Avastage tõeline hirmu tähendus mängus Alien: Isolation, mille tegevus toimub judinaid ja õõva tekitavas keskkonnas. 15 aastat pärast Alien™ filmis juhtunut hakkab Ellen Ripley tütar Amanda oma ema otsima ning seisab tõe välja ...
Naudi putte, pare ja täpsust nagu ei kunagi varem PGA TOUR 2K25-ga, mis on kümnendi kõrgeima reitinguga golfisimulatsiooni frantsiisi uusim versioon. 2K frantsiisi ajaloos esmakordselt saad endale nime teha kolmel mainekal major-turniiril: PGA Championship, U.S. Open ja The Open Championship. Isikupärasta oma mängu laiendatud MyCAREER, MyPLAYER ja Course Designer valikutega. Väljakutse sõpradele järjestatud, tavalistes ja platvormideüleses mitmikmängus.
REAL FEEL - Uus EvoSwing mehaanika toob uued löögiliigid, pallilennud, veeremisfüüsika ja visuaalsed täiustused.
MAJOR-TURNIIRID ON KOHA - U.S. Open Championship, The Open Championship ja PGA Championship teevad oma 2K debüüdi.
MyCAREER JA MyPLAYER, SINU MOODI -Pane oma võimed proovile läbi aegade kõige kaasahaaravamas MyCAREER ja mitmekesisemas MyPLAYER kogemuses.
HOOAJAD ON TAGASI JA PAREMAD KUI KUNAGI VAREM - Seadmete arengu võimsuse kasv, järjestatud edetabeli lähtestamised, regulaarsed sisuvärskendused ja palju muud. Arene omas tempos ning mängi läbi eelmisi hooaegu ka siis, kui uus on käimas.
HAARA GOLFIKEPP JA SÕBER - Mitmikmängu matšitüübid hõlmavad löögimängu, turniire ja palju muud. Väljakutse sõpradele platvormideüleselt.
VABASTA OMA SISEMINE RAJAARHITEKT - Loo oma unistuste rada uute objektide, kaamerate ja muu abil Course Designeris.
The award-winning strategy game franchise returns with a revolutionary new chapter. Sid Meier's Civilization® VII empowers you to build the greatest empire the world has ever known! In Civilization VII, your strategic decisions shape the unique cultural lineage of your evolving empire. Rule as one of many legendary leaders from throughout history and steer the course of your story by choosing a new civilization to represent your empire in each Age of human advancement.Construct cities and architectural wonders to expand your territory, improve your civilization with technological breakthroughs, and conquer or cooperate with rival civilizations as you explore the far reaches of the unknown world. Pursue prosperity in an immersive solo experience or play with others in online multiplayer.**Whether you choose to follow a path rooted in history or reimagine possibilities to chart your own way forward, build something you believe in and create a legacy that echoes through the Ages in Civilization VII.BUILD AN EMPIRE THAT STANDS THE TEST OF TIMELead your empire through distinct Ages of human history. Each Age is its own rich, nuanced journey, with unique playable civilizations, available resources, explorable land, and even entire gameplay systems, creating a deep, historically immersive strategy experience. Strive to accomplish significant scientific, cultural, militaristic, and economic milestones within each Age to unlock impactful advantages in the next!EVOLVE YOUR EMPIRE AS EACH NEW AGE DAWNSTo build a legacy that truly stands the test of time, you must adapt. Forge your own path through history as you reshape your empire at the start of each Age, selecting from a pool of new Age-relevant civilization options determined by your prior gameplay accomplishments. Evolving your empire unlocks fresh gameplay bonuses and unique units, so your current civilization is always at the height of its power.PLAY AS VISIONARY LEADERS OF PROGRESSEmbody an illustrious leader with one of Civilization's most diverse rosters yet, from traditional heads of state known for their militaristic might or political prowess, to visionary leaders who made everlasting impacts in philosophy, science, human rights, and more! Each leader possesses a unique ability and can further be improved with customizable attributes earned through gameplay, empowering you to reinforce or pivot your strategy from one Age into the next. For the first time in franchise history, you can choose your leader separately from your civilization, giving you the freedom to create all-new strategies by mixing and matching gameplay bonuses.EXPLORE A WORLD BROUGHT TO LIFE LIKE NEVER BEFOREMake your mark on a gorgeously detailed world! Your empire comes to life with a vast, diverse range of cultural styles, represented across building architecture and unit design. Face-to-face interactions with other historic leaders immerse you in every act of diplomacy and declaration of war. As your territory expands and your cities continue to develop, lavishly rendered vistas of your empire seamlessly connect to create a vibrant metropolis. TEST YOUR STRATEGIC METTLE IN MULTIPLAYER Compete against other players online and prove your prowess as a great leader.** Multiplayer matches can be epic multi-Age campaigns, or take place in a single Age so you can enjoy an entire game in a single session. Cross-play is supported between PC and consoles, so you can play together with friends wherever they are. AN ENJOYABLE STRATEGY EXPERIENCE FOR ALLWith more than 30 years of franchise legacy to draw from, Civilization VII features a vast wealth of gameplay improvements that will thrill series veterans and newcomers alike. The overhauled tutorial experience and refined gameplay systems make jumping into Civilization easier than ever, while returning players will appreciate a massive suite of gameplay improvements. Move your army as one under the leadership of a commander, unlock progression bonuses for your leaders across multiple gameplay sessions, traverse navigable rivers, and much, much more!
Eelmüük! Ole esimeste seas, kes selle mängu omale saab! Mängu väljalaske kuupäev 29.05.2018 SEGA kollektsioon Mega Drive & Genesis klassikast on jõudnud uue mängukonsoolide - ja mängijate - põlvkonnani. Enam kui 50 nimetust kõikidest ajatu klassika žanritest alates Sonic and Streets of Rage 2-st kuni süvitsiminevate Phantasy Star seeria rollimängudeni; seikluslikud arkaadmängud, tulistamismängud, kaklusmängud, mõistatamismängud, vanad lemmikud ja peidetud aarded. Uued omadused varustavad klassika moodsate mugavustega. Mängu saab igal ajal salvestada, äpardunud mängulõike tagasi kerida ning mängu juhtelemente seadistada. Pälvi endale lisaõigusi onlain-multimängijana ja mängusaavutustega. Suurim konsoolimängude retroklassika kogumik ühes suurepärases pakendis! Täielik mängude loetelu: Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, Alien Soldier, Alien Storm, Altered Beast, Beyond Oasis, Bio-Hazard Battle • Bonanza Bros, Columns, Columns III: Revenge of Columns, Comix Zone, Crack Down, Decap Attack, Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Dynamite Headdy, ESWAT: City Under Siege, Fatal Labyrinth, Flicky, Gain Ground, Galaxy Force II, Golden Axe, Golden Axe II, Golden Axe III, Gunstar Heroes, Kid Chameleon, Landstalker, Light Crusader, Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom, Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium, Ristar, Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi, Shining Force, Shining Force II, Shining in the Darkness, Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Spinball, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Space Harrier II, Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3, Super Thunder Blade, Sword of Vermilion, The Revenge of Shinobi, ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron, ToeJam & Earl, Vectorman, Vectorman 2, Virtua Fighter 2, Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair ja Wonder Boy in Monster World.
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