Esimene puhastugeel, mis puhastab sügavuti ilma nahka kuivatamata ja võitleb üha uuesti tekkivate vistrike vastu kolme tõhusa taimse aknevastase toimeaine abil: Tsink- bakteri -ja põletikuvastane toime; Vask-baketrivastane ja rasueritust pärrsiv toime; Probiootikumid- naha kaitsekihti tugevdav toime. Selle lihtne koostis puhastab ja toetab naha pH-d. Füsioloogiline pH [5,5]. Nahka pole vaja mitu korda pesta. Tulemuseks on siledam ja puhtam nahk. Allergiaohutu. Dermatoloogiliselt kontrollitud. Allergiaohutu. Seebivaba. Sulfaadivaba.TALUTAVUST ON KATSETATUD tundlikul nahal.
Aku Apple iPhone 6 nutitelefoni jaoks.; Maht: 2200mAh; Asendab originaalosa koodiga 616-0808; Kaasas tarvikud ja tööriistad telefoni avamiseks.; NB! Vaata videot kuidas vahetamine käib.
Lauaahi. Võimsus: 650 W; Maht (l): 9 l; Juhtimistüüp: Mehaaniline juhtimine, temperatuuri reguleerimine 100°-230°C, 60 min taimer, kvartsküttekeha. Värv must, mõõtmed (k*l*s): 15*43*32 cm
The MW-SC4B Smart Battery Charger is designed for charging lead-acid, gel and AGM batteries used in cars, quads, boats, lawn mowers, motorcycles, mopeds, etc. Processor control ensures a fully automatic, multi-stage charging process and keeps the battery charged.
Kompaktne seade popkorni kiireks ja lihtsaks valmistamiseks kodus. Tänu kuuma õhu ringlusele valmib popkorn vähem kui kolme minutiga – kalla vaid popkorn masinasse, pane kaas peale, lülita sisse ja mõne minuti pärast hakkab valmis popkorn kaussi. pudenema Seadme kaas on ühtlasi paraja koguse mõõtevahendiks! Libisemiskindlad jalad, efektne puna-valge retrodisain. Võimsus 1200 W.
Mõõtmed (k*l*s): 28*17,5*21,5 cm. Popcorn machine for home use.
Showcase-Gehäuse für WaKü-Enthusiasten, für Mini-ITX/DTX-Mainboards, mit integrierter Distroplate aus Acryl, vertikale Installation von GPUs bis 300 mm, für 240 mm x 30 mm Radiatoren, 13x 2,5-Zoll- und 1x 3,5-Zoll-Festplatten, Seitenwände aus Aluminium
Screen size (min): 17 Screen size (max): 32 Load (max): 8 Rotation: 180 Weight: 1.55 Other features: Suitable for 1732" flat and curved monitors Mounting type: Tilt -15°/+15°, swivel -180°/+180°, level adjustment -180°/+180° Pole height: 399 mm, steel Easy cable management keeps everything tidy and organized in the mount Arm length: 36 mm
This is a Special Edition Black EK water block enclosure engineered for the latest NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX ™ 3090 Founders Edition graphics cards. The cooling engine is the evolution of the 2nd generation EK® Quantum Vector GPU water blocks. This water block enclosure is only compatible with GeForce® RTX™ 3090 Founders Edition graphics cards. Special Edition EK Water Block for Nvidia FE GeForce RTX 3090 The EK-Quantum Vector FE RTX 3090 D-RGB water block enclosure is the most complex GPU cooling solution developed by EK to date. Aside from the small form factor and unique shape of the RTX 3090 Founders Edition PCB, EK has built a hybrid cooling solution for the backplate that is so far unique to the EK-Quantum Vector FE RTX 3090 water blocks and their backplates. The water block is purpose-designed with an extremely thick copper base for high-performance, allowing it to clear all components of the densely-packed PCB and adding more heat capacity in the process. The cooling engine used in this water block is the largest we've built to date, having roughly 30% more surface area than the rest of the Vector water blocks. Build Quality Like the Magnitude CPU water block, the entirety of this water block is CNC-machined without mass-production techniques. The block's base is milled out of a 12 mm thick piece of pure electrolytic copper sourced from Europe, which is then nickel-plated, while its top is CNC-machined out of a glass-like cast Acrylic material. The external enclosure, which is not in any contact with the coolant, is machined out of a 20 mm thick solid piece of aluminum, which is afterward anodized into a black color. The included single-slot I/O shield is supplied with special screws for attaching it to the aluminum enclosure in order to even out the entire water block's weight distribution. The watertight sealing is ensured by high-quality EPDM O-rings, while brass standoffs are already pre-installed and allow for a safe and easy installation procedure. Cooling Engine This Special Edition Vector water block directly cools the GPU, VRAM, and the VRM (voltage regulation module) as cooling liquid is channeled right over these critical areas. The water block is in contact with MOSFETs and chokes to maximize cooling and minimize the chances of unwanted coil whine. The flow paths are optimized to reduce hydrodynamic instabilities and vortexing (dead spots) inside of them. The integrated Open Split-Flow cooling engine design proved to be a superior solution for GPU water blocks. It is characterized by low hydraulic flow restriction, meaning it can be used with weaker water pumps or pumps running on low-speed settings and still achieve top performance. The jet plate and fin structure geometry are optimized to provide even flow distribution with minimal losses and optimal performance when used in any given coolant flow orientation. Fin array is populated by 31 microfins with 0.6 mm wide microchannels that provide exceptional cooling performance without unnecessary flow restrictions or clogging hazards. Hybrid Backplate This water block comes with an included backplate that makes sure the entire graphics card is enclosed and not at all visible. The aluminum CNC-machined backplate has a ribbed texture in order to increase surface area for additional passive cooling power. The "active" cooling part is achieved through a section of the backplate contacting the coldplate, which is then directly cooled by the liquid. The Black variant of this Special Edition water block has a natural anodized aluminum backplate. Special Terminal Design The water block is delivered with a set of connection terminals, allowing users to swap them out based on their needs. One terminal has two direct G1/4" ports on the side, while the other one is more conventional, having four G1/4" ports going through the terminal. The new design allows terminals to be directly attached to the copper cold plate of the GPU water block, making it more rigid and reducing the chances of damage. The terminal is neatly located between two prongs on the PCB, utilizing minimal space. This kind of design allows for incredible versatility, especially for Small Form Factor builds, and of course, more interesting aesthetics. D-RGB Lighting on the EK-Quantum Vector FE RTX 3090 D-RGB Water Block This water block boasts a whopping 23 individually addressable D-RGB LEDs that illuminate both the water block's interior and the terminal itself. It is compatible with all popular RGB Sync technologies from major motherboard manufacturers. The arrow marking on the 3-pin D-RGB LED connector is to be aligned with the +5V marking on the D-RGB (addressable) header. Technical Specification Dimensions: (LxHxW) - 213x122x29mm D-RGB cable length: 500mm D-RGB LED count: 23 D-RGB connector standard 3-pin (+5V, Data, Blocked, Ground)
Vernickelter CPU-Wasserkühler in Silber, mit transparentem Nylon-Deckel, speziell für Aorus Z490 Xtreme-Mainboard, inklusive adressierbarer RGB-LED-Beleuchtung
100–500 mm telesuumobjektiiv; Võimekas pildistabilisaator, kuni 5 stoppi; Sujuv, kiire ja vaikne Dual Nano USM teravustamismootor; Ideaalne loodus- ja spordifotograafiaks; Canon täiskaader hübriidkaameratele
Tüüp:Kahekambriline külmkapp; Mõõtmed (kõrgus x laius x sügavus, cm):185,3 x 59,5 x 65,8; Energiatarbimise klass:E; Külmutussektsiooni maht:227; Sügavkülmutussektsiooni maht:114; Sügavkülmutussektsioonid:3; No Frost (Frost Free):Full No Frost;...
Headu disainib lõbusaid, kvaliteetseid mänge, mänguasju, raamatuid ja rakendusi, mis aitavad õpetada lastele olulisi oskusi, kasutades uuenduslikku õpetamismeetodit. Headu väikelaste mäng "Similar" on mõeldud eelkooliealistele lastele, kes on uudishimulikud ning soovivad neid ümbritsevat maailma avastada. Mängida saab mitmel moel. 1. 12 minimõistatusliku pusle uuesti kokkupanek: pärast 36 märgi korraldamist mängulaual saab laps 12 minimõistatusi ümber paigutada. Iga pusle koosneb 3 osast ja ühendab samasse kategooriasse kuuluvaid teemasid: kassid, putukad, muusikalised instrumendid millega mängida jne. Oluline on anda lapsele kogu vajalik aeg, et iseseisvalt luua õiged ühendused, mis aitab neil õppida oma vigadest. Kui mõistatused on kokku pandud, saab täiskasvanu esitada mitmeid küsimusi, et jätkata mängimist: "Kus on lepatriinu?", "Milline on kitarr?", "Millised on transpordivahendid?". 2. Mäng koos täiskasvanuga: asetage kõik mõistatuste osad mängulauale ja eraldage need nii, et täiskasvanul oleks 12 tükki (ehk üks tükk igast minimõistatusest) ning lapsel on kõik ülejäänud. Täiskasvanu võtab kaardi ilma seda lapsele näitamata. Olles seda teinud, peab ta vihjete abil panema lapse mõistma, milline teema on märgis esindatud. Näiteks võib ta öelda: "Linnud ehitavad sinna oma pesad." Sellisel juhul on vaja leida puude märgid; või ütled: "Nad õpivad, mis kell on.", ja nii tuleb leida kellade piltidega märgid. 3. Kategoriseerimismäng: segage tükid omavahel ja asetage lauale. Paluge lapsel korraldada need vastavalt kategooriale: näiteks ainult putukad või ainult muusikalised instrumendid. Vanemate lastega (vanuses 4 kuni 5 aastat) suurendage raskust ja paluge neil koguda kokku näiteks ainult 4-jalaga loomad. Hiljem paluge neil kokku panna minimõistatused kogutud märkidega. Jätke lapsele kogu aeg, mis on vajalik õigete suhete loomiseks ilma katkestusteta.