PATRIOT 128GB LX Series MicroSDHC memory card Patriot's UHS-I compliant LX Series microSDHC/XC flash memory cards deliver incredible performance, providing the ultimate in storage efficiency for HD camcorders and mid-range cameras. The 128 GB LX microSD is U1 certified and is capable of achieving a sustained write speed of 10 MB/s for Full HD video capture. Remove the bottleneck of free memory and capture every image or video without missing a beat. With a Class 10 specification, Patriot LX Series microSDHC/XC cards are fast enough to capture full HD video. These microSDHC/XC cards offer a maximum capacity of up to 128GB, providing enough space to record and store hours of video and thousands of photos. Backed by Patriot's award-winning customer service and 2-year warranty, the LX Series microSDHC/XC cards are the best choice for those who want to capture their world in stunning Full HD resolution.
Megapikslite arv: 14,1 ja enam Mpx; Video maksimaalne resolutsioon: 2880 x 2160; Kaadrisagedus Full HD režiimis: 30; Kujutise stabilisaator: Jah; Ekraani suurus: 1,28"; Pildistamise maksimaalne resolutsioon: 4608 x 3456; Wi-Fi tugi: Ei; Veekindel...
Aktiivne mürasummutus koos parima heliprotsessoriga vähendab hoolikat keskkonnamüra, mida optimeeritakse reaalajas, püüdes ja summutades taustmüra. Naudi kristallselget muusikat, pole oluline, kas oled rahvarohkes metroos või lärmakas restoranis.
Keraamiline induktsioon pliidiplaat koos õhupuhastiga ilma raamita, slider sensorjuhtimine, 9 kuumutustaset, jääksoojuse indikaatorid, sisselülitatuse märgutuli, taimer, lapselukk, ülekuumenemise ja üleujutuse kaitse, automaatne panni tuvastus ja väljalülitus, sildamisfunktsioon, booster- kiirkuumutus, lihtne paigaldada, integreerimisava: k*l*s X*56*49 cm, õhupuhastaja maksimaalne tõmbevõimsus: 620 m3/h, maksimaalne müratase: 69 dB, õhupuasti energiaklass A, k*l*s 22,3*60*52 cm, värv must klaas
Uue pliidi saate paika vaid sekunditega! Paigutage pliit ette valmistatud avasse ja suruge... valmis! Ei mingit pinguldamist või reguleerimist.
Beko uus IndyFlex™ induktsioonpliitide tehnoloogia võimaldab kasutada küpsetuspinnal rohkem ruumi. Kasutaja saab ühendada mitu kuumutusala üheks suuremaks, mis võimaldab toiduvalmistamisel rohkem vabadust. Tänu paindlikule kuumutusalale saab kasutada suuremaid panne ja potte või väiksemaid... sõltuvalt konkreetsest vajadusest.
Eesmine vasakpoolne tsoon 180mmx200mm - 2200/3100W ( Max/Boost )
Eesmine parempoolne tsoon 180mmx200mm - 2200/3100W ( Max/Boost )
Tagumine vasakpoolne tsoon 180mmx200mm - 2200/3100W ( Max/Boost )
Tagumine parempoolne tsoon 180mmx200mm - 2200/3100W ( Max/Boost)
Integreeritav elektriahi, maht 71 l, ajamõõtja, viitstart, elektrooniline temperatuuri reguleerimine, Multifunction 8; pakkub paindlikke küpsetusfunktsioone laitmatu tulemuse tagamiseks iga retsepti puhul. COOK3; võimaldab valmistada korraga kuni kolme rooga ilma nende lõhnade segunemise ohtu. Konvektsioon tehnoloogia, teleskoopsiinid.
Minifiguuriga supersuuruses robot-HulkVõimenda LEGO® Marveli seiklusi Hulki robotirüü megasuurte liigutatavate käsivarte, jalgade ja purustavate kätega.Praktiline ja loominguline ehitamineAlates 6-aastaste laste mäng algab kohe, kui vägev lahingumasin koos autentsete detailide ja tarvikutega on kokku pandud.Astu uude ehitusmaailmaEhitajad saavad lõbusa ja intuitiivse rakenduse LEGO® Builder abil mudelit suumida, pöörata ja oma edenemist jälgida.Seikluslik üllatus Marveli fännideleKomplektis on Hulki minifiguur ja kokkupandav robot Hulk koos tarvikutega, sh „kivist“ sammas, mida robot saab käes hoida.
The Nitecore E4K flashlight has an incredible maximum output of 4400 lumens from the 4 x Cree XP-L2 V6 LEDs and is powered by 1 x 21700 li-ion battery. The torch includes a Nitecore NL2150HPR 5000mAh which has a built-in USB-C charging port for charging directly into the battery. Alternatively the light can be powered using 2 x CR123 or RCR123 cells with the included battery magazine. The Nitecore NL2150HPR can be purchased separately here. A compact, palm-sized torch, the E4K offers fantastic performance, making high power and excellent specifications possible for everyday carry as well as specific applications, such as trekking and camping. The E4K is constructed with a CNC machined unibody, making it lightweight, solid and offering excellent heat dissipation. The torch features anti-skid knurling for comfortable grip and cooling fins at the head of the light to reduce weight and for fast heat dissipation. The Nitecore torch is operated by a single side switch which provides quick and convenient one-handed access to the modes. Hold the switch to turn the light on and cycle through the modes; short press for power indication; double press for direct access to ultralow or triple press for direct access to turbo/strobe mode. The E4K features mode memory which goes back to the last used setting on the light. Brightness Levels: Turbo: 4400 lumens - 30 mins runtime High: 1050 lumens - 3 hrs 15 mins runtime Mid: 320 lumens - 7 hrs 30 mins runtime Low: 50 lumens - 45 hrs runtime Ultralow: 2 lumens - 700 hrs runtime Plus Strobe (4400 lumens), SOS (4400 lumens) and Beacon (4400 lumens). Maximum beam distance 211 meters, waterproof to IP68 and resistant to impacts up to 1 meter. Includes: Nitecore NL2150HPR 5000mAh 21700 li-ion battery, USB-C charging cable, CR123 battery magazine, pocket clip, holster, lanyard, spare o-ring.
Eelkooliealised lapsed kogevad igapäevaseid seiklusi selle LEGO® DUPLO® Town bussisõiduga (10988). See värviline mängukomplekt väikelastele võimaldab 2-aastastel ja vanematel lastel ette kujutada teekonda lasteaeda koos parimate sõpradega. Lapsed ootavad peatuses mängupingil kannatlikult bussi ja uurivad, mis maiuspalad neil lõunakarbis on.Hariduslikud mänguasjad koolieelikutele, mis muudavad õppimise lõbusaksLEGO DUPLO komplektid on varustatud erinevate tegelaskujudega, et väikesed lapsed saaksid mängida sõpradega koos. Nad arendavad peenmotoorikat, kui avavad koolibussi katuse ja asetavad minifiguurid sisse. Minifiguurid seisavad aia taga, kui buss tuleb, aidates nii koolieelikutel õppida liikluses käituma. Nagu kõik LEGO DUPLO väikelaste mänguasjad, toob see komplekt neile lõbu, aitab ennast väljendama õppida ja pakub avastamisrõõmu.Oskusi arendav koolibussi mänguasi – üle 2-aastased väikelapsed võtavad ette igapäevase seikluse ning õpivad peenmotoorikat ja sotsiaalseid oskusi, minnes sõitma LEGO® DUPLO® Town bussisõidu (10988) mänguasjaga.Erinevad tegelaskujud ja autentsed detailid – selle koolieelikute mänguasjaga on kaasas kahe lapse ja bussijuhi figuurid, eemaldatava katusega buss, pink, liiklusmärk, kellatorn ja kokkupandav lill.Laste kujutlusvõime juhtimine – tegelaskujud moodustavad bussipeatuses rivi ja vaatavad kella, astuvad bussi ja avavad lasteaeda reisides oma lõunasöögikarbid, et vaadata, mis seal sees on.Koolieelikute õpimänguasi – lapsed harjutavad kannatlikkust, oodates mängubussi saabumist, kujutlevad teiste lastega sõbrunemist ja lihvivad motoorseid oskusi, kui nad bussi katuse eemaldavad, et minifiguure sisse panna.Kingitus 2-aastastele ja vanematele – see kokkupandav hariduslik mänguasi sobib igale lapsele, kellel on kirg sõidukite vastu ja kellele meeldib mängides järele aimata, mis neid ümbritseb.Väikestel sõrmedel on palju ruumi avastamiseks –LeGO® DUPLO® bussi mõõtmed: 7 cm kõrge, 14 cm pikk ja 10 cm lai.Digitaalsed ehitusjuhised – rakenduses LEGO® Builder on komplektiga kaasas olevate ehitusjuhiste digiversioon.Õpimänguasjad kogu perega lõbutsemiseks – kõik LEGO® DUPLO® komplektid on kujundatud lõbusate lugude, erksate värvide ja erinevate tegelaskujudega, et lapsed ja vanemad saaksid jagada väärtuslikke mänguhetki.Ühtlane kvaliteet – LEGO® DUPLO® detailid vastavad tööstusharu rangeimatele standarditele, mis tähendab, et väikestel sõrmedel on neid lihtne haarata, kohale paigutada ja uuesti lahti võtta. Nii on see olnud juba aastast 1969.Ohutus ennekõike – seda LEGO® DUPLO® lasteaia mängukomplekti on hoolikalt testitud, et tagada selle vastavus rangetele ülemaailmsetele ohutusstandarditele.
Aluminium external AXAGON EEM2-SBC RAW box with USB 3.2 Gen 2 interface is designed for SATA M.2 SSD disks. The double-sided USB-C connector on the box together with the supplied USB-C -> USB-A cable enables a reliable connection to a computer. SATA 6G interface allows you to enjoy the speed of modern M.2 SSD drives. The transmission rate amounts to 10Gb/s thanks to the fast USB 3.2 Gen 2 interface. The external M.2 box also supports other modern functions, e.g. UASP, TRIM and allows reading S.M.A.R.T. information that monitors the status of the disk. Standby support when idle. SATA M.2 SSD drives can be used in the external box. The advantage is the attachment of three different lengths of SSD cards - 42, 60 and 80 mm. M.2 cards can be single-sided or double-sided. The box does not limit the capacity of inserted SSD. Screwless box opening facilitates assembly and disassembly of the M.2 SSD disk. Disk replacement is quick and easy, thus expanding the possibilities of using the box, e.g. for data migration, testing, etc. The outer metal housing is made in black colour with an elegant brushed finish that prevents unwanted fingerprints. The rounded box design promises pleasant use. The aluminum box body provides very good cooling of the inserted M.2 SSD disk. By inserting the M.2 SSD in the box, you will easily create fast compact external disk. The box can be used with computers and notebooks, as well as with mobile phones and tablets. Input: USB 3.2 Gen 2 (USB 3.1 Gen 2) SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbps. Speed up to 10 Gbit/s. Connection via reversible USB type C female connector. Device support: SATA M.2 SSD disks, designed for B+M key and B key card formats, NGFF 75-pin B key slot for SATA M.2 drives. Other features: Compatible with USB 3.2 Gen 2, backward compatible with USB 3.2 Gen 1 (USB 3.1 Gen 1 / USB 3.0), USB 2.0. Supports transmission rates 10.000 / 5.000 / 480 Mbit/s (SuperSpeed+ / SuperSpeed / HighSpeed). Support of B+M key or B key SATA (AHCI) M.2 SSDs without maximum capacity limitation. Support of M.2 drives with a size of 2242, 2260, 2280 mm. Support of both one-sided and double-sided M.2 SSDs. Compliant with Serial ATA 3.2 specification (SATA/600), bit rates of up to 6 Gb/s (600 MB/s). Compliant with USB Mass Storage Class specification. The total bandwidth / transmission rate of the box is determined by used disk speed (theoretically up to 650 MB/s). Supports BOT (Bulk-Only Transport). Supports UASP (USB Attached SCSI) for faster data transmission in Windows 8 and later. Supports TRIM functionality to limit gradual degradation of the SSD performance over time. Supports S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) system monitoring disk condition. SSD boot support in external box. Possibility to connect your device while running thanks to the Hot Plug support. Full Plug and Play support. Standby support - Drive asleep after 5 minutes of inactivity. Power supply via USB 3.0 bus up to 900mA from one USB port is sufficient in all cases. A decent blue LED indicating the connection to the computer's USB port (permanent light) and data transmission (blinking). Heavy-duty aluminium body with cooling holes helps to cool the M.2 SSD disk. Connection via USB 3.2 Gen 2 type C female connector. USB Type C male / USB Type A male cable 20 cm long is included. Other data: External box dimensions 94 x 41 x 10 mm. External box weight 36 g (without USB cable and M.2 SSD disk). Supported operating systems: MS Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 and later, Windows Server 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 and later (all 32-bit and 64-bit Windows OS versions are supported), Mac OS X 10.x and higher, Linux with kernel 2.6.x and higher, Android (OS and device support required). Note: Drivers are included with supported operating systems and are installed completely automatically. No other drivers need to be installed. Package contains: USB-C 3.2 Gen 2 external box for SATA M.2 SSD, USB type C - type A cable, 20 cm long, mounting material, multilanguage quick guide CZ / DE / DK / ENG / ESP / FIN / FR / GR / HR / HU / IT / NL / PL / PT / RO / RU / SK / SWE / TR / BG / CN / ARA, packed in a cardboard box with a hanging hole.
Beko sügavkülmik pakub suurepärast lahendust igas suuruses köökidesse.; 220-liitrine mahutavus võimaldab hoiustada suurel hulgal toiduaineid, muutes selle ideaalseks valikuks suurematele peredele või neile, kes armastavad ette ...
The AXAGON ACU-PQ45 GaN travel wall charger enables fast charging of up to two mobile devices at the same time. With 45W of total power, the charger charges phones, tablets and other mobile devices at the highest possible speed. The adapter offers a standard USB-A connector, but also double-sided USB-C connector. Compact size and high performance is given by the new GaN technology used. The components used with Galium Nitride work with high efficiency, which allows you to achieve high performance with a small size. The charger is equipped with Power Delivery 3.0 / Quick Charge 4+ USB Type-C Quick Charge 3.0 USB Type-A outputs, enabling fast charging of not only smartphones and tablets, but also small notebooks with a power of up to 45W. The charger supports 20W PD charging for iPhone 12, 13, 14 and 15 and also offers 27W PD charging for iPhone 13 Pro, 14 Pro, 15 Pro and their Pro Max models. In addition, it supports 25W SFC charging for Samsung Galaxy S20 - S24, Note and Z Fold series and also offers 45W SFC 2.0 charging for Samsung Galaxy S20 - S24 Ultra, Tab S7+ - S9+, Tab S8 - S9 Ultra. The adapter is also compatible with other fast phone charging standards such as Apple iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, as well as the Power Delivery 3.0 standard for charging Apple MacBookAir laptops and other ultakbooks. The advanced protection system at the charging adapter output protects the device being charged from damage. The charger function also detects the device being charged and selects the optimal charging speed and progress. When two devices are charged simultaneously, intelligent power distribution is activated. The body of the power adapter has a pleasant shape and size. Compared to classic charging adapters with the same parameters, the size of this charger is up to half the size. The combination of small dimensions, achieved with GaN technology and a wide range of input voltages, makes the charger an ideal travel helper. Input: input voltage AC 100V-240V / 1.2A / 50-60 Hz (WIV function) supports multiple national power standards two-pin euro plug - integrated in the body of the charger Outputs: USB-A port QC (phones) max. 20W: 5V/3A, 9V/2A, 10V/2A, 12V/1.5A Charging technology: QC 3.0, QC 2.0, AFC, SCP, FCP, PE+, SMART, Apple 2.4A USB-C port PD (tablets, phones) max. 45W: 5V/3A, 9V/3A, 12V/3A, 15V/3A, 20V/2.25A, PPS: 3.3-16V/3A Charging technology: PD 3.0, PD 2.0, PPS, QC4+, QC 3.0, QC 2.0, SFC 2.0, SFC, AFC, SCP, FCP, PE+, SMART, Apple PD Maximum performance using multiple ports: maximum power QC + PD 45W total maximum power 45W total maximum current 3A Supported charging technologies: Standard charging of all devices that support 5V and Apple iPhone 5, 6, SE, 7 charging. SMART - charging max. 5V/3A, Quick Charge 1.0, USB Battery Charging 1.2 (DCP 1.5A) a Apple 2.4A (iPad). PE+ - quick charging using MediaTek Pump Express+ and Pump Express+ 2.0 protocol FCP - quick charging using Huawei Fast Charge Protocol. SCP - quick charging (up to 20W) using Huawei SuperCharge Protocol. AFC - quick charging using Samsung Adaptive Fast Charging protocol. SFC - quick charging using Samsung Super Fast Charging and Super Fast Charging 2.0 protocol. QC - quick charging using Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0, Quick Charge 3.0 and Quick Charge 4+ protocol. PPS - quick charging using Programmable Power Supply protocol (part of USB PD 3.0 and QC4+). PD - quick charging using USB Power Delivery 2.0 and Power Delivery 3.0 protocol. Examples of supported phones, tablets and ultrabooks: SFC - quick charging (up to 25W) of Samsung Galaxy S20, S21, S22, S23, S24 series, Note 10, 20 series, Z Fold 2, 3, 4 series. SFC 2.0 - quick charging (up to 45W) of Samsung Galaxy S20, S21, S22, S23, S24 Ultra, Tab S7+, Tab S8+, Tab S9+, Tab S8 Ultra, Tab S9 Ultra. PD - quick charging of Apple iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XS Max, XR, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max phone. PD - quick charging (up to 20W) Apple iPhone 12, 12 Mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 12, 12 Mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 Mini, 14, 14 Plus, 15, 15 Plus phone. PD - quick charging (up to 27W) Apple iPhone 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max phone. PD - quick charging (up to 45W) Apple iPad mini, iPad Air, iPad Pro, MacBook Air and other ultrabooks. The charger supports WIV, AIC, CC, IPD functions: Wide Input Voltage - function of a wide range of input voltage; it protects the adapter against undervoltage and overvoltage at the input and allows the use of more national power standards. Automatic Intelligent Communication - function of automatic recognition of the connected device to select optimal charging parameters. Constant output Current - the current hold function prevents the output power fluctuations; this function ensures steady course of charging. Intelligent power distribution - when devices with different power are connected, the charging power is intelligently redistributed between both ports. Complex output protection: OCP, OVP, OTP, OSP: Over Current Protection. Protection of output against current overload. Over Voltage Protection. Protection against overvoltage at the output. Over Temperature Protection. Protection against overheating of the adapter. Output Short Circuit protection. Short circuit protection at the output. Other features: dimensions of the charger body 89 x 52 x 36 mm including a plug, weight: 85 g, material: non-flammable plastic. Package contains: black wall charger, multilingual guide CZ / DE / DK / ENG / ESP / FIN / FR / GR / HR / HU / IT / NL / PL / PT / RO / RU / SK / SWE / TR / BG / CN / ARA, packed in a cardboard box with a hanging hole.
Precision 5480 Workstation - 14" FHD+ Non-touch, 1920 x 1200, 60Hz, 500 nits WLED, 100% sRGB, Low Blue Light, IR Camera and Mic - HD/IR Camera, ExpressSign-In, No Camera Shutter, Mic
LEGO® Friends Seikluslaagri metsamajakese (42631) telkimise mängukomplekt on täis lugusid alates 8-aastastele tüdrukutele ja poistele. Lapsed saavad jutustada lugu sõpradest Leost, Aliyast, Jamilast ja Ollyst, kes proovivad laagrijuhi Jonathani juhtimisel põnevaid uusi tegevusi.See ehituskomplekt on täis lõbusaid funktsioone loovmänguks ja sellega on kaasas viis mininukku, tarvikud ja palju loomafiguure, sealhulgas kaks mäkra, kes ehitavad tammi. Saada tegelased köisteelt alla või aita neil orienteeruda takistusrajal, mis koosneb palgisillast, ronimisseinast ja lõksustest. Tegevuste hulgas on ka kanuuga sõitmine ning saar, millele pääseb paadi või köisteega!Sinu noor avastaja saab viia tegelased suurele jahile – kas ta leiab peidetud olevused ja teenib märgi? Otsi üles armas orav, kes on ehitanud puu otsa voodiga peidupaiga! See laste komplekt on suurepärane kingiidee tüdrukutele ja poistele, kes naudivad puumaja mänguasju ja mängukomplekte.