Blender, mis muudab terved puuviljad, pähklid, köögiviljad, seemned ja muud supertoidud keha jaoks kergelt omistatavaks smuutiks, säilitades seejuures maksimaalsel määral ensüümid ja vitamiinid ning viies smuuti võimaliku oksüdeerumise miinimumini.Võimas ja vastupidav mootor, 7 erinevat segamisprogrammi, titaankattega nugade pöörlemiskiirus 33000 p/min, libisemiskindlad jalad.Blender on varustatud spetsiaalse mürasummutava kattega - kuni 20% vähem müra!
Family business with tradition and foresightWe, the KMP PrintTechnik AG, develop, manufacture and distribute compatible printer supplies with a high standard of product quality since more than 25 years. As Europe's largest family business in our line we are among the market leaders.PrintimisvärvidMust, Tsüaan, Magenta, KollaneÜhilduvad tootedHP Deskjet 3520e, 3070A, Officejet 4620, Photosmart 5510, 5514e, 5515e, 5520, 6510e, 6520e, 7510, 7520, B109a, B010a, B209a, B210a, B8550, C5324, C5380, C5383, C6324, C6380, D5460, Photosmart eStation C510aAsenduseksHP 364 (CB316EE, CB318EE, CB319EE, CB320EE)Kogus4PrintimistehnoloogiaTintPakendi tüüpKarp
See kaas sobib ideaalselt pannidele ja pottidele läbimõõduga 24 cm, kaitstes pliiti pritsmete eest ning võimaldades kasutada erinevaid toiduvalmistamise meetodeid nagu praadimine auruga, praadimine, aurutamine ja aeglane küpsetamine.Reguleeritava ventileerimise nupuga.Kuumakindel kuni 240°CLäbimõõt: 24 cm. Lihtne hooldada, võib pesta nõudepesumasinas.Valmistatud Saksamaal.
Internal 6x 2.5 "/3.5", 2x 2.5 ", 8x 2.5" /3.5 "(optional), 2x 2.5" (optional), Front I / O 1x USB-C 3.1 (20-pin Key-A header), 2x USB-A 3.0, 1x microphone, 1x headphones, PCI slots 9 (2x riser card), Fan (front) 2x 140mm, 1000rpm, 18.9dB (A) or 3x 140mm (optional), Fan (rear) 1x 140mm, 1000rpm, 18.9dB (A), Fan (top) 3x 140mm (optional), Fan (other) 2x 140mm (optional), Radiator sizes 120/140/240/280 / 360mm in front, 120/140/240/280/360 / 420mm above, 120/140/240 / 280mm below, 120mm in the back, Mainboard up to ATX (285mm wide), Supported mainboards Mini-ITX (6.7 "x6.7") / µATX (9.6 "x9.6") / ATX (12 "x9.6") / E-ATX (12 "x11.2"), Power supply ATX (max. 250mm deep), PSU position below, CPU cooler max. 185mm height Graphics cards max. 315mm (491mm without HDD cage without front fan, 467mm without HDD cage with front fan), Color anthracite, inside anthracite, Lighting without lighting, Dimensions (WxHxD) 240x475x541mm, Volume 61.67l, Weight 10.50kg, Enclosure type miditower, Special features Cable management, dust filter, integrated fan control, window made of glass Note Mainboard and case manufacturers refer to different dimensions as E-ATX. Mainboards with E-ATX / SSI EEB dimensions of 305x330mm or 12 "x13" are not supported, w/o psu, FD-C-MES2A-04
Kvaliteetne USB --> USB-C adapter, mis võimaldab Sul ühendada USB tüüp-C seadmeid USB-A pesaga seadmete külge. Adapter võimaldab kiiruseid kuni 5 Gbps.
B+W filter UV MRC BASIC 40,5mm; Better grip thanks to optimized knurling; Easier attachment thanks to new lacquer technology; Durable and robust thanks to brass mount; Also suitable for wide-angle to telephoto lenses
Ultraheli näokoorija, mis võimaldab teha iluseansse kodust lahkumata.; Seadmega saab kenasti puhastada poorid liigsest rasust ja mustadest punktidest ning pinguldada nahka.
Padi BLACK HOLLY 45x45cm, velvet kangas, mao muster mustal taustal. Padja teine külg on mustast velvetkangast ja padi on ääristatud rullkandiga. Materjal: 100% polüester.
Koeratoit -quot;Hilli teadusplaan küpseks täiskasvanute meediumiks-quot; lambaliha ja riisiga on loodud vananevate koerte vajaduste kõige paremini rahuldamiseks. Koostisosade sünergistlikust segust koosnev hõlpsasti seedimine aitab lemmikloomal jääda energiliseks ja aktiivseks Kõige olulisemad eelised: Oomega-6 rasvhapped ja E-vitamiin kauni naha ja karusnaha jaoks Kvaliteetne lambaliha koos riisiga õrnaks, tervislikuks seedimiseks Tasakaalustatud mineraalid südame ja neeru tervise jaoks Soovitatav: Küpsete täiskasvanute jaoks 7 -aastaste ja vanemate koertele. Ei soovitata: Kutsikad või täiskasvanud koerad (kuni 7 aastat). lastele või rinnaga toitvatele emastele. Hilli teadusplaani kutsikatoit tuleks toita rasedate või rinnaga toitvate emaste jaoks.
Sügavpuhastus ilma kemikaalideta.; Puhastamine väiksema veega; Tapab 99,999% bakteritest; Keskkonnasõbralik puhastus; Mitmekülgne, tõhus ja aega säästev
Sunnylife set of 6 MCUV CPL ND4 ND8 ND16 ND32 filters for Insta360 GO 3/2.Sunnylife's filter set is a comprehensive tool for your creativity, including MCUV, CPL, ND4 and ND8 filters. This set expands your creative possibilities, making it easier to achieve fantastic results with top quality materials and excellent workmanship. These filters perform multiple tasks: they reduce flash and the amount of UV radiation, and add depth and life to your photos and videos. Using an MCUV filter helps protect your lens from harmful UV rays, which can improve the overall quality of your photos and videos. The CPL filter eliminates non-metallic reflections, enhancing colors and contrasts in your footage. ND4 and ND8 filters allow you to control the amount of light, allowing you to experiment creatively with exposure times and motion effects.Multi-layer protectionThanks to the multi-layer coated film, filters equipped with this protective layer not only ensure image clarity, but also preserve realistic colors. In addition, they protect the lens from the risk of scratches, moisture and oily dirt. This is ideal for enthusiasts and professionals alike who strive for excellent quality in every shot. The filter frame is made of lightweight aircraft-grade aluminum to further ensure product durability and strength.CPL filterThe CPL filter allows you to bring out the natural beauty of your surroundings. It effectively reduces non-metallic glare while enhancing color intensities and highlighting elements such as sky, clouds and water. It works great when shooting through glass and underwater.ND filtersND filters with different intensities (ND 4, ND 8, ND 16, ND 32) work by reducing the amount of light falling on the scene, which helps avoid overexposure. The use of ND filters allows you to increase the exposure time, which makes it possible to capture moving objects as blurry streaks, such as water or lights. This effect creates an artistic blur that adds dynamics and character to the photograph. The use of these filters can significantly affect the quality and aesthetics of photographs, giving photographers a tool to express their creativity in new ways.MCUV filtersThe MCUV filter is a practical solution for both enthusiasts and experts in the field. By reducing ultraviolet rays, it expands the viewing distance of the camera, especially in mountainous landscapes or at high altitudes. At the same time, it acts as an additional lens hood, protecting the lens from possible mechanical damage. This kit is an ideal tool for photography and filming enthusiasts, allowing them to explore new possibilities and get impressive results with the excellent quality of Sunnylife filters.Set contents MCUV filter x 1 CPL filter x 1 ND4 filter x 1 ND8 filter x 1ND16 filter x 1 ND32 filter x 1BrandSunnylifeModelIST-FI9316CompatibilityInsta360 Go 3/Go 2MaterialAluminum, optical glass