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Firma: K-rauta

Plus Plus - BIG basic - 400 pc
Tootekood: 1144909 GTIN: 5710409200165 Mänguasjad
Konstruktor Plus Plus BIG basic, 400 det
106,88 €
Kõrvaklapid Logitech H111 Grey
Tootekood: 981-000593 GTIN: 509920605734 Kõrvaklapid
Kõrvaklappide tüüp: Arvuti; Konstruktsiooni tüüp: Kõrvapealsed klapid; Kinnituse tüüp: Peapael; Kokkupandav disain: Ei; Värv: Hall või hõbedane; Sagedusala (Hz): 20 - 20000 Hz; Takistus (Ω): 32; Tundlikkus: kuni 100 dB; Tundlikkus (dB): 100;...
10,99 €
−1,67 €
Valvoline Mootoriõli SYNPOWER FE 5W30, 1L
Tootekood: 10000233751 GTIN: 8710941022062 Auto õlid ja määrdeained
Mootoriõli Valvoline SYNPOWER FE 5W30, 1L
11,49 €
106,95 €
Tahvelarvuti Amazon Fire HD 10 (2021) 10.1" 32GB must
Tootekood: B08F63PPNV GTIN: 840080581910 Tahvelarvutid
Ekraan: 10.1" (25.6cm) 1080p IPS Full HD; 3GB LPDDR4 mälu; 32GB sisemälu, laiendatav kuni 1TB microSD mälukaardipesa kaudu; Octa-Core 4x A73 @ 2.0GHz protsessor; Aku 6500mAh (kestvus kuni 12 tundi); Ühendused: USB-C (2.0); ...
146,70 €
Bestway BESTWAY Iridescent swimm ing ring 107cm
Tootekood: YOBSTP0UC085177 GTIN: 6942138985177 Mänguasjad
Täispuhutav ujumisrõngas Bestway Iridescent, 107 cm, hõbedast värvi
16,93 €
Mobiili lisaseade HOCO Auto universaalne telefonihoidik CA28, armatuurlauale kinnitatav, magnetiline, must
GTIN: 6957531072966 Mobiilide lisaseadmed
Auto universaalne telefonihoidik Hoco CA28, armatuurlauale kinnitatav, magnetiline, must
10,43 €
+0,15 €
Mobiili lisaseade Mocco Universal up to 6" Armband Arm Case for Sport - Fitness Running Red
Tootekood: MO-ARM/6-RE GTIN: 4752168084540 Mobiilide lisaseadmed
Mocco Universal up to 6" Armband Arm Case for Sport - Fitness Running Red
4,99 €
Tatay Vannitoakapp valge/klaas
Tootekood: 154480201 GTIN: 8411801222614 Varia
38,63 €
6,99 €
Fujitsu PY OnLine UPS 5kVA R/T 3U A3C40178825
Tootekood: A3C40178825 GTIN: 4053026757607 UPS-id ja lisaseadmed
Active power: 4500
5069,72 €
−0,01 €
1,99 €
Objektiiv Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12mm F2 (Black)
Tootekood: EW-M1220 BLK GTIN: 4545350047382 Objektiivid
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12mm F2 (Black)
632,40 €
STANLEY Külmakast Adventure 6,6L roheline 2020
Tootekood: 2801622060 GTIN: 6939236370288 Matka- ja reisivarustus
Jahutuskast Adventure 6,6 l roheline 2020
66,56 €
Objektiiv Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 45mm 1:1.2 PRO SLR Ülilainurk Must
Tootekood: V311090BW000 GTIN: 4545350051785 Objektiivid
Micro Four Thirds System; 90mm (35mm Equivalent); Aperture Range: f/1.2 to f/16; One ED Element, One Aspherical Element; Weather-Resistant Construction; Rounded Nine-Blade Diaphragm
947,00 €
Keter Lamamistool Daytona Deluxe, 195x65x25,5cm, hall, 29211632939,
Tootekood: 29211632939 GTIN: 8711245152851 Aia- ja õuemööbel
Keter lamamistool Daytona, grafiitvärvi
163,72 €
+3,72 €
55,65 €
Motip Tsingisprei ZINC-SPRAY 07301
Tootekood: 07301&MOTIP GTIN: 8711347111794 Autokeemia
Tsink ZINC-SPRAY 500ml, Motip
1-3 tp
11,93 €
Kantav nutiseade Huawei Band 7 Wilderness Green
Tootekood: 55029075 GTIN: 6941487257652 Kantavad nutiseadmed
Jälgi oma spordi- ja tervisenäitajaid täpsemalt kui kunagi varem! Band 7 annab ülevaate vere hapnikusisaldusest, mõistagi ka pulsist ja unekvaliteedist. Lisaks jagab tõhusaid unesoovitusi. Spordirežiime on lausa 96. Aku kestab kuni 2 nädalat.
49,00 €
13,90 €
Mälu CoreParts DDR4 MMH9759 8GB 2666 MHz
Tootekood: M378A1K43CB2-CTD GTIN: 5706998280657 Mälud
DDR4 2666
86,89 €
Lauaarvuti HP ProOne 440 G9 AIO - i5-12400T, 8GB, 256GB SSD, 23.8 FHD Non-Touch AG, reguleeritav kõrgus, USB Hiir, Win 11 Pro Downgrade, 3 years
Tootekood: 6B2M5EA#B1R GTIN: 196786641299 Lauaarvutid
ProOne 440 G9 AIO - i5-12400T, 8GB, 256GB SSD, 23.8 FHD Non-Touch AG, Height Adjustable, USB Mouse, Win 11 Pro Downgrade, 3 years
868,99 €
Royal Canin rotveileritele Rottweiler, 12 kg
Tootekood: 128400 GTIN: 3182550736060 Lemmikloomatarbed
ROYAL CANIN - on ülemaailmne liider kasside ja koerte tervisliku ja tasakaalustatud toitumise alal. Toit rotveiler tõugu koertele. See toit sisaldab spetsiifilisi toitaineid, mis aitavad säilitada head südamefunktsiooni. Rikastatud tauriini ja EPA ja DHA-ga. aitab säilitada lihasvalku. See koostis sisaldab ka L-karnitiini. See spetsiifiline valem aitab säilitada terveid luid ja liigeseid, ning säilitada ideaalset kaalu. Lisatud EPA ja DHA. Täiendavad toitained 1 kg: A-vitamiin - 22300 TV, D3-vitamiin - 700 TV, E1 (Raud) - 36 mg, E2 (Jood) - 2,5 mg, E4 (Vask) - 11 mg, E5 (Mangaan) - 48 mg, E6 (Tsink) - 181 mg, E8 (Seleen) - 0,09 mg. Tehnoloogilised lisandid: Pentaan-trifosfaat - 3,5 g, L-karnitiin - 700 mg, tauriin - 0,26%. Säilitusained. Antioksüdandid. Analüütilised koostisosad:toorproteiin - 26%, toorõlid ja -rasvad - 20%, toortuhk - 7,5%, toorkiud - 2,4%, EPR / DHR - 5 g / kg. * L.I.P.: Väga hästi imenduvad valgud. Toitmise soovitused: veenduge, et loomal oleks alati värske joogivesi.
55,99 €
Royal Canin Royal Canini instinktiivne 7+ kastme konserveeritud kassid, 12x85 g
Tootekood: 16628K GTIN: 9003579310182 Lemmikloomatarbed
Royal Canini instinktiivne 7+ kastme konserveeritud kassid. Täiskasvanud kasside jaoks alates 7 -aastasest. Tänu ainulaadsele antioksüdantide kompleksile on kassid kauem elujõuline. Loodud sobitama optimaalse makro toitaineprofiili, mille instinktiivselt valivad täiskasvanud kassid. Spetsiaalselt fosforisisaldusega kohandatud. Koostisosad Liha- ja loomsed tooted, teraviljad, taimevalguekstraktid, taimetooted, mineraalid, suhkur, molluskid ja koorikloomad. Analüütilised koostisosad: valk 10,5%, rasv 2,5%, roheline kiud 1,4%, roheline tuhk 1,1%. Toitumisanustajad: D3: 320 TV, E1 (raud): 3 mg, E2 (jood): 0,3 mg, E4 (vask): 2,3 mg, E5 (mangaan): 0,8 mg, E6 (tsink): 8 mg. Toitmissoovitus Veenduge, et teie lemmikloomal oleks alati värske joogivesi. Soovitatav igapäevane toidukogus: vt. pakendil. Hoidmistingimused: hoidke kuivas ja jahedas kohas. Pakendi avamine hoitakse tihedalt laste ja loomade käeulatusest. Pakk sisaldab 12 tk. Konserveeritud 85 g.
14,99 €
15,93 €
+0,32 €
13,98 €
13,98 €
Kosmos Exit: The Game – Advent Calendar: The Silent Storm
Tootekood: SZEXITACSIST GTIN: 5060282511552 Mänguasjad
The Christmas workshop has never been busier! For more than two months you’ve been working hard so that by the 24th, everything will be ready. As one of the chief toymakers in the workshop, you have your hands full. You are testing out a particularly beautiful rocking horse when suddenly the ground begins to tremble. A violent storm lashes the building and snow begins to billow in through the window. Hastily you close it, but something is not right! A terrible silence has fallen over the workshop. When you hear all the doors click locked, you feel very alone. It is clear you need to find Santa! But first you have to find a way out of here … This Advent calendar is both an EXIT game and adventure story: In order to free yourself from this predicament, you must open a door of the calendar each day. Each door hides a new and exciting riddle, the solution to which will bring you closer and closer to your goal! Only by solving your riddles cleverly will you save Christmas! Now get going … there’s lots to do! This Advent calendar is both an EXIT game and 24-day-long adventure all in one! Each door in the calendar houses a new and exciting riddle; solve one day’s riddle to determine which door to open the next day. As one of Santa’s chief toymakers, you suddenly find yourself locked in the workshop during a sudden winter storm…can you escape and find Santa in time? Completely card-based and 100% unplugged, each day’s puzzle takes approximately 10-15 minutes to solve. Single-use Fun, exciting, and wholesome activity based on a beloved holiday tradition.
41,99 €
Hasbro Monopoly: Star Wars Dark Side Edition
Tootekood: SZMONOPOSWDS GTIN: 5010994174200 Mänguasjad
Classic Monopoly gameplay gets a Star Wars twist inspired by the power of the dark side across Star Wars films. In this Monopoly: Disney Star Wars Edition board game for families and kids, players recruit as many infamous villains as they can. The more contracts they have, the more Imperial Credits they can collect. Activate a character's special ability by acquiring the Force Lightning ring, plot against opponents with Dark Side cards, and jump to hyperspace on the board by landing on a Ship space. The last player with Imperial Credits when all other players are bankrupt wins. The game includes 6 zinc Monopoly tokens depicting infamous Star Wars characters: Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Asaj Ventress, The Emperor, Darth Maul, or the Grand Inquisitor. MONOPOLY GAME: STAR WARS DARK SIDE EDITION: Star Wars fans can enjoy this edition of the Monopoly board game for families and kids featuring a Star Wars theme, artwork, and game components INCLUDES 6 ZINC MONOPOLY TOKENS: Play as a Star Wars character who turned to the dark side: Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Asaj Ventress, The Emperor, Darth Maul, or the Grand Inquisitor CHARACTER-INSPIRED POWERS: Each Sith token has a unique power. Passing Go lets players steal the Force Lighting ring, place it on their token, and use the power listed on their character card GAME FOR STAR WARS FANS: Recruit Star Wars villains from across the galaxy, buy TIE Fighters, and collect Imperial Credits from enemies. The player with Imperial Credits when all others are bankrupt wins CARDS FEATURE MOVIE QUOTES: "Now you will experience the full power of the dark side." Scheme against opponents with Dark Side cards such as choosing a player to lose a turn or sending others to Jail
45,87 €
Czech Games Edition Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
Tootekood: SZTHROUAGE GTIN: 8594156310325 Mänguasjad
What Story Will You Tell? Grow your small tribe into a thriving civilization full of grand wonders The award-winning civilization building game returns! In Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization, players draft cards and gather resources to build the best civilization—beginning in the age of antiquity and ending in the modern age. Expand your farms and mines to gain the resources needed to lay a foundation for future technological advancements, electing better governors, and building amazing wonders! Choose wise, powerful leaders to shape your trajectory through the ages. Construct glorious wonders to help propel your growing civilization to greatness through scientific and cultural progress. Draft cards across each of the different ages to help manage your military might, bolster your culture score, upgrade your government style, and shape your civilization how you see fit.
47,23 €
Dragon Shield Standard Matte Dual Sleeves - Lagoon (100 Pcs)
Tootekood: SZDSMATDLAGO GTIN: 5706569150488 Mängutarvikud
Lagoon, cool and relaxing. Dragon Shield Matte Dual sleeves. Clear front and a textured matte back. Fully opaque sleeves with a black interior, an elegant backdrop for black bordered cards. The sturdy cardboard box fits 75+ single sleeved cards or 65+ double sleeved cards. Every box has a label on the top for personalization. Amazing card sleeves for TCGs like MTG, Pokemon, Flesh & Blood or Digimon!
1-3 tp
10,17 €
Dragon Shield Standard Matte Dual Sleeves - Fury (100 Pcs)
Tootekood: SZDSMATDFURY GTIN: 5706569150556 Mängutarvikud
Unleash a raging fury and cut down your opponents! Dragon Shield Matte Dual sleeves. Clear front and a textured matte back. Fully opaque sleeves with a black interior, an elegant backdrop for black bordered cards. The sturdy cardboard box fits 75+ single sleeved cards or 65+ double sleeved cards. Every box has a label on the top for personalization. Amazing card sleeves for TCGs like MTG, Pokemon, Flesh & Blood or Digimon!
1-3 tp
10,17 €
Lena jooksuratas Bike, sinine-must
Tootekood: ZL-07168 GTIN: 4006942812509 Jooksu- ja tõukerattad
Lena jooksuratas Bike, sinine-must
11,78 €
Rebel RPG Dice Set - Acrylic - Twilight / RPG täringukomplekt – akrüül – Hämarik
Tootekood: SZREBRPGACTW GTIN: 5902650614468 Mängutarvikud
"I am the most dangerous predator in the world. Everything about me is meant to attract you. My voice, my face, even my smell. I don't know why. You won't surpass me anyway. You won't beat me anyway." Twilight is the domain of monsters. They crawl out of their hiding places to sow terror and fight among themselves for territories. Vampires, werewolves or other ghastly nightmares become masters of the world as the world is covered in darkness. Now, thanks to the Twilight acrylic dice set, you'll be able to rule any dream world with them! Whether they will be stories set in the World of Darkness or something completely different - it's all up to you! In front of you is a set of dice by Rebel, i.e. seven precisely made acrylic dice for role-playing games. Glittering like the skin of the vampires from Twilight, they will attract every eye, and the clearly visible digits will make you come back to them every time you play!
1-3 tp
10,17 €
home4you Saunarätik RENTO BROWN, 90x180cm
Tootekood: HY-TA323523 GTIN: 6410413235236 Mööbel
Saunalina, 90x180cm
20,50 €
121,00 €
Vodar Suusad lastele 90cm; 4726765
Tootekood: 4726765 GTIN: 5906764726765 Varia
21,10 €
Atom Lumeliugur Snowflake 130cm; 6286525
Tootekood: 6286525 GTIN: 6410416286525 Varia
Täispuhutav lumetuub Atom, 130 cm
21,89 €
Hikoki Betoonipuur SDS+ 18x300mm
Tootekood: 782494 GTIN: 8717574046045 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
21,00 €
DOMAS Betoonipuur SDS+ V-Plus 10x1000mm
Tootekood: 24682_DREB GTIN: 2002246822468 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
1-3 tp
33,07 €
9,25 €
Edesso Puidufrees S17
Tootekood: 05580017_EDE GTIN: 4010912941700 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
16,56 €
Famag Korgipuur 1616 25 mm
Tootekood: 1616025_fam GTIN: 4026271012104 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
1-3 tp
84,83 €
Famag Kruvipuurpuur 460mm 10,0 mm
Tootekood: 1410410_fam GTIN: 4026271003942 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
1-3 tp
22,77 €
Valvoline Mootori li SYNPOWER ENV C1 5W30 1L,
Tootekood: 872591 GTIN: 8710941022222 Auto õlid ja määrdeained
Valvoline Synpower ENV C1 5W/30 sünteetiline mootoriõli, 1L
1-3 tp
13,79 €
70,48 €
17,64 €
9,99 €
12,99 €
Scheppach Veorull WSE5000-le 0,9-1,0mm,
Tootekood: 5906609026 GTIN: 4046664165248 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
1-3 tp
11,00 €