Saadavus | ||||
Case Logic Campus 26L CCAM-5226 Dress Blue (3204802) Tootekood: 00009434 GTIN: 85854252935 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Case Logic Alto taaskasutatud seljakott (3204802) <div> </div> <div>Kirjeldus</div> <div>Mitmekülgne 26L seljakott, mis on valmistatud taaskasutatud materjalidest ja värsketest värvivalikutest.</div> <div> </div> <div>Funktsioonid</div> <div>Suur küljetasku mahutab mugavalt veepudeli või muid pisiasju</div> <div>Kontuuriga õlarihmad ja tepitud, täielikult polsterdatud tagapaneel tagavad mugava kandmise</div> <div>100% taaskasutatud 600D polüester korpuse materjal koos polsterdatud, vastupidava 100% taaskasutatud 1200D polüesterpõhjaga, mis on ehitatud kestma</div> <div>Kiire juurdepääsuga esitasku sisaldab taskuid väikese elektroonika ja pastakate jaoks ning ruumi väikeste tarvikute jaoks</div> <div>Üks suur põhisahtel, kuhu mahuvad raamatud ja kaustad</div> <div>Veebi vedamise käepide, et hõlpsasti haarata ja minna</div> <div>Vihmaklapp katab põhisahtli lukuga asjade kaitsmiseks</div> <div>Valmistatud GRS-sertifikaadiga taaskasutatud materjalidest, mis on valmistatud 11 plastpudelist</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised kirjeldused</div> <div>Värv: Kleit sinine</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 37 x 3 x 45 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 31 x 27 x 43 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,34 kg</div> <div>Materjal: polüester</div> <div>Mudeli number: 3204802</div> <div>Mudeli nimi: CCAM-5226</div> | 2-4 tp | 23,85 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Campus 29L CCAM-4216 Black (3204797) Tootekood: 00012814 GTIN: 85854252881 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Case Logic Query taaskasutatud seljakott (3204797) <div> </div> <div>Kirjeldus</div> <div>See taaskasutatud materjalidest valmistatud 29-liitrine seljakott sobib ideaalselt õpilastele või kõigile, kes on liikvel.</div> <div> </div> <div>Funktsioonid</div> <div>Polsterdatud ümbris sobib kuni 15,6" sülearvutitele ja spetsiaalne tasku tasku kuni 10" tahvelarvutitele</div> <div>Kontuuriga polsterdatud õlarihmad ja õhkvõrgust tagapaneel õhuvoolu tagamiseks</div> <div>Kaks suurt küljetaskut mahutavad mugavalt veepudelit või muid pisiasju</div> <div>Eesmine tasku sisaldab väikese elektroonika ja pastakaid, võtmehoidjat ja lukuga privaatsustaskut</div> <div>Kaks avarat põhisahtlit, millest igaüks on piisavalt suur, et mahutada raamatuid, kaustu, märkmikke ja isiklikke esemeid</div> <div>100% taaskasutatud 600D polüester korpuse materjal koos polsterdatud, vastupidava 100% taaskasutatud 1200D polüesterpõhjaga, mis on ehitatud kestma</div> <div>Kiire juurdepääsuga esitaskusse mahub telefon ja väikesed tarvikud</div> <div>Veebi vedamise käepide, et hõlpsasti haarata ja minna</div> <div>Valmistatud GRS-sertifikaadiga taaskasutatud materjalidest, mis on valmistatud 11 plastpudelist</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised kirjeldused</div> <div>Värv: must</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 37 x 5 x 48 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 589 g</div> <div>Materjal: polüester</div> <div>Mudeli number: 3204797</div> <div>Mudeli nimi: CCAM-4216</div> | 2-4 tp | 36,54 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Campus 29L CCAM-4216 Dress Blue (3204798) Tootekood: 00009442 GTIN: 85854252898 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Case Logic Query taaskasutatud seljakott (3204798) <div> </div> <div>Kirjeldus</div> <div>See taaskasutatud materjalidest valmistatud 29-liitrine seljakott sobib ideaalselt õpilastele või kõigile, kes on liikvel.</div> <div> </div> <div>Funktsioonid</div> <div>Polsterdatud ümbris sobib kuni 15,6" sülearvutitele ja spetsiaalne tasku tasku kuni 10" tahvelarvutitele</div> <div>Kontuuriga polsterdatud õlarihmad ja õhkvõrgust tagapaneel õhuvoolu tagamiseks</div> <div>Kaks suurt küljetaskut mahutavad mugavalt veepudelit või muid pisiasju</div> <div>Eesmine tasku sisaldab väikese elektroonika ja pastakaid, võtmehoidjat ja lukuga privaatsustaskut</div> <div>Kaks avarat põhisahtlit, millest igaüks on piisavalt suur, et mahutada raamatuid, kaustu, märkmikke ja isiklikke esemeid</div> <div>100% taaskasutatud 600D polüester korpuse materjal koos polsterdatud, vastupidava 100% taaskasutatud 1200D polüesterpõhjaga, mis on ehitatud kestma</div> <div>Kiire juurdepääsuga esitaskusse mahub telefon ja väikesed tarvikud</div> <div>Veebi vedamise käepide, et hõlpsasti haarata ja minna</div> <div>Valmistatud GRS-sertifikaadiga taaskasutatud materjalidest, mis on valmistatud 11 plastpudelist</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised näitajad</div> <div>Värv: Kleit sinine</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 37 x 5 x 48 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 31 x 33 x 46 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,59 kg</div> <div>Materjal: polüester</div> <div>Mudeli number: 3204798</div> <div>Mudeli nimi: CCAM-4216</div> | 2-4 tp | 41,93 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Compact Case GPS GPS-1 BLACK (3200421) Tootekood: 00009965 GTIN: 85854113601 Tarvikud ja aksessuaarid Funktsioonid <div>Vastupidav vormitud EVA ümbris mahutab 3,5-4,3 tolli GPS-i</div> <div>Sisemine elastne rihm hoiab kõvaketast transpordi ajal paigal</div> <div>Sisemine veniv, võrktasku mahutab mälukaarte ja tarvikuid</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: must</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 16,5 x 5,6 x 11,4 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 15,2 x 3,6 x 9,7 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,31 kg</div> <div>Materjal: vormitud EVA vaht</div> | 2-4 tp | 16,52 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Compact Case Large GPS GPSP-6 BLACK (3200887) Tootekood: 00009966 GTIN: 85854191715 Tarvikud ja aksessuaarid <table class="productspecs"> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Funktsioonid</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Toote värv:</td> <td class="optionName">Must </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Maksimaalne ekraanisuuruse sobivus:</td> <td class="optionName">13,5 cm (5.3") </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Brändiühilduvus:</td> <td class="optionName">Universaalne </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Ühilduvus:</td> <td class="optionName">5.3" GPS </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Materjal:</td> <td class="optionName">EVA (etüleenvinüülatsetaat) </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Kaal ja mõõtmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Laius:</td> <td class="optionName">165 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">41 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">114 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">110 g </td></tr></table> | 2-4 tp | 17,79 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Era Backpack 15.6 ERABP-116 OBSIDIAN (3203697) Tootekood: 00036487 GTIN: 85854241861 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Funktsioonid <div>Paksu polsterdatud hoiuruum kuni 15,6-tollise sülearvuti jaoks</div> <div>Spetsiaalne tasku 10,5-tollisele tahvelarvutile</div> <div>Avar põhisahtel, kuhu mahub märkmikud, kõrvaklapid ja muud suuremahulised esemed</div> <div>Täiendav sahtel korralduspaneeli ja mahuga elektriliste telliste hoiustamiseks</div> <div>Kiire juurdepääsuga esitasku koos korraldusega väikese elektroonika jaoks</div> <div>Kaks küljetaskut veepudelite või tarbeesemete jaoks</div> <div>Pagasirihm kinnitab koti turvaliselt enamiku veereva pagasi külge</div> <div>Elastsed rihmahaldusaasad kinnitavad korralikult üleliigse rihmamaterjali</div> <div>Melange kangas, vasest puutepunktid ja kaunistused loovad kaasaegse professionaalse välimuse</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: Obsidiaan</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 28 x 23 x 43 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 38,5 x 26,5 x 3,1 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,51 kg</div> <div>Materjal: polüester<br /> </div> <iframe width="720" height="400" src="" title="Case Logic Era 15.6" frameborder="0"></iframe> | 2-4 tp | 36,54 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic FOUNDER 26L BKPK BRC 3203860 Tootekood: 00036488 GTIN: 85854243483 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Funktsioonid <div>Ehitatud kestma esmaklassilise kootud korpuse materjaliga koos polsterdatud, vastupidava 1200D polüesterpõhjaga</div> <div>Kontuuriga õlarihmad ja tepitud, täielikult polsterdatud tagapaneel tagavad mugava kandmise</div> <div>Suur küljetasku mahutab mugavalt veepudeli või muid pisiasju</div> <div>Kiire juurdepääsuga esitasku sisaldab taskuid väikese elektroonika ja pastakate jaoks ning ruumi väikeste tarvikute jaoks</div> <div>Üks suur põhisahtel, mis on mõeldud raamatute ja kaustade jaoks</div> <div>Veebisaidi käepide hõlpsaks haaramiseks ja liikumiseks</div> <div>Vihmaklapp katab põhisahtli tõmbluku, et kaitsta asju</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: Brick Camo</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 37,0 x 27,0 x 43,0 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,34 kg</div> <div>Materjal: polüester<br /> </div> <iframe width="720" height="400" src="" title="Case Logic Founder backpack" frameborder="0"></iframe> | 2-4 tp | 16,80 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic GPS Case- 3.5" - 4.3" GNS-1 BLACK (3200940) Tootekood: 00009964 GTIN: 85854203494 Tarvikud ja aksessuaarid Funktsioonid <div>Kaitske oma väärtuslikku GPS-i, kui see eemaldatakse esiklaasi dokist/kinnitusest</div> <div>Ühildub enamiku lameekraaniga GPS-seadmetega, mille ekraan on 3,5-4,3 tolli</div> <div>Jäik esipaneel kaitseb teie õrna LCD-ekraani</div> <div>Kompaktne disain – mahub hõlpsasti taskusse, rahakotti või seljakotti</div> <div>Integreeritud mälukaardi tasku</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: must</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 15,2 x 3,8 x 10,2 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 13,3 x 3,2 x 9 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,06 kg</div> <div>Materjal: Neopreen</div> | 2-4 tp | 12,69 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic InTransit Backpack 14 RBP-414 BLACK (3203266) Tootekood: 00012788 GTIN: 85854237154 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Funktsioonid <div>Paksu polsterdatud sülearvuti sahtel, mis sobib kuni 14,1-tollise ekraaniga ultraraamatute/sülearvutite jaoks</div> <div>Polsterdatud iPad® või 10,1-tolline tahvelarvuti ümbris</div> <div>Palusvoodriga kiirelt ligipääsetav lukuga telefonitasku</div> <div>Turvaline peidetud tasku nimmepaneelil kaitseb väikeseid väärisesemeid õhuvõrgust polsterdusega</div> <div>Täielik organiseerimispaneel koos taskute, pliiatsi aasade, võtmehoidja ja lukuga sahtliga</div> <div>Polsterdatud tagapaneel ja õlarihmad tagavad mugava kandmise</div> <div>Peegeldavad puutepunktid turvaliseks edasi-tagasi sõitmiseks</div> <div>Küljetaskud võimaldavad kiiret juurdepääsu veepudelitele, laadijatele või muudele väikestele esemetele</div> <div>Mitu käepidet</div> <div>Suur põhisahtel hoiab igapäevaseid varustust elektroonikast eraldi</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: must</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 31 x 28 x 43 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 24,3 x 3 x 34,3 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,76 kg</div> <div>Materjal: nailon</div> | 2-4 tp | 48,92 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Jaunt Backpack 15,6 WMBP-215 Port Royale (3204867) Tootekood: 00036582 GTIN: 85854253796 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Funktsioonid <div>Integreeritud sahtel 15,6-tollise sülearvuti jaoks ja ümbris tahvelarvuti jaoks</div> <div>Valmistatud 100% taaskasutatud polüestrist ja taaskasutatud dobby materjalidest</div> <div>Hoidke kiirelt ligipääsetavas esitaskus vajalikke esemeid, nagu telefon või kummi</div> <div>Hoidke telefoni laadijat või väikseid juhtmeid korrastatuna sisemise juhtmetaskuga, mis hoiab ära sassi sattumise</div> <div>Hoidke veepudelit käeulatuses mugavates võrgust küljetaskutes</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: Port Royale</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 31,0 x 27,0 x 45,0 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 38,5 x 3,1 x 26,5 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,53 kg</div> <div>Materjal: polüester<br /> </div> <iframe width="720" height="400" src="" title="Case Logic Jaunt Backpack" frameborder="0"></iframe> | 2-4 tp | 29,11 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Jaunt Backpack 15,6 WMBP-215 Smoke Pine (3204865) Tootekood: 00036580 GTIN: 85854253772 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Funktsioonid <div>Integreeritud sahtel 15,6-tollise sülearvuti jaoks ja ümbris tahvelarvuti jaoks</div> <div>Valmistatud 100% taaskasutatud polüestrist ja taaskasutatud dobby materjalidest</div> <div>Hoidke kiirelt ligipääsetavas esitaskus vajalikke esemeid, nagu telefon või kummi</div> <div>Hoidke telefoni laadijat või väikseid juhtmeid korrastatuna sisemise juhtmetaskuga, mis hoiab ära sassi sattumise</div> <div>Hoidke veepudelit käeulatuses mugavates võrgust küljetaskutes</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: suitsumänd</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 31,0 x 27,0 x 45,0 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 38,5 x 3,1 x 26,5 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,53 kg</div> <div>Materjal: polüester<br /> </div> <iframe width="720" height="400" src="" title="Case Logic Jaunt Backpack" frameborder="0"></iframe> | 2-4 tp | 32,05 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Larimer Backpack 15,6 Rucksack LARI-115 HUDSON (3203319) Tootekood: 00009360 GTIN: 85854237802 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid <table class="productspecs"> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Funktsioonid</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Materjal:</td> <td class="optionName">Polüester </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Toote värv:</td> <td class="optionName">Sinine, Roheline, Hall </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Minimaalne ekraanisuuruse sobivus:</td> <td class="optionName">25,6 cm (10.1") </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Maksimaalne ekraanisuuruse sobivus:</td> <td class="optionName">39,6 cm (15.6") </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kinnitamise tüüp:</td> <td class="optionName">Pingutuspael </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Lukuga taskud:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Veekindel:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kandesangad:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Kaal ja mõõtmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">230 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Laius:</td> <td class="optionName">280 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">480 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud (l x s x k):</td> <td class="optionName">267 x 31 x 385 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">600 g </td></tr></table> | 2-4 tp | 29,99 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Life Simplified 17,3 (3204202) Tootekood: 00009645 GTIN: 85854246842 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid <table class="productspecs"> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Funktsioonid</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Materjal:</td> <td class="optionName">Nailon </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Toote värv:</td> <td class="optionName">Must </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Stiil:</td> <td class="optionName">Linn </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Värvus:</td> <td class="optionName">Monotoonne </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sülearvuti sahtel:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Soovitatav sugu:</td> <td class="optionName">Mõlemale soole sobiv </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Välistasku:</td> <td class="optionName">Eesmine tasku, Küljetasku </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Minimaalne ekraanisuuruse sobivus:</td> <td class="optionName">43,9 cm (17.3") </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Lukuga taskud:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Õlarihm:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Käepide(med):</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Värvi nimi:</td> <td class="optionName">Black </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Päritoluriik:</td> <td class="optionName">Vietnam </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Kaal ja mõõtmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Laius:</td> <td class="optionName">310 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">980 g </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">200 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">480 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Maht:</td> <td class="optionName">29,5 l </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud (l x s x k):</td> <td class="optionName">424 x 27 x 292 mm </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Pakendi andmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Pakendi kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">480 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Pakendi laius:</td> <td class="optionName">310 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Pakendi sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">100 mm </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Logistika andmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kartongist põhipakendi laius:</td> <td class="optionName">49,3 cm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Peamise kasti pikkus:</td> <td class="optionName">32,8 cm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kartongist põhipakendi kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">21,6 cm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Peamise pappkarbi kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">2,42 kg </td></tr></table> | 2-4 tp | 69,88 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Notion Backpack 15.6 NOTIBP-116 Black (3204201) Tootekood: 00009378 GTIN: 85854246835 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid <table class="productspecs"> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Funktsioonid</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Materjal:</td> <td class="optionName">Nailon </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Toote värv:</td> <td class="optionName">Must </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Stiil:</td> <td class="optionName">Linn </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Värvus:</td> <td class="optionName">Monotoonne </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sülearvuti sahtel:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Soovitatav sugu:</td> <td class="optionName">Mõlemale soole sobiv </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Välistasku:</td> <td class="optionName">Eesmine tasku, Küljetasku </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Minimaalne ekraanisuuruse sobivus:</td> <td class="optionName">39,6 cm (15.6") </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Lukuga taskud:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Õlarihm:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Käepide(med):</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Värvi nimi:</td> <td class="optionName">Black </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Päritoluriik:</td> <td class="optionName">Vietnam </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Kaal ja mõõtmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Laius:</td> <td class="optionName">300 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">200 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">840 g </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">480 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud (l x s x k):</td> <td class="optionName">385 x 31 x 265 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Maht:</td> <td class="optionName">25 l </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Pakendi andmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Pakendi kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">480 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Pakendi sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">100 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Pakendi laius:</td> <td class="optionName">300 mm </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Logistika andmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kartongist põhipakendi laius:</td> <td class="optionName">48,8 cm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Peamise kasti pikkus:</td> <td class="optionName">31,8 cm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kartongist põhipakendi kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">21,6 cm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Peamise pappkarbi kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">2,12 kg </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kogus peamise kasti kohta:</td> <td class="optionName">2 tk </td></tr></table> | 2-4 tp | 54,81 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Prevailer Backpack 17.3 PREV-217 BLACK/MIDNIGHT (3203405) Tootekood: 00009361 GTIN: 85854238656 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Funktsioonid <div>Spetsiaalne sülearvuti sahtel, mis sobib kuni 17-tollise ekraaniga sülearvutitele</div> <div>Integreeritud hoiutasku kuni 10,1-tollise ekraaniga tahvelarvutile</div> <div>Põhisahtel mahuka panipaigaga suurte kõrvaklappide, raamatute, failide või vahetusriiete jaoks</div> <div>Tagapaneelil olev sularahatasku pakub peidetud hoiuruumi raha, ID või passi jaoks</div> <div>Organisatsioonipaneel salvestab teie kaasaskantava elektroonika, pliiatsid ja palju muud</div> <div>Kõrgendatud sisetasku hoiab esemed kergesti ligipääsetavana</div> <div>Polsterdatud põhi pakub kõikidele asjadele täiendava kaitsekihi</div> <div>Küljetasku hoiab veepudeli käeulatuses</div> <div> </div> <div>Tehnilised andmed</div> <div>Värv: Black Midnight</div> <div>Mõõdud (P x L x K): 31 x 32 x 45,5 cm</div> <div>Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud: 30 x 2,9 x 41,7 cm</div> <div>Kaal: 0,58 kg</div> <div>Materjal: polüester</div> | 2-4 tp | 31,44 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Professional Backpack 15,6 RBP-315 BLACK 3201632 Tootekood: 00012787 GTIN: 85854226400 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid <table class="productspecs"> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Funktsioonid</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Maksimaalne ekraanisuuruse sobivus:</td> <td class="optionName">39,6 cm (15.6") </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Karbi tüüp:</td> <td class="optionName">Seljakott </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Materjal:</td> <td class="optionName">Nailon </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Toote värv:</td> <td class="optionName">Must </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Pinnakujundus:</td> <td class="optionName">Monotoonne </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kaitseomadused:</td> <td class="optionName">Scratch-resistant </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kandesangad:</td> <td class="optionName">Jah </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kogus:</td> <td class="optionName">1 </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Kaal ja mõõtmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Laius:</td> <td class="optionName">320 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">290 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">460 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">950 g </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud (l x s x k):</td> <td class="optionName">267 x 43 x 39,6 mm </td></tr></table> | 2-4 tp | 48,71 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Professional Backpack 17 RBP-217 BLACK (3201536) Tootekood: 00012786 GTIN: 85854224710 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid <table class="productspecs"> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Funktsioonid</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Maksimaalne ekraanisuuruse sobivus:</td> <td class="optionName">43,9 cm (17.3") </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Karbi tüüp:</td> <td class="optionName">Seljakott </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Materjal:</td> <td class="optionName">Nailon </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Toote värv:</td> <td class="optionName">Must </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Pinnakujundus:</td> <td class="optionName">Monotoonne </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kogus:</td> <td class="optionName">1 </td></tr> <tr class="speccategory"> <th colspan="2"><b>Kaal ja mõõtmed</b></th> </tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sügavus:</td> <td class="optionName">236 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kõrgus:</td> <td class="optionName">500 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Laius:</td> <td class="optionName">371 mm </td></tr><tr class="specValue odd"> <td class="featureName">Kaal:</td> <td class="optionName">930 g </td></tr><tr class="specValue even"> <td class="featureName">Sülearvuti sahtli mõõdud (l x s x k):</td> <td class="optionName">416 x 46 x 300 mm </td></tr></table> | 2-4 tp | 69,88 € | Poodi | |
Case Logic Propel 17L PROPB-116 Black (3204529) Tootekood: 00009653 GTIN: 85854250108 Vabaaja seljakotid, päevakotid Suur, polsterdatud kamber kuni 15,6 "sülearvutitele <div>Plaaditasku kuni 12-tollisele tahvelarvutile</div> <div>Mugav esitasku toiteallika, tarvikute ja igapäevaste tarvikute hoidmiseks</div> <div>Väike esitasku esmatarbekaupade (telefon, pardakaart jne) mugavaks hoidmiseks</div> <div>Rihm kohvri külge kinnitamiseks</div> <div>Kaks laiendatavat küljetaskut</div> <div>Paneel kohvri külge kinnitamiseks</div> <div>Polsterdatud käepidemed</div> <div>Sisseehitatud silmused liigsete õlarihmade kinnitamiseks</div> <div> </div> <div>Värvus must</div> <div>Suurus 31,0 x 24,0 x 44,0 cm</div> <div>Sobib seadmetele 38,5 x 3,1 x 26,5 cm</div> <div>Maht 17 L</div> <div>Kaal 0,89 kg</div> <div>Materjalid Polüester, vahtpolüester</div> | 2-4 tp | 48,71 € | Poodi | |
Case Sensory Manipulation Board For Toddler Tootekood: 00020033 GTIN: 5905515355803 Kognitiivsed ja hariduslikud mänguasjad <p><span><strong>Case Sensory Manipulation Board For Toddler</strong></span><br /><br /><span>The sensory manipulation board is a great sensory toy that encourages independent play while helping your child develop basic skills such as putting on and tying shoes and a way to learn to dress themselves ! An ideal way to stimulate your child's senses and develop their manual skills.</span><br /><br /><span>The suitcase is made of felt which makes it soft and pleasant to touch and handy. He can take it with him on trips. Each piece has a different shape and texture, which helps to stimulate the sense of touch. Skills such as fastening, zipping in different combinations will no longer be alien to him. </span><br /><br /><span>The set also includes letters, with which the toddler can form words. There are Velcro straps on the outside that will hold the letters without any problems.</span><br /><br /><span>The manipulative board will make your child learn to be creative, thanks to the possibility of exploring new elements on their own. This is a milestone in your child's development.</span><br /><br /> <br /><br /><span><strong>Set elements:</strong></span><br /><br /><span>- decorative fasteners with button</span><br /><br /><span>- push button</span><br /><br /><span>- rectangular button</span><br /><br /><span>- oval clasp</span><br /><br /><span>- elastic band</span><br /><br /><span>- drawstring</span><br /><br /><span>- belt buckle</span><br /><br /><span>- seat buckle</span><br /><br /><span>- jacket button</span><br /><br /><span>- shoelaces</span><br /><br /><span>- harness pull strap</span><br /><br /><span>- Velcro</span><br /><br /><span>- Velcro letters</span><br /><br /> <br /><br /><span><strong>Product dimensions:</strong></span><br /><br /><span> 28 cm x 26 cm x 3 cm </span><br /><br /><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span><br /><br /><span> 30 cm x 28 cm x 5 cm </span><br /><br /><span>Complies with EN71 standard and CE certification. Product suitable for children over 3 years old.</span><br /><br /></p> | 4-7 tp | 16,57 € −1,66 € | Poodi | |
Case SJCAM Case M Tootekood: 00052642 GTIN: 6970080831938 Aksessuaarid ja tarvikud | 3-6 tp | 20,64 € +16,61 € | Poodi | |
Case SJCAM Case S Tootekood: 00052641 GTIN: 6970080831921 Aksessuaarid ja tarvikud | 3-6 tp | 20,64 € +16,61 € | Poodi | |
Cash Box Machine Face Recognition PIN Saving Blue Tootekood: 00013409 GTIN: 5904204757201 Kognitiivsed ja hariduslikud mänguasjad <p><span><strong>Cash Box Machine Face Recognition PIN Saving Blue</strong></span></p> <p><span>Moneybox ATM is a great and complex toy for children. It will help count coins, use the ATM card, set deposits and withdrawals, and allows you to enter a savings target. It will control all withdrawals or you can use it while playing with your peers in the shop</span></p> <p><span>The ATM has facial recognition, to open it you need to enter the default pin 000 and press: OK and stand in front of the ATM. When the code is entered correctly, cheerful music will be played and the door will open. Inside will be the money collected by your child!</span><br /><span>If you want to change the code, open the ATM door, press the key on the keypad, this will be accompanied by a beep, then enter the new password and confirm with "OK" you will hear a beep again. Now no one will guess your PIN anymore!</span></p> <p><span><strong>Set includes:</strong></span><br /><span>- ATM/ moneybox</span><br /><span>- card</span><br /><span>- instructions in English</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the toy:</strong></span></p> <p><span>16 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>28 cm x 32 cm x 18 cm</span></p> <p><span>The presented toy is designed for all children over 3 years old. It is made of certified materials safe for toddlers, thanks to which it is CE certified. In order for your child to use all the functions of the toy, it is necessary to insert three AA 1.5 V batteries, which are not included in the set.</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 29,09 € −1,82 € | Poodi | |
Cash Box Machine Face Recognition PIN Saving Orange Tootekood: 00013408 GTIN: 5904204757195 Kognitiivsed ja hariduslikud mänguasjad <p><span><strong>Cash Box Machine Face Recognition PIN Saving Orange</strong></span></p> <p><span>Moneybox ATM is a great and complex toy for children. It will help count coins, use the ATM card, set deposits and withdrawals, and allows you to enter a savings target. It will control all withdrawals or you can use it while playing with your peers in the shop</span></p> <p><span>The ATM has facial recognition, to open it you need to enter the default pin 000 and press: OK and stand in front of the ATM. When the code is entered correctly, cheerful music will be played and the door will open. Inside will be the money collected by your child!</span><br /><span>If you want to change the code, open the ATM door, press the key on the keypad, this will be accompanied by a beep, then enter the new password and confirm with "OK" you will hear a beep again. Now no one will guess your PIN anymore!</span></p> <p><span><strong>Set includes:</strong></span><br /><span>- ATM/ moneybox </span><br /><span>- card</span><br /><span>- instructions in English</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the toy:</strong></span></p> <p><span>16 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>28 cm x 32 cm x 18 cm</span></p> <p><span>The presented toy is designed for all children over 3 years old. It is made of certified materials safe for toddlers, thanks to which it is CE certified. In order for your child to use all the functions of the toy, it is necessary to insert three AA 1.5 V batteries, which are not included in the set.</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 29,09 € −1,82 € | Poodi | |
Cash Point Dispenser ATM Realistic Money Box Tootekood: 00050686 GTIN: 5905991032380 Kognitiivsed ja hariduslikud mänguasjad <p> </p> <p><span>This money box works like a real ATM! It has most of the functions of a real cash point!</span></p> <p><span>It is great to teach the children the value of money. It doesn't only look like a cash dispenser but also has the same functions. You have to insert the credit card and type the PIN number to get your money. But before you get it, you have to put some in of course!</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>The set includes:</span></p> <p><span>A credit card with a PIN number 0000 <br />Mobile drawer (the alarm goes on if it stays opened for too long) <br />Users manual <br />LCD-Display (it shows the date and the time) <br />Light & sounds<br /></span></p> <p><span> </span></p> | 4-7 tp | 21,17 € −2,13 € | Poodi | |
Cash Register Calculator Trolley Blue Food Products Tootekood: 00013114 GTIN: 5904204758161 Mängime poodi <p><span><strong>Cash Register Calculator Trolley Blue Food Products</strong></span></p> <p><span>Time for shopping! With our set, shopping will be a success. Why not let your child take on the role of a shop assistant? The game will help to learn counting, basic operations, how to handle money in shops and how to behave when shopping. Communication with other people will certainly develop. Your toddler's first shopping experience will be fun and he will be able to feel like you with his own trolley.</span></p> <p><span>The included trolley has a comfortable handle, all the shopping is sure to fit. The blue and white colour with lettering will give the toddler the feeling of being in a real shop. The second fun option is to play the role of the cashier. The red and grey cash register has a calculator function and will easily add the prices of the products while learning basic operations. At the bottom of the panel there are 10 different images, of different products such as pizza, grape, cherry or watermelon. Each time the product is scanned by the scanner, you hear a beep and the amount appears on the display. Once the purchases have been added up, all you have to do is pay with cash or card. Fictitious money has been included in the set.</span></p> <p><span>An array of different accessories will enable your child to create their own shop with a wide range of products, allowing them to develop their imagination and accurately play the role of a cashier. The young shopkeeper's set is packaged in a decorative, colourful box, making it perfect as a gift.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Set elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- shopping trolley</span></p> <p><span>- cash register</span></p> <p><span>- fictitious money</span></p> <p><span>-milk</span></p> <p><span>-cookies</span></p> <p><span>- water</span></p> <p><span>- vegetables</span></p> <p><span>- fruit</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- cash register:</span></p> <p><span>19 cm x 11 cm x 20 cm</span></p> <p><span>- shopping trolley:</span></p> <p><span>21 cm x 12 cm x 24 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>26 cm x 40 cm x 16 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>The set is powered by two AA 1.5V batteries (not supplied). The toy is suitable for children over 3 years old. The set is CE certified and complies with EN 71. The kitchen is packaged in a cardboard box, making it ideal for a gift.</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 33,62 € | Poodi | |
Cash register Cookie Packaging Scale Battery Scanner Tootekood: 00013158 GTIN: 5904665998960 Mängime poodi <p><span><strong>Cash register Cookie Packaging Scale Battery Scanner</strong></span></p> <p><span>Time to go shopping! How about your child taking on the role of a shop assistant? The game will help them learn counting, basic operations and how to handle money in shops and behave when shopping. Communication with other people will certainly develop. The toddler's first shopping experience will make him happy and he will be able to feel like you on a super shopping trip.</span></p> <p><span>The cash register is made in blue with orange elements. The coins will allow you to pay for groceries. The scanner makes a realistic sound that can be heard when shopping at the market.</span></p> <p><span>The model presented is a safe toy, as the highest quality materials with all required certificates have been used in the production of the toy shopping cash register.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Elements of the set:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- cash register with scale and card reader</span></p> <p><span>- box of biscuits</span></p> <p><span>- coins</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the cash register elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>15 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of box:</strong></span></p> <p><span>21 cm x 16 cm x 15 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>The cash register is powered by two 1.5V "AA" batteries (not supplied). The toy is suitable for children over 3 years old. The set is CE certified and complies with standard EN 71. </span></p> | 4-7 tp | 21,13 € +8,45 € | Poodi | |
Cash Register Weight Scanner Shopping List Market Pink Tootekood: 00013045 GTIN: 5905214972257 Mängime poodi <p><span><strong>Kasa Fiskalna Waga Skaner Lista Zakupów Market Różowa </strong></span></p> <p><span>Dziecko na zakupach przypatruje się pracy sprzedawcy, może teraz zobaczyć, jak taka praca wygląda.<strong> </strong>Zabawa w sklep rozwinie u dziecka zdolności negocjacyjne oraz naukę liczenia i podstawowych rachunków. A może teraz Twoje artykuły spożywcze w domu też pójdą na sprzedaż. </span></p> <p><span>Dziecko może skanować produkty, przy czym słychać efekty dźwiękowe i świetlne. Wystarczy zbliżyć skaner do kodu kreskowego i usłyszysz piknięcie, produkt już jest nabity na kasę. Nasza kasa ma funkcję kalkulatora, możesz zliczać ich ceny i po naciśnięciu znaku = , zobaczysz całkowitą cenę. Po lewej stronie znajdują się 6 grup produktów reprezentujące poszczególne grupy np. fast- food, owoce i warzywa. </span></p> <p><span>Mały różowy koszyk pozwoli na noszenie zakupów załączonych do zestawu opakowanie ciasteczek, soku oraz śmietany. Imitacja banknotów pozwoli na płacenie za produkty. Podczas ważenia możemy zobaczyć też listę zakupów, która wysuwa się z niej. </span></p> <p><span><strong>Elementy zestawu: </strong></span></p> <p><span>- waga</span></p> <p><span>- kasa fiskalna z kalkulatorem </span></p> <p><span>- skaner </span></p> <p><span>- banknoty i monety </span></p> <p><span>- koszyk na zakupy </span></p> <p><span>- artykuły spożywcze</span></p> <p><span><strong>Wymiary kasy: </strong></span></p> <p><span>23 cm x 14 cm x 17,5 cm </span></p> <p><span><strong>Wymiary wagi: </strong></span></p> <p><span>13 cm x 9 cm x 10, 5 cm </span></p> <p><span><strong>Wymiar opakowania: </strong></span></p> <p><span>41,5 cm x 18,5 cm x 21,5 cm </span></p> <p><span>Zasilana jest bateriami 2x 1.5V "AA", których nie dołączono do zestawu. Kasa zapakowana jest w ozdobne, barwne pudełko, dzięki czemu doskonale nadaje się na prezent. Zabawka przeznaczona jest dla dzieci <strong>powyżej 3. roku życia</strong>. Zestaw posiada <strong>certyfikat CE</strong> i jest zgodny z normą <strong>EN 71</strong>.</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 27,09 € −2,46 € | Poodi | |
Cash Register With Barcode Scanner 21 Pieces Tootekood: 00012920 GTIN: 5905323219793 Mängime poodi <p><strong><span> Cash register with barcode scanner </span></strong></p> <p><span>Playing with a cash register is the perfect idea for learning to count, sell and buy. The electronic cash register has a working scanner which, when pressed, makes sounds and lights up. The cash register also serves as a calculator, you can add up product prices and learn how to count. The cash register has an imitation of a microphone and a sliding drawer for coins. There is a scale at the checkout, on which you can weigh the included food products. A child can accept a payment card and spend with coins.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Set contains:</span></strong></p> <p><span>Cash register with barcode scanner </span></p> <p><span>Grocery products like: egg, carrot, corn, cucumber, tomato, garlic </span></p> <p><span>Coins </span></p> <p><span>Credit card </span></p> <p><strong><span>Box dimensions: </span></strong></p> <p><span>21 cm x 34 cm x 17 cm </span></p> <p><strong><span>Cash register dimensions: </span></strong></p> <p><span>17 cm x 26 cm x 15 cm </span></p> | 4-7 tp | 23,30 € −2,12 € | Poodi | |
Cash Register With Touch Screen Tootekood: 00023977 GTIN: 5905214972271 Muud mänguasjad <div id="main_image_frame"> <div> <div><span><strong>Touch Fiscal Cash Register Accessories Reader Sound</strong></span></div> <div><span></span></div> <div><span>The model presented is a safe toy, as the highest quality materials with all the required certificates have been used in the production of the toy cash register. The design of the toy is modern, making it resemble a full-size shop cash register. The light weight of the products harmonises perfectly with its simple shape, thus certainly encouraging play. The modern touchscreen is just one of the many advantages of this toy.</span><br /><br /><span>This set will be an ideal gift for all children who spend a lot of time playing shop, supermarket or kiosk. It is sure to bring lots of fun not only to the little cashiers, but also to their older playmates. The very colourful and striking set is suitable for many a home shop. The children's cash register is made entirely of plastic, which is combined with rubber buttons.</span><br /><span>The children's cash register with working calculator is a great way to encourage your child to learn to count. Through the fun of buying and selling, the child will be able to grasp real, realistic purchases and their amounts with greater ease, as well as gaining negotiation and role-playing skills.</span></div> <div><br /><span><strong>The young salesman set includes:</strong></span></div> <div></div> <div><span>- cash register,</span></div> <div><br /><span>- barcode reader</span><br /><br /><span>- cash register activation key,</span><br /><br /><span>- built-in calculator,</span><br /><br /><span>- opening cash drawer,</span><br /><br /><span>- a set of interchangeable promotional cards,</span><br /><br /><span>- a set of banknotes and coins,</span><br /><br /><span>- bottled groceries,</span></div> <div></div> <div><span>- credit card,</span></div> <div><br /><span>- card reader.</span><br /><br /><span><strong>Dimensions of the children's cash register:</strong></span><br /><span>- 33 cm x 20 cm.</span></div> </div> </div> | 4-7 tp | 30,50 € −1,92 € | Poodi | |
Cash Register with Touchscreen Calculator + Accesories Tootekood: 00012960 GTIN: 1818911885017 Mängime poodi <p><strong><span>Cash register with accessories</span></strong></p> <p><span>Playing the store is one of the most popular entertainment for children of all ages. This form of spending time allows you to learn to count and negotiate. A toy cash register is an interesting proposition for developing a child's willingness to learn the basics of mathematics in a very pleasant way. The cash register with accessories will be a perfect complement for even more interesting and better fun, as well as a colorful and pleasant accent in the decor of a children's room or a playroom.</span></p> <p><span>The presented model is a safe toy, because the highest quality materials with all the required certificates were used for the production of the toy cash register. The design of the toy is very modern. The streamlined shape of the cash register perfectly harmonizes with its intense color, which will surely attract the child's eyes, encouraging them to play. A pull-out drawer, a product scanner, a real beeping sound and a display are just some of the many advantages of this equipment.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Together with the toy, the young cashier or cashier will receive:</span></strong></p> <p><span>- Cash register with scales</span><br /><span>- food imitations: ketchup, milk, orange juice, cookies</span><br /><span>- product reader,</span><br /><span>- coins and banknotes.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Cash register dimensions:</strong> 34 cm x 19 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong> 40 cm x 24 cm x 16 cm</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 35,02 € −2,20 € | Poodi | |
Cash Register with Touchscreen Calculator + Accesories Tootekood: 00012995 GTIN: 5905214972301 Mängime poodi <p><span><strong>Cash Register with Touchscreen Calculator + Accesorie</strong>s</span></p> <p><span>Playing the store is one of the most popular games for children of all ages. This form of spending time allows you to learn to count and negotiate. A toy cash register with a scale and a card reader is an interesting proposition for developing the child's willingness to learn the basics of math in a very pleasant way. The cash register with accessories will be a perfect complement for even more interesting and better fun, as well as a colorful and pleasant accent in the decor of a children's room or a playroom.</span></p> <p><span>The presented model is a safe toy because the highest quality materials with all the required certificates were used for the production of the toy cash register. The design of the toy is very modern. The streamlined shape of the cash register perfectly harmonizes with its intense color, which will surely attract the child's eyes, encouraging them to play. A pull-out drawer, a product scanner that produces a real beeping sound, a touch panel and an LCD display are just some of the many advantages of this equipment.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Kit components:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- cash register with scales and card reader</span><br /><span>- a box of cookies</span><br /><span>- a box of Italian dishes</span><br /><span>- a bottle of orange juice</span><br /><span>- ketchup</span><br /><span>- milk</span><br /><span>- three VIP cards</span><br /><span>- credit card</span><br /><span>- 6 plastic coins</span><br /><span>- barcode scanner</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the set elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- <strong>scanner</strong>: 10 cm x 5.5 cm</span><br /><span>- <strong>dimensions of the cash register with scales and card reader</strong>: 44 cm x 16 cm x 22 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Box dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>48.5 cm x 18.5 cm x 25.5 cm</span></p> <p><span>The cash register is powered by two 1.5V "AA" batteries (not included), the scanner is powered by one "AAA" 1.5V battery (not included). The toy is intended for children <strong>over 3 years of age</strong>. The set has a <strong>CE certificate</strong> and complies with <strong>the EN 71 standard</strong>. It is packed in a box with a transparent glass window, making it perfect for a gift.</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 33,33 € −2,09 € | Poodi | |
Cash Register with Trolley Baskets & Accessories Tootekood: 00012958 GTIN: 181891083003 Mängime poodi <p><span><strong>Cash Register with Trolley Baskets & Accessories</strong></span></p> <p><span>Playing the store is one of the most popular entertainment for children of all ages. This form of spending time allows you to learn to count and negotiate. A toy cash register is an interesting proposition for developing a child's willingness to learn the basics of mathematics in a very pleasant way. The cash register with accessories will be a perfect complement for even more interesting and better fun, as well as a colorful and pleasant accent in the decor of a children's room or a playroom.</span></p> <p><span>The presented model is a safe toy because the highest quality materials with all the required certificates were used for the production of the toy cash register. The design of the toy is very modern. The streamlined shape of the cash register perfectly harmonizes with its intense color, which will surely attract the child's eyes, encouraging them to play. A pull-out drawer, a product scanner, a real beeping sound and a display are just some of the many advantages of this equipment.</span></p> <p><span>The set includes a lot of accessories necessary for every seller. A capacious shopping cart and two smaller baskets will allow us to choose products calmly. After finishing the shopping, we will pay with the notes and coins included in the set. In our store, we can also pay by card, and the goods to be checked are placed on the tape attached to the cash register, which we move with a slider. The microphone and display will allow us to feel like a real cashier until the end.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Together with the toy, the young cashier or cashier will receive:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- shop cash register with tape and reader</span><br /><span>- food accessories: vegetables, juices, sweets, drinks</span><br /><span>- two shopping baskets</span><br /><span>- Trolley</span><br /><span>- coins, banknotes and credit card</span></p> <p><span>A range of various accessories will allow the child to create their own store with a wide assortment, which will allow them to develop their imagination and play the role of a cashier. The young seller's set is packed in a decorative, colorful box, making it a perfect gift. To run the cash register and be able to use it as a calculator, you need to use two "AA" batteries, which are not included in the set.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Cash register dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>27 cm x 16 cm x 9 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Trolley dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>18 cm x 14 cm x 9 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Size of the package:</strong></span></p> <p><span>37 cm x 30 cm x 18 cm</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 30,79 € −1,93 € | Poodi | |
Caso 1656 435 W Milk frother Black Tootekood: 00036753 GTIN: 4038437016567 Piimavahustajad | 2-5 tp | 62,42 € | Poodi | |
Caso Body Energy Ecostyle personal scale 3416 Maximum weight (capacity) 180 kg Accuracy 100 g White/Grey Tootekood: 00036810 GTIN: 4038437034165 Kaalud | 2-5 tp | 33,92 € | Poodi | |
Caso BS1 White Electronic personal scale Tootekood: 00056038 GTIN: 4038437034127 Kaalud | 3-6 tp | 61,21 € | Poodi | |
Caso Coffee and spice grinder 1831 200 W Number of cups 4-8 pc(s) Pulse function Stainless steel Tootekood: 00036786 GTIN: 4038437018318 Kohviveskid | 2-5 tp | 46,13 € | Poodi | |
Caso Coffee Grinder Barista Chef Inox 150 W Coffee beans capacity 250 g Number of cups 12 pc(s) Stainless Tootekood: 00038991 GTIN: 4038437018349 Kohviveskid | 2-5 tp | 115,95 € | Poodi | |
Caso Coffee grinder Barista Crema 150 W Coffee beans capacity 240 g Number of cups 12 pc(s) Black Tootekood: 00036850 GTIN: 4038437018332 Kohviveskid | 2-5 tp | 52,91 € | Poodi | |
Caso Coffee Maker with Two Insulated Jugs Taste & Style Duo Thermo Drip 800 W Black/Stainless Steel Tootekood: 00037876 GTIN: 4038437018455 Espressomasinad | 2-5 tp | 104,24 € | Poodi | |
Caso Design Coffee Maker Aroma Sense Pump pressure Not applicable bar Manual 1550 W Black Tootekood: 00037727 GTIN: 4038437018516 Espressomasinad | 2-5 tp | 128,43 € | Poodi | |
Caso Design Compact Coffee Maker with Grinder Pump pressure Not applicable bar Manual 600 W Black/Stainless Tootekood: 00037707 GTIN: 4038437018486 Espressomasinad | 2-5 tp | 111,26 € | Poodi | |
Caso Electric coffee grinder 1830 200 W W Lid safety switch Number of cups 8 pc(s) Stainless steel Tootekood: 00036763 GTIN: 4038437018301 Kohviveskid | 2-5 tp | 39,35 € | Poodi | |
Caso Espresso machine Espresso Gourmet Latte Pump pressure 20 bar Built-in milk frother Automatic 1350 W | Tootekood: 00046017 GTIN: 4038437018219 Espressomasinad | 2-5 tp | 247,89 € | Poodi | |
Caso Milk frother Fomini Crema 0,1 / 0,2 L Inox Tootekood: 00036781 GTIN: 4038437016628 Piimavahustajad | 2-5 tp | 73,26 € | Poodi | |
Caso Scale BodyEnergy Fit Maximum weight (capacity) 150 kg Accuracy 100 g White Tootekood: 00042084 GTIN: 4038437034172 Kaalud | 2-5 tp | 39,35 € | Poodi | |
Cat Beauty Salon Set Pet in a Suitcase Backpack Blue Tootekood: 00017937 GTIN: 5904665993484 Interaktiivsed lemmikloomad <p><span><strong>Cat Beauty Salon Set Pet in a Suitcase Backpack Blue</strong></span></p> <p><span>Beauty salon for your pet is a perfect activity for children who love taking care of pets. The game will teach your child responsibility and how to perform basic pet care duties. It will be the first step to buying a real pet.</span></p> <p><span>The toddler, thanks to all the accessories, can prepare his pet for going out. The shampoo and shower area will allow for a wonderful, fragrant bath. Then the cat should be well combed or cut the coat, claws with scissors. Food and a green bowl will allow you to feed your friend.</span></p> <p><span>The whole beauty salon is housed in a blue suitcase on wheels with a pull-out handle. Toddler can take the toy and his friend anywhere with him. Convenient to transport and carry. Place all accessories on the bottom of the backpack, remove the side shelves and you're done. The transparent window with holes will allow you to keep an eye on your toy pet at all times. On the way, when our kitten gets hungry, we can open the window and give him food. The whole set provides many opportunities to play and will please every child who will not be able to part with it.</span></p> <p><span>The cat is made of hard rubber, resistant to damage. The suitcase is made entirely of plastic, opened on the side, durable material, resistant to damage.</span></p> <p><span><strong>The set includes:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- backpack with handle</span></p> <p><span>- grey kitten</span></p> <p><span>- boxes of food</span></p> <p><span>- scissors</span></p> <p><span>- shampoo</span></p> <p><span>- bowl</span></p> <p><span>- spatula</span></p> <p><span>- litter tray</span></p> <p><span>- comb</span></p> <p><span>- shelves and hooks</span></p> <p><span>- ball of yarn</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the cat:</strong></span></p> <p><span>9 cm x 8 cm x 15 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of folded toy:</strong></span></p> <p><span>40 cm x 18 cm x 36 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>42 cm x 20 cm x 38 cm</span></p> <p><span>The toy is designed for all children over 3 years old. The toy is CE certified and its production complies with the EN 71 standard in force.</span></p> <p> </p> | 4-7 tp | 29,53 € −1,86 € | Poodi | |
Catalyst, WW Tootekood: 00010008 GTIN: 753759256456 GPS navigaatorid ja varustus <div><span style="font-size:medium;font-weight:bold;">AVASTA OMA VÕIDUSÕIDUOSKUSED</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">See tööstusharu esimene treener paigaldatakse autosalongi ja see sobib eri tasemega juhtidele. Parandamist vajavate punktide väljatoomiseks kogub see sooritusandmeid ning pakub reaalajas helijuhiseid ja vahetut sõiduanalüüsi1.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Kus on mu sõidujoon? Funktsioon True Track Positioning™ kuvab rajal su sõidujoone.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Juhised treenerilt. Suuna reaalajas helijuhised peakomplekti2 või auto helisüsteemi.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Garmin Catalyst jälgib ja võrdleb ning näitab, kas oled eelmise ringi ajast ees või taga.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">True Optimal Lap™ tehnoloogia võtab arvesse kõik sooritusandmed, et kuvada su parim sõidetav aeg.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Paranda oma sõiduoskuseid. Vahetud andmed ja kohandumissoovitused näitavad parandamist vajavaid põhipunkte.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Pärast seanssi saad selle statistikat vaadata 7-tollisel puuteekraanil. Arvutit pole tarvis.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div>(image) </div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Saavuta parim ringiaeg.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">ASUKOHA JÄLGIMINE RAJAL</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">See innovaatiline tehnoloogia kasutab rajal su sõidujoone loomiseks 10 Hz multi-GNSS positsioneerimist, kujutisetöötlust ja sisseehitatud kiirendusandureid.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">RAJAL ABISTAV SÕIDUTREENER</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Rajal olles muutub Garmin Catalyst reaalajas treeneriks, andes helijuhiseid läbi Bluetooth® peakomplekti2 või auto helisüsteemi.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">OPTIMAALNE RINGIAEG</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">See enneolematu tehnoloogia kombineerib iga rajalõigu parima aja, et kuvada optimaalne sõidetav aeg läbitud ja korratavate sõidujoonte põhjal.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">KURVIDE LÄBIMINE</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Millise sõidujoone peaksid kurvide läbimisel valima? Vaata kaardil, kuidas varajane või hiline kurvi sisenemine mõjutab rajal su üleüldist kiirust.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">REAALAJAS RINGIANDMED</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Loomulikult jälgib Garmin Catalyst su parimat ringiaega, kohanduvat aegade vahet, ringide arvu ja seansi koguaega.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">PAIGALDATAKSE SALONGI</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Paigalda Garmin Catalyst müügikomplekti kuuluva tugeva iminapa või kruviklambri abil autosalongi.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Vaata sooritusandmeid ja parandamist vajavaid kohti.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">VAATA, MIDA SAAKS PAREMINI TEHA</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Pärast seanssi saad sooritusandmeid seadmes vaadata, et näha rajal parandamist vajavaid põhikohti.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">AUTOMAATNE TÕLGENDAMINE</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Garmin Catalyst teeb kõik arvutused ise. Seetõttu pole andmete arvutisse laadimine vajalik. Jäävad ära ka keerulised graafikud, mida võibki jääda dešifreerima.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">KOHANDUV JUHENDAMINE</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Võrdle oma sooritusandmeid teiste seanssidega ja hangi parandamist vajavate kohtade tuvastamiseks vahetuid kohanduvaid soovitusi.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">RADADE ANDMEBAAS</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Garmin Catalyst sisaldab ülemaailmsete radadega eellaaditud andmebaasi. Garmin Catalyst võimaldab kasutajatel andmebaasi hõlpsalt radasid lisada.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">KAUGKAAMERA</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Müügikomplekti kuuluv kaugkaamera jäädvustab selgeid ja teravaid HD-videoid, mida saab seadmes taasesitada koos sünkroonse ülekattega, mis näitab kiirust, ringiandmeid jne.</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">ANDMED VASTAVALT VAJADUSELE</span></div><div><span style="font-size:medium;">Vaata üksikasjalikke sooritusandmeid Garmin Catalyst seadme 7-tollisel ekraanil või ava rakendus Garmin Catalyst™.</span></div><div><br /></div><div><div>1 HOIATUS. See seade on mõeldud üksnes vabaajakasutuseks võidusõidurajal. Ära kunagi kasuta seda avalikel teedel. Selle hoiatuse eiramine võib kaasa tuua varalise kahju, tõsise kehavigastuse või surmaga lõppeva õnnetuse. Sina vastutad seadme ohutu ja õige kasutuse eest.</div><div>2 Vajab Bluetooth ühendust toetavat kiivrit või peakomplekti (müüakse eraldi).</div><div>Sõnamärk Bluetooth® ja logod on ettevõttele Bluetooth SIG, Inc. kuuluvad registreeritud kaubamärgid ja Garmin kasutab neid litsentsi alusel.</div></div> | 1-3 tp | 888,17 € | Poodi | |
Catch Frisbee Duck Catapult Arcade Game Tootekood: 00018448 GTIN: 5905515350792 Mängud <p><span><strong>Catch Frisbee Duck Catapult Arcade Game</strong></span></p> <p><span>The arcade game is a great way to spend time together as a family. Simple rules and intuitive use make it playable for young and old! The different types of dexterity games improve coordination, dexterity and concentration and provide a sense of competition. The Catch Frisbee game requires a great deal of coordination. The little duck throws the frisbee up into the air, and your job is to catch it! Let's see who can show more agility.</span></p> <p><span><strong>What is the game all about?</strong></span></p> <p><span>The toy is designed for two people. The duck-shaped catapult is a disc launcher. It installs the disc in its intended location, which is the head. You press a button and the disc glides upwards. Your task is to catch the spinning disc in the net. You set the rules of play yourself.</span></p> <p><span>Experiment with how the power of the pressure transforms into the range of the ejection.</span></p> <p><span>Two pairs of goggles, together with a special glass, will protect your eyes and face during play.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Set elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>- two nets</span></p> <p><span>- goggles with protective glass</span></p> <p><span>- 8 discs</span></p> <p><span>- duck launcher</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of set elements:</strong></span></p> <p><span>disc diameter: 6 cm</span></p> <p><span>net: 27 cm x 18 cm x 2 cm</span></p> <p><span>launcher: 23 cm x 12 cm x 24 cm</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span><strong>Package dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>27 cm x 25 cm x 12 cm</span></p> <p><span>This toy is suitable for children over 3 years old. The set is CE certified and complies with EN 71 and comes packaged in a cardboard box, making it ideal for gift giving.</span></p> | 4-7 tp | 20,11 € −2,02 € | Poodi | |
Caterpillar Excavator Bucket 1:16 Yellow Moving arm Tootekood: 00016213 GTIN: 5905214974046 Autod ja muu transport <p><span><strong>Caterpillar Excavator Bucket 1:16 Yellow Moving arm</strong></span></p> <p><span>Feel like a real excavator operator! Expand your collection of construction machines. This toy is sure to catch children's eyes, encouraging interesting play. It will influence your child's imagination and creativity, as well as logical thinking skills.</span></p> <p><span>The construction vehicle has many advantages. The rubber tracked wheels guarantee traction on the ground. It has a 360-degree rotating operator's cab, as well as light and sound effects that are activated by pressing buttons. The toy has been designed in 1:16 scale, which has allowed its most essential, characteristic elements to be accurately reproduced. The long arm of the excavator is movable, and can be moved by means of a handle. The arm on the boom ends in a bucket that can handle many construction tasks.</span></p> <p><span>The yellow and black construction vehicle consists of classic colours and is decorated with eye-catching lettering.</span></p> <p><span>The rest of the construction is made of certified plastic material, which is a guarantee of safety and comfort from play.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the toy:</strong></span></p> <p><span>22 cm x 10 cm x 14 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of packaging:</strong></span></p> <p><span>29 cm x 17 cm x 11 cm</span></p> <p><span>The toy is suitable for children over 3 years old. It has a CE certificate, certifying that it meets the requirements in accordance with the applicable directive. The use of certified materials, as well as the toy's construction without sharp ends, guarantee not only safety but also ease of use. Powered by three AG13 batteries, supplied.</span> </p> | 4-7 tp | 26,74 € +10,70 € | Poodi | |
Caterpillar Excavator Drill 1:16 Orange Moving Arm Tootekood: 00016215 GTIN: 5905214974060 Autod ja muu transport <p><span><strong>Caterpillar Excavator Drill 1:16 Orange Moving Arm</strong></span></p> <p><span>Feel like a real excavator operator! Expand your collection of construction machines. This toy is sure to catch children's eyes, encouraging interesting play. It will encourage your child's imagination and creativity, as well as logical thinking skills.</span></p> <p><span>The construction vehicle has many advantages. The rubber tracked wheels guarantee traction on the ground. It has a 360-degree rotating operator's cab, as well as light and sound effects that are activated by pressing buttons. The toy has been designed in 1:16 scale, which has allowed its most essential, characteristic elements to be accurately reproduced. The long arm of the excavator is movable, and can be moved by means of a handle. The arm on the boom ends in a shiny silver drill bit, which has a rounded tip.</span></p> <p><span>The orange and black construction vehicle consists of classic colours and is decorated with eye-catching lettering.</span></p> <p><span>The rest of the construction is made of approved plastic material, which is a guarantee of safety and comfort from play.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Dimensions of the toy:</strong></span></p> <p><span>22 cm x 10 cm x 14 cm</span></p> <p><span><strong>Packaging dimensions:</strong></span></p> <p><span>29 cm x 17 cm x 11 cm</span></p> <p><span>The toy is suitable for children over 3 years old. It has a CE certificate, certifying that it meets the requirements in accordance with the directive in force. The use of certified materials, as well as the toy's construction without sharp ends, guarantee not only safety but also ease of use. Powered by three AG13 batteries, supplied. </span></p> | 4-7 tp | 26,74 € +10,70 € | Poodi |