suitsulaastu toos on valmistatud emaileeritud terasest, peal roostevabast terasest kaas. Kasutamiseks avagetoosikaas ja täitke leotatud suitsulaastuga. Lisaks laastule saate toosi lisada ka erinevaid vedelike. Näiteks laastudesegamiselveiniga on võimalik saada kordumatuid aroome. Suitsulaastuga täidetud toos asetage gaasigrillil põleti, söegrillisvõisuitsuahjus tule kohale. Barbecook suitsutoosi saate kasutada kõigis gaasi ja söegrillides ning suitsuahjudes.Suitsutoosimõõdud on 23,2x9,5x4 cm.
Toote pilt
34,52 €
Barbecook välipliit VICTOR TROLLEY (3009)
Tootekood: 00000314 Gaasigrillid
Toote pilt
486,98 €
Barbecook vorstirest FSC (7090)
Tootekood: 00000290 Aiamaja, panipaik, aiakuur
Kroomitud, kasepuidust käepidemega ja FSC märgisega grillrest vorstide küpsetamiseks. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council,eestikeeles Metsahoolekogu) on rahvusvaheline mittetulunduslik organisatsioon, mis edendab metsade vastutustundlikkumajandamistkogu maailmas. Grillresti mõõdud 8x17 cm, käepideme pikkus 33 cm.
Toote pilt
7,07 €
Barbecue Set Grill Food Cutlery Plates Cups
Tootekood: 00040500 GTIN: 5905991015093 Lasteköök ja tehnika
<p><strong><span>Barbecue Set Grill Food Cutlery Plates Cups</span></strong></p> <p><span>A mini grill for children is an extraordinary experience that takes children into a fascinating world of tasty adventures and culinary experiments. This unique set contains everything little chefs need to play the role of real chefs - grilling products, cutlery, dishes and a grill.</span></p> <p><span>The set was designed with the youngest cooking enthusiasts in mind, offering not only an attractive appearance, but also high functionality and interactivity. A mini grill, designed especially for children, allows for full involvement in the fun, while developing children's imagination and manual skills.</span></p> <p><span>Thanks to this mini grill, children can pretend to prepare tasty dishes. The unique design and attention to detail make the grill not only entertaining, but also educational, inspiring the youngest to discover the secrets of culinary art.</span></p> <p><span>The set includes realistic-looking grilling products that children can place on the grill. The cutlery and dishes included in the set are perfectly adapted to little hands, which makes them easy and pleasant to manipulate.</span></p> <p><span>A mini grill for children is not only a toy, but also a magical tool that arouses culinary interests and introduces children to the world of tasty experiments.</span></p> <p><span>Made of the highest quality materials, the mini grill guarantees durability and safety while playing. It is the perfect gift for every little cooking enthusiast who dreams of creating their own dishes and running a mini kitchen.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Set contains:</span></strong></p> <p><span>- Grill</span></p> <p><span>- 2x teaspoon</span></p> <p><span>- 2x fork</span></p> <p><span>- 2x knife</span></p> <p><span>-2x plate</span></p> <p><span>-2x cup</span></p> <p><span>-pitcher</span></p> <p><span>- 4x grill utensils</span></p> <p><span>- Hamburger</span></p> <p><span>- chicken leg</span></p> <p><span>-corn</span></p> <p><span>-steak</span></p> <p><strong><span>Dimensions of the grill with legs:</span></strong></p> <p><span>30.5cm x 21cm x 16.5cm</span></p> <p><span>It is <strong>CE</strong> certified and complies with the <strong>EN71</strong> standard. Intended for children over 3 years of age.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p> </p> <p>-</p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
23,69 €
Barber Hairdresser Set Ciastoline 4 Colours Accessories
Tootekood: 00016609 GTIN: 5904204754279 Loomingulised mänguasjad
<p><span><strong>Barber Hairdresser Set Ciastoline 4 Colours Accessories</strong></span></p> <p><span>If your child dreams of owning their own hairdressing salon, this will be the perfect toy set for them. The wonderful set for a little hairdresser is perfect for both girls and boys. Even today every child can play the role of a hair stylist at home. Additional accessories will help to create beautiful hairstyles.</span></p> <p><span>Playing with ciastolina definitely develops artistic and motor skills of your child. Young children love to create colourful hairstyles for themselves, but playing with their own hair can be a bit dangerous. This is where our set can easily save the situation!</span></p> <p><span>With the help of the attached two empty pieces you create customers who unfortunately still don't have hair! By filling the empty body with dougholine and stuffing it onto the plunger, thick, colourful, doughy hair will start to come out through the holes in the top! With the included tools, your little hairdresser can comb, trim and shape them precisely enough. You can also create additional accessories from pastryoline - hair decorations, hair dryer or shampoo.</span></p> <p><span>A great advantage is the possibility to model the mass immediately after taking it out of the bag, as well as the fact that it does not get dirty and does not leave a greasy film on the toddler's fingers. If, in the fervour of play, the child puts the pastryoline in the carpet or in any other place not intended for it, you will quickly remove it - after time it will dry and crumble, leaving no damage behind.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Set elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- base and squeezer</span></p> <p><span>- two caps</span></p> <p><span>- set for decorating the folk: hair dryer, comb, scissors, bands, knife</span></p> <p><span>- 4 coloured masses</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the box:</strong></span></p> <p><span>31 cm x 28 cm x 6 cm</span></p> <p><span>The Hairdresser's Set is designed for all children over 3 years of age. It is packed in a nice cardboard box. All accessories are made of certified, safe material and the toy has been CE marked, which confirms compliance with the European Union requirements.</span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
25,96 €
Barbie Sword Soap Bubbles 120ml My Bubble Pink
Tootekood: 00023886 GTIN: 5904335850888 Mullid
<p><span><strong>Barbie Sword Soap Bubbles 120ml My Bubble Pink</strong></span></p> <p><span>A way to bring joy and smiles! Releasing bubbles is great fun to encourage outdoor play. Beautiful rainbow coloured bubbles that float and glide through the air will add variety to the fun you have together in the garden. The toddler will start running and jumping while trying to burst the bubble. In doing so, it increases coordination and balance.</span></p> <p><span>The toy is useful for special events or playing together in the backyard. Soap bubbles in the shape of a sword with a Barbie licence will please not only the playing child but also everyone around.</span></p> <p><span>The liquid inside is colourless, just pull out the stick, blow or swipe lightly and colourful bubbles will appear before your eyes.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the pink Barbie sword:</strong></span></p> <p><span>37 cm x 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm </span></p> <p><span>The soap bubbles are suitable for all children over 3 years old. CE certified and manufactured in accordance with EN 71, guaranteeing the safety of use.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the packaging, ordering 24 pcs:</strong></span></p> <p><span>37 cm x 20 cm x 14 cm </span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
12,62 €
Base Fire Department Hospital Command Center Vehicles 6 pcs
Tootekood: 00041429 GTIN: 5905991019107 Autod ja muu transport
<p><strong><span>Base Fire Department Hospital Command Center Vehicles 6 pcs</span></strong></p> <p><span>The 2-in-1 toy Command Base Hospital Fire Department is an extremely versatile set that will stimulate the imagination of every child. This command base serves as a central station for various emergency services, allowing children to experience the role of rescuers, firefighters and medical staff.</span></p> <p><span>The set includes emergency services buildings and a roof on which you can mount a tower with a landing pad, walkie-talkie and lighting. Thanks to this, children can call emergency vehicles and direct rescue operations. Additionally, the cars can slide down from the garage roof along a special ramp, which adds dynamics to the game.</span></p> <p><span>The set includes 6 cars ready for action, which can be stored inside the base after assembly. The base can also be used as a storage space for toy cars, and the convenient handle allows you to carry it like a suitcase, which makes the set practical and easy to transport.</span></p> <p><span>Thanks to the possibility of creating various scenarios, children can take turns playing the roles of rescuers, firefighters, policemen or medical staff, while developing their social skills and creativity.</span></p> <p><span>The toy is made of high-quality plastic, which ensures durability and safety during play. Command Base Hospital Fire Department is the perfect choice for every child who dreams of adventures in the world of rescue.</span></p> <p><span>The base is powered by 3x 1.5V AA batteries, which are not included in the set.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Dimensions of the unfolded base:</span></strong></p> <p><span>51cm x 38.5cm x 7cm</span></p> <p><strong><span>Size of the package:</span></strong></p> <p><span>44cm x 31.5cm x 14.5</span></p> <p><span>It is <strong>CE</strong> certified and complies with the <strong>EN71</strong> standard. Intended for children over 3 years of age.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
32,08 €
Baseus Elf Lithium Polymer (LiPo) 20000 mAh Black
Tootekood: 00042614 GTIN: 6953156209022 Akupangad
Toote pilt
3-6 tp
64,37 €
Tootekood: 00044478 GTIN: 6932172613600 Akupangad
Toote pilt
3-6 tp
68,54 €
+1,05 €
Tootekood: 00042613 GTIN: 6932172618230 Akupangad
Toote pilt
3-6 tp
38,39 €
Basket Grocery Set For Shopping Vegetables, Fruits Pink 5354
Tootekood: 00014424 GTIN: 4823037605354 Lasteköök ja tehnika
<p><strong><span>Basket Grocery Set For Shopping Vegetables, Fruits 5354</span></strong></p> <p><span>A wonderful shopping basket with accessories is a guarantee of great fun for many hours. Every child loves to imitate their parents as they go about their daily activities. Now she will be able to shop on her own, even in her own room with her friends. The set includes popular fruits and vegetables that vary in color, form and size, which is why they are perfect for learning colors and shapes. Both the basket and the accessories are made of durable, odorless, high-quality plastic without sharp edges. The toy is intended for children over 3 years of age, it also includes a CE certificate, which makes it completely safe for children.</span></p> <p><strong><span>The composition of the set:</span></strong></p> <p><span>- shopping cart</span></p> <p><span>- banana</span></p> <p><span>- grape</span></p> <p><span>- tomato</span></p> <p><span>- pear</span></p> <p><span>- cucumber</span></p> <p><span>- eggplant</span></p> <p><span>- carrot</span></p> <p><span>- onion</span></p> <p><span>- pepper</span></p> <p><span>- orange</span></p> <p><span>- lemon</span></p> <p><span>- cabbage</span></p> <p><span>- corn</span></p> <p><strong><span>Basket dimensions:</span></strong></p> <p><span>27 cm x 18.5 cm x 16 cm</span></p> <p><strong><span>Size of the package:</span></strong></p> <p><span>about 35 cm x 25 cm x 20 cm</span></p> <p><strong><span>Weight:</span></strong></p> <p><span>0.4 kg</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
22,57 €
Basket of Monkeys Falling Monkeys Arcade Game
Tootekood: 00028077 GTIN: 5905991001959 Mängud
<p><strong><span>Basket of Monkeys Falling Monkeys Arcade Game</span></strong></p> <p><span>The rules of the game are very simple. We make a pile of all the monkeys. We turn the hourglass over and start staring. The first player grabs one monkey and without touching the others with his hands, tries to make a chain of monkeys as long as possible. We continue the chain until the time measured by the hourglass expires. When the time is up, we count the monkeys and the next player starts the game. The winner is the person who creates the longest chain of monkeys.</span></p> <p><span>The rules can be changed at will, e.g. to increase the difficulty level, you can make a chain only with monkeys of a selected color, or you can organize a competition to see who can put more monkeys in a basket in a given time. There are so many possibilities.</span></p> <p><span>The basket can be used both for play and as a container for storing the monkeys after they have finished playing.</span></p> <p><span>An arcade game with monkeys is the perfect gift for every child. We all know that children are eager to engage in various games that allow them to acquire new skills.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><strong><span>Set contents:</span></strong></p> <p><span>- 24 monkeys</span></p> <p><span>- hourglass</span></p> <p><span>- basket</span></p> <p><span>- original packaging</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><strong><span>Size of the package:</span></strong></p> <p><span>24 cm x 16 cm x 6 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>It is <strong>CE</strong> certified and complies with the <strong>EN71</strong> standard. Intended for children<strong> over 3 years of age.</strong></span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
15,82 €
Basket Toss Target Game Points
Tootekood: 00016849 GTIN: 5905323213081 Mängud
<p><span><strong>Basket Toss Target Game Points</strong></span></p> <p><span>Dexterity games of all kinds improve coordination, dexterity and concentration, and provide a hint of competition. The Throw-Out Target Game will provide great fun, adrenaline and laughter. A competition arranged for the whole family is a very good way to spend free time.</span></p> <p><span>The basket stand can be placed both indoors and outdoors. Does your little one love the outdoors? You can hold a competition there too.</span></p> <p><span>The fun is that each player has to aim with a bag at his or her own colour of basket, there is a number on each basket, once you have used your bags you have to count the points and see how the score comes out.</span></p> <p><span>A huge advantage is the height adjustment, the stand can be set from 75 cm to 100 cm. The knobs that mount the baskets will ensure that they can be set at any height. The base has a hole with a lock - for appropriate loading of the stand during play. Pour water or sand inside and play without worrying about the basket tipping over.</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>Set elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- stand</span></p> <p><span>- 5 baskets</span></p> <p><span>- 6 throwing bags</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the set elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- bag: 7 cm x 7 cm x 2 cm</span></p> <p><span>- stand: 38 cm x 30 cm x 100 cm</span></p> <p><span>- basket: 16 cm x 16 cm x 17 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>47 cm x 27 cm x 16 cm</span></p> <p><span>This toy is designed for children over 3 years old. The set is CE certified and complies with EN 71 and comes packaged in a cardboard box, making it ideal for gift giving.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
21,52 €
Basketball Arcade Game Launcher
Tootekood: 00014042 GTIN: 5904204753418 Mängud
<p><span><strong>Basketball Arcade Game Launcher</strong></span></p> <p><span>The perfect game for the whole family ! If you want to practise your skill at the same time as having the fun ! If you want to practice accuracy and have fun at the same time, this is the set for you ! The game requires precision, but you can be the best! Collect as many points as possible by shooting the ball into the basket ! The game will give a lot of smiles and joy and will provide hours of entertainment and fun.</span></p> <p><span><strong>How to play?</strong></span></p> <p><span>Place the ball on the launcher, aim and press. By hitting the basket, you collect points. Accuracy to the basket and shots on goal will be perfectly trained. The competition will stir up hot emotions!</span></p> <p><span>The elements making up the toy are made of robust and durable material. The colour scheme will attract the eye, which will certainly encourage everyone to play.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Elements of the set:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- 3 plastic balls</span></p> <p><span>- table basketball game</span></p> <p><span>- mechanism for shooting the ball</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the mini basketball:</strong></span></p> <p><span>35 cm x 22 cm x 29 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>40 cm x some about 23 cm x 8 cm</span></p> <p><span>for there are 2-4 people. For children over 3 years old. Complies with EN71 standard and CE certificate.</span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
24,66 €
Basketball Arcade Game with Ball Launcher
Tootekood: 00024932 GTIN: 5905884457788 Mängud
<div> <p><span>Build your own basketball court and try to become a legend!<br />Place your ball on the launcher and aim the basket.<br />There are 6 balls included in the set. Each player has got the same number of chances to prove his unbelievable skills!<br />The player to score more points wins.<br />Set includes:<br />- 6 balls<br />- 4 baskets<br />- basketball court<br />- balls launcher<br /><br /></span></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong><span>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</span></strong></span></p> <p><span>Dimensions:</span><br /><span>- box - 42cm x 26,5cm x 7cm</span><br /><span>- court - 37cm x 15,5cm</span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><span>Not suitable for children under 3 years of age!</span></p> </div>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
21,43 €
Basketball Backboard, Electronic Basket, Point Counter, Sounds
Tootekood: 00031624 GTIN: 5905991007364 Korvpallilauad
<p><strong><span>Basketball Backboard, Electronic Basket, Point Counter, Sounds</span></strong></p> <p><span>The basketball backboard was created for true fans of this sport. Made of hard, transparent material, it ensures not only solidity, but also excellent visibility for players during each throw. This is the perfect solution for those who want to raise their game level and feel like real professionals.</span></p> <p><span>A basketball backboard that will make every moment of the game full of excitement and fun.</span></p> <p><span>The board comes with a basket with a net and a built-in point counter that adds points for each successful throw. But it is not everything! Each success on the pitch is also rewarded with the sounds of fans and loud applause, which adds additional atmosphere and motivation to the game.</span></p> <p><span>The set also includes a rubber ball with a diameter of 19 cm, which will provide you with many hours of great fun. Additionally, a hand pump and the necessary screws and fittings to attach the basket are included, making installation quick and easy.</span></p> <p><span>The basket is mounted on two stable mountings, which guarantees its stability during the game. Thanks to this, you can focus on improving your skills without worrying about the safety or durability of the structure.</span></p> <p><span>Our basketball backboard is not just a toy - it is a way to exercise, develop sports skills and spend time together with family and friends. Get a real sports experience in the comfort of your own home with our basketball backboard!</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><strong><span>Board dimensions:</span></strong></p> <p><span>46 cm x 31 cm x 3 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><strong><span>Basket diameter:</span></strong></p> <p><span>25 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>It is <strong>CE</strong> certified and complies with the <strong>EN71</strong> standard. Intended for children <strong>over 3 years of age.</strong></span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
30,50 €
Basketball Ball 7-9 Lbs Orange - Yellow Size 7
Tootekood: 00031231 GTIN: 5905991003557 Spordimänguasjad
<p><strong><span>Basketball Ball 7-9 Lbs Orange - Yellow Size 7</span></strong></p> <p><span>Basketball ball 7-9 lbs, orange and yellow. This versatile ball is perfect for both recreational and professional games.</span></p> <p><span>Thanks to its universal properties, it is suitable both for beginners who are just discovering the charms of basketball, and for experienced players who are looking for an efficient tool for training and matches.</span></p> <p><span>Made of the highest quality materials, this ball guarantees durability and durability, even during intense play. Its solid construction means you can enjoy long hours of play without worrying about rapid wear.</span></p> <p><span>Let this ball become your inseparable companion on the basketball court, helping you develop your skills and achieve further successes.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Ball diameter 24cm</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span>The ball must be inflated before use.</span></strong></p> <p><span>It is <strong>CE</strong> certified and complies with the <strong>EN71</strong> standard. The ball is intended for children from 3 years of age.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
24,66 €
Basketball Ball 7-9 Lbs Orange Size 7
Tootekood: 00031230 GTIN: 5905991003540 Spordimänguasjad
<p><strong><span>Basketball Ball 7-9 Lbs Orange Size 7</span></strong></p> <p><span>Basketball ball 7-9 lbs, orange. This versatile ball is perfect for both recreational and professional games.</span></p> <p><span>Thanks to its universal properties, it is suitable both for beginners who are just discovering the charms of basketball, and for experienced players who are looking for an efficient tool for training and matches.</span></p> <p><span>Made of the highest quality materials, this ball guarantees durability and durability, even during intense play. Its solid construction means you can enjoy long hours of play without worrying about rapid wear.</span></p> <p><span>Let this ball become your inseparable companion on the basketball court, helping you develop your skills and achieve further successes.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Ball diameter 24cm</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span>The ball must be inflated before use.</span></strong></p> <p><span>It is <strong>CE</strong> certified and complies with the <strong>EN71</strong> standard. The ball is intended for children from 3 years of age.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
18,47 €
Basketball Basket Adjustable Ball Pump 1.7M
Tootekood: 00055762 GTIN: 5905991031130 Korvpallilauad
<p><strong><span>Basketball Basket Adjustable Ball Pump 1.7M</span></strong></p> <p><span>A large basketball set for children is an ideal proposition for active outdoor activities. It consists of a solid, adjustable stand with a maximum height of 170 cm, a basketball backboard, a net, a ball and a pump, which makes it complete and ready to play right after folding. Thanks to the adjustable height, the basket can be easily adjusted to the child's height, making it ideal for both younger and older players, guaranteeing many years of use.</span></p> <p><span>Playing basketball develops motor skills, coordination and accuracy of throws, and also promotes healthy physical activity. Placing the basket in front of the house or in the garden will encourage children to spend more time outdoors, while inspiring them to learn the basics of basketball and develop a passion for the sport.</span></p> <p><span>It contains everything you need to start playing: a ball that can be quickly inflated using the included pump. Thanks to this, you can start warming up and having fun immediately after folding the basket. A large basketball hoop will prove useful not only for everyday play, but also during family gatherings or parties with friends, providing joy and active entertainment for both children and adults.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Set contents:</span></strong></p> <p><span>- Large basketball backboard</span></p> <p><span>- Net</span></p> <p><span>- Basketball ball</span></p> <p><span>- Adjustable stand with a tire-shaped base</span></p> <p><span>- Pump</span></p> <p><strong><span>Specification:</span></strong></p> <p><span>Height of adjustable stand: up to 170 cm</span></p> <p><span>Board dimensions: 28 cm (height) x 38 cm (length)</span></p> <p><span>Packaging dimensions: 41 cm (height) x 35 cm (width)</span></p> <p><span>This is an excellent set that provides great fun, develops sports skills and encourages outdoor activity, and additionally integrates family and friends during joint games.</span></p> <p><span>It has a <strong>CE</strong> certificate and is also compliant with the <strong>EN71</strong> standard. Intended for children over 6 years of age.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
30,91 €
Basketball basket for children Ball 261 cm
Tootekood: 00017809 GTIN: 5904204753289 Spordimänguasjad
<p><strong><span>Basketball basket for children Ball 261 cm</span></strong></p> <p><span>Playing basketball is great fun and activity for every toddler at home and outdoors all year round. Children can then feel the taste of real sports competition. Movement activity is the most important during the growth period, it trains eye-hand coordination through play. It will provide your child with the development of the so-called great motor skills, which is ideal for the proper development of the child. Moving is healthy! It will also improve his condition and teach cooperation in team games.</span></p> <p><span>The presented set for the game is suitable for playing outside. The base has a hole with a closure - to load the stand while playing. You can easily pour water or sand in, and the basket will not tip over. The whole thing is made of plastic, except for the metal tube for the stand.</span></p> <p><strong><span>The basketball set includes:</span></strong></p> <p><span>- base</span></p> <p><span>- board</span></p> <p><span>- net</span></p> <p><span>- bin</span></p> <p><span>- a ball for the game</span></p> <p><strong><span>Basket height:</span></strong></p> <p><span>261.5 cm</span></p> <p><strong><span>Height to the board:</span></strong></p> <p><span>216 cm</span></p> <p><strong><span>Board dimensions:</span></strong></p> <p><span>69 cm x 45.5 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span><strong><span>Ball Diameter:</span></strong></p> <p><span>8 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span><strong><span>Size of the package:</span></strong></p> <p><span>73 cm x 52 cm x 17 cm</span></p> <p><span>The set is characterized by a perfect design and execution with the use of the highest quality materials, which means that it will surely serve your children for many years. The toy has a CE safety certificate and is packed in a cardboard box. The basketball set is intended for everyone, from children over 3 years of age.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
86,37 €
Basketball Basket Mobile Adjustable Stand 200-305cm
Tootekood: 00019958 GTIN: 5908275994138 Spordimänguasjad
<p><strong><span>Basketball set</span></strong></p> <p><span>Basketball has for many years been one of the most popular team sports in the world. A young adept of this amazing sport with the presented set will be able to play the greatest NBA stars in a simple way, practicing free throws, dunks or simply having fun with friends according to their rules. Thanks to a complete basketball set, you will provide your child not only with great fun - this activity will significantly improve his physical condition, contribute to the development of motor coordination and a very important ability to cooperate in team games. This set will surely provide many hours of great fun with friends or family. To increase the stability of the toy, the base must be filled with water or sand - otherwise the structure may fall over from throwing the ball. The set is adjustable in height, so you will be able to choose the right size for your little basketball player.</span></p> <p><strong><span>The basketball set includes:</span></strong><br /><span>- landing,</span><br /><span>- tables,</span><br /><span>- a hoop with a net.</span></p> <p><span>The presented product is a set for playing basketball at home and outside. The set is characterized by a perfect design and execution with the use of the highest quality materials, which means that it will surely serve your children for many years. The toy has a CE safety certificate and is packed in a cardboard box. The basketball set is intended for everyone, from children over 3 years of age.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Toy dimensions:</span></strong><br /><span>- height of the whole: 225-305 cm,</span><br /><span>- board dimensions: 107 x 72 x 3 cm,</span><br /><span>- base dimensions: 108 x 74 x 17 cm,</span><br /><span>- rim diameter: 45 cm,</span><br /><span>- weight of the set: 22 kg.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Size of the package:</span></strong><br /><span>112 x 80 x 24.5 cm.</span><br /><strong><span>Package weight:</span></strong><br /><span>23 kg.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
234,96 €
Basketball Board Folding Basketball Set
Tootekood: 00018495 GTIN: 5904665999554 Spordimänguasjad
<p><span><strong>Basketball set + ball</strong></span></p> <p><span><strong>Basketball</strong></span></p> <p><span>For many years, basketball has been one of the most popular team sports both in Poland and around the world. A young student of this sensational sport with the presented set will be able to easily impersonate the greatest NBA stars, practising free throws, dunks or simply playing with friends according to their rules. Thanks to the complete basketball set, you will not only provide your child with super fun - this activity will significantly improve their physical condition, contribute to the development of motor coordination and the very important ability to cooperate in team games.</span></p> <p><span>The set is sure to provide hours of sensational fun with friends or family. You can mount the basketball disc wherever you like.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>The basketball set includes:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- a backboard including a folding basket</span></p> <p><span>- string Basket</span></p> <p><span>- attachment clip</span></p> <p><span>- mini ball</span></p> <p><span>- pump</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of basketball backboard:</strong></span></p> <p><span>34 cm x 26 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of packaging:</strong></span></p> <p><span>30 cm x 40 cm x 2 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>The presented product is a set for playing basketball indoors and outdoors. The set is characterised by its excellent design and workmanship using the highest quality materials, making it sure to serve your children for many years. The toy is CE certified for safety. The basketball set is suitable for everyone, starting with children over 3 years old.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
12,29 €
Basketball Hanging Basket Ball Garden
Tootekood: 00018767 GTIN: 5905323217232 Korvpallilauad
<p><span><strong>Basketball Hanging Basket Ball Garden</strong></span></p> <p><span>Playing basketball is great fun and exercise for every little one indoors and outdoors all year round. Children learn healthy sporting competition and thus encourage sports activities. Most important during the growth period, it exercises eye-hand coordination, accuracy, precision, all through play.</span></p> <p><span>Movement is health! Increase your fitness and start your adventure with team games.</span></p> <p><span>The entire structure is made of plastic. It guarantees durability and is ideal for hanging in the backyard.</span></p> <p><span>Play a game of basketball!</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>The basketball set includes:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- base</span></p> <p><span>- backboard</span></p> <p><span>- net</span></p> <p><span>- basket</span></p> <p><span>- ball</span></p> <p><span>- pump</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>Board dimensions:</span></p> <p><span>62 cm x 40 cm</span></p> <p><span>Rim diameter:</span></p> <p><span>40 cm</span></p> <p><span>Ball diameter:</span></p> <p><span>18 cm</span></p> <p><span>Dimensions of entire set:</span></p> <p><span>62 cm x 55 cm x 40 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of packaging:</strong></span></p> <p><span>62 cm x 42 cm x 12 cm</span></p> <p><span>The set is characterised by its excellent design and workmanship using the highest quality materials, which means that it is sure to serve your children for many years. The toy has a CE safety certificate and is packaged in a cardboard box. The basketball set is suitable for everyone, starting with children over 6 years old.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
36,02 €
Basketball Hoop Ball Pump Set
Tootekood: 00049193 GTIN: 5905991031147 Korvpallilauad
<p><strong><span>Basketball Hoop Ball Pump Set</span></strong></p> <p><span>The basketball set is a great option for all sports enthusiasts, regardless of age. It includes a solid hoop, a high-quality ball and a practical pump, which makes it a complete set to start playing right away.</span></p> <p><span>The hoop is easy to install both inside and outside the house, which allows for flexibility in choosing a place to play. Thanks to the possibility of playing in different locations, the set becomes an ideal solution for meetings with friends or family games.</span></p> <p><span>The ball, included in the set, is characterized by excellent grip and durability, which guarantees great fun. The set also includes a pump, thanks to which you can easily adjust the ball pressure to your preferences, which ensures optimal performance during the game.</span></p> <p><span>Playing basketball is not only a great form of physical activity, but also a great way to develop skills such as coordination, reflexes and teamwork. Thanks to this set, children and adults can spend time on the move, developing their sports skills, and also enjoying moments together.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Rim Dimensions:</span></strong></p> <p><span>28.5cm x 25cm</span></p> <p><strong><span>Package Dimensions:</span></strong><br /><span>29 x 26 x 5cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>CE</strong> certified, also complies with <strong>EN71</strong>. Designed for children over 3 years of age.</span></p>
Toote pilt
4-7 tp
14,80 €