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Insta360 Seikluskaamera ONE RS Twin Edition
Tootekood: 1367320 GTIN: 6970357852949 Seikluskaamerad ja tarvikud
Insta360 ONE RS Twin Edition – Waterproof 4K 60fps Action Camera & 5.7K 360 Camera with Interchangeable Lenses, Stabilization, 48MP Photo, Active HDR, AI Editing 4K Boost Lens & 5.7K 360 Lens: Get two cameras in one with Insta360 ONE RS. Swap between the new 4K Boost Lens for stunningly detailed wide-angle videos and the 360 Lens for endless creative possibilities. FlowState Stabilization: Buttery smooth image stabilization, no matter what lens you use. The powerful RS Core now delivers FlowState stabilization in camera when paired with the wide-angle lenses. No editing needed. 48MP Photo & 6K Widescreen Mode: With the 4K Boost Lens, capture photos with 4x more megapixels and ultra-detailed 6K widescreen video, thanks to a new 48MP sensor. Invisible Selfie Stick: Don´t ruin the view with an ugly selfie stick! The 360 Lens makes the Invisible Selfie Stick totally disappear from your shots for impossible drone-like footage and third-person perspectives. In the Box: 1x 4K Boost Lens, 1x 360 Lens, 1x ONE RS Core, 1x ONE RS Battery Base, 1x Lens Cap for 360 Lens and 1x ONE RS Mounting Bracket.
492,99 €
Kõrvaklapid Aftershokz OpenRun Pro Bone Conduit Headphones, Black
Tootekood: S810BK GTIN: 850033806359 Kõrvaklapid
Kõrvaklappide tüüp:Sportlikud; Konstruktsiooni tüüp:Kõrvapealsed klapid; Sagedusala (Hz):20 - 20000 Hz; Ühenduse tüüp:Juhtmevaba; Ühendus:Bluetooth (traadita); Sisseehitatud mikrofon:On
1-3 tp
160,10 €
Väline mäluseade SanDisk 64GB Extreme Pro microSDXC 200/90 MBs UHS-I U3
Tootekood: SDSQXCU-064G-GN6MA GTIN: 619659188573 Välised mäluseadmed
SANDISK EXTREME PRO microSDXC 64GB 200/90 MB/s UHS-I U3 memory card (SDSQXCU-064G-GN6MA) Enjoy lightning-fast data transfer with the SanDisk memory card. The product reads files at up to 200 MB/s and writes at 90 MB/s. The 64GB capacity allows you to store more data, and the A2 performance class is responsible for faster application performance. In addition, you can record videos in 4K UHD and Full HD quality without unnecessary interruptions. The SanDisk memory card allows you to transfer files at speeds of up to 200 MB/s, so you won´t have to wait long for your files to transfer. On the other hand, you´ll save them at speeds as fast as 90 MB/s. What´s more, optimization for application use positively affects the speed of applications, which translates into a greater user experience. The GN6MA is distinguished by its rugged design. The memory card is resistant to shock, water and extreme temperatures, as well as X-rays. So you can take it on vacation without worrying about damage. What´s more, it works with Android smartphones, sports cameras and drones.
12,57 €
Väline mäluseade SanDisk microSDXC Extreme 128 GB + Adapter
Tootekood: SDSQXAA-128G-GN6MA GTIN: 619659188450 Välised mäluseadmed
Saavuta parimad kiirused microSD kaardist mängimises ja äpi soorituses. Lugemiskiirus kuni 190MB/s ja kirjutamine kuni 130MB/s. A2 hinnang kinnitab kiire äppide toimimise nutitelefonis parima kogemuse jaoks. • A2 / Video Class V30 / UHS-I U3 / Class10 - microSDXC UHS-I • microSDXC - SD adapter komplektis
15,47 €
Objektiiv Nikkor AF-S VR 800mm/5.6G
Tootekood: JAA531DA GTIN: 18208022052 Objektiivid
Supertelefoto objektiiv, mis sobib täiuslikult pressifotograafiaks ja kaugete objektide pildistamiseks kergejõustikus, talve- ja veespordis. See tipptasemel objektiiv sisaldab spetsiaalset erihäälestatud 1,25-kordset telekonverterit, mis suurendab fookuskaugust 1000 mm-ni suurima efektiivse avaga f/7, säilitades samas suurepärast optilist jõudlust.Selle vastupidav magneesiumisulamist korpus ja kaks fluoriitelementi vähendavad märkimisväärselt objektiivi kaalu ja nihutavad raskuskeset tahapoole, tagades mugava ja hästi tasakaalustatud käsitsemise. Fluoriitelemendid võimaldavad suuremat läbivuskiirust ja väiksemat dispersiooni võrreldes tavaliste või ED-klaasist elementidega.Elektromagnetiline ava juhtimine võimaldab väga täpselt juhtida ümara objektiiviava labasid, tagades pideval pildistamisel automaatse särituse juhtimise parema stabiilsuse. Stabiliseerimisfunktsioon vähendab kaamera rappumise efekti, võimaldades kasutada kuni nelja sammu võrra pikemat säriaega.
14 448,33 €
Cullmann CUlight RR 500N Receiver for Nikon (61821)
Tootekood: CUL-61821 GTIN: 4007134016125 Stuudiovarustus
Cullmann CUlight RR 500N Receiver for Nikon
56,00 €
Stretch kindad VALLERRET Power Pro Liner with touch - SIZE XS
Tootekood: 20PSPL-BK-XS GTIN: 7072621000717 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
VALLERRET Power Stretch Pro Liner with touch - SIZE XS. Power Stretch Pro sisekindad. Sobib kõikide kaubamärgi Vallerret fotokinnaste sisse. See UNISEX sisekinnas Power Stretch Pro on suurepärane aluskiht nendeks päevadeks, kui vajate rohkem soojust. Seetõttu on need kindad mitmekülgseks täienduseks teie kinnaste komplektile. Need sisekindad, mille nimetissõrme ja pöidlaosa sobivad kasutamiseks puutetundlike ekraanidega, võimaldavad kasutada FlipTech süsteemi, nii et ükski sõrm pole paljastatud. Nii saate ikkagi kasutada oma telefoni või puudutada oma kaamera LCD ekraani. Lisage täiendav soojuskiht, kasutage neid kindaid eraldi maheda talve temperatuuride juures või kõrge aktiivsusega hetkedel. Power Stretch Pro sisekindad on loodud aluskihiks, mida kanda Vallerret fotokinnaste sees. Kandes ainult neid kindaid, hoiavad need teie käed soojas soojemapoolse talve tingimustes. Spetsifikatsioonid Polartec® Power Stretch® Pro™ Täiustatud kahekordselt kootud konstruktsioon Polartec®-ilt tagab nii jõudluse kui ka vastupidavuse. Niiskust imav, soe ja mugav ning ideaalne soojemal talvel või varakevadel. Valmidus puutetundlike ekraanidega kasutamiseks Pöialdel ja nimetissõrmedel olev seemisnahk võimaldab hõlpsat kasutamist puutetundlike ekraanidega. Lisage aluskihina lisasoojuse saamiseks Loodud mahtuma kõikide Vallerret kindamudelite sisse, et pakkuda vajadusel täiendavat soojuskihti. Soojapidavus: Loodud kandmiseks sooja talve temperatuuride juures.
29,50 €
Vallerret Markhof Pro 2.0 Photography Glove Black SIZE XS
Tootekood: 19MHP2-BK-XS GTIN: 7072621000212 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
Vallerret Markhof Pro 2.0 Photography Glove Black SIZE XS , mis on ennast tõestanud meie klientide lemmikkinnastena, naaseb nimega Markhof 2.0 (UNISEX suurus). Eelnevalt kumeraks muudetud disaini ja 100%-se meriinovilla sisaldusega siseosa, Thinsulate isolatsiooni ning ilmastikukindlate kangaste tõttu on tegemist soojade ja tihedalt ümber kinnastega, millega on suurepäraselt võimalik kaamerat tunnetada. Kindamudel Markhof Pro 2.0 on mitmekülgne, funktsionaalne ja stiilne, mida saate võtta kaasa kõikjale alates tänavatest kuni mäetippudeni. Sobilik igapäevaseks kasutamiseks keskmiselt külma talve temperatuuride juures. Siseosa 100% meriinovillast Looduse parim relv külmade temperatuuride vastu, et tagada fotograafidele tihedalt ümber ja soojad kindad. FlipTech magnetitega sõrmeotsa katted. Olete sekunditega valmis pildistama. Pöörake sõrmeotsa kate ümber ja nautige täielikku ligipääsu sõrmedele. Kõrgtehnoloogilised materjalid Kitsenahk, kahekihiline DWR-välismembraan ja seemisnahk on veekindlad ning kaitsevad suurepäraselt ilmastikuolude eest. Keskmine kiht, mis on Thinsulate kangast, lisab kinnastele täiendavat soojust, et kaitsta teie käsi talviste temperatuuride eest. Libisemiskindel haare Peopesa ülikleepuv muster tagab teile suurepärase haarde kaamera hoidmiseks. Kinnastel on kujutatud ikooniline Saksa maastik. SD-kaardi pesa, millele on lisatud statiivi võti Käepärane hoiutasku täiendavate SD-kaartide hoiustamiseks või mikrofiibrist lapp, millele on lisatud käepärane statiivi võti. Mansetid Lihtne ära võtta ja tagasi panna. Soojapidavus: Loodud kandmiseks keskmiselt külma talve temperatuuride juures.
73,99 €
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Natural L
Tootekood: 22HTC-NT-L GTIN: 7072621001189 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Natural - Warm. Tough. Robust. A full leather photography glove giving you the durability you need when your photography takes you into the wilderness. Whether scrambling though the bush, building the camp fire or capturing the scenery, the hatchet is your trusted tough and reliable tool to get the job done. Suited for Deep Winter. Overlapping Flip-Tech Finger Caps with Magnets: Instant access to your dials whilst magnets keep the flip caps held back. Open and close with ease. High Performance Materials: 100% Merino Wool Liner, Primaloft Gold Insulation (170gsm/133gsm grip), DWR Genuine Goat Leather. True Suede Lens Wipe: For the emergency clean. Pre-Curved Glove Design: Ensures a natural fit and great camera feel as your fingers wrap around the handle. Jersey Cuff: Slip on and slip off with ease. Available in black and a limited edition Natual Tan colour
97,00 €
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Natural XL
Tootekood: 22HTC-NT-XL GTIN: 7072621001196 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Natural - Warm. Tough. Robust. A full leather photography glove giving you the durability you need when your photography takes you into the wilderness. Whether scrambling though the bush, building the camp fire or capturing the scenery, the hatchet is your trusted tough and reliable tool to get the job done. Suited for Deep Winter. Overlapping Flip-Tech Finger Caps with Magnets: Instant access to your dials whilst magnets keep the flip caps held back. Open and close with ease. High Performance Materials: 100% Merino Wool Liner, Primaloft Gold Insulation (170gsm/133gsm grip), DWR Genuine Goat Leather. True Suede Lens Wipe: For the emergency clean. Pre-Curved Glove Design: Ensures a natural fit and great camera feel as your fingers wrap around the handle. Jersey Cuff: Slip on and slip off with ease. Available in black and a limited edition Natual Tan colour
97,00 €
Vallerret kindad Alta Overmitt Black S
Tootekood: 19ALT-BK-S GTIN: 7072621000564 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
VALLERRET ALTA OVER-MITT PEALISKINDAD ehk KINDAD TEIE KINNASTELE Arktika pole mingi naljaasi ja need kindad suhtuvad väga tõsiselt teie soojas hoidmisesse. Pealiskindad Alta Over-Mitt (UNISEX), mis on nagu magamiskotid teie kätele, mahuvad kõikide kaubamärgi Vallerret kindamudelite peale, lisades neile täiendavat soojapidavust ja hoides teie käed kõige vajalikematel hetkedel soojas. Kinnastega, mille loomisel on saadud inspiratsioon ettevõtte Vallerret asutajate päeval Arktikas aset leidvast koerte veospordi üritusest, saate oma pilte jäädvustades olla mõnusalt soojas ka kõige karmimates talvetingimustes. Spetsifikatsioon FlipTech sõrmekatted Avage labakinnas vastupidava ja ilmastikukindla YKK tõmblukuga, et tuleks nähtavale alumine kinnas ja saaksite ligipääsu oma sõrmedele. Magnetitega hoitud Magnetid hoiavad FlipTech katet avatuna nii pikalt, kui te seda vajate. Kõrgtehnoloogilised materjalid Kitsenahk ja DWR-kihiga pehme toimne riie on veekindel ning kaitseb suurepäraselt tuule eest, samas kui nailon taft vooder võimaldab pealiskindaid sujuvalt teiste kinnaste peale tõmmata. Isolatsioon Nagu magamiskott teie käele. Nendes kinnastes saavad kokku kohev Polartec fliisist kiht ja umbes 140 grammi isolatsiooni, mis hoiavad külma õhu väljaspool ning sooja õhu seespool. Lisatarvikud Nende kinnastega kaasnevad karabiinhaak, terasest silmusaas, objektiivikork või riidehoidik ja rakmed, mis aitavad hõlpsamalt jäädvustada neid arktilisi pilte. **PANGE TÄHELE!** Sisekindad EI kaasne tootega. The Arctic is no joke, and this glove takes your warmth seriously. Like a sleeping bag for your hand, the (UNISEX) Alta Over-Mitt slips over any of the Vallerret gloves models adding that extra warmth and keeping your hands heated when you need it most. Inspired by the Vallerret founders’ days dog mushing in the arctic, you too can stay toasty warm in the harshest of winter environments whilst capturing your images.
95,00 €
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Black M
Tootekood: 22HTC-BK-M GTIN: 7072621001110 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Natural - Warm. Tough. Robust. A full leather photography glove giving you the durability you need when your photography takes you into the wilderness. Whether scrambling though the bush, building the camp fire or capturing the scenery, the hatchet is your trusted tough and reliable tool to get the job done. Suited for Deep Winter. Overlapping Flip-Tech Finger Caps with Magnets: Instant access to your dials whilst magnets keep the flip caps held back. Open and close with ease. High Performance Materials: 100% Merino Wool Liner, Primaloft Gold Insulation (170gsm/133gsm grip), DWR Genuine Goat Leather. True Suede Lens Wipe: For the emergency clean. Pre-Curved Glove Design: Ensures a natural fit and great camera feel as your fingers wrap around the handle. Jersey Cuff: Slip on and slip off with ease. Available in black and a limited edition Natual Tan colour
97,00 €
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Black L
Tootekood: 22HTC-BK-L GTIN: 7072621001127 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
Vallerret Hatchet Leather Photography Glove Natural - Warm. Tough. Robust. A full leather photography glove giving you the durability you need when your photography takes you into the wilderness. Whether scrambling though the bush, building the camp fire or capturing the scenery, the hatchet is your trusted tough and reliable tool to get the job done. Suited for Deep Winter. Overlapping Flip-Tech Finger Caps with Magnets: Instant access to your dials whilst magnets keep the flip caps held back. Open and close with ease. High Performance Materials: 100% Merino Wool Liner, Primaloft Gold Insulation (170gsm/133gsm grip), DWR Genuine Goat Leather. True Suede Lens Wipe: For the emergency clean. Pre-Curved Glove Design: Ensures a natural fit and great camera feel as your fingers wrap around the handle. Jersey Cuff: Slip on and slip off with ease. Available in black and a limited edition Natual Tan colour
97,00 €
Vallerret Markhof Pro V3 Photography Glove XS-SLIM
Tootekood: 22MHV3-BK-XS-S GTIN: 7072621001059 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
FOR YOUR EVERYDAY WINTER PHOTOGAPHY The Markhof Pro V3 is the next generation of our versatile “take everywhere” functional and stylish Photography Glove. We’ve taken all the best elements of the Markhof Pro Model versions, and given them some umph! Creating a warm and fitted glove with excellent camera feel, the V3 has everything you would expect from a great photography glove. From the streets to the peaks, the Markhof Pro V3 continues to be a fan favourite. Suited For Everyday-Use in Mid Winter. DESIGNED TO FIT THE NEEDS OF LANDSCAPE & ACTION SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHER, SIMON MARKHOF Simon Markhof is a full-blooded photography adventurer. He is an avid explorer taking to the seemingly untouched places to snap landscape or snowboarding shots. Whether by himself or among his crew of fellow photographers, he’s always pushing his talents above and beyond. Simon embraces the every day adventure of photography, and for that we salute him with Version 3 of the Markhof Pro Model. FlipTech finger caps with magnets Instant access to your dials. Magnets keep the FlipTech open and out of the way for as long as you need. High Performance materials: 100% Merino Wool Liner, Thinsulate Insulation (C100/C70), DWR Goat Leather, and Water-Resistant Polyester Twill.. Non-slip grip: Our uniquely printed Super grippy palm print, provides stress free camera control. Featuring a Printed Image by Simon Markhof. True Suede Lens Wipe. Memory Card Pocket Embedded with Tripod Key. Storage pocket to use for a spare SD card, microfibre cloth, or hand warmer. Comes embedded with a handy tripod key. Jersey Cuff: Slip on and slip off with ease Pre-Curved Glove Design: Ensures a natural fit and great camera feel.
79,00 €
Vallerret Markhof Pro V3 Photography Glove XXL
Tootekood: 22MHV3-BK-XXL GTIN: 7072621001042 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
FOR YOUR EVERYDAY WINTER PHOTOGAPHY The Markhof Pro V3 is the next generation of our versatile “take everywhere” functional and stylish Photography Glove. We’ve taken all the best elements of the Markhof Pro Model versions, and given them some umph! Creating a warm and fitted glove with excellent camera feel, the V3 has everything you would expect from a great photography glove. From the streets to the peaks, the Markhof Pro V3 continues to be a fan favourite. Suited For Everyday-Use in Mid Winter. DESIGNED TO FIT THE NEEDS OF LANDSCAPE & ACTION SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHER, SIMON MARKHOF Simon Markhof is a full-blooded photography adventurer. He is an avid explorer taking to the seemingly untouched places to snap landscape or snowboarding shots. Whether by himself or among his crew of fellow photographers, he’s always pushing his talents above and beyond. Simon embraces the every day adventure of photography, and for that we salute him with Version 3 of the Markhof Pro Model. FlipTech finger caps with magnets Instant access to your dials. Magnets keep the FlipTech open and out of the way for as long as you need. High Performance materials: 100% Merino Wool Liner, Thinsulate Insulation (C100/C70), DWR Goat Leather, and Water-Resistant Polyester Twill.. Non-slip grip: Our uniquely printed Super grippy palm print, provides stress free camera control. Featuring a Printed Image by Simon Markhof. True Suede Lens Wipe. Memory Card Pocket Embedded with Tripod Key. Storage pocket to use for a spare SD card, microfibre cloth, or hand warmer. Comes embedded with a handy tripod key. Jersey Cuff: Slip on and slip off with ease Pre-Curved Glove Design: Ensures a natural fit and great camera feel.
79,00 €
Vallerret Tinden Photography Glove XS
Tootekood: 22TDN-BK-XS GTIN: 7072621001219 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
Extra Comfort for the Deep Winter Access your dials and have ultimate protection against the elements during the darkest days of winter with the Tinden, our heavier duty photography glove. Suited for longer photo-sessions in Deep Winter. Overlapping Flip-Tech Finger Caps with Magnets: Instant access to your dials whilst magnets keep the flip caps held back. Open and close with ease. High Performance Materials: 100% Merino Wool Liner, Primaloft Insulation (260/170), DWR Goat Leather, and Water-Resistant Polyester Twill. Non-Slip Grip: The super grippy palm print provides you with a perect camera grab. Featuring a Norwegian Mountain Photography Graphic. True Suede Lens Wipe: For the emergency clean. Stash Pocket with Embedded Tripod Key: Use this pocket for a spare SD card, microfibre cloth or hand warmer. Storage pocket comes embedded with a tripod key. Pre-Curved Glove Design: Ensures a natural fit and great camera feel. Gauntlet Under-Cuff with Wrist Strap. Keep the wrists warm whilst looking tidy as the gauntlet cuff fits under the jacket. Carabiner Clip: Store your gloves together and attach anywhere.
109,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S
Tootekood: JMA502DA GTIN: 4960759909091 Objektiivid
A uniquely portable super- telephoto full-frame prime lens, the NIKKOR Z 800m f/6.3 VR S. Birds, wildlife, aircraft, motor sports, and winter sports: this tough yet remarkably lightweight S-line lens brings the dynamism of distant subjects close in thrilling clarity. Users can follow even erratically moving subjects with a fluidity previously unheard of at 800 mm—and open up their creative possibilities with steady handheld shooting. From hunting eagles to banking planes, the phenomenal resolving power of this S-line lens brings out even the tiniest details of difficult-to-capture subjects. Image quality is pin-sharp, whether shooting stills or video, and AF performance is exceptionally fast, smooth, and reliable. In-lens optical VR keeps shots steady, and Synchro VR allows up to 5.5 stops of compensation when this lens is paired with the Z 9. In addition, this super-telephoto lens supports use of Z teleconverters, which can extend the reach to 1120 mm or 1600 mm. Thanks to its balanced, lightweight design, made possible by the Z mount and a Phase Fresnel (PF) lens element, users can confidently take the NIKKOR Z 800m f/6.3 VR S off the tripod and shoot handheld. This mirrorless lens is approximately 2.3 kg lighter and 16% shorter than its F-mount counterpart, and its centre of gravity is closer to the camera body—making it easier to pan and stop smoothly. Photographers can customise controls, and advanced weather sealing protects both lens and camera.
5698,00 €
Quadralite Talia 300 RGB LED Panel
Tootekood: TALIA300RGB GTIN: 5901698720230 Stuudiovarustus
Small size Full control of color temperature - CCT Full RGB color palette Can be used for photo and video Additionally 12 lighting effects can be used during video recording The Quadralite Talia 300 RGB LED panel is a light source designed for creative use in the studio. Its key feature is the full RGB color palette (360°), thanks to which you will be able to approach the topic of your session in a unique way. Thanks to the dedicated diffusion layer, this panel will guarantee you a soft studio light on the recording without the need for additional modifiers. The light source is LEDs with a high color rendering index CRI>95. The lamp emits a wide beam of strong light, devoid of flickering effect, and all this with the ability to adjust the color temperature of the lamp in the range of 3500-6500K (±300K) thanks to a dedicated knob located on the back of the panel. This function will allow you to adjust the lamp light to the existing light, thus obtaining a natural effect on your recording. The panel also has 12 modes of operation, which allow for even more creativity in working on the set. High brightness of the emitted light, high colour deviation coefficient CRI > 95+, possibility of smooth color temperature control 3000 K – 6500 K, full RGB range, passive cooling, smooth brightness adjustment, small size and weight, no flickering effect.
125,00 €
Elinchrom Skyport Transmitter Plus (E19368)
Tootekood: E19368 GTIN: 7630006311904 Stuudiovarustus
Elinchrom Skyport Transmitter Plus
88,39 €
Classic Boundary Rennen Daypack (Black)
Tootekood: DPS-CD-BLK GTIN: 810081840033 Kaamerate kotid
The Rennen Recycled Daypack was inspired by classic styling and a mission to rethink what is possible with recycled materials. The silhouette provides a familiar look and offers extreme comfort. Recycled materials join together with Boundary’s technical build, quality, and modular upgrades to bring this series of products to a new sustainability level that soars above industry standards. The Rennen Recycled Daypack was inspired by classic styling and a mission to rethink what is possible with recycled materials. The silhouette provides a familiar look and offers extreme comfort. Recycled materials join together with Boundary’s technical build, quality, and modular upgrades to bring this series of products to a new sustainability level that soars above industry standards. Features Made from 60% recycled sources, including 100% recycled RE-3™ materials developed exclusively for the Rennen Series. Padded main sleeve safely stores up to a 16" laptop. Internal stash pockets fit laptop charger, mouse, and more. Magnetic port for attaching Boundary modular accessories. Side pocket holds a 22 oz. water bottle. Interior zippered pocket keeps small items secure. Magnetic key dock for attaching the HT Key Clip. Padded handle made from soft twill. Exterior zippered pocket with magnetic auto-closing flap. YKK™ AcquaGuard zipper protects the 22 L main compartment. RE-3™ Recycled Materials Innovating for the future includes minimizing environmental impact. The Rennen Recycled Daypack is made from 60% recycled sources, including 100% recycled RE-3™ materials developed exclusively for the Rennen Series: RE-3™ 600D Cordura® Eco Fabric RE-3™ 500D RE-3™ 200D Ripstop Nylon RE-3™ Recycled Felt RE-3™ Spacer Mesh RE-3™ rPET Webbing
119,99 €
SMALLRIG 3738 Cage Kit For Nikon Z9
Tootekood: D211591 GTIN: 6941590007519 Statiivid ja lisad
Designed to provide the handheld solution, accessory attachment, and protection for the camera, and particularly during low-angle shooting, ease burdens on the arm and assist in camera movements. The kit comes with a Cage for Nikon Z9 (3195) and an ARRI Top Handle (2165) and maintains access to buttons, holes, card slots, battery door, and flip screen after installation. SmallRig 3738 Cage Kit For Nikon Z9 The cage is locked via a 1/4´´-20 screw at the bottom, locating pin and the shoulder strap ring on the right side. The top handle is ergonomically designed to increase comfort and allows quick assembly and disassembly. Built-in mounting points are fully compatible with the SmallRig accessory system. Featuring 1/4´´-20 threaded holes and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes for SmallRig Side Handle 2093 or 2426 for side handheld shooting and camera movements, and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating hole on the top of the handle for Monitor Mount 2903 and a cold shoe mount for microphones, LED lights. Arca quick release plate on the bottom of the cage fits directly on to a tripod for tripod shooting. Two 1/4´´-20 threaded holes at the bottom of the front, support SmallRig Rod Clamp 942 for attach 15mm rail support system to attach lens support, follow focus, matte box, etc. Besides, comes with protective cushions inside to prevent scratches and provides a built-in magnetic spanner for easy access. Compatibility: Nikon Z9 Note: Please remove the shoulder strap ring on the right side before attaching the cage. The cage is not compatible with Nikon WR-R11 remote controller. Package Includes: 1 x Cage 3195 8 x M3 Screw 1 x Top Handle 2165
184,99 €
Superfit Camping lamp Superfire T30
Tootekood: 033117 GTIN: 6974760350139 Taskulambid
Camping lamp Superfire T30 600lm USB Looking for the perfect camping lamp for yourself? The Superfire T30 will be the perfect choice! The device can illuminate an area of up to 36m2 and allows you to choose from 4 light modes. It also allows you to freely adjust the brightness. Its working time is up to 6.5 hours on a single charge, it can also act as a powerbank. The lamp is extremely handy and durable - it will prove useful in almost any situation. Durable battery and powerbank function. The T30 lamp has been equipped with 2 durable batteries with total capacity of 4400mAh. Thanks to that, a fully charged lamp can work for up to 6.5 hours. Built-in micro USB port allows you to charge it not only with a charger, but also, for example, a powerbank or a laptop. A special indicator will inform you about the charging status. Using the lamp you can also charge another device - for example a phone. Optimal lighting. For optimum illumination when camping or on the move. The T30 generates an even, eye-safe light that doesn´t glare or flicker. It has a 360° angle and can illuminate an area of up to 36m2 (depending on the mode ѕelected). It is therefore ideal for reading a book, playing cards or watching a movie. 4 light modes. Adjust the lamp to your needs. The T30 is equipped with 46 high-quality LEDs and offers 4 light modes to choose from. These include White Light (white light with 6200K color temperature), Yellow Light (yellow light with 2800K color temperature), Warm Light (white and yellow light with 4900K color temperature) and Strobe. You can also freely adjust the brightness of the lighting. Clever design. The T30 lamp has been made of high-quality PC, TPR and ABS materials, which makes it extremely durable and resistant to damage, as well as pleasant to the touch. You can also use it in several ways. The special handle allows you to carry it comfortably or hang it, for example, on a branch, and the hook allows you to attach it in a tent. You can also simply place it firmly on a flat surface. Charging time: About 7h Drop resistance: Up to 1m Waterproof: IP44 Weight: 540g In the box: T30 camping lamp Charging cable
19,99 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 17-28mm f/2.8
Tootekood: JMA718DA GTIN: 4960759910332 Objektiivid
The NIKKOR Z 17-28mm f/2.8 is an essential lens for travel, events, and creative storytelling, this fast ultra-wide-angle zoom is built to let photographers and video shooters widen their creative palette—and carry less weight. From epic views to frame-filling close-ups, the NIKKOR Z 17-28mm f/2.8 is the perfect lens with which to tell diverse visual stories from a unique point of view. Landscapes to cityscapes. Expansive skies to street scenes. Architecture to interiors. The 17-28mm focal length range lets photographers nail detailed, all-encompassing wide-angle shots—or play with a sense of scale and exaggerate perspectives. Video shooters can draw viewers into a scene with wide establishing shots, or create a sense of space when shooting in tight quarters. Designed to enable confident and creative wide-angle photography, the NIKKOR Z 17-28mm f/2.8 is both versatile and easy to use. The f/2.8 constant aperture is great for shooting in available light or working creatively with shutter speeds—and the lens renders big, beautiful bokeh when shooting wide open. Users who want to go for dramatic ultra-wide-angle close-ups will benefit greatly from the minimum focusing distance of just 0.19 m, which allows sharp, clear results when shooting at close range. In addition, the lens’ wide zoom ring enables comfortаble handling and steady framing. And Nikon’s responsive AF focuses quickly on subjects whether they’re positioned in the foreground or the background.
1039,00 €
SMALLRIG Adapter 4416 Side Handle ARCA-Type
Tootekood: 126296 GTIN: 6941590014654 Statiivid ja lisad
Designed to facilitate camera movement and stabilize dual-handed shooting while providing basic mounting points. The highly versatile handle adopts the ARCA-Swiss Type interface and is compatible with the built-in ARCA-Swiss mount plate, cages, L-Bracket, Rotatable Horizontal-to-Vertical Mount Plate, etc. SmallRig 4416 Side Handle ARCA-Type Features ergonomic design, which allows to use of the left & right hand interchangeably to provide a comfortable grip. According to the actual camera size, the handle can be adjusted 36mm vertically to ensure the best grip position. Mainly made of high-strength aluminum alloy, and the stretchable mounting points (1/4"-20 locating holes and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes) are made of stainless steel material. Features silicon pads on the contact surface with the palm, which are anti-freeze and anti-slip. Comes with 1/4"-20 threaded hole, 1/4"-20 locating hole, strap hole, cold shoe for attaching SmallRig Monitor Mount 2905, Ballhead Magic Arm 3875, LED Video Light 3286, Microphone 3468, etc. Besides, a built-in magnetic Allen Wrench is included for easy mounting and adjusting accessories. Compatibility: ARCA-Swiss mount plate, cages, L-Bracket, Rotatable Horizontal-to-Vertical Mount Plate, etc. Pacakge includes: 1x Handle 1x Handle Adapter
64,99 €
Hübriidkaamera Nikon Z 7II Body
Tootekood: VOA070AE GTIN: 4960759905772 Hübriidkaamerad
Nikon Z 7II First deliveries: December 10th 2020. Pre-order now! Z 7II on auhinnatud Z 7 edasiarendus, millel on suurepärane objektide omandamine, kõrge eraldusvõime ja hea töökindlus. Suurema dünaamilise ulatuse ja jõudlusega laias ISO-vahemikus võimaldavad selle töötlemisvõimsus ja puhvermaht pildistamiskiirust kuni 10 kaadrit sekundis. Fotograafid saavad nüüd ühekorraga jäädvustada 200 täiseraldusega JPEG-d või 77 12-bitist tihendamata RAW-pilti. Z 7II täiustatud automaatse teravustamise võimalused pakuvad laiaulatuslikku teravustamistuge inimeste ja loomade jaoks, objekti jälgimise teravustamist, mis töötab sarnaselt 3D jälgimisega, ja täiustatud teravustamist hämaras. Ning 3690k-dot elektrooniline pildiotsija (EVF) pakub loomulikumat vaadet, kõrge värskendussagedus vähendab pimendamist. Kaamera sobib edasijõudnud ja professionaalsetele fotograafidele, kes soovivad objekti detaile võrreldamatult väljendada. See võib olla portreefotograaf, kes pildistab kiirelt, et jäädvustada naha, juuste, rõivaste tekstuure ja meiki; või maastikufotograaf, kes vajab tugevat ja kerget varustust rasketes oludes liikumiseks ja loodusstseenide jäädvustamiseks. Rohkem võimsust, rohkem üksikasju: lai Z-kinnitus ühendub suure 45,7 MP täiskaadersensori ja kahe EXPEED-protsessoriga. Kasutage suuremat dünaamilist vahemikku ja puhtamat jõudlust kogu ISO vahemikus. Filmige kuni 4K / 60p eraldusvõimega videot. Maksimaalne kiirus ja töökindlus: kahe kaardipesaga saate ühes pesas kasutada UHS-II SD-kaarte ja teises XQD- või ülikiireid CFexpressi kaarte. Kohanduge mis tahes töövoogudega. Eriti lai ja terav automaatne teravustamine : teravustamine absoluutse venitavusega. Kaamera naaseb ooterežiimist ärgates valitud fookuspunkti. Särituse mõõtmine alla -4 EV on saadaval pildistamisel koos f/2 (või kiirem) objektiiviga. Pildistage kiiremini kauem - vaikuses: kuni 10 kaadrit sekundis pildistamiskiirus võimaldab tohutult paindlikkust, sügavam puhver aga võimaldab katkestusteta pildistamist . Pildiotsija, mis peab sinuga sammu:
2298,00 €
Nissin MF18 for Nikon
Tootekood: 42600MF18N GTIN: 4938574188021 Välgud ja lisad
Ühildub kaameratega: Nikon; Tüüp: Ringvälk; Garantii füüsilistele isikutele: 2 aastat; Garantii juriidilistele isikutele: 1 aasta
1-3 tp
225,99 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8
Tootekood: JMA603DA GTIN: 4960759905659 Objektiivid
NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8 on kompaktne, kerge ja mitmekülgne objektiiv, ideaalne alustavale makrofotograafile, kes soovib teha elavaid lähivõtteid. NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8 on suurepärane objektiiv, mis toob esile isegi kõige tavalisemate objektide ilu. Fotograaf saab raskusteta jäädvustada üliteravaid elusuuruses (1:1) makrokujutisi, alates ahvatlevatest toidufotodest kuni lilleõie lähikaadriteni ning rabavaid lähivõtteid pisikestest objektidest. Fookus püsib kiire ja terav isegi siis, kui makroobjektiivi esiosa on objektist vaid 5,6 cm kaugusel! Kasutada on võimalik ka klassikalist 50 mm fookuskaugust ja loomulikku perspektiivi, et pildistada kõike portreedest kuni tänavavaadeteni.
598,00 €
SMALLRIG 2209 Cage for Atomos Ninja V
Tootekood: D159841 GTIN: 6972070626319 Mütsid, sallid ja kindad
SMALLRIG 2209 Cage for Atomos Ninja V. The cage mounts to the monitor by a 1/4"-20 screw on the top and two M3 screws on the left side. Across the top and bottom the cage features multiple 1/4"-20, 3/8"-16 holes, and an ARRI locating mount point on the base. NATO rails are also provided along on both top and bottom to allow use with a range of SmallRig mounts such as SmallRig Ball Head Magic Arm 2071 or the 2072 for quick release. The cage includes a single HDMI cable clamp that works with a range of cables and is ideal for the AtomFlex 4k 60p cables. If required, the cage supports the use of a second SmallRig HDMI Cable Clamp 1693 for the HDMI output. It is attached on the left to protect the HDMI cable and port. For backwards compatibility with Atomos Master Caddy II, the cage also features Drive locks that incorporate the additional size of standard 2.5" drives into the cage’s form factor. It features raised attachment points on both the top and bottom of the cage for use with neck straps and to accommodate the Atomos Ninja V Sunhood frame. NOTE: 1.This cage is COMPATIBLE with the original Atomos Ninja V Sun hood. The Sun hood frame needs to be fitted before fitting the unit in to the cage and can remains in place providing additional protection and the folding sun hoods can easily be removed 2.If a sun hood is desired, please use SmallRig Sun Hood 2269 Package Includes: 1 x cage 1 x HDMI Clamp 1693 2 x 1/4" Screw 4 x M3 Screw 3 x Hex Spanner
109,00 €
SMALLRIG 3766 Nato Top Handle
Tootekood: D216971 GTIN: 6941590008455 Statiivid ja lisad
Ergonomically designed to improve grip experience, facilitate low-angle shot and reduce burdens on arms. SmallRig 3766 Nato Top Handle The ergonomic handle, featuring anti-slip and anti-freeze silicone, feels comfortable and weighs only 124g because of a hollowed-out structure. It has 3 front cold shoes and 2 rear cold shoes that allow simultaneously mounting microphone, LED light, monitor, and other accessories. ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes support SmallRig Monitor Mount 2903 and 2348 to attach monitors. 1/4"-20 threaded holes support SmallRig Magic Arm 2070 for monitors and Remote Control 2924 for recording. Its quick-release NATO clamp fits all standard NATO rails. Compatibility: Any accessories features NATO Rail In the Box: 1 x Top Handle
45,00 €
Nikon Toiteadapter EP-5C
Tootekood: VEB01501 GTIN: 18208036707 Kaamerate lisad
Toitepistmik teatud Nikon 1 kaameratega kasutamiseks. Üks ots sisestatakse kaamera akupessa ja teine ots ühilduvasse vahelduvvooluadapterisse, et saaksite Nikon 1 kaamerat otse vooluvõrgust toitega varustada.
30,90 €
Nikon binokkel Aculon A211 10-22x50
Tootekood: BAA818SA GTIN: 18208088065 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
ACULON A211 pakub suurepärast tehnilist võimekust meeldiva hinnaga. Mitmekihilise kattega läätsed ja erineva läbimõõduga suurte objektiiviläätsede valik tagavad äärmiselt selge pildi ja laia vaatevälja. Ülivõimas suumiga mudel on ...
179,00 €
Nikon binokkel Aculon A30 8x25 Black
Tootekood: BAA807SA GTIN: 18208088140 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Binokkel ACULON A30 keskendub tegevuse tuumale. Jälgides spordisündmusi läbi 25-millimeetrise läbimõõduga objektiivi ja mitmekihilise kattega läätsede, saate nautida avarat, eredat ja teravat vaadet., Binokkel ACULON A30 on nii ...
90,00 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S
Tootekood: JMA705DA GTIN: 18208200702 Objektiivid
NIKKOR Z ülilainurk-suumobjektiiv. Sisenege kaadrisse täiskaadrilise ülilainurk-suumiga, mis annab teile loomingulise eelise. NIKKOR Z 14–30mm f/4 S-seeria objektiivil on kompaktne ehitus ja lame eesmine element. See võimaldab kasutada 82 mm filtreid ja mahub kergesti väiksema komplekti kottidesse. Jäädvustage kõikjal lummavaid fotosid ja videoid.
1148,00 €
Godox Canon Camera Flash V860II
Tootekood: V860IIC GTIN: 6952344210222 Välgud ja lisad
Godox V860IIC fully support TTL Functions with Canon EOS cameras and is compatible with E-TTL II autoflash.
159,99 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2.8 VR S
Tootekood: JMA709DA GTIN: 4960759902191 Objektiivid
NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2.8 VR S - professionaalne f/2,8 keskmine telefoto suumobjektiiv. Alati valmis. See valgusjõuline, täiskaadriline peeglita süsteemi objektiiv sobib oma 70-200 mm fookuskauguse, täiustatud optika ja põhjaliku ilmastikukindlusega kõigiks kasutusotstarveteks. Olgu tegemist spordi, sündmuste või reportaaži pildistamisega, annab erakordselt kompaktne ehitus teile vabaduse minna kaugele. Missiooniks valmis. Ükskõik, kas jäädvustate tegevust fotode või videona, NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2.8 VR S tagab suurepärased tulemused. Teravustamine on sujuv, kiire ja hääletu ning kõik stseeni osad on erakordselt selge joonisega. Pildistamisparameetreid saate juhtida otse objektiivilt ja konstruktsioon on piisavalt vastupidav igapäevase professionaalse kasutamise rasketeks oludeks. Ilus bokeh-efekt. Lai Z-kinnitus ja pidev f/2,8 9 labaga ümar objektiiviava annavad põnevaid tulemusi igas valguses. See telefoto-suumobjektiiv annab ka loomuliku bokeh-efekti, mis sulandub sujuvalt kaadri servadesse. Rohkem kui terav. Teravus on kogu kaadri ulatuses silmapaistev – isegi suurima ava või lähivõtete korral. Väikseim teravustamiskaugus on vaid 0,5 m suumivahemiku telefoto otsas ja 1 m lainurga otsas. Unustage objektiivi helklus. ARNEO- ja nanokristallkatted võitlevad varikujutiste ja helklusega. Nikoni ED- ja SR-klaas vähendavad kromaatilist aberratsiooni ning SR-klaas kompenseerib raskesti juhitavat sinist valgust. tulemuseks on teravamad pildid ja parem kontrast. Videoks valmis. Kui lugu nõuab videosalvestust, saate võtteid objektiivilt sujuvalt ja täpselt juhtida. Objektiivi teabepaneelil on teravussügavuse skaala, nii et saate hõlpsalt kindlaks määrata minimaalse ja maksimaalse kauguse iga f-astme juures. Fookuskaugus teravustamisel peaaegu ei muutu ja stabiilne ava juhtimine tagab loomulikud särituse muutused kogu stseenis. Talub kõike. See objektiiv on täielikult ilmastikukindel ning valmis kasutamiseks kõige raskemates oludes. Fluorkate tõrjub vett, tolmu ja mustust pildi kvaliteeti rikkumata.
1998,00 €
Tootekood: QRP90 GTIN: 6952344221730 Stuudiovarustus
Godoxi kiirvabastusega paraboolsetel softboxidel on uus kiire avamise ja sulgemise mehhanism. Softboxid on saadaval kolmes erinevas suuruses: 70cm, 90cm ja 120cm. Adaptereid võib leida Bowensi, Godoxi ja Profoto kinnituste jaoks. Lisavarustusena on saadaval ka pehme võre. Sügav paraboolne softbox on kõige populaarsem moe-, ilu- ja portreefotograafias. Softboxi ümar kuju loob silmale ilusa ja loomuliku välimusega peegelduse, mis võib olla üks peamisi põhjusi selle valgusmoodustaja valimiseks. Paraboolne kuju suurendab valguse suunda ja juhitavust.
129,99 €
Godox UB-L2 75 Translucent Large Size Umbrella (185cm)
Tootekood: UBL275 GTIN: 6952344205686 Stuudiovarustus
Godox UB-L2 75 the transparent umbrella evenly distributes and diffuses the light from any source: flash lamps, light bulbs or photographic lamps. It is the basic element of the studio´s equipment in the field of lighting modification. The white umbrella disperses the light, making it softer and more natural. It aligns the lighting of the photographed scene, reduces shadows. The umbrella is the simplest and most commonly used light modifier. It takes up little space and it`s easy to use.
35,00 €
Godox Softbox SB-FW140 grid 140cm octa
Tootekood: SBFW140 GTIN: 6952344205259 Stuudiovarustus
Softbox GODOX SB-FW140 grid 140cm octa. GODOX SB-FW series is a family of high quality softboxes with removable grid (included) and Bowens fixing. The GODOX series SB-FW softbox gives better control over the light beam and the pictures are more contrasting, although the softness of lighting characteristic of softboxes is still present. The construction of the softbox is based on a metal ring, which quick and easily fastens elastic rods, responsible for the strong and even skin tightening The plating is made of a rip-stop nylon fabric thanks to which softboxes are very resistant to mechanical damage, and at the same time very light. The interior is covered with a silvery, neutral color reflective layer. In addition to the main scattering layer, the softbox is equipped with an additional internal diffuser, made of white material with a high coefficient of light scattering. At the front of the softbox there is a collar for mounting the honeycomb (included). The Softbox is equipped with a Bowens mounting ring. It can be used with products from other brands using the same mounting.
72,00 €
Godox Adapter MF-12 macro flash
Tootekood: MF12F GTIN: 6952344221983 Välgud ja lisad
Godox MF12 flashes are designed for macro, nature or product photography. They make it easy to get sharp and clear images of small subjects. The MF12 flash can be mounted on the shoe included in the kit, but it will work best as part of a lens-mounted light kit (using the adapter available separately). The kit includes one unit, a carrying case, and color filters. Note: System X transmitter is required to trigger the MF12 flash. This is one macro flash unit.
114,99 €
Nikon EH-5D Line Adapter
Tootekood: VEB033EA GTIN: 4960759903143 Akud ja laadijad
The EH-5d is an optional AC Adapter for select Nikon cameras that can be used to power the camera from a wall outlet. Requires EP-5B Power Connector
121,19 €
Tootekood: ATH1000 GTIN: 4712417431280 Filtrid ja adapterid
1-3 tp
55,99 €
Objektiiv Nikon NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S
Tootekood: JMA714DA GTIN: 4960759906274 Objektiivid
Kerge korpuse, täiustatud optika ja laia suumivahemikuga objektiiv sobib mis tahes stsenaariumiga. Iidsest arhitektuurist ja elavast tänavafotograafiast kuni detailsete portreede ja laiuvate maastikeni – uus fotosilm võimaldab jäädvustada hetki iga nurga alt, ilma et peaks objektiivi vahetama. NIKKOR Z 24–120 mm f/4 S on suure jõudlusega kaasaskantav objektiiv. Püsiva maksimaalse avaga f/4 on see objektiiv lausa loodud täpseks ja loominguliseks pildistamiseks, andes tulemuseks vapustavaid detaile. Objektiivi on mugav hallata ning selle mitmetahuline teravustamise süsteem tagab uskumatult kiire ja täpse automaatteravustamise kogu suumivahemikus. Suure jõudluse ning kerge ja kompaktse korpuse kooslus teeb objektiivist NIKKOR Z 24–120 mm f/4 S sellise, mis on „alati valmis“ nii fotode kui ka videote jäädvustamiseks. See pakub suurepärast, praktiliselt ilma fookuspausideta videojõudlust, tagades teravustamisel ühtlase kadreerimise kogu salvestamise vältel. Kui kasutaja liigub siseruumidest välistingimustesse või vahelduvad tumedamad ja heledamad stseenid, võimaldab stabiilne säriaja juhtimine loomulikku heleduse nihet, andes tulemuseks kauni välimusega kaadreid. Objektiivi pinnakattematerjalidega ARNEO Coat ja Nano Crystal Coat kaetud lääts tõrjub mis tahes suunast tuleva juhusliku valguse põhjustatud varjud ja soovimatu helenduse, tagades kristallselged kaadrid. Tolmu ja pritsmete eest kaitseb objektiivi NIKKOR Z 24-120 mm f/4 S esiosa Nikoni fluoriinkate, mis hülgab mustust ja mida on kerge puhtaks pühkida. NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S – üks objektiiv, lõputult võimalusi: • Suurepärase optikaga laia kuni keskmise nurgaga telesuumobjektiiv. • Erakordne pildikvaliteet kogu suumivahemikus. • Püsiv f/4 ava pakub pildistamisel mitmekülgsust ja paindlikkust. • Järjepidev ja sujuv suumimine nii video kui ka fotode puhul. • Lühike minimaalne teravustamiskaugus ja 0,39 maksimaalne taasesitussuhe. • Paindlik 24 –120 mm fookuskauguse vahemik. • Erakordne, sisuliselt teravustamispausideta videojõudlus. • Kohandatavad juhtnupud, mida juhivad spetsiaalne funktsioonilüliti ja juhtrõngas, kasutaja poolt eelistatud valikute tegemiseks. • Kerge ja kompaktne kuju – mugav kaasas kanda. • Mitmetahuline, kahte AF-ajamit kasutav teravustamissüsteem tagab kiire ja täpse automaatse teravustamise. • Pinnakattematerjalidega ARNEO Coat ja Nano Crystal Coat kaetud lääts tõrjub varjud ja soovimatu helenduse. • Tolmu ja pritsmete eest kaitseb objektiivi esiosa Nikoni fluoriinkate, mis hülgab mustust.
1198,00 €
Superfit Camping lamp Superfire T36 USB-C
Tootekood: 044355 GTIN: 6974760352058 Matka- ja reisivarustus
Superfire T36 camping lamp with USB-C charging. Looking for a practical lamp to take with you in your tent? The Superfire T36 lamp will be an excellent choice! It provides stable lighting that will illuminate any room and more. It offers various lighting modes that you can freely change. You will also use the lamp as a powerbank to charge, for example, your smartphone while camping! It is also distinguished by its waterproof design. 3 lighting modes. Now you can adjust the lighting to your own expectations! The camping lamp allows you to choose from 3 lighting modes - White Light, Yellow Light and Combined Light (Yellow+White). It also allows you to adjust the intensity of the lighting - just turn the dial. Thus, the device will meet the needs of different users! Thoughtful design. Model T36 is a combination of functionality and original design. The lamp is equipped with a practical handle, which will make it easy for you to carry. This also allows you to conveniently hang the lamp, for example, on a branch or inside a tent. The built-in USB-C port allows you to charge it conveniently. The lamp is also waterproof, so you won´t be intimidated by rain!
19,63 €
Nikon Laadija MH-24 (EN-EL14)
Tootekood: VEA006EA GTIN: 18208919611 Kaamerate lisad
Nikon akulaadija MH-24 (EN-EL14). Sobivus: Nikon D3100, D5100 peegelkaamera.
60,59 €
Nikon Toiteadapter EP-5B
Tootekood: VEB00901 GTIN: 18208270149 Kaamerate lisad
Toitepistmik teatud Nikon 1 kaameratega kasutamiseks. Üks ots sisestatakse kaamera akupessa ja teine ots ühilduvasse vahelduvvooluadapterisse, et saaksite Nikon 1 kaamerat otse vooluvõrgust toitega varustada. Sobivus: Nikon 1 V1, D7000, D800, D800E.
42,99 €
Godox Adapter Softbox with grid (60*60cm) Bowens mount
Tootekood: SBFW6060 GTIN: 6952344205167 Stuudiovarustus
Godox Softbox with grid (60*60cm) Adapter Bowens mount gives better control over the light beam and the pictures are more contrasting, although the softness of lighting characteristic of softboxes is still present. The construction of the softbox is based on a metal ring, responsible for the strong and even skin tightening. The plating is made of a rip-stop nylon fabric thanks to which softboxes are very resistant to mechanical damage, and at the same time very light. The interior is covered with a silvery, neutral color reflective layer. In addition to the main scattering layer, the softbox is equipped with an additional internal diffuser, made of white material with a high coefficient of light scattering. At the front of the softbox there is a collar for mounting the honeycomb (included). The Softbox is equipped with a Bowens mounting ring. It can be used with products from other brands using the same mounting. Set contains: GODOX SB-FW6060 softbox with the necessary accessories External Diffuser Internal Diffuser Case Grid Original packaging
34,00 €
Zhiyun Mini Softbox for Molus ZY-Mount
Tootekood: 123670 GTIN: 6970194087399 Stuudiovarustus
Zhiyun Mini Softbox with ZY-Mount for LED Molus lights.
69,20 €
+0,01 €
Zhiyun Lantern Softbox Bowens Mount
Tootekood: 123673 GTIN: 6970194087542 Stuudiovarustus
ZHIYUN Lantern Softbox Bowens Mount. Bowens Adapter not included.
98,99 €
Elinchrom ONE
Tootekood: EL20932 GTIN: 7630006325734 Stuudiovarustus
Off-Camera Flash. Always be ready when inspiration strikes with the supremely compact and lightweight Elinchrom ONE. With only 1.5 kg, the ONE merges 131Ws of capacity with features including an integrated Li-ion battery, USB-C Active Charging, TTL, HSS, and a streamlined touch interface into a low profile housing. A portable, rugged and dependable off-camera flash equipped for your next adventure. Wherever that will be. Keep a low profile. Add the versatility of an off-camera flash with light shaping capabilities. Similar in size and weight (1.5kg/3.3 lbs) to a 70-200mm lens, the ONE is ready to travel with you anywhere and everywhere. Brave the elements. Capable of producing 725 full-power flashes on a single charge, the ONE is ready for longer shoots. The Li-Ion battery is sealed for enhanced protection from the elements while on location. Never lose momentum. With Active Charging, the ONE can be connected to any power source and continue shooting while charging regardless of the battery’s power level, keeping your workflow uninterrupted. Navigate swiftly. With a touchscreen and quick menu interface, experience streamlined access to the ONE’s settings to ensure you never miss a chance to capture the moment. Four times the power of a Speedlight.
770,99 €
Godox AD-S60S softobox for AD300Pro
Tootekood: ADS60S GTIN: 6952344220054 Stuudiovarustus
Godox AD-S60S softobox for AD300Pro (Godox mount). The AD-S60S softbox is designed for the flashes with Godox mount, like AD300Pro and AD400Pro. The AD-S60S softbox is built on the basis of a quick unfolding mechanism. Thanks to this, you can prepare it very efficiently, attach it to the lamp and start the session, and then pack it up quickly. The softbox is delivered in a handy case that facilitates transport and storage. It has a standard Godox Mount bayonet holder that is easily and quickly mounted to the lamp. device suitable for studio and outdoor photography it is very easy to install it does not require any effort to disassemble the soft light beam helps you take perfect photos.
54,99 €