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Firma: Arvutitark OÜ

Delock Adapter IDE 44 pin - 2.5\" IDE HDD / SSD 44 pin
Tootekood: 61631 GTIN: 4043619616312 Varia lisaseadmed
See Delocki adapter võimaldab ühendada 2,5″ kõvaketta / SSD 3,5″ IDE 40-poldilise pordi külge ja anda kettale voolu 4-poldilise Molex-liitmiku kaudu.     Spetsifikatsioon Pistikud: 1 x 40-poolne IDE-istmikühendused: 1 x 40-poolne IDE-istmik 1 x IDE 44-poldiline emasliitmik 1 x 4-pooluseline Molex-pistiku toitepistik Mõõtmed (pikkus x laius): ca. 89 x 34 mm   Süsteeminõuded Emaplaat, millel on vaba 40-poldiline IDE-port   Pakendi sisu Adapter
6,60 €
Delock USB-C kaabel C - A 1.0m, RGB
Tootekood: 88164 GTIN: 4043619881642 Varia lisaseadmed
See Delocki USB-kaabel võimaldab ühendada USB Type-C™ pistikuga seadme ja vaba USB-pordiga varustatud arvuti või sülearvuti.RGB-valgustusNiipea, kui kaabel on ühendatud vooluallikaga, süttib see punaselt ja muutub seejärel kaheksa erineva värviga pehmeks värvigradientiks. Valgustus on alati diskreetne ja märkamatu.SpetsifikatsioonÜhendused:1 x USB 2.0 Type-A isend1 x USB Type-C™ 2.0 isasühendusKaabli gabariit:30 AWG andmeliin22 AWG toitejuheRGB-valgustus: sujuv värvigradient 8 erinevas toonisHost = USB Type-A; seade = USB Type-C™.Väljund: 5 V / 3 AAndmeedastuskiirus kuni 480 Mbit/sVärv: läbipaistev / vase värviPikkus koos pistikutega: ca 1 mSüsteeminõudedArvuti või sülearvuti, millel on vaba USB A-tüüpi portUSB Type-C™ pordiga seadePakendi sisuKaabel
15,15 €
Delock 3.5mm pikenduskaabel 3.0m, 5pin, must
Tootekood: TRA85733 GTIN: 4043619857333 Varia lisaseadmed
Seda Delocki stereokaablit saab kasutada 3,5 mm 5-poolse stereopesa liidesega heliühenduse pikendamiseks.SpetsifikatsioonLiitmikud:1 x 3,5 mm 5-poolse stereopistiku pistikupesa1 x 3,5 mm 5-poolse stereopistiku pistikupesa (emane)Kaabli gabariit: 28 AWGPistikupesa pikkus: ca 1,8 cmÜhendused: kullatudVärv: mustPikkus koos pistikutega (L): ca. 3 mPakendi sisuStereo pistikukaabel
11,39 €
Goobay Switch HDMI matrix switch, 4 sisse / 2 välja, 4K@60 Hz
Tootekood: WEN58479 GTIN: 4040849584794 Varia lisaseadmed
HDMI Matrix Switch 4 kuni 2 (4K @ 60 Hz) 4x sisendi allikaseadmete ja 2x väljundseadmete vaheliseks lülitamiseks Kasutage maatrikslülitit maksimaalse paindlikkuse tagamiseks HDMI-ekraanide ja -terminalide ühendamisel. Mitmikühendus võimaldab teil vahetada erinevate allikate ja terminalide vahel kaugjuhtimispuldi abil ilma kaablite ümberühendamisega kaasnevate probleemideta. HDMI-vahetaja saadab kuni 4x HDMI sisendsignaali kuni 2x väljundisse, võimaldades pildi ja heli taasesitamist mitmel seadmel, näiteks teleril, projektoril või monitoril. TOSLINK ja 3,5 mm pesa toetavad eraldi heli taasesitust nt hi-fi süsteemi, soundbari või kõrvaklappide kaudu HDMI lüliti 4x2 toetab Ultra HD, HDTV ja kõiki 3D-vorminguid kuni 4K2K @ 60 Hz ulatuses Varustatud kaugjuhtimispuldiga, et ühendatud seadmete vahel mugavalt ümber lülitada Plug & Play hõlbustab HDMI™-multiühendaja ühendamist ilma täiendavate draiverite paigaldamiseta Tugev alumiiniumist korpus hajutab soojust ja võimaldab tänu tagumisele ühenduste paigutusele lihtsat kaablijuhtimist
94,05 €
Goobay kaabel HDMI 7.5m + Ethernet, 4K 3840x2160p@60Hz, must
Tootekood: 61162 GTIN: 4040849611629 Varia lisaseadmed
Kiire HDMI kaabel koos EthernetigaHDMI pistik (tüüp A) > HDMI pistik (tüüp A)Goobay HDMI-kaabel suurejoonelise meelelahutuse jaoks. Kombineeri kõrglahutusega, viivituseta 4K-videoülekanne uimastava 7.1 ruumilise heli, Dolby Atmose või DTS:X-iga, et saavutada suurepärase pildi- ja helikvaliteediga kaasahaarav filmi- ja mängukogemus.Kaabel sobib kõrgresolutsioonilise pildi edastamiseks Ultra HD-ga kuni 4K @ 60 Hz (tagasiühilduv) ja kuni 18 Gbit/s andmesidekiirusega.Sobib ideaalselt heli ja video edastamiseks teleri/monitori ja projektorite, mängukonsoolide (nt PlayStation, Xbox) või voogedastusvastuvõtjate (nt Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV) vahel.Integreeritud Ethernet-kanal (HEC) ühendab mis tahes HDMI™-seadme juhtmega võrgus olevate seadmetega ilma eraldi internetikaablitetaCEC-funktsioon (Consumer Electronics Control) loob paindliku juhitavuse vaid ühe kaugjuhtimispuldi abil, nt mitme ühendatud HDMI™-seadme sisselülitamiseks ühe nupuvajutusega.Toetab 3D ja HDR (High Dynamic Range), mis tagab suurepärase ja kontrastse pildikvaliteedi ning HDCP 2.2 krüpteerimissüsteemi.Toetab täiustatud audiofunktsioone, nagu eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel) ja ARC (Audio Return Channel), mis võimaldavad lihtsat digitaalset edastamist telerist helibaarile või hi-fi-süsteemile.Kullatud kontaktid hoiavad ära korrosiooni ja tagavad täiendava vastupidavuse
6,10 €
Goobay HUB USB-C dock wirel. kõlaritega, 3xUSB 3.0, 1xUSB 2.0, 1x4K HDMI, 1xRJ45, 1x3.5mm, 1x MicroSD & SD kaardilugeja, toetab Mac´i ja muid seadmeid, millel on USB-C port
Tootekood: WEN49986 GTIN: 4040849499869 Varia lisaseadmed
USB-C™ 12 in 1 multiport-dokk koos juhtmevaba kiirlaadimise, 100 W võimsusega ja multimeedia-kõlarigaUSB-C™ Multiport Dock lisab 3 USB A 3.0 porti, ühe USB A 2.0 pordi, ühe MicroSD ja SD kaardilugeja, ühe 4K HDMI™ pordi, ühe RJ45 Ethernet pordi ja ühe 3,5 mm Aux pordi USB-C™ porti.Lisaks pakub Multiport Dock võimalust laadida lõppseadmeid kuni 100 W võimsusega USB-C™ pordi kaudu. Juhtmevaba kiirlaadimisfunktsioon laeb teie nutitelefoni kuni max. 10 W. Lihtsalt asetage nutitelefon Multiport Docki ülaosale. Kogu asja täiendab kvaliteetne ja väga hea helipildiga kõlar. Tänu kompaktsele suurusele on see ideaalne kaaslane kontorisse või kodukontorisse. Soovitame kasutada täiendavat 60 W toiteadapterit, sest hub vajab iga liidese funktsiooni jaoks 15 W.Funktsioon: USB-C™ Multiport Dock peegeldab USB-C™-i signaale kõige tavalisematesse pistikutesse ja on seega ideaalne kõik-ühes lahendus USB-C™-seadmetele. Toetab nii andmeedastust kui ka heli- ja videoülekandeid.Toiteallikas: 100 W Power Delivery võimaldab lõppseadmete laadimist kuni 100 W võimsusega. Seega saab hõlpsasti laadida näiteks suuri sülearvuteid, hubbasid või dokkimisjaamu.Videokvaliteet: USB-C™ Multiport Dock toetab HDMI™-pordi kaudu kõrgeid ekraanilahendusi kuni 4k*2k@30Hz.Helikvaliteet: Sisseehitatud 10-vattine kõlar võimaldab muusika edastamist ja veenab väga hea helikvaliteediga. Helitugevust saab mugavalt reguleerida pinnal asuvate nuppude abil.Võrgu autonegotatsioon: RJ45 Ethernet-ühendus toetab 10/100/1000 Mbit/s võrke ja tuvastab automaatselt maksimaalse võimaliku ülekandekiiruse tänu automaatfunktsioonile.Andmeedastus: Integreeritud kaardilugeja võimaldab lugeda SD- ja MicroSD-kaartidelt. Lisaks on paigaldatud kolm USB A 3.0 porti, mille andmeedastuskiirus on kuni 5 Gbit/s, ja üks USB A 2.0 port, mille andmeedastuskiirus on 480 Mbit/s.Kasutamine: Sobib MacBook, MacBook Pro, Dell XPS 13, Honor V20, iPhone, Xiaomi Air13, Huawei Mate 10 Pro, Mate 20 Pro, Huawei P30 ja muudele USB-C™-ühendusega seadmetele.
70,75 €
Goobay USB laadija 1 x USB-C PD, 100 - 240V > 5V, 3A, 20W, kiirlaadija, valge
Tootekood: WEN65406 GTIN: 4040849654060 Varia lisaseadmed
Tänu mitmekülgsele USB-C™-portile annab kompaktne universaalarvuti kiiresti ja usaldusväärselt voolu igale seadmele, alates nutitelefonidest kuni tahvelarvutiteni. Alates 0-st kuni 50-ni vaid 30 minutiga: Kiirlaadimisrežiimiga jõuab energiapank 50 % laadimiseni vaid 30 minutiga, mis on kuni 4 korda kiirem kui tavaliste laadijate puhul.20 W võimsusega laadimisadapter on spetsiaalselt kohandatud väikestele seadmetele, nagu nutitelefonid, Bluetooth-kõrvaklapid, tahvelarvutid või elektripangad.Kompaktne ja kerge disain sobib igasse kotti ning teeb USB-C™ toiteallikast käepärase kaaslase reisil ollesGaN-tehnoloogiaga pooljuhid võimaldavad kiiremat ja tõhusamat laadimist ning tavapäraste laadijatega võrreldes kergemat ja kompaktsemat disainiPower Delivery 3.0 abil on USB-laadija varustatud eriti turvalise ja dünaamilise laadimismeetodiga, mis tuvastab ühendatud seadme jaoks optimaalse väljundvõimsuseDisaini lihtsat keerukust täiustavad sileda pinna ja ümardatud servad, mis on meeldiva puudutusegaSeinalaadija ühildub selliste nutitelefonide kaubamärkidega nagu Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, LG, Huawei, samuti tahvelarvutitega nagu Apple iPad või Samsung Galaxy.USB-C™ laadija integreeritud kaitseelektroonika kaitseb ühendatud seadmeid ülevoolu, ülelaadimise ja ülekuumenemise eest
11,99 €
Satechi ST-8KHC2MM HDMI-kaabel 2 m HDMI t p A (Standard) Hall
Tootekood: ST-8KHC2MM GTIN: 810086360215 Varia lisaseadmed
8K ULTRA HIGH SPEED HDMI® CABLE The high-strength 2M braided cable is the perfect solution to connect your laptop, tablet, or streaming device to your Ultra HD High-Speed HDMI setup. UHD HDMI Latest HDMI version supports higher video resolutions and refresh rates including 8K@60 Hz and 4K@ 120Hz / 100Hz, 1080P, also backward compatible with previous versions. Dynamic HDR With unique dynamic HDR and 12 Bit color processing technology and 48Gbps bandwidth, it can provide the Ultra High Definition cinematic experience and 3D visual effects with more ideal depth, brightness, detail, contrast, and wider color gamut. Crystal Clear Sound Features Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) for simplified connectivity and support for the most advanced, uncompressed and lossless multichannel audio formats for superior sound quality. @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat:ital,wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,100;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap'); .flwr{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .flwrrev{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; } .bans{ padding: 2% 2% 5% 2%; } @media (min-width: 260px) and (max-width: 767.9px) { .half{ width: 90%; margin: auto; } .btitle{ font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 1.75rem; font-weight: 700; } .simpletxt{ font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.25rem; padding-top: 1rem; } .txt{ padding: 3% 0px 3% 0px; } } @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 3840px) { .half{ width: 30%; margin: auto; } .halfimg{ width: 60%; margin: auto; } .btitle{ font-size: 1.5rem; line-height: 2rem; font-weight: 700; } .simpletxt{ font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.5rem; padding-top: 1rem; } .txt{ padding: 0px 3% 0px 3%; } }
1-3 tp
22,90 €
−24,10 €
Delock Displayport splitter 1 sisse/ 3 HDMI välja, 4K, 3840x2160@60Hz, MST
Tootekood: TRA87770 GTIN: 4043619877706 Varia lisaseadmed
See Delocki jaotur võtab DisplayPort-signaali vastu arvutist või sülearvutist ja jagab selle kolmele ühendatud ekraanile. Seega saab ühe DisplayPort-ühenduse abil kasutada kolme HDMI-monitori kasutamist.Multi-Stream Transport (MST)Toode on Multi-Stream Transport (MST) hub ja toetab DisplayPort'i laiendatud töölaua konfiguratsiooni. Windowsis juhitakse ühendatud monitore eraldi ja neid saab ühendada üheks suureks kuvariks.Kõrge eraldusvõimeTänu DisplayPort 1.4 suuremale ribalaiusele on toetatud kokku kolm 4K-eraldusvõimega (3840 x 2160) monitori.Tehnilised üksikasjadÜhendused:Sisend:DisplayPort: 1 x DisplayPort isane1 x USB Type Micro-B female (5 V toiteallikas): 1 x USB Type Micro-B female (5 V toiteallikas)Väljund:3 x HDMI-A emaneKiibistik: VMM5300DisplayPort 1.4 spetsifikatsioonAktiivne muundur, Single- / Multi-Stream Transport Hub (SST / MST)Funktsioonid: Peegeldatud või laiendatud (ainult Windows)Toetab Display Stream Compression 1.2 (DSC)Toetab HDRToetab HDCP 1.4 ja 2.2Maksimaalne resolutsioon (sõltuvalt süsteemist ja ühendatud riistvarast):DisplayPort 1.4 Multi-Stream Transport (MST):2 ekraani: kuni 3840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz3 kuvarit: kuni 3840 x 2160 @ 30 Hz + 1 x kuni 3840 x 2160 @ 60 HzDisplayPort 1.4 Multi-Stream Transport (MST) + DSC:3 kuvarit: kuni 3840 x 2160 @ 60 HzAudio- ja videosignaalide edastamineVärv: mustKaabli pikkus ilma pistikuteta: ca. 12,5 cmMõõtmed ilma kaabliteta (LxSxK): ca. 105 x 43 x 14 mmSüsteeminõudedWindows 8.1/8.1-64/10/10-64Vaba DisplayPort-liitmikLaadija 1 x USB Type-A 5 V / 2 APakendi sisuDisplayPort jaoturUSB toitejuhe, pikkus: ca. 0,5 mKasutusjuhend
67,30 €
InLine 8K (UHD-2) DisplayPort Kabel, nach oben gewinkelt, schwarz - 1m
Tootekood: 17151O GTIN: 4043718292721 Varia lisaseadmed
Schwarzes DisplayPort-1.4-Kabel, kompatibel zu UHD-II/FUHD (8K4K), vergoldete Kontakte, dreifach geschirmt, gerader Stecker auf nach oben gewinkelt, 1 m Länge
20,05 €
InLine 8K (UHD-2) DisplayPort Kabel, nach oben gewinkelt, schwarz - 2m
Tootekood: 17152O GTIN: 4043718292738 Varia lisaseadmed
Schwarzes DisplayPort-1.4-Kabel, kompatibel zu UHD-II/FUHD (8K4K), vergoldete Kontakte, dreifach geschirmt, gerader Stecker auf nach oben gewinkelt, 2 m Länge
18,87 €
−1,62 €
InLine DisplayPort 2.0 Kabel, 8K4K UHBR, schwarz - 2m
Tootekood: 15402P GTIN: 4043718301577 Varia lisaseadmed
DisplayPort-2.0-Kabel, DisplayPort auf DisplayPort, unterstützt Auflösungen bis 8K bei 60 Hz, 2 Meter lang
24,60 €
+2,43 €
InLine DisplayPort 2.0 Kabel, 8K4K UHBR, schwarz - 1m
Tootekood: 15401P GTIN: 4043718301560 Varia lisaseadmed
DisplayPort-2.0-Kabel, DisplayPort auf DisplayPort, unterstützt Auflösungen bis 8K bei 60 Hz, 1 Meter lang
22,07 €
+2,22 €
InLine 8K (UHD-2) DisplayPort Kabel, links gewinkelt, schwarz - 3m
Tootekood: 17153L GTIN: 4043718305100 Varia lisaseadmed
3 Meter langes DisplayPort-Kabel von InLine, mit vergoldeten Kontakten, unterstützt 8K-Auflösung, ein Stecker links gewinkelt
19,25 €
−0,05 €
InLine 8K (UHD-2) DisplayPort Kabel, nach unten gewinkelt, schwarz - 3m
Tootekood: 17153U GTIN: 4043718305124 Varia lisaseadmed
3 Meter langes DisplayPort-Kabel von InLine, mit vergoldeten Kontakten, unterstützt 8K-Auflösung, ein Stecker nach unten gewinkelt
20,18 €
InLine 8K4K Ultra High Speed HDMI Kabel, schwarz - 5m
Tootekood: 17905P GTIN: 4043718305544 Varia lisaseadmed
5 Meter langes HDMI-2.1 Kabel, 8K-fähig mit 60Hz, 4k mit 120Hz, bis zu 32 Audiokanäle für Lautsprecher, Hochreine Kupferleiter, 3-fache Schirmung, geeignet für 8K/UHD-Bildschirme, 28 AWG Querschnitt
36,25 €
Ssupd Meshroom HDMI 2.1 Kabel - 90 Grad gewinkelt, 8K, 2m, schwarz
Tootekood: G89.OE776HDX2.00 GTIN: 4718466012432 Varia lisaseadmed
HDMI-2.1-Kabel, für 8K (FUHD) geeignet, 2 m Länge, gerader Stecker zu 90 Grad gewinkelt, vergoldete Kontakte, dreifach geschirmt
34,40 €
Digitus HDMI cable with Ethernet - 3 m
Tootekood: DB-330200-030-S Varia lisaseadmed
The Ultra High Speed HDMI cable meets all of today's requirements from the playback of high-definition UHD 8K content, through two-way audio transmission (ARC) to the control of HDMI devices via CEC. The user can also use internet applications without the need for an Ethernet cable (HEC). Thanks to Lip Sync (lip sync), staggered lip movements are a thing of the past. The cable can also be used to transmit up to 32 channels of audio and obtain a 21:9 Cinemascope image. The user can better exploit the potential of a Blu-ray player, games console or streaming portal in HD. The cable's gold-plated contacts and triple shielding ensure maximum conductivity and interference-free transmission. In addition, support for 4K 3D at 50/60 Hz. HDMI to HDMI connector The solution provides the highest 8K quality at Ultra-HD-2 resolutions of up to 7680 x 4320 pixels (with HDR support) and high transmission speeds at 60 Hz refresh rates (4K at 120 Hz). 3D signal transmission combined with Dolby TrueHD support provides an exceptional home cinema experience, which is ideal when using Netflix, Disney+, Sky, Amazon Prime Video or DAZN The cable supports ARC (Audio Return Channel) technology for bidirectional audio signal transmission, as well as CEC (Consumer Eletronic Control) technology HDCP digital encryption system protects the transmission of audio and video files from external access Lip-Sync technology ensures perfect lip sync, eliminating sound delays Precision gold-plated plugs ensure optimum signal quality and protection against corrosion Thanks to the aluminium housing and nylon braid, the cable provides the highest quality and protection
1-3 tp
12,16 €
Digitus adapter - 20 cm
Tootekood: DB-340416-002-W GTIN: 4016032468769 Varia lisaseadmed
The 4K Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter / Converter (Mini DisplayPort male to HDMI female) enables to reflect your contents from your computer or notebooks to your TV. It supports a resolution up to 4096 x 2160. So you can show your pictures, videos, documents, presentations, etc. in Ultra HD and use it optimal in meetings or in private areas.
12,90 €
Digitus 8K PREMIUM HDMI 2.1 Conn cable
Tootekood: DB-330200-020-S Varia lisaseadmed
The Ultra High Speed HDMI cable meets all of today's requirements from the playback of high-definition UHD 8K content, through two-way audio transmission (ARC) to the control of HDMI devices via CEC. The user can also use internet applications without the need for an Ethernet cable (HEC). Thanks to Lip Sync (lip sync), staggered lip movements are a thing of the past. The cable can also be used to transmit up to 32 channels of audio and obtain a 21:9 Cinemascope image. The user can better exploit the potential of a Blu-ray player, games console or streaming portal in HD. The cable's gold-plated contacts and triple shielding ensure maximum conductivity and interference-free transmission. In addition, support for 4K 3D at 50/60 Hz. HDMI to HDMI connector The solution provides the highest 8K quality at Ultra-HD-2 resolutions of up to 7680 x 4320 pixels (with HDR support) and high transmission speeds at 60 Hz refresh rates (4K at 120 Hz). 3D signal transmission combined with Dolby TrueHD support provides an exceptional home cinema experience, which is ideal when using Netflix, Disney+, Sky, Amazon Prime Video or DAZN The cable supports ARC (Audio Return Channel) technology for bidirectional audio signal transmission, as well as CEC (Consumer Eletronic Control) technology HDCP digital encryption system protects the transmission of audio and video files from external access Lip-Sync technology ensures perfect lip sync, eliminating sound delays Precision gold-plated plugs ensure optimum signal quality and protection against corrosion With its aluminium housing and nylon braid, the cable provides the highest quality and protection.
1-3 tp
9,06 €
Logilink HDMI cable 4K/60Hz, CCS , black, 5m
Tootekood: CH0103 GTIN: 4052792064612 Varia lisaseadmed
The HDMI High Speed with Ethernet connection cable from LogiLink transmits audio, video and data. It supports resolutions up to 3840x2160 60 Hz, Ultra HD, 4K and 3D. The gold-plated connectors also guarantee optimal contact.
8,08 €
11,30 €
Digitus 4K HDMI High Speed Verbindungskabel Typ-A 3m
Tootekood: DB-330113-030-S GTIN: 4016032468820 Varia lisaseadmed
6,50 €
19,10 €
Schwaiger 3-Way SCART Distributor
Tootekood: SCV7030533 GTIN: 4004005205299 Varia lisaseadmed
7,30 €
6,10 €
9,40 €
Kensington Video-Adapter USB-C ->DP1.4, 4K8K
Tootekood: K34680WW GTIN: 5028252633925 Varia lisaseadmed
KENSINGTON CV5000DP USB-C 4K/8K to DisplayPort 1.4 Adapter
42,00 €
Vention Cable HDMI 2.0 AACBE, 4K 60Hz, 0,75m (black)
Tootekood: AACBE GTIN: 6922794732636 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AACBE 0,75 m HDMI cable (black)The Vention HDMI cable provides 4K video and wide color gamut thanks to HDR. What's more, it guarantees perfect audio and video synchronization and is compatible with a range of different devices. It will work well for watching movies, gaming or displaying presentations. In addition, it has gold-plated connectors and was created with durable materials, which translates into a durable product.High image qualityWatch movies in even better quality. The cable offers 4K@60Hz resolution, so you can enjoy HD quality video. What's more, dynamic HDR ensures crisp colors. The product also supports 3D imaging - you'll feel like you're right in the center of the action.Various applicationsThe cable will find its use in situations such as watching movies, video conferencing, displaying presentations, etc. Moreover, it allows you to display the same image on a larger screen or different ones on 2 separate monitors. It works with devices such as a laptop, computer, TV, monitor or projector. You can also successfully connect it to a Nintendo Switch, Xbox or PS5/4 console. ManufacturerVentionModelAACBELength0,75 mColorblackResolution4K@60Hz/4K@30HzMaterialPVC, aluminum
2,99 €
Vention Cable HDMI 2.0 AAIBF, 4K 60Hz, 1m (black)
Tootekood: AAIBF GTIN: 6922794741560 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AAIBF 1m HDMI cable (black)Watch movies in high quality with Vention. The cable provides HD video in 4K and supports 3840 x 2160@60Hz. What's more, you can enjoy Hi-Fi sound and perfect audio and video synchronization. In addition, dynamic HDR is responsible for the richness of colors, and thanks to the use of durable materials and gold-plated connectors, the product is wear-resistant and efficient. In addition, you can successfully connect it to your laptop, TV, projector, PS3/4, etc. ManufacturerVentionModelAAIBFColorblackLength1 mVersion2.0InterfaceHDMI to HDMIResolution4K 60 HzMaterialaluminum, metal, PVC
2,99 €
Vention Cable HDMI 2.0 AARBH 2m, Angled 90°, 4K 60Hz (black)
Tootekood: AARBH GTIN: 6922794745391 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AARBH 2m HDMI Cable, 90° AngledThe Vention AARBH HDMI cable features a 90° angled connector, allowing you to conveniently connect it even in tight spaces. It supports 4K resolution and stands out with 3D technology support. It also enables simultaneous transmission of audio and video. The product is compatible with many popular devices and is known for its exceptional durability – you don't need to worry about it getting damaged quickly.Well-Thought-Out DesignRunning out of space behind your TV? The Vention AARBH cable will come in handy! Its 90° angled connector ensures nothing protrudes, and you won't have to bend the cable excessively to connect it to the right port. The product is also highly durable. The PVC coating protects it from damage, and the gold-plated plugs ensure greater durability and resistance to interference. Moreover, the copper-plated wire provides stable signal transmission.Experience Home Theater QualityThe cable supports 4K resolution, delivering a clear, detailed image. Now you won't miss any details while watching movies or playing games! The product also allows for simultaneous audio and video transmission. Its additional advantage is an 18 Gbps bandwidth and support for HDR technology, ensuring vivid, vibrant colors.Wide Compatibility – Multiple ApplicationsNo need to worry about compatibility issues. With the Vention cable, you can connect a computer to a projector or a gaming console to a TV, for example. Various display modes are also available, such as duplication or screen extension. Choose reliable solutions and bid farewell to limitations! BrandVentionModelAARBHColorBlackInterfaceHDMI 2.0Max Resolution4K@60HzMaterialPVCCable Length2m
6,68 €
Vention HDMI-D Male to HDMI-A Male Cable AGIBF 1m, 4K 60Hz (Black)
Tootekood: AGIBF GTIN: 6922794772113 Varia lisaseadmed
HDMI-D Male to HDMI-A Male Cable Vention AGIBF 4K HD 1mThe HDMI-D to HDMI-A cable from Vention AGIBF supports 4K resolution and HDR technology, ensuring excellent image quality. It also stands out with its wide compatibility, allowing you to easily connect, for example, a gaming console to a portable monitor or a camera to a video capture card. There are also two display modes available - duplication or screen extension. The cable is also very durable - its gold-plated connectors are resistant to corrosion and wear, and the PVC coating protects it from damage. It will serve you well for a long time!Fantastic Image QualityVention AGIBF is an HDMI 2.0 cable that offers 4K resolution and a refresh rate of 60 Hz, providing unparalleled smoothness in displayed images and exceptional detail richness. Additionally, HDR technology guarantees vivid, vibrant colors. The 18 Gbps bandwidth is also worth mentioning. Furthermore, the cable enables simultaneous transmission of both video and audio - you don't need to buy additional cables. BrandVentionModelAGIBFColorBlackTypeHDMI-D to HDMI-AMax. Resolution4K@60HzMaterialPVCCable Length1m
3,20 €
Vention HDMI-D Male to HDMI-A Male Cable AGIBG 1,5m, 4K 60Hz (Black)
Tootekood: AGIBG GTIN: 6922794772120 Varia lisaseadmed
HDMI-D Male to HDMI-A Male Cable Vention AGIBG 4K HD 1.5mThe HDMI-D to HDMI-A cable from Vention AGIBG supports 4K resolution and HDR technology, ensuring excellent image quality. It also stands out with its wide compatibility, allowing you to easily connect, for example, a gaming console to a portable monitor or a camera to a video capture card. There are also two display modes available - duplication or screen extension. The cable is also very durable - its gold-plated connectors are resistant to corrosion and wear, and the PVC coating protects it from damage. It will serve you well for a long time!Fantastic Image QualityVention AGIBG is an HDMI 2.0 cable that offers 4K resolution and a refresh rate of 60 Hz, providing unparalleled smoothness in displayed images and exceptional detail richness. Additionally, HDR technology guarantees vivid, vibrant colors. The 18 Gbps bandwidth is also worth mentioning. Furthermore, the cable enables simultaneous transmission of both video and audio - you don't need to buy additional cables. BrandVentionModelAGIBGColorBlackTypeHDMI-D to HDMI-AMax. Resolution4K@60HzMaterialPVCCable Length1.5mHDMI-D Male to HDMI-A Male Cable Vention AGIBG 4K HD 1.5mThe HDMI-D to HDMI-A cable from Vention AGIBG supports 4K resolution and HDR technology, ensuring excellent image quality. It also stands out with its wide compatibility, allowing you to easily connect, for example, a gaming console to a portable monitor or a camera to a video capture card. There are also two display modes available - duplication or screen extension. The cable is also very durable - its gold-plated connectors are resistant to corrosion and wear, and the PVC coating protects it from damage. It will serve you well for a long time!Fantastic Image QualityVention AGIBG is an HDMI 2.0 cable that offers 4K resolution and a refresh rate of 60 Hz, providing unparalleled smoothness in displayed images and exceptional detail richness. Additionally, HDR technology guarantees vivid, vibrant colors. The 18 Gbps bandwidth is also worth mentioning. Furthermore, the cable enables simultaneous transmission of both video and audio - you don't need to buy additional cables. BrandVentionModelAGIBGColorBlackTypeHDMI-D to HDMI-AMax. Resolution4K@60HzMaterialPVCCable Length1.5m
2,88 €
Vention Przedłużacz HDMI VAA-B06-B150 1,5m 4K 30Hz (Czarny)
Tootekood: VAA-B06-B150 GTIN: 6922794721197 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention HDMI Adapter VAA-B06-B150 1.5m (Black)Vention cable provides HD video at 3840 x 2160 and 4K@30Hz resolution, so you can watch your favorite series in high quality. What's more, it allows you to display an image on a larger screen or 2 different images on 2 screens. You will successfully connect it with devices such as TV, laptop, PS3/4, Xbox, projector or monitor. In addition, the gold-plated connectors are resistant to oxidation and affect the efficient operation of the product. The cable is also resistant to electromagnetic interference and bending. ManufacturerVentionModelVAA-B06-B150ColorblackLength1,5 mInterfaceHDMI (male) to HDMI (female)Resolution3840 x 2160 / 4K@30Hz
4,99 €
Vention Kabel micro HDMI do HDMI VAA-D03-B100 1m 4K 30Hz (Czarny)
Tootekood: VAA-D03-B100 GTIN: 6922794721159 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention micro HDMI 1m cable VAA-D03-B100 (Black)Enjoy great picture quality when you watch movies, play games and more. Among other things, the Micro HDMI to HDMI cable from Vention allows you to connect a digital camera to a TV or a laptop to a projector. It also allows simultaneous transmission of video and audio, so you don't need to buy additional cables. Its additional advantage is support for 4K resolution and 3D technology - so you can feel in your own home like in a movie theater! ManufacturerVentionModelVAA-D03-B100ColorBlackMax resolution4K@30HzCable length1 m
3,48 €
Vention Kabel HDMI AAMBF, 1m, 4K 60Hz (Czarny)
Tootekood: AAMBF GTIN: 6922794754041 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AAMBF HDMI cable, 1m, 4K 60Hz (Black).Discover image quality at a higher level. The HDMI cable guarantees 4K resolution images and natural colors. You will also gain high-end sound. What's more, you can easily connect it to all sorts of devices. In turn, gold-plated ends and PVC coating make it durable and wear-resistant.High quality audio and videoThe HDMI cable offers 4K HD resolution, which impresses with sharpness and richness of detail. What's more, it guarantees high-quality sound. So you can watch movies with your family in even better quality. In addition, the cable is compatible with TVs, computers, laptops, projectors, etc. You can also connect it to your PS5/4 or Nintendo Switch console to enjoy gaming at a new level. ManufacturerVentionModelAAMBFColorblackLength1 mResolution4K@60Hz/4K@30Hz/1080P@60HzInterfaceHDMI to HDMICablePure copperHousing materialPVCConnectorsGold-plated
3,99 €
Vention Kabel HDMI AAMBG, 1,5m, 4K 60Hz (Czarny)
Tootekood: AAMBG GTIN: 6922794754058 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AAMBG HDMI cable, 1.5m, 4K 60Hz (Black).Discover image quality at a higher level. The HDMI cable guarantees 4K resolution images and natural colors. You will also gain high-end sound. What's more, you can easily connect it to all sorts of devices. In turn, gold-plated ends and PVC coating make it durable and wear-resistant.High quality audio and videoThe HDMI cable offers 4K HD resolution, which impresses with sharpness and richness of detail. What's more, it guarantees high-quality sound. So you can watch movies with your family in even better quality. In addition, the cable is compatible with TVs, computers, laptops, projectors, etc. You can also connect it to your PS5/4 or Nintendo Switch console to enjoy gaming at a new level. ManufacturerVentionModelAAMBGColorblackLength1,5 mResolution4K@60Hz/4K@30Hz/1080P@60HzInterfaceHDMI to HDMICablePure copperHousing materialPVCConnectorsGold-plated
2,51 €
Vention HDMI 2.0 Male to HDMI 2.0 Female Extension Cable AHCBD 0,5m, 4K 60Hz, (Black)
Tootekood: AHCBD GTIN: 6922794766846 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AHCBD 4K HD 0,5m HDMI Extension CableThe Vention HDMI extension cable will help you solve the problem of having cables that are too short. It supports 4K resolution, ensuring high-quality visuals, and its triple shielding provides unparalleled transmission stability and resistance to interference. Its solid construction is another advantage - the PVC coating protects it from damage and tangling, while the gold-plated connectors are corrosion-resistant and have a long lifespan. Furthermore, the cable is compatible with many popular devices such as laptops, computers, TVs, projectors, and gaming consoles.Excellent Image QualityThe enhanced HDMI 2.0 standard offers 4K resolution, a 60 Hz refresh rate, and an 18 Gbps bandwidth. This ensures smooth and detailed visuals that will impress you. The Vention cable also supports HDR technology, allowing you to enjoy vibrant, beautiful colors. It also boasts 3D support, making you feel like you're in a movie theater right in your own room! BrandVentionModelAHCBDColorBlackMax Resolution4K@60HzSupported Technologies3D, HDRMaterialPVCCable Length0,5m
3,99 €
Vention HDMI 2.0 Cable ALHSG, 1,5m, 4K 60Hz, 30AWG (Blue)
Tootekood: ALHSG GTIN: 6922794768093 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention ALHSG 4K HD HDMI cable 1.5m (blue)Get exceptional image quality with Vention. The HDMI cable offers 4K@60 resolution, which, combined with a bandwidth of 18 Gbps, guarantees smooth video transmission for incredible color depth and contrast. Made of high-quality materials, it is ready for heavy use, and its gold-plated connectors guarantee excellent signal quality.Cinematic experience at homeNow you can enjoy cinematic effects without getting up from your comfortable chair! The Vention cable offers 4K@60 Hz resolution, making every detail clear and realistic. The 18 Gbps bandwidth guarantees smooth video transmission without any lag or interference, as well as amazing color and contrast depth. What's more, it also supports 3D effect, allowing you to experience a unique experience while watching movies and playing games. High-quality workmanshipThe cable uses durable PVC plastic and aluminum alloy, which is distinguished by its high wear resistance. Its gold-plated connectors ensure excellent signal quality, eliminating any interference and distortion. Thanks to its wide compatibility, you will successfully connect it to a TV, monitor, console or projector.ManufacturerVentionColorBlueLength1,5 mResolution4K@60 HzBandwidth18 GbpsMaterialAluminum alloy + PVCAWG30
4,99 €
Vention Adapter 90° HDMI Male to Female AIOB0 4K 60Hz
Tootekood: AIOB0 GTIN: 6922794747890 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AIOB0 90 degree HDMI adapter (black)The Vention AIOB0 HDMI adapter is a versatile and practical image transfer tool that is a must for any modern home or office. Thanks to its compatibility with a variety of devices such as laptops, computers and TV boxes, it facilitates the daily use of multimedia. Equipped with a standard HDMI interface, transmission stability is guaranteed. What's more, the unique 90-degree design allows easy connection, even in tight spaces.Thoughtful designThe Vention AIOB0 HDMI adapter is an advanced device that superbly enhances the functionality of your equipment. By operating in two modes - Dual Screen Mirror and Dual Screen Expansion - it allows extremely flexible image management. The Dual Screen Mirror mode allows you to share the same image on several devices, which is ideal for presentations or multimedia shows. Dual Screen Expansion mode, on the other hand, allows different images to be displayed on different devices, which dramatically increases work efficiency. The adapter also offers support for 4K@60Hz resolution, guaranteeing excellent image quality.High compatibilityThe Vention AIOB0 is a reliable image transmission tool with wide compatibility. The device works perfectly with laptops, computers and TV boxes, making it extremely versatile. It is equipped with a standard HDMI interface, which guarantees easy connection and stability. A unique feature of the adapter is its design built at a 90-degree angle, which allows for easy and convenient connection to devices, even in tight spaces. The Vention AIOB0 adapter combines functionality and practical design.ManufacturerVentionModelAIOB0Resolution4K@60HzMaterialPVCColourBlack
1,99 €
Vention Adapter 2in1 HDMI to Micro/Mini HDMI AGFB0 4K 30Hz (black)
Tootekood: AGFB0 GTIN: 6922794748064 Varia lisaseadmed
Adapter 2in1 HDMI - Micro/Mini HDMI Vention AGFB0 (black).Vention AGFB0 is a versatile adapter with which displaying content has never been so easy. The adapter has two plugs - mini HDM and micro HDMI - as well as a standard HDMI port. Thanks to this design, you can connect this handy accessory to your tablet or cameras, as well as to your TV, projector. Thanks to the gold-plated plugs, the transmission is more stable and faster.Set contents: AdapterBrand.VentionModelAGFB0ColorBlackPortsHDMI, micro HDMI, mini HDMICertificationRoSH
2,99 €
Vention DVI (24+1) Male to HDMI 1.4 Female Adapter ECDB0 1080P 60Hz (black)
Tootekood: ECDB0 GTIN: 6922794737945 Varia lisaseadmed
DVI (24+1) male to HDMI female adapter Vention ECDB0 (black)Vention's DVI (24+1) male to HDMI female adapter provides dual transmission, enabling stable connection for devices with DVI (24+1) and DVI (24+5) ports, including desktops, laptops, set-top boxes, Blu-ray players, consoles, projectors, monitors and TVs. It supports 1080p transmission and 1920x1080 resolution for clear and crisp images. Gold-plated connectors ensure durability and reliability of digital signal transmission.ManufacturerVentionModelECDB0TypeDVI (24+1) male to HDMI (1.4) femaleSupported resolution1080pMaterialPVCColorblack
2,99 €
Vention VGA Adapter Female to Female DDGB0 1080p 60Hz (black)
Tootekood: DDGB0 GTIN: 6922794748026 Varia lisaseadmed
VGA adapter Vention DDGB0 (black)Thanks to the VGA adapter from Vention, you can delight in excellent image quality at 1080p@60Hz resolution and thus experience a unique visual experience. The product is widely compatible, immune to interference and supports Plug&Play, which greatly increases the convenience of use.High resolutionResolution at 1080p@60Hz provides exceptional image quality. This allows you to see the smallest details and enjoy watching movies, playing games or giving presentations even more.Plug&Play You don't need to perform complicated configurations to use the Vention adapter. With Plug&Play support, all you have to do is plug it into a compatible device. All for your convenience!Wide compatibilityThe Vention adapter is compatible with a variety of devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, monitors, TVs and projectors. So you can freely combine it with a range of equipment.High-quality workmanshipBet on an adapter that will not let you down in any situation. The gold-plated connectors of the Vention product guarantee excellent signal conductivity and are corrosion-resistant. Among other things, the cable is made of environmentally friendly PVC material, which is distinguished by its high durability. As a result, it will serve you for a long time!ManufacturerVentionModelDDGB0Typefemale VGA to female VGASupported resolution1080p@60HzMaterialPVCColorblack
1,99 €
Vention Adapter HDMI Male to DVI (24+5) Female AIKB0 dual-direction
Tootekood: AIKB0 GTIN: 6922794747838 Varia lisaseadmed
HDMI to DVI Adapter by Vention AIKB0The HDMI to DVI adapter by Vention is versatile and suitable for various applications. You can use it while watching movies, giving presentations, or playing games. It supports bidirectional transmission, so you can use it in different ways. It allows you to easily connect a laptop to a monitor, a gaming console to a TV, or a computer to a projector. Moreover, it offers a resolution of up to 1080p, providing you with a clear and detailed image. The gold-plated connectors of the adapter are worth mentioning, as they ensure a stable, reliable transmission and are resistant to wear and tear. BrandVentionModelAIKB0ColorBlackTypeHDMI to DVI (24+5)Max Resolution1080p@60Hz
2,99 €
Vention Adapter HDMI Male to Female AIMB0 4K 60Hz
Tootekood: AIMB0 GTIN: 6922794747852 Varia lisaseadmed
HDMI Male to HDMI Female Adapter by Vention AIMB0Protect the HDMI port of your chosen device from wear and tear with this HDMI adapter from Vention. It stands out with its compact yet durable construction, making it very convenient to use and long-lasting. Its gold-plated connectors are resistant to oxidation and ensure a stable signal transmission, while the PVC housing protects it from damage. The adapter supports 4K resolution, allowing you to enjoy high-quality imagery. There are also two display modes available: duplication or screen extension. The product boasts wide compatibility, making it easy to connect a laptop to a TV or a computer to a monitor, for example. BrandVentionModelAIMB0ColorBlackTypeHDMI Male to HDMI FemaleMax Resolution4K@60HzMaterialPVCDimensions21.9 x 12 x 28,5mm
1,99 €
Vention Adapter Male to Female HDMI AIMB0-2 4K 60Hz (2 Pieces)
Tootekood: AIMB0-2 GTIN: 6922794747869 Varia lisaseadmed
HDMI Male to HDMI Female Adapter by Vention AIMB0-2Protect the HDMI port of your chosen device from wear and tear with this HDMI adapter from Vention. It stands out with its compact yet durable construction, making it very convenient to use and long-lasting. Its gold-plated connectors are resistant to oxidation and ensure a stable signal transmission, while the PVC housing protects it from damage. The adapter supports 4K resolution, allowing you to enjoy high-quality imagery. There are also two display modes available: duplication or screen extension. The product boasts wide compatibility, making it easy to connect a laptop to a TV or a computer to a monitor, for example. BrandVentionModelAIMB0-2ColorBlackTypeHDMI Male to HDMI FemaleMax Resolution4K@60HzMaterialPVCDimensions21.9 x 12 x 28,5mm
2,99 €
Vention Kabel Przedłużający HDMI 2.1 AHBBG, 1,5m, 8K 60Hz/ 4K 120Hz Czarny
Tootekood: AHBBG GTIN: 6922794746176 Varia lisaseadmed
Vention AHBBG HDMI 2.1 extension cable, 1.5m, 8K 60Hz/ 4K 120Hz (black)Is your HDMI cable too short? The Vention AHBBG extender will help you solve this problem! With supported 8K resolution and 60Hz, you'll see every detail with ease, and 3D support will let you enjoy your entertainment even more. In addition, eARC technology will provide you with high-quality sound, and Dynamic HDR guarantees vivid, crisp colors. Take advantage of the Vention extender and watch your favorite movies freely! ManufacturerVentionModelAHBBGInterfaceHDMI 2.1ColorBlackResolution8K@60Hz/4K@120HzSupported technologies3D, Dynamic HDR, eARCCable length1,5 m
10,99 €
Tootekood: Q8692A GTIN: 882780349605 Varia lisaseadmed
HP Advanced Photo -kiiltopaperi, 100 arkkia, 10 x 15 cm, reunukseton (Q8692A)Laboratoriolaatuisia valokuvia – täyteläiset, elävät värit ja näyttävä ammattitasoinen pinta varmistavat, että valokuvat sopivat erinomaisesti kehystettäviksi ja näytteille pantaviksi. • Välittömästi kuivia – tasokkaita, vedenkestäviä ja tahraantumattomia valokuvia voi käsitellä suoraan tulostimesta [k1]. • Helppo käyttää, vähemmän virheitä – saat automaattisesti parhaat tulokset, kun käytät HP-tulostinta, jossa on Auto Sense ­tekniikka.
1-3 tp
15,22 €
−1,14 €
Epson PABER ULTRA GLOSSY PHOTO,130X180mm,300g/m2.50lehte
Tootekood: C13S041944 GTIN: 10343855557 Varia lisaseadmed
EPSON photo paper Ultra glossy 13x18 50sheet for Stylus R200 R300 R320 R800 RX425 RX500 RX600 RX620 DX3850 DX4850 D68 D88
1-3 tp
18,63 €
Gembird audio-video kaabel CCA-458 3.5MM-2PHONO 1.5M
Tootekood: CCA-458 GTIN: 8716309024532 Varia lisaseadmed
3.5mm stereo plug to 2 phono plugs audio cable 1.5 meter length
1-3 tp
0,63 €