Kas oled pidanud mänge olulistel hetkedel pooleli jätma sest enam polnud aega? Nintendo Switch mängukonsool annab Sulle aega ja võimaluse, et saaksid mängida oma lemmikmänge ka kõige tihedama graafiku korral. Uue ajastu konsooliga ...
Gaming-Tastatur von Ducky, mit Aluminiumgehäuse, RGB-LED-Beleuchtung, Cherry MX Black-Switches, PBT-Double-Shot-Tastenkappen, Makro- und Multimedia-Funktionen, TKL-Mini-Version (60%)
Freestanding induction cooker, WhiteThe freestanding cooker with induction cooktop and 3D hotair: achieve perfect baking and roasting results on multiple levels simultaneously,Induction: Fast, precise cooking, easy cleaning and low energy consumption,Classical cooking zone: ideal f?r round shaped pots and pans,3D Hotair: perfect results thanks to optimal distribution of heat on up to 3 levels simultaneously,
Forever ForeVigo SW-300 actively combines style with the advantages of a smartwatch. It has been designed with ease of use in every situation and for every occasion. It has two interchangeable straps, a stylish design and all the necessary features of a smartwatch. A precise sensor counts the number of steps taken, recognizing excessive gesticulation. ForeVigo SW-300 also gives the distance traveled and the number of calories burned. During training, the heart rate monitor will be useful. The watch analyzes sleep and I also have the opportunity to set goals to achieve each day. Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity ensures a quick and trouble-free connection to your smartphone. In this way, ForeVigo SW-300 allows you to control the music played from the phone, e.g. during training or crowded public transport. You don't have to reach for your smartphone every time you want to change a song. Display: IPS 240 x 240Battery: 180 mAhWorking time: up to 10 daysBluetooth: 4.2WaterProof: IP67Heartrate: YesPedometer: YesMusic Control: YesNotifications: YesRemote Camera: YesWeather: Yes
Esimene puhastugeel, mis puhastab sügavuti ilma nahka kuivatamata ja võitleb üha uuesti tekkivate vistrike vastu kolme tõhusa taimse aknevastase toimeaine abil: Tsink- bakteri -ja põletikuvastane toime; Vask-baketrivastane ja rasueritust pärrsiv toime; Probiootikumid- naha kaitsekihti tugevdav toime. Selle lihtne koostis puhastab ja toetab naha pH-d. Füsioloogiline pH [5,5]. Nahka pole vaja mitu korda pesta. Tulemuseks on siledam ja puhtam nahk. Allergiaohutu. Dermatoloogiliselt kontrollitud. Allergiaohutu. Seebivaba. Sulfaadivaba.TALUTAVUST ON KATSETATUD tundlikul nahal.
Internal 6x 2.5 "/3.5", 2x 2.5 ", 8x 2.5" /3.5 "(optional), 2x 2.5" (optional), Front I / O 1x USB-C 3.1 (20-pin Key-A header), 2x USB-A 3.0, 1x microphone, 1x headphones, PCI slots 9 (2x riser card), Fan (front) 2x 140mm, 1000rpm, 18.9dB (A) or 3x 140mm (optional), Fan (rear) 1x 140mm, 1000rpm, 18.9dB (A), Fan (top) 3x 140mm (optional), Fan (other) 2x 140mm (optional), Radiator sizes 120/140/240/280 / 360mm in front, 120/140/240/280/360 / 420mm above, 120/140/240 / 280mm below, 120mm in the back, Mainboard up to ATX (285mm wide), Supported mainboards Mini-ITX (6.7 "x6.7") / µATX (9.6 "x9.6") / ATX (12 "x9.6") / E-ATX (12 "x11.2"), Power supply ATX (max. 250mm deep), PSU position below, CPU cooler max. 185mm height Graphics cards max. 315mm (491mm without HDD cage without front fan, 467mm without HDD cage with front fan), Color anthracite, inside anthracite, Lighting without lighting, Dimensions (WxHxD) 240x475x541mm, Volume 61.67l, Weight 10.50kg, Enclosure type miditower, Special features Cable management, dust filter, integrated fan control, window made of glass Note Mainboard and case manufacturers refer to different dimensions as E-ATX. Mainboards with E-ATX / SSI EEB dimensions of 305x330mm or 12 "x13" are not supported, w/o psu, FD-C-MES2A-04
PanzerGlass on loodud, et kaitsta ekraani löökide, kriimude ja mustuse eest. Hoolimata üliõhukesest 0,4mm paksusest on mitmete testide põhjal (nt TÜV) tegemist tugevaima kaitseklaasiga turul. PanzerGlass on valmistatud kvaliteetseimast klaasist, mis tagab täieliku läbipaistvuse ja ideaalse puutetundlikkuse säilimise.
MVMXPROBASE üksjala alus on disainitud FluidTech tehnoloogiaga, mis tagav veel ladusama liikumise kogule üksjalale. Niimoodi on nii pöörded kui kallutamised ülisujuvad. Tänu kokkuklapitavatele jalgadele on võimalik alus teha transpordi ajaks väga kompaktseks. Kandevõime: kuni 8 kg Materjal: alumiinium Kaal: 450 g