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Firma: Arvutitark OÜ

Lindy HDMI kaabel 2.0m, Ethernet, 4K 4096x2160@60Hz, GOLD
Tootekood: 37862 GTIN: 4002888378628 Varia lisaseadmed
Täiustatud, suure jõudlusega HDMI-kaabel, millel on õhukesed metallühendused Toetab UHD eraldusvõimet kuni 4096x2160@60Hz 4:4:4 8bit Toetab kuni 32 audiokanalit Dolby True HD, DTS-HD Master Audio Täielik toetus HEC, ARC ja CEC nõuetele vastavatele seadmetele Tootjapoolne 25-aastane garantii The latest HDMI specifications are supported for 18G bandwidth capacity in cable lengths up to 7.5m. Gold Line HDMI cables are classified as High Speed up to 7.5m and Standard at lengths above 7.5m
29,00 €
Goobay 220V Toitekaabel 3.0m, must, maanduseta CEE 7/16 - C7
Tootekood: 95038 GTIN: 4040849950384 Varia lisaseadmed
Euro male (Type C CEE 7/16) > Device socket C7universalsuitable for devices, such as televisions, electric razors, radios etc.
4,49 €
+0,19 €
Goobay Võrgukaabel Cat6 S/FTP 2.0m, punane, PiMF, LSZH, CU
Tootekood: 68279 GTIN: 4040849682797 Varia lisaseadmed
CAT 6 võrgukaabel S/FTP (PiMF), punane vaskjuht (CU), halogeenivaba kaablikest (LSZH) Eeljuhtmega topeltvarjestatud LAN-kaabel RJ45 pistikutega võrgukomponentide ühendamiseks CAT 6 internetikaabel, mis sobib 10 Gigabit Etherneti 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T, 10/100/1000/10000 Mbit/s jaoks S/FTP üldine varjestus: alumiiniumfooliumist varjestus üksikute juhtmepaaride jaoks (PiMF) ja alumiiniumist punutud varjestus kaabli mantli jaoks Kvaliteetne vaskjuht (CU) ja kullatud kontaktid tagavad suurepärase ja võimsa võrguühenduse Paindekaitse ja vastupidav PVC-kate kaitsevad võrgukaablit tõhusalt purunemise eest RJ45 pistiku riivikaitse takistab riivi kinnijäämist või lahtimurdmist, aidates tagada usaldusväärse Interneti-ühenduse Etherneti kaabel on CAT 6 testitud ja sobib Power over Etherneti (PoE, PoE+) jaoks.
3,00 €
Delock HDMI kaabel 2.0m, ethernet, 4K@60Hz, kullatud, kolmekordne varje, slim, must
Tootekood: 84773 GTIN: 4043619847730 Varia lisaseadmed
See Delocki kvaliteetne kiire HDMI-kaabel koos Ethernetiga paistab silma oma õhukese läbimõõdu ja lühikeste pistikutega. Kolmekordselt varjestatud kaabel ühendab endas nii kiire andmeedastuse kui ka audio-/video- ja Ethernet-ühenduse. Tänu maksimaalse 18 Gb/s ribalaiuse toetusele saab nüüd kuvada 4K-sisu (maksimaalne kaadrisagedus 60 Hz), 3D-sisu 4K-resolutsioonis (maksimaalne kaadrisagedus 24 Hz) ja sisu 21:9 kino kuvasuhtes. Kaabel võimaldab kahe videokanali samaaegset edastamist, et kuvada videovooge kahele kasutajale ühel ekraanil, samuti kuni nelja helikanali samaaegset edastamist. Audioülekannete kvaliteeti parandab oluliselt kuni 1536 kHz proovivõtusagedus.     Eriomadused - Eriti lühikesed, täielikult metallist varjestatud pistikud - Eriti õhuke kaabli läbimõõt     Spetsifikatsioon - Liitmik:   HDMI-A 19-pini isane >   High Speed HDMI-A 19-pini isane - High Speed HDMI koos Ethernetiga (HEC) spetsifikatsioon - Kaabli gabariit: 36 AWG - Kaabli läbimõõt: umbes 3,2 mm - Twisted-pair kaabel - Vaskjuht - Kullatud pistikupesa - Kolmekordselt varjestatud kaabel - Metallist korpus - Audio- ja videosignaalide edastamine - Andmeedastuskiirus kuni 18 Gb/s - Resolutsioon kuni 3840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz (sõltuvalt süsteemist ja ühendatud seadmest).   riistvara) - 3D-tugi: kuni 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz; 3840 x 2160 @ 30 Hz (sõltuvalt süsteemist ja   süsteemist ja ühendatud riistvarast) - Toetab 21:9 kino kuvasuhet - Toetab 1080p HFR (kõrge kaadrisagedus) 3D-dokumente - Kuni 120 Hz värskendussagedus - Toetab 2 videokanali samaaegset edastamist, et kasutada ühte kuvarit kahe jaoks   vaatajaid - Toetab värvisamplitatsiooni 4:2:0 formaadis (Blu-Ray, DVD ja TV originaalformaat) - Sisaldab audio tagasikanalit (ARC) - Kuni 32 audiokanalit kõlarite jaoks - Kuni 1536 kHz audioproovivõtusagedus - Toetab kuni 4 helikanali samaaegset edastamist - Toetab huulte sünkroonsuse dünaamilist reguleerimist audio/video viivituste juures - Toetab CEC 2.0 juhtimiskäske - Kasutab digitaalsete piltide esitamiseks uut täiustatud värviruumi - Toetab Dolby® TrueHD ja DTS-HD Master Audio™-i. - Toetab HDR-i - Elavamad ja loomulikumad värvid - Värv: must - Kaabli pikkus: ca 2 m     Süsteeminõuded - Vaba HDMI-A liides     Pakendi sisu - HDMI-kaabel
10,20 €
MicroConnect HDMI Cable 8K, 3m Supports 2.1 8K@60Hz
Tootekood: MC-HDM19193V2.1 GTIN: 5704174269090 Varia lisaseadmed
Supports 2.1 8K@60Hz,
16,90 €
Ssupd Meshroom DisplayPort 1.4 Cable - 90 Grad gewinkelt, 8K, 2m, black
Tootekood: G89.OE776DPX2.00 GTIN: 4718466012449 Varia lisaseadmed
DisplayPort-1.4-Kabel, für 8K (FUHD) geeignet, 2 m Länge, gerader Stecker zu 90 Grad gewinkelt, vergoldete Kontakte, dreifach geschirmt
34,40 €
Joyroom Cable to Micro USB-A / 2.4A / 1.2m S-UM018A10 (white)
Tootekood: S-UM018A101.2mMW GTIN: 6956116769291 Varia lisaseadmed
Cable to Micro USB-A / 2.4A / 1.2m Joyroom S-UM018A10 (white) Ensure safe and fast charging of your devices. The Joyroom cable supports fast charging and transmits current at 2.4A. It is extremely durable and resistant to wear and tear, and its ends have been further reinforced, so the cable's lifespan is significantly extended. The product allows data transmission at 480 Mbps. Convenient charging and data transmission The cable guarantees instant and safe charging of devices at 2.4 A. It also supports data transfer function. You can simultaneously top up your phone's power and rip files at speeds of up to 480 Mbps. Don't waste time waiting and enjoy the reliable performance of the Joyroom cable. Solid performance The S-UM018A10 is distinguished by its sturdy construction, and aluminum alloy has been used in its construction. The USB connector has been reinforced, making it extremely resistant to damage. What's more, the ends are very flexible and have been visibly thickened, so they will endure any bending, twisting, etc. The entire cable has a nylon braid, which further improves its resistance to pulling and tangling. All this makes the Joyroom cable a purchase that will last for years! ManufacturerJoyroomModelS-UM018A10ColorWhiteLength1.2 mConnector typeUSB-A to MicroCurrent2.4AFunctionsCharging/data transmissionTransmission speed480MbpsMaterialAluminum alloy + nylon braided cable
2,99 €
Joyroom Cable to Micro USB-A / 2.4A / 2m S-UM018A10 (black)
Tootekood: S-UM018A102mMB GTIN: 6956116769208 Varia lisaseadmed
Cable for Micro USB-A / 2.4A / 2m Joyroom S-UM018A10 (black) Ensure safe and fast charging of your devices. The Joyroom cable supports fast charging and transmits current at 2.4A. It is extremely durable and resistant to wear and tear, and its ends have been further reinforced, so the cable's lifespan is significantly extended. The product allows data transmission at 480 Mbps. Convenient charging and data transmission The cable guarantees instant and safe charging of devices at 2.4 A. It also supports data transfer function. You can simultaneously top up your phone's power and rip files at speeds of up to 480 Mbps. Don't waste time waiting and enjoy the reliable performance of the Joyroom cable. Solid performance The S-UM018A10 is distinguished by its sturdy construction, with aluminum alloy used in its construction. The USB connector has been reinforced, making it extremely resistant to damage. What's more, the ends are very flexible and have been visibly thickened, so they will endure any bending, twisting, etc. The entire cable has a nylon braid, which further improves its resistance to pulling and tangling. All this makes the Joyroom cable a purchase that will last for years! ManufacturerJoyroomModelS-UM018A10ColorBlackLength2 mConnector typeUSB-A to MicroCurrent2.4AFunctionsCharging/data transmissionTransmission speed480MbpsMaterialAluminum alloy + nylon braided cable
2,99 €
Goobay kaabel 3.5mm 2.0m, kullatud kontaktid, stereo, tekstiilist
Tootekood: WEN65274 GTIN: 4040849652745 Varia lisaseadmed
Audio ühenduskaabel AUX, 3,5 mm stereokaabel, tekstiilist kattega, hall3,5 mm pesa (3-pin, stereo) > 3,5 mm pesa (3-pin, stereo)Goobay Plus seeria on õhukese, elegantse metallist disainiga, värviga Sharkskin Grey. Ühenduskaabel on teie mitmekülgne lahendus heli edastamiseks nutitelefonidest, sülearvutitest või tahvelarvutitest - muusika, podcastide või filmide nautimiseks kodus hi-fi-süsteemi kaudu või autoraadios.Audiokaabel nt nutitelefonide ja tahvelarvutite ühendamiseks heli väljundseadmetega, nagu kõrvaklapid, arvuti, võimendi, SoundBar, valjuhääldi või autoraadio.Väga paindlik kõrgekvaliteediline TRS-kaabel, millel on õhukesed metallist pistikud, paindumiskaitse ja värviga sobitatud tekstiilkaabelKõrvaklappide kaabli punutud tekstiilmantel tagab meeldiva tunde ja on õrnatoimeline tundlike pindade suhtesÕhuke disain võimaldab lihtsat pistikuühendust isegi kaitsekattega seadmete ühendamiselPistikupesad klõpsuvad kindlalt kinni ja tagavad kindla kinnituse seadmes, ilma et need välja libiseksidKullatud pistikud hoiavad ära korrosiooni ja on eriti vastupidavad
6,90 €
Goobay kaabel 3.5mm 3.0m, kullatud kontaktid, stereo, tekstiilist
Tootekood: WEN65275 GTIN: 4040849652752 Varia lisaseadmed
Audio ühenduskaabel AUX, 3,5 mm stereokaabel, tekstiilist kattega, hall3,5 mm pesa (3-pin, stereo) > 3,5 mm pesa (3-pin, stereo)Goobay Plus seeria on õhukese, elegantse metallist disainiga, värviga Sharkskin Grey. Ühenduskaabel on teie mitmekülgne lahendus heli edastamiseks nutitelefonidest, sülearvutitest või tahvelarvutitest - muusika, podcastide või filmide nautimiseks kodus hi-fi-süsteemi kaudu või autoraadios.Audiokaabel nt nutitelefonide ja tahvelarvutite ühendamiseks heli väljundseadmetega, nagu kõrvaklapid, arvuti, võimendi, SoundBar, valjuhääldi või autoraadio.Väga paindlik kõrgekvaliteediline TRS-kaabel, millel on õhukesed metallist pistikud, paindumiskaitse ja värviga sobitatud tekstiilkaabelKõrvaklappide kaabli punutud tekstiilmantel tagab meeldiva tunde ja on õrnatoimeline tundlike pindade suhtesÕhuke disain võimaldab lihtsat pistikuühendust isegi kaitsekattega seadmete ühendamiselPistikupesad klõpsuvad kindlalt kinni ja tagavad kindla kinnituse seadmes, ilma et need välja libiseksidKullatud pistikud hoiavad ära korrosiooni ja on eriti vastupidavad
8,40 €
Manhattan Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Hub 10 Ports w/ Power Adapter, Black
Tootekood: M161572 GTIN: 766623161572 Varia lisaseadmed
Manhattan Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Hub 10 pordiga w/ adapter, must
23,60 €
+0,05 €
Aixcase 6,3cm (2,5") Sata USB2.0 Sliml
Tootekood: AIX-SUB2S GTIN: 4260096490154 Varia lisaseadmed
Kaal15 kgMõõdud (l x s x k)480 x 340 x 395 mm
9,70 €
Aixcase Repl.PSU T_V/GS for 3,5"/5,25"
Tootekood: AIX-PS34-6PIN GTIN: 4260096490192 Varia lisaseadmed
Väljundvõimsus34 WVäljundpinge5 VVäljundvool2 APistmik(ud)6pSertifikaatTÜV/GSt, CE, RoHSToote värvMustKaabli pikkus1,2 mKaal280 g
15,45 €
Raidsonic Icy Box 7x Port USB 3.0 Hub, Silver
Tootekood: IB-AC6701 GTIN: 4250078160618 Varia lisaseadmed
Product kirjeldus: Raidsonic ICY BOX IB-AC6701 - hub - 7 ports seadme tüüp: Hub - 7 ports Subtype: USB Ports: 7 x SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Power: AC 120/230 V mõõtmed (WxDxH): 14.8 cm x 3.5 cm x 1.7 cm kaal: 100 g värv: Silver
29,10 €
17,15 €
+1,35 €
Equip - HDMI With Ethernet cable - HDMI (M) bis HDMI (M) - 7.5m - 4K Support (119372)
Tootekood: 119372 GTIN: 4015867199411 Varia lisaseadmed
Equip 119372, HDMI, 7.5 m
16,40 €
Logilink USB-hub LOGILINK- USB-C 7-in-1 multifunctional hub with PD, aluminum alloy, 100W (UA0302)
Tootekood: UA0302 GTIN: 4052792048469 Varia lisaseadmed
Tootja: LogiLink Tootegrupp: USB hub ports: 7 Supported USB standards: USB 3.0 Lisaandmed: Designed for 2016 ja 2017 MacBook Pro koos Thunderbolt 3 port (13" ja 15"), 7-in-1-expansion:, 2x USB-C to 1x USB-C ja 1x Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C),, 1x HDMI, 1x SD kaart, 1x microSD kaart (TF), 2x USB 3.0, Strong 100W Power Delivery to charge 13" (61W), ja 15" (87W) MacBook Pro at full speed, Enables you to mirror või extend the display, of your laptop through HDMI to your TV,, monitor või projektor koos 4K2K resolutsioon , or through Thunderbolt 3 supporting up to 5K@60Hz or 2 x 4K@60 Hz displays, Compatible with all Mac OS / Windows / Chrome OS / Linux systems, Aluminum body with slim design, värv: hõbe/must Lisainfo: andmeleht
39,40 €
Delock Adapter DVI(24+1) -> DVI(24+5) Bu/St 90° (65866)
Tootekood: 65866 GTIN: 4043619658664 Varia lisaseadmed
Delock 65866
9,10 €
CableMod ModMesh SATA 3 Cable 60cm - weiß
Tootekood: CM-CAB-SATA-N60KW-R GTIN: 716894282469 Varia lisaseadmed
SATA 3.0 Kabel von Cablemod, mit zwei geraden Anschlüssen, bis 6GB/s, 60 cm lang
19,03 €
Super Flower Sleeve Cable Kit Red
Tootekood: SF-1000CS-RD GTIN: 4711213445729 Varia lisaseadmed
Toote kirjeldus inglise keeles: Sleeved cables are not just for modding experts, at least not anymore. In the past, only absolute enthusiasts tackled the elaborate and rather risky sheathing of the thin and thick wires in the PC - and sometimes elevated the craft to the art. Thanks to Super Flower, every PC user with the right power supply can be an artist today! Because the complete sets, which are offered by Super Flower for special power supply series with removable cables, are extremely high quality! Each individual strand of a wire harness is surrounded by its own sleeve, which looks fantastic and ensures maximum flexibility of the entire cable. Stubborn cables that simply do not want to go where they should go? Old news! The special textile fabric meets the highest demands of experienced modders and is also softer and more flexible than nylon sheaths, but nevertheless incomparably tight woven and therefore one hundred percent opaque. The processing of Super Flowers Cable Kits is impeccable, which is visually and haptically pleasant immediately when you take the cable for the first time in the hand. Also an absolute plus compared to some competitors: Super Flower dispenses completely with heat shrink tubing at the junctions between wires and plugs. Instead, the colored textile covers go directly into the black and transparent connections, so that no stale heatshrinks disturb the perfect visual impression. Transparent connections are only connected to the power supply itself, as it has LED lighting on the corresponding sockets and thus becomes an eye-catcher. A big advantage over jacketed extension cords in the Super Flower Cable Kits is that they directly replace the standard connection cables included with the compatible modular power supplies. So to get a uniform and very high-quality cable look, not only the original cable must be installed hidden in the housing, which are always at least at the interface to the power supply to see a little. The Cable Kit offered here is a set of 12 cables whose individual wires are covered with textile fabric. The set is fully compatible with the Leadex 80 Plus Gold Super Flower power supplies with 550/650/750/850/1000/1300 watts and Leadex 80 Plus Platinum with 550/650/750/850/1000/1200 watts and Leadex II 80 Plus Gold with 650/750/850/1000/1200 Watt. Restricted are also the Super Flower Golden Silent 80 Plus Gold and Platinum power supply compatible. However, as these are partly modular power supplies, the fixed cables can not be replaced. Otherwise, the cable strands fit exactly into the sockets provided on the power supply unit. The exact number of cables and connections and their length can be found in the technical details. Notes: Please note that the cable set offered here can only be used for the specified power supply models with modular or partially modular cable management by Super Flower! Technical details:Material Sleeves: TextileCompatibility Power Supplies (Unlimited ): Super Leadex 80 Plus Gold (550/650/750/850/1000/1300 Watt) Super Leadex II 80 Plus Gold (650/750/850/1000/1200 Watt) EVGA SuperNova G2L (750 / 850 Watt) Super Leadex 80 Plus Platinum (550/650/750/850/1000/1200 Watt)Compatibility Power Supplies (limited): Super Flower Golden Silent 80 Plus Gold Fanless Power Supply - 430 Watts Super Flower Golden Silent 80 Plus Platinum Fanless Power Supply - 500 Watts (These power supplies are semi -modular, so the fixed cables can not be replaced.)Cable: 1x 20 + 4-pin ATX12V / EPS12V (580 mm without plug) 2x 4 + 4-pin ATX12V / EPS12V (690 mm without plug) 4x 6 + 2-pin PCIe (590 mm without plug) 1x Dual-6 + 2-pin PCIe (1st / 2nd connection: 590/720 mm without plug) 2x Triple-SATA (1st / 2nd / 3rd connection: 550/680/810 mm without plug) 1x Triple-4-Pole Molex ( 1st / 2nd / 3rd connection: 550/680/810 mm without plug) 1x Dual-SATA with dual 4- pin Molex (1st SATA / 2nd SATA / 3rd Molex / 4th Molex connection) : 550/680/810/940 mm without plug)
65,25 €
Super Flower Sleeve Cable Kit Pro Green
Tootekood: SF-CKP-GR GTIN: 4711213445859 Varia lisaseadmed
Toote kirjeldus inglise keeles:Sleeved cables are not just for modding experts, at least not anymore. In the past, only absolute enthusiasts tackled the elaborate and rather risky sheathing of the thin and thick wires in the PC - and sometimes elevated the craft to the art. Thanks to Super Flower, every PC user with the right power supply can be an artist today! Because the complete sets, which are offered by Super Flower for special power supply series with removable cables, are extremely high quality!Overview of the Super Flower Sleeve Cable Kit Pro:High-quality cable set with single-core sleevesTextile wrapping ensures high flexibility & perfect look4 × 6 + 2-pin PCIe & 4 × dual-6 + 2-pin PCIe connectors for graphics cards2 × Quad SATA / 2 × Triple 4 Pole Molex / 1 × 20 + 4-pin / 2 × 4 + 4-pinCompatible with selected Super Flower and EVGA power suppliesSleeved cables ensure an upgraded appearance of the gaming systemEvery single strand of a wire harness in this kit is surrounded by its own sleeve, which looks fantastic and ensures maximum flexibility of the entire cable. Stubborn cables that simply do not want to go where they should go? Old news! The special textile fabric meets the highest demands of experienced modders and is also softer and more flexible than nylon sheaths, but nevertheless incomparably tight woven and therefore one hundred percent opaque. The processing of Super Flowers Cable Kits is impeccable, which is visually and haptically pleasant immediately when you take the cable for the first time in the hand. Also an absolute plus compared to some competitors: Super Flower dispenses completely with heat shrink tubing at the junctions between wires and plugs. Instead, the colored textile covers go directly into the black connectors, so that no stale heatshrinks disturb the perfect visual impression. A big advantage over jacketed extension cords in the Super Flower Cable Kits is that they directly replace the standard connection cables included with the compatible modular power supplies. So to get a uniform and very high-quality cable look, not only the original cable must be installed hidden in the housing, which are always at least at the interface to the power supply to see a little. The Cable Kit offered here is a set of 15 cables whose individual wires are sleeved with textile fabric. The set is compatible with Leadex Titanium, Leadex Platinum and Leadex Gold Super Flower power supplies, in addition to SuperNOVA T2, SuperNOVA P2, SuperNova G2 and SuperNova G3 EVGA power supplies. The exact number of cables and connections and their length can be found in the technical details. Notes: Please note that the cable set offered here can only be used for the power supply models listed below! Technical details:Material Sleeves: TextileCompatibility (Power Supplies ): Super Flower Leadex Titanium (1600, 1200, 1000, 850, 750) Super Leadex Flower Platinum (2000, 1600) Super Leadex Gold (1.600) EVGA SuperNOVA T2 Series (1.600 T2) EVGA SuperNOVA P2 Series (1.600 P2, 1,200 P2, 1,000 P2) EVGA SuperNOVA G2 Series (1,600 G2, 1,300 G2, 1,000 G2, 850 G2, 750 G2, 650 G2, 550 G2) EVGA SuperNOVA G3 Series (1,000 G3, 850 G3, 750 G3, 650 G3 , 550 G3)Cable: 1x 20 + 4-pin ATX12V / EPS12V (650 mm without plug) 2x 4 + 4-pin ATX12V / EPS12V (750 mm without plug) 4x 6 + 2-pin PCIe (750 mm without plug) 4x Dual-6 + 2-pin PCIe (1st / 2nd connection: 750/900 mm without plug) 2x Quad-SATA (1st / 2nd / 3rd connection: 550/650/750/850 mm without plug) 2x Triple-4 Pol-Molex (1st / 2nd / 3rd connection: 550/650/750 mm without plug)
72,05 €
Silverstone SST-CPS05-RE Internal Mini SAS HD SFF8643 to 4 SATA 7pin Cable
Tootekood: SST-CPS05-RE GTIN: 4710007223574 Varia lisaseadmed
SILVERSTON hõbestone SST-CPS05-RE sisene Mini SAS HD SFF8643 to 4 SATA 7pin kaabel
31,94 €
+0,85 €
10,50 €
Lamptron SP103 10x RGB-Hub für Aura, Fusion und Mystic
Tootekood: LAMP-SP103 GTIN: 6900628409060 Varia lisaseadmed
RGB-LED-Hub mit 10 Anschlüssen, für RGB-LEDs (12VGRB), 60 LEDs pro Kanal, kompatibel mit ASUS Aura Sync & GIGABYTE RGB Fusion & MSI Mystic Light
12,95 €
Lamptron SP101 10x Adressable-RGB-Hub für Aura, Fusion und Mysti
Tootekood: LAMP-SP101 GTIN: 6900628409046 Varia lisaseadmed
Connections: 10x 3-pin RGB LED (5VDG, 60 LEDs per channel) 1x 3-pin for connection to mainboard (5VDG) 1x SATA 1x Molex
14,65 €
Digitus DisplayPort cabel (DB-340100-030-S)
Tootekood: DB-340100-030-S GTIN: 4016032292159 Varia lisaseadmed
This high performance HD digital audio and video cable for example is used to connect a PC or notebook with DisplayPort interface to a monitor with DisplayPort interface.
8,70 €
Lindy 7.5m Active DisplayPort 1.4 Cable (41168)
Tootekood: 41168 GTIN: 4002888411684 Varia lisaseadmed
Active DisplayPort cables use integrated electronics in the form of 'chipsets' to amplify signals enabling them to be sent further than their standard distance. Lindy's Active DisplayPort 1.4 cables provide premium performance DisplayPort transmission over distances not possible with standard passive DP cables. An active chipset, situated in the connector housing, allows active cables to amplify DisplayPort signals effectively creating much longer DP transmissions. This creates long distance connections without the need for additional repeaters or extenders. Combined with a stylishly designed head-shell and high quality, flexible cable, these are an ideal solution for hassle-free installations through conduits or behind walls, to provide a more discreet and modern AV setup.Featuring DisplayPort 1.4 technology, these cables are ideal for use with a variety of DisplayPort source devices including PCs when connected to DP commercial displays and monitors. With support for resolutions up to 4k @ 144 Hz or 8K @ 60 Hz, video content can be seen with stunning clarity, perfect for creating exciting retail displays, informational digital signage in transport buildings or immersive gaming setups in the home or in larger eSports installations. High Dynamic Range support also provides enhanced brightness, more lifelike color reproduction and better contrasts for a superior viewing experience.
96,29 €
CableMod Classic ModMesh C-Series Cable Kit Corsair AXi, HXi & RM - weiß/blau
Tootekood: CM-CSI-CKIT-NKWB-R GTIN: 716894294059 Varia lisaseadmed
9-teiliges Kabelset von CableMod, inklusive Kabelkämmen, für Corsair-Netzteile, sehr hochwertige Einzel-Ader-Sleeves in Weiß und Blau, blickdichtes Textil
73,95 €
CableMod Classic ModMesh C-Series Cable Kit Corsair RMi & RMx - carbon
Tootekood: CM-CSR-CKIT-NKC-R GTIN: 716894294097 Varia lisaseadmed
9-teiliges Kabelset von CableMod, inklusive Kabelkämmen, für Corsair-Netzteile, sehr hochwertige Einzel-Ader-Sleeves in Carbon-Optik, blickdichtes Textil
73,95 €
CableMod PRO ModMesh 8-Pin PCIe Verlängerung - 45cm, carbon/rot
Tootekood: CM-PCAB-8PCI-N45KCR-3PK-R GTIN: 716894288522 Varia lisaseadmed
Verlängerungskabel von CableMod, Textil-Sleeving aus ModMesh-Material, für 8-Pin-PCIe-Kabel, 45 cm Länge
20,20 €
Corsair Premium Sleeved 24-Pin-ATX-Kabel (Gen 4) - blau/schwarz
Tootekood: CP-8920235 GTIN: 843591079709 Varia lisaseadmed
Premium 24-Pin-ATX-Kabel von Corsair, Für Corsair-Netzteile des Typs 4, Blau-Schwarzes Textil-Sleeving aus Paracord-Material, Länge von 610 Millimetern, Vorinstallierter 24-Slot-Kabelkamm
32,70 €
Lindy DVI-D Dual Link kaabel 10.0m, must, 2560x1600@60Hz, ANTHRA
Tootekood: 36226 GTIN: 4002888362269 Varia lisaseadmed
Professionaalse valikuga DVI-D Dual Link kaabel kaubanduslikuks ja suure jõudlusega AV- ja IT-paigaldiste jaoks Toetab DVI eraldusvõimet kuni 2560x1600 @60Hz ja HDTV eraldusvõimet kuni 1080p Tugev PVC korpus, 24K kullatud pistikud ja kontaktid Kolmekordselt varjestatud kaabel, korrosioonikindlad tinatud vasest 28AWG juhid 10 aastane garantii
53,15 €
Lindy DVI-D Dual Link kaabel 15.0m, must, 2560x1600@60Hz, ANTHRA
Tootekood: 36227 GTIN: 4002888362276 Varia lisaseadmed
Professionaalse valikuga DVI-D Dual Link kaabel kaubanduslikuks ja suure jõudlusega AV- ja IT-paigaldiste jaoks Toetab DVI eraldusvõimet kuni 2560x1600 @60Hz ja HDTV eraldusvõimet kuni 1080p Tugev PVC korpus, 24K kullatud pistikud ja kontaktid Kolmekordselt varjestatud kaabel, korrosioonikindlad tinatud vasest 28AWG juhid 10 aastane garantii
139,20 €
Lindy DisplayPort pikenduskaabel 0.5m, Anthra Line
Tootekood: 36495 GTIN: 4002888364959 Varia lisaseadmed
Lindy 36495
22,44 €
Lindy DisplayPort kaabel 5.0m, 1.4, 8K 7680x4320@60Hz, GOLD
Tootekood: 36294 GTIN: 4002888362948 Varia lisaseadmed
High quality, fully shielded DisplayPort cable with gold design connector Supports resolutions up to 4K UHD 4096x2160@60Hz 4:4:4 10bit, including stereoscopic 3D Advanced low attenuation design with 24K gold plated contacts for signal integrity and long distance transmission Supports DisplayPort 1.2 specifications From the Lines cable connectivity concept developed by Lindy, Gold Line DisplayPort cables are the no compromise, high performance connection solution for use in the most demanding professional environments. These superior quality cables utilise a unique low attenuation design that ensures consistent and reliable transmission even over very long distances. For complete signal integrity, Gold Line DisplayPort cables feature 24K gold plated contacts, triple shielding with 100% aluminium mylar wrap and an 85% tinned copper braid. UHD resolutions up to 4K 4096x2160@60Hz 4:4:4 10bit, including stereoscopic 3D and HDCP are supported. DisplayPort 1.2 technology and DisplayPort compliance certification ensures compatibility with all DisplayPort enabled devices.
84,85 €
Lindy Kaardilugeja USB-C - SD, MicroSD (Gen1)
Tootekood: 43185 GTIN: 4002888431859 Varia lisaseadmed
Lindy 43185
21,65 €
Lindy USB 2.0 pikenduskaabel A - Micro B 1.0m, must
Tootekood: 31936 GTIN: 4002888319362 Varia lisaseadmed
USB 2.0/OTG tüüp Micro-B isane USB 2.0 tüüp A emane Must kaabel Täielikult varjestatud kaabel vormitud pistikutega 10-aastane garantii
5,39 €
Lindy USB-C kaabel 3.0m, USB 2.0, ANTHRA
Tootekood: 36873 GTIN: 4002888368735 Varia lisaseadmed
Professionaalne valik USB 2.0 tüüp C – C kaabel äri- ja kõrgtehnoloogiliste AV- ja IT-seadmetele Toetab andmeedastuskiirusi kuni 480Mbps Tugev PVC korpus, kullatud pistikud ja kontaktid Kahekordne varjestatud kaabel USB 2.0, 480Mbps;    Anthra Line USB 2.0 tüüp C-C kaablid on saadaval pikkusega 0,5m, 1m, 2m ja 3m
12,70 €
Lindy USB 2.0 kaabel Micro B 2.0m OTG, must
Tootekood: 31760 GTIN: 4002888317603 Varia lisaseadmed
The Lindy USB Type Micro-B to Micro-B OTG cable enables a direct connection between two Micro-USB devices, with one device being the host and the other being the peripheral. The connectors feature different colors for better differentiation. The red marked connector is the OTG host and should therefore be connected to the device which should serve as a host. Please note that the cable does only work in one direction.The cable is compatible with many devices featuring a USB Type Micro-B port, such as smartphones, cameras, E-Bike computers, drones. It can be used to connect a smartphone to an E-Bike computer to charge or to transfer images from a camera directly to the smartphone.
7,19 €
Lindy Võrgukaabel Cat6 S/FTP 1.5m, hall, PIMF
Tootekood: 47703 GTIN: 4002888477031 Varia lisaseadmed
Cat.6 S/FTP network cable with support for bandwidth up to 250 MHz and features a snagless design with gold plated contacts for Ethernet standards up to 1GBase-T. Cat.6 cable for operating frequencies up to 250 MHz in shielded version with braid as overall shield and foil shield for the individual wire pairs (S/FTP). Cat.6 cables are widespread throughout the professional sector. They are ideal for Gigabit Ethernet or AV extension applications. These cables are manufactured and tested according to the ISO/IEC 11801 specification. The cables are packaged individually in a polybag. The gold-plated contacts ensure reliable, corrosion-free connections over extensive periods of time. A robust snagless strain relief design prevents damage to the connector latch during installation and removal.
3,48 €
Goobay Maandusega pikendusjuhe 4 osa / 1.5m, max 3680W, valge, lülitiga + 2 USB porti, kuubik
Tootekood: 41268 GTIN: 4040849412684 Varia lisaseadmed
2xUSB laadimisporti (1,05A pordi kohta) valgustatud sisse/välja lülitusnupp lapsekindel 3680 W kahepooluseline väljalülitamine ruumi kokkuhoid tänu kompaktsele kuubi kujule ülepingekaitse
34,80 €
Lindy USB-C kaabel A ema - C 0.15m, USB 3.2 5A, Anthra Line
Tootekood: 36895 GTIN: 4002888368957 Varia lisaseadmed
Lindy 36895
8,54 €
+1,84 €
Lindy HDMI kaabel 2.0m, Ultra High Speed, 10K 10240x4320@120Hz, GOLD
Tootekood: 37602 GTIN: 4002888376020 Varia lisaseadmed
Kompromissideta, ülim jõudlusega sertifitseeritud ülikiire HDMI 2.1 kaabel nõudlikesse keskkondadesse ja missioonikriitilistesse süsteemidesse Toetab eraldusvõime kuni 10240x4320 4: 2: 0 12bit Täismetallist 24K kullatud korpus, 24K kullatud klemmid ja kontaktid Madala sumbumisega kolmekordne varjestatud kaabel, korrosioonikindel, suure jõudlusega OFC 30AWG juhid HDMI 2.1 ülikiire sertifitseeritud: 3D, 4K, 48Gbps, HEC, ARC, eARC, CEC, Dolby® True HD, Dolby® Atmos, DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS: X; HDMI ATC sertifitseeritud; 25-aastane garantii   Lindy välja töötatud Lines-kaabli ühenduvuse kontseptsioonist alates on Gold Line Ultra High Speed ​​HDMI-kaablid kompromissitu ja suure jõudlusega ühenduslahendus kõige nõudlikumates professionaalsetes keskkondades kasutamiseks.   Gold Line ülikiire HDMI-kaablitel on kolmekordne varjestatud konstruktsioon 30AWG OFC juhtmetega, et tagada parim jõudlus ja korrosioonikindlus. Kvaliteetsed 24K kullatud kontaktid ja pistikud säilitavad optimaalse signaali terviklikkuse ja maksimaalse töökindluse.   Toetatakse eraldusvõime kuni 10K 10240x4320 @ 120Hz 4: 2: 0 12bit. Gold Line HDMI-kaablid on võimelised edastama ka suure bitikiirusega 32-kanalilist heli ja Dolby® Atmos.   Need kõrgekvaliteedilised kaablid kasutavad unikaalset madala sumbumisvõimega disaini, mis tagab järjepideva ja usaldusväärse ülekande ka väga pikkade vahemaade korral.   HDMI 2.1 spetsifikatsiooni toetab 48G ribalaiuse mahtuvus kaabli pikkuses kuni 5 m. Ülikiire Gold Line HDMI kaablite pikkus on 1–5 m.   HDMI 2.1 spetsifikatsioonikaablid toetavad nüüd järgmisi funktsioone:   Kõrgemad eraldusvõimed - nüüd kuni 10k 120Hz eraldusvõime koos DSC-ga, 8k120Hz ilma   ALLM - automaatne madala latentsusrežiim - loodud mängijatele, aitab lagunemist vähendada, eemaldades täpsema videotöötluse, pakkudes teie ekraanilt kiireimat vastust.   VRR - sünkroonib allika ja kuvab värskendussageduse, see aitab eemaldada judderi ja pildi rebimist.   Dünaamiline HDR - allika käsul saab ühendatud ekraan muuta HDR-i metaandmeid stseenide kaupa või isegi kaaderhaaval, pakkudes igal ajal parimat värvivahemikku.   DSC - suure jõudlusega tihendusalgoritm, mis vähendab dramaatiliselt ülisuure eraldusvõime jaoks vajalikku signaali ribalaiust.   eARC - ARC-i täiustatud versioon, mis kasutab objektipõhist heli, mis pakub nüüd tihendamata 7.1-kanalilist ja 5.1-kanalilist ning kuni 192 kHz, 24-bitist seadet Dolby Atmos ja DTS: X
49,59 €
Tootekood: 31291 GTIN: 4002888312912 Varia lisaseadmed
1m Reinforced USB Type A to Lightning Charging Cable High strength USB 2.0 charge and sync cable for iPhones, iPads and other Apple devices with Lightning connection Cotton braiding and optimized strain relief to withstand over 100,000 bending cycles Apple MFi-certified, uses the C89 Lightning connector Supplied with a complimentary hook-and-loop tie wrap to avoid cable tangling 2 year warranty Connectors USB 2.0 Type A Male/Lightning C89 Male Colour Black
23,05 €
MicroConnect HDMI cable 8K, 5m Supports 2.1 8K@60Hz
Tootekood: MC-HDM19195V2.1 GTIN: 5704174269113 Varia lisaseadmed
Supports 2.1 8K@60Hz,
24,00 €
15,85 €
43,50 €
Joyroom Cable to Micro USB-A / 2.4A / 1.2m S-UM018A10 (black)
Tootekood: S-UM018A101.2mMB GTIN: 6956116769185 Varia lisaseadmed
Cable to Micro USB-A / 2.4A / 1.2m Joyroom S-UM018A10 (black) Ensure safe and fast charging of your devices. The Joyroom cable supports fast charging and transmits current at 2.4A. It is extremely durable and resistant to wear and tear, and its ends have been further reinforced, so the cable's lifespan is significantly extended. The product allows data transmission at 480 Mbps. Convenient charging and data transmission The cable guarantees instant and safe charging of devices at 2.4 A. It also supports data transfer function. You can simultaneously top up your phone's power and rip files at speeds of up to 480 Mbps. Don't waste time waiting and enjoy the reliable performance of the Joyroom cable. Solid performance The S-UM018A10 is distinguished by its sturdy construction, with aluminum alloy used in its construction. The USB connector has been reinforced, making it extremely resistant to damage. What's more, the ends are very flexible and have been visibly thickened, so they will endure any bending, twisting, etc. The entire cable has a nylon braid, which further improves its resistance to pulling and tangling. All this makes the Joyroom cable a purchase that will last for years! ManufacturerJoyroomModelS-UM018A10ColorBlackLength1.2 mConnector typeUSB-A to MicroCurrent2.4AFunctionsCharging/data transmissionTransmission speed480MbpsMaterialAluminum alloy + nylon braided cable
2,90 €
Aixcase 8,9cm (3,5") SATA>USB2.0 OTB T
Tootekood: AIX-BSUB3A1-S GTIN: 4260096490246 Varia lisaseadmed
Ketta suurus3.5"Kõvaketta ühenduse tüüpJada ATA IIMaksimaalne maht1 TBLiidesUSB 2.0Toote värvHõbeLED-indikaatoridJahMaterjalAlumiiniumKiibikomplektJMicron JM20329 B6IsehäälestuvJahÜhilduvad operatsioonisüsteemidWindows 2000/XP/VistaMAC 9.0LinuxPakendi laius270 mmPakendi sügavus80 mmPakendi kõrgus155 mmPakendi kaal1 kgMõõdud (l x s x k)171 x 30 x 117 mm
28,60 €
Digitus HDMI kaabel HDMI High Speed Anschlussk,20m
Tootekood: AK-330118-200-S GTIN: 4016032336631 Varia lisaseadmed
Assmann kaabel HDMI High Speed with Ethernet connection
50,74 €